List of Postings of User succinct

Marriage 28-1
Belief-o-matic 10-4
Definition of Atheism? 11-10
Flood debate comment thread 585-1
Atheist Turning Buddhist 11-5
You want proof God exists? Here's proof. 2-3
Atheism is a belief. 59-10
Question for the theists re: Adam and Eve 3-1
A theists facination with those bloody apes 3-2
Are Atheists [true Atheists]...... 2-8
Questions to ask JW when they visit next 2-7 5-2
What's Your Single Toughest Question For Christians? 13-2 13-10
Passive atheism dilemmas 2-10
Something I didn't like about "The God Delusion" 11-10
Where do we get our ethics from, if not from Religion? 5-2
This is why we "respect" religious beliefs. 1-9
Most annoying thing a believer has ever said to me. 5-6
Satan Created Evolution, "Revisited" (YouTube) 3-5
Video apparently disproving evolution 2-4
Natural selection created religion 1-3
Works of religious brilliance 1-10
Apocalypse 2012 44-4
How to respond 4-7
North America speaks 7-10
Trust Issue: Secular Humanists vs. Atheism 3-2
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 3-9
Are Atheists more likely to be vegitarian? 2-9 2-10
Three Atheists - 1/2 Hour News Hour 1-10
Would atheists marry? 6-2
The Scale of Doubt Quiz from "Doubt a History" 2-2
What is your IQ and how important is Religion to you? 4-9
Extraterrestial life's impact on religion? 2-1
Gimme new atheist documentaries and videos 1-10
Would you date an evolution denier? 5-7
Discrimination against Atheism!! 3-9
Favorite Youtube Atheist? 3-5
53 million-year-old rabbit's foot bones found 1-2
Do you find people just dont get it? 5-2
Would aliens look like us? (evolution question) 2-4 2-7
Some christians see 666 in the Obama logo 4-4
Truth in Tiktaalik? 1-2
A good creationist argument? 1-6
Black Atheists - Where Are You? 1-3
Skeptologists 1-6
The Bible does not prohibit lesbianism 3-2
Its it possible to be right without looking like an asshole? 3-2
A-theists and sexual views 3-1
Platypus Genome Decoded 1-5
Why don't they make a reality TV show about atheists? 3-1
A spacecraft full of atheists 2-5
I Was Flabbergasted by a 60 Year Old Man... 1-7
Refutation to the complexity argument against God 2-2
Which of the 4 horsemen do you most/least respect/value? 2-3
God invented science! 1-2
Polite request - could atheists please stop writing 'God'? 4-7
Do Most Atheists Condone These Vicious Tactics 17-8
1 in 5 atheists believe in God, US study finds 4-9 6-9
Dan Savage on Rev. John Hagee 1-3
Atheism...and lingering superstition 2-4
What kind of argument is that? 1-7
Greatest atheist band? 3-9 4-8
Semantics 2-10 4-4 4-6
How many atheists would call themselves humanists? 7-5 8-8
Picture of Muhammad VS wafer aka body of christ 2-9
Glamour lesbians attack Pope 3-3
PZ Myers, wafer biscuits, and intolerance ... 5-4
god is an Atheist 1-4
I have a way to prove God!!! 14-9
Top 100 Atheist/Science YouTubers 4-2
Godly chain mail 3-2
Atheism is a threat to society 8-5
Was Darwin a believer? 2-3
Christian girlfriend challenges me to read the bible 2-2
Where are all the dog lovers? 2-9
Vegetarians/Vegans? 94-6 94-8
Dear Margo... My daughter’s an atheist 2-6
The Negative IQ Series: Jesusbot running for City Council 2-1