List of Postings of User nancy2001

Should Drugs Be Legalised? 4-7
Aubrey de Grey, the 'Richard Dawkins' of Anti-Aging... 4-2
Walmart: The High Cost Of Low Prices 8-4
What happens when we die...? 24-8
atheism and love? 7-4
Silliest / dumbest atheist misconceptions 4-6
Astrology 3-8
Atheist Names 3-4
Happy to be a new member 1-1 1-4
Getting Rid of "GOD" in your day to day language 5-7
Inching out of the closet 1-1 1-4 1-10 2-5
Is there a better word instead of the word, "atheist'' 2-5
Atheists with Hangups 3-9
Sperm made from human bone marrow 1-3
Things that really creep you out! 4-8
Over aggressive atheism counter productive? 3-8
Let's come up with an alternative ten commandments 1-5
Is Atheism/Freethought Pregnant? 1-2
One true faith - Which one would you choose it to be? 1-9
Can you add an "ignore" button? 1-1
If you died and there was a God... 2-3
Celebrate: Paris gets 45 days Jail.... 4-9
Fundementalists discover Starbucks ~ Story inside. 2-4
Unicorns in the bible? 1-3
extending human life indefinitely? 6-9 13-1
Dismayed by all the God talk in nursing school 1-1 1-4
It was 40 years ago today! 2-6
Dawkins by osmosis 1-1
Glenn Beck of CNN Headline News says 'Rapture is imminent' 1-1
Heaven never appealed to me, what about you? 1-6
If there is a God, why do we need religion? 2-2
Enlightenment or fashion? 1-4
Is it really so hard to be an atheist these days? 1-10
refusing medicine! 1-7
"Fashionable" Atheism 1-7
Apocalypse 2012 7-2
Should I bother reading Rand? 3-3
Atheist colony! Would anyone buy a ticket to go? 4-6
Atheism In Universities 1-8
Kathy Griffin award blasphemy! 1-8 1-9 1-10
Shakespeare and Personal Incredulity 1-6
Admitting the possibility that you're wrong 3-8
I am a PATHEIST 1-9
godisnowhere 2-7
Positive articles in Washington Post today 1-8 1-9
Crappest movie of all time? 5-2
Islam is Peace 5-1
What is your atheistic stance? 3-10
Obnoxious paid advertising campaign on Yahoo mail 1-1 1-3
Would you date an evolution denier? 2-8
Poll: Obama/Clinton 2-8 56-8 57-2
Atheist Doctors 2-8
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 2-3 2-9
Just How Long Will It Take!!! 2-9 3-2
Michelle Obama "Whitey" Tape 1-3
Jordanian organisation tries to prosecute Danish cartoonists 1-6
Doctors shocked: 16-year old Bedouin girl circumcised 2-3 2-6
Cloning Ethics 1-3
Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing 1-6
What did you think of Atheism before you were an Atheist? 4-1
"No such thing as an Atheist child" 3-10
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 97-2
Hagee's Weird New Act: "Don't Worry Be Happy"?? 1-1
American Pride Highest in the World 2-3
Sir John Templeton dies 1-4