List of Postings of User Canuck#1

Silver bullet argument against Christianity? 4-1
100 Reasons Why Being An Atheist Is Great!!! 20-5 21-1
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 64-9
Music At Your Funeral 10-6 11-8
Music recommendations 7-10
No god, but an afterlife? 41-7 51-1
Dawkins as God 21-10 26-5
What would you like on your Tombstone? 9-9
Would you like if there was an afterlife 9-3 9-4
Greatest movie of all time 15-6
Fear of Death 18-1 18-6 24-3
Why I believe in 6-day creation 80-4 88-9
Atheism and science are based on blind faith assumptions too 68-9
The global warming religion Pt. 2 90-8
Transcendence Of God 12-8 13-3 13-5 15-6 15-9 16-1
What was the last movie that you watched? 8-9 14-10 15-7 16-2 16-4
Anyone ever tried WRITING a book? 6-7
My individual problem with God... 6-1
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 48-8
Atheist colony! Would anyone buy a ticket to go? 10-8
Why men really do prefer blondes 5-7 8-4 11-1 14-10
Praying 1-1
How many of you are ex-christians? 2-2
I'm disappointed in Atheists 12-7 14-4
Why I Am A Christian 1-1 4-7 4-8 4-10 5-2 5-3
An Atheists View on the Bible-= 4-8
MEAT 18-9
Admitting the possibility that you're wrong 4-5
10 Questions from the "God Is Imaginary" Website. 9-1 9-5
Favourite Atheist Blogs 1-4
The Supreme Test 5-4
I am a PATHEIST 1-1 2-1
Calling ourselves atheists and being happy with it. 10-10 11-1
Why hell is necessary (and very real) 21-8
BRAG BOOK *brag about your kid(s) in here* 11-1 11-5 11-6 12-1 13-10 14-5 15-7
Check Out These Titles.... 1-1
Is atheism sexy? 12-4
Conservapedia's atheism article 3-4 4-2
No aferlife. It fills me with dread and panic attacks. 6-6
An Atheist Library 1-1
Rapture Gag Video 2-4
Has Christianity and the buy-bull ever gotten anything right 2-1
The immortal soul: The shrewdest Christian invention 2-2 2-10
angelobrazil and god 9-8 10-4 10-9
Does anyone else find GOD TV as scary as I do? 2-3
Shamless plugging of my new atheist Blog 1-5
one soul at a time 1-8
So Atheists..... 13-6 13-8
Reality is bleak 5-7
The Bible - Infallible, inerrant, perfect? 6-1
Do you feel insulted... 4-6
Does a “bodily” resurrection make sense? 1-9
Where's the proof that Adam and Eve never existed? 8-1
Short letter to an atheist messageboard 15-2
Batting for Jesus 10-6
Is A Genuine Belief In Religion A Form Of Insanity? 3-2
Send God an E-Mail ! 1-8
And God is born! 2-2
Does Atheism dishonour the dead..? 4-2
Worship music! 4-6 6-9
If Dawkins converted.... 3-5 3-6
Why do Athorists hate Thor so much? 7-4
Another DICK (Richard Roberts) claims God spoke to him 1-3
Why are people ignorant? 17-1
CA Congressman Gives Atheists a Bad Name 4-4
Jehovah created "EVIL". Isaiah 45:7 13-10
Will you be disappointed if there is an afterlife? 2-3 2-8
The Concept of Hell 5-8 6-7 10-6
Why have children? 11-9 14-9
The Prayer Delusion 1-6
Why this God? 9-6
If all religious people acted like th amish would the world 3-10
Congrats to sciwoman for 6000 posts! 3-7
Sit quietly for 15 minutes each day 4-1
Another interesting question by a theist in need of debunkin 3-8
In praise of pigs. 5-4
Should there be an official response to 'Expelled" 6-7
The greatest threat to civilisation this century. 7-7
101 ways to annoy Alister Mcgrath. 6-3 6-4
Dawkins and Harris combo? 2-10
Is Religion all bad? 4-8 4-10 5-1 5-4
I am experiencing God 4-4 39-7
The IPU is dead! 7-8
Planet Earth - solid or hollow? 5-7
What did you have for dinner today? 7-10
I can smell BS, but how do I explain where... 2-8
Ever heard of Ian Wishart 48-9
Reduce your moral standard(s) to it's simplest form possible 4-3
Earliest musical memories 3-10 4-1 4-6
Flying Spaghetti Monster hits the headlines 6-4 7-7 10-1 10-5
Most-Loved Albums 3-9
Why do females live longer than males? 5-1
The top 100 impossible questions for believers of god. 13-4 13-9
Why do Americans insist on mispronouncing "nietsche' 3-5
Pretty smart Christian Dr. here. (Try to refute this) 1-2
Most depressing song 2-3 4-4 13-1 13-5
What's the most happy song you know? 4-5
Why Do People Have Children..? 15-1
How much of a book geek are you? 3-9 9-2 12-6 12-7
Is the existence of God a scientific question? 17-4 49-10
A Testable Model Of The Resurrection 3-7 5-8 5-9 7-5 10-2
Answered Prayers 1-8
Reason and logic will not work 3-8
John Gray misses the point re: Dawkins 2-7
Atheism/Secularism: Canada v.s. Britain v.s U.S. 2-2
Pissed! 3-4
If Chuck Norris. . . 1-6
Atheist atrocities prove atheism? 3-5
Russells teapot 1-9
What would Dawkins say to God 3-1
Does Religion really poison EVERYTHING? 7-5
Whatcha think Jesus... 1-7
Why the flying spaghetti monster is not a good argument. 4-4
Life after Death debate comment thread 20-3 21-2 21-3 21-4
Most badass name for a god.... 2-10 4-6 4-7 4-10
why does god allow satan? 10-6
Is it Impossible to Prove Evolution to a Creationist? 3-9 10-4 13-9
More Physical Meeting Places for Non-Theists: A Good Idea? 2-9
Constructive dialogue with religious people? 5-8
On Hell - my experience 10-10
Celebrating "Winter Solstice" is just as stupid 2-2
How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you? 2-8
Love 1-9 2-7
God and tragedy 1-4
Non-theists: what's your favorite theistic music? 3-9
How do we deal with the fundies who won't listen? 2-10
Ugh, I despise horror movies 3-8
Priests brawl at Jesus' birthplace 3-9
A theist argument I can't rebut 3-3
If Christ Doesn't Exist, Then Dawkins is a Hologram! 5-5
Most compelling argument for Christianity? 3-4
Pat Robertson's Annual Predictions 3-1
The BIBLE Acronym Challenge... 5-2
You Must Agree That Jesus Was A Good Bloke 6-4 16-6
Ex-fundamentalist Christian 2-7
How could anyone ever believe in Life after Death? 4-3 8-1 8-4
Post count parties... Can we please stop these? 3-3
Ohnhai posts first anti post-party thread on RDF!! 1-3
Cheer me up. 5-5
Annoying atheists: please, just shut up. 7-5
I am inspired by... 4-1
Your university degrees 8-3
Much Love to All You Wily Brits 6-5
Where are all the Mormons? 19-4
¿Does God Need Worship? 3-5
Young Shits Club on RDF 10-2
Favorite Problem with Christianity? 5-3 9-6
Is Satan An Atheist ? 3-7
A Satire Offensive 1-2
Why Xtianity is so effective 2-6
Why the worms won't turn 1-10
Funny E-mail from a Christian Friend 1-2
the effect of atheists on society 13-3 20-10
Are you even able to be a Christian? 3-4
Is Faith really so bad? 3-4 3-8
Heaven 4-5
Isn't arguing fun? 2-2
Praying while on the job.. 4-6
My first loony religious spam email! 3-2
Do you have a favourite hymn? 7-7
Jesus says most people will go to hell. 8-6 9-5
All life will die eventually - so what's the point? 6-1
is there a point in the religious debate? 1-9
Suggestions for a better name for God 4-3
What was Gods motivation in creating us? 5-8
DAWKS 29-6 41-3 51-10 54-3 62-4 76-8 90-3
Favourite poems 6-6
A little rant, letting off some steam 3-3
Favourite lines from a song (lyrics central) 7-6 8-10
One elusive God 3-5
3,000 for besleybean !!! 2-4
Is Satan all that bad? 1-10 3-3
Faith Healers 22-10 25-7
My Life Is Not Pointless! 2-9
Religion is human arrogance 1-8
William Lane Craig 10-2 13-2 16-3 36-4 40-9
Crime fiction! 1-8
Atheism denies God to justify degenerate life 1-6 3-6
Atheism = Failure 7-10
U.S. Lawmaker: Gays worse than terrorists 5-3
Fallacious argument - "Beautiful sunset, therefore god exist 1-8 8-6
Favorite Gods or Goddesses 4-1
Subconcious fear in the converted 4-2
Did you ever really believe? 1-8
I'd forgotten how funny this is.... 1-3
Moaning. Useless moaning and whinging. 2-8
Mercy Ministries / Hillsong / Gloria Jean's Coffee 9-7
What's your favorite part of the Bible? 6-1 6-5
It's Aussie Rules Football time again! 20-5
Very important! The evidence that Holy Spirit exists !!!!! 1-9
Atheistic terror 4-5
hello i am new 2-1
The Trinity - a living example 6-1 6-9
A Jewish rebuttal to Richard Dawkins 3-6
God, human and the universe 5-6
The Richard Dawkins Poetry Corner 3-2 3-4
Heaven is in fact a form of Hell 3-1
The “Good Old Days” were shit 5-9 8-7 8-9
What would a Theist accept as proof that God does not exist? 3-1
answers on a postcard? 2-3
smart person CAN believe 32-3 32-7
The cloaca thread 7-8 8-7
Here we go again ... another preventable death ... 11-7
Shakespeare - Best of the plays to read? 5-2
Atheists are Nihilists! 7-3
Congratulations! You are now playing The Game! 3-1
Noah's Ark Manifest. 3-3
Strange spider in my garden..... 2-8 6-7 9-1 9-5 10-1
McCain's Antisemitic, Anti-Gay, Tax Evading, Bigoted Pastor 3-1 12-10
Why do faeries get the shaft? 5-7
Free Will 55-2 61-10 64-3
Why God 5-4
How do you treat fundies? 2-6
If a woman claimed to be pregnant by god TODAY 2-1
Pantheism as "Sexed up Atheism" 2-1
Formal Debate Challenge to Richard Dawkins 14-2
The (Non) Existence of The Soul 2-7
Bush go to your room, you are GROUNDED!!! 2-10
Former adult star Erica Campbell finds Jesus 6-10
Who started the bloody bell-ringing thing? 3-10
Shakespeare... 1-7
Do you donate to charity? 3-1
Back to the Moon 1-1 3-8
Your Understanding 7-6 7-10
Repent Sinners!!! 1-9 3-3
If there is no soul what do you love? 10-2 17-1
You killed my wife. 2-6
The global warming religion Pt. 1 24-7
What Positive or Negative effect has this Forum had on you? 1-8
Hey from Canada 2-4
Newbies and lurkers... 3-8
just joining 1-5
I hate DNA. And enzymes. And everything. 1-7
Hello 1-7
Musical crushes 6-7 7-4 13-6 16-5
Atheism is pretty meaningless; why bother promoting it? 5-5
Fundy car stickers 3-1 6-4
"Feeling" God 8-4 9-10
Sing Along if You Know the Words... 4-2
Jesus tells woman to kill her husband 1-8
Cherie Blair attacks Richard Dawkins 1-10 6-1 6-2
I have a few questions about the end of the world crazies 1-10
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part II) 28-6 36-2 43-9 45-3
Mil. Triviathon. (Chain letters!) 20-10
ugly people 3-1
My cat died :( 7-6
Religion Does Not Poison Everything!!! 4-7
I don't want to be 20! 2-10
Who is your favourite monarch and why? 4-10
is it able to convince religious people at all? 2-4
Jesus' Loss of Faith 3-6
What is your favorite thing about materialistic belief? 5-10 6-8
Socialist Trolling? 3-3
It was Galileo's Fault 13-5
What is the purpose of existence? 5-7 11-3 13-1
Evolution Disproven 10-9 31-6
Dawkins "not an authority on evolution" - Toronto Star 2-3
You know why god is a prick? 3-2
Queen appreciation thread 4-2
I'm going to read the Bible 6-9
Exorcism annihilates atheism 23-2
Socialism 11-8
Free Will and Heaven 3-10
Blog I've just found - Is this Woman for Real? 1-9 1-10
Pornography 9-8
I'm not an atheist! 4-3
Atheism Offers Nothing! 3-3 8-4 13-4
What Is "God"And What Does "God" Do? 7-1
Religiosity 6-8
God is TOO Big 2-10 9-5
Can God be detected? 8-10 16-3
What opinions have you that the vast majority here has not? 33-10 41-9 42-1
Boycott The Baptism?? 1-7
Favorite Charities? 6-1
Why wasn't Lazarus the most famous man in the world? 3-10
Extreme Niceness & Love 6-2 10-5 15-2 16-1 19-3 37-1
What I don't understand is the glee, the self-righteousness 2-4 15-10
Atheism - It ain't go no soul! 3-7
Does Answering Prayers Negate Free Will? 4-5 9-4 9-9
What I leave behind when my time comes? 2-4 3-3
Religious Relics! 2-1
Top 10 meanings of "I.D." 8-8
Why to get up in the morning ? 3-9
What Fictional Character(s) Do You Want to be? 2-8
What makes a theist lose their faith? 2-6 2-9
Anyone in Vancouver, BC, Canada? Or Canada in general? 2-3
"Atheism Has No Morals" 5-8
Suggestion.... 4-9 7-7 10-5
New Creationist Museum Opens in Canada please support 1-4
What would be the coolest science breakthrough .. 9-1
Evidence comes ---- eventually 18-10
Why God's Emotions Are Questionable 2-7 3-1
How did nipples evolve? 2-2
What do you get all irrational about? 2-9
From Atheist to total believer... 30-1
Question about Atheism. 3-8
Any writers here? 7-3
The Top 5 reasons for being a Atheist? 4-10
New letter from Darwin linking him to Hitler 2-9
The Good Night Thread. 6-2 9-10
Does atheism define you? 2-5
Secularists, Get Breeding!! 7-7
I'm NOT Immoral! 2-1
Popped Cherry Post Party! (and a random competition) 3-3
Personal letter to all atheists who deny GOD. 6-3
Penguin Receives Knighthood ... 1-10
Promiscuity can Lead to Demonic Possession 1-9
"Everything happen for a reason." Is that a religious tenet? 1-7
Christian Athletes 3-4
There is a God 20-10
The Creationist YouTube Hall of Shame. 2-2
...and G-d said... 5-8
What can be said for the idea of the soul? 3-9 10-3 11-10
On early Christologies 5-10
New Atheist Logo exclusively for Canadians. 1-5
There are 25550 lurkers on this site. 2-4
Miracle Kentucky fried chicken reported 3-3
Do you realize... 1-8
Google Earth shows cows point north 2-2
Hello from Leeds 3-3
Best chocolate bar ever made 7-9 8-3 9-8
Wife’s illness isn’t excuse to cheat 1-6
It knew. It wanted change. 18-7
Everybody is a believer when the PAIN hit the door. 10-5
Anti-social? 2-8
Atheist Do Not Know Women 20-5
Fair/Festival Booths 1-7
Non-mainstream forms of entertainment 2-2
Chick's finally completely lost it 2-2 as a creationist's training ground? 2-8
Why should it be harder being an atheist? 1-10
Best cheese ever made 3-3
Benny Hinn: A Question of Miracles 3-8
Best type of hat ever made 5-1 7-6
The Enemies of Reason DVD: Last post wins. 12-7 18-1
Smoking Cigarettes 30-4
You can't handle the TRUTH!.. atheists.. so don't watch! 2-9 8-8
What d'ya use for bookmarks? (Most trivial thread ever?) 4-9
Afternoon from a new Member! 1-4
grown up? 2-5 3-8
Evolution v's God- Ricky Gervais Guided Tour 1-6
Up side of dying 3-6
Happiness. 2-6 3-3
Whose for a real Atheist bible sorry not Bible. 3-6
The "power of prayer" 1-3
The really scary thing 14-10
Are there any Jewish vampires? 1-9
If you had to fight someone famous, who would it be? 6-7
How can it hurt? 11-4
Chemistry is Evil!!!!!!!! 1-5
I might have found good morals in the bible.. yay!! 4-3 5-6 5-8
Homosexual Heaven 12-10
"God is timeless" 3-3
Hello! 1-7
I get too frustrated debating theists 3-8
Oldest Rocks on Earth Found 1-9
I'm back home 1-6
The Druidic Order of Naturalists 1-8
Favourite Horseman 1-10
I think I love Meekychuppet 28-2
Collecting horse-chestnuts / Conkers 2-3
Is fishing cruel? 2-9
Hi! I'm new 1-6
Atheists and death 15-9 22-5 24-10 28-3
What would a created universe look like? 4-10 17-4
God vs. Satan 2-1
D'Souza has such an annoying style of oration 1-8
Evangelical teens have more sex 4-2
If you could bring any dead person back to life... 6-4 11-9
What topics do you like besides science? 5-6
On the Idea of God 2-2
Is this dumb? 2-4
I am to be a grandfather - now with pictures. 1-10 6-7
Jobs - money or enjoyment? 2-8
Experience versus Evidence 7-9
Homosexuality 35-4
Nauseating in the extreme ! :-( 5-7
Ever had a really lucky escape? 3-5
The greatest force in the universe 3-6
Children have the same religion as their parents 2-7
Movie - Actor - Movie Game 50-1 50-10 51-10 52-4 55-7 55-10 56-2
Your Favourite Car 1-1
The Theory Of Evolution Completely Decimated In Under... 5-2
what's your job? 6-2
Starting debates with people... 2-4
On living life to the fullest 5-10
Can religions really face the challenge of science? 2-2
Welcome one and all 3-10
Merry Christmas! 2-5
Christianity isn't based on the Old Testament? 2-1 8-3 9-9 12-4
Why aren’t love and lust the same thing? 3-1
Madonna 6-5
Books you wouldn't leave your burning house without 9-2
Interesting situation with a believer... 1-9
atheism and meditation 5-9
What you cannot do in heaven 3-2 6-4 6-7
Unconditional Love 14-3 15-2
Was Jesus real? Once more, but POLITELY this time!!! 7-1 12-4
The Gospel of Darwin 4-5
Thomas Campbell should educate Richard Dawkins 12-2
The 50,000th Member! 8-1
Do any of you ever get depressed due to atheism? 4-2 4-5
Does richard Dawkin really exist, or is he a freak of nature 3-5 3-6
Happy Announcement 7-10
Atheist Bus Campaigns, Pt. 2 29-6
'To stand in awe' 3-6
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 7 82-10
Are you Happy? 5-9
How Fast Can You Read? Where do you Read? 5-4 7-3
I just found god... 2-6 3-10
Yo 1-5
Vinyl still rocks 2-1
New Mods Announced! 3-3 15-9 15-10 23-9
Prayer is a Problem 2-7 7-6
hi all 1-7
What god would you worship 7-1 8-8
'Answered' Prayer? 2-1
Hello everybody 1-5
What's the BEST argument for god you've ever heard? :) 5-7 11-7
Greetings From Canada 1-7
Disturbing Christian Comic 3-10
Hello there! 1-3
Dawkins to Britons: You are PIG-IGNORANT! 5-8
Ex-Masturbator t-shirts for teens! 3-9 4-9
Comfort & Robertson- Using common sense to debunk evolution 5-9
THATS IT! 4-4 5-6
Belly buttons 1-4
Just see what you are missing 1-8
So, Zeus walks into a bar... 1-5
For the creative types on this forum: 4-7
Greetings from the Canadian Bible Belt 1-6
Damning statistics 3-7
"Bananaman" Comfort challenges RD with $10,000 3-5 13-9 19-6 25-6
Reading Obituaries 2-10
God’s Greatest Mistakes 3-5 5-2
Parents Defend Child Beauty Pageants? 4-1
Irritating Hymns 6-1
Best response to "everything happens for a reason" ? 4-9
The 2012 Republican ticket 2-5
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part III) 3-7 4-9 7-7 10-3 14-9 23-4 23-7
Hi - I'm new here 2-1
Is this the right place for an argument? ;) 1-7
Are we any better than Christians? 2-5
Is Christianity a Religion of Peace or Violence? 2-2
Theists - Why do you pray? 5-1
why does god hate sex 4-4
Which is the real "Football", American or European. 8-2
Satan 2-2
Who created God? 6-10
Hello from Virginia 1-2
"Belief in god is a beautiful thing" 2-5
Poll: Do you pee in the shower? 3-3
Why has Christianity survived for so long? 11-1 11-5
You know Spring has sprung because... 3-1
Judge finds pastor guilty of spanking girl during weekly co 1-5
I'm disgusted with television 4-9 9-7
Satan did it!! 1-10
An Atheist During The Rapture 5-9 6-10
Why do atheists bother going to funerals? 6-2
Are there any members with an IQ below 150? 5-5 9-4
i dream of a single-payer healthcare america! 5-2
A Personal Library Like No Other! 4-2
Immortality poll 2-7 5-3
What is the role of the Holy Ghost? 2-2 2-9
Are atheist girls easy??? 26-5
A 'true' Christian 2-5
A simple question for Theists 4-5
Hi, I'm new here! 1-4
God Admits He is Unjust? 2-3
Lets pray for Currents grampa 1-7
Lack of robustness on this site 2-2 12-4 15-4
Richard Dawkins - The Debate Ends 5-2
The Dawkins / Atheistic Delusion 2-7 16-9
What are some of your favorite fiction books? 4-5
Preachy Newcomer 5-10
Is it worth trying to debate on a Christian forum? 3-5
Why are christians trying to prove god? 3-5
DAWKS FOURTEEN!!! - PLEASE IGNORE THIS THREAD!!!!! 18-7 18-8 19-7 19-8 21-1 28-2 28-10 29-4 30-1 30-5 31-1 33-6
What happened to the Apostles? 18-9
What are some of your bad habits? 4-2
What do you think is overrated? 6-10
Awkward Moments 1-6
Praying to God is like talking to a friend 1-7
Hello from the Windy City 1-4 2-1
Is God punishing me? 1-6
Do you ever get frustrated... 2-2
Before you can speak no more. 4-5
What do you think is more important in life : love or money? 3-7 5-2
What I typed on a christian forum 1-9 2-10 3-3
Taken in the Wrong Spirit ('Oh, but I am Spiritual') 8-4
What Would Jesus NOT Do? 1-7
Hello All 1-3
Canadian Grandmother 1-9
More Ray-Ray Comfort Crap (Pat. Pend.) 4-1 7-6 14-3 25-4 30-10
New brazilian guy 1-2
Which Beauty Will It Be II ? 8-4 10-6 17-10 18-2 19-1 24-6 37-6 40-6 43-1
What character in what book most reminds you of yourself? 3-1
Who will jesus destroy? 3-3 9-8 12-1 12-4
So, you believe in science and evolution? Why? 8-4 14-8 19-3
What's your (first) name? 10-10
Atheism: Life is fulfilling or hopeless? 4-5
Women and their obsession with love... 5-8
First Cause (something from nothing) 1-8
Was Jesus Real? (Part 2) 49-4 58-7 61-10
God Moaning 1-9
60,000 forum members party 1-5 2-3 2-7
Just a quick hello 1-4
Hello ... an atheist from a foxhole 1-4
Hello from "God's Own County". 1-2
Has anyone read the bible? 4-5
Brushing teeth, flossing, and mouth wash 6-5
Go to Doctors or not? 2-5
One year as an atheist 2-8
Debunking Atheist Canards About Christianity - Part I 5-9 8-10
What's the best haircut/style for a guy? 2-8 3-4
WTF Ray Comfort: "Ugly and Hateful Religion" 1-9 6-4 11-10 12-4
Older women... 3-1 3-2 7-10
Religion from a Marketing Perspective 2-2
I'm giving up ‘militant’ atheism on liberal theists 3-4 3-7 7-1
What's your fastest mile run time? 2-2
What are your Favourite Magazines Or Newspapers? 6-7 7-7
Favorite mixed drink? 4-3 4-8 7-10 8-6
Favourite sci-fi movie? 1-9 2-7
Hello! 1-4
Can reason trump emotion? 1-9
My reasons for disbelief 4-1
Blogwriters? 3-1
Why Atheists Care What Others Believe 9-7 10-2
Things you think might be true but cannot prove 2-8
Bush and “Gog & Magog”??? 2-1
Is it a cop out? 24-3 32-2 35-3
Ella, Billie, Frank etc and 1930s 40s music 1-2 1-8
what are your qualifications? 15-1
Magical Thinking 2-10
Could you have been an Nazi? 2-1
The Value In Living 9-7
What are your favourite music eras? 3-5
Can you live with the idea of a finite mankind? 2-9
Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology - WL Craig and other 2-8
Open Challenge to All Atheists: Can you Disprove God? 5-2 5-3 5-4 8-9 10-5
Why I do NOT leave Christianity 7-4
Fear of Death Dictates Religious Beliefs 2-6
Common Ground with Theists 1-10
Je$u$ Chri$t was my co-pilot today' 1-5
My 'descent' from Evangelical Christianity to Atheism 4-5
What is Faith? 2-1
Reasons for losing faith. 4-4
It's impossible to be an atheist 4-4
Here's one. 2-1
Pleased to meet you all. 1-4
Your Thursday chuckle...... 1-8
"it wasn't meant to be" 3-8 3-9
Rabbi accuses all atheists of being angry and lacking morals 2-1
Your God 2-7
Are you motivated as an atheist? 1-9
Graveyards, a neutral ground for Atheits and christians 2-2
DATA BASE PROBLEMS - Causes, Remedies, Progress Reports 12-4
i found this 2-8
RDF TV/Michael Shermer: The Baloney Detection Kit 1-4
A case for a clumsy God? 1-10
Should it be a human right to act irrationally? 4-8
How low can they sink? 1-9
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot - Atheists? Part 2 6-6
Excessive Reading 2-8
Stunning Idiocy about Noah's Ark 1-8
What is the sound of one hand clapping? 1-6
Religious doctors want to be able to preach to patients 8-4 9-3
PETA Aims At Frat Demographic ... :) 2-1
Atheist or agnostic? 1-7
Christian Thinks He Can Raise MJ From the Dead 5-8
What is soil made of? 2-3
Are You A Nice Person? 3-1 4-4 5-1 5-2
Billy Graham | Atheism is a fad only fools follow 4-10
Greetings from Tassie! 1-6
SINNERS Be Ashamed 1-4
Toe reading... 1-5
New Atheism 1-8
Dawkin's delusion 5-3
One single question can destroy atheism 94-5 95-6
Greetings from Ottawa 1-4
Aging and Suicide 1-6 4-6 9-9
Choosing a mate? 3-7
Atheists know more about the bible than christians 5-8 5-9 6-3 6-5 6-7
The Future of Religion 3-3
Finally proof that God doesn't exist! 2-9
Would You Torture a Baby to End World Suffering? Part 2 5-3 7-8
Internet vs. Books 2-4
Best thing that you have found/ Purchased at a yard sale. 1-8
A Heretical Idea? Listing Believers We could live with 3-5
Was It God's Plan For Adam & Eve to Sin? 1-8
Why can't men be wrong? 4-4 5-2 6-8 7-2
Some Comforting Words? 1-4 2-2
Hey from New Jersey, glad to be on the RD forums! 1-3
Hi I'm a christian 2-9
Do you have nagging doubts that God may exist? 6-9
God, yeah, met Him, nice bloke, but not for me 1-9
Church of Joy 3-1 3-4
Cops: Screaming He Was "Son Of Jesus" 1-5
Greetings from New Jersey 1-4
Hi everyone, from Canada 1-6 1-9 2-1
Got any Atheist Poetry? Care to Share? 1-7
Christian ponders New Atheism 2-9
Hello from Utah 1-2
Favorite Horror Villain(s) 4-5
A British Crowds reaction to the mention of God 2-4
The Religious Right 1-2
Mind-boggling contradiction 2-4
Do you believe love exists? 4-3
I.. I Think That's Going To Sting.. jeez!! omg/wtf!! 1-8
It's your funeral 5-9
The Lonely Atheist 4-7
Aging can be cured 5-1
Deathbed conversions 2-1
Hollywood villains 2-3
Naked girls plow fields for rain 2-10
Why are Hollywood Celebrities Joining Scientology? 1-6
The Good-O-Meter 1-2
Another Canadian 1-7
Hello! 2-2
Atheist from Alberta [Obviously] 1-3
Should Atheists openly come out? 2-4
One single question can destroy atheism Pt II 5-6
Prayer 2-5 8-1 11-1 12-2
PZ gets a warning... 3-6 9-9
Suggestions on things to write in hotel bibles please 17-6 18-2
Thank You For This Site - New Member 1-6
WorldNetDaily: Jesus prophesied Obama as the anti-Christ 1-5
Enthusiastic new member 1-4
6th grade child’s anti-abortion tee-shirt trial 3-1
new, new, new! 1-7
Is Love Simply an Evolved Psychological Mechanism? 1-8
Hot Christian Girls/Women/Boys/Men 1-6
How about magazines? 1-3
Hi from England 1-2
Atheists, ever feel like giving up? 2-7
Do you believe that Liberal and moderate religious people... 4-1 17-9
What keeps me going... 4-2
Greatest Book ever written 5-5
Atheism and Sexuality 1-8 2-3
Newbie 1-5
Recovering Christian! 1-4
Fun Social Atheists who like to get to know people 4-5
Questions for the christian god 1-2
The bible as it really is. A telling portrait of god. 1-4
Thanks NRA, still another slaughter.... 7-6
Women are getting more beautiful 1-10 2-2
Hello from Melbourne 1-3
Life is meaning less and empty! 4-3
What would U say 2 Jesus Christ if he returned tomorrow? 14-7 14-10
Hey up me ducks! 2-1
Theists Failed My Daring Challenge! 2-4
Hello from another newbie. 1-2 1-4
U R Doing It Wrong!!! 2-3
Why does God want worship? 5-2 6-8 6-10 10-5
Hi!!! New Member 1-4
Can Anyone Help? 1-8
Pure Hatred for Religion 2-6
Your religious environment 4-1
Hello from British Columbia, Canada 1-3
There's a dragon in my room. 1-2 1-9
"Fake" Protesters At Health Care Town Halls Exposed 15-8
Angels, idiots see them all over 1-5
Hello from Toronto Canada 1-6
The forlorn quest for the immaterial soul 1-5
Landover Baptist Church Forum (an all time low?) 4-8
Things are not as rosy in Canada as you may believe. 4-6
All you stupid atheist assholes.. 2-8
I found Jesus 1-10 2-9
Velarius 1-6
Utah paper rejects same-sex wedding announcement 1-2
Greetings from the Deep South! 1-3
Skeptic Magazine 1-5
Would Jesus want us to have universal health care? 1-7
There is no tunnel, no light...only fear. 2-1
Is Elbow Skin the Same As Penis Skin? 4-2
Greetings from Toronto 1-4
The Bible Evidence That God Is Evil 1-7 2-5
Hello from Los Angeles, CA 1-4
Hello from the middle of Canada 1-2
I miss Martin 1-5
Hello from Victoria Australia 1-2
Hitler a Christian? 7-3
Anyone Else Feel The Same Way? 1-8
A nice little quote from someone at Rapture Ready.. 2-7
What is This Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ? 2-4
Good Memories 1-4
Little Idiot's definition of matter and evidence 1-9
Did Christ Act & Behave Like a Divine Being? 1-2
Salutations from a homo heathen! 1-3
What is God then? 2-6
New Brazilian "soul" 1-5
Eternal Earth-Bound pets, atheist rapture pet rescue 1-10
Who is your favorite theist? 2-9 3-4
Plastic Promised Land - Death & Taxes 1-2
Broken heart really hurts 1-3
What are your favorite animated movies? 1-3 2-7 7-2 8-8
A good replacement for rest in peace? 2-3 2-4
Hi from Norway. 1-4
What's your favorite Drug? 1-7 10-8
most intersting religion poll 1-8
Virgin birth 2-3
Hello Old Members (and everyone else)!!! 3-7
False Deathbed Conversions 2-5
Which Car? 2-4
...and another new member. 1-4
"What do you want written on your tombstone?" 2-1 4-6 7-3 13-3
Prayer 1-6 3-4 3-6
Saying Grace at meals 1-6
theist vs atheist morals 2-10
Pope blames atheists for Global Warming 3-2
Penn & Teller: The Vatican is bs 1-6
A Place to call home....... 1-5
LOVE? 5-8 19-7 20-8 21-10 22-6 34-2
Hottest Horror Heroines 2-4 4-8 5-1
I had walk with a yeti on holiday 1-8
Catholic League president: "Atheists out to get us" 1-7
New here, from SC in the US 1-2
Um..Hi 1-4
How does moderate religion foster fundamentalism? 4-3 5-8
Best movie - ever? 9-10
Why do you like debating evolution with a creationist? 3-3 7-7
How to explain "stupid" atheists? 2-1 8-3
Hey! 1-2
Anyone here watch American College Football? 3-2
hi guys i'm new member here 1-7
Northern Ireland newbie 1-3
Would you kill baby Hitler? 10-3 11-2
Nature of "feeling" the holy spirit 3-5
Origins of natures beauty 2-6
Poll;What is the most ridiculous religion? 3-10 10-4
Would you ever sacrifice your life for a stranger in need? 3-4
A Christian's Response to "The God Delusion" 2-8 4-3
Hello! 1-3
I'm new and love the God delusion 1-4
I was called a faggot today while going for my run... 5-10
Hello from Indianapolis 1-3
Self Esteem 2-4
Creationists to EDIT ORIGIN of SPECIES - THEN Distribute! 2-6
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 18-2
Cameron/Comfort "On The Origin of the Stupid" 2-4
Religious fiction 1-3
The Trouble With Men 5-8
New to the Site - Childhood Beliefs. Please share thoughts! 1-6
Another new member xx 1-8
New Member 1-3
Taking the Tally of Curious Triangles 1-4
does this without a doubt refute christianity? 1-7
In terms of humour, should any subject be out of bounds? 2-8 4-3
Saudi Prince Assasination attempt by Ass-Bomber 1-6 2-4
How did you lose your faith? 4-3
Dawkins' Delusion 2-2
Cheerleaders Refuse To Remove Bible Verse Signs At Games 1-7
You do realize he is an author, right? 5-5
Hello from India. 1-4
cows with names yield more milk 1-6
Hi all from Jorge Banner 1-2
Hello from NYC! 1-6
Hello from Alberta Canada 1-3
Exploitation of British accent in US 2-1
Craig: God Is A Remarkably Simple Entity! 1-6 9-9 10-10
Hello from Dublin, Ireland 1-3
Hello from kinda LA 1-4
Thanksgiving in Canada 1-8
Trivial Embarrassing Things About Yourself 3-5 4-8
ONE UNHAPPY CAMPER 1-1 1-5 2-4 3-1 3-2 3-4
How can you be a happy atheist? 9-3 11-3
If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting Of Gays,He Would Have.. 1-9
Yo ready fer this? 1-3
how to be successful 3-1
"Jesus Died For Your Soul" 2-1
I love you all! 2-6
The 2 stooges have insane message to Dawkins 2-9
Guns and large game hunting. 2-1
Canadians? 14-5
Where do you stand? 3-5 4-1
Why do we consider moderates more rational? 5-9
We must stop arguing with Creationists 2-7
Questionnaire 1-7
Hello 1-4
Why do humans have sex in private? 10-2
Yearn for simpler times? 3-2 3-3
Train Whistles and Car Horns 2-8
most boring topics in the universe 5-10
World War Two 1-9 9-9 16-1 16-4
Wal-Mart and Costco now selling coffins 3-9
Speaking in Tongues 3-7
The believer's dilemma 4-6
What other celebrities have you met (or written to)? 6-4
I Have Seen the Light! 6-3
I Refuse To Believe god Is All Loving 2-2
What to do to go to hell? 1-6
Hey there :) 1-4
Dinner with five people, living or dead? 5-8
Who will admit that they like country, folk, etc. music? 2-4
Infidel Moody grad/Mideast missionary 1-7
Why do we waste our time here? 2-3 5-9 5-10
Angry Atheists? 4-7
"God bless you" after you give a donation 5-3
My Little Test - 2-3
Is Anyone Else Tired of The Twilight Craze? 1-9 2-3
10 uses for.. 2-1 3-4 4-5 5-3 6-7 8-4 10-2 11-3 14-4 22-10 23-9
Soldier is Miss World contender 4-5
what kind of disease is holy scripture most like? 1-8
Why do we age? 2-8
Is faith deserving of respect? 4-1
Prayer In Action 3-4
A worldview more questioned than Christianity? 12-7 33-6
The "Dog" Game 6-6
5 Word Story (Part 4). 19-9 20-9 25-2 25-9
Splinter from Jebu$ cross 1-3
Good to see ya'll! 1-6
Ray Comfort's Edition ...Pictures 1-4
Best collection of arguements 4-4
Losing our family pet 1-9 2-3
Apparently, Christians prefer their Jesus dickless 3-5
Hello Great Britain from Canada 1-4
Hello from a formerly silent atheist 2-6
They don't want the public to know 2-4
God is Alive and Well 1-10
What are the advantages of having children? 10-2 12-6
Old Farts (13): "A fragrant baker's dozen" 35-2 36-6 39-9 47-5 47-6 49-5
Current - Atheists Can't Think For Themselves! 3-2
Who here is a teacher? 5-8
Tim Minchin 1-6 2-6
discussions 3-8
Did you make it this year? 4-6 4-9
Non-human Animal Chat (for humans) 2-5
True Love? 1-5 1-9
Mobilizing To Spread Atheism 2-3
JVI Ministries... 1-6
No God = No Meaning To Life? 7-4 18-2
Is religion a waste of time 1-9
Which Work Is More Fascinating Than The Old & New Testament? 3-3
Add one more to the ranks! 1-6
What celebrity could you be mistaken for? 3-6
Online Identity 21-8
Calilasseia You Are SO Wrong! 3-7
Heelo everyone 1-4
How would you rate our moderators? 1-5
If you could have a superpower what would it be? 7-9
"God" doesn't exist 2-7
To all Atheists... what religion would you convert to? 2-10
Hello and greetings from Finland. 1-3
Introducing myself 1-6
I'm easily forgettable 1-10
an old lag says Hi 1-6
Attraction and Attractiveness 19-2
Old Farts (13/2): "A fragrant baker's dozen" 16-6 27-4 27-6 28-1 28-8 31-3 31-6 34-2 38-7 46-4
As an Atheist how do you get over fear of hell? 7-5
Would You torture a baby to end world suffering? Part 1 8-2
Hi! 1-2
Hey There 1-5
Howdy from a disabled Texan atheist 1-7
Atheism and the Afterlife 2-3 4-3
Why does God Not Exist? 13-9
Do you love this planet? 2-8
I am god. 4-4
Hello, new member here 1-6
Hi from Sweden 1-4
Hi from an atheist teacher in Dorset. 1-4
Atheist Terrorists? 1-6
My theory on why men like women with big breasts 8-3 8-5
Hello RD Board~! From Canada! 1-3
Hi from San Jose 1-7
Hello From Guelph, Ontario, Canada 2-1 2-2
Hi, and my "Testimony" 2-3
Hello Hello from Oxford!! 1-6
Hello from Canada. 1-5
A big hello 1-5
Hello from Glasgow 2-1
I called a naturopath a non-doctor and now I need your help 1-7
atheists as annoying as believers used to be 4-4
We Band Of Few. Old Farts XIV 2-8 3-8 4-6 5-8 8-9
Hello from Canada 1-7
Greetings from the Midwest 1-4
Hi from Chicago 1-4
What degree did you do? What would you do now? 2-10
Hi, Again 1-2
Hi :D I'm new 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-9
Re-intro from Cambridgeshire 1-2
Just wish to say hello. 1-2