List of Postings of User Melykin

copulating cadavers to be displayed in London 8-3
Richard Dawkins on the Bill O'Reilly Show october 9th 2009 27-9
stop - yes to the ban of minarets 39-6 43-6 43-9
How to know when you're being close-minded? 3-6 5-3 5-6 5-9 6-3
Do you treat "Jesus Christ" as a curse word with your kids? 4-5
Stay away from my kids, Richard Dawkins 4-6 4-8 5-1 5-6 6-1 6-5
Religious forces behind Uganda's anti-gay bill 12-5
Which religion is more violent? Islam or Christainity? 1-8
Movie about "real" Jesus? 2-6
Call to Prayer Five Times a Day... 6-9 7-7
Dawkins Worship 19-1 22-3 23-4 23-6 25-9 27-10 28-2 28-8 28-9 28-10 29-1 29-2 29-3
Wearing a Hijab to Class 3-4
Request for advice from Prof. Dawkins 4-2 4-9 5-8
Why not adopt instead of having kids? 6-2 12-5 12-8 12-10
A Message of Support from Richard Dawkins 4-5 4-7
Foundation named after Richard 3-5 5-1
What effect will modern life have on the human gene pool? 2-6
Child same species as Parent 1-6
Yousef Al-Khattab from "The Root of All Evil" is on Facebook 2-5 3-6 7-3 8-6 9-3
Islamification of France 2-6 2-8 3-5 3-8 3-10 4-4 4-9 5-4 5-7 6-1 6-2 6-6 7-3 7-4 8-6 8-8 9-6
God/s Will Defeat Evolution, Probably 1-10
Libertarian admits socialized health care rules 37-5 37-8 40-2
Why Are Europeans White? 3-7
'It’s okay to shoplift' says Father Tim Jones 5-5
Muslims Should Raise the Other Finger 1-2 1-6
What would you do differently if you were God? 1-2
How Do We Prevent Future Airplace Terror Attempts? 9-6 9-7 9-10 10-2 12-7 12-9
Thoughts On Wal-Mart 5-4
China Executes Akmal Shaikh. 27-2
Couple with 14 Children Refuse to Work 9-1
Sub Saharan Africa: Next Emerging Economy? 2-4 3-5 3-9 4-1
Twenty Ten or Two Thousand Ten? 4-10
Man shot trying to kill Danish Mohammed cartoonist 2-7 6-1 12-8
A theist Richard Dawkins fan! 3-4 3-10 4-2 4-7 4-9 4-10 5-1 5-2 7-1 8-5 9-4 9-7 9-9
The rapist and the christian 1-2
Muslim only lines 3-3
Chief rabbits wage war on abortions 1-3
Is Western guilt needed in 2010? No. 6-10 7-1 9-9
New extreme right wing posters on RDF 3-8 4-7
Made in China. 1-3
Gay Muslim scholar a 'pariah' in own community 1-1 1-4 1-7 2-8 9-2 9-7 11-9
Debating Harun Yahya... 1-3 1-10
Mass college bans full-face islamic gear 3-8
Dawkins' jihad 1-10
Doubting Richard Dawkins 1-6
Pete Seeger 1-5
Are British Muslims really British? 4-3 16-4
Malaysian churches attacked in Allah dispute 1-2
What is Richard Dawkins? 3-6
Pope: condemns gay marriage; is a catholic 4-4
Sarah Palin signs on with Fox News 6-6
Frozen Britain (& Unbelievable Act Of Stupidity) 1-6
Pat Robertson: Haiti paying for "Pact to the Devil" 2-8
US Healthcare Vs NHS 32-7
Islamic Solidarity Games called off for lack of solidarity 1-4
Islam is verboten on google - Globe and Mail article 7-1
US accused of 'occupying' Haiti 3-2
What about Sikhs? 3-9 4-5
Why hate communism? II 38-9
Geert Wilders on "anti-Islam" charge 2 26-6