List of Postings of User ih8harvard

How much do we know about genes? 1-7
Assorted Facts And Fallacies 7-2
Will Craig Venter be able to create synthetic life? 2-4
The Problem Of Music 40-9
2009 Nobel Prize winners 1-6
Why do we get old? 2-6 2-9 2-10 3-2 3-4 3-9
How could misprint of original replicator replicate? 10-6 12-9
Friends 6-6 6-8 6-10 7-2 7-4
Brain volume increase question 1-5
Lamarckism in “The Descent of Man”? 2-2 2-6 3-3 3-10 5-2 5-6 6-6
Evidence for cousinship with fossil? 1-6 1-8 1-10
Science Daily - How one species can become two(Butterflies) 1-2
Lungs 1-10
Switch on our ancestral genes? 1-3 1-5 1-7
Necessity for Life 1-7
Why do we age? 2-3 2-4 2-9 2-10 4-2
Doctors who are young-Earth creationists 2-5
Why is it so difficult to find photographs of fossils? 2-3
2 questions 1-2 1-4
A new hypothesis : Why humans have a hymen. 1-6
Scientists 1-2
over-postponement of fertility. 1-10
Evolutionary beginnings 1-3
Mutation vs. Variation 1-6
Egg shells 1-6
the biological sources of evolutionary change 1-2
Too much Adaptationism.. 1-7
More genes! 1-2 1-5 1-7
Charlatan at MIT biology lab? 1-2
Why Oxygen? 1-2 2-6
Is language a product of Darwinian evolution? 1-5 1-7
Ozone Layer - A necessity? 1-10
bacterial flagellum 1-10 2-2 2-6
Epigenetics 1-2 1-5 1-7
Hermaphroditism 1-2
Question for anybody with some decent knowledge of genetics. 1-8 1-9
Incest: mental illness? 1-6 2-5
Why are snowflakes unique? 1-6
Genome question 1-2 1-5
Epigenetic is the power source behind evolution 1-5 1-7 1-9 2-6 2-8 2-10 3-6 3-7 3-9 4-3
Did Darwin say this? 1-2
Stephen Hawking Experienced Weightlessness 1-2 1-4
Reading "origin of species" for the 1st time 1-2 1-7
Why do we have such big brains? 1-3
Scientific Illiteracy 1-7
Why Did Darwin Ignore Mendel? 1-4
Science Vacations 1-5
Question about Designer Genes 1-5
Introns Nonsense DNA May Be More Important to Evolution 1-2
Chromosome Lengths 1-2
Time Magazine Article on Epigenetics 1-3
If you are bad at Math will you be bad at Biology? 3-1
epigenetics 1-3
Abiogenesis / Origin of Life Part II 27-3
Egg Evolution? 1-5
Altering Genes With Cocane 1-5 1-9
Crystals - increasing information? 1-5 3-9
Diverse Species 1-9 2-3
how does biological variation arise 1-6 1-9 2-5
Horizontal gene transfer 1-4
why aren't there tripodal beings? 4-2 4-5
What Genetic Mutation Led to Evolution of Man? 1-2 1-9
My theory on why men like women with big breasts 6-2
HeLa cells and speciation? 1-8
Man with reversed internal organs 1-10
why didn't Darwin discover Mendel's laws? 1-5