List of Postings of User rikules

Should Atheist formulate plans to leave the Earth? 4-8
Is war ever justified? 8-9
Apocalypse 2012 66-6
Does anyone else find GOD TV as scary as I do? 5-5
Why have children? 24-3
Why isn't theism a mental illness????? 78-5 79-6
Pornography 24-10
The Mayan Calendar; Proof of the exisence of God? 16-4 16-5 16-7
Should men be allowed to 'abort' their unborn children? II 7-1
Married to a Christian with kids........input? 4-7
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot - Atheists? Part 2 20-7 20-10 35-8
"Atheism is a religion" and other things that make me sigh. 49-5
Who designed the designer? 8-9
Psychiatrist argues Liberalism is mental illness Pt II 52-7
LOVE? 36-6
Rapture Ready's Forum Rules 5-10
Democracy versus Monarchy 2-4 2-6
Worldwide atheist Movement 2-3 4-3
Creationists to EDIT ORIGIN of SPECIES - THEN Distribute! 27-3
A place for our talented musicians! 18-5
‘Unite against atheists’ says Tony Blair 7-3
Atheists in Southeast Texas 1-10
Gun Control 26-4
Atheistic Faith - 2, the Problem of Value 15-6
Everyone says something nice about the person above them 67-5
Why is Stephen Meyer getting the floor to himself? 3-8
Atheists ,meaning and matter. 2-10
You'll Never Know 9-2
Pensioner homophobe shaken down by rozzers 29-2 29-4
Is There An Intrinsic Conflict Between Science & Religion? 24-2
The Hitch: Debating with theists 14-1
God exists - photographic proof! 6-9
True Atheology 13-3 14-1
Evolutionism and or Creationism in public Schools 2-8
Why did Moses break the Tablets? 4-10
What do you call... 2-9
"What Really Riles Muslim Extremists?" (D'Souza) 1-7
The Majority of the Founding Fathers weren't Christian 4-4
Making your own meaning (not) 2-5
Vile atheist quotes 1-5
What to do to go to hell? 2-6
A Challenge To Meat-Eaters 57-10
What Atheism brings... 4-2 4-4 17-10
Friends 5-2 5-3
Dinner with five people, living or dead? 3-9
Our ATHEIST billboard in Lakeland, Florida 3-6
Atheists: An Australian catholic speaks 1-8
Mass Extinction every 62 million years 1-9
Burning Books 3-5
Frank Schaeffer Attacks Dawkins 1-5
Darwin Was Wrong Conference: November 13-14 - Costa Mesa, C 3-3
I hate the 'pro-life' movement. Hate it, hate it, hate it. 3-3
What does an atheist get for Chrimsmums? 2-6
Angry Atheists? 2-7
Colorado ski town legalizes pot 1-7
What is with Baseball and God (MLB) ?? 1-5 1-9
The "God" Game 1-7 2-3 21-4
Fort Hood: 7 Killed, Dozen or more wounded! 9-4 31-10
How do you behave in religious family gatherings? 2-1
We're Stirring the Cosmic Soup: A Quick Retort to Atheism 1-3
What would you do if you were Pope? 4-3
'Pro life' atheism 2-8
Closing "The 'God' Game" thread 3-2
Murdoch may block Google as part of new charge regime 2-8
Regardless of the arguments..! 3-5
If God existed would atheist obey him? 6-6
Why do we age? 1-10
Values 2-2
As an atheist, what do you tell young kids about death? 4-7
So what do you believe in then? 2-2
Death Threats in Ohio 1-7
Nazis meet - where? 7-5
99% of murders are commited by atheists 3-8 6-4
Creation As Science by Dr. Hugh Ross 3-9 4-9 9-2
Why has new atheism become so popular? 20-5
Dawkin's Lack of Evidence? 3-9
What do Atheists want ? 2-2
Number of Atheists in America 1-6
Justification of Negative Atheism 3-10
An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design? 5-3
Creation know what I mean 2-4
How can there be anything without a god? 2-7
This irritates me 3-7
Christian Persecution of Homosexuals 1-8
What's your favorite book/film/song? 2-1
Improve the Bible 1-2
Is there any merit in religion? 2-5
Internet & Atheism 1-2
Atheism is literally a delusion 8-8 17-5
How can science help with morality? 1-4
Atheism Offers What? Nothing. 1-2 1-10 2-6
Campaign against labelling children (& religious schools) 2-1 2-4 2-6 2-10 3-1 4-3 4-7 7-4
Batman, Superman and … God? 1-5
Are The 10 Commandments Revolutionary? 1-2 1-8
the bigbang 1-5
What is the worst movie ever? 11-8
Am I missing something? 6-9
How Corrupt is Your Country? 2-1
Help me with my stupidity (facebook debate) 1-9
Who knew ACORN was so powerful? 3-3
Stay away from my kids, Richard Dawkins 3-7
Best collection of arguements 6-3
Chances Of Other Intelligent Life Meeting Us 1-6
Gideon Bible + atheist Pamphlet 1-3
How is happiness achieved? 1-3
Rep. Foxx: The GOP passed Civil Rights legislation 1-3
Catholics, Orthodox, Fundies Join Forces To Fight Gays 1-3
Christianity 3-6
not a great week for militant secularist 1-2
Census religion question - parliamentary discussion 1-2
Does Man Deserve Hell? 3-6
How about the sociological aspect of religion? 1-2
The best Lyricist 1-6
This, apparently, is NOT a joke - yikes! 1-3
intelligence (poll) 1-5
Can anything pass muster? 1-2
The Atheistic Religion 1-10 2-3
Gay scientists isolate the christian gene 1-9
Pointless to debate creationists. 1-2
If we had to........ 6-9
Would you go to church for a girl? 7-4
Ethics classes in NSW schools 3-6
Religious forces behind Uganda's anti-gay bill 9-6
Everything Sarah Palin 8-2 13-1
Purpose 11-10
Euphemism: Give Your Best Shot 2-5
Where do you get your morals from? 8-2
Hate Crimes & Discrimination against Atheists? 2-10
Atheists who love the Winter holidays 3-5
National 'Socialist' Party for a reason 2-2
Huckabee's Willie Horton Moment? 1-5
Yet more evidence that religious people are unethical 1-7
Atheism Panics Christian Apologists 2-8 3-1 12-6
Italian minister wants crucifix added to flag 1-2
Free "In god we trust" license plates??? 2-2
skeptics club at school 1-5
Demon Appears in Wedding Photo - True? 4-4
Things you wish were true. 2-4
Intelligent design not Creationism so should be taught in UK 1-4
Christians paying off people’s parking tickets 1-9
Since Evil & Suffering Exist, A Loving God Cannot ...? 10-6
Republicans friendlier to religion than Dems says Pew 1-3
Atheists returning to religion 2-5
Do you ever just go to Church to see what it's like? 3-8
Research paper on Atheism for Harvard 1-5 1-8
The American family association front page typo 1-3
History: How objective is it?.How objective are Historians 1-8 1-9
Why aren't Atheists . . . 18-6
Is Freedom an unrestrained license? 2-2
Tim Tebow and the Efficacy of Intercessory Prayer 16-4
Should I debate a creationist? 3-10
Critical Thinking and God 5-10
What would make an evolutionist believe in a creator? 87-7
Boycotts 2-1
Questioning Atheism 2-8
Are we better off with religion? 2-2
Out of Line United States Marine Joke 1-3
Evolutionists cant explain this 27-7
NC constitutional crisis averted as atheist takes office 4-10
Liberal denial 2-3
Gotta love Christian censoring 2-6
Militias in America: New Right Wing Extremeists? (Poll) 2-6
The 10 commandments/America founded on Christian principles 1-4
US Health Care Bill 18-7
Am I wrong not to say the pledge at school? 3-1
Morality without God (A Christian perspective) 19-4
The New Atheism has become the Butt of a Joke. 3-8 29-5 50-5
Should Children Pray in Schools? 1-10
Experiences with racism 6-1
Can Tiger Woods Be Redeemed? 2-6
Atheists' morality 2-1
Drowning in ignorance & hypocrisy in the US. 11-7
A designed universe 24-2
BBC World Service in ‘execute gays’ row 2-8
Atheists have beliefs too! 9-10
An Atheist - hero of a religious war 8-1
Any proof that atheists are more rational? 2-7
Human Rights?? 1-8
Atheism Equals Cruelty :) 1-10
Teacher 'sacked' after prayer for pupil 5-3
Dinesh D'Souza distorting Dawkins 5-1
Dishonest Parody of RD on New Zealand Website 1-7
William Lane Craig - III 6-2 7-6
Can we be equal.. 1-8
What's Wrong With American Politics? 4-4
What Are Effective Substitutes For Religion? 2-7
Do you know more about Christmas than Christians? 2-2
whats wrong with heaven? 4-6
New Atheism has become the Butt of a Joke, Part 2. 14-5 14-9
This is why I believe. What's your take? 14-3
Jesus in the workplace 2-4
The only way. 11-10
Church campaigns to recruit toddlers 2-4
Come on... Be honest :) 2-3
What did you eat for breakfast 2-1
Dawkins is too aggressive/strident/impolite etc. 15-4 25-1
Opinions on 'alternative medicine' 5-6
Don't Atheists have anything constructive to say? 11-6
Is Atheism losing the Google ranking battle? 4-2
Atheists still can't explain the miracles of JESUS! 7-8
No God = No Meaning To Life? 5-9
Do People Go to University for Knowledge or for Degrees? 1-10
Fired Ohio teacher branded kids and quizzed them on religion 3-8 5-7
Is Marriage under Attack?? 3-5
Hill$ong Church Pty Ltd - ROCK for JE$U$ 2-7
religious terrorism 1-5
Rush Limbaugh in Hospital 1-6
If you were a German during the Holocaust........ 5-3 6-9 6-10
Mock 'chastity squads' protest segregated bus lines 2-2
Atheist day 2-8
Tiger Woods Must Become Christian To Be Forgiven 1-10 3-9
greetings 1-1
FOX News Rating Dominance 3-4
Big brained animals evolve faster 1-2
I want a few awesome arguments against creationism please 3-1
Atheists shouldn't celebrate Christmas 2-8 4-1
Turning 30 2-8
What celebrity could you be mistaken for? 6-7
Atheists: Why Live? 1-3 5-8 7-6
Pastor Says Barack Obama is Pure Evil 1-4
EDIT: Ignore this post 1-5
Einstein Was Not An Atheist! 1-6
How Creationism gets taught in the US 1-4 1-6
Ethics V. Religion 1-2
Conservatives: a Liberal's Worst Nightmare 1-8 2-1 2-5 2-7
Yep, that about sums it up. 2-2
Atheists promoting their beliefs in ReligiousStudies classes 3-10 4-3
Challenge to Atheists: HEAVEN 1-5
What have you planned for your Funeral 1-2
Is it moral to kill ? 2-6
what is foundation of atheism? 3-1
How would you rate our moderators? 2-2
Are there any athesists AGAINST gay marriage? 1-10
"Not one Jot or Tittle" 1-3
If you could have a superpower what would it be? 1-9
Balance < Truth (in media) 1-5
HELP! My atheism might be in danger! 1-7
How do you know there is no God? 3-6
Why has Science not killed Religion 14-9
did god love hitler? 1-1
"If God's so great, why does he let bad things happen?" 5-3 6-4
Rapture Index 2-6
Notorious atheist basher Rod Liddle to be made Indie editor? 2-9
the will to survive cannot be explained without god 2-2
What do Atheist's believe about Love? 6-6
Is the atheist merely sinful or intrinsically evil? 2-9 9-9
Scott Roeder: Crime and Trial etc. 2-6 6-3
gaping holes in Darwin's theory? 2-9
The Mindset of the atheist 2-1
did Jesus exist? 15-6
Pat Robertson says Haiti paying for 'pact to the devil' 1-6
Atheism is a religion. 2-4
Does atheism have an agenda? 1-3
Attraction and Attractiveness 4-1
Failings - do you have any? 18-5
agressive atheists alienate people 15-1 15-5 21-4
Contradiction in One Argument for Ethical Atheism 2-9 3-1 7-1 8-3 8-7 8-9 9-4 9-6
Christians - do you ever pray for the "impossible"? 7-9
Our Political Party 3-2
teachers making religious statments in class 1-6
Why Atheism? 5-9 8-5
Wasn't Christianity a civilizing force? 3-5 4-4
What happens to the intellectually disabled? 4-3 4-7
Atheistic Evolution, Philosophically is in Deep Trouble 8-1 29-6
corporate states of america 5-7 5-10
Glenn Beck Asked Penn Jillette To Write Something 2-8 3-5
Ben Stein career after expelled 1-6
Glenn Beck: Obama's Far Left Allies - Socialists/Communists? 1-6 4-2
As an Atheist how do you get over fear of hell? 1-9
How Do You Respond To Someone Like This??? 1-2 1-7
Atheist Bus Campaigns, Pt. 3 11-7
My science class is "indoctrinating children" 3-1 3-6
The last abortionist 3-1
Atheist movie/tv/cartoon characters 4-1 4-4
Why are atheists so smug? 7-10
If Jesus came tomorrow, how would we know it's really him ? 2-10
The death of ‘Air America’ ‘liberal’ radio 2-4 2-7 5-6
Can you? 3-5 3-7 4-5 5-2 5-10 6-2 6-7 33-1
Russia Plans to Ban "Damaging Cults" 1-5
A sad day for science - goodbye US Moon Mission... 6-7
atheism a danger to freedom of religion 2-10
Most Americans think Supreme Court will ban all gay marriage 2-6 3-6
Poor old Richard Dawkins has really lost the plot 3-5
rise of creationism in uk universities 1-4
Will Books and Libaries become obsolete? 1-2
Conservative Atheism? 2-5 2-8
Atheism is a negative. 1-5 4-5
You must respect my beliefs! 1-7
We are madder than Hell and we wont take it anymore 2-5 6-10 7-1 7-2 7-3
Fox most trusted news channel in US, poll shows 1-10
Anything Incorrect in The Following? 2-5
tea parties 2-2 2-3 10-6 10-8
Examples of the Benefits of Christianity 1-8 1-10 2-2 4-2 4-4 6-8
Examples of less than 'christian' christians 1-2
The Inquisition Never Happened! 2-4
Morality? 1-4
Jesus Christ has the highest IQ ever recorded 1-9
Celebrity Atheists Expose Their Hypocrisy 3-7 3-8
Should I stop charity donations 1-10
Why blaim the American government? 1-5
Jon Stewart Goes on Bill O'Reilly, and Rocks Fox. 5-4
Can someone show me? 2-6 2-7
Facism 3-9
A person litters and you ask them to pick it up, they say 2-1
racist f'ing atheists.... :( 3-8
Show Me a Christian Argument Against Slavery 5-4 5-5 5-7
What is actually wrong with Christian Beliefs? 9-3 9-6 10-1 10-6 23-10 24-6 25-10 26-8 30-1
Monogamy & Atheism 4-4
From the tard party.. uhh tea party convention 6-8 6-9
Does Atheism or Atheists deserve respect? 1-4
The Conservative Manifesto: "The Mount Vernon Statement" 2-2 2-3
Abortion-rights car plates hiccup in Virginia 1-4
Are There Any Intelligent Conservative News Anchors? 1-6
The Second American Civil War 1-8 2-6 4-6
Conservatives BOO Anti-Gay Speaker off CPAC Stage 2-2