List of Postings of User flush80

The scientific miracle that is the Quran 82-10 84-7
Jihad for Love- Gay Muslims fight for rights (Video) 2-6
The million gods project 53-3
Eckhart Tolle 7-6
Minimal belief in Evolution at my school 3-3
Has anyone read ANY good comebacks to the God Delusion? 24-7
Wendy Wright's interview with RD 3-8 9-3
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot - Atheists? Part 2 24-7 34-9
Would You Torture a Baby to End World Suffering? Part 2 22-1
The God delusion is not that impressive. 33-2
Meyer - Signature In The Cell 24-4
Why God Exists 8-9
LOVE? 32-7
How can I get better at chess? 2-8
Nazis get BBC slot 12-5 15-2 59-5 59-9 63-1
Must be frustrating for Richard 6-2
Will France ban burka Pt II? 23-6
Stephen Fry/Ann Widdecombe debate in London 5-5
Another Challenge Question for Atheism: 46-9 47-3
Christian Here! 72-5
Are YOU an atheist? 7-8
Calling Dawkins Militant is an exaggeration... 4-4
Why do theists just stop at one god? 2-4
Is dismantling & destroying another persons relig unethical? 14-1 14-10 15-2
Trainer keeps calling atheism a religion 6-7
Humans and Apes are not Related 11-2
science in islam 10-3 11-3 11-7 13-1
‘Unite against atheists’ says Tony Blair 8-9 9-5
Christopher Hitchens 4-2 5-1
Barack Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2009 27-8
Disinherited because of my Atheism 5-5
Outed by accident and stupidity 11-1
Richard Dawkins on the Bill O'Reilly Show october 9th 2009 6-6 15-7
Tony Blair ‘has blood on his hands’ 6-5 7-3 7-7 8-2 8-10 9-2 9-10
Sam Harris's atheism 2-9
All people are actually atheists 1-1 1-8
Islamic Toilet Etiquette 14-1
Does God Have A Penis? 2-1
Debunking the Apollo Moon Hoax 2-10
What's For Dinner? 11-4
God exists? 3-7
ExMuslimAtheist “coming out” 2 a bunch of,Muslim friends 2-8
How do they call God loving and believe in hell? 3-5 4-4
Everyone has beliefs - atheism is one of them 1-10 3-2 3-8 6-9 21-6
salute to Professor Dawkins 1-3
Harun Yahia Bullshit 1-7
Most Atheists Believe In Morality 1-2 5-2
Cow Abducted by Flying Saucer in Argentina 2-6
Aljazeera seriously misrepresents the 'Ardi' discovery 2-2
NON-atheist psychologists. Are they helpful for an atheist? 5-4
Islamic Toilet Etiquette (split thread to "child brides") 16-9 17-1 18-5 19-6 22-4 29-1 31-5 34-5 34-7
Moral Truth Litmus 2-5
Greetings from London 1-3
How can you be a happy atheist? 1-8
Any lucid-dreamers here? 1-3
A question for Muslims on this board 1-2 1-4 2-8
Craig: Atheism Is A Philosophy Without Hope! 2-3 2-5
Daily Express: Muslims demand Shariah outrage shock 5-3
Favorite TV shows? 1-4
Would you believe in God if... 3-7
Why are there no more divine revelations? 1-1 2-4
Banned for racism 1-5
question for atheists 4-4 5-9
Theists, what would convince you to change your mind? 1-5
TIME TRAVEL What would you do? Changing events is off-limits 1-2
Ignorance is bliss! 1-3
Atheist Irony 1-4 4-5
Illogic and anger... how do you keep your cool? 3-6
What is everyone going to be for Halloween? 2-4
A Tale of two Britons 7-5
Suicide Bombing in Iran (!!) 8-2
The Shroud of Turin and the limits of credulity 1-6
BBC Panorama: Reduced to a four-letter word 1-5 2-1 2-6 5-4
Hell revisited 1-5
grrrrrr 1-10
God: the most pointless existence? 1-2
Sued mods? 1-2
What newspaper do you read? (UK) 2-1
Petition against Tony Blair becoming EU President 1-8
Beyonce wilts in face of Islamists 1-4
I "converted" my mother 1-9
‘Good Without God,’ Atheist Subway Ads Proclaim 2-1
Is Britian turning more BNP friendly 3-6
Converting people to atheism 2-7
Dinosaurs on the ark 5-2
MEPs chucked out of Commons 1-3
Woo Derail From "Alien Life" Thread 1-6 1-8 3-9
Tony Blair 'to be made EU president next month' 4-2
A Muslim "Miracle Baby" is Born, with Koran Verses on Leg 1-7 1-10 3-5
Virginia man arrested for nude cup of coffee at home 1-9 7-6
Criticism of Israel 3-7
BBC News: Darwin teaching 'divides opinion' 5-3
Turek vs. Hitchens Debate video: Does God Exist? 2-1
London Islam4UK demo and counterdemo 2-6 2-9
I am a Deist 11-9
If Jesus did Rise From the Dead, So What? 2-4
The Hitch: Debating with theists 16-5
POLL: Are You In Favor Of Muslim Mass Immigration? 1-6
Is it possible for god to commit suicide? 2-5
Are we as atheist as cats? 2-8
Why do humans have sex in private? 8-3
The God Delusion in Arabic 1-9
Women banned from wearing trousers 1-7
Proving God Right Here Right Now 6-1 7-5 17-4 50-9
Science/Atheism 1-2
Evolution is a mathematical impossibility. 1-2
Atheism and Reality 8-6
What is the Purpose of Life? 7-8 13-7
Evidence of evolution right now 1-1
The believer's dilemma 3-7
A Challenge To Meat-Eaters 9-10
When Will Science End? 2-4
What Atheism brings... 2-3 8-5 14-6
answering theists on atheism 1-9
Muhammad the movie biopic 1-3
There probably is a god! 8-4
Cold calling salesman harrassing me - how can I 'get' him? 1-3
Assimilation Or Multiculturalism? 1-7
I Am 100% Certain There Is No God 4-10 5-5 7-6 8-1
Man accused of racially abusing Nick Griffin (no seriously) 1-7
Creation - The Wonderful Story 1-5
Ruse: Dawkins et al bring us into disrepute 1-9
The Dawkins/Sagan Effect 2-3
The first honest creationist 2-4
Proving God using reason. 3-10
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist at times? 5-6
Angry Atheists? 1-5
What is required to "Empower Women"? 4-4
evolution-religion 11-4
Christopher Hitchens on Richard Dawkins and keeping religion 2-5
We're Stirring the Cosmic Soup: A Quick Retort to Atheism 12-6
B.C. 5-2
Atheism is Rational? 11-4
If God existed would atheist obey him? 10-1 17-4
Pedophilia 17-6
1 hour debate with BNP's "Reverand" Robert West 2-2
Vatican Looks for Signs of Alien Life 3-6
If I believe in a power higher than God 3-2
I just believe in one less god than you. 3-6 4-3 4-6
Why is it so difficult to find photographs of fossils? 1-2
If God is proven a fraud, would theists still obey him? 1-4
How we can allow people to pretend to be educators like this 1-3
Should The British Monarchy Be Retained Or Abolished? 1-5
Creation As Science by Dr. Hugh Ross 1-10
An out in the open Arab Atheist. 1-4
Why has new atheism become so popular? 14-5
Justification of Negative Atheism 2-8
Religion Is Superior To Science 2-3
Your favorit atheist thinker(exept dawkins) 2-4
Muslim educators reject evolution 1-5
Important question to me! please leave comments!!!!! 2-7
Atheism is literally a delusion 17-4
The only reason you are having this conversation... 1-7
And they say Dawkins is strident 1-8
Did we really surpass Kantian philosophy? 2-8
Scientific field you find most fascinating. 4-6
When good soccer turns bad: France vs Ireland Nov. 18th 3-6
What is the worst movie ever? 1-9
Chances Of Other Intelligent Life Meeting Us 12-5
Why is evidence important? 16-2
Proportion of ex-theists here 11-9 12-2
Evidence for a Biblical world view 4-9
The Myth that there is no debate in the Scientific Community 11-1
Close-Minded Atheists 7-8 13-1
Science — how; Religion — why 2-5
Transcript from Debate with Christian 6-3
Referendum: Swiss Minarets (Sunday) 10-9
How did you became Atheist? 18-3 18-8
what kind of god 4-10
So, apparently there is no god. 1-2
New MySpace dedicated to mocking Richard Dawkins and RDFRS 4-3
Obama sends 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan 10-8
Evolution VS Intelligent Design 2-2
Argument with a willfully ignorant creationist 2-4 11-3
Evidence for God from Personal Experience 3-5
Italian Politician Vs. Muslim: Mohammed was a pedophile 2-5
10 reasons to believe? 2-2 2-6
How often has science been wrong? 1-8
Duo urinate on Brisbane Anzac memorial 3-7
An easy question to theist. 2-1
Don't have to read RD's Delusion book 3-7 72-2
God does not exist (argument) 2-1
Call to Prayer Five Times a Day... 2-5
Atheists returning to religion 1-2
Wearing a Hijab to Class 5-3
What if you're wrong? 4-7 5-8
Can we win this argument? 2-5
Is Atheism boring? 1-5 1-8 2-4 3-5 9-4
Muslim people don't get taught evolution 1-4
Could atheism stand the test of time? 4-4 5-4 9-6
11 arrests at anti-islam protests in Nottingham 4-6
How do you define God? 5-10
Atheists should concentrate on opposing Islam 4-3
Combination of Islam and Evolution 3-2
Muslim to Atheist: My Story 1-8
Why aren't Atheists . . . 1-5 1-9 20-4 21-4
Should Evolutionists Debate Creationists? 1-9
where are teh transitional fossils???? 4-7 4-8
Why do people find religion comforting? 1-6
Everything a man does he does to get laid 1-6
New, new atheist women 3-6
How Often has Religion Been Wrong? 1-7
What would make an evolutionist believe in a creator? 2-7
Atheists and snoring... 2-7
Trial begins of Christians who criticised Islam 1-10
Ad Hominem/ Rude behaviour 1-2
Can Humans and Chimps breed? 2-7
Wearing your atheism on your shirt sleeve 2-2
Labelling children 1-5
Evolutionists cant explain this 4-5 5-8 6-4
Indisputable Evidence? 2-7 2-9
Deconverting parents? 1-6
Ignorant Atheists 4-9
Don't Anger God 5 Times ... 1-6
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 8 70-1
Littering 1-7
Dinesh D'Souza distorting Dawkins 2-7 3-1
William Lane Craig - II 96-1
Rape after midnight not a crime - MP 5-3
relationship advice - muslim and atheist 5-6
NW Airlines Terrorism Fail. 11-2 13-1 13-4
Do You Hope You Are Wrong? 12-7
Don't Atheists have anything constructive to say? 8-8
The Power of Now by Tolle - woo? 1-9
How Do We Prevent Future Airplace Terror Attempts? 6-9
Pope: Women not slaves of men 2-3
Muslims 3-6 4-4 5-6 5-10 6-8
Profiling in airports 1-2
Muslims allow non-muslims to say "allah" 1-4
With no proof, there is a 50/50 chance god exsists 34-2
Muslim only lines 5-9 6-3 6-5
Islam4UK march through Wootton Bassett? 4-1
Is Western guilt needed in 2010? No. 10-4
evolutionists can believe in God too 8-3
Gay Muslim scholar a 'pariah' in own community 4-4
To many religions to be true? 1-9
what is it about Dawkins that creationists love so much 3-5
Worst films of the decade 3-1
How would you invade Earth? 1-4
Will Full Body Scanners Stop Terrorist Attacks? 3-2
Online Identity 1-10 11-10 18-5
Yep, that about sums it up. 2-10
Is it moral to kill ? 4-7
Are there any athesists AGAINST gay marriage? 7-10
If you could have a superpower what would it be? 4-4
Do women really like Bad Boys/Men? 11-8 11-10
Proof that God Is Real! 2-4
The 10:23 Campaign - Get involved and combat homeopathy 2-1
HELP! My atheism might be in danger! 3-4
Muslim man rapes girl, but girl and her fiancee are jailed 1-3
Best TV series of the decade 3-4
Why has Science not killed Religion 14-5
Are British Muslims really British? 7-10 8-6 9-1 9-6 10-1 10-6 15-2 16-3
UK: Election Chat 25-5
What job would you never do? 1-4
Moderators at it again 7-6
Did Einstein Believe in God? 1-5
Creationist on Celebrity Big Brother 4-7
Why Is It Wrong For Family Members to Marry? 4-2
Iran Blames US and Israel for Killing a Physics Professor 2-4
What do you think about 2012? 3-10
When staff comment in topic threads 2-3 2-5 2-7
FULL gay marriage and no more faith school homophobia: Clegg 2-10
The Mindset of the atheist 2-9
Dawkins greatest fallacy 2-8
Noam Chomsky versus Young Conservative on Afghanistan war 2-7
Teacher told 5 yr old that 'god' made him! 3-5
Sheep Gives Birth to Human-Faced Lamb in Turkey 1-3
'Hitler' Drinking Game Mocks The Holocaust 2-6
Relief for Haiti 5-8 6-4
1984 1-8
What Job Would you LOVE to do? 3-10
Kill Them or Kill Yourself 6-1
Cowardly, is it a bad thing? 3-7 3-9
Attraction and Attractiveness 1-10
Islamic Terror, where do we stand? 1-5
Contradiction in One Argument for Ethical Atheism 2-6
Christians - do you ever pray for the "impossible"? 3-2
Will i go to heaven? 4-1
It is the Y Chromossome the proof that Adam really existed? 1-5 3-1
Feminism - Do atheist men treat women better? 5-1
Religious Prostitution in Islam 4-9 7-10
Other temptations 1-3
Atheistic Evolution, Philosophically is in Deep Trouble 32-7
Simpleton's physics question. 2-2
What's wrong with superstition? 1-10
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 3) 34-6
As an Atheist how do you get over fear of hell? 6-7
Why are atheists so smug? 2-6
Hello from Bangladesh 1-6 2-2 2-8
What if I'm wrong? 2-5
Is David Cameron the right person for the coming job? 1-6
God is a logical impossibility 2-6
Not The Islamic Toilette Etiquette 1-9
A sad day for science - goodbye US Moon Mission... 1-7 2-3
How excited are you about Apple Tablet? 8-5
10 years and a kabillion $$$$ later...where is he? 1-8
Which country would you like to live in? 20-8
Al-qaeda and Osama 1-5
England a ‘cesspit of Islamists’ - Nobel laureate 5-6 5-9
What proof shall convince us? 3-9
Petition against cost of Pope UK visit 2-5
Atheists Converted to Religion? 2-1
A person litters and you ask them to pick it up, they say 3-1 3-3
From cairo with love,an ex-Muslim atheist 1-3
How Do You Raise A Brighter Child? 3-5
Help please? Islam on Evolution - Lecture This Saturday 2-4
Turkish girl, 16, buried alive for talking to boys 3-1
Honour Killing in Turkey 1-3
It's true because I want it to be! 1-10
Top evolution evidence... 2-5
an interesting approximation about existing of god 5-6
Gay Atheists 4-8
Man could create God; if man could create his parents 2-10
Harun Yahya : The Muslim Creationist - I 1-7
the BBC, Aaqil Ahmed and atheist Richard Dawkins 1-5
Does religion deserve respect? 4-3
Would you laugh at a joke you didn't agree with? 2-7
Hello from rainy England 1-3
Muslim bus driver locks passengers inside as he prays 1-10
Oscar noms 1-6
Muslim asks court to let in second wife 3-9
Amazing Spider fossil found.. 1-9
Muslim refused to shake hands with woman 3-9
Horrified Italians Want to Bar Kids From Paranormal Activity 1-2
exterminate white people off the face of the planet 1-6
Science is not the whole of human life; it is only a part 2-4 3-9
What is actually wrong with Christian Beliefs? 5-3
Airport Body Scanners Violate Islamic Law? 2-7
The atheist 10 commandments 1-4
Favourite TV comedy show? 1-8
NSW judge sends terror plotters to jail 3-4
pauline hanson exiled to the uk 1-7
POLL: Has God Actually Revealed New Useful Knowledge To Man? 3-1
Falklands 2? 3-8
Can Islam or Muslims be reformed? If yes, how? 1-6
atheists as annoying as believers used to be 1-5
Really good question..might be the end of all this debate ha 3-5
Halal-only burger row in France 2-1 2-5