List of Postings of User Bliss

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 20-7
Are there plans for 'The God Delusion' to be translated? 4-3 4-5
Jesus Camp : The Movie 67-2
The Enemies of Reason 22-1
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 16-10
Read the first chapter of The God Delusion!!! 1-5
Photos of animals. 11-10 37-8 80-3
What happened on this day in history............ 11-5
Monarchism 53-6 55-7 56-7
Death 6-9
Definition of Atheism? 12-3
My new Richard Dawkins Resource Page 3-2
U.S. Congressman comes out as atheist 3-4
Hi Everyone! Bonjour! 1-1 1-6 1-9 2-1 2-5 2-7 2-9 3-1
Where the heck are you? 4-9
RDF World Map ~ Add Yourself! 7-9 7-10 9-5
The god delusion translated in french ? and TGD page 191 1-2 1-7 2-2
Nature lover picture thread 36-1
What is it like to be an atheist in your country? 7-1
My poetry 1-1 1-4
Origin of Brights symbol 2-8
A Significant Milestone For my Atheism..... 1-6
Percy Bysshe Shelly 1-3
Flickr photos! 1-6
The TIME 100 3-8
How old are you? 5-3 6-3
Cannibalism Poll - Would You? 4-2
Conference and visits in France 1-1
How do I raise my child if I'm an atheist. 4-2
Will Sarkozy be good for France (and the world)? 2-2
Suggestions for the Scientific Videos Collection 4-6
Richard Dawkins group! 6-6
Organ Donors 3-9
Why do you go on living? 4-1
Fear of Death 12-4
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 28-3
Give blood against Jehovah's Witnesses' Dogma 10-8
Ghosts: Your Position? 8-3
the "right" to be wrong? 4-9
Welcome to the New Forum 24-9 25-1 25-10
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 8-8
I've had enough. 2-9
Red Wine + Catholic Church = ??? 1-5
The Picture Thread 10-8
The Picture Comment Thread 31-2 31-4 31-7
are you alone too? 4-5
Le dormeur se reveille 2-1 2-3
The Dawkins Prize for Animal Conservation and Welfare 1-3
Respecting Islam. 70-6
Oooooooh sooooooooooooo sloooooooooooooow! 2-4
Forum 1st Birthday Party !!! 4-6
The IQ Dump 1-10
Journalists & Ethics 1-1 1-4
Why do you hate God? 20-8
Just how much do you 'like' your things? 5-10
Do you feel insulted... 7-1
Petition for Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Donations needed by Sam Harris 5-8
family tree --- "family fluid "?? 1-2
Al Gore gets Nobel prize. 1-5
The Placebo Effect 1-5
What is your emotional response to religion...? 2-6
Comic Strip your atheist humour. 3-4
Which countries have you visited? 3-5
What is the proper response to "Thank You"? 2-6
Happy Birthday Hyrax 2-5
Bombing attempt to kill Bhutto 1-7
Christmas Cards 1-8 2-4 3-3 8-2 14-5
California burning 1-3
7 2-4
Sibling rank and Beliefs 3-4
Atheist halloween 1-7
A question about the afterlife... 3-4
Defence minister quits to race in Le Mans 1-2
The Best Countries for Women To Live 2-2
I am a Naturalist 1-5
Are you a night owl or an early bird? 1-7
What did you have for dinner today? 2-6
Atheist Nation 5-5
There is hope! 1-4
Riots break out in Paris suburb (again) 1-8
What is déjà vu? 4-7 4-9
Unisex Toilets 7-10 8-4
status of evolution in your country 3-4
Should "Holocaust Deniers" be imprisoned? 1-3
Regional Food 6-7
Do we need Time at all ? 1-9
Teddy Bear names 2-2
What are your "irreducible" truths? 14-6
Passport photos and belief 1-8 3-9
"Oh my god" 3-7
Have a Hug! What next? 1-6
Scientology banned in germany soon? 2-10
Functional neuroimaging of belief, disbelief & uncertainty 3-2
Barry Lyndon! 1-6
The Four Horsemen DVD by RDF now available 3-6 5-2 7-8
I'm an idiot 1-5
Why is allying with Ayaan Hirsi Ali? 6-9 8-1
Coping with emotion: How? 2-3
The Reason Project (Sam Harris) 2-3
Altruism; Selfless Love. Real, or illusions? 3-7 3-9
Too much Christmas 2-2
Do you give to charity? (this is a rant) 3-4
Kodak moment 1-7
I am inspired by... 3-6
Why do people do this to dogs? 1-6
Are you on Facebook? 1-8
Sitting through a funeral as an atheist 5-6
Darwin Day E-Cards 1-5
What have you learned from this forum? 3-10
Best Wine 3-6 4-3
Moved by classical music 1-8
Pope warns against science 2-4
Do you love hedgehogs? 4-8
10,000 posts for RichardPrins 2-2
Walking under ladders. 1-8
Who uses bottled water and why? 2-10
Favourite poems 4-5 6-5
Can a President have rude words? 1-1 1-7 2-3 2-5 2-8 3-5
Good news about Ayaan Hirsi Ali 2-7
Stunning picture of mars. "Avalanche" 2-6
What brings us to this forum? 3-5 3-7
A funny song about religion 1-4
What is your favourite ape? 4-10
Dolphin rescues beached whales 4-5
'Rape me' game of 7 year olds 6-7
11-year-old marries 10-year-old cousin 3-2
Barack Obama - Atheist or not? 23-6
What is your personality? 1-8
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 6-9
Is this why women live longer? 1-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion 63-6 64-6 66-2
The Olympic Torch 2-1 3-9 4-4
I love tarot...and you should too! 2-7
Your views on drug laws 2-8
Darwin rejected (Belgium) 2-8
Atheistic Heroes 3-8
Father imprisons daughter for 24 years. 5-2
Jesus is coming in 2015 4-9
Free Will 97-2
Market for Human Organs? 1-3
BBC Reports Miracle 1-9
Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2008 1-4
What is your philosophy on life? 2-5
Rare uncontacted tribe photographed (???) 11-7
Are you a donor? 1-9 12-1 12-4
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 22-4
Do you think Incest is wrong? 64-8 67-9
Why to get up in the morning ? 4-4 4-6 4-9 5-1
Is the death penalty ethical? Part 1 23-8 31-1
Any writers here? 6-10
Creation: New Darwin BioPic 2-9
Microwave baby killer gets life 8-2
Pastors To Preach Politics From The Pulpit 3-1
A Puzzle 2-9
Researchers document world's mammals in crisis 1-6
Do you have a desire to learn? 7-10
How long is an instant? 1-9
Being Lonely 4-5 4-7
Death Penalty and Euthanasia - why the pain? 12-3 12-5
Growing Up in the Universe: Watch it Online 2-3
What is art worth? 4-5
US election coverage: what's it like in your country 4-6 9-1
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion III 6-8 12-10 13-5 14-1 14-8 15-5 28-3 47-6 50-3 67-8
Should Euthanasia be legal? 3-10
Bicycle survey 2-1 3-7
Abortion (Part II) 75-4
The Socialist Party cut in two in France 1-1 1-4 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-4 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-4 3-6
Ironic bumper sticker 1-6
A friend's baptism - to go or to not go? 3-6
How does one deal with the certainty of death... 3-2
Who here succumbs to TV advertising? 3-3
On living life to the fullest 1-5
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 5-8
Flying shoes...the founding of a new meme 1-5
How green are you? 1-5
Contacting your children 1-8
HAPPY NEW YEAR! 7-10 8-4
What is the history of your political views? 5-10 6-10
Films you've never seen 3-9 4-2
What colour are you? 4-3
Coming soon: Pope on YouTube 3-1
Catholic Bishop Charged for Holocaust Denial 1-1 6-8 37-8 38-2 64-2 66-8
Obama to create faith-based office 4-8
Happy Darwin Day! 10-3 11-4
Will you be missed when you pass away? 7-5
Be honest now - can you take a 30-40% loss in income 9-7
Baptem refused 1-1
Life of Brian screened after 30 year ban 2-7
Obama Denounces Human Cloning 2-3
Pope: Condoms Not the Answer to AIDS Battle 2-10 7-9
Melancholy 1-9
Happy Birthday Professor Richard Dawkins 8-6
Christian Rock/Exploitation 8-8
Man and Other Animals: Zoos 3-4
help for French website 1-4
Shark water 1-2
Swine Flu Pandemic Emergence: Apocalypse Finally? 16-10
Religion and marketing 1-4