List of Postings of User Havoc

So should I have kids or not? 4-7
The Bird Thread 71-8
Favourite YouTube Videos II 90-9 91-4 91-5 91-6 91-7 94-4 96-1 96-3 96-8 97-8 98-4 98-5 98-6 99-4 99-5 99-7 99-8 100-2 100-4
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part III) 99-6 99-9 99-10
The mistress of "To what are you listening?" part 2 29-2 29-3 29-4 30-4 30-7 30-9 31-3 31-6 32-3 32-6 33-3 33-6 33-9
Almost Died? Tried Suicide? Care to Share? 11-3
Sobriety and Atheism 26-4 40-2 55-1 65-8
Boy, 12, turns into girl over summer holidays 31-8 32-10 33-3
Rational Suicide? 13-7 14-1 14-9 16-1 17-6 17-8 17-10 18-3 18-5 18-10 19-2 20-6
The Atheist's Guide to Christmas (Atheist Book Campaign) 7-6
I'm In Love With a Theist 4-5
Greetings 1-1 1-3
Defining Evolution 1-1 3-4 5-3 5-5 5-9 6-5 6-8 6-10
You Scare Me Sir! 1-7 1-9
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? (Part 5) 18-8 28-5 28-7 28-9 29-5 35-4 37-7
Gun Control 79-3 79-8 80-1 80-4 83-10
What's For Dinner? 16-9
Help with Antibiotic Problem 1-1 1-5 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-5 2-10 3-2
Pictures of thee, Part VIII 69-9 73-4 73-7 73-9
Caption the picture 66-7 70-7
Post-reading depression 3-5
Awareness of Death 1-1 1-6 1-7 2-1
Protest in Iran 1-1 1-5
Why do we get old? 4-7 4-9
Contra Natural Selection 1-1 1-8 1-10 2-1 2-5 2-7 2-8
What are you currently reading? (Part IV) 1-7 2-4 2-8 3-9 4-1 4-4 5-8 6-10 7-10 10-1 10-3 11-10 12-9 14-7 14-9 17-2 18-4 18-9 19-5
Query about Selection 1-1 1-2 1-3
Proving God Right Here Right Now 21-5 22-8 27-3 28-7
Dot 1-1 1-10
Science/Atheism 1-1
How is the UK viewed abroard? 13-1 13-7 14-1 14-2 14-10
I've got questions, who can answer? 9-4
How is life formed from non-life? 8-7 21-6 22-1
What is the Purpose of Life? 19-3 21-10
Man's Humanity to Man 1-1
Which book next? Recommendations 4-2
I Am 100% Certain There Is No God 12-10 18-5
Richard Dawkins Vaccine 1-1 2-1 2-2
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist at times? 65-8 66-3 82-8 82-10 83-2 84-2 84-7 86-9
Lamarckism in “The Descent of Man”? 8-8 17-9
Nouveau Homo 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-9 2-5
evolution-religion 10-7
Non Fiction readers 4-6
Christopher Hitchens and Sir Stephen Fry vs. The Catholics 32-3 32-8 35-7 35-8 36-4
Horrendous Lag 4-9
Why is feminism still important? Please help. 13-5 13-10 17-9 18-2 18-9 19-6 20-5 22-9 29-10 31-6 39-2 41-9 42-8 43-2 43-9 45-3 46-7 50-6 53-5 55-7 56-2 56-7 60-9 64-3 68-2 68-7 69-7
Is Anyone Else Tired of The Twilight Craze? 12-8
Hymns to the Universe 1-1
Help Please 3-3
Do you treat "Jesus Christ" as a curse word with your kids? 3-4 3-6
Pedophilia 3-10 4-2
"Came Out" Gay to my (Muslim) Parents - Didn't Work Out :( 9-6 12-10
Being Fat Now Illegal In Japan 5-8
Did Jesus Exist? - II 23-1 37-6 37-9 38-1 38-3 47-5 52-8 55-4
Morality and the Law 9-4 9-6 9-8 9-10 10-2
Best Album Covers 4-5
Worst album covers 4-5
on "soft" atheism 3-6 4-8 5-1
Transitional fossils 9-10
Noah's Ark proves evolution. 1-4
Euthanasia and Atheism 2-7
Is this statement good? 1-4
Evolution and Races 1-2
A worldview more questioned than Christianity? 7-7 11-8 11-10 12-4
Debate Hitchens, Harris, Dennett vs Boteach, D'Souza, Wright 2-1 2-4 2-6
What were you doing at age 18? 4-6
Criticism of Canada 13-8 13-10
Justification of Negative Atheism 1-6
Divine Beings 1-2
One of the cornerstones of Christianity 10-2
The Strangeness of "Phenotype" Definition 4-6 4-9
Micro - Macro Evolution 1-9
Types of Christians 2-9
Your favorit atheist thinker(exept dawkins) 1-7 3-8
The problem of evil 3-7
Hello from Melbourne! 1-5
1 year jail for cyber attack on Scientologists 2-8
Human evolution 1-1
What is the worst movie ever? 8-10 10-1 10-7 11-2 12-9 14-6 15-1 16-4
Who are you? 3-6
The "Dog" Game 4-5 6-10 9-2 10-3 15-1
Mutation vs. Variation 1-3 2-1
As an atheist, which religion most appeals to you? 3-5
The Concept of Self is an Illusion 6-9
Favourite Movie Scenes 2-2 2-5
Top 25 books on evolution, I need to know! 1-5
Gun Control Part Zwei (II) 1-4 10-3 10-4 13-10 14-1 15-1 16-3 16-10 18-3 18-4
How is happiness achieved? 4-8
Some arguments I found in the Internet 2-2
How are you celebrating festivus if at all 2-6
Why Are Polar Bears White? 5-3 7-2
John Lennon vs. Bob Dylan 9-2 10-6 15-2
300,000 animal slaughter is world’s biggest ritual sacrifice 4-6 6-2 8-2
Favourite YouTube Videos III 1-1 1-3 4-2 4-6 4-10 5-2
Do atheists have a more positive outlook on life? 2-7
Quarter life crisis 1-6
The best Lyricist 1-3 3-5 3-10
Needing to vent... 3-1
Greatest ever TV theme tunes 2-2 3-3 4-8 4-10 6-8 7-10 8-2 8-3 8-10 9-2
How far do you go with Xmas? 1-5
Dealin with the irrationality of others in a sudden death 2-3 3-1
Proportion of ex-theists here 3-1 3-10 6-5
Deathbed conversions. 2-5
Who or what is your favourite comedic character? 1-6 2-2 3-3 5-5 5-8 12-1
Is Life struggling to survive? 2-5
Sam Harris views on Spirituality and Atheism 2-3
What are Some Good Books on Evolution? 1-2
The Muppets singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" 1-4 1-6 1-7
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist? (Pt II) 3-1 5-2 8-3 11-4 13-7 17-10 18-4
POLL: Which Was Worse: CIA Or KGB? 4-9 8-4
why does evolution keep failing 1-8 4-4
Should you care? 1-10
Remembrance of things past 1-1 1-4
"Atheists should be treated like "trolls"" 3-3
Purpose 1-7
Close-Minded Atheists 1-5 5-8 6-2 6-10 12-10
What's on TV 1-2
Advice sought on dilemma 1-5
Sex & Violence 1-5 1-8 1-10
Where do you get your morals from? 4-8
more things in heaven and earth... 1-1
The Pissed Off Thread 4-1 8-8 9-3
Your View on Charles Manson 1-5 2-7
What's Your Favourite Dawkins Interview? 1-9
Poems and Reality 1-2 1-6
The RDF Random Game 1-3 4-5 9-2
I feel like going mental! 5-5 5-6
Autism as Counter-Theism 3-3
First LOVE 2-3 4-7 4-10
The Season is Upon Us. What's the WORST Christmas Carol? 2-3 3-6 4-9 4-10 8-6 9-7
Yes, we are apes. Sorry. 7-1 7-4 7-6 8-3 16-9
Would Atheism Be What It Is, Without Darwin? 1-10
Christmas Avatars 6-4 6-5 6-7 8-7
Offensive Lyrics 2-2 2-4
Intelligent design not Creationism so should be taught in UK 1-3
Explaining to a 5 year old. 1-7
A GOOD use of religious iconography 2-5 2-9
Just How Insignificant are We? 1-10 2-4 2-7 6-2 6-5
An actual Christian on RDF!! 2-10
Why do men do this? 3-5 10-8 11-4 11-6 15-6
Looking for a story from the Old Testament 1-4
Looking for a new car? 3-4
Exercise 1-1 1-4
And the point of being a gay catholic is...? 1-3
Happy Xmas, then! 1-3 1-5
What Is The Nature of Sexual Infidelity? 2-1 2-4 9-4
Climate Change -Skepticism and Politics VIII 10-8
Dawkins Worship 19-7
If you use condoms you will not be raptured 2-5 2-6
Could atheism stand the test of time? 4-1
Hermaphroditism 1-1
Cloacae 1-1
chi/ki/prajna/life energy/ 9-5 13-4
Atheist Bus Campaigns, Pt. 3 11-5
Life, a disappointment Part 1 23-4 24-5 25-7