List of Postings of User sking1981

Suggested Actions/Petitions for our Cause 3-9 4-5
What Evidence would make you believe in God? — Part II 19-5
Nazis get BBC slot 71-6 72-3 75-4 75-7 76-6 85-3 85-4 85-6 86-2 86-5 86-9 87-4 87-6 89-7 90-8
Can someone explain the logic behind affirmative action? 62-6 67-9
How can I turn my passion for Atheism into a career? 2-1
Christian Here! 41-9 42-5 42-6 44-5 44-9 47-5 48-4 48-8 52-1 55-8 56-10 70-6 72-10 73-1 75-5 80-3
Introducing... me 1-1 1-4
Uk Primary Schools Religious Teachings 2-1 2-4
13 year old says shes an atheist 2-6 3-2 4-8 5-2 5-7 5-9 6-1 6-4
Jesus is here 3-4
Is there any argument for god... 1-7 2-10 3-8 4-2
Idiots guide too... 1-1 1-3
A new religion – lovism? 1-2 1-6
What are your favourite supernatural creatures? 6-9 8-2
Should Atheism be taught to children? 5-10 6-9 9-5 9-8 11-10 12-6 12-7 13-2 13-4
"What is 'High' about?" 6-5 25-10 26-4 26-10 27-2 27-4 27-6 28-7 29-2 31-9
‘Unite against atheists’ says Tony Blair 4-1 4-7 6-3
Most boring Bible passages 1-8
Royal Mail vote to Strike (again) 1-1
so i formally excommunciated myself from the catholic church 2-5
Outed by accident and stupidity 7-1 9-3 9-8
Craig: Atheists Must Shoulder Burden Of Proof! 3-4 20-3
Swine Flu Label Offensive? 2-2
HAPPY END OF THE WORLD 2012 ! 1-6 2-2 3-2 3-7
Inviting Other People's Children Over... 2-7
Home Depot worker wears 'under God' button, fired 7-9
Asshole things you do 8-4
It's a miracle! Baby survives falling under train. 1-6
What are you currently reading? (Part IV) 35-4
What am I going to do now? 3-2 3-6 4-6
Why Richard Dawkins is Wrong About God 4-5
Hey Atheists 3-8
How is the UK viewed abroard? 2-10
The Event: How Racist Are You? 2-4 2-7 3-1 6-3 6-10 7-4 7-10 8-6 8-9 9-6 9-7 10-1 10-10
Early human infants 1-1 1-6 2-1 2-3
POLL: Are You In Favor Of Outsourcing? 3-1
I Have Seen the Light! 4-4
A Challenge To Meat-Eaters 6-8 12-7 19-1 22-1 23-4 27-2 28-9 30-6 31-4 31-6 31-8 41-6 41-10 45-8
What do you want done with your body when you die? 1-7 3-10
Dinner with five people, living or dead? 1-4
Riddles 6-5 6-8 6-10 7-2
Transexual Jesus play! 1-6
Religious indoctrination in UK schools 3-5
The "God" Game 19-8 22-4 22-5 22-6 22-8 70-9
Horse intelligence (or lack of it?) 2-3 2-6
Foods that bring you to the verge of throwing up 3-2
Surprisingly in this part of the forum, I'm a new member. 1-3
Do you treat "Jesus Christ" as a curse word with your kids? 3-2
Iphone Applications 2-9
Taking a stand against Islam - poll for new sub-forum 2-10
A little apprehensive... 8-8 9-1 9-7 9-9 10-4 11-3 16-6 16-7 16-8
Punishment as a means to better society? 14-4 16-6 19-4
Autism as Counter-Theism 2-2
How did you became Atheist? 19-6
The Season is Upon Us. What's the WORST Christmas Carol? 5-4 12-1
Christmas Avatars 1-6
atheist Christmas 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-8 1-9
Obama sends 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan 5-2
Faith and death 3-3 3-7 3-10 4-10 5-2
Hello from a true believer... 2-4 2-6 2-7 3-1
Why not adopt instead of having kids? 5-6
Parenting Advice 2-3 2-5
Why hasn't intelligence evolved more times? 2-6 2-7 2-9
Hello 7-6 14-1
Rage Against The Machine for UK Xmas number 1 2-10 3-2 3-8 4-2 7-6 8-1 9-2
Men must grow beards (and shave moustaches) 1-8
Should men be allowed to 'abort' their unborn children ? 72-7 90-10 91-3 91-4 95-7
Jesus in the workplace 4-7
Peeves and Rantages 5-1 9-6
Question about labor laws... 1-4
Muslims 4-1 4-3 11-9 14-5 14-7 15-4 18-6 19-7 19-8 22-9 23-6 25-6
The Awakening Of Man. 2-4
New airport scanners break UK child porn laws? 1-7
Unlocking "The God Game" 2-5 3-10
Are there any athesists AGAINST gay marriage? 22-3 27-6
The 10:23 Campaign - Get involved and combat homeopathy 7-2 7-10 8-7 9-4 9-7 10-2 10-7
Why do we find insects gross? 5-1 5-2 6-1 6-3 6-4 7-4
Teenagers with only 800 words 1-5 4-5 4-6 8-5
Was Hitler A Great Speaker? (& Related Topics) 1-10 5-5 5-9
Gaming desktops? 2-2 3-1 3-2 3-4 3-6
Which is more dangerous SCIENCE or RELIGION? 3-4 4-10 5-6 6-5 6-9 7-2 8-8 9-4 11-5 12-1 12-10 13-6 16-3 16-8 17-1 17-4 17-8
Please remove NON-BELIEVERS GIVING AID banner on front page 6-2 6-8 6-10
Who are the INTJs on the forum? 1-9 4-5
Mind vs Brain 27-5
Combating "medical advice" viral emails 1-1 1-6
The Bible: A History - Channel 4 - Now (UK) 3-5 7-9
Can you? 36-8 36-9
The Dogma of Atheism 24-7
Can You Cultivate & Manipulate Your Body's Energy? 3-8
How excited are you about Apple Tablet? 1-5 13-10 14-2 14-4 14-6 14-9 15-4 16-2
Mars Visible on Friday in the UK 3-6
Iraq Enquiry - Bliar 2-5 2-6 3-4
Should I have the right to choose my own time and way to die 2-7 3-10
How into 1984 are we? 2-6
Bad movie history 2-1 2-5 2-7 4-5 5-6
Roundabout Road Rage! 2-1
What board games do you play? 4-10
Atheism and the Afterlife 5-2
you're **cking what ?! 2-5
2012 BS vs FACTS... 1-6
If Evolution is right where are the inter species? 1-6
Have you ever been to church? 4-8
Homeopathy & PZ 1-9 2-5 2-6 3-8 5-6
What do other nationalities think of us Brits? 2-9
The Bible? 2-1 5-1
Religious people do have a clearer moral code than secularis 8-9 12-10 13-5
Why is it taboo and prohibited to eat human flesh? 2-9
Thoughts on Death and Revivability 1-7 2-3 2-7 3-3 3-6 3-10
Are Humans about to 'drift' back to being worms? 1-5 2-10
Condoms should carry health warning say catholics 7-6
The Second American Civil War 2-8 3-7 3-9
Reviewing the personal attack / insult criteria (part 1) 13-1 13-3 13-4
Theists: If You Could Save Humanity... 2-1
What should one do in my situation? 1-6 2-3
Do the Atheists drink milk of the cattle, eat eggs of hen? 8-8
Why this cow eat a baby chiken? 2-9