List of Postings of User Kevin Rich

Pope to Abolish Limbo 3-10
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 4-10
People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 11-2
Satanism 1-1 7-7
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 11-4
Creationist Museum - Kentucky, USA 11-10 17-7
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 16-6
Definition of Atheism? 8-8
The Murder of Larry Hooper 1-9
Five Most Damning Bible Passages? 5-1 14-5
Silliest / dumbest atheist misconceptions 4-4
Islam: A religion of peace 8-1
Do American Atheists/Rationalists Consider Emigrating 2-6 2-8
The Simple Approach 1-1 1-3 1-5
Wicca 1-3
Do you know why Atheists will never "win?" 1-1 2-3 2-5 2-8
Abortion ruling in USA 1-8
What would it take to change a fundie's mind? 1-10 2-4
Is Scientology the Silliest Religion? 2-10
Every child can see through the fallacy of religion 1-9
Baptism with an atheist Grandmother? 2-4
What do Atheists want? 2-1
"It's true for me." 1-1 1-3 1-6
Now calling GOD to the Stand 1-1
Assuming God Exists... 1-1
Why should I care about anyone? 2-6
I am bringing Christianity to Japan. 1-1 3-3
How far do you dare to push a muslim? 2-3
Not 1 of the first 6 US Presidents were christian. 1-2
Is the UK/US to blame for 655,000 deaths? 1-3
13 Year old girl sentanced to death for incest in Iran. 1-2
Romney: I can't imagine anything more awful than polygamy 1-1 1-6
Religious People = Trekkies 1-1 1-3
Atheist comedians. 5-2
Pullman: His Dark Materials / The Golden Compass 9-3
Attention all atheists!!! I want your honest opinion 6-6
I am Preaching Atheism. 1-1 1-4 2-6 3-1 3-7 3-9
Don't ask don't tell? 1-8
Japanese Culture under attack 1-8 2-1 2-3
Homosexuality and Religion 2-6
Creationist arguement - what gets me 2-2
Blame the devil for baby in microwave 1-5 2-2 4-2 4-4
Life versus Happiness 1-1
Religious leaders urge action on (global) warming. 1-1 1-4
Believing for comfort 2-3
If there were no extremism 1-8
Canada's first permanent creation museum... 2-4
Falwel Student arrested with bombs 2-8
Epitaph for an atheist 1-9
I think I have identified the problem with humanity. 1-1 1-4 2-3
Attention all Atheists!!! 1-8
Atheism Causes More Wars Than Theism? 2-3
Stumped by a Christian #1 1-5
Atheist runs ISU campus 1-10
Sometimes it's best to let 'em speak for themselves... 2-2 2-4
The Iraq War: HOW bad is it? 1-1 5-7 5-10 6-2
Maybe I found a way to discuss seriously with believers... 2-1
The US must be doing something right. 1-1 2-1
Minister: my disfigurement & blindness glorifies Jesus 1-7
Difference between the Bible and my High School History Book 1-10
"God is not responsible" article in Australian new 1-3
Weird Hypothetical Question 1-7
Paris Hilton is out of jail. 3-5
Isn't "Satanic" ethics promoted in the Bible? 1-3
The Worst: "God answered my prayers". 1-5
New magic tree-trunk sighting 1-2
Why I am so dirty on religion 2-6
Everything You Know About God Is Wrong: Disinformation Guide 1-10 2-2
Passive atheism dilemmas 1-9
Baptists see atheist books as sign of panic 2-7
Theists: We should punish their children. 1-1 1-3 1-6 2-1 2-4
It’s Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun 1-2
Is there any evidence in support of positive/strong atheism? 4-7
Stupid things people do in the name of religion 1-4
Book of Revelations = ? 1-4
Bush Vetoes Stem-Cell Bill... 1-4 2-2
Sinister UK Rape Law 1-7
Theists say the funniest things 6-4 8-3
The Christian God - Omnipotent? Omniscient? All good? 1-3
Oh look - more tolerance and love ... NOT ... 1-3
The Bible is Evidance 1-10
Honest opinion: Is this too blunt? 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-10
Religious doctors refusing to give treatment. 3-3
Jesus helps people. 1-1 2-6
Chris Benoit murder-suicide, was afterlife belief a factor? 1-3
Germany bans Scientologist Cruise 1-10
Should discrimination based on religious beliefs be legal? 1-1 1-5
WHere did the religious myths come from 1-2
jews for jesus cult 3-5
Is god the real problem? 1-5
At what point can you openly ridicule a person's faith? 1-1
War of the Gods. Winner & Why? 2-1 2-6
Great little article on Bush, church and state. 1-2
Dick Cheney: The VP is not part of the Executive Branch 1-1
I don't like Christopher Hitchens 5-9
Bush sets his people free! 1-2 1-8
Your opinion on mercy killings.. 2-10
All We are Saying, is Give War a Chance 10-5 1-9 2-1
If you killed somebody... 1-1 2-4
what do you hate most about Bush? 1-6
Vatican: Non-Catholics not true Christians 1-6
Inherit the wind. Creationists make new movie, inherit the t 1-4
2 year old toddler beheaded in Nairobi... 1-4
How's the world treating you? 1-5
Surely you cant ignore the 'goodness of real religion' ! 5-2 5-8
Where do atheists get their morals? 3-8 4-3
Christian Right Activists Disrupt Hindu Chaplain In Senate 1-7 2-3
No God? 1-2 1-4
most annoying thing you say to believers 4-10
Impact of Left Behind Series 2-6
1st Amendment: Am I Reading this Incorrectly? 1-1 1-4
5,686 1st C. NT copies? 1-4
Organ donation - presumed consent 3-9 4-3
What conservatives say when they think we aren't listening 1-2
New Details on Tillman's Death 2-9
Atheist bumper stickers, decals. 4-4
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 16-7
Was nuking Hiroshima/Nagasaki necessary or a warcrime? 18-10 19-2 19-9 21-4 21-7 22-8 23-4 24-4 27-2 27-4
Ted Haggard needs your support 5-3
Crap! I live in a society with no morals! 1-1 2-3 2-10
how do you see this evidence in favor of Christianity? 5-3
How many of you are ex-christians? 3-4
Does anyone detest Sean Hannity as much I do? 2-4
Debate Enders 1-1
If nothing is worth dying for... 1-1 1-3
Jews as Slaves in Egypt 1-1 1-3 1-5
Should we avoid pairing atheism and Science? 1-2
Respecting Islam. 1-1 3-1 6-5
Collecting of Details on Travelers Documented 1-2
Condoms have the HIV virus in them 5-3
What is the state of US evolution teaching 3-4
The premise of atheism? 3-9 4-1 4-5
Why atheists DO believe in something 3-8
How to justify genocide 1-5
John McCain said wha? 1-6
Justified lengthy prison sentences. 1-3 1-7 1-9
Bush Veto of Child Health Bill 1-2
Are we becoming extremists too? 1-8 2-2 3-1 3-10
Lack of Formal Cohesion Weakens Atheism 1-8 1-10
Conservative Politicians...not stupid? 1-1
What Atheists Believe In... 1-8
Theists can prove the bible wrong! 1-3
Ignorant People Talking 1-1 1-7 1-9
50 religious insights from George Bush 1-2
Would this be 1-3
Christian Woman Loses Kids...for being Christian? 1-1 1-4
God is a real thing; and he is EVIL! 1-2
Will you be disappointed if there is an afterlife? 4-2
Homophobic foster parents claim discrimination 4-2
Christian school punished student for 9 days 1-4
Are we in the minority in caring about whats true? 1-6
How do i get ordained as a minister in the Atheist Church? 1-9
The Pope starts a mass riot! 1-8
Three arguments (may be incoherent) 1-3
Confessions of an Angry Person 1-1 1-8
JW Mother dies after refusing blood. 4-4
If God Doesn't Exist, Everything is Permittable 3-1
Weakest Atheist Arguments 2-6
Just How Insane Is Mormonism? 2-6 2-8
Should Atheists support Christians to Fight Islam? 1-10
Krismas (instead of Christmas) 2-1 2-5
Girl's eyes gouged in exorcism 1-2
Unprofessionalism in Schools 1-2
Acts of god 1-10 2-2 2-5 2-7 3-4 3-9
My own tiny confrontation 1-3 1-5 1-10 2-3 2-5 2-9 3-2 3-5 5-1 5-4
Dennis Kucinich on church/state issues 1-2
What difference does it make if you believe in God or not? 1-5
Annoying atheists: please, just shut up. 3-8
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 2-5
-The Death Penalty- (Part 1) 76-8