List of Postings of User eccles

Jesus Camp : The Movie 29-10 52-1 53-4
Big Bang Theory 3-1
Answers in Genesis 2-10
Texts on the historical origins of Christianity? 2-5
Kent Hovind 4-8 15-4 26-6 27-2
Help me debunk this 1-8
G'day from Australia 1-1
Profile 1-1
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 2-8
god, booze and social unrest 1-6
Haggard, Hovind and now Coulter - FUCK YEAH!!! 3-10
Here in Mississippi.... 1-4
Richard Dawkins interviewed by the "Science Show" 1-1 1-5 1-8
Were most atheists / agnostics raised as Christians? 3-7
How many theists does it take to change a lightbulb? 2-6
Help Needed to Reach an Indoctrinated Mind 1-7
Shortage of new Catholic priests 1-8
Bibles allowed in hospitals for the mentally ill? 2-2
How to recognize the sincere intellect 11-1
Should we try to stop people being religious? 4-8
hilarious video....Aussie atheist goes to salt lake city... 1-4
Life of Brian 13-2
Are you a happy atheist? 6-6
Deliver Us From Evil - documentary on catholic church abuse 1-6
Faith and the fatal flaw of The God Delusion. 3-2
Into the Fray 1-7 1-8
Ex catholics. 'Mass' excommunication 1-3
What would you like on your Tombstone? 10-9
Pope Bitchslaps Jews 3-2
Australian priest loses his cool 2-4
Australia is not free of religious freaks. 1-4
Why does EVERY Christian claim they used to be atheist? 9-2
Noah's Ark - Answers in Genesis 1-4 3-4
Megachurch Leader D. James Kennedy Dies 3-7
Prof Dawkins at the Sydney Writer's Festival: Radio intervie 1-1
Dopey Dubya At APEC In Sydney, Australia 1-1
Florida: evolution's role in class set to grow 4-2
What is wrong with Golden Compass movie? Why did it bomb? 6-8 7-1
Round Up: Presidential Candidates Talk Space 1-1 1-7
Astronomy and NASA - Rewards and Challenges: Address By NASA 1-1
I Have An Interview With the Creation Museum 2-3
Are you on Facebook? 20-4
The "You cant disprove god" argument 3-6
About theism's burden of proof buck-passing 1-3
How rich is the Vatican? 8-2
MySpace: No place for Atheists? 3-5
New Testament - when it was written 2-4 2-6 2-9
Serb/Croat violence at the 2007 Australian Open 1-7
Europe's Resurgent Exorcism 1-1
Atheist Kicked Out of Class for Not Standing During Pledge 1-1 1-8
Before the Big Bang? 1-5
Has anyone read the bible? 8-1
You Don't Believe In God?!?!?! 2-8
A pointed out bible contradiction needed 18-3
When Theists argue the bible is taken out of context 5-8 19-3
Is faith in science any different to faith in religion 4-7
Who ARE the true representitives of the church? Re: Ireland 1-9
The God Delusion vs The BIble 1-1 1-5
Debaptism the Latest Trend for Atheists 1-1
Priest jailed for molesting altar boy 1-1 1-2
Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible 1-1 1-2
The rise of religious schools in Australia undermine society 1-2
Just suspended from Interfaith Online 1-1
Christian Aid 1-3
Heartless HART, Archbishop Denis Hart. Melbourne, Australia 1-1
Roman Catholic Brainwashing 1-1 4-4 6-1
Ute beauty: $1.5m to promote Jesus 1-1 1-5 2-4 2-5
Bibles in children's desks 1-1
Australian Atheist Convention - Melb 2010 16-2 16-4 16-7 36-9
Derail from Aussie Atheists' Convention Thread. 1-2