List of Postings of User A Monkey Shaved

What's your favourite bit from the bible?? 3-2
People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 44-8
The Historical Jesus - Did He Exist? 50-10 100-4
What is the story behind your username? 47-5
Asperger Syndrome 9-8 10-1 13-4
Apocalypse 2012 44-6 49-2
Atheist Tattoo 22-4 24-10 25-2 25-4
The Top 10 Atheist Songs 19-9 23-1
Are there any Atheist Martyrs? 5-3
Are you on Facebook? 16-8 20-2
Why isn't theism a mental illness????? 63-6 64-6 76-9
Atheists caught having sex in cathedral confessional 7-1
Pornography 21-3 33-9
Do you think Incest is wrong? 99-7
Large Hadron Collider 38-4
Do atheists believe in alien life? 31-4
Atheist Jokes 30-1 30-3 30-5 30-8
Good Jokes Needed! (Part Two) 19-7 19-8
Facial Hair 12-5
Theists Failed My Daring Challenge! 9-4
Remote Viewing 10-4
Why God Exists 10-5
Reincarnation and it's evidences 4-2 4-5
UFOs and Science 25-4 95-3
"What do you want written on your tombstone?" 13-10 15-1
Abortion and atheism. 65-9
I intend to survive my own death! 13-3 13-4
Atheism root of all evil. 4-1
The subject of HELL 22-3
Death 5-3
Personal Identity Thought Experiment 4-5
Do people here believe in the soul? 2-7
Are we supposed to understand the Bible? 7-4
Do you visit the cemetery? 2-4
Poll;What is the most ridiculous religion? 7-4 8-7 9-8
Abiogenesis / Origin of Life [split] 16-1
I am new 1-1 1-3
Putting the "dog" into dogma 1-1 1-4 2-1
Died for our sins- what does that mean? 3-8 5-9
Creationists to EDIT ORIGIN of SPECIES - THEN Distribute! 11-9
The ambiguity of God 1-1
Does time exist without consciousness? 1-1
Reincarnation.. 4-1 4-3 4-5 4-7
Go the Mighty Saints! 1-1
Is 'agnostic' sometimes code for 'closet theist'? 1-9
Man Claims to See John Lennon In Hell 2-7
The "Born-again" religion - a growing threat to civilization 1-7 2-7
Any good atheist hymns, anthems, songs etc? 1-1 1-9 2-1 2-6
State allows religion to reward deliberate liars 1-1 1-4 1-7
Atheists most hated group... 1-9 2-6 4-1
Rational Suicide? 3-10
Invincible ignorance is the problem with creationists 1-1
Pantheism 2-10
feng shui 1-1 1-7 1-10 2-2 2-4
Taking things on faith alone? 1-6
woo energy 1-1
Witnessing a dead body shed tears. Help me debunk it, please 1-5
Christian Here! 61-4
Am I a fundamentalist? 3-5
Cryonics 1-6
Last words from death row? 2-1
Immortality 2-4 3-5 4-7 5-6 5-9 6-4 7-4 7-6 7-8 8-5
A failure of traditional Chinese herbal medicine 1-1 3-2
Clever hoaxes 1-10 2-2 3-4 3-9 4-2 5-1 5-4 5-6 6-1 6-6 6-9 7-5 7-9 8-2 8-4 9-2 10-2 11-2 11-4 12-6 12-8 13-10 14-8 15-2 15-4 15-9 16-2 16-10 17-2
Are theists more chartiable than atheists? 4-2 6-3
How Do Believers Redeem A Failed Prophecy! 4-8
christians behaving badly 6-2
Do you enjoy Haunted Houses? 2-1
Creationist Jokes 1-1 1-4 1-8
Do You Pee in the Shower? 2-5
Biggest Dicks 1-2
Bible passages some Christians do not want you to hear. 1-1 1-4 1-7 2-9
Do you ever miss God? 3-7 3-9
Religion offending disaster victims - again! 1-1
Songs of Praise on BBC 1 1-5
Atheists and death 5-6 5-9 7-7
Anyone here been defriended on facebook by being atheist. 1-1 1-5
I can prove that Jesus produced miracles. 13-2
Benny Hinn Can't Get In. 1-2
What is it about religion that disgusts you the most 4-9
Astrologers treated like religious gurus in the media. 1-1
Why do theists just stop at one god? 1-1 1-5
Why not to attack cross dressers. 1-9
What is the point in afterlife? 3-3 3-7
Near death experiences explained? 1-3
science in islam 4-2 4-7 4-9
Do You Have Atheist Jokes for Theists? 2-6 3-1 4-4 4-7 4-9 5-2 7-6 7-7 12-8 12-9 13-1 15-8 15-10 17-5
Supernumerary nipples and breasts 1-1 1-3
Does God Have A Penis? 5-1
Help me! My girlfriend is a creationist believer! 7-3
Most Atheists Believe In Morality 7-1 13-1
Non Belief in Evolution - A Requirement of Church Membership 1-5
Have you ever fixed anything? 4-4
Collective nouns for atheists etc? 1-1 1-7 2-3 2-5 2-10
"Jesus Died For Your Soul" 1-5
Awareness of Death 1-10 2-2
Christian Atheism, Oxymoron or what? 1-1 2-6 2-10 3-4
Why is logic true? 5-8
Death 2-7 3-4 3-8 5-3
Reading the Bible 1-6
Buddhist Doctrine of Rebirth - Opinions Please 3-6 4-4
Sleep paralysis 5-9
Woo Derail From "Alien Life" Thread 2-9
The letter J - ban it! 6-2
Loud music 2-5
You'll Never Know 12-6 12-9
Convincing a Creationist 4-3 6-1
I am a Deist 20-6
In the Mind of an Autistic Artist 1-3
Why did Moses break the Tablets? 10-5
Vile atheist quotes 2-7
I Have Seen the Light! 2-2
Hell 1-4
A Victory: Bob Schindler is dead 2-6
Why I cannot possibly believe In God 1-1 1-3 1-8
Santa Claus 1-3
There probably is a god! 3-3 3-7 7-6 9-6
I Am 100% Certain There Is No God 3-7
Does "hell" bother you? 6-2
Proving God using reason. 70-6
The worst religion ever 1-7 1-10 3-5
Image of jebus appears on pickup 1-10
How do you behave in religious family gatherings? 1-9
Is Anyone Else Tired of The Twilight Craze? 7-4
Altruism 1-4
If God existed would atheist obey him? 22-10
Science Is Murder? 3-3
As an atheist, what do you tell young kids about death? 2-8 3-8
99% of murders are commited by atheists 5-6
What is art 2-8 4-1
My un-economical universe theory of "God" 1-1
Is Consciousness Stuff? 4-6 6-3 6-8
Creationists that use the internet are hypocrites 1-1
Austrailan Parlimentarian claims Scientology is criminal. 1-3
The Fermi Paradox 1-10
The most frustrating thing Christians say... 1-3
Stay away from my kids, Richard Dawkins 6-10
The Concept of Self is an Illusion 35-4 35-6
Does Man Deserve Hell? 4-3
Asperger's Syndrome and resistance to indoctrination 3-9
The most pivital moment for the rise of Atheism 1-1 1-9 2-4
The accomplishments of creationist science. 1-7
Who's Autistic Now? 4-7 5-4
How far do you go with Xmas? 10-6
Proportion of ex-theists here 16-8
‘War on Christmas’ News 25-6
Pantheism 6-6
1,000 mph Car Closer To Being Built 4-6
How did you became Atheist? 19-1
Things you wish were true. 8-7
Evidence for God from Personal Experience 28-1
Exercise 3-2
Atheists returning to religion 12-6 14-5 14-8 15-2
How do you define God? 7-4 7-8
Why do people find religion comforting? 7-4
Atheists and snoring... 8-3
Evolutionists cant explain this 15-8
Safest place in an Earthquake? 3-1
Upcoming film: Waiting for Armageddon 1-8
Teabagger? Uninsured man dies using Bible to heal himself 2-9
The Great Lisbon Earthquake killed God 1-1 1-3 1-7 1-9 2-2 2-5 2-7 2-10
Top 50 most non religious countries 3-8 4-2
Safran gets crucified 1-4
Atheists are more Just and more moral than theists? 2-1
More New-Agey Woo? 1-3
Atheists, how many people have you raped and murdered? 3-2
Being ostricized for being an atheist... 3-2
How true do you think the Bible is (I)? 1-4
How true do you think the Bible is (II)? 1-10
Al Qaeda offers "apology" 2-9
virgin birth 8-1
Have you been debaptized since you are now an atheist ? 2-4 2-6
Why was Jesus crucified? 11-3
Australia's first saint Mother Mary McKillop 1-1
Charles Darwin did not swing me to atheism. 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 2-4 2-6
Richard Dawkins to be featured on Elders with Andrew Denton 1-1 1-4
The best was for atheists to celebrate Xmas 1-1
What is the coolest animal from an evolutionary perspective? 6-7 18-4
24% of Australians are atheist 4-2
Australian who has been dead since 1909 cures the sick 1-7 2-4 2-7 4-10
If God is creationist, then why this evolution 1-8
Vote no to miracles 3-5
Claims by Dalai Lama 2-3
What do you do when at a church wedding? 2-5
The Meaning of Life. 6-10
Baby without a brain reaches 1 year old 21-10
If atheism isn't a doctrine, then...? 7-3
Proof of Atheism 11-8 12-2
So tired of people making excuses for God 1-1 1-6 2-2
Good-bye ‘pope on a rope’ 3-1 3-4
Merry Santa's Day. 4-2 4-5 5-6
whats wrong with heaven? 6-1
Christmas for Christians only question 1-6
Hello all, my story 14-7
Interested in Philosophy... 2-8
Atheists who celebrate Christmas ITT 2-5 3-3 4-8
Where do we come from? 2-10
Scientific Pantheism 1-1 1-6 1-8 2-3 2-6 2-8 2-10 4-2 4-4 4-8 5-4 5-6 6-3 6-6 6-9 7-8 7-9 8-1 8-6 9-1 9-3 9-5 9-9 10-7 10-10 11-5
How do you calm down? 7-10
I Hate Christmas! 1-8
Are you superstitious? 7-7
When were the first atheists? 1-4 1-7 2-2 2-4 2-6 3-8 4-8 4-10 5-2 5-6 6-3
Mobilizing To Spread Atheism 1-5 1-9 2-6
Tsunami: Where was God? 5-4 5-8 5-9
Tsunami: Where Was God? Channel 4 documentary 2-2 2-7 3-2 4-10
Atheists In Middle Age Europe? 3-5
Atheists still can't explain the miracles of JESUS! 2-7
Another "path to atheism" poll 4-3
Another "Is There A God" poll 1-4
Imagine if We could prove that God Doesn't exist 2-7
The Origin of God 1-9
Atheist Ireland blasphemes — new Irish Blasphemy law 1-9 5-1
Unborn souls! rubbish 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-8
What the shit is this? 1-6
"Avatar" film anti atheist? 10-5 14-5
Would You Rather Stop Existing Or Be Reincarnated Forever? 2-9 3-8 4-3 4-7 5-1 5-4
Definition of God 1-5 3-3 4-2
fallacy question 1-5
Is Intelligent life self-sustaining? 1-8
Atheist day 2-6 2-10
Me, my theory how I got here. 1-1
strangest rituals/ beliefs? 1-6
Do you fear death? 1-2 1-7 1-9 4-1 10-9 11-2
Do miracles happen? 3-10
4 year old boy, at church, killed by stray bullet... 7-10
Chreationists claim Newton? 1-8 2-1
Swearing (Bollocks!) 5-7 6-3
The Past, The Future 1-4 1-7 1-10
Atheists: Why Live? 2-3
Thoughts on Spiritual Atheism 2-7 6-3 6-5
Is consciousness observable? 6-4
Challenge to Atheists: HEAVEN 5-5
Is it moral to kill ? 4-1
Are there any athesists AGAINST gay marriage? 27-5
Are homo sapiens losing their strength? 1-1
Is the Loch Ness monster dead? 3-5
The Destropic Principle 2-1
Nearby potential supernova 1-1
Atheism is a Fad 5-2
How do you know there is no God? 12-4 79-5 92-5 99-9 100-8
Can someone explain Atheism to me? 3-3
Who's the most influential Atheist in modern times? 1-1
The Name of God 2-7
do you love mary ? 5-8
I dare you buy this shirt! :D 2-6 2-8 3-4 3-6
Heatwave in Australia 1-1 1-4
Believing in God - But not the Bible 3-9 4-5
Evangelist preachers & their "miracles" 3-5
why Richard Dawkins doesn’t debate creationists 4-1
Reasons for Atheism? 8-5
Mag 7.3 earthquake + aftershocks hit Haiti 3-1 3-2
What do you think about 2012? 5-2
7.0 EarthQuake in Haiti is part of gods great plan 6-1 6-5 7-3 10-10
Pat Robertson: Haiti paying for "Pact to the Devil" 3-9 4-10 5-3
The day Man created god 2-10
Beck Asks Palin About God's Role in Her Life, Country 5-1 5-2
Atheism is a religion. 3-6
"I'll Pray For Haiti" 1-10
Which is more dangerous SCIENCE or RELIGION? 11-8
Pope claims atheism has caused global warming 8-3
Haiti scene reminiscent of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake 1-1
The Sanctity of Marriage - Is Adultery Immoral? 41-6
Your favorite Atheist Philosophers? 8-2
Kill Them or Kill Yourself 15-9
"In god we trust" is offensive 3-6
Not one psychic predicted a major Caribbean earthquake 1-1 1-10
Failings - do you have any? 21-8
Haitians with a "Battered wife syndrome" faith in their God 1-1 1-6 1-10
how did morality come into existence? 2-3
Mind vs Brain 39-7
Will i go to heaven? 4-8 5-1 5-10 6-4 6-6 6-9 7-6 7-9
Accidentally injured a kid at work today 1-10
If you believe in miracles, then god is a jerk 1-10
What happens to the intellectually disabled? 3-9
Why does god allow natural disasters? - Haiti 4-6 4-10 5-4 5-7 15-4 16-10 22-3 23-9 27-7 27-9 28-1 30-4 30-5 30-9 41-8 42-2 42-10 45-5 45-6 48-3 49-6
If you were an atheist in 16th century Rome would you? 1-1
the philosophy of time travel 1-3
reincarnation = creationism 1-5 1-6 2-10 4-9 5-3 5-5
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 3) 29-10
As an Atheist how do you get over fear of hell? 3-8 10-9
The Soul 3-8 4-3 4-10 8-1 14-6
Oprah speaking with atheists in Denmark 4-2
Dr Phil's "Heavenly Father" god 1-1 1-7 2-3
Alternative names for atheists IV 3-4 3-6 3-8 4-3 6-3
Atheism as a faith 15-10
What would you ask God? 2-5 2-10 3-6 4-4
URGENT help needed with a death in the family 3-10
Carbon bias? 4-6
Consciousness Survives Death Part 2 23-2 23-4 24-8 25-1 25-3
God and Devil 4-6
The Dogma of Atheism 17-1 20-1 22-1 22-4 22-5
Home circumcision kit 3-4
atheism: a belief system? 8-1
Atheism disproving 'prophecies' 1-8
Is our suicide rate terrible? 1-5 2-3 3-7 4-7
The Lord's my shepherd! 7-8
A Parallel universe where God exists? 3-9
Help me reply to this facebook comment 2-4
Mother Teresa? 1-5
Should I have the right to choose my own time and way to die 10-2
The Fear of Death 5-2 5-8 6-7 7-3
The Afterlife 1-2 2-2
Atheism and the Afterlife 2-10 3-2 4-2 5-4 5-6 5-9
Atheists don't exist 18-8 19-4 24-3
Examples of the Benefits of Christianity 6-5
Were Mao and Stalin really atheists? 3-1
Do you love this planet? 4-1 4-6 5-7
Morality? 1-7 2-5 2-7 3-10
These people are "evil" 1-1
Jesus Christ has the highest IQ ever recorded 3-6
how does an atheist come to believe in God 2-2
Have you ever been to church? 9-2
God bashing threads. 11-5
Opening a new window with a link. 1-1 1-5
Atheists Converted to Religion? 2-9
Cat can predict death 3-1 3-3
Do you ever wish you believed in god? 3-3 6-4
Atheist Tattoos. Any Good Ideas? 3-5
Why does god allow natural disasters? - Haiti. Part 2 6-4 7-9 8-6
Ghosts? 3-3 4-2
Blind since birth and visual near death experiences 1-4
Irrefutable proof of The Resurrection 1-7
can you make a holy book up? 4-6
Temple Grandin --- HBO Bio Pic 1-3
Gay Atheists 6-4
GOD EXISTS! 22-2 23-3 30-5 30-8 32-2
I'm a Creationist now. 2-8
The downside of atheism 1-7
"in god we trust" 1-7 1-9
What is Outside of the Universe? 8-7
Old Universe Problem for Atheists 3-6
I'm going paintballing this weekend. Indoor game 2-6 3-2
Songs to die for? 1-7
Global Atheist Solidarity Day June 21 1-9
If Atheists Went to Heaven 1-8
The atheist 10 commandments 3-5 3-9 6-10
Rational mysticism 1-6
The 50 Most Brilliant Atheists of All Time 2-3 2-9 3-1 4-4
Bill O'Reilly: Proof of Afterlife? 3-9 5-10
Abstain from belief 2-2 2-4
Voltaire quote 1-4
How Autistic Are You? 7-9 15-1
A former UFO believer 1-1 1-6
What is the difference between Solipsism and Idealism. 1-1 1-4 1-6
Near-death experiences? 1-3
Creationism and Lunar Craters 3-7
Evolution's 50 Freakiest Animals 2-8
Correlation between atheism and Aspergers? 3-6 3-8 5-3 5-7
A 6000 Light Year Radius (or diameter) Sphere 3-6
The theory of evolution is not scientific. 4-9
A Saint or A Mystic. 4-10
Might Neanderthals still be alive? 2-5
Why I'm not an atheist 11-8
Australia's first saint Mother Mary McKillop, date set. 1-1
POLL: Should Biden Display His Ash Wednesday Mark In Public? 3-6
Did Neanderthals have souls? 1-2
Evolution's smoking gun(s). 1-1 1-3
The Dr. Kent Hovind appreciation Thread 2-2
My funeral plan 1-8