List of Postings of User Serdan

Free Will III 39-7
Help Science to help you, volunteer your spare CPU!! 15-1
Evolutionary origins of religion. 9-10 11-3
Reincarnation ? 9-6
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 84-9
Evolutionary word game - simplicity to complexity 53-10
How many of you have NEVER been religious? 3-5
'Lo, peeps! 1-1 1-4 1-7 1-9 2-2
Evolving into.... 1-2 2-2
Please extremist come here and talk! 1-3
Looking for non-bible readings for a wedding. 1-3
The case of beer 1-7
My Ten Commandments 1-8 2-3
Benign Religion 1-5 1-9
Scientific Proof Atheism Requires a Belief in Miracles? 1-6
Race/Intelligence 21-7
South Park: Cartman Sucks (Reparative therapy episode) 1-9
Fear, why? 1-4
Do you fear death? 7-7
Is there a better word instead of the word, "atheist'' 7-1
What Kind of Atheist are you? 5-2
A Question about Atheists and Ethics 4-1 4-5
The console war. 2-7
If you could receive personal empirical evidence... 1-6
Google Earth 1-5
If you were omnipotent, could you do a better job? 1-8
One true faith - Which one would you choose it to be? 1-5
Will you worship God if he exists? 10-3
The Supreme Test 3-7 3-9 4-1 4-5
Great Quotes about religion... 2-5 5-1
Vestigal fear of hell. 3-1
The Firmament - "proof of God" 3-8
"religious" or "mystical" experiences? 1-6 2-9
Sex before marriage? 1-2 1-9 2-6 3-5
Can religion be rational? 1-5 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-5
A message to all Atheists 1-6
Believing Scientist/Engineer 6-1
Am I a slave? 1-10
Why should Theists have all the fun? 1-5
So does Atheism have a code of morality? 1-10
Should there be an official response to 'Expelled" 21-4
Atheists Against Abortion 36-10 37-2
Games to Teach Evolution Mechanisms 1-8 2-1 2-5 2-6 2-8
Favorite Gods or Goddesses 10-1
Bdelloid Rotifers 1-10
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 12-4
Concerning "The Creed" 1-4
Anthropomorphic Evolution? 4-5
Is the devil bad? 3-9 4-1 5-3 5-4 5-6 6-2
THEISTS - Why do you Believe in God? 2-1 2-3 5-9 7-4 8-9
Prayer as comfort 3-1
In case you wondered why not Zeus: 1-2
Religous viewpoint 1-4
A Little Mind Game for Theists 5-10 7-4 7-5 7-7 7-9
Did you jump any "moral" fence thanks to atheism? 4-1
Muslim asks - "What's wrong with Islam?" 9-3
Armour of God? Get Kids Suited up to Fight the Heathens 5-10 6-2
Saudi women had more rights at the time of the Romans than 2-4
The Power of Prayer 1-5
Convert me if you can! 4-9 5-3 5-10 7-1
A secular alternative to religion 2-7 3-1
Top 3 Atheist Reasons... 5-6
My Mother Has Left The Watchtower!!! 1-4
Evil 10-7 11-10 13-4 14-4 14-8 16-5 17-1 17-2 17-4 17-8
Is the topic of atheism ever inappropriate? 1-8
Has atheism affected your choice in music? 1-8 1-10
Is Islam the problem? 2-5 2-10 3-2
Loved ones who are theists 1-5 1-8
What do you say... 1-2 1-4
Religious People Will Never Get It 1-5
Holy potato found 1-2
I made a decision: Leaving Islam for Atheism 1-2 2-1
Christian Intellectual 2-5
'Respect atheists', says Cardinal 3-3
Credo: what I believe? 1-2 1-7 2-3 2-8 3-8
Islamic court says Muslim convert can return to Buddhism 1-2
Discussion With A Theist 1-5 2-1
Thought Experiment. Would you give blood to a fundamentalist 5-4
Survey: What Do You Believe? Using Dawkins' Likelihood Scale 2-8 4-7
Was there a Patient Zero in the spread of the God Virus? 2-2
Cult killed baby because he was a ‘demon’ 7-3
Weddings & Religion (almost a tantrum) 3-5
Unsure theist seeks to be "converted" 1-7 2-1 3-1 5-2 5-7
I need help convincing a friend that religion.... 2-3
If I was Pope 2-6
Former adult star Erica Campbell finds Jesus 5-2
the tooth fairy is dead: I have killed him 1-7
Question about ghosts and supernaturalism 1-7
God Squad Co-worker Hell – Advice Sought Please 3-8
Religion of Love and Hatred 1-5
God Neutered? 1-2 1-4 1-6
"but evolution has never been observed..." 1-3
Alternative names for atheists II 52-10 93-1
Mail-boat record 'proves Darwin stole his original ideas... 1-7
Genetics-challenge for Creationists 11-3
The drunkest you've ever been 5-4 7-7
An Evolutionary Simulation 1-2 1-4
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 18-3 18-5 19-1
Another noob question about evolution 1-2
I got a question 1-8 1-9
organised atheism 3-1
The Need for Church? 1-5
The nature of the Christian God 1-2
What do you do when logic leads to a dead end? 8-3
Unhappy people watch TV, happy people read/socialize 1-8
Wasting Time (for atheists) 3-4
Why not start a new Religion? 3-2
I Think - Is "atheism" meaningless? 1-1 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-10 2-1 2-3 2-6 2-8 2-10 3-2 3-3
Child circumcision to be banned in Denmark? 3-4
How are we going to get rid of religion? 4-1
Smart people don't need morals 2-4 2-6 2-9 3-1 3-3 3-5 3-9 3-10 4-3 5-2 5-4 7-1 7-10 8-1
Islam Denounces Terrorism 2-8
14: too young for sex? 1-4
how far is to far when teaching kids about your faith? 4-5
Confessing Our Prejudices 12-9
So, I've given it a good few years of thought... 1-9
Religious belief is viral and harmful? 1-7
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 17-6 17-8 18-2 47-9 48-2 49-3 49-6 49-10 50-2
Is it a cop out? 28-8
What is the Most Effective Method of Curing Religiosity? 3-3 3-5 3-7
Afraid of Being Wrong 4-3
Flogging a dead horse? 2-6
heaven or hell 3-6
Escaping Agnosticism 5-1
Humanist ad campaign in Sweden 2-1
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 22-6 32-3