List of Postings of User Dal8077

People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 44-4
The ARCHITECTURE Thread 8-7 9-2
Favourite YouTube Videos II 90-1 91-3
Alternative names for atheists III 40-5
The million gods project 50-1
Cheers! 6-6 9-9
Who created God? 17-7
5 word story (Part 3) 94-2
The God Delusion is BS! 8-10
Word Association XXXVI 86-1
Son of Image Game 20-3 21-4 22-9 23-3
New Member: "The Ultimate Proof of Creation" 15-3
Summary of Ultimate 747 argument? 4-3
The Person Below You (Part 11) 75-2
"What do you want written on your tombstone?" 9-8 15-4
Imperfect Design 1-3
...Then, Who Created The Creator? 2-1
Hello From London 1-1 1-6 2-1
Hello from Egypt 1-9
GOD's Tree of Life Poster 1-1 1-7 2-3
Jesus, and god's DNA 1-7
A Universe Becoming Conscious of Itself 1-1 1-3 1-7 2-5 3-6 4-1 4-4 4-8
Is the Universe Coconut Shaped? 1-1 1-6
The subject of HELL 13-10
Funny Pictures: Take Two 9-4 9-5 9-7 9-10 10-1 11-6 12-6 12-7 12-9 14-5 14-6
there is no god,but ALLAH 7-6
Why does Dawkins wear a tie? 1-5
Christian Here! 93-5
Defining Evolution 7-2 7-4
Evolution And Religion 11-10 13-8
Is dismantling & destroying another persons relig unethical? 28-8
Why so many Atheists are in the closet 4-6
Addiction to God 2-9
Evolutionist... 6-2
Debunking woo... 3-9
Craig: Atheists Must Shoulder Burden Of Proof! 3-5
It was HOW big? 2-5
The size and shape of the universe ? 1-2
Everyone says something nice about the person above them 22-8
Caption the picture 32-6
Post-reading depression 2-9
Death 3-3 4-4
CBC: The world's most famous atheist 2-10
Could you put a car together? 4-10
Why Doesn't Life Evolve Anymore? 2-4
Reading the Bible 2-7
Dinosaurs on the ark 2-2 4-4 4-5
Drunkest Guy Ever 2-4
The illusion of `constellations`- help me debunk astrology 12-8
Evolution of belief 2-3
*holds up white flag* 1-9
Tough guy creationist - unbelievable... 4-4
'Proof' at last! The bible is true 2-1
Virginia man arrested for nude cup of coffee at home 1-8
3000 and rising 1-5 1-6 2-6
Need help debating Creationist. 3-2
God is Dead 1-9
Best Halloween Costume Ever? 1-7 2-3
What's Your Favourite Action Figure? 1-1 1-5
God Exists 1-9
Help Refuting Theist Logic 4-8
Creationist Presentation 1-3 1-5 1-6
Do you ever question your intelligence? 6-7 6-8
End of British Summertime. 2-2
Why you should learn 3-2
Is There An Intrinsic Conflict Between Science & Religion? 4-6
Has the center of the Universe been established? 2-6
Awesome macro insect shots 1-5
BBC News: Darwin teaching 'divides opinion' 2-4
Richard's funny banana man impression 5-7
No more kosher elevators [lifts] 2-9
Why the religion 'bug' bites so hard? 1-5
My kid scared about evil spirits 2-2
I am a Deist 4-3 17-9
If Jesus did Rise From the Dead, So What? 2-5
Why Jesus was dead for three days. 1-4
Are we as atheist as cats? 1-3 3-4
God exists - photographic proof! 7-1 7-3 7-4
Any good Wicca forums? 1-8
Global Flood -Is There Concrete Evidence? 3-8 5-3
A Universe From Nothing? Maybe So. 3-10
Proving God Right Here Right Now 10-6
Why Richard Dawkins is Wrong About God 3-4
Hey Atheists 1-7 2-3
Paying ppl with Genetic Diseases to abort & be sterilised 2-10
How is life formed from non-life? 3-8
Dawkins and Design 1-9
What Atheism brings... 5-10
8000 and I completely missed it! 1-10
How did you end up going back to atheism? 3-3
I Am 100% Certain There Is No God 3-10
Adam and Eve in the Friend Zone 1-8 1-9
Which do you have most belief in...? 1-9
The Dawkins/Sagan Effect 2-8
How many books are in your queue? 2-5
The first honest creationist 4-2 4-4
What does an atheist get for Chrimsmums? 3-2
Has your belief or lack thereof always been the same? 1-5
Proving God using reason. 3-2 3-6 5-1 6-2 27-8 55-2 57-1
T-Rex was British? 1-4 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-10
Angry Atheists? 2-3
'A History of Christianity' on BBC4 tonight (UK) 1-1
The "God" Game 6-9 9-2 9-7 11-4
Are there atheists/rationalists who really fear death? 3-5
Hello from wet Wales 1-2
The Quotable Atheist: Ammunition for Non-Believers... 1-3
"If U want to stay an Atheist don't watch this video" 3-4
Why is intelligence so rare? 1-6 1-10 2-6
5 Word Story (Part 4). 48-3 50-5
As an atheist, which religion most appeals to you? 11-7 12-2
Do you fold your book corners? 5-5
Would you go to church for a girl? 7-3
The Myth that there is no debate in the Scientific Community 26-2 29-2 29-6
Too fat to graduate or get on a plane? 21-9
An Act of God 1-8
How do you define God? 4-2
What would make an evolutionist believe in a creator? 38-3
Atheists and snoring... 8-5
Forum is boring at times 1-4
What's your highest level of education? 5-2
"We are descendants from apes..." 1-9
New look for Saudi daytime TV 2-1
Have you been debaptized since you are now an atheist ? 2-3
Kiwi god in bed row 3-2
Tsunami: Where was God? 5-7
Show us your bookshelves 11-7 12-2 12-5
Twenty Ten or Two Thousand Ten? 4-5 4-8
If you were a German during the Holocaust........ 11-2 11-5 11-6 11-10
Is consciousness observable? 31-10
Calilasseia You Are SO Wrong! 5-8
If you could have a superpower what would it be? 5-2
atheist comebacks 3-9
How do you know there is no God? 5-8
Can someone explain Atheism to me? 2-9
Why has Science not killed Religion 4-9 6-1 10-5
Back to Basics! How Do Creationists Explain Dinosaurs? 4-3 4-9 6-3 6-8 6-9 7-9
What job would you never do? 10-5
Believing in God - But not the Bible 1-5 1-9
What do you think about 2012? 5-4
Does atheism have an agenda? 3-8 4-7
Get communion Wafers and Astro glide 1-5
Refuting the atheists 3-3
Fossils Disprove Evolution??? 1-8
POLL: 5M Years Into the Future: Will Science Trump Religion? 3-8
Attraction and Attractiveness 24-3 27-10
agressive atheists alienate people 20-2
Has Human Evolution Stopped? 3-4
I always ask this question to creationists 2-4
What is 'woo'? 7-5 7-7
Will i go to heaven? 2-6 4-3
The consequences of a global flood for aquatic life 1-5 2-2 2-9
An Always Existing God 46-1 46-3
why are caucasian feature different 3-10
Are You Exhausted Running The "Rat Race"? 6-2
With no proof, there is a 50/50 chance god exsists Part II 17-3
An Always Existing God. number 2 1-7
As an Atheist how do you get over fear of hell? 8-1 8-2 10-5
The Soul 4-2 4-4
Oprah speaking with atheists in Denmark 2-1
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... any others? 4-9
Alternative names for atheists IV 9-1
Collective consciousness 1-6
IgnoramusSeekingEnlightenmentAssistanceAppreciated 2-4
Atheism as a faith 10-3 13-1
Life, a disappointment Part 2 4-7
The Bible: A History - Channel 4 - Now (UK) 1-3 1-7 2-1 4-9 6-10
What would you ask God? 2-6
Holy Trinity 1-3 1-8
AA Higher Power 1-4
URGENT help needed with a death in the family 1-4 4-4
Help! The scale of the Universe 1-5
Design an atheist flag 3-8 4-1 4-3 4-5
Why are atheists so smug? 6-2 6-5
Is religion a good system of controlling masses? 1-9
Noah's Flood debunked 5-3
If Jesus came tomorrow, how would we know it's really him ? 3-7 3-10
What if I'm wrong? 3-8
A Fundamental Question To All Supernaturalists 2-8
How excited are you about Apple Tablet? 6-4
Are Jews the Chosen Few? 2-2
Why are Atheists so Humble & Tolerant? 3-2
UK Atheist Foreign Secretary sends Son to Xian School 1-5
Why Religious & Esoteric Fascination For "Ancient" Wisdom? 1-3
Anyone with diabetes expriences here? 3-7
Do the Atheists drink milk of the cattle, eat eggs of hen? 15-1
Calling all atheists 3-6
What happens to my dog when I'm Raptured? 2-3
Are we evolving? 1-2
Noah's ark was circular 1-3