List of Postings of User Oddish

The Historical Jesus - Did He Exist? 20-7
Reason is Futile 2-6 4-6
Discussion With A Theist 8-8 9-5 9-10 10-3 10-7 11-1 11-5 11-9 12-7 13-5 13-8 14-7 15-3 15-8 16-2 17-1 17-10 20-1 20-2 20-8 22-3
Ask your Christian fiends, where's heaven? 3-9
Did the Buddha exist? 1-9
Should we prosecute theists who threaten hell fire? 7-10
Homosexuality and the Bible 10-2
cell - irreduacble complexity 4-2
Mass Closing of Catholic Churches in US 10-8
Hitler a Christian? 27-5
Would you become a Christian if there was evidence? 11-4
What is God then? 8-1
Another Hateful, Bigoted Preacher 9-9
False Deathbed Conversions 2-1 2-7
I Believe You Will Got to Hell if You Don't Accept Jesus 8-2 10-4
This is how someone decided to end a debate with me. 1-9
The Sun Will Rise from the West 1-7
Saying Grace at meals 1-7
Teen Suicide: Who is Responsible 1-9 2-3
Peace/Hell Experiment 2-8
worst religious symbol ever! 1-5
God and his gang of mischiefs 1-3
ten signs you are an unquestioning Christian 1-6
Proselytism is Healthy 1-2 1-8
Creepy Christian child indoctrination poster 1-10 2-3
The Monkey Judge 1-3
Poll: Raelism Vs. Scientology - Which is More Appealing? 1-6
Is Prayer immoral? 2-1
Why was Jesus born when he was? 1-7
Why didn't God find a proper job but only a carpenter?????? 2-4
Do you consider religion to be a form of brainwashing? 3-8 3-10
School prayer group anyone ? 2-3
Bibles in children's desks 1-4
The subject of HELL 2-10
God is not the only explanation! 1-7
Why I won't read "The God Delusion" 5-7
Where does Sin come from 1-5
Darwin kills god - the movie 1-5
Why Send Your Only Son To Save Your Robotic Creations? 1-10
Poll;What is the most ridiculous religion? 5-2 5-4
Ridiculing religion.....does it work? 4-6
Can/should religious symbols be banned from public schools ? 2-1
God is a materialistic atheist 1-7
F'ing NASCAR. 2-4
Have you ever met/heard of a creationist evolutionist 2-3
Died for our sins- what does that mean? 1-7 10-4 10-6
Are all religious people really religious? 1-5
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 4-9
A World Without God 2-7 3-1
Has anyone ever been converted to Christianity by... 2-4
Nobody really believes in religion anymore... 10-7
Is Christianity The Least Original of Mainstream Religions? 1-8
Christian Apologetics Make Idiots out of Learned Men 1-4
The "How Best To Open People Up To Atheism" Thread 2-2 3-2 3-7
What's The "The Devils Playground"? 2-9
Would You Take Extreme Measures? 1-5
A father calls his atheist son a satanist 2-6 2-9 4-9 5-1 6-2 6-7 7-2
Which version of the christian bible to read? 2-5
Why Did Jesus Drive Out The Money Changers? 2-7
Crusades 1-2
I'm Satisfied The Bible Is Fiction 2-7
The right of not to be offended !!! 1-8
Atheists are angry at god 3-2
CS Lewis & sin 1-2
Examime yourself 2-5
Gideon Came to Daugther's School Today! 2-8 3-8 4-3
Would You Hide Your Atheism To Keep Or Save Your Marriage? 3-8
What are the best answers for these common theist questions 1-8
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 3) 23-8 23-10 24-10 25-5