List of Postings of User Millefleur

Apocalypse 2012 41-5
Has A Mythical Beast Turned Up In Texas? 4-6
BRAG BOOK *brag about your kid(s) in here* 36-3
"him that pisseth against the wall" 2-10 3-1
Show us your tits! 6-6
Pornography 22-2 22-5 22-8
"The Skulls that Demolish Darwinism" 6-5
The Bird Thread 70-5 70-7 70-9 71-1
LOST 14-6
Parents Defend Child Beauty Pageants? 4-8
What's your (first) name? 14-4
Indigo Children? 4-6 4-8
Alphabet Game VII 70-9 71-1
Abortion — part III 28-3 28-6 29-1 29-8 29-10 30-3 31-9 32-3 32-8
Richard Dawkins against new science curriculum 3-2
Ctrl v ... 11-3
Son of Image Game 21-1
I wish U would stop calling me a trolling poe! 5-6
Why Atheists Are Blind...... 36-4 36-7
Hello, I am a Christian! 18-8
I have an idea 4 cancer research..I maybe on to something 1-2
How do you deal with christmas? 1-8 3-2 4-3
Hello from South East England 1-1 1-5
Gay vs Atheist 1-9 2-10
The Six Questions For Richard Dawkins: 6-1 7-8
Legion of the banned 1-2
A nice little quote from someone at Rapture Ready.. 2-10 3-9
Christening of my daughter 1-8
I am all that is 5-7
Flood Killed Babies 2-2
Father Wants Public Caning for Malay Woman Over Beer 1-3
How do atheists grieve? 2-4
A question for Richard and others 3-6
Ute beauty: $1.5m to promote Jesus 1-4 1-7
The comfort question 1-2
Atheism? 3-3 3-7 5-7 6-9 7-1 9-2 10-3 11-4 11-6 13-3 13-7 14-5 15-3
Surely dawkins cant get it this wrong? 1-2 2-2 2-10 3-2
Another Hateful, Bigoted Preacher 3-1
Is scientology different from other religions? 1-7 1-9
Muslim Superheroes 1-5
Richrd Dawkins and child abuse. 1 2-7
Smoking Dope 1-10 2-2
Why don't black folk adopt white kids? 1-4
What's The Most Beautiful Music You've Ever Heard? 3-5
Roast and Baked Potatoes.... 2-10
Eh? 1-1 1-4 2-9
Pigeon Breeder 1-3 1-6
I will kill you with this Jeebu$ trash from Mississippi 1-3
And you though metal was satanic..... 1-2
Okanogan teen's faith-healing death under review 1-3
Did Texas execute an innocent man? 4-7
The Big Bang Theory (TV show) 3-1 5-1
Your usernames 7-4
Dara O'Brian on Creationism 1-2
Sexiest Accents 8-3 9-10 10-5
Large, round, well shaped breasts as good indicator of... 6-10
The Who are you Thread 1-10
A plea for a new book .... 1-3
Unlikeable People 1-4 3-7 8-6
Funny Pictures: Take Two 10-9 10-10 17-6
If you designed the human body 2-3
I'm A Humorist -- Example of Snail Mail 1-6
there is no god,but ALLAH 2-6
Children 4-2
Texas death row inmate appeals to Londoners 7-2
Where were you on September 11th, 2001? 4-6
Do you visit the cemetery? 4-3
5 year old asking about evolution 1-9
Evolution film too hot a potato for USA 2-8
Italy Grapples with Priest Sex Abuse 2-6
"Earthlings" - a tale of speciesism 3-9
Family indoctrination 1-8
Making Reading Interesting? 1-7
Lost in Translation 1-9
Beyonce 'a Freemason' 1-1
Obama proposing a shorter summer vacation 3-4
Dawkins' Delusion 9-8
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? (Part 5) 26-8 31-9 32-2
Golden Crocoduck voting has begun! 5-10
Richard Dawkins on the Bill O'Reilly Show october 9th 2009 23-2
Two die at US spiritual retreat 2-4
Exploitation of British accent in US 8-7
What's For Dinner? 9-4 10-6
Trivial Embarrassing Things About Yourself 3-3
'Naked' Scanner Airport Trial 6-4 8-9 9-10
BNP to consider non-white members 1-4
Louisiana Judge: No Marriage License for Interracial Couples 1-10
'Elim International' 1-1 1-2 1-5 1-7 1-9
Woken up early by acute, horrible pain all over my body 1-3
Now bras unislamic; public whipping of women 1-9
"Jesus Died For Your Soul" 3-4
Internal monologue or the voice of god? 1-4
Manslaughter? Really? 1-3
A few questions from a discussion with a creationist 2-3
Post-reading depression 1-3
Latest stupidity from Rapture Ready 4-4
Crazy Scientologist Vid 1-7 2-1
Death 1-6
I love you all! 2-4
Chupacabra in the Creationist Museum 1-3
Could you put a car together? 5-8
BBC Panorama: Reduced to a four-letter word 5-7
grrrrrr 3-6
A Bitter Rift Divides Atheists 2-3
What newspaper do you read? (UK) 3-7
Music that makes you smile 1-10 2-2 3-4
Where the Wild Things Are 1-3
Easier to be gay than an atheist? 1-7
Drunkest Guy Ever 1-6
How Pro-Choice Are You? 1-7
The Green God Exists! One True God, Praise be to God! 1-2
How Many Hours Do You Sleep On Average? 3-2
Give Me Your Sex!! 3-6 3-9 6-10
Your Favorite _____? 1-2
Talk To God, Right Now! 4-8
'Proof' at last! The bible is true 1-6
Islam is reforming 3-8
Support Christian Porn! lol 1-8
Being Atheist in Religious Sex Ed at a Public School 2-1
So I was bored... 2-6
Is this poll pointless? 3-2
Do you ever question your intelligence? 7-10
What do you see in my avatar? 5-3 5-4 5-7
Asshole things you do 6-6
Hi from sunny but cold Essex 1-4
Pensioner homophobe shaken down by rozzers 2-4
Made a wager with a 2012 gimp 1-2 2-2
The 'Magnasexer' 1-1 1-4 1-7 2-3 2-7
Why has the site gone all white, fractured and strange? 1-6
leashing your kids. for or against? 2-2 2-9 3-4 3-10
Texas polygamists: 5 in custody 2-4
Texas: Muslim veil shopping ban 2-1 2-4
Talking about Xenu offends Scientologists? 1-6 3-4
My kid scared about evil spirits 1-7
Preschool 1-4
Boys Forced Into Sex Slavery In Afghanistan 1-4
If Jesus did Rise From the Dead, So What? 1-6
Refusal to use the "Quote" function 6-2
Is it possible for god to commit suicide? 2-9
Why Are So Many Celebrities Scientologists? 3-4
It seemed like a prediction... but you knew better 3-5 3-7
Why do humans have sex in private? 5-8 6-1 6-4 8-4
Puppy kicked to death? 11-8
Train Whistles and Car Horns 1-8
Proving God Right Here Right Now 7-7 12-3
Hey Atheists 2-2 2-5
Lemonade - hic 1-8
How Long Before Christmas Is Just A Word? 1-5
Ethical Hunting; Shooting; Guns; Animal Husbandry; etc... 3-1 4-10
How is the UK viewed abroard? 4-7 5-2 5-6 5-8 6-10 7-5
Early human infants 1-8
House move horrors 1-2
New product idea 3-7
POLL: Should transsexualism be performed by the NHS? 2-8
Human/Pet Bonds 1-3 1-5 1-10
Who will admit that they like country, folk, etc. music? 9-10
Is the Big Bang a Reliable Theory 3-2
What does an atheist get for Chrimsmums? 2-7
Saudi paedophile to be beheaded and crucified 4-2 5-3
Has your belief or lack thereof always been the same? 1-4
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist at times? 1-3 2-2 2-3
Conversational taboos 3-10
Religious indoctrination in UK schools 3-9
Horse intelligence (or lack of it?) 1-10 2-7
Teen Vogue Features Pregnant Cover Girl: Moral Panic Ensues. 1-7 1-8 2-7
Youtube users - dprjones threatened 1-3
Polygamist sect leader convicted of child sex assault 1-5
[1 in 20] UK kids think Hitler 'was German football coach' 1-2 1-4
Somali adulterer stoned to death 3-3
Michael Jackson Live Seance Sky 1 Derek Acorah 1-6
How do these organism just know to evolve? 3-5
Christopher Hitchens and Sir Stephen Fry vs. The Catholics 1-2 6-10
Horrendous Lag 3-10
All Praise besleybean 2-6
Foods that bring you to the verge of throwing up 2-5
Bad faith awards 2009 1-2
We're Stirring the Cosmic Soup: A Quick Retort to Atheism 1-2
Anne Widdecombe on female ordination 1-2
The incredible morphing god 1-3
Hell is more interesting than heaven 1-2
What would you do if you were Pope? 2-9
Beating muslim wives is ok - video 1-2
Adam and Eve.... 1-9
Claims of sex abuse by women increase 1-5
Why are Christians intolerant? 5-7 5-9
Is it bad if one of your friends is an award winning author 1-9
Jesus walking on water explained 5-2 5-10 7-7 8-1 9-1 9-6 10-1 10-3 10-9 11-10 14-1
Vegetarian Chat 2-7
Bunnies get tailor-made penis transplants 2-8
You seen this? 1-9
‘Victoria’s Secret’ to invade Britain 2-1 4-7 4-9 5-4
Another angle on the Banana argument 1-1
What Book(s) Have You Recently Purchased? 1-3
Noisy sex woman loses appeal bid 1-2
‘God hates fags’ church picket Obama kids’ school 5-4
Favorite Comic Strips 1-3
CREATIONISTS-READ THIS [Creationist discussion derail] 1-6
Vatican Looks for Signs of Alien Life 2-4
Have any of you experienced hallucinations? 1-5 2-2
Anal Leakage... 1-2
Mass medication - Flouride in water, folic acid in bread 1-10
How we can allow people to pretend to be educators like this 1-4 3-1
Time-line = 49 Generations 3-9 5-5
Where is this thread? 1-8
Alternative to TGIF? 1-5
New Theme Park - The Holy Land Experience! 1-3
About declawing domestic cats 2-2 5-3
Ex-Pastor Ted Haggard Holds Home Prayer Meeting 1-6
Disfigured newsreader for Five (Channel 5 UK) 2-6
Pictures of Thy Pets! 2-9 3-2
UK straight couple want civil partnership 2-8
My Dilemma 1-3
Adjust ye riggin's 2-4
Atheism Offers What? Nothing. 1-3
Just picked up a copy of Comforts Origin of Species 1-10
University of Utah Under Attack of Ray Comfort 1-6
Refusing to Place Children w/ Gay Couples 4-7
Mohammed the pedophile prophet 15-4
Swearing (Bollocks!) 7-6 7-9
Name my hamster thread. 6-1
Creating a Super Intelligent Breed of Dog 3-1
Hundreds of Proofs of God’s Existence 2-5
Mag 7.3 earthquake + aftershocks hit Haiti 5-10
Fluffy atheists 1-3
About sheep and goats 1-10
Why do foxes kill chickens they do not eat? 2-7
What movies have you watched recently? 5-4 6-10
What would it be like to be severely mentally handicapped? 1-6 1-8
Religion percentage breakdown UK 1-10
Lazy or Creative JW? 1-2
US Healthcare Vs NHS 9-3
Home births linked to higher death rates 2-6 3-1 3-2 3-4
Attraction and Attractiveness 5-4 10-1 10-6 13-4
Paid holiday allowance in the US 8-8
And it only costs $13.95 1-5
Post your godless beasts here! 1-7
If you believe in miracles, then god is a jerk 1-2
What happens to the intellectually disabled? 1-3
Why does god allow natural disasters? - Haiti 9-6 10-5
Religious Prostitution in Islam 2-1
New BBC series: How Earth Made Us... 1-4
Does Anybody Play Farmville? 1-10
OK, Guys, Admit It: Do You Really Care About Your Dick Size? 5-2
Vestigial features 1-2 1-4 1-8
Edlington torture attack brothers detained 2-1
Atheism as a luxury 1-3
Would You torture a baby to end world suffering? Part 1 48-10
Atheist movie/tv/cartoon characters 7-7
That Super Bowl anti-abortion ad 4-3 4-10
Is David Cameron the right person for the coming job? 3-10
Home circumcision kit 2-6
'You did it yourself in nine months' - a book for children? 2-2
Westboro Baptist nuts to protest Twitter, other Sf sites. 3-1
Westboro Baptist Church's Parody of "Poker Face" 1-2
Sheer Arrogance Of Theists 1-1 1-7
"Spray-on glass"? 1-2
Kids Say the Darndest Things 2-3
E-readers don't SMELL like books! 4-4
Hello from the South Coast, UK. 1-6
A person litters and you ask them to pick it up, they say 2-3 2-9
To All Americans - MESSAGE FROM THE QUEEN 3-1 3-4
Is Childhood Obesity A Form Of Child Abuse ? 1-7 1-10 3-10 4-2 4-7
By The Bible, What Does Your Life Mean and to Who? 1-7
Is "Excessive" TV Viewing Detrimental To Children? 1-5
Are Montessori Schools Effective? 1-3
'Cause Ray KNOWS... 1-4
Mafia Game #1 - Game Thread 13-3
David Cameron: Church should accept gay equal rights. 1-2 1-4
Anyone here watch Glee? 1-2
Noah's Ark-God, Giraffes & Genocide 1-5
Private Catholic School 2-5
C4 "The Bible: a history" - Ann Widdecombe 1-9
Snowmageddon or Snowpocalypse? 1-5
My theory on why men like women with big breasts 1-9
An honest question 1-7 2-3
On Mormonism, the spirit, truth, and other things. 1-3
Sikh kids should be permitted to wear daggers to school 1-2 5-2
4 year old daughter waterboarded: Not really torture... 1-2 1-5 2-7
crisps are made of plastic 1-2 1-4
Exorcism chapel opened in Mexico 1-5
calls to ban menstruating ghost film 1-5
Do you see that the Communists often come back to religion? 1-4
I'm a Creationist now. 1-2
A huge oarfish was caught on camera 1-2
Looking for great evolution poster/s 1-3
i officially defected from the roman catholic church today, 1-2
Muslim asks court to let in second wife 1-3
Bride hid her beard under niqab 1-2
China ban on dog meat draw angry outcry 2-8 3-2
Anyone here ever found a fossil? 1-6
Help with reply to creationist waffle please! 1-1 1-6 1-7 1-8 4-5
Why is it taboo and prohibited to eat human flesh? 3-4
My first run-in (albeit indirect) with a creationist parent! 1-7
Why do I like the smell of my farts? 1-3
Airport Body Scanners Violate Islamic Law? 2-6
If Atheists Went to Heaven 1-7
Women: be submissive 3-1
Lapdancing clubs face new rules 1-4 2-5 4-3
Misheard Movie Lines 1-6
What have you said to JWs at the door? 3-7
Online sex game is aimed at teens 1-2
Baby P's Stepfather Injured in Prison. 1-5
Girls saying "Mom and Daddy" instead of "Mommy and Daddy" 3-6
Broadcaster Ray Gosling admits mercy killing 4-6
Sarah Palin complains about Family Guy Down's reference 3-8 3-9
Palin's whining again... 1-3 1-5
Do the Atheists drink milk of the cattle, eat eggs of hen? 3-7 3-9 7-4 12-4
Worst Christian vid/"rock" evar 1-8
Elton John: Jesus Was Gay 2-10
Do atheists like the colour blue? 2-2
Ear Candles: Risk of Serious Injuries 1-3
Muslims turning to home schooling in increasing numbers 3-5