List of Postings of User sforza

Fiction 3-5
Best first line of a novel? 22-6
Do you think Incest is wrong? 85-9 88-8
As an atheist, some religious things I like. 59-5 59-6
Speed reading? 4-7
Favorite Bad Movies? 10-7
Homeopathy on animals... 2-3
Cool idea for an atheist bumper sticker 4-8
A very lucky atheist says hello! 1-1
Books That Made Better Movies Than They Did Books 8-10
Confirmation name??? 8-1
Giving up Smoking, any ex smokers out there. 5-6
What's your favorite Drug? 10-3
Another Hateful, Bigoted Preacher 3-2
9 movie 2-7
The Closest You've Ever Been to Believing. 1-6
Profanity 1-6 2-7 3-3
Abortion and atheism. 16-4 22-1 27-5 30-1 37-5 38-8 39-8 41-5 43-2 44-4 45-6 49-5 49-7 50-4 93-4 93-6
Best movie - ever? 7-5 7-9
Show off your scars 4-8
Writing in your Books 1-8 2-4
Unlikeable People 5-8
If you designed the human body 2-6
Derren Brown to predict Lottery 2-9 5-1 6-2 15-5
Do you agree this was in bad taste? 5-4 5-8
"Earthlings" - a tale of speciesism 1-8
Stephen Fry/Ann Widdecombe debate in London 3-7 9-4
Intrigue and manipulation 1-1 1-5
Artists' poll: your favourite medium? 1-6 1-8
This Youtube Christian belittles atheists 1-2
It isn't just me, is it? 1-2
Psyleron? 1-4
I'm not an atheist ... but what am I? 4-5 4-8
Nobody really believes in religion anymore... 5-10 8-5 12-5
Intellectual Property: Patents & Copyrights 27-3
Pseudonyms on blog and forum sites 3-10
I have waited my entire life for this. 2-3
In Gah.....We Trust 2-2
Make-up: Yay or nay? 3-7
Outed by accident and stupidity 2-4 2-10
Tim Minchin video need help to find 1-3
Top 10 similarities between the Religious and Liberals 2-4 4-1
Who's your favorite artist? 1-6
Youtube's worst 1-3
Most Atheists Believe In Morality 5-3 7-4 7-6 7-8 7-10 12-7 12-10
Trivial Embarrassing Things About Yourself 14-1
'Naked' Scanner Airport Trial 5-1 5-6 9-9
Have you ever fixed anything? 1-10
Anti-Transgender Petition Signer Arrested As A Toilet Vouyer 2-3
The illusion of `constellations`- help me debunk astrology 5-10 7-7
Give Me Your Sex!! 3-1
Why you should learn 5-5
Gay marriage ‘womens’ fault’ 1-7
People Watched Gang Rape Of Teen And Did Nothing To Help 18-4 24-8 25-2 25-9
Yearn for simpler times? 3-1
most boring topics in the universe 5-1
What makes people so negative. 1-4
Atheism and Reality 4-10
Childfree Movement 4-9 5-7 10-9
Poll: How do YOU like your coffee? 1-8
My friends want to go skydiving 1-6
Forum Style 3-8
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist at times? 8-4 9-3 10-2 21-2 22-4 23-3 23-8 25-6 48-5
Why do we waste our time here? 4-6
Favorite "bad" singers 2-1
Foods that bring you to the verge of throwing up 10-10
Why is feminism still important? Please help. 15-1 15-7
Vegetarian Chat 27-4
2012- the movie 4-8
I Hate "Common Sense" 2-3
Criticism of Malta 3-3 3-9
Do you fold your book corners? 6-2
the African-American Princess and the Frog 6-7
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist? (Pt II) 14-2
Looking for translation of "Am Turme" 1-1 1-3
atheist Christmas 3-2
Don't have to read RD's Delusion book 60-1 65-4
Dawkins, Watson, Jackman Worship and other Stuff 2-3
Is Atheism boring? 16-5
Hyenas 9-3 9-9
Avatar Chat 18-7
Atheistic expression in the arts - what forms would it take? 2-4
Catholics killed Dark Materials trilogy 3-8
Offense 1-9
Do You Hope You Are Wrong? 20-10
A Fly in the Ointment 2-6
Another "path to atheism" poll 3-5
I am an Atheist AND... 2-4 5-6 5-10 6-2
Will Full Body Scanners Stop Terrorist Attacks? 4-5
Online Identity 14-4 21-9
Hacker cracks Turkish mosques' sound system 2-4
UK, the land of depravity? 2-10 3-7 4-3 8-3 8-4 10-9
I'm easily forgettable 1-8
Weird Wedding Wishes 1-1
Port-au-Prince or Port-au-Prince? 7-1 7-7
Becoming Forum Member - does criteria breed trivia? 6-5
Feminism - Do atheist men treat women better? 21-9 22-2
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 3) 21-3
Reverse Sexism II: 10-6
Mental Images of Each Other! 12-4 13-1
Movies You've Seen So Many Times You Could Recite Them 7-2
Women say some rape victims should take blame - survey 31-5 37-7 38-4
Vote on a fully elected House of Lords 2-10
Condoms should carry health warning say catholics 7-1
Being alive 1000 years ago... 2-4
Reviewing the personal attack / insult criteria (part 1) 11-5
Plane slams into Texas IRS building 7-3 7-5 7-8 8-2
Mafia Game #3 - Sign Up Thread 13-2 13-9 16-10 23-1 23-4
Mafia Game #3 - Game Thread 3-4 3-6 9-5 9-10 20-8 25-9 26-2 28-4 29-2