List of Postings of User Miri

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 16-7
Best atheist videos 6-7 6-8 6-10 7-3
Atheist T-Shirt Designs & Slogans 13-1
Marriage 7-7
100 Reasons Why Being An Atheist Is Great!!! 21-8
Why Is This Mutilation Permitted? 3-10 4-5
Dawkins - Cult Leader or Figurehead? 6-8
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 9-2
People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 10-1
What are you currently reading? 70-8 70-10 72-2 78-10 80-4 82-6 89-1 94-3 108-1 108-6 108-8 112-4 173-9
Dawkins on South Park 25-7
Musicians? 5-8 12-3 12-6
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 12-8 14-10 16-4 16-8 17-4 17-6
Creationist Museum - Kentucky, USA 15-2
Sexiest female 20-10 25-1 31-5 32-1 35-5 37-6
The Dawkins Delusion - the book 7-5 7-7 9-2 9-3
Favourite Dawkins Book? 3-10
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 17-7 18-2 22-5
Michael Shermer on being too confrontational 5-10
Music At Your Funeral 8-9
The Blasphemy Challenge 21-2 26-7
Atheistic quotes 12-6 12-9 13-3
Christian forum sites 1-9
Death 4-8
Are you a happy atheist? 11-7
Women's mind's how they work 18-1 18-3
Average IQ for the forum 9-2
Ravi Zacharias 1-2 1-6 2-1 2-2 2-9 3-1 3-2
Richard Dawkins 'stumped' videos... 4-6
Your view on abortion w.r.t. to you having/not having kids 17-4 17-7 18-2 18-5 18-9 19-3 19-8 20-10 21-3 21-6 22-5 22-6 31-9 32-4 74-6
YouTube - 8yr Old Atheist - Bill O'Reilly 6-8
10 CD's to a desert island 7-1
Truth for Youth' - religious propaganda aimed at children 3-5 4-6
Alistair McGrath caught rummaging through Dawkins' bins... 11-1
What is the story behind your username? 12-6 12-10
How do the wackier christian cults view each other? 2-9
HPV Vaccination. Assaults Morality. Promotes Promiscuity. 2-4 2-7 2-9 5-8
Feminism and Atheism 3-3 3-5
Richard Dawkins very popular at ex-muslim forum 2-4
First impressions of TGD 2-4
Thank you Alister McGrath 2-5 2-9 3-3 3-8
Using deception to proselytize 2-10 3-1
Atheists Who are Not Fans of Dawkins? 7-7
Being Good 3-3
Have Christians ever made you angry? 2-6
Should religion be taxed? 3-4
Atheist Fundamentalists 8-10 9-4
Books "rebutting" Richard Dawkins 1-2 1-4 1-8
What made you a fan of Richard Dawkins? 1-1 2-1 2-8 3-10 6-10
Sheikh Hamza Yusuf on Richard Dawkins' God Delusion 1-2
What is offensive? 1-5
On "The Great Beethoven Fallacy" 1-2 3-4 3-8
What if God "really existed"? 2-1
Why do people hate Jews? 8-7 8-10
How does God know He's God? 1-5
Violent Christian Homophobes 2-3
Mother Teresa 1-3 1-7
Lets be real here. 4-9
Stop Mocking My Religion God Damn It! 3-2
A fundamentalist atheist 1-6 2-5 4-1
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 1-2
Chopra weighs in 1-5
Does the USA need faith to distract people from corruption? 1-7
Flag Worship 1-4 2-1
The P-Word: Our Ultimate Taboo 3-3
Richard, is this story about you true? 3-9 4-7 4-8 8-9
morality, sexuality 1-5 1-9
Religious Fundamentalism a Good Sign? 1-3
May God Smite You Franklin Graham! 1-6 1-7 2-5
Five Most Damning Bible Passages? 5-5 9-6 11-7 11-9
19 year old multiple rape victim sentenced to 90 lashes 3-6
Dawkins shows us just how amazing religion is! 1-2 1-4 1-7
The Observer - "Do lighten up, Dicky Dawkins" 2-2
What do you hate? 6-3 8-5 8-6 10-5 10-10 11-2
Shouldn't we all be terrified of Heaven? 1-8
What do I need to know to read The Blind Watchmaker? 1-6
What turned you off to religion? Question from a Christian 3-8 7-9 8-6 9-7
Faith in rationalism? 3-1
The term "faith-head" 1-5 1-7 1-10 2-4 2-6
Atheism in America 1-8
Christianity and the ZEITGEIST 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-9
Atheist's have a sense of humor too. 2-5 2-6 4-8 5-9
What do you Love? 2-9 3-7
Testament of an atheist? 2-6
Borders keeps Intelligent Design titles in Science section 2-2
Who's offending who? 1-5
Galapagos Premiere 1-2
Working on a new argument for Christians, want feedback 1-6
101+ reasons why we love RD 1-2 2-9 2-10
Race/Intelligence 2-3 4-1
I will pray for you. 2-8 3-1
More Injustice from the Church 1-5 1-9
"Unsexiest" male or female 1-1 1-3 1-6 2-4 4-4 4-5 5-2 5-5 6-3 6-4 6-9 7-3 7-4 7-8 7-9 8-7 9-2
which makes you feel more precious? evolution or creation? 2-2
Atheists More Educated 5-9
Atheist Onion article (funny)! 1-2
Atheist Attacked in Toronto 1-5
Lame Joke Thread - Give us yer best shot! 14-1 14-5
O'Reilly flips his shit man! Crazy fool 1-7
Richard Dawkins vs. Alister McGrath: recent debate 2-1
Dawkins on Bill O'Reilly 14-1
For American Idol Sanjaya fans 1-8
Theists weakests arguments 8-4
The 'Stupid Things Celebrities Say' Thread..... 1-9 2-4
How old are you? 4-1 10-1 10-4 11-6 12-6 12-8
Goin' for to hear some preachin'! 2-6
What do you think about deism? 4-5
Should the Horoscope/Tarot industry be banned? 13-1 13-6
Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort Full Banana Episode 8-2
Honestly - did you have a HAPPY CHILDHOOD? 11-6 11-7
Which (anti/a)theist is your favourite? 1-6 3-1
When people say "Thank God" 5-7
Redemption and Morality 2-1 2-2
Indoctrination 3-5 4-2
Pissing off the theists. 1-9
Dawkins for Satan? 1-4 1-8 2-10 3-4
In praise of men 1-2 1-3 1-8 1-9 2-1 3-3 4-5
Creationists debunking themselves 1-2
Richard Dawkins on George Stroumboulopoulos 1-3
An annotated version of Dawkins/O'Reilly 2-9 3-1
How do I raise my child if I'm an atheist. 1-10 2-1
Questions For Someone To Answer 2-1 2-3
Why ain't monkey giving birth to humans right now? 2-7
The Atheist Bible 2-2
Militant atheists 5-7
Ron Luce / Battlecry / Acquire the Fire 1-1
"It's true for me." 1-5
New Atheists 'unable to challenge religion' 3-5 4-1 4-2
3 most hated things. 3-2
Four kinds of Atheist 5-2
Dawkins as God 4-3
Introducing a Religious Richard Dawkins 8-8
Atheist comedians. 7-6 7-7 7-8
You guys are missing out... 10-7
Atheists with Bibles... 6-8
Cool quotations 5-10 7-2 7-5 7-9 8-1 8-2
Religious family members. 2-7
Jerry Falwell Dies 13-8
Theistic arrogance... 3-8
Respecting theists 7-3 7-8
10 Reasons America is Approaching a Golden Age of Atheism 2-4 2-6
Gender bias in the media 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-8 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-8 4-2 4-3 7-6 7-8 8-1 8-3 11-5
Former Theists??? 7-9 8-1
An Observation on the Atheist Population 4-1 4-7
What would you say? 7-6
Are you introverted or extroverted? 3-4 3-8
Poll on Atheism on Christianity Today 4-4
So, I've been invited to a debate with theists. 3-6 3-7 4-5 4-10 5-2 5-4
I think I like a hymn. 1-10
Is morality subjective? 3-7 4-3 4-5 7-2 8-3
The Problem of Evil - arrogant theistic viewpoint 2-2 2-3 3-5
Bill O'Reilly and Kirk Cameron 4-3 5-5 5-7
The Theist Bar & Grill (all welcome!) 11-9 13-8 15-8
Country music and god 1-4 1-7 2-2
Atheists with Superstitions 2-5 3-8 4-9
What Do Atheists Want!? 1-9 1-10
Are these pictures of women offensive to you? 3-2 3-6 3-9 5-3 5-7
Man Thoughts Versus Women Thoughts 2-8 3-7
For any Rush fans out there.. 4-2
Responding to the "I'm Sure God is Scared" article 1-6
Women and Religion 1-5
Making a new and better religion 2-7
Attention all Atheists!!! 9-7 says the atheist 1-6
Stumped by a Christian #2 (this one is very hard) 3-9 5-9
Atheist Indoctrination 5-5 5-10 6-3 6-10 7-4
What I am afraid of 5-4
Music for smart folks? 2-5 3-2 4-2 4-6
Once a Muslim, always a Muslim. 1-10 2-2
The Atheism Bandwagon? 1-5 2-4
Are Atheists [true Atheists]...... 4-2 4-4
Interview of McGrath by Dawkins 4-5 5-3 5-10 6-4
The quality of debate on these forums . . . 2-1
why do atheists have no power? 2-5 3-3 4-2
I am an evil genius. 1-9
The Simpsons Game 3-7 4-3
Dumb Dawkins Quotes 4-4 8-1 10-7 11-8 11-10 14-1 14-10 16-4
Does having black skin in your ancestory bother you ? 3-3 4-1
Another twist on atheists and morality 1-2 2-4
Would you like if there was an afterlife 3-6 5-2
Greatest movie of all time 6-2 6-4 7-8 11-1
The Atheist Moral Concern. 1-9
Feminist science? 1-10
Sexism (A "reasonable?" Discussion.) 89-10 90-2 91-9 94-9 94-10 97-5
Barnes and Noble 3-9
Is Dawkins a philosopher? 7-8 8-4 8-7 8-10 9-3 9-6
What Kind of Atheist Are You? *Quiz* 4-6 4-8
Do priests abuse because they have lost their faith? 1-3 1-8 4-1 4-5 4-6
Atheists: which faith were you raised with? 4-6
Living in a family mixed between faith, and aethiesm 1-4
Why do people believe in such a cruel God? 1-9
Father found guilty in honor killing 2-3
Anybody in America Watch "Moral Orel"? 1-2 1-3
Fear of Death 1-6
Richard Dawkins defined by Wikiality! 1-1 1-7 1-10 2-5
The True Purpose of the Bible 4-2 4-4 4-8
Hypothetical scenario: You are a god. 1-8 1-10 2-3 2-6
Baptists see atheist books as sign of panic 1-2 1-6 2-10 3-9 3-10 4-7
Those Dumb Atheists! 1-4
The Devil made me do it! 1-3 1-6
Do atheists/secularists do less for charity? 3-3 3-4
Your most important philosophical influences? 2-5
Something I didn't like about "The God Delusion" 3-7
Where do we get our ethics from, if not from Religion? 4-7
Who's Afraid of Relativism? 1-2 1-4 1-6 2-8 3-7 3-10
This is why we "respect" religious beliefs. 1-1 2-1 2-6 2-10 3-3 3-7 3-8
Most annoying thing a believer has ever said to me. 1-9 3-2 5-3 5-10 6-3 7-10
journeys to atheism/humanism 1-2 1-3
Why is life precious to an atheist? 2-2 4-8 5-4 6-2
Abortion and morality 1-6 1-7 2-1 3-10 4-3 4-10 5-5 7-1 7-10
What to do with your corpse 6-9
Best Act of Moraility 1-4 4-5
God stole my Girlfriend 4-6 4-7
Theists say the funniest things 8-2 8-10 10-1
How not to "come out" at a family dinner party 1-10 3-6
4 Atheistic Fallacies 1-4 1-6 1-9
We shouldn't be selling atheism 1-1 3-2 3-6 5-2 5-5 6-10
So long and thanks for all the fish (and loaves) 1-2
Nietzschesbulldog 1,000 Post 1-9 2-4
Meaning of Atheist. 1-8
How I "discovered" Dawkins 1-4 3-7
Should discrimination based on religious beliefs be legal? 2-1
"Fashionable" Atheism 1-2 1-5
What is your position on same sex adoption? 3-2 5-4 5-7 8-10 10-4
Open letter to RD 1-6
Fox News report: Latest craze in American culture - Atheism 3-9 4-2
Moral Maturity: Morality without religion 1-2
This atheist movement is happening fast 1-3 2-4
Gibberish - For Sale! 2-2
How all Atheistic arguments, apparently, sound 'Trite'. 1-5
Poll: For "Born Again" atheists 1-9 4-1 6-4 7-1
Women and religion 1-7 1-10 2-2 2-5 2-6 2-10 4-1 4-2 4-3 7-1 8-5
Best religious satire ever? 4-9
The Trivial Event of the Day Thread 11-4
Atheism and Moral Faith 6-8
Meaningless religious statements. 2-1 2-4 4-9
Surely you cant ignore the 'goodness of real religion' ! 3-8 4-5 4-7 5-3 7-7
Where do atheists get their morals? 3-2
Who has best articulated your Atheistic point of view? 4-3
I might as well have called her a two-cent whore... 1-6
The Richard Dawkins Puppy! 1-3 1-8
Is it possible to be a believer and a free-thinker? 1-4
most annoying thing you say to believers 1-9
Liddle: Richard Dawkins is naive 2-2
Why do many atheists have so much passion for God+religion? 4-2 4-4 4-5 4-8 6-8 6-9 8-5
Burning Books : You Choose Three 4-10
An essay section for the forum 3-5
Atheism and mass murder 3-6
What Atheists Can't Answer 2-6
The Aaron SF 1000 Post Party! 2-3
Don't burn - read! 1-8 2-10
Are atheists selfish/self centred? 2-4 2-9 3-9
How to respond 3-6 3-9 4-3
The 'Happy birthday Miri' thread 1-6 2-3
Going to a discussion on religion...could use help. 1-9
Worst movie ever (reborn) 2-4 2-6
What is 'good' and 'evil'? 1-5
"Coming out" as a nonbeliever. 1-4
Getting a teensy bit dishearted ... 5-1
Re: Hey there Little Richard. 1-9 2-2
reasons to be good without god 1-4 2-4 2-6 2-9 3-3 3-5
"Atheists can't justify morality" is a MYTH! 1-1 2-1 4-1 5-7 6-4
Eye Candy. Is it so bad or immoral? 1-2 1-4 1-9 2-3 3-6 3-8
Not the Center of the Universe. 2-4 5-3 5-9
Political Views of Richard Dawkins 1-5
Somebody please help me with this argument: 1-2
The 'think of cool people who will be in hell with you' thre 1-1 1-6 1-8 2-9 3-3 3-9
I didn't say a word 1-5
Hello all 1-5
Who are your "Gods"? 1-7 2-1 2-9 2-10 3-3 3-8 3-10 5-5 5-10
Something I think we need to remind ourselves of here 2-7 3-1 3-3 3-4 4-4 5-9
Trust Issue: Secular Humanists vs. Atheism 1-3 1-9 2-7 4-3 6-10 7-4
The 'admit something embarrassing about yourself' thread 1-1 1-7 4-8 5-2 6-8 7-3 7-7 7-8 8-7 10-5 10-7 11-1 11-7 12-4 13-5 13-8 15-3 15-5 15-6 16-3 16-5 16-8 18-3 19-4 23-5 24-9 25-5 37-3 37-5 37-8 37-10 38-2 39-2 39-4
Humanism is more absolute than Godism. 1-1 1-8
Religious website calls for atheists to wear badges at all t 1-6
Daily reminders that there is no god 4-4
Who should be the next President of the USA? 2-1 5-2 6-1 6-3 7-2 8-1 8-9 9-2 10-2 10-5 10-8 11-2 11-3 11-4 12-7 12-10 13-7 13-8 14-3 14-4 15-2 15-9 16-4 16-10 17-2 17-10 18-1 19-8 19-10 21-6 22-5 23-1 23-6 23-8 24-2 24-5
Would a Muslim be offended if I gave'em 'God Delusion' as a 1-2
Weird things you've found in your dinner? 2-1
How not to behave at a funeral 1-10
My new 'Out' shirt (Funny) 1-7
Hello from the Island of Sin. 3-1 4-3 4-7 5-2 5-10 7-2 7-4
Are they any atheists who are anti-gay? 1-1 1-8 2-4 2-6 3-1 5-1 6-3 8-1 8-8 14-7 14-9 15-8 19-2 30-3 32-8
Why do rationalists always have the best arguments? 2-1
Chuck Norris Jokes about branding atheists... 1-2
Words/phrases you'd like to hear Dawkins say 3-5
Your Favorite Christians 1-1 1-4 2-10 4-1 4-4 4-9
Miri's 1000 Post Party!!!!!!!!!!!! 1-9 1-10 2-2 2-9 3-4
ColAbernathy's 2000th post celebration! 3-5
Vikki's 1000 post party!!! 2-7 2-9
Explain Your Avatar 4-4 4-9 6-3
Do atheists have any responsibility to religions’ refugees? 1-7
Who Begat Thee? 4-9
CNN's God's Warriors special 3-2
That Morality argument again 1-4
Any Atheist Please Read! We Need To Debunk This 3-1 3-6
Do even atheists dwell on God at troublesome times? 2-2
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 1-6 4-5 5-9
Why you are awesome. 1-1 1-5 1-8 1-10 3-9 4-2 4-6 4-7 4-8 5-7 5-8 7-3 7-4 9-8 9-10 12-2
What will God do when/if no one believes in him anymore? 1-9
Why you are mediocre 1-8 3-1 3-5
Isn't It Strange... (An Outreach To Atheists In Hiding) 1-3 1-7 1-10
Why are atheists so threatened? 8-3 9-1 10-1 10-3 12-4 28-10 34-8 36-4 36-6 37-7 38-7
It's hard being an Atheist, when God is so Good! 2-9
Who starts these 3000th post parties? Shaker is SO CLOSE! 1-8
Who do you idolise or admire and why? 2-10 3-10 5-8
Richard Dawkins is not a toaster. 2-2 2-5 2-8 5-3 5-4 7-5 8-6
Who is the funkiest person on Earth? 3-2
What to do with Atheists that reflect badly on the rest? 2-2 3-1
My birthday's coming up.. need help! 1-5
What did you cook tonight? 1-7
Religious morals and the 'yuck factor' 3-3 5-2
Would you deny your atheism under threat? 4-10 7-1
The issue of Abortion 7-4 12-2
The Picture Thread 17-3 17-9 20-5 23-2 23-5 47-1
The Picture Comment Thread 47-3 47-7 47-9 49-3 49-8 50-2 51-2 55-3 55-6 56-7 60-8 61-10
The three official stooges 2-6 3-7 4-2 4-7
Do you at least give credit to the christians who try to con 1-4 2-3
Worst Singer Ever 1-1 6-3 9-2 10-7
I can ... but I can't ... 3-9 4-1 4-7 4-9 5-5 5-8 6-2 6-6
Redhead day 2007 1-9
Who would you resurrect? 4-1
The breakfast you ate. 3-2 5-1
Do you need god to be "good"? 2-3 3-4
Hi, I'm Kelly in Fayetteville, NC 1-5
Post Parties 1-9 2-3
Thank you Richard Dawkins! 1-3
Crazy laws you would enact if you were king 1-1 1-8 3-6 4-6 5-10
misogyny 2-4 2-7 3-8 6-4 7-4 8-3 8-10 14-4 14-7 14-9 19-4 19-7 20-9 21-6 21-9 21-10 22-7 22-8 23-4 23-5 23-7 24-3 24-5 36-10 37-4 37-8 40-9 40-10 41-6
The biggest crime of Christianity? 2-3 2-4
Study: Sexuality Can Be Changed By Faith 1-4 3-7 3-8 11-6 11-9 12-1 16-4
"Congratulations,you've just murdered Beethoven!"arguments 1-9
atheists, Your problems are over! Believe in God Breathspray 1-7
Forum Conversations 1-2 1-6 2-6 3-4
What is your IQ and how important is Religion to you? 5-4
what great films should I buy? 7-7
Is Dawkins good for humanism? 1-7 1-9
Is atheism sexy? 6-2 20-2 21-3 21-9 22-7
2009, you are the new President... 4-4
Why do we care so much about animals and not insects? 8-3 8-9 8-10 9-2
Colwyn Abernathy 3,000 posts 6-10
Sam Harris: The Problem with Atheism 6-7
Dawkins the man 2-3 2-5 3-2 4-1
2,000 POSTS FOR FUWF 1-7 2-10 4-2
Why do we think rape is wrong? 1-2
Help! How do atheists explain their 'passion' 2-4
Muslim Medical Students get picky.... 7-10 11-1
[POLL] Justifying Your Morality 1-3 1-5 2-1 2-4 2-7
Thank you Richard and the Atheist Community. 1-4
Batting for Jesus 5-7
Economics of family life and social policy 1-3
would you marry anyone for money? if so, how much 1-2 4-5 4-7 5-9 6-7
Miri v. nigel_m12 - Son of "Batting for Jesus" thread 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 1-10
Is a womens place in the home??? 3-7 9-6
Male - Female atheist ratio 8-9 9-4 11-3 11-4 11-7 12-7 12-9 13-2
The "Cheer Miri Up" thread 1-1 1-8 1-9 5-6 7-1 7-8
Stephen Colbert on atheists 3-1
Liberals must die! 3-1
Sibling rank and Beliefs 3-7
How do people cope? 2-1
The perils of tolerance 2-7 3-1
I Think I Love ScholasticSpastic 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-4
The Childhood Photo Thread 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-9 2-9 3-2 3-7 3-9
Atheists Persecuted In The US? Comments... 3-8
1,000 posts for La Bella Fortuna!! 2-1
If Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens et al were superheroes... 1-2 1-4 1-6
A fundie gave me a book... 1-5 2-10
Do you date the religious? 1-3
Which books come the closest to being scripture for you? 1-2 2-6 4-6
The Reverend John Polkinghorne, Liar for Christ 4-8 5-1
The Noble Lie 1-9
Initiating a atheist secret society; choose a name! 5-9
Consciousness rasing on this here website. 1-9
“We are at war with all Islam” Ayaan Hirsi Ali 2-2 2-7 2-9 4-2 4-8
Christmas baking 1-4 1-7 2-8
I fail to see the misogyny 6-1
"Atheism's Wrong Turn" by Damon Linker 8-2 10-5
Whatever happened to? 5-8
If you had a daughter 11-3
I refuse to believe you're an atheist! 4-8
The satanic bible. 2-2
Dignity and choice, and how right-wingers DON'T GET IT!!! 1-1 1-7 2-6 5-4 5-5
I'm going to be the next hot atheist author. That's right. 1-1 1-5 1-6 1-9 2-2 2-3 2-5 2-7 2-10
Basically just here to annoy everyone 3-2
Do you love any fanatically religious people? 1-1 2-4
Difficulty Coming out 1-7
The solution to sexism. 1-1 1-6 8-5 8-6 9-5 9-9 10-10 11-4 11-10 12-1 13-4 13-5 16-7 16-8 21-8 21-9 28-6 28-8 29-7 31-1 36-10 37-1 37-2
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? 8-9
The next Dawkins? 3-2 3-4 3-6
Breathtakingly intelligent and wittily sarcastic letter 8-9 10-2
Atheism made me a jerk... 2-10
Something to amuse Miri 1-9
We're all very smart, however 4-1
Would you marry an agnostic? 2-2 5-5
A meme we must reverse! 1-1
If you dont study math 17 demons will torture you in hell 1-5
Mock funeral for Richard Dawkins 4-2
Did Prof. Dawkins really say this? 2-6 2-9 3-4 3-6 3-7 3-9 4-1 4-8
What if God is evil? 4-2
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 1-8
Women 'Treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen?!'..... 1-10 2-5 2-7 3-4 3-9
One of many problems!! 2-9
Is Atheism Easy? 6-10 8-5 8-8
What's the best purchase you've ever made and why ? 3-3
Intelligent Christians 13-4 21-3 23-3
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 10-2 10-5 10-9 11-2 11-4 11-9 12-3 12-7 14-6
2000 posts LordPasternack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2-3 2-5
is atheism depressing? 2-2 2-4 4-3 4-4
Queen appreciation thread 3-2
How Many atheists consider themselves humanists (the poll). 2-5
God Hates Women 2-10
"You shouldn't be reading that book" 12-1 12-3
Homosexuality 2-6 2-9 2-10 6-2 14-7 14-9 15-1 22-3 27-1 27-2 27-7 29-2 29-3
Atheism and purpose 2-3
Losing weight 22-7 23-1
Help me come up with some examples 1-1 2-1
Religious feminists 3-3 3-5 3-8 4-9 5-5
Sexuality is not a moral issue 3-7 3-9 6-5
Dealing with loss and fear as an atheist 1-9 3-9
Patience with religious people 1-1 1-3 1-6 2-1
What's your tolerance level (Religion)? 2-9
Ravi Zacharias, Moral Law and Moral Law Giver 3-10
Atheists Know They're Wrong 4-4
Need help from ex-christians 2-2
How Do I Answer This Retort? 3-4 3-10
Should Atheists openly come out? 3-7
Derail thread from 'nagging doubts' 22-3