List of Postings of User Brimstone

Will Richard Dawkins ever post to this forum himself? 6-1
Marriage 16-4
What are you currently reading? 24-4 62-10 94-5 95-3 100-6
Photos of animals. 33-7
What are the BEST TV shows in the WORLD?! 10-6
Abstinence IS the Best Method of Birth Control 29-9
Why are you an atheist? 5-1
Any fans of Patrick O'Brien here? 1-3
A question 18-8
Books that you just can't get through 8-5
10 CD's to a desert island 3-10
A new theory of climate change 1-6
Your first inklings that something was wrong with religion 6-7
atheism is a religon 39-3
What made you a fan of Richard Dawkins? 6-2
medical ethics 4-8 4-10
What the fuck is wrong with this woman? 3-4
Parasite causes host to commit suicide 1-4 2-1
We live in the land of biblical idiots 1-9
Silliest / dumbest atheist misconceptions 2-1
God Is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens 18-6
The Kickin it old school thread 1-9
He Who Has Ears Let Him Hear 2-7
Capsaicin help. Any chemists about? 1-5
How is religion comforting? 1-8
Declare your Faith: WITH MAD LIB! 1-3
Should women have equal rights with men? 25-6
A message to Gab, TheChampion, and the like... 1-9
Lame Joke Thread - Give us yer best shot! 2-3
Political Compass Questionaire 2-8
The Sound of Music - Why??????? 2-5
Kurt Vonnegut died last night 2-10
Re-run of poll about anti-americanism with more choices. 1-2 1-4
Favourite video game of all time! 8-6
HELP! Creationist trying to hi-jack physics! 1-2
Authentic American cuisine 1-10
Incorrect things they taught you at school 4-4
Why argue past the point of futility? 2-5
Geek Syndrome on the Boards. 1-9
Which saint should I bury in my yard? 1-1 1-10 2-1 3-1
Dawkins as God 8-4
Pullman: His Dark Materials / The Golden Compass 30-6
Scientology: reporter goes for jugular.... 3-9
Anyone else Played Elder Scrolls Oblivion? 4-5
Jung personality and faith 5-6 7-1
Suggestions for the Scientific Videos Collection 4-5
What would you like on your Tombstone? 5-7
Poems that keep you going 2-6
vacation bible school 1-1 1-5 1-9
Wrong foods 3-5
Most annoying thing a believer has ever said to me. 10-2
Who's The REAL Enemy? (Warning: Polemical) 2-3
Booze U Hate 1-7
Why I believe in 6-day creation 11-1 48-6 65-8
Nostradamus Prophecies - USA 6-7
How all Atheistic arguments, apparently, sound 'Trite'. 2-4
Miracles: the key to gaining Faith for non believers 10-10 11-3
Worst movie ever (reborn) 3-6
Old Timers Dungeons & Dragons Group(thread) 1-10
You've read the gospel, now get "Jesus The Action Figure!" 1-5
Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With 'Intelligent Fall 2-2
Have you read the whole bible (poll) 1-8
Simpsonize Me 5-7 6-9
End timers- should I be concerned? 2-4 4-4
What was the last movie that you watched? 14-8
How to Emberrass any ATHEIST. 13-6
Richard Dawkins is not a toaster. 8-10
It is We Who have Created you: why will ye not witness the T 2-8 4-2 5-3
African shaman performing levitation 5-4
Extreme weather news and photos,,earthquakes, fires etc 1-2 1-4
The issue of Abortion 11-1
What is it about God and the Bible that scares you so much? 5-5
Obesity Rate in U.S. Still Climbing 3-4
Who would you resurrect? 3-7
The Unarius Science of Life 1-1 1-3
The breakfast you ate. 3-3
the anti-science movement 2-10
Chicago 2-10
Kathy Griffin award blasphemy! 2-10
Ridiculous Virgin Mary apparitions 1-9
Crazy laws you would enact if you were king 2-9 3-5 5-4
What makes your day? 2-10
misogyny 2-2
Mitt Romney's Magical Underpants 1-7 1-9
Which are you? Poll. 4-6
what would you study? 3-6
Christopher Hitchens ... 1-5 3-6
Hello, from DeKalb IL 1-7
what great films should I buy? 7-9
Top Ten Reasons Why Beer Is Better Than Jesus 2-7
Personal Science Epiphanies 2-2
The Google Code 1-1 1-3 1-5
Believing Scientist/Engineer 7-5
Sheltered Atheist? 1-4
Challenge to Creationist - SPOOF THREAD 1-6
Religious right may blackball Giuliani 1-1 1-7
Boy Scout Wants 10 Commandments Displayed in Courthouse 1-10
It hasn't actually been a particularly good day 2-4
2007 Ig Nobel prizes 1-5
Hitchens' website sucks donkey balls 2-1 2-5
North Korean Propaganda films on YouTube 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7
Bacteria in Meteorites: Panspermia? Or Ejecta from Earth? 3-4
If Dawkins converted.... 5-2
Thomson, Hirsi Ali, Dennett, Hitchens, Harris, Dawkins AAI V 3-5
Answers to D'Souza 2-1
Enjoying a little schadenfreude 3-9
How would you like your coffee? 4-6
PROOF of a Young Earth! 3-5
The Childhood Photo Thread 5-6
PBS/NOVA on intelligent design - Nov. 13 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 1-10
You couldn't make it up, part 3,445,672: 3-1
1,000 posts for La Bella Fortuna!! 1-6 3-3 3-8 4-1
If Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens et al were superheroes... 1-9
When do you put up your Santa decorations? 4-4 4-7 5-6
Most depressing song 4-1
Very Mild Superpowers 9-6
Four More Posts and Bella's There! 4-3
Coping with death 3-7
A Vicarious American Thanksgiving. 2-9 3-1 3-5
Is death really the end? 14-2
Kitsch Christian-themed "gifts" 2-4
Musical Tesla Coils 1-1 1-4 1-6 2-6 2-7 2-8 3-1 3-7
Regional Food 2-8 2-10 6-1
Reminiscing about computing / technology 5-1
4,000 posts for Colwyn Abernathy !!!! 1-3 3-6 4-2
Lamest Creationist Argument Award. 6-7 8-5
Official Atheist WAR ON CHRISTMAS Scheming Thread 5-5 6-5
sick catholic funeral 2-1
So I've been discharged from the Air Force 2-2
Whatever happened to? 1-3 4-2
The Four Horsemen DVD by RDF now available 4-1
Christian knowledge culturally necessary? 3-9
books you re-read more than once 2-10 3-5
If everything fulfills a funtion, then should we to? 10-9
-TheCodeCrack- gets to 2000! 1-3
LOLDawkins 9-2
For fans of "Firefly" 2-1
Witnessing, preaching, etc. 5-10
What book has influenced you most? 1-10
Best first line of a novel? 2-6
3000 Posts for Cynocephaly! 2-9
So much for “no religious test” clause. 1-1 1-5 1-6 2-6 3-1 3-7 3-8 3-10 4-1 4-7 4-10 5-2
Room 101 1-3
What sport do you practice ...? 3-2
3000 posts for Calilasseia! 2-2 3-9
3,000 posts for La Bella Fortuna!!!! 1-4
What have you learned from this forum? 6-2 6-7 6-9
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 8-7
Misogyny II 18-8