List of Postings of User SamanthaJane

Favourite Podcasts 9-7
Asperger Syndrome 10-10
BRAG BOOK *brag about your kid(s) in here* 36-9 37-1 37-7 38-4 38-7 39-2 39-4 39-8 40-2 40-9 43-1 43-4 43-7 44-4
Treatment of Women in Saudi Arabia - Comments 42-6
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 31-1 31-10 32-7
How do I tell my wife 6-8
A vote for the right to democratically vote in/out mods 9-2
Posts that made you laugh the most today 8-6 23-5
The mistress of "To what are you listening?" part 2 29-6
"Swine Flu", H1N1. OPEN DISCUSSION 22-3 22-5 25-10 27-3 27-5 27-7 27-9 28-5
Missing Link Found! 11-10
what are your qualifications? 2-9
5 word story (Part 3) 61-2 62-1 65-2 65-4 68-9 72-2 75-10 87-6 92-7 93-6 93-10 94-8 98-3 98-8
My Christian Conservative parents have ruined my education 4-9
Nature of sodomy 19-9
An Open Letter to my fellow Christians 59-7 60-1
Second Law of Thermodynamics strawman 5-4
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? (Part 4) 11-10 12-10 23-1 23-6 26-7 26-10 31-8 46-4 49-8 54-5 67-5 68-1 92-3 92-7 93-1 97-8 98-3
Is there a good evolutionary reason for PMS? 5-5
Will France ban burka? 54-10 55-6 58-4 63-5 65-2 73-5 75-3 75-5 75-7
Thank you 1-1 1-3 1-5
Abortion — part III 32-9 33-1
My daughter has learned about Jesus... 7-6 7-10
Michael Jackson's Alleged Crimes and the Court Cases 28-1 28-6 29-5 39-4
Argument with Parents. 3-1
Religious doctors want to be able to preach to patients 4-9 14-1 14-4 14-8 16-6
What is your native language - running total 6-4
The Confession-- fiction i just wrote 1-6
This crap pisses me off. 1-3
What is your sexual orientation? 1-5
How do babies think? 1-5
Hidden members. 1-9
Thunderf00t vs Ray Comfort: Let's do this 14-2
Canadian Rockies 1-2
The Catholic Church's obsession with gay marriage. 3-2
Oh for Gods sake 3-6 5-4
Examples of Anti-Religious Bigotry and Religion Bashing 5-5
Hungarians fast and pray to ward off Marilyn Manson 1-4
Woo Comedy: Homeopathic A&E - Mitchell & Webb 1-4
Dealing with loss and fear as an atheist 3-6 3-10
The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-Time 1-7
Didn't Darwin change his mind about all of this? 5-8 6-9
Canada's government health care system 2-3 3-4 4-2 4-8 5-1
Canada: Conservatives Reclaim Lead in New Poll 1-4 1-7
Unpleasant followup talk with my daughter after bible school 2-9
If I stay in Kuwait I will go crazy 3-6
Human Sperm Created In The Lab 1-4
Question for those living under nationalized health care.. 6-1
Trolling Bible Study - Require Concise Arguments 6-6 7-9
The Age of the Earth 9-5 11-5 12-4
High Rising Intonation accent 1-3
The Downfall of Theory of Evolution? 20-10 34-1 35-3 49-3 49-10 57-5
santa claus 1-6
Mom Blames Swimming Pool for Pregnant Teen 2-2 3-3
any goths on here? 3-6
Does someone being religious affect your opinion of them? 1-8
Scary Newspaper Article 1-5
Same-sex penguin couple split - Harry joins Linda's nest 1-5
Hi I'm a christian 3-1
Atheist Dating Stories: Horror and Bliss 2-9
The Lonely Atheist 1-3
Sea lion mates himself to death at Nuremberg zoo 2-4
Banned for "Discriminating Religion" 3-6
Should Atheists openly come out? 2-6 2-9
Compel hijab on 9-year-olds 3-1
So..what should I read first? 1-6
Crap Dillema 1-2
Silly superstisions you still do. 3-1 3-3 3-10
Baby-dropping 1-4
8 irrefutable reasons that god does exists. IRREFUTABLE! 17-1
Why Can't I Own A Canadian? 1-7
Theistic Self-Righteousness: My Girlfriend's Memorial 3-2 4-1
Why does Harry Potter appeal to adults? 1-2
Comparing Government Run, Publicly Funded UHC w/ Poll 5-9
The Demonization of Obama 4-9 5-1 5-6
Why don't humans like the rain? 1-2 2-4 2-7
"Science is a religion!" No, but what a marvelous idea! 1-8
Fathers 1-6
Experiment: Are Atheists More Likely to be Autistic? 4-6
Muslim women uncover myths about the hijab 14-4 14-8 15-2 15-6
Why Atheists Are Blind...... 28-3
How about we let pupils decide if they want evolution? 1-4
New Exoplanet Found - WASP-17b 1-6
Any leads on who hacked the site this time? 17-7 20-7 22-5 28-6
Caster Semenya's sex in doubt 8-9 13-5 15-1
Debate Over 'Homeopathic Swine Flu Vaccine' on Australian TV 1-6
Will tolerance of homosexuality change our evolution? 8-4
Abortion and atheism. 10-9 35-4 41-2 42-5 45-7 50-6 61-8 61-10 64-10 77-7 82-10 83-3 83-5 90-9 103-1 103-9 107-2 107-4 108-4 109-3
what was the name of that brilliant atheist... 1-7
A Deal I Made With My Mom 5-3 5-9
Promoting science in schools 2-1
Being forced to go to church & mom is scaring me, help? 3-10
Darwin ruined my argument! 3-7 4-2 4-6
Must be frustrating for Richard 5-7
pupils adjudged by name .. 1-10
Killing doctors that pratice abortion is reasonably ethical 1-10 3-4
If you designed the human body 6-5 6-7
Will France ban burka Pt II? 11-9 17-2 18-7 18-9
Children 4-3 4-6 4-8
Joe the heckler calls Obama a liar 1-5 6-1 6-6 7-1
Trailer for New Film About Darwin. 1-2
Do you visit the cemetery? 4-6 5-8
Old Earth for the layperson 26-6
How should I react ? 2-3
Long time lurker, first time poster. Hi! I need some advice 1-7 1-9 2-5 3-1 4-10 5-9
Have these people lost their minds? 1-3
A curious Mormon with a sense of humor, really! 2-2
Boy, 12, turns into girl over summer holidays 17-7 19-7 21-2 21-4 28-9
I need a shoulder to cry on. >_> 2-4
Should I remove "Atheist" from my Facebook / the Internet? 1-8
Second opinion - H1N1 Vaccine 1-3 1-5 1-7 2-2 2-9 3-2 3-4
Should we let the Panda become.... 2-10 4-7 4-9 7-5
Group Solidarity 1-7
Gallstones in New York 2-7
What proof is there that Earth is so old? 2-5
Atheism as an identifier. 3-4
Christian Here! 15-10 16-5 16-7 17-9 18-6 19-5 26-7 66-6
The Boy Scouts of America 1-4 5-2 5-8
Avoiding postpartum depression 1-2
Roman Polanski arrested on 31-year-old US warrant 9-2 9-5
Defining Evolution 6-6
What have I done? 1-6
Why so many Liberals on this site? 14-9 15-3 47-10
Hello from Brighton, England 1-6
Alternative name for "god-parent" please! 1-6
Evolution discussed in daughters 6th grade class 1-10 2-2
Gays cannot walk around openly in Belgrade 2-8 4-10 5-2 7-7 7-8 16-9 22-10
Richard Dawkins on Colbert Report 2-9
My mom is sick and decided she wanted all natural medicine 1-4
What my son is doing in grade 7 Social Studies 2-1
I'm a new member! Wagner! Christian! 2-2
Man says God told him to circumcise 4 children, self 1-8
Atheist day/week 1-4
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? (Part 5) 17-2 25-9
... deluded group of self-satisfied individuals 3-10 4-3
Fundos Pretend Gays Only Wantonly "Being Bad" 2-9 3-3
Hello from British Columbia, Canada 1-8
VERY Weird End to Birthday - Someone Called! 2-7
Atheists Against Flatulence 2-4
I don't understand evolution :-o 7-9 9-6 12-2 13-1
Evolution of Eye 1-4
Trainer keeps calling atheism a religion 3-6
Invention Of Lying- 100% Atheist movie. 2-4
Finally some STATISTICS from O'Reilly of all people 1-8
Why is VenomFangX so hated 3-4 3-7 4-6 4-9
Hello from Ottawa 1-2
Disinherited because of my Atheism 3-4
Outed by accident and stupidity 3-2 10-1 10-10
Are we really not able to show a process of Evolution? 3-9 4-2
STARGATE - Makes me ANGRY and SAD that it's only fiction 3-3
What's For Dinner? 15-4 16-4
Invitation to discuss the rule about "trolling" 26-1 33-7 34-10
Islamic Toilet Etiquette (split thread to "child brides") 25-8 28-2 35-8
Dear Children ... 1-3
Abortion and atheism II 10-9 11-2 11-5 12-5 12-7 13-1 23-2 23-5 26-8 35-3 35-7 35-9 36-2
E-mail from scientist evolution denier 2-9
linguistic analysis shows that there is afterlife. 4-1
Help 2-5
From my daughter's eyes. 1-6
I "converted" my mother 1-3 1-7
39yo Man Joins Army To Pay for Wife's Cancer Treatment 2-5 3-6 4-6 6-1
Atheists.. why don't you just believe... 2-1
Circumcision... 1-3 1-5
Why did menopause evolve? 1-4 1-7
Free Maltesers 1-8 5-3
How Pro-Choice Are You? 9-4 10-1 10-5 14-7
Guantánamo can be emptied in 10 days 2-2 2-5 2-7 2-9 6-1
Give Me Your Sex!! 6-5 8-9 9-2 10-2
Transsexual Surgeon Reverses Female Circumcisions 1-7 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-8 4-4 4-7 5-3 5-5 5-8
Canadians? 3-3 5-5 5-8 11-1 11-4 16-3 16-5 17-1 17-4
Lies about Dr Dawkins 3-2 3-4
Woo Derail From "Alien Life" Thread 4-9
Virginia man arrested for nude cup of coffee at home 3-2 5-4 6-8 8-3
What's your funeral song going to be? 2-9 6-5
BBC News: Darwin teaching 'divides opinion' 5-9
No more kosher elevators [lifts] 1-9
From Baby to Adult 2-2 2-5 3-7 3-10 4-3
If you found out your child was religious. 2-1
Genetic Therapy Restored Boy's Sight 1-7
Do You Support Gay Marriage Pt I 59-6 60-1 60-7 61-5 62-2 73-6 80-2 81-8 83-5 97-2 97-3 97-5 97-7 97-9
My husband has a virtual girlfriend 3-4 3-7 3-10
What am I going to do now? 3-10
Here is my local creationist problem 2-1
Puppy kicked to death? 34-3
Seeing as a few people have been asking about my avatar... 1-2
Hey Atheists 1-2
What exactly is wrong with abiogenesis? 4-3
Telling family? 1-7
SO, are you LDS... 1-2
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist at times? 13-2 40-4 41-2 42-5 47-9 49-5 50-1 71-8 72-5
Religious indoctrination in UK schools 2-1 2-10 3-3
5 word story (Part IV) 1-4
Foods that bring you to the verge of throwing up 7-9
Remembrance 3-6
Why is feminism still important? Please help. 24-8 30-10 31-1 31-9 33-2 49-6
What's wrong with the bloody weather? 1-9
How Do I, a Layperson, Respond to This? 1-2
How did fish move to land? 9-1 9-3 11-7
Mother ordered to give up baby & go to Afghanistan! 2-7
Pictures of Thy Pets! 3-10
Criticism of Canada 5-7 6-4 10-5 12-3
UK straight couple want civil partnership 1-7
My Dilemma 1-2 1-5
over-postponement of fertility. 3-1 3-5 4-3
Deconverted/ing Jehovah's Witness, "elder," new member 1-3
My fiancé wants to baptize our baby. Any advice? 2-3
Arkansas Police Taser 10yo Girl 1-7 3-10 10-6 11-6 11-8 16-7
does anyone go to christmas mass to make family happy? 2-1
Which emoticon most resembles you? 1-7
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist? (Pt II) 1-6 14-8 18-3
The Pissed Off Thread 2-1
Calilasseia honored in Pharyngula creationism contest! 2-1
Corporal Punishment 2-1
The last abortionist 6-5
Women say some rape victims should take blame - survey 45-3