List of Postings of User Sheridan

Peak Oil, Pt. 2 67-6 68-9 69-1 70-1 70-10 71-4 72-2 72-4 72-6 72-9 73-8 74-1 74-3 74-8 74-10 76-1 76-10 78-2 78-3 78-9 79-5 80-9 81-5 82-1 82-3 82-5 83-3 84-6
World Trade Center? 9/11 Part IX 9-4 9-6 9-8 22-4 22-6 32-3 33-6 42-4 42-10 43-3 43-5 43-9 45-3 45-6
Population control 50-10 51-2 51-3 62-7 63-3 63-6 64-7 64-9 65-4 66-9 67-10 68-1 68-6 68-9 69-2 69-3 69-8 69-10 70-6 70-10 72-3 72-6
Where the world is heading towards? 38-3
Simon Singh to be sued 6-6 6-8 6-10 7-3 7-6 7-8 7-10 8-1 8-3 8-5 9-7 10-1 10-3
Can our Economic Troubles be solved with the Gold Standard? 24-3 24-9 26-6
Climate Change Discussing the Science, Policy & Implications 60-1 60-3 60-6 61-9 62-10 63-1 63-2 63-9 64-7 65-2 65-3 65-7 66-4 66-8 68-8 68-10 69-5 75-1 75-5 75-10 79-3 79-8 80-1 83-9
ZERO desire for sustainable economy & ecology 6-6
Dr. Andy Thomson: Why We Believe in Gods (AA09) 12-10 13-4 13-8 14-4
Dawkins? Hitchens? Harris? Who's the better debater... 4-1
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism and Politics III 16-7 25-4 51-5 54-2 55-5 55-8 56-7 57-4 57-9 58-10 59-8 61-4 61-9 63-8 63-10 66-10 67-3 68-1 70-9 73-8 74-2 74-4 76-2 76-4 76-8 77-4 80-1 80-2 81-9 82-9 83-1 83-8 100-6
Is Dutch an ugly language? 18-2 18-6 18-8 19-6 21-7 24-10 26-4
Science or scientism 10-2 16-8 16-10 17-2 18-4 18-6 18-9 19-2 19-5 19-8 19-10 20-2 20-4
Hitchens banned from speaking at Air Force Academy 2-9 6-1 7-6
Federal Reserve, Inflation, And Money? 2-7
New world reserve currency?? 2-1 2-4 2-8 3-3
Is More US Stimulus Needed? Lessons from Japan 1-8
Is the US economy the worst since the Great Depression? 2-10 3-3
House Democrats Unveil Landmark Healthcare Legislation 24-1
Who's to Blame for Recession? 8-10 9-9 10-6 10-8 11-1 11-4 11-7 11-9
Is the UK so Paranoid it will become a fascist police-state? 9-9 10-2 10-4
Democratic socialism 36-2 36-9 48-9 49-1 52-4 59-2 64-3
Germany's current war of aggression 4-1 14-4 14-6 15-2
Potential Proof that the Supernatural World Exists 2-7
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism and Politics IV 2-2 7-10 9-1 12-5 12-9 14-5 15-2 15-5 15-10 17-9 18-4 18-6 18-8 19-1 19-10 21-4 21-10 22-3 23-9 24-3 24-8 24-9 25-1 25-4 27-3 28-1 28-6 35-3 41-10 46-5 47-1 51-2 53-2 56-1 56-2 56-3 60-7 60-8 60-9 62-10 63-1 64-10 65-6 65-7 65-8 66-6 66-9 67-1 67-3 69-2 69-4 70-9 76-3 80-3 83-7 86-7 87-3 87-5 89-1 90-5 94-2 97-3 97-4 97-5 97-7 98-8 99-3 99-7 99-8
Why is the US scared of Socialism? 5-1 12-4
Psychiatrist argues Liberalism is mental illness Pt II 53-9 54-7
Democratic Socialism Pt II 34-1 74-2 81-8 87-6
NATO airstrike in Afghanistan kills up to 90 (AP) 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-9 4-1
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism and Politics V 1-6 2-2 2-3 2-8 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-7 4-9 4-10 6-6 9-2 9-10 12-4 15-3 82-8 83-1 87-10 88-9
American “meddling”... 45-6
So, Just How Socialist Is America? 28-10 29-7
Re: Democratic Socialism Pt III 9-2 13-8 15-4 16-3 17-8
The rich must be forced to pay their fair share of tax 23-7 24-1 28-3 29-2 29-10 33-1 33-4 38-5 40-9 43-1 43-4 43-7 43-9 44-1 45-7
Libertarianism, The Role of Government 60-5 65-2 65-9 66-8 74-4 74-8 80-4 83-9 85-3
Why so many Liberals on this site? 57-6
Health there a more noble cause? 1-4
Michigan: Partial Shut Down of its Government 1-2
Deck Stacked Against U.S. Homeowners 7-10 8-4 8-6 8-8 11-1 11-6 12-2
Nuclear Energy--Political discussion 35-8
Obama - Epic pipe dream? 2-4 2-10 3-5
Economic data 2-10 3-4 4-8
GWB Had Religious Reasons For Iraq War? 1-10 2-3 2-5 2-9 3-1 3-4 3-5 3-7
US $ in freefall! Hip hip, hoorey! 5-4 5-9 6-3 7-1 9-1 9-4 10-1 10-3
Aside from historical record, why hate communism? 42-3
Make Me a Libertarian 1-4 1-6
Criticism of Israel 88-5 88-9 89-2 91-3 91-4 91-6 94-5
Is socialism sustainable? 11-9 12-10 13-3 13-6 13-7 13-9 14-1 14-3
Afghanistan 2-4 7-3 13-9 17-8 17-10 18-3 19-5 21-2 22-2 22-4 25-4 25-6
Where have all the Libertarians gone? 15-8 15-10
The US remains isolated with its embargo on Cuba. 3-8 3-10 9-1 9-3 10-1 11-4 12-2
Progressives and Obama 2-3
Hitchens: UNs' Shameful Complicity in Afghan Elections 2-1 2-2
Johann Hari: Ayn Rand Another L. Ron Hubbard 11-1 12-2 12-4
Afghan farce- time to end it. 3-3 6-3 7-8 8-4 8-6 8-10 10-5 10-7 10-10 12-1 12-6 12-10 15-10 16-5 16-9 18-3 18-5 20-8 21-5 23-9
The Future of the U.S. 7-3 7-9 7-10 8-3
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism and Politics VI 5-2 6-4 6-9 7-1 7-6 7-9 8-1 8-5 8-10 9-5 9-8 9-9 10-1 13-3 15-3 20-8 20-9 23-5 23-7 27-10 28-4 32-10 39-4 47-1 50-5 59-5 68-10 74-2 74-3 85-6 94-1 94-2 94-3 94-7 95-1 95-7
Australian voting system leads the way...? 15-9 16-1 18-1
Criticism of the USA 10-8 10-9 13-6 13-10 27-9 30-3 30-9
Does Evolution Favor Religious Belief 1-5
Criticism of Israel Part II 73-5 76-6
Gun Control Part Zwei (II) 37-7 37-9 38-1 38-3 39-2
When the brain betrays itself 3-5 3-10 4-1 4-3 4-6 5-3 5-7 5-9
Bad grammar? 22-5 22-8
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Skepticism and Politics VII 5-10 6-1 6-3 16-1 16-4 16-5 16-10 17-4 25-2 25-3 25-4 25-7 25-9 37-5 37-7 39-3 39-5 57-5 58-10 72-2 73-1 83-10 84-1 85-5 85-8 97-8 98-1 98-2 98-5
What's Wrong With American Consumerism? 8-6 9-1 12-3 18-2 18-5 18-7
Referendum: Swiss Minarets (Sunday) 44-9
Has the USA become a Third World country? 13-3
Obama sends 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan 14-1 14-6
Climate Change -Skepticism and Politics VIII 7-9 8-1 8-3 8-6 17-10 18-2 24-2 49-2 49-7 49-10 64-2 64-4 80-7 81-1 94-8
Tony Abbott a wolf in sheeps clothing! Aussie politics. 1-6
From now on I'm going to vote for the Australian Sex Party 1-2
Obamas Nobel speech 2-8
Climate Change -Skepticism and Politics IX 17-3 17-4 26-7 40-3 47-7 53-8 58-8 64-1 64-8 75-6 75-7 75-9 76-1 89-8 90-5 90-8 92-3 92-10 94-8 94-10 95-4 97-1 97-3 99-5 99-8
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 8 23-10 24-5 24-7 24-9 25-6 25-8 25-10 26-4 26-6 26-8 26-10 27-3 27-5 27-7 27-9 28-1 28-9 31-8 32-2 32-4 32-7 38-7 41-5 42-1 45-2 46-10 48-6 48-10 51-8 51-9 52-1 52-3 52-5 54-4 54-10 56-5 56-7 58-3 59-7 59-10 60-1 61-4 62-7 65-10 66-4 66-7 66-9 74-3 75-1 75-8 76-9 77-4 78-2 78-9 86-3 88-4 89-5
Libertarian admits socialized health care rules 41-2 41-5 43-8 44-7 44-8 45-1 45-3 45-5 45-7 47-5 47-7 47-9 48-8
Climate Change: The Science, Policy & Implications 2 2-5 3-6 5-2
Well, Are We? 3-1 3-4
Copenhagen Climate Catastrophe 1-10 2-3 2-6 2-9 3-9 4-2 8-4 8-9 9-5 10-2 15-3 15-7 16-10 17-7 17-10 19-6
Do atheists lose brain power? 7-1 7-3 7-7
My gift to RDF on the 150th anniversary of you know what 2-2
Climate Change -Skepticism and Politics X 23-5 24-7 25-4 34-7 37-9 44-4 73-8 83-10
Criticism of Israel Part III 29-6
"Your Grandparents Died To Stop This Country Being Run By... 4-5
Salamanders eyes & the degredation of the human gene pool 1-6 1-8
If you were a German during the Holocaust........ 3-4 4-4 4-7 5-1 5-8 6-1 8-9
the Darwin delusion 1-2
Number of net US jobs created in the decade of Bush = 0 1-3
Communist Catastrophes 6-3 7-9 8-2 9-7 10-3 10-4 14-9 20-5 21-10 28-8 37-4 41-1 46-10 49-3
Made in China. 7-8 8-3
Human evolution - fast tracked? 6-6 7-2 7-6
What do you think of the President Obama's first year 4-7
Ayn Rand 18-8 27-9 28-4 28-7 29-3 32-5 37-9
Richard Dawkins on Rising Above Selfish Genes 3-5 3-7 3-9 4-1 4-3 4-7
why genes aren't destiny 1-3 1-5 1-7 1-9
bogans light indian students car on fire 17-1
Creating a Super Intelligent Breed of Dog 2-5 2-8
Was Hitler A Great Speaker? (& Related Topics) 6-9
What Free Market nonsense is leading to... 12-3 13-5 14-2 18-7 23-10 27-1
A New Theory of Evolution. 2-10 3-2 3-7 3-9 4-7
Epigenetics Symbiosis and why this is the Age of Stupid 2-7 2-10 3-4
US Healthcare Vs NHS 37-7
Has Human Evolution Stopped? 4-4 6-4 7-3 7-6
Evolution without natural selection? 3-6 4-4 6-1 6-5 6-7 6-9 7-6 7-10 8-2 8-4 8-6 8-9
Criticism of the rabid & relentless ‘anti-Zionist’ faction. 16-6 18-3 18-8 18-10 19-2 22-5 22-10 23-2 23-8 25-6 26-3
Where is instinct stored 2-6 2-10 4-6 5-1 5-3 5-8
Obama's problems and US policy- a cynic's view 1-4 1-7
Re: Climate Change -Skepticism and Politics XI 8-4 8-5 8-7 9-7 11-3 13-5 20-7 20-9 21-2 24-2 24-5 25-6 25-9 29-3 29-8 30-2 30-5 30-7 31-1 32-5 32-7 32-9 33-2 35-6 37-5 37-7 38-5 39-1 39-5 39-8 41-9 42-2 42-4 42-6 42-7 43-9 44-5 44-6 45-2 45-5 47-1 48-4 49-3 49-6 49-9
Why hate communism? II 11-7 11-10 14-8 14-10 17-1 17-6 20-5 29-1 29-5 29-7 32-7 37-8 37-10 38-2
Communist Catastrophes 2 1-5 16-6 21-6 22-2 22-6 22-10 23-2 23-4 24-7 25-1
Reverse Sexism II: 15-8
Capitalist Catastrophes 4-1
Why hate communism? III 5-9 6-7 7-4 7-6
World Trade Center? 9/11 Part X 2-4 2-6 6-2 9-8 11-8
Peter Hitchens getting his knickers in a twist 2-5
Obama "using a hatchet instead of a scalpel?" 3-2
Why I think Libertarians are delusional. 9-2 16-4
Reviewing the personal attack / insult criteria 2 12-1
America-bashing Marxists deserve chance to answer critics 1-7 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-8 7-10 8-2 27-6 27-9 29-9 30-1 30-4 30-6 32-3 33-7 34-2 34-6 34-9 40-3 40-6 40-9 41-5 42-5 48-1 48-5 49-2 49-5
Evangelists 'will save Darwin from STDs, booze' 1-3
There is no Social Contract 9-4 17-5 17-10 18-2 23-1 32-1 35-7 35-9
Should Richard Dawkins be arrested for incitement to religio 4-4 5-1 5-4 5-6 5-9 6-1 6-3 6-5
Nuclear Disarmament Now! 9-10
Corrupt Arab Regimes - Who is to Blame? 1-10
Afghanistan A Lost Cause? 4-9 5-2 5-6
Why blaim the American government? 5-3 5-5 5-7 7-5
The Anti-Empire Report February 6th, 2010 1-6
Sustainability and the Opportunity for Revolution 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-4 2-6 5-5 6-2 6-4 6-8 7-2 7-4 7-7 8-1 8-3 9-3 9-6
A few questions for the social democrats 1-3 6-7 6-9 8-9
Climate Change Skepticism and Politics 12 2-9 7-2 8-9 10-1 11-3 11-9 12-2 12-4 12-8 15-10 16-1 18-3 18-5 18-9 29-9 37-5
POLL: Is The Tea Party Movement Good For America? 5-6
On the Polish Analogy 1-2 2-3
End of Internet Free Speech...Enjoy it while you can! 5-4
Robin Hood Tax 4-8 5-2 5-4 5-6 5-8 5-10 6-2
America-bashing Marxists chance to answer critics 2 4-4 4-9 8-5 8-9 9-9 10-4 18-3 19-6 19-10 20-9 21-1 21-3 21-5 22-3 24-7 24-9 26-8 45-6 46-1 46-3 46-5 46-8 50-1
Will the European Union bailout Greece? 2-10 3-3 4-3 4-6 4-9 5-3 5-6 5-8 7-9 8-2 8-8 9-5 10-1 10-5
Lying: Is it sometimes good to lie? 7-10 9-2
Christians to assert science and god compatible 1-5 2-4 2-8 3-2 3-9 4-7 4-8 4-9 5-7
The Health Care Death Spiral 4-1 4-7 6-2 6-6 11-9 12-1 13-8
Bill Gates' TED Speech 2010: 'We Need Energy Miracles' 2-8 3-5 3-8
A christian nation 1-7
US $8 billion Nuclear Power Plant - 1st in 30 years 3-9
The Media's Billion Dollar Ad for (Corporate) Evan Bayh 1-9 2-1 2-8 2-10
The Second American Civil War 2-10
Plane slams into Texas IRS building 10-2
Glen Beck - pure evil? 5-6 7-5
Socialised Capitalism or Socialism? 2-5 3-4 4-6
Will Israel Attack Iran this Year? 3-3 10-10
Bush Administration Cleared on Waterboarding 2-5
Corp Cost to Environment $2.2tn, UN Report 1-2
America-bashing Marxists chance to answer critics 3 4-1 4-3 4-9
What Are We Bid for American Justice? 1-3