List of Postings of User Drail

Jesus Camp : The Movie 94-9
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 28-2
Arguing for homosexuality from a Biblical standpoint 7-2
Handing out the New Testament 3-4
So quantity, not quality, pleases the Lord 4-6
The goal of the new atheists? 10-5 11-10 12-3
a prayer at an atheist wedding 4-5
Convincing scientific evidence for Christianity... 4-7
atheist propaganda 1-2
Thoughts of a dying atheist 3-1
Wolfram|Alpha Atheist result. Surprising? 1-2
Karma? 1-2 1-8
Play God in "The God Simulator" 1-4
Is god a grammatical anomaly? 2-2
How do you deal with christmas? 5-7
Reincarnation and it's evidences 1-9 2-2 3-1
Hitler a Christian? 1-5 4-6 8-3
My decoversion proves a Loving God doesn't exist 1-4
Evidence to support the existence of God? 70-4 86-10 95-5
End Goal - Better With or Without Religion? 1-4
Resonse to "Where do you get your morals from?" 4-3
NEO-PAGANISM 41-2 42-2 42-8 42-10 43-2 43-4 43-10 44-2 45-5 51-1 53-2 53-4 53-6
What do Atheists shout in orgasm? 1-2
Theists are delusional 15-2
Am I a fundamentalist? 3-6
proof of no god 1-5
It's NICE to be an Atheist. Why? 2-10
A father calls his atheist son a satanist 3-6 5-2 6-10
I have FAITH! 2-5
The Greatest Show on Earth- preachy derail 2-1
Tyra Banks Interviews 'Gay Exorcism' Victim 1-6
Believing Not Vs. Not Believing 1-5
Magic 1-2
Another "where do we get our morals" 1-2 1-5 1-8
I'm Satisfied The Bible Is Fiction 1-3 1-5 1-8
How did you lose your faith? 1-3
How Can Churches Collect Higher Tithes & Increase Income? 1-2 1-4
The right of not to be offended !!! 1-9
Gideon Came to Daugther's School Today! 3-3
Would You Hide Your Atheism To Keep Or Save Your Marriage? 4-1
doesn't matter if you are an atheist 2-10
I thought Michael Shermer was an atheist? 1-9
The Agnostic/Atheist Distinction 1-2
Atheism-Hypocritical stand 10-5
Is dismantling & destroying another persons relig unethical? 20-8 20-10 25-5
Atheist clubs are springing up, warns head of US bishops 2-1
High-School Atheist Clubs Terrify the Pious 2-3 5-6
Insane minister sees Jebu$ in curtains 1-3
Addiction to God 2-8 3-3 4-4
In Gah.....We Trust 3-4
Help me! My girlfriend is a creationist believer! 6-2
Youtube's worst 1-4 2-9
Are atheists interested in a dialogue? 1-5 3-2
Would a god do this? 1-7
Christian Friendship? 1-4
NON-atheist psychologists. Are they helpful for an atheist? 1-6
Praying to save Parliament 1-4 2-5
Serious question 2-2
Can It Be Scientifically Proven That Prayer Works? 3-6 3-8 3-10
How to build a church based army which obeys & protects you 1-7
Emotions, Feelings & Evidence 2-9