List of Postings of User GloatingSwine

The world that Tolkien created 3-6 3-9
Marijuana 90-1
Apocalypse 2012 44-7 45-6 47-1 47-4 52-6 53-2 54-8 56-7
Stephen Fry 10-9
What did you have for dinner today? 52-3
Do you take good care of your books? 16-7
The Anime Fan Club!!! (and other Japanese stuff) 81-5 84-3 85-10 86-2
reiki? 7-8
Nudity 54-8 54-10 55-3
Profanity 6-6
Worst books you've had the intense displeasure of reading? 47-5 48-6
Enough with the monetary system 24-2
What does this definition remind you of? 3-3
Japanese rape simulators 3-5 4-2 4-6 5-2 8-4 9-8
NewScientist re: Bruce Hood's 'Supersense' (Dawkins mention) 3-5
Agnostic criticism of Dawkin's central argument 30-8
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 9 54-9 55-2
How Bad is Socialism anyway? Pt. 4 37-2 37-10 47-10 49-6 49-7 50-4 51-8 57-7 58-9 59-3 60-2 60-5 60-6 61-5 61-7 62-3 64-4 64-5 66-9 67-1 69-1 69-6 70-3 70-6 72-8 73-2 74-9 75-1 75-5 75-6 75-8 75-10 76-2 76-9 85-8 89-10
Why not Anarchism? 23-1 32-6 32-9 34-2
Pirate Bay founders found guilty 19-9 20-5 21-1 21-5 23-8 25-2 25-5 25-7
Correcting misperceptions about libertarianism 10-1 10-3 10-8 10-10 11-8 11-10 12-3 12-6 14-1 14-8 15-10 18-2 18-4 20-4 20-6 29-6 29-10 30-4 31-3 31-4 48-10 51-5 52-7 53-2 53-8 60-3 60-8 63-10 65-8 67-8
It is true that Jews love money 5-10
The Protocols.. True or False? 6-5
Are Dawkin's books ghost written? 1-8
Can sacred medicine bridge gap between religion and science? 6-2 9-2
Atheism and Progressive Values 2-4
Man gets off for sleeping with underaged prostitute 4-9 5-5 5-10
Was Jesus Real? (Part 2) 98-10
The God Delusion, A mixed review 1-4 1-8
Social Security - Scam Perpetuated on the American People 5-6
Homeopathy / Alternative Medicine 1-7 3-1
Who debunks woo? 2-1
Swine Flu Pandemic Emergence: Apocalypse Finally? 33-5
UAE Prince Tortures Grain Merchant on Video 1-6 2-5
atheists evolved from chickens 1-8
Change is Possible for Homosexuals, Say Psychiatrists 7-8
Possibility of a supernatural entity in the future 2-7
I Have Changed My Mind On Afghanistan 3-1
Censorship at a "Liberty" website... 3-2 9-1 9-3
Are you a Democrat or Republican? Poll 2-4
Ann Coulter on Torture 2-8
Send the f****** ambulance 1-4
Vegetarians/Vegans? 71-3
Republican party of Great Britain 10-6
A few relevant Petitions to the UK Prime Minister. 7-3
Drugs in Portugal: Did Decriminalization Work? 2-8
Don't Buy British 2-1
Suit filed to block public school graduation at church 2-5
How did your MP vote on the war with Iraq? 2-5
US rabbi gets 30 years for child molestation 1-9
Muslim Met Police Caterer suing over pork 1-2
Thoughts On This Article (Brave New Denmark) 1-8
Refuting deism 3-6
The writing schedule of Iain Banks 1-5
Gun Control 10-1 11-8 12-1 12-4 15-10 37-4
The best 'hook' in the bible 1-6 1-8
UK Only: MP Monies. 1-2 5-3
Are Commonwealth Countries independent? 2-6
Science Fiction - general thread 1-7 4-2
Mary Midgeley at it again 3-2
“Life exists to exist to exist”is an atheism definition? 2-8
Pippin Challenges Christopher Hitchens. 1-3
Sequel to 'Most Widely Distributed Christian PC Game 1-7
The Narnia Code 1-2
Angels and Demons Questions...alot 5-6
If waterboarding is fine (and works), why don’t cops do it? 3-2
Christian Party Does Euro Election Political Broadcast.. 3-1
GodHatesFags Now Targeting Jews 3-1 3-3
US Archbishop: Abuse victims would ‘grow out of it’ 1-5
California: The Failure of Direct Democracy 1-3 1-6
Dick Cheney's finest hour; while Obama flounders 1-9
Time Cube 2-1
AVG warning 2-9
In Praise of Berlusconi 2-10
British Parliament dissolution: PENDING 3-4
Re: California Supreme Court Judgement on Prop 8 11-7 44-1 50-1 50-3 51-2
"God doesn't believe in atheists" 3-5
and you wonder why we shake our heads at US Medical system 14-4 29-10 31-2 31-9 32-9 33-4 33-7 34-7 37-7 37-8 54-2 54-8
Do you Fast? 3-6
Gabriel García Márquez 2-6
‘Does god hate women?’ book backlash fear 2-1
Coffee or tea? 1-3
Nudity causes Impotence 1-5
I had Richard's wiki article changed. 2-4 3-2
Waterstones 1-6
talk origins book? anyone know what i'm talking about? 1-2
Hinduism and Quantum Physics 4-10
Taxes 4-8 5-3 5-7 6-5
The New, Improved, 100% Genuine Universal Truth Woo 4-2
Golden Compass sequel petition 1-9
Obama administration asked SCOTUS to uphold DADT 1-7
Should drugs be legal? 1-3 5-10 6-9
Young Sage: What a benefactor! 1-5
Mother-In-Law Convicted of Slavery Worshipped by Millions 1-3 1-5
China Mieville 1-2
Swiss referendum to ban Minarets 5-10
Police taser, shoot boy's pet chihuahua 5-2 7-2 10-8 11-9 12-5 13-1
Is it possible to live in the present? 1-5
Letter to the President - Michael Moore 3-3
Muslim waitress wins £3000 for ‘looking like a prostitute’ 18-3 18-8 23-4 23-6 25-7
Taxpayer overpaid Blackwater 1-2
GOP Staffer Emails Racist Obama "Spook" Photo 9-10
Cultural fascism & liberal totalitarianism says Brit muslim 1-8
Priest Claims he was giving 11 yo boy "anatomy lessons" 1-6
US woman fined $1.9 million for 24 song download 1-10
Worst Sci-Fi Movie Ever? 4-7
"Birthers" Offer $10k Challenge for Obama's Birth Witnesses 13-7 16-3 16-10
Too much Information 1-4
Governor Mark Sanford Goes Missing... 3-8 3-10 10-8
Organic Rights 8-7 10-8 12-8
Just get on with the job, dear 1-2
M Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender 2-3
Britain’s 85 Sharia courts 7-1 7-3 7-6 13-6 29-1
Britain ‘knows little about Bible’ 5-5 6-9
No more christmas 3-3
Should clergy retain right to solemnise marriage 1-5 1-10 2-3 2-10
UK Queen Refuses To Cut Spending 1-9
Horror over kid told to remove crucifix at school 2-3
Al-Qaeda threatens France 8-5
Multiverse theory? Does this disprove God at last? 1-6 1-9
Is racism an adaption? 2-8
It's been six months: Obama wasn't tested! 1-5
Praying that homosexuals don't achieve equality 1-5
Homeopathic distillations and truth in advertising 1-1
One single question can destroy atheism 56-5
Democracy 1-10 4-2 8-1
North Korea (Big Brother) 2-9 3-6
Question for those living under nationalized health care.. 2-5
Our Nazi King 1-5 2-3
Was It God's Plan For Adam & Eve to Sin? 8-7 9-2
Attempt to Beat Train Ends Five Young Lives 1-7
A Perfect World 1-6
A Republic- The Makeup of Government 2-4 3-2 3-5 4-4
California - there goes the neighborhood 1-2 1-4 1-9 2-3 2-7
NYC Transit Insists Sikh Employees Wear Logo on Turbans 1-8
Intelligence- Targeted for Termination, Doh. 1-5
Vatican lauds good/evil theme in Harry Potter film (AP) 1-5
House Democrats Unveil Landmark Healthcare Legislation 32-5
Psychiatrist argues Liberalism is a form of mental illness 7-3
Who's to Blame for Recession? 3-9 8-4
Author Pullman aghast at school paedophile checking 1-2 2-7
Teens Believe Drinking Bleach Prevents HIV 1-3
Risk - The Science and Politics of Fear (Book Review) 1-1
Is the UK so Paranoid it will become a fascist police-state? 1-9 3-5 5-5 6-1 7-1
Are you glad that God does not exist? 3-8
77 highly recommended atheist-related books 1-7
Iran election results: Open thread 15-9
Saudi princess has asylum in UK to escape Sharia death 1-2
Is America the cultural center of the Universe? 4-9
Romanian mayor in Nazi uniform 11-10
Jerusalem Post article on British Israel Hatred, comments? 1-4 1-8 2-7 5-7 10-3 10-5 12-1
Richard Dawkins' The Greatest Show on Earth 22-7
Senators Reject Gun Proposal 2-7
Non Pro-Muslim, Non Pro-Hindu Verdict by High Court in India 1-4
Germany's current war of aggression 8-5 8-7
More kids shoot each other with guns in US 4-8 5-4
Special islamic ‘hoodies’ for female police 6-9
Organic has no health benefits 4-6 7-6 8-9 10-3
The USS Liberty: exposing ignorance & crackpots since 1967. 1-4 3-2
Murder over smoking ban 1-7
It's going to be a good year for Islamophobes 1-7
North Korea 4-6 4-10 5-3
Retouched photos harm teens 3-9
Has the USA ever done anything right? 7-2
Why does the “enlightened” left mock Patriotic Nationalism? 2-4 12-1 14-1 20-1
Do you support objectum sexuality marriages? 3-8 4-1 6-4
President Obama asks citizens to help with health care 1-9 2-2 2-5 2-7 2-9
Are you in favor of Universal Health Care for the US? 4-2 4-3 8-2 8-6
'Dirty' Brits Urinate All Over Latvian Freedom 3-2
How many Atomic Bombs could be detonated? 6-3 6-5
Why does Harry Potter appeal to adults? 6-10 9-5
Crazy Townhall Health Care "Discussions" 1-2 4-7 13-5 16-9 17-7 19-7
Would civil unions have been better than same-sex marriage? 1-3 2-6
William Lane Craig's Respond to Who Designed the Designer? 1-5
Comparing Government Run, Publicly Funded UHC w/ Poll 4-2 4-5 18-2 18-4 20-8
Anyone bake their own bread? 2-6
Sex Laws In America 2-2 3-5
Why is the US scared of Socialism? 3-10
American far-right loons savage ‘Evil and Orwellian’ NHS 7-7 14-4 17-6 18-7 19-6
Sharia? Would you live with it? 1-8
Was this not predictable? IBD backtracks on Hawking. 1-6
Barack Obama - my criticism/affirmation 2-1
Minister walks out from sex segregated muslim marriage 5-6 5-9
Lockerbie Bomber to go Free on Compassionate Grounds? 17-7 22-2 25-4 26-2 28-8 28-10 30-1
FFXIII, Can't Wait!!! 2-10 3-1 4-1
Bill Maher: America is a stupid country 6-6 6-8
David Icke, One of the Great Minds of Our Time 76-9 77-4 77-8
Multiculturalism 5-5 14-7 24-9 25-7
Assault Rifles at Obama Rallies. 1-6 2-8 9-9
"Sadistic" Horror Movie Banned in UK 1-8
Why do these Taliban hate Afghanis who vote? 2-2
Bill Maher is an asshat. 2-10
The Sun goes apeshit over August Christmas lights 2-1
ABSOLUT Hitchens. 4-9 5-6 5-10
NOMA and Richard Dawkins 1-4
Sam Harris should stick to religious writting 4-7 6-4 8-10 11-7
OOBE 1-3
Judge sued for ordering hijab removed in his court 2-1
Is Darwinism basically a theory about binary operations? 1-8
Fractional Reserve Banking Collapses (In EVE Online) 2-4
In God WE Trust? 1-4
Japan's new first lady says she rode a UFO to Venus 2-1
Michelle Bachmann:"Slit Your Wrists" 1-2
Are suicide bombs better than normal bombs? 3-4
Health care stopped...for now. 11-7 12-3 12-4 13-4 13-7 14-1 14-4
Something for the "chemicals are harmless" crowd... 2-6
Palin's Grandchild's Daddy: I'll Strip For Playgirl 2-1
A plea for a new book .... 1-5
Nazis get BBC slot 4-3 48-9 58-8
America's military-industrial enterprise: The gift that. . . 1-10
The bells, the bells 1-3
Can someone explain the logic behind affirmative action? 5-9
Stalin, Hitler and the blame for WW2 1-2
Do you believe in right and wrong? 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-8
Rant: Detoxing idiots 3-7
Heckling the President - WTF? 7-6
Jewish influence on US governmental policy 2-1
Youth Minister Caught Having Sex with 15-Year-Old Boy 2-2
I was called a faggot today while going for my run... 5-7
The Times takes apart the Telegraph on Evolution 1-7
Stopping the Influence of Special Interests in Government 1-4
scientific consensus: White people are helpless and inferior 2-1
"Earthlings" - a tale of speciesism 2-6
If Lisbon Treaty Passes Then British Want to Leave EU 3-1
Windows OS is a threat to a stable internet. 2-6 2-8
Creationists to EDIT ORIGIN of SPECIES - THEN Distribute! 16-7
Pupils in shock as RE Teacher is Atheist 1-2 2-3
Victims of 'Health Insurance Bureaucracy' Speak Out 1-2
relics and source of fluence 1-3
No money? Then make your own 1-9
Physicalist about the mind 4-8 5-2
Harry Potter, order of the phoenix - who sent the Dementors? 1-9
Doctor Demands Tax Penalties For The Obese 11-4 13-4 17-8 18-9 19-4
Everything Carrie Prejean 7-1
The folly of Ron Paul 9-6
Should we let the Panda become.... 3-9
What's the attraction of the UK? 4-10 8-7
Pope Ratzinger to visit Britain 2-8
Excited about Atheist's Guide to Christmas 1-8
"(Western) Astrology is scientific" Argument 2-1
Johann Hari on the Queen mum 3-4 9-10
Iran's second nuclear facility 4-2
EUGENICS: Myth or Fact? 3-7
I am not the Solipsist (and neither are you) 1-3
Intellectual Property: Patents & Copyrights 30-3
Thought Expiriment: What if the Government took over TVs? 4-8
A failure of traditional Chinese herbal medicine 1-8
Hate for Reading Dawkins 2-2
Socialism, yay or nay? 2-6
The Perfect form of Government 7-6
'The United States of the West' - A Modest Proposal 1-5 7-6
Norway 'the best place to live' 9-8 13-5
Make Your Own Shroud of Turin! 1-3
New Reader. 1-8
Christian council worker sacked for homophobic posts 5-6 7-2 8-1 8-10 9-2 9-4 9-5 9-8 10-2
Science and Spirituality 'Merging'? 1-7
30 GOP Senators Vote To Defend Gang Rape 4-6
One nation under Cthulhu 2-2
Barack Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2009 5-7
Fox News is the Republicans says White House 1-3 5-8
If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting Of Gays,He Would Have.. 1-7
Great Games with Big Flaws 3-1
Make Me Not A Libertarian 1-7
British tabloids print bollocks - official 1-2
LiberalViewer: Colbert PWNS Glenn Beck 2-3
Could you put a car together? 2-2
Hitchens: Why Wait To Disarm Iran? 6-7 7-5 15-3
Tea Baggers Second Wave to Begin Oct. 25 2-6
How Pro-Choice Are You? 14-3
Afghanistan 14-9
Someone just ruined my copy of The God Delusion :( 2-5
What are you currently reading? (Part IV) 14-3
Do You Support Gay Marriage Pt I 36-6 37-5 41-10 44-3 58-4 69-2 69-4 88-9 89-5 90-4 90-8 91-2 91-9
Where have all the Libertarians gone? 26-4 38-7
God exists - photographic proof! 2-7
Buck House a mosque? 5-5 5-6 5-9 6-3
The US remains isolated with its embargo on Cuba. 4-8
British government drug advisor fired 18-8
Johann Hari: Ayn Rand Another L. Ron Hubbard 4-9 5-2 7-6 7-9 8-2 8-4 8-8
Ayn Randism, wooism for the capitalist age .. 2-2
How many books are in your queue? 4-5
Afghan farce- time to end it. 3-9 4-3 9-8
‘Autistic Tories’ - French Europe Minister Lellouche 2-9
O'Reilly: The war on christmas 2-7 2-9
Foods that bring you to the verge of throwing up 9-5 9-7
I will scientifically prove this so called 'Woo' as truth. 3-2
10 uses for.. 4-8
Murdoch may block Google as part of new charge regime 2-5
Spot the difference: Obama and the nazis 2-5
SC religious license plates illegal rules judge 1-2
Term limits for Congress 1-2 2-2
Toys You Had as a Kid 4-9
Anal Leakage... 1-3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 1-8
Should The British Monarchy Be Retained Or Abolished? 7-8
Relativistic post dilation. 4-2
Belle de Jour revealed as research scientist 2-4
UK straight couple want civil partnership 2-4
The coming UK election 11-2
Arrested for not tipping 12-2
Churches must lift ban on employing gays 1-9
the African-American Princess and the Frog 4-7 6-8
The Hindufication of Europe is Coming... 1-9
Why does the news never mention... 3-2
(UK Politics) The Conservative Plan 2-2
What's Wrong With American Consumerism? 16-10 17-2
Why roads, military, police, etc. and not healthcare? 9-4
When did it become impossible for one to know everything? 2-6
Go Awwwww you lose! 6-6
The Season is Upon Us. What's the WORST Christmas Carol? 5-8
Dawkins/Grayling V Harries/Moore Debate. 11-9 12-7 13-3
Attacked muslim Tory peer ‘not a proper muslim’ 2-6
Muslim's at Mecca Chant "death to America" 1-9 3-3
Catholic Church never learns 1-3
Italy to have minaret vote 1-6
Virtual rape worse the virtual murder? 17-7 17-8 17-10
Porn Study Fails After Not Finding Any Male Virgin Subjects 1-9
What if you're wrong? 3-9
Religion Actively KILLS in the Western World 1-10
11 arrests at anti-islam protests in Nottingham 1-10
British monarchy whines about the press 6-6 9-1
Buying a competitor's product 1-2
Tiger sex church shock - sort of 3-2
McDonald's To Transgender: "We don't hire faggots" 8-8 9-2 9-4 9-6 10-5 10-8
Help with Christmas dinner required 2-4
‘European’ is an American insult 4-5
Party Politics is Not Democratic 2-4
Status of Antisemitsm Islamophobia Homophobia etc in Europe 2-4
George Galloway wants to sit in parliment 5-3
Gaps in the English language 3-1
Belgian fined €200 for wearing burka in public 1-5 3-7
Hive of Beecraft 1-4 1-6
The Indians Of RDF 5-6
Thousands turned away at free clinics 5-2 5-4
The Creeping Germanization of Europe... 5-6
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 8 3-3
Sword Of Truth Series 1-5
Chavez: If Climate Were Bank, U.S. Would Have Saved It 9-4
The Physics of Space Battles 4-8
Subway restaurants 1-4
William Lane Craig - II 88-10
Carter apologizes to the Jewish Community 3-4
Jesus in the workplace 1-9
Peeves and Rantages 3-8 26-4
Attack on Pope during Christmas Mass 10-2
Royals: You pay for them - but no pictures 1-7
How Do We Prevent Future Airplace Terror Attempts? 3-4 4-7
The Dial on Our Foreheads That Adjusts Intelligence... 1-5
Laws of a culture above the laws of a country 1-5
Had absinthe for the first time last night 1-9
Islam4UK march through Wootton Bassett? 6-9
Is Western guilt needed in 2010? No. 3-9
An ugly form of aggression? 12-3
In touch with snow 2-2
Ayn Rand 3-1 3-5
bogans light indian students car on fire 13-9 14-1 14-5
Are British Muslims really British? 5-3 14-9
Only Biblical Literalists May Be Alabama Governor 4-7
UK: Election Chat 4-9 21-6
Glenn Beck hates on India 4-2
Stonehenge Threatened 3-1
MASS election is a lock 18-1
Anyone play Hearts of Iron 3? 1-6
US Healthcare Vs NHS 1-7 2-10 5-6 5-8 5-10
Attraction and Attractiveness 1-5 8-1
What about Sikhs? 8-5 8-9 9-8
Homeopathy die-in protest outside pharmacies 3-8
Criticism of the rabid & relentless ‘anti-Zionist’ faction. 2-3 2-5 2-8 3-1 3-5
A Flight Is Diverted by a Prayer Seen as Ominous 2-2
Edlington torture attack brothers detained 1-2
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 3) 19-3
The last abortionist 15-8
Australia bans small breasts in pornography 4-2
Who has played the Mass Effect games? 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-6 4-9 5-2 5-4 5-7 5-8 6-1 6-3 7-4 8-2 10-2 12-7 14-5 15-2 16-2 16-9 17-4 17-6 17-8 18-3
Terrible persecution of christians says archbish of York 1-8 2-9
Gov introduces safety pint glasses 1-8
chimp-human hybrid 1-7
To All Americans - MESSAGE FROM THE QUEEN 1-10
What is the best way to cope w/ being dumb and ugly? 4-4
POLL: Is The Tea Party Movement Good For America? 6-5
Funniest editing of movies for TV 1-6
Women should submit says CofE curate 6-6
Women say some rape victims should take blame - survey 1-5 3-6 5-2 5-8 7-2 7-9 8-7 8-10 10-7 33-10
Iowa man sentenced to 6 months for "obcene" manga 1-10 2-10 3-4 3-6 5-6 11-10 12-4 12-8 12-10 14-9 15-3 15-4 16-10 17-3 17-8 17-10 18-7 22-7 23-1 23-3 23-9 24-8 25-2 25-4 25-10 26-2 29-10 31-5 32-3 32-6 33-10 34-6 36-8
Labour MP in - Tories are ‘scum-sucking pigs’ - row 1-5 2-4 2-7
Falklands 2? 3-2 3-10
Halal-only burger row in France 2-2
Bioshock Game discussion thread 1-3 1-7
Gauging public opinion for AV 1-10