List of Postings of User tsninjapirate

The Blasphemy Challenge 47-9
Armageddon 2-6
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 66-3
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 80-7 80-9
First cause 50-6
Favorite Youtube Atheist? 5-4
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 17-3
Sam Harris' nuclear first strike argument. 4-10
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 48-8
Contradictions within the bible? 2-4
Favourite Professor Dawkins Youtube moment... 6-10
If you could bring any dead person back to life... 12-2
Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian 6-8 8-6 8-10 9-2 11-2
The million gods project 33-2
Free Will V 69-4 70-10
Just joined a few moments ago 1-1 1-4
Proof for the existence 1-7
Thanks for the right wing christian agenda 1-7
Easter 2009 - Death defeated 4-3
How Do Atheists Get Married? 3-7
Intermediate steps toward atheism? 2-5
So, I've given it a good few years of thought... 1-5
I think religion is okay.... 2-6
Satanists are idiots too 1-6
Do you have an underlying hate for religion? 3-3
Imagining the Unimagineable 1-1 1-8 2-3 3-2
The most famous atheist ever? 4-5
True Logic 1-4
What Would Prove God's Existence? 8-3
Jan Crouch - Give God your grocery money 2-3
Why would even a proven resurrection be significant? 1-4
Does God Exist? 2-6
Has anyone read the bible? 5-8
Your Own Famous Quote 2-2
Historical and Archaeological Bible Evidence 1-5
Let's see your desktop! 18-5
Definition Of Brainwashed 1-8
The glass is half full. 2-5 2-9
Catching up with atheist evangelists 1-6
Best answer to "Have you got Jesus in your life?" 4-6
Religious person you most admire/respect 1-6
I made a flash animation! 1-1
Male UK worshippers prefer "macho" hymns 2-2
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 92-9 99-4
WARNING: God's judgment is coming! 3-7
That's it !! - Atheists need a hell 2-9 3-10
Refuting deism 2-1 2-3 2-10 3-3
Future 1-2
Insomniacs Unite! 1-6
idea of an all-knowing God works 4-1 5-3
Thoughts of a dying atheist 8-1
Sequel to 'Most Widely Distributed Christian PC Game 3-2
Zombies invaded Jerusalem! 1-4
Need help translating... 1-9
Married to Jesus 1-3
If many of the world's people just disappeared... 2-10
Prove We Have A Creator 2-10 3-1
Hard "evidence" the Koran is a miracle of God? 1-3
Wahhabist Islam 1-5
heaven or hell 1-6
666 5-2
Satan is discreet? 1-9
Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology - WL Craig and other 1-7
Open Challenge to All Atheists: Can you Disprove God? 4-7
Asshats 3-5 6-7
Can morality override the truth? 2-2
Should we copy off one of religion’s tactics? 1-2
Why I do NOT leave Christianity 3-5 5-10
Inteligent Atheist Used To Be Dumb 2-3
Religion is a genetic success which is dangerous to ignore 1-10
"Militant Atheism Exposed" -- the Website 3-4
Paradox of Omnipotence 3-8
Me worship for the "me" church 1-5
Wow... Read this rant! 1-9
problem solved 1-4
Church Billboards 1-4
Praying for intervention? 1-3
Just to offer an alternative perspective... 2-6
The Religion Delusion 2-8
Depressing day on PostSecret 1-5
What Evidence would make you believe in God? — Part II 1-8
Your own religious experiences 5-1
It's impossible to be an atheist 1-7
So the Mormons Stopped by 1-4 1-5
Here's one. 1-5
Death to Religion ! 1-10
UFO/Sign of god spotted at Virginia amusement park 1-7
What religion to put on legal documents 2-5
Islam and the Understanding of the Quran 3-1
Help debate a theist 4-6
A case for a clumsy God? 1-2
Are "New" Atheists Proselytizing? 2-5
Common Era 1-9
Pascal's Wager 2-7 3-10
I just made this picture... 1-1 1-10
Almost Died? Tried Suicide? Care to Share? 7-7
Josephus and Credibility 2-9 3-1 4-8
Deism and "Belief in Belief" 1-1
Taking comfort in the mystery. 1-3
What is your favourite religion? 2-3
Hitchens is wrong about eastern religions 1-7
How did you first become to know (of) Dawkins? 5-6
Does being an atheist mean... 1-7
SINNERS Be Ashamed 9-8
Faith and bank accounts 2-1
Ridiculous youtube pastor. 1-3
I made another flash - now featuring colour! 1-1
An Atheistic 'Bible'? 2-4
One single question can destroy atheism 4-5 5-6 14-9 44-9
Speak with a beliver! 2-1 2-6
Tackling Atheism Head On 3-8 4-3 4-8
Point me in the right direction! 1-5
The Future of Religion 2-1
Portrait of Jesus 2-1
Why are Creationist so long winded? 1-6
Question 1-4
why sola scientia atheism will dwindle 1-4
Holy Crap! my cousin believes Kent Hovind 1-2
The Modern Jesus Army 1-6
Miracle 8-7
What is worth dying for? 4-5
Atheist=Dumb, Try Wittgenstein 1-4
Gah! My head just exploded. 1-7
How to leave my religious beliefs completely? 1-4
A baffling question about Islam and the Rennaissance 1-1 1-7 2-4
Does someone being religious affect your opinion of them? 2-7
Richard Dawkins 1-7
Do you have nagging doubts that God may exist? 1-5 3-9
Losing Faith 1-3
Wow... just f****** wow!! 2-5
Bedwetting and cold temperature 2-4
A new documentary I plan to make 1-1 1-7 1-8
Atheists Know They're Wrong 1-9
Aliens on the Moon 1-10
The Key to Effective Atheism 2-3
Help! My 16-year-old sister is a Scientologist! 2-2
Religion and the answers science cannot provide 1-7
God versus the Multiverse 3-4
One single question can destroy atheism Pt II 6-2
Quote from "The End of Faith" 2-2
Spirituality versus Religion. Is there a difference? 1-9
Father Knows Best: How Did Adam & Eve's Kids Have Kids? 1-2
The deists strike back. 1-4
Prayer 1-9 4-4
10 ways to tell if you are in a cult 1-3
How is the “Fine Tuning” argument not evidence for Intellig 1-9
Peter Costello on 'persecution' of religion 2-2
Cool idea for an atheist bumper sticker 2-5 2-9 4-10 6-9 7-7 7-10
Secular Church: Totally ridiculous or a reasonable idea? 2-9
Another effect of the religious labeling of children 1-4
An extremely specific question on the omnipotence paradox 1-4 3-2 3-7 3-10 4-2
Thoughts on converting people 1-2 1-5
The Man who Challenged the Quran 5-8
Can the Church be sued for fraud? 1-10
British Christians and their genocidal god 2-2
Dear Margo... My daughter’s an atheist 1-5
What Did You Feel & Think Upon Leaving Your Religion? 2-4
Do you criticize beliefs that are held quiet? 3-4
Atheists need to stop using the stone paradox. 2-3 2-5 3-5 3-9 4-7
Who designed the designer? 1-7
I think a great case study is Scientology... 1-4
Example Of Experiment That May Prove God? 5-4 5-10
What's our best refute against this argument? 2-7
Why God Exists 2-9
Can't explain some phenomena, so God exists?!GottaBeKidding! 1-7
Just out of interest, Do you hold beliefs? 1-4 1-7 1-9
William Craig: Is there Good Evidence for Atheism? 1-3
The origin of religion -- is it the right question? 1-10
I'm an atheist but....somehow you think that means new age? 1-6
Descendant of Jeebu$ is selling his holy Mercedes 1-7
Lucid Dreaming 2-5
Ten Devastating Arguments 1-2
Self-help for Atheists? 2-8
Atheist scientists? 2-3
Let's get rid of "probably doesn't exist" theory 36-1
God vs Religion 2-4 2-9
Rod Dreher: Against atheist fundamentalism 2-2
Why do I want to believe? 1-3
"If life has no purpose..... 2-3
Anyone Else Feel The Same Way? 1-3
Maybe there is an Atheist God! [2] 1-3
Derail thread from 'nagging doubts' 3-10 38-1
An atheist pilgrimage? 2-5
Who also claimed to be the truth? 1-7
Would you become a Christian if there was evidence? 9-7
Life is Music : A speculation about the origin of life 1-10
Why don't atheists believe in a god? 3-7
most intersting religion poll 3-7
Which of These 12 Facts About Jesus Do You Believe are True? 2-9
Being kind makes you weak and convertible 1-8
Do Atheists Believe We're NOTHING? 1-4
"What do you want written on your tombstone?" 1-6 9-2
A thought for a celebration 1-2
Proselytism is Healthy 1-10
A few sayings of prophet muhammad. 2-6 2-10
God Starts More Wildfires, Reminds To “Say No To homos" 1-10
Criminality and Christianity 1-3
Is Atheism Compatible with Science? 1-6
Satan Dunnit- The Dumbest Argument that Sort of Wins 2-2
The power 1-5
Cults 1-3
The subject of HELL 1-5
Is there nothing that doesn't prove there's a God? 1-7
Where does Sin come from 1-6
there is no god,but ALLAH 9-5 14-6
Poll;What is the most ridiculous religion? 1-4
How do theists explain Homo Erectus ? 1-7
Possibly the dumbest FWD email I have ever gotten 1-6
Purpose of Life 1-10
Famous atheists/agnostics 1-10
Your favourite obviously false bible bits 4-10
The Most Convincing Argument 1-4
Are god(s) considered subjective truths? 2-6
Orlando-based evangelist says Maher movie ruined his life 2-7
If Atheists Created the Calender 1-8
Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort discuss new atheists 1-7 3-1
Who is the most badass atheist? 5-6
Terry Eagleton Critique of 'New Atheism' video 1-7
Government coverups 1-10
I Almost Joined Opus Dei! 1-9
Theists and atheists think differently 1-3
After Religulous and The God Delusion how many have turned? 2-9
Deism is a form of theism? 3-3
When sceptics fight back and TAM London 1-4
What is it about religion that disgusts you the most 5-1
Intelligent Selection - a "new" concept from my writings 1-1
10 commandments of a scientific atheist 1-6
The Catholic church sold my child. 1-7
Can It Be Scientifically Proven That Prayer Works? 1-7
Is Jesus Divine? 1-6
Turek vs. Hitchens Debate video: Does God Exist? 2-4
The Hitch: Debating with theists 2-8
Are we as atheist as cats? 1-5
Is there a real threat of islamification? 3-7
The worst religion ever 2-9
Jesus and Mahdi 1-3
Is sexual addiction woo? 3-4
What kind of humanist are you? 1-10
"Came Out" Gay to my (Muslim) Parents - Didn't Work Out :( 3-10 4-2 4-4
Irony 1-7
Kirk Cameron Finally Makes Some Sense! 1-6
The Bible coming to Xbox 360 1-8
Atheism Offers What? Nothing. 4-8
How far do you go with Xmas? 4-3
Things you wish were true. 5-4
Atheists returning to religion 2-2
Christians, if free-will is so important... 2-4
Apocalypse obsession, where does it come from? 1-7
If you use condoms you will not be raptured 1-4
Holy Books As Literature - An Atheist's Dilemna 1-10
Bruce Bueno De Mesquita:The Next Nostradamus 1-9
Religion and war... (not having anything to do with it??) 1-7
GOD has been DEFEATED 1-3 4-5
Atheists, how many people have you raped and murdered? 7-5
Atheistic expression in the arts - what forms would it take? 2-2 2-5
Scientific method proves order cannot exist w/o intelligence 5-7
Wasting our time 3-6
Refused to study bible for class 4-6
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 8 34-5
Did Jesus Exist? - III 4-2 4-4 4-7
Atheists have beliefs too! 1-9
Stephen Fry discussing Philosophy and Religion 1-4
So tired of people making excuses for God 1-10
Atheists shouldn't celebrate Christmas 2-10
Challenge to Atheists: HEAVEN 1-2
"God" doesn't exist 2-6
Evolution of a being of light? 3-2
Is the atheist merely sinful or intrinsically evil? 14-4
Would most people be unhappy without religion? 1-9
Did Einstein Believe in God? 4-2
If you HAD to pigeonhole Bill Hicks: Atheist/theist/woo? 1-8
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 3) 19-2
Atheists Are Diseased – Protect Your Child From Atheism 2-9
Do you ever wish you believed in god? 1-6
Gods greatest Gift? 2-7
Most Convincing Youtube Video 1-2
An Atheist's Calendar 1-2
Near-death experiences? 1-2
The un-created god and all your inherited evil 3-1
Another deity another dollar 1-6
"How I went from atheist to theist" 1-2