List of Postings of User Pilgriminhostileland

A Non-Christian Calendar 26-9 27-1
No god, but an afterlife? 54-4
Atheist Tattoo 17-5
Life after death 7-10
Robust list of creationist 'arguments' + responses 14-5
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 57-1
Who is the hottest female Star Trek character? 13-10 14-7
George Bush, Worst in US History? 20-5
Do you think Incest is wrong? 77-10
Who is Your Favorite God? 45-10
Poll on whether time travel to past theory is possible. 20-5
If you could bring any dead person back to life... 6-6
Ted Haggard Documentary to air in January(Is he Coming Out?) 3-4
Atheist Bus in Canada 3-6
Dad at 13 14-3
Texas School Board Creationism Brouhaha 3-2
What are your thoughts on TheAmazingAtheist? 1-3
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part III) 13-3
Hetero, Homo and Bi 11-7
Would you consider killing yourself or killing someone else? 7-6
Life of Brian screened after 30 year ban 2-4
Non-religious Buddhism 17-7
Dave the Christian on atheists 11-1
Hello from Oklahoma! 2-1
If there was no longer death... 2-5 2-7
I feel freed 8-5
Hi from another OK atheist! 1-1 1-4
My daughter and Darwin 3-2
Is Richard just preaching to the choir? 2-5
Hola 1-2 1-5 1-8
Pope: Condoms Not the Answer to AIDS Battle 5-9
Glenn Beck's Fear Chamber! 2-9
Brainwashing children 1-9
Why has Christianity survived for so long? 6-9 7-2
Hello From Horta 1-6 1-8
First Timer 1-2
Out of fundamentalism 1-3
Scary Books: Recommendations Please 3-6
An Atheist During The Rapture 5-7
Does Dawkins debate serious theologians? 2-3
A time when I really REALLY cringed... 2-5
Jesus turns water into whine 1-2
Atheists should have some sort of a "church" - here's why 3-8
Never again, never ever again. 1-2
Why do atheists bother going to funerals? 4-5
ex religious and medicating with marijuana 2-1
I'm a new member, I think Dawkins is a Fraud. 2-3
Are there any members with an IQ below 150? 3-10
New kid on the block. 1-2 1-5
Why Dire End Times Predictions Seem True 3-7
Should the designer be worshipped? 1-4 1-9
Hello Fellow Humans 1-2 1-6
Why does biology draw so much controversy 1-8
Just ripped a couple of JW's to shreds on my doorstep 1-7 2-1 2-5 2-9 3-1
Do you know what you are eating? 1-5 1-9 14-5
Hi, does anyone know any atheist songs 1-10
YOU WILL BURN! But we love you. (Hello!) 2-2 2-8
Hello everyone! 1-2
Officials Confirm Teen Syphilis Outbreak 1-4
Digital DNA 1-4
Newcomer! 1-2 1-4
I am not an atheist. 1-2
Proof of the existence of God (by my 4 yr old) 1-2 1-4 2-2
Our cup overrunneth? 1-4
Super Strain Religion 1-2
Hello all. I'm new. 1-4
Does science require faith? 1-2 2-7
Should Adultery Be Considered a Crime and Punishable by Law 1-2
I met some Mormons yesterday 2-4
I am new to this... 1-5
First day here 1-2
(controversial) Books Just to Have 2-2
God is dead 1-5 1-7
Complaint 1-4
Psychics given gov funding to teach to communicate with dead 1-5
JW's are never mentioned 1-7 3-2 3-9 4-2 5-4
europe's welfare state is cousining the blow. 1-2
Are atheist girls easy??? 3-6 4-4 5-9
"We Are All Sinners" 2-5
Is Orwell´s Newspeak scientifically plausible? 1-7
Prejudices 1-10
Daniel 2 & 7, Revelation 12 13 & 17 Lucky Guess or Truth? 2-3
Family Guy - Not All Dogs Go To Heaven 1-7
The worst thing about theism. 1-5
Counting Churches 1-8 2-3
I'm a biologist! 1-2
Rise of atheism: 100,000 Brits seek "de-baptism" 1-7
"Psychic" gets busted! 2-3
My problem with heaven and hell 1-10 2-8 3-3
Excellent news: The O'reilly Factor 2-7
mim an atheist artist from Iran! :D 1-9
Lets pray for Currents grampa 1-2
I have converted to christianity 1-2
Hello Everyone 1-4
freethinkers 19-5
Paths to Atheism? 1-5
I'm going to dig up graves 2-2
You think I should burn in Hell? Forever? 2-6 4-8
The "Cheers!"-thread! 2-2 2-5
greetings 1-2
Hi everyone 1-2
Greetings from Lord Genome 1-2
As it turns out, money really does grow on trees. 1-2
imaginary friends... 1-2
Rate the Stupid 1-2
"True" Christianity is so bad that it has virtually died out 1-8
coming out of the RDnet closet 1-2
Why would it hurt burning in hell? 1-8
Sarah Palin for Supreme Court(kinda old) 1-4
God uses a book? 1-4
It's starting to sink in 6-8
Why does the pound still exist? 1-4 1-8 2-2
Mom drugged daughter so she'd get pregnant 1-6
Okay, So everyone becomes Atheist. 2-7
What's your fav. X-men character and Marvel Character(s)? 3-2
Christians blame Dawkins for recession? 2-2
latent sexism on the forum 3-4
If not for the Bible 1-5
Out and Proud 1-8 2-1 2-3 2-6 2-9
Do animals have a sense of humor? 1-2
A dildo older than creation 1-6
Must an Atheist still refer to a priest as "Father"? 4-3
Should US government apologise to the Iranian people? 5-2
Are you ready for the rapture? 1-10
What are some of your pet peeves? 2-9
Are Liberals Chirstians? 1-3
Do virtuious people live happier lives? 1-4
Quorum of the Twelve Apostates 1-3
President Obama Repudiated U.S. as Christian Nation 1-8 1-10 2-2
Hello free thinkers! 1-2 1-4
Women and Religion 4-1 4-6
Is it worth trying to debate on a Christian forum? 1-4
Today I was visited by the Jehovahs Witnesses 1-2 2-1 2-10 3-2
Why are christians trying to prove god? 3-9
Why ? Why ? Why ? 1-3
A mother shoots her son because she is the anti-Christ 2-6 2-9 3-1
I hate navy blue. 1-9
Has anyone else had a secular near death experience? 1-3
Dave Arneson co inventor of D&D died 1-2
Politics is dead 2-5
Islam 'insulted' by alleged child killer's mug shot 6-4
Shock Horror - Religious Leader Says Something Sensible 1-6
my name's forrest ... 1-5
What movie character do you most look like? 1-4
Praying to God is like talking to a friend 1-2
People who take drugs 2-7
Can you become funny? 1-5
Inherit the Wind 1-2
Religion of peace kills young lovers 1-4
Are we evolving into Gods? 1-2
Douchebags on Youtube 2-1
Biblical Prophesy 1-6
Oklahoma's attitude towards atheists 2-6 2-7 3-1
Who are your least favorite comedians? 3-10
More Ray-Ray Comfort Crap (Pat. Pend.) 2-6
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 82-6