List of Postings of User mozg

Feminism and Atheism 4-6 5-10 7-3 7-9 9-9 13-2 13-5 13-7 13-9
Why have children? 13-2 14-2 14-7 15-4 15-8 17-10 18-4 18-6 18-9 19-2 19-5 19-8
Worst books you've had the intense displeasure of reading? 34-3
Feminism and Masculism 11-10 12-4 12-8 12-10 14-1 14-6 16-1 16-9 20-3 21-6 21-9 23-7 24-1 25-2 26-9 27-1
Being told,"I will pray for you" 7-9
Washing machine liberated women says Vatican 5-10 6-2 6-5
Palin daughter splits from fiance 3-8 4-1
Vatican angered by US stem cells decision 2-4
Stranger in my own house 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-8
Hello from Southeast Texas, Lonely Atheist here. 1-9
President must be a natural born citizen bill 1-2
Absurd Bible Story Activities For Children 1-7
New Scientist pulls article on "Hidden Religious Agendas." 2-8 2-10 3-4
Another creationist 6-9
(Video) Shermer & Purdom Interview Creation Museum 1-4 1-6 1-8 2-1 2-3 2-5
Death Penalty Abolished for financial reasons 3-6 3-10 6-4
Pope: Condoms Not the Answer to AIDS Battle 1-9 2-5
Islam appeasers: would you allow this? 3-6 4-4 6-1
Adoption, Madonna-style. 2-1
President Obama Repudiated U.S. as Christian Nation 4-2
Movie - Actor - Movie Game II 5-4 6-5 13-7 14-1
And so the christening is done 2-6 2-8
Is anyone else disappointed by the Discovery Channel? 1-4 1-10 3-3 6-5
Are you an open atheist? 1-10
Which Fictional Dystopia are we Headed Towards? 3-3
Gary Larson 2-5
Abstinence-only Sex ed programs reviewed in Illinois 2-5
Catholics rail at new Ron Howard movie 5-5
"My bullied son's last day on Earth" 1-10
Michele Bachmann connects swine flu & democrats 2-3
Quality Atheist Friendly TV Shows... 2-4 5-6 5-9
Does 1 in May still lhave any meaning ? 1-10
Demographic of the forums users. 1-5
Vegetarians/Vegans? 7-6 10-6 15-9 16-5 18-1 29-7
Pat Robertson Gives Relationship Advice About Atheist Fiance 3-9
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 82-5
19-year-old Mormon convert "kidnapped" by parents 1-3
Gun Control 5-7 6-3 6-7 6-9 8-4 8-10 12-2 13-5 14-1 15-8 27-2 28-2 28-4 28-7 28-10
sending your kids to a religious school 1-2
Parental Interference 1-9 2-5
More police brutality! 8-10 9-2 10-1 10-5 11-4 11-8 11-10
Who Else Here Hates Yankee Arrogance? 11-5 12-6 13-4 13-9
Christian film reviews! 1-8
College "blamed" for daughter's atheism 1-2
Actual Passport Letter! 1-9
Letter to the President - Michael Moore 4-1
Muslim waitress wins £3000 for ‘looking like a prostitute’ 23-9 24-9
Sarah Palin does what a Sarah Palin does best 2-6 3-3 5-2
US woman fined $1.9 million for 24 song download 1-7
ex Miss California suing pageant for defamation 1-5
When will we dump the adversarial system in law and politics 5-4 5-7 6-2
People on Terrorist Watch List Allowed To Buy Guns 1-9 2-1 2-6 2-10 4-10 5-6 6-1 6-5 6-7 7-1 7-7 7-9 8-3
Why is criticizing religion "agressive" 3-2
Scientology Exposé in the St. Petersburg Times (Florida,USA) 1-5
"Birthers" Offer $10k Challenge for Obama's Birth Witnesses 1-7 2-2
Guns 'n' god in the US of A 1-2 1-7 1-10 2-6 2-10 3-5 4-2 5-4 5-7 6-6 8-8 11-5 15-10 16-6 16-10 17-4 17-7 18-4 19-4 19-6 19-8 20-4 20-10 21-2 21-8 21-9 22-1 22-5 22-8 23-1 24-1 24-8 25-6 25-10 26-4 26-9 27-1 27-5
Are My Prejudices Regarding The Constitution Unfounded? 7-10
Teletubby Anatomy 1-10
Too many US Supreme Court catholics 1-4
Losing Faith 1-4
House Democrats Unveil Landmark Healthcare Legislation 3-8 6-9 7-7 8-7 9-1 11-2 11-8 12-2 12-4 12-8
The Astounding Atheist! (comic) 2-1
Who is more pushy in their POV? 1-7
Senators Reject Gun Proposal 3-8 5-3
No sex ed; we’re muslims 2-1 3-1 3-5
More kids shoot each other with guns in US 3-7 3-10 4-4 4-10 5-7 6-8 7-2 8-2 8-9
Can the Church be sued for fraud? 2-1
6th grade child’s anti-abortion tee-shirt trial 7-1
Thanks NRA, still another slaughter.... 5-5 7-10 8-9 9-2 9-4 10-5 11-3
Another ban on texting/driving; Feds may move 1-7
Comparing Government Run, Publicly Funded UHC w/ Poll 11-2 11-4 11-7 12-3 13-3 13-7 13-10 14-3 14-7 15-6 16-3
American far-right loons savage ‘Evil and Orwellian’ NHS 14-3
Mayoral Candidate Wants Creationism Exhibit At Tulsa Zoo 1-2
Woman eats baby 3-5
If God says OK, Michelle Bachmann to run for President 3-5 3-7 3-9
Assault Rifles at Obama Rallies. 3-5 3-7 3-9 4-3 6-7 9-8 10-9
Former Miss USA sues 2-3 4-4
Penn and Teller Compared to Nazis by Catholic League 1-2
One dollar bill? 1-6
Obama’s speech to the nation’s school kids 1-5
Ky. school trip included baptisms 1-2 1-4
Can someone explain the logic behind affirmative action? 77-7 78-5
Most Banks Fund Arms Industry - Move to an Ethical Bank! 1-6
Texas death row inmate appeals to Londoners 5-8 6-4 7-4
Evolution film too hot a potato for USA 4-6
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? (Part 5) 42-8 47-7
Oklahoma makes abortions public 7-4
Gun Control 1-10 11-10 24-1 26-5 26-7 27-9
10yo refuses Flag Pledge: No liberty/justice for gays 4-4
Virginia man arrested for nude cup of coffee at home 8-4 19-3
Wired article about vaccine paranoia 3-8
No more heavenly parking in Jersey 1-5
4 Amish bishops charged in child sex abuse case 1-7
Nurse refuses flu shot - on religious grounds 3-8
Fort Hood: 7 Killed, Dozen or more wounded! 3-5 3-8
Lou Dobbs leaves CNN 1-10
Catholics threaten DC over gay marriage 2-7
Arkansas Police Taser 10yo Girl 5-1 15-9
Arrested for not tipping 3-9 6-8 8-1 8-9
Gun Control Part Zwei (II) 14-5 14-7 18-6 18-9 25-3
Christian Side Hugs - Frontal Hugs Too Sinful 2-2 6-4
Paralysed Belgian misdiagnosed as in coma for 23 years 3-3
NBC Says No to PETA's Thanksgiving Ad 3-8
Too fat to graduate or get on a plane? 13-8 18-8 33-5
A GOOD use of religious iconography 3-5 3-7
Sarah Palin: Birthers Might Have a Point 1-3
2 teacher babes caught having naked romp in HS classroom 10-3
US Health Care Bill 21-2 21-4
Abortion- A scary portrait of US views(poll and gallup poll) 1-10
Should men be allowed to 'abort' their unborn children ? 68-10
Baby without a brain reaches 1 year old 3-3
NW Airlines Terrorism Fail. 5-10 11-9 14-7 15-4 16-2
How Do We Prevent Future Airplace Terror Attempts? 3-6 4-4 6-2 8-3 10-8
The last abortionist 5-9 9-1
That Super Bowl anti-abortion ad 2-4
Women should submit says CofE curate 3-3 5-1 5-5 6-9 7-1
Women say some rape victims should take blame - survey 2-9 4-5 4-10 5-5 6-4 8-6 8-8 9-1 9-3 9-6 10-4 10-9 16-5 17-3 17-9 18-3 18-8 19-4 20-6 24-4 24-8 25-6 27-2 28-9 29-8 30-1 31-4 32-4 32-6 32-9 33-1 34-2 37-8 38-3 38-5 39-9 40-2 43-4 43-8 44-1 44-4 44-6 44-8 45-6 45-8 46-2 46-5 47-5 47-7
Sarah Palin complains about Family Guy Down's reference 1-9 2-3 4-10
Condoms should carry health warning say catholics 3-4 3-10 6-10 7-2
Flintstones - 1/3 Texans Believe Dinosaurs & Human Coexisted 1-9