List of Postings of User lordshipmayhem

Marijuana 86-1
Pokemon is of Satan! 5-4
Questions for Dawkins 18-8
The Anime Fan Club!!! (and other Japanese stuff) 86-4
Germany: Home-Schooling Christian Parents Sentenced to Jail 14-1
Simon Singh to be sued 3-4
Campus Crusade for Christ? 2-3
Re: POLL: Do you support Gay Marriage II? 6-4
Creationist visiting my town 1-5
Tooth fairy, Father Christmas????? 3-4
Worst assignment ever 4-2
Minimal belief in Evolution at my school 3-2
US Gay Marriage initiatives - State Level (plus Wash DC) 13-1
Responses From Christians Who've Lost a Debate 7-2
Ms. Prejean - physically attractive, or not? 5-6
prayer in my school, did i mention its a public school? 4-1
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube PT. II 39-8
what is shape? 3-2
Favorite Bad Movies? 3-3
Another shooting today that was motivated by religion 2-1
Quit Smoking, Yay! 2-4
is intelligent design dead? 2-3
Another reason to laugh at creationists. 1-5
Best Bible blurb competition 1-6
Open Challenge to All Atheists: Can you Disprove God? 4-10
God doesn't make sense. 1-8
The Devil has won! 2-4
Zimbabwe: Raping Virgin Girls Can Cure HIV/AIDS 1-6
Religious Neighbor Confronts Us 1-7
Obama administration asked SCOTUS to uphold DADT 1-6
Police taser, shoot boy's pet chihuahua 3-10
Do we need a word for "non scientific theory" ? 2-9
So the Mormons Stopped by 2-3
Most Beautiful Words in the English Language 5-2
ex Miss California suing pageant for defamation 1-10
Hi everyone, from Canada 2-7
Richard Dawkins against new science curriculum 3-7
Calls for more god in the EU 1-6
Why God Exists 3-2
Things are not as rosy in Canada as you may believe. 2-8
What do you think of hedonism? (Part 2) 16-1
Arizona Preacher: "Faggots run this country!" 2-3
What are your favorite animated movies? 8-6
Lot's Daughters 1-5
favorite beers? 2-9
NFL Football 1-4
This is how someone decided to end a debate with me. 1-2
Let's be Arrogant! 4-3
Your usernames 11-8
Three US states ban teachers’ religious clothing 1-6
Alone in the world 1-7
Do you hate God or God as depicted by mainstream religion? 9-7
Being forced to go to church & mom is scaring me, help? 10-8
POLL: How easy is it to mount a CONSPIRACY? 2-3
Ok, so why would god be human shaped? 2-10
pupils adjudged by name .. 2-1
I hate religion = I hate you... 1-4
A Mormon Speaks Against Prop 8 in Church 1-2
What the hell were they thinking? 1-10
Windows OS is a threat to a stable internet. 7-4
Please i need some help with these Claims 1-6
Students Beat NASA On a $150 Budget 2-6
Faith Schools 1-8
Kirk/Ray: "God" created their brain from nothing 3-2
State Removes Children From Family, Calls Bath Pictures Porn 3-4
Creationist Websites 4-2
Last words from death row? 2-9
Clever hoaxes 9-9
Will I Go to Hell? 1-7
Hate for Reading Dawkins 4-1 5-6
Atheists are angry at god 2-4
Calling Dawkins Militant is an exaggeration... 19-6
hello from Toronto, Canada - hola desde Toronto Canada 1-5
VERY Weird End to Birthday - Someone Called! 2-1
Everyone has beliefs - atheism is one of them 9-5 9-6
How did your parents react upon "outting" yourself? 5-4
Rant: 'you mock me, therefor I'm right' 2-7
I "converted" my mother 2-3
Father collapses in murder trial 1-4
Nazis and British military row 1-6 1-7
Atheists.. why don't you just believe... 3-8
Easier to be gay than an atheist? 2-4
Why Are Atheists Angry? 3-10
Free Maltesers 2-8
The illusion of `constellations`- help me debunk astrology 1-8
Canadians? 1-10
Tough guy creationist - unbelievable... 2-6
Virginia man arrested for nude cup of coffee at home 7-2
Evolution-DENIERS Main Problem, But then... 1-5
Windows 7 10-3
Being Atheist in Religious Sex Ed at a Public School 3-8
Free Ware Vs. Propriety Ware 2-9
Do you ever question your intelligence? 9-5
White House moves to open source 2-7 2-10
The ultimate Tech question 5-6
A shot of oregano 2-10
Someone just ruined my copy of The God Delusion :( 2-3
My ordination upset the fundies 2-6
Texas polygamists: 5 in custody 1-3
Startling Proofs - Does God Really Exist? 2-4
How good a parent is god? 1-10
Is it possible for god to commit suicide? 3-6
Are we as atheist as cats? 1-7 2-5
You want brain meltdown... ? 2-6
We must stop arguing with Creationists 1-2 1-6
Eggs Are People - 2010 Colorado Ballot Initiative 1-9
Christian Scientists Lobbying for a Federal Subsidy 1-10
Women banned from wearing trousers 2-2
Buck House a mosque? 3-7
World War Two 2-3 4-6
Ethical Hunting; Shooting; Guns; Animal Husbandry; etc... 28-2
Wal-Mart and Costco now selling coffins 2-3
Worried Iran pilot asks passengers to pray 1-2
Atheism and Reality 1-6
"What Really Riles Muslim Extremists?" (D'Souza) 4-3
Dr. Eugenie Scott whacks whacko Ray-Ray 3-4
Poll: How do YOU like your coffee? 4-9 5-4
How do people believe in homeopathy? 1-3
What to do to go to hell? 1-9 4-1
Preference? 1-5 1-9
School club 1-2
This is Your Brain on Dawkins 1-4
When Will Science End? 1-2
Evolution, the greatest help for science fiction 1-6 2-4
answering theists on atheism 1-7
POLL: How is god formed from non-god? 1-10
Muslim Claim: Einstein was a Shia! 1-2
Margin of error - radiometric dating - save a life. 1-3 1-8
I Am 100% Certain There Is No God 4-2
Dinner with five people, living or dead? 3-2
IE 8 and the Jumping Reply Window 2-8 3-1
What does this reply mean? 2-8
Rabbis want Kosher internet on cellular phones 1-5
Atheistic art? The lack of inspiration from religion? 1-9
Bishop convicted for endless bell-ringing 1-7
Prayer ‘healthcare’ 1-4
Atheists: An Australian catholic speaks 1-3
Church signs 1-5
Scientists are arrogant gods of certainty. 2-8
Computer Programmer Wanted: Custom verson of "Weasel" 2-1 3-1
Which do you have most belief in...? 5-4
I hate the 'pro-life' movement. Hate it, hate it, hate it. 4-1 5-7
Boris to the rescue 2-5
Swine Flu 1-3
Images in your mind when thinking of God 1-2
Does "hell" bother you? 2-4
Dr. Mercola and vccinations 1-2
Has your belief or lack thereof always been the same? 1-3
Nurse refuses flu shot - on religious grounds 2-3 2-4 3-7
Afghan farce- time to end it. 4-9
Conversational taboos 1-7
Hi 1-7
Angry Atheists? 2-8 4-2
Limiting sciences subjects? 1-3
Atheism and the 12-step Program 1-5 1-10
Faith-healer kills two... 1-3 1-7
Soup. 1-3 1-7
Teen Vogue Features Pregnant Cover Girl: Moral Panic Ensues. 1-5 2-9 3-1
Atheists 1-7
Fort Hood: 7 Killed, Dozen or more wounded! 2-1
Help with my converstion about Evolution with my uncle! 1-2
List relatively unknown interesting things 1-3
Polygamist sect leader convicted of child sex assault 1-3
UK: Religious can still withdraw kids from sex ed - till 15 2-6
Beyonce ‘sex party’ 1-7
again islam is the worst 3-4
Best Movie Soundtracks 1-2
Motorcycles — Do you ride? 2-2
Jesus and Mahdi 1-2
Navy was ordered to listen for ET! 1-3
Lungs 2-1
Injections: are you afraid of them? 1-8
Foods that bring you to the verge of throwing up 2-8
Remembrance 3-2
Anne Widdecombe on female ordination 2-7
Mike Huckabee anti-abortion segment on Fox 1-4
Hurricane Ida 1-4 2-3
Where to meet girls? 1-2
Hell is more interesting than heaven 1-3
Anyone Else Watch Religious Programs to Amuse Themselves? 3-4
Is sexual addiction woo? 1-2
10 uses for.. 3-8 5-5 8-1 9-3
Murdoch may block Google as part of new charge regime 1-7
Your religious name 1-9
B.C. 1-6
Can Muslim Youth Be Westernized? 2-4
If God existed would atheist obey him? 4-5
Soldier is Miss World contender 1-1
Genisis is so weird to be believed 2-4
Don’t you think Jesus needed PSYCHIATRIC help? 1-3
Religion and Torture 1-2
interacting with a lady could impair your cognitive facultie 1-1
‘God hates fags’ church picket Obama kids’ school 8-3
Vatican Looks for Signs of Alien Life 2-7
Toys You Had as a Kid 1-5 7-2
Less People or More Food - it's a GM thing 1-5
Science Is Murder? 3-5
Now ANY doubt that Bill Craig is an IDiot is now removed... 3-2
The Temptation of Jesus 2-9
the bible is dead 1-9
The most outlandish "defense" of the (biblical) flood 2-2
About declawing domestic cats 2-7
99% of murders are commited by atheists 3-4
What do Atheists want ? 5-9
Coming out as an atheist to your family. 2-4
Today: Rally For Religious Freedom Outside Dept Of Justice 1-6
What's your favorite book/film/song? 2-6
Oktar strikes back! 1-5
Jesus survived crucifixion & migrated to Kashmir 2-3
Muslim educators reject evolution 1-9
Tea partiers punk’d into supporting removal of white people 1-8
Austrailan Parlimentarian claims Scientology is criminal. 4-6
well well look here true or false 2-4
Let Me Google That For You 1-6
Refusing to Place Children w/ Gay Couples 2-10
Who are you? 2-4
BBC Radio 2 - Tune In Quick! 1-7
Islamic Faith Schools at risk of closure 1-2
Windows Vista 1-3 4-7
Most Used Word/Phrase by Televangelists? 1-2
Splinter from Jebu$ cross 1-2
As an atheist, which religion most appeals to you? 4-1
Renewed attempts by muslims at international blasphemy law 1-8
Brazilian Senate calls on “medium” to explain major blackout 1-3
Can I pray to the stars? 2-8
Pet Stories 1-4
A Gay Christian 2-9
President or Senator Lou Dobbs? 1-10
Evolution taught by a Priest 1-6
Does Man Deserve Hell? 2-9
Chavez hails the worst of the worst 4-5
Do you fold your book corners? 2-7
No category, one question 1-7
What does it mean to be a .....? 1-2
Bishop: No Magic Crackers For Kennedy 2-2
Who or what is your favourite comedic character? 6-4
Kirk Cameron - Mauled by a Bruin in Darwin Fight 1-8
If we had to........ 1-9 7-2
Bad grammar? 4-1
Pakistan Blames Everyone But Themselves 1-4
Would you go to church for a girl? 1-10
Labeled Gods 1-3
Odd things you've noticed 3-3
Richard Dawkins calls Ray Comfort an idiot 2-1 2-5
TV astrologer sentenced to death in Saudi 2-7
The Religion of Operating Systems 2-5
Pistachio Nuts 2-3
Report Italy has banned Burka/niqab in public? 1-5
Religious ed teacher, 39, jailed for sex with boy, 15 1-9 3-3
Atheist Convention Denied Gov't Funding 2-9
Everything Sarah Palin 4-1 13-5
Crazy jihad christian: Obama is An ‘Anti-Christian’ 1-10
Homeopathy in NHS unethical 2-1
Palin and the New Apostolic Reformation 1-2
Expert on Fox News doesn't remember 9/11 1-5
Jesus 'may have visited England' 4-9
Powerpoint 2008...... 1-7
Gary McKinnon 2-7
Vatican stops abortion pill in Italy 1-2
When did it become impossible for one to know everything? 1-9
Referendum: Swiss Minarets (Sunday) 38-7
Hate Crimes & Discrimination against Atheists? 3-1
Creation by God=Evolution? 2-9
Make me laugh or die trying! 2-6
The Season is Upon Us. What's the WORST Christmas Carol? 3-9 6-9 11-1
Atheists who love the Winter holidays 3-2
Huckabee's Willie Horton Moment? 1-7
Homophobic christian therapist loses appeal case 1-7
I got some GOODSCIENCEFORYOU 1-7 1-10
Tory Muslim peer pelted with eggs 1-2 3-9
Dear God, please confirm what I already believe 1-3
Offensive Lyrics 3-2
How to choose a religion - flowchart 2-1
Judas and Embellishments 1-6
Today's Guardian's response column. 2-1
Debunking the "speed of light in the Quran" miracle claim 3-2
I am the second coming! 2-6
witch hunter sues Humanist.... 1-8
NY Senate votes against Gay Marriage 24 to 38 4-6
Exercise 2-3
Religious Arguements 1-3 1-7
Greatest King ever:Emperor of Emperors 2-5
Let's turn the tables 1-3
Would you choose the Red or Blue pill?? 3-2
128 MILLION dollars?!... 1-6
An easy question to theist. 1-5
Natural processes besides evolution by which complex things 1-4
Movie about "real" Jesus? 1-3
Argument against intelligent design 2-2
Wearing a Hijab to Class 1-10
Genius Egyptian man single-handedly DESTROYS atheism!!! 3-2
What if you're wrong? 2-10
Get Out of Hell Free Cards and other silly defenses. 2-1
Is there a non-physical DNA? 2-3
Could atheism stand the test of time? 1-8 2-3
11 arrests at anti-islam protests in Nottingham 3-8
We need an atheist message to put on athletes faces 1-8
'Ransom deal blocked' for Somali hostages 1-2
Christian Aggression 2-2
Atheists should concentrate on opposing Islam 3-3
The "Public Option" 2-2
Tiger sex church shock - sort of 2-9
Is god a thief? 1-5
Should Evolutionists Debate Creationists? 2-2
Is Freedom an unrestrained license? 1-10
Special Offer on God !!! 1-3
I wonder why.. 1-4
Anyone else really hoping for The Rapture? 1-9
US comedian Robin Williams dubs pope ‘a nazi’ 1-9
Presentation on 'Fundamentalist Atheism' 2-8
How Often has Religion Been Wrong? 2-6
McDonald's To Transgender: "We don't hire faggots" 3-2
Critical Thinking and God 3-4
Does political correctness trivialize the argument? 2-2
Atheists and snoring... 3-5
Boycotts 1-8 1-9
One Third of Netbooks Ship with Linux 2-4 2-6
Darwin banned from church? 1-10
Funny dream I had last night about the apocalypse 1-2
Another Republican Sex Scandal ... 1-3
Atheists! Come up with new terms for religious belief 1-7
FOX Continues its War on Math 1-8
Holy Cow 1-7
Its Almost Obvious. 1-7
Help with Christmas dinner required 1-9
Kevin Jennings - U.S. "Safe Schools Czar" 4-3
2 teacher babes caught having naked romp in HS classroom 6-6
Corrupt-A-Wish #2 3-2 5-4 10-8 50-8
Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation posted on Wikileaks 5-8
Law and justice is a reason against God? 2-6
Only his mama can call him 'Raymond' 1-6
Were you ever a creationist? 1-2
Hey from Innisfil ON 1-8
I quit smoking! 1-5
London uni bars anti-democracy muslim 2-1
Truckers chapel 1-2
Why The Forum For Armed Forces Personnel? 1-4
Austrian gay civil unions in New Year 1-3
Similarities between those that do and don't! 1-8
The Great Lisbon Earthquake killed God 2-8
You've Got To Be Kidding Me! No? 1-6
Moving from church to church 2-2
Religious wars in Europe 1-9
Pope shares child abuse outrage 1-2
GOD has been DEFEATED 3-3
I was never a fan of Star Trek... (Need advice from fans) 1-7
Stupid Answers to Serious Questions Game. 31-1 33-10 39-2
Atheists, how many people have you raped and murdered? 3-3
"We are descendants from apes..." 1-4
The good christan! 1-2
Being ostricized for being an atheist... 1-9
I make little girls cry. 2-4
Problems with libraries 1-5
Political Atheism ... 1-3
New look for Saudi daytime TV 2-3
Should Children Pray in Schools? 2-5
Thousands turned away at free clinics 2-2
How should a religion be judged? 1-3
Catholics killed Dark Materials trilogy 2-6
the etiology of the term 'New Atheism' 1-3
Wide-field Infrared survey Explorer set to launch 14th Dec. 1-2
Christmas decision 1-3
the ages of stars in clusters 1-2
Only the good die young: a nice atheists anthem 1-2
Can Tiger Woods Be Redeemed? 1-8 2-8 6-4
Best stand up comedy show ever? 2-6
Is Jesus in Hell? 1-4
Help with Computer! 1-8
I Can't See How Evolution Accounts For This... 1-7
Jewish faith school loses appeal (UK) 1-9
I get mail 2-8
When did bigotry become the most grievous vice? 1-3
Ohio local school board ceases to believe in god 1-2
Show me your demotivational posters! 1-4
Of fundamental importance to the majority says church 1-3
Prophet Muhammad 2-8
24% of Australians are atheist 3-4
Are Atheists Allowed to Believe in Demi-Gods? 1-8
Argument against 'all-knowing' God 1-4
Men must grow beards (and shave moustaches) 1-5
Teacher 'sacked' after prayer for pupil 11-2
Kill Welsh gay people says christian 2-10
'It’s okay to shoplift' says Father Tim Jones 1-3
My christian family is trying to e-convert me 3-5
Peeves and Rantages 3-9
Former Catholic living in Toronto! 1-6
Opinions on 'alternative medicine' 2-1
The "vengeful god" game 1-3
Tsunami: Where was God? 3-2
Tsunami: Where Was God? Channel 4 documentary 1-3
Who created God .... and so on ? 1-7
Greetings. 1-8
Official Vatican Mag Under Fire for Endorsing 'The Simpsons' 1-3
Woman accused of posing as a witch in court 1-2
Let's Go Fatwa Shopping 2-3
Atheists still can't explain the miracles of JESUS! 5-1 6-6
anti-gay mp iris robinson quits due to mental illness 2-5 4-6
father forces gay son 14yrs to have sex with prostitute 2-5
"Boy"friend and "girl"friend? But we are 30+ 3-1
Is religion a waste of time 1-5
Hand of gawd 1-8
Atheist priests 1-4
Pope: Women not slaves of men 1-2
Muslims allow non-muslims to say "allah" 1-6
Windows 7 1-4
New Hampshire 1st gay marriages 2-3
Are you a lunatic ?? 1-9
How Should I Invest $10,000? 2-7
Attack against Malmö mosque 1-5
Atheist day 2-7
Devil Crashed My Computer 2-4 3-8
My Mother died yesterday. <2nd January 2010> 3-1
Discrimination? 1-4
Kinky German policeman bonks during church 1-10
Free Will VI 10-7
What celebrity could you be mistaken for? 2-10
You are suddenly a 300 IQ. How would you rise to the top? 2-3
New airport scanners break UK child porn laws? 4-10
EDIT: Ignore this post 3-4 41-9 49-10
sick of the "the noughties" already .. 1-2
greatest Greek 3-10
Religion Is Unintelligibly Primitive. 13-7
Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings 2-6
Is it time for antitheism? 1-6
What have you planned for your Funeral 1-6
Name my hamster thread. 2-4 4-5
Ben Stein's Idiotic 2007 Financial Advice Before the Crash 2-6
Religion on Technolgy at its Finest 1-3
You're doin' a heckuva job Leiter! 1-7
'Atheist' Nations Are More Peaceful 2-9
Marko Rodin 1-5
3 cheers for Bob Barker!! 3-2
The 10:23 Campaign - Get involved and combat homeopathy 2-7
HELP! My atheism might be in danger! 5-3
atheist comebacks 2-4
Athieism in Australian Schools 3-1
The Omnipotrons 1-8
The poor dears... Top 10 persecutions of Christians 1-10
Atheism is a Fad 1-4
Best TV series of the decade 3-3
To all Atheists... what religion would you convert to? 5-4
More Stupid Answers to Serious Questions 5-7 35-4 36-5 48-3
did god love hitler? 2-2
How do you measure the size of government? 3-2
How Do I Keep My Daughter From Following the Herd? 2-9
NonStampCollector - Special Investigation - Evolution 1-4
This guy can play the piano 1-7
Painter falls through church holy roof in Portsmouth 1-5
Al-Muhajiroun/Islam4UK faces ‘terrorism’ ban 1-4
Rapture Index 1-3
Back to Basics! How Do Creationists Explain Dinosaurs? 1-8
Word Association XXXIX 14-7
Pope: condemns gay marriage; is a catholic 1-10
Only Biblical Literalists May Be Alabama Governor 1-3
Inside Story - Religious violence in Malaysia 1-2
What job would you never do? 1-6 11-3
What do you think about 2012? 3-4
Reverend blesses laptops and smartphones 2-7
There is a God! 2-6
Baby Mitts! 2-7
POLL: Who Is The Most Charismatic Individual? 2-1
Does Japan Have Racial Issues?(Poll) 2-1
Christians always use the Messianic Prophecy to prove Christ 2-1
My only Christian friend... 2-4
Pat Robertson: Haiti paying for "Pact to the Devil" 5-8
Atheism is a religion. 1-7
Yep, i watched Expelled 3-9
Church still wants rights for its bigots 4-7
What Job Would you LOVE to do? 1-10
God's at it again! 1-5
Disappointments 2-1
Raising the Dead. 1-3
This is true .... 1-3 2-6
Trying to explain JWs to daughter 1-5
Earths rotation 2-3
Funny Novels 3-3
German govt warns against MS Explorer 1-5 1-9
An offense to the ears 2-4
Atheists must maintain independence of mind 1-10
Kill Them or Kill Yourself 5-1
Not one psychic predicted a major Caribbean earthquake 1-8
Bird Flu Conspiracy Exposed! 1-4
The Scientific Paranoia 1-4
Nudist Ceramics 1-3
Islamic Terror, where do we stand? 1-9
Christians - do you ever pray for the "impossible"? 2-2
And it only costs $13.95 1-6
Digital Piracy 1-6
the Texasization of American public education 1-4
BLASPHEMY (In Your Face Irish Theocrats) 2-3
U.S. Military rifles inscribed with Bible quotes 2-4
Why I Have a Problem With Faith 1-5
Pakistan's Archaeological Heritage Under Threat 1-5
Why does god allow natural disasters? 1-2
What Funny Things Have You Done for Religion & Esotericism? 1-7
Pray 4 Trig Palin 3-9
Friend Says She's Psychic 1-3
Not being able to disprove God does not disprove he exists. 2-5
God and prayer - what a waste of time 1-3
Dawkins & suicide bombers 2-1
Atheism 'based on a fear of God' - BBC - nun Wendy Beckett 1-8 3-4
Homeopathy die-in protest outside pharmacies 2-2
New 6.1-quake hits Haiti, people flee into streets 1-2 1-4
atheism piques only Europeans 1-3
Why does god allow natural disasters? - Haiti 15-2 19-2
What kind of novel you loves? 1-3
Those hypocritical bastards! This is why I would emigrate... 1-4
Troobies: A Health and Safety Announcement 1-5
POLL: Who Is Your Most "Charming" Televangelist - And Why? 1-5
Woman rescued after six days Haiti survivor thanks gawd 1-2
What Are You Drinkin? 3-10
Law Enforcement atheist 1-9
Christian hate campaign against culture chief 1-8
Beating polygraphs 2-2
A Flight Is Diverted by a Prayer Seen as Ominous 2-6
Alleged Jordan River Miracle. Scientific explanation? 1-4
A Murder of Crows - The Feathered Ape 2-1
James Randi – Bomb Dowsing 1-5
Corrupt-A-Wish #2 (split) 1-9 40-4 48-9
After the rapture... 1-6
Nigeria religious riot bodies found in village wells 1-2
The Contrast Between Science and Religion 1-4
The last abortionist 2-5
Americans to get access to authentic Scottish delicacy 2-10 4-3
Enemy of Your Freedom 1-5
Canadians Protest the Prorogation of Parliament 1-8
The George Carlin Tribute Thread 1-7
Atheism disproving 'prophecies' 1-4
Is christianity one religion? 1-6
Westboro Baptist nuts to protest Twitter, other Sf sites. 2-7
Don’t ask; don’t tell 2-1 3-1
Mexican govt tries to overturn Mexico City gay marriage 1-3
Minor victory over pseudoscience 1-4
Even More Stupid Answers to Serious Questions 14-9 18-7 36-1
Psychiatry - Has CBT been Placebo Controlled In Studies 1-2
Tomorrow's Shakespeare... 1-7
Cancer - causes & prevention according to Daily Mail 1-5
Greetings from Toronto, Ontario 1-3
What Would You Do If You Own a Toyota or Lexus Vehicle? 1-9 3-3
RDF TV Channel 1-3
Animal Farm 1-3 1-8
In Memoriam - Challenger 1-1
Create your own David Cameron poster 1-2
Hello from Toronto! 1-9
Australia bans small breasts in pornography 3-3
MMR Doctor Andrew Wakefield could be struck off. 2-6
"Pray to solve crimes, Christian cops urge" (Jane's) 1-9 2-1
Wearied by Religious "Explanations." 1-10
10 years and a kabillion $$$$ later...where is he? 1-6 1-7
Sex abuse revelations rock elite Catholic school in Berlin 1-2 1-5
Who Is The Better Leader: Men Or Women? 1-7
Awful Books by Great Writers 2-7
Archbishop Chaput : Beware the creative genius 1-4
Computer Advice Blog 1-4
Corrupt-A-Wish #3 (split) 6-6 21-3 21-5
Bad movie history 4-2
My favourite science joke 1-2
Muslim Mob Storms Mosque of Moderate Imam 1-2 2-1
Grandmothers Death. 2-3
Scientists Have Found Evidence Of Your God 1-7
Police warn of Jihad training for children 1-2
Are Humans Necessary for God to Exist? 3-6
I love how Christians think they can do no wrong... 1-5
Kids Say the Darndest Things 1-6
Chrisian friends tell me that the Bible has been proven... 2-2
Afghanistan A Lost Cause? 1-2
Lancaster Mayor Under Fire For Christian Remarks 1-5
Thought for the Day (And rest of your life) 1-4
Am I being too optimistic about the future of Islam? 1-3
These missionaries should be jailed for stupidity 1-5
The Law of Evolution? 1-7 1-10
What's wiki got against Feynman? 1-3
Kung Fu Action Jesus! : Christian fight clubs. 1-9
Latter Day Saint or Latter Day Aint?? 1-6
EDIT: In the name of God, Please ignore this post 2-1
Terrible persecution of christians says archbish of York 2-6
Brian Dunning (Skepticblog) on the Pyramids and (no) Exodus 1-5 2-1
Thinking like Jesus 1-2
Oprah Winfrey Sweat Lodge goon faces Manslaughter 1-3 1-5
Atheists Converted to Religion? 1-2
Pareidolia Help Needed 2-2
Is God Is A Macro God? 1-4
Gov introduces safety pint glasses 1-2 1-5
Greetings From Tokyo 1-3
Calling all "evolutionists" 3-1
Haiti charges U.S. church members with kidnapping 2-3
What Really Bothers Me: Ingratitude 1-4
Turkish girl, 16, buried alive for talking to boys 3-6
Your All-Time Favorite Writer (Fiction)? 3-8
Anti-creationism group relaunched 1-3
The Trials Of Ted Haggard 1-6
Scriptures as literal or metaphorical 1-5
No Violent Video Games (Unless it's for Jeebus)! 1-10
Who is ignorant, stupid insane or wicked? 1-10
Vodafone msg of the day :) 1-5
Nutty Christian group mad about pink Ouija boards 2-1
Quick question re: Genesis plot point 2-2
Top evolution evidence... 2-1
Extremists send out anti-gay fliers in MD public schools 1-2
Worst Pundit Figures 1-5
Gay Atheists 2-2
Snowmageddon or Snowpocalypse? 1-7
Where are we headed? 1-7
Hilarious! 2-8 2-10 3-3
Man could create God; if man could create his parents 1-5
Living as a Teenage Atheist 2-6
Republican: Non-Christians Should Leave US 2-3
Islamic Justice 1-3
Dawkins should debate creationists 1-6
Hello RD Board~! From Canada! 1-7
I am addicted to this site 1-3
Overcompensation 1-4
New Member from Toronto 1-5
Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket funerals of Boulder 1-6
Hi from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada 1-5
Nietzsche's definition of nihilism 1-4
Funniest editing of movies for TV 1-8
The Voice of God sounds like? 2-10
Anyone here ever found a fossil? 2-3
Tsunami 'punishment' for breaking Islamic law - BBC article 1-2
End of Internet Free Speech...Enjoy it while you can! 1-9
Humerous Oxymorons 1-7
Dr. Colin Ross: Psychiatry, Supernatural, and Malpractise 1-4
Republican: Microchips To Be Used as "Mark Of The Beast" 1-8
Sigh at my peers 2-7
Virgina House passes bill to prevent "AntiChrist" Control 1-5
I'm going paintballing this weekend. Indoor game 2-4
Americans in Haiti Could be Freed 1-2
Some fun for you guys 2-6
Microsoft Finally Fixes An Ancient Bug 2-6
What Fictional Characters Can You Really Identify With? 2-3
Airport Body Scanners Violate Islamic Law? 2-4
Science and Religon 1-2
Lapdancing clubs face new rules 1-2
Women should submit says CofE curate 3-9
What have you said to JWs at the door? 3-6
Online sex game is aimed at teens 1-1
OpenOffice 3.2 - now now available 1-2
Keith Ward's reply to 'The God Delusion' 2-9
If the kingdom of heaven existed 1-7
Looking for help from an oceanographer or similar 1-2
What's happening to the future? <rant warning> 1-4
Why do people believe things that are demonstrably false? 2-2
the evangelicals in bed with social Darwinists 1-2
Windows, Linux, Atheism, Religion 2-6
Favourite TV comedy show? 1-9
Uniting church says god guided darwin and evolution 1-7
Iowa man sentenced to 6 months for "obcene" manga 24-7
Poll: Pancake Day [16-2-10] - For or Against 3-5 4-6
pets left behind by the rapture 1-7
I'm not going to space, am I? 1-5
POLL: Has God Actually Revealed New Useful Knowledge To Man? 2-3
"There's no such thing as a true atheist" 2-5 2-9
Hello from Canada. 1-6
Gods Laws 1-7 2-4
rocket 2-1
Love letters from god 1-4
Any Former Free Masons Here In RDF? 1-4
I called a naturopath a non-doctor and now I need your help 2-4
The Founding Fathers - Am I supposed to care? 3-1
atheists as annoying as believers used to be 2-7
The Second American Civil War 2-4
Which 2010 Winter Olympic Athlete(s) Do You Admire? 1-9
Inmate pours boiling oil on other as didn't convert t Islam 1-8
Plane slams into Texas IRS building 1-4
Might Neanderthals still be alive? 2-1
What should one do in my situation? 2-5
+ 2-9
AIDS denialist 1-2
School spies on pupils through webcams. 1-9
Microsoft lets you choose your own browser 1-8
Hello from Canada 1-10
Words cannot describe! 2-2
Jesus' Face in Frying Pan Now! 1-8
Why this cow eat a baby chiken? 1-6
Call for dolphins to be given special status 1-8
Watershed event that will break the spell of religion. 3-3
Elton John: Jesus Was Gay 2-4 3-1
3 syllable word or phrase association part I 1-10
Guillibility Central... 1-6
Bible classes for Kentucky schools 1-3
Rise in Youth Secularism (US) 1-2
Calling all atheists 3-3
Copernicium 1-7
Are you surprised that you ever actually believed in God? 1-5
God spoke to me. 3-1
The claim that the US nuked Japan to prevent the USSR....... 4-3
Belgian Coma Patient Can't Communicate After All 1-2
Multiracial People in Canada - Who's Canadian!? 1-4
The Dr. Kent Hovind appreciation Thread 2-6
Pope now against ‘naked’ airport scanners 3-3
the last sound before the big bang? 1-3
Vatican: Number of Catholics rising worldwide 1-2
Belarus morality watchdog raps planned concert by Rammstein 1-7
Fertility Monitor 1-5