List of Postings of User BWV988

William Lane Craig 81-5 82-5
Atheism vs. Agnosticism II 48-6
Intolerant atheists? 4-4
The Bird Thread 65-4 65-6
What's wrong with OBJECTIVE morality? 4-8 5-2 5-4
Damning statistics 5-8
Whats your Cognitive dissonance? 1-5
Favorite Documentaries 1-6
Objective Morality 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-6 1-8 2-1
What is your religious background? 2-1 2-10
'Logic' and 'Divine Madness' 1-10 2-2 2-4 2-9 3-9
Answers in genesis website / movement 2-3 2-4 3-3
Whoever, Whatever 2-5
Was Jesus a good man? 1-3 1-5 1-9 2-1 3-8 3-10 4-3 4-4 4-7 5-3 5-6 5-10 7-5 7-8 8-3 9-1
"Secular" wars really as bad as religious ones? 1-9 2-1 2-6 2-8
Father Stabs His Son Who Wore Hat In Church 1-7
Is there a rebuttal to ensure this nut never posts again? 2-2 2-6
Giving up God for Lent 1-5
Mainstreaming supernatural 1-3 1-9
Was Jesus a platapus? 1-6
evidence for God 1-7 4-4 5-6 6-1
Am I an Atheist? 3-1
Creationism isn't dead yet 1-6
Is it easier to brainwash a theist or an atheist 1-9
Atheism is a deluded belief system imo 3-10
"The Universe Is NOT Important..." 1-7
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube PT. II 9-3 9-6
What is the worst thing said to you by a believer? 10-10 11-3 11-5
Debate peanut gallery: Jerry McDonald vs. Radical_logic 2-9
Britain ‘knows little about Bible’ 4-2
Mongolian Throat Singing 1-8
Canada's government health care system 3-9
Killing in the name of God, a question? 2-5
Mass Effect 2 1-6 1-8
Fears and Phobias 4-2
Casey Luskin Pwnage 1-2
Jebusites 1-2
Should U.S. Congressmen read the bills they vote on? 2-8
Darwin Killed Off The Werewolf 1-3 1-5
Bill O'Reilly Slams Obama's "Lack Of Religion," 2-7 2-9
Americans favor science, but less than before 1-3 1-4
Racing to Find an Earth-Like Planet 1-2
Was America A Theocracy For the Majority of Its Existence? 1-5
Faux News: Who's the worst of the lot? 2-4 3-3 3-5
A Heretical Idea? Listing Believers We could live with 1-7
Mom Blames Swimming Pool for Pregnant Teen 2-1
Mormons Arrest Gay Couple For Kissing Close To Temple 1-4 2-10
problems with my... 1-2 1-6
The Immortals 1-2 1-4 1-5 2-4 3-7
Does someone being religious affect your opinion of them? 3-4
Saudi family suing Djinn 1-8
How Fast Is... 1-3
Any Historians here? RE:Presentism 1-2 1-6 1-7
No rain before Noah's Flood 1-6
Government prefers muslims to christians whines CofE (again) 1-8
"Space Internet" to Link Worlds by 2011? 1-1