List of Postings of User King David

Favorite Uppity Grammatical Pet Peeve? 8-4
Religulous vs. Fireproof 2-7
Around the World in 80 faiths 4-7
The God Drug 1-6
Annoying capitalization of pronouns 1-4
Never let schooling get in the way of education 1-3
Christian Censorship On Youtube 1-7
Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Einstein held spiritual worldviews 3-9
There is no subjectivity 2-3 4-8 5-4 5-6 6-5 7-1
An organised movement for atheists? 2-4 7-3
Hello from the Bible Belt 1-1 1-8
Eupythro's dillema 3-4 3-7 4-2 5-5 6-9 8-9 9-10 10-2 11-5 11-9 13-1 13-3 14-7
Student wanting input about coming out as an atheist 1-6
For the creative types on this forum: 3-8
Reason & Emotion 1-2
Derrida and Dawkins 1-2 2-1
A great Question from Saint Peter! 1-3 2-2
Conscience, Actions and freewill 1-3
common vs individual good 2-3
Hitchens gets his ass kicked in lebanon 4-8
LOST 1-1 3-5 4-1
Ex-Believers Causing Chaos 4-6
most hated religion...? 1-8
Terms of political debate shifted in USA? 1-7
Pastor gives 'Seven Days of Sex' sermon 1-4
God is an Atheist! 1-2
Profanity 6-5
John Lennox to debate Christopher Hitchens in March 2009 1-5 2-1
My atheism->nihilism->apathy 3-5
Mainstreaming supernatural 1-7
Why is science more credible than religion? 2-6
Faith for Atheists 2-9
Tolerance winning over sanity 1-6
Is Obama the next anti Christ? 3-5
It's a moral outrage!! 1-3
Trying to Explain the Unexplainable 1-5
Is atheism promoting theism ? 4-6 4-8
Islamic theology. 1-10
The Discovery Channel has gone downhill. 1-1 4-5
Do people around you still ask you to pray? 1-6
Being told,"I will pray for you" 1-6
More Americans say they have no religion 3-1
Will 21st Century Christians Take Up Arms? 3-2
Correcting misperceptions about libertarianism 86-8
The Acceptance of Evolution in Europe, America and Japan. 2-5
Finnish politician/blogger trial for blasphemy against islam 3-3
William Lane Craig and Reason 8-2
Are Bush/Blair etc. War Criminals? 7-3
"Science presupposes metaphysics" 7-10 8-6
Great idea! Scientist Party. 3-7
Faith in Personal Life 4-1
The opium of the people (I need opium) 2-3 2-7
Theist Doubt In The Wee Small Hours 5-9 7-1
invisible hand is analogous to natural selection 2-7 2-10
Fox News: New York Times' "atheist agenda" 1-7
666 3-2
Does God Exist? 8-9 9-1 9-6 10-9
Scientology commercials in the U.S. 1-1
How should one respond to this defense of Christianity 2-8
God will pay your bills supernaturally 1-2
Boy cries in Senate as lesbian mother faces deportation 1-7
Religious symbols face ban in public spaces in Spain 2-7
An Open Letter to my fellow Christians 1-10
Should drugs be legal? 3-9 6-5 6-10
The Origins of Psychic Phenomena 4-3
Christians like torture the most 1-1
Police taser, shoot boy's pet chihuahua 2-4
Southern USA: The Bible Belt 2-7
When will we dump the adversarial system in law and politics 4-5
People on Terrorist Watch List Allowed To Buy Guns 8-5 8-8 8-9
BBC wants to attack christians, secularise UK 1-8
GOP douchebag - Rep. Cynthia Davis uses libertarian mantra 2-3 2-7 3-8 4-3 4-8 7-3 8-7
How can you argue with this? 1-9
List of Atheist and/or Non-Christian Scientists: 1900 and la 1-6
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot - Atheists? Part 2 4-9 7-9
Guns 'n' god in the US of A 3-9 4-4 5-8 6-7 9-5 10-6 10-9 11-6 11-8 11-10 12-6 12-10 13-6 14-7 15-1 19-3 19-10 20-1
Man Charged for a Thought Crime 2-4 9-8 12-5
Are My Prejudices Regarding The Constitution Unfounded? 1-6 1-10
Hate Radio W-HAT 1-3
Argument with Parents. 4-10
Sexuality is not a moral issue 2-4 4-2
Need some help educating someone 3-4
What is the most dangerous cult? 1-5
What's with the Irish and their hate for the Jewish State ? 1-10 2-5
Who's dumber, Sarah Palin or G.W. Bush? 2-8
Why is the US scared of Socialism? 3-4 4-8
US States with blasphemy or profanity laws 1-7
Should Freedom Of Speech Be Absolute? 3-7 4-9
American far-right loons savage ‘Evil and Orwellian’ NHS 2-6
Converting an indian to christianity 4-9
Catholics slam lottery 2-5
US Founding Fathers, Gods and Demons. 4-8 5-2 6-9
What are Your Social and Economic Ideologies? 2-9
Sharia? Would you live with it? 2-4
Will this lead to a police state in the US? 1-4
Torture 1-5 2-10
Religions do not have ‘human rights’ 1-4
OT vs. NT 2-5
Bill Maher is an asshat. 6-3 7-1 7-5 8-7 9-1 9-3 9-7 10-3 10-5 10-9
Why won't progressives just shut-up & arm themselves already 2-7 4-5 7-1
Another Hateful, Bigoted Preacher 8-3
California dance teacher in court for christ 1-4
Judge sued for ordering hijab removed in his court 1-9
What is your desired outcome? 2-8
Catholic League president: "Atheists out to get us" 2-4
God will take care of health care & tissues 1-10
William Lane Craig - II 52-2