List of Postings of User fennia

Peak Oil, Pt. 2 93-6
RDF World Map ~ Add Yourself! 31-3
Can anyone tell me a little about epigenetics? 9-1 9-3 9-5
Bill Maher: 13-6 13-8
Richard saying grace? 3-8
Here Be Dragons (Skeptic Movie) 2-1
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 48-3
Margaret Thatcher - Great or Terrible? 10-2 10-4 10-7
Movie - Actor - Movie Game 88-5
Is atheism a religion? (Part II) 61-2 61-4 64-5 64-10
The Truth about Dawkins 12-4
Church resignations reach a new record in Finland 3-6
Sweden to allow gay marriage in May 3-2 3-10 4-6
Anarkissed 18-5 22-9 28-7 34-2
Hello everybody, Sweden calling.. we give Dawkins 10 points 1-1 1-7
Hello from Belfast 1-2
Hello from Sweden 1-2
66 Books That Jerked Me Stupid 1-2
God is. The Jews prove it. 56-8
Kurdistani Atheists Association Launched 1-8
Hi everyone 1-4 2-1
Greetings from Texas 1-8
Ciao from Italy (vatican province) 2-1
So it was all just a delusion in the end... 2-2 2-4
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism, and Politics II 47-10
Greetings from Northern Ireland 1-5
Hello from the Bible Belt 1-10
Read first what you are replying to, aaargh bang 2-9
Evolutionary Medicine 1-8
Atheist student from Nevada 1-7
Passage from Dawkins book? 1-6
Hi 1-4
1st 1-5
Why are vegetarians so prevalent among humanists? 11-5 11-9 12-2
New Members 2-2
Card Carrying Atheist supporter of DarwinDawkins 1-4
Whats your Cognitive dissonance? 5-9
Greetings 1-3
Hi from Russia! 1-5
Atheists are irrational. 36-7
MAN made GOD... 1-7
hello everyone! 1-2
Red states consume more porn? 4-1
Quit smoking without using any medication 3-9
Hello from Croatia 2-3
Dawkins and Delusion 1-4 3-2
Why do atheists talk? 30-5
Obligatory "I'm new" thread 1-7
Hello; professional Christian and closet atheist here 1-10
Welcome, me! 1-8
Atheist in the promised land 1-2 1-6
Former preacher's wife now non-believer 1-6 2-1 2-4
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part III) 94-7
Christian in the Lion's Den 2-2 2-6 2-9
Hello from Scotland 1-3
Astronomy is amazing 1-3
How do you deal with the ANGER? 1-4
Is this the right place for an argument? ;) 1-3
Just like Plato's anthology I have stepped outside the cave! 1-4
Tips for a "Debate"/Presentation 1-7
Dr Who-Lalla Ward-Richard Dawkins 1-3
Hello World! 1-3
Richard Dawkins in Oklahoma 8-2
Terrorism - why not call it what it is? 2-10
Clint Eastwood on political correctness. 1-8 1-10 2-5 2-8 4-10 5-6 5-9
Equating Collateral Damage to Torture 1-4
Say Goodbye to "Satanic Wickedness" 1-6 1-8
British couple die at assisted suicide clinic 1-3
'Real IRA was behind army attack' 8-1 10-4 10-5 11-2 14-4 16-3 16-10 21-9
"Dumbing down" Manchester Metro University 1-3
Hello world! 1-4
Dawkins, Hitchins, Atheism, Secularism also counters Islam 1-3 1-6 1-8
Freeman speaks out against Israeli Lobby on his exit 1-6
Chuck Norris claims thousands of right wing cell groups exis 1-3 1-6 2-10 3-5 4-4 4-10
Evolution going live! 1-1
Poll: America Hates Limbaugh 4-10 5-5
Hate for heroes 1-6 2-5
Palin daughter splits from fiance 3-1
heterosexual,bisexual, or homosexual? 7-7
Nuevo California?? 1-6
The Bilderberg Group? 1-9
Order of the universe 1-10
Atheist Bus Campaign Fundraising Starts in Finland 1-10
New Scientist pulls article on "Hidden Religious Agendas." 1-9
Sweden and Socialism 1-8 4-4 4-5 5-1
The worst thing Ronald Reagan ever said or did Poll. 2-6 3-1
A.I.G. Planning Huge Bonuses After $170 Billion Bailout 1-7 2-8 2-10
Rabbi: Remove mezuzot from gay couples' rooms 1-2
Hails from North Carolina, USA! 1-3
Hello from Stockholm, Sweden! 1-4
I am a bit shocked 2-6
Death Penalty Abolished for financial reasons 2-2 3-1 6-1 6-2 6-6 7-9 8-5 8-9 9-8
An Atheist Attempting the Impossible 1-6
Pope: Condoms Not the Answer to AIDS Battle 1-3
Organising sex for Down's Syndrome son 2-1
Canada's Science Minister won't confirm belief in evolution 1-6
Is anti-Zionism hate? 2-7
schizophrenia 1-2
I'm disgusted with television 4-1
The Truest Thing My Father Said To Me 2-6
All homosexuals should be stoned to death 4-10
Atheists, meet the Alltheist. 3-2
Jesus Can't Play Rugby 1-3
Hi from Qatar 1-10 2-4
survey in France : 57% have a negative opinion of the pontif 1-2
ex religious and medicating with marijuana 1-2
Formula 1 1-3
Impossibly Cute 1-4
Israelis used children as human shields in gaza 2-4 16-10
Jurisdiction 2-2
a call to all democratic socialists! 1-5
Proud to be British? 1-3 1-5 1-7 2-4 2-7 3-4 5-4 8-8
Hello from finland - *Wave from happy atheist* 1-4
Do you know what you are eating? 1-1 1-2 2-6 2-9 2-10 3-2 4-1 5-10 8-6 10-6 10-9 11-3 11-5 13-2 13-4 13-8 14-4
Happy Birthday Professor Richard Dawkins 4-9
Gaza: The Alternative view 5-2 6-7 6-9 7-5
Ya gotta love 'em. They do try so hard! 1-3
Honorary titles for Prof. Dawkins 1-1
Did Darwin Kill God? 8-3
International morality 1-2
BNP Launch ad campaign featuring Jesus 2-4
What if "get rich quick" books actually worked? 2-6
Miss Universe Describes Gitmo Tour as 'Fun' and 'Relaxing' 1-5 1-10
Excellent news: The O'reilly Factor 1-10
The Other Enemy: Citizenship Classes. 2-9
WTF is the deal with some atheists and antisocialist faith? 5-7
Christian Rock/Exploitation 2-5
The non-alcoholic "Cheers!"-thread! 1-4
The New Sasha baron Cohen movie Bruno. Traliler released! 1-2
Taliban says it was behind US attack (immigration services c 1-6
Do you Regard Yourself as an Intellectual? 4-2
The head of yakuza left crimes and become Buddhist 1-5
Britain's heroic police 5-9
Why equality? 1-6
Another example of American Exceptionalism (Individualism) 13-3
"I'm a successful Somali pirate" 6-8
RD Member bglinkman Died This Weekend 1-9
Monarchism (A poll) 4-6
Would You Ever Buy Diamonds? 3-1
Higgs Boson... 1-2
Abortion doctor Killed while entering church. 1-3
Americas Next Top Model 1-4
Gayness can be cured with yoga says yoga 'guru' 1-5
Miracle 5-3
Nazi gnome nabbed in Nuremberg 5-3
Facial Hair 12-1
Pirate Party in the UK officially founded 12-5
Questions to the anarchist 12-6
Texas death row inmate appeals to Londoners 31-3
I was called a faggot today while going for my run... 6-3
American “meddling”... 45-5
Stephen Fry/Ann Widdecombe debate in London 3-2 4-2 4-7 6-3
Another biological scientist signing in 1-2
Chavez tells off Fox news 7-3
International Blasphemy Day 30 September 1-9
A Humorous Guide to Being a Libertarian on 16-10
Ted Haggard Completely Free of Homosexual Compulsions LMAO 4-2
Why so many Liberals on this site? 57-10
Islamic caning of beer-drinking model to go ahead 1-8
JK Rowling lost out on US medal over Harry Potter witchcraft 1-9
Gays cannot walk around openly in Belgrade 2-2 3-7 18-4 21-4 25-10 26-2 26-4 30-3
Thought Expiriment: What if the Government took over TVs? 1-2
Downloading - For or Against? 3-7
is this image pornographic 2-1
Abortion support falls sharply 7-7
Do we have too many nations or not enough? 3-8
Will America invade other countries again? 2-9 6-2 6-8 8-4 8-9 9-2
Poems or words that spoke to you 1-1 1-3 1-6
I stole the book of mormon today 3-3
Atheist Communists? 1-7
Egyptian clerics banning full-face coverage 4-7
Prayers at dawn 1-4
The Immoralism of the Left. 1-9 7-6
Grubby fingers 1-3
Norway 'the best place to live' 1-4
The end is nigh for the US Dollar 2-1
Health there a more noble cause? Part 2 1-4
Bible Verse Ban at Football Field Angers Town 1-4
Jesus Wrote The Constitution 2-9
Hello from Pennsylvania!! 1-4
What is it about religion that disgusts you the most 2-1 2-9
Gay football team is rejected by muslims 1-4 3-6
I just turned 40!! 2-2 2-3
Is dismantling & destroying another persons relig unethical? 2-5
Why not to attack cross dressers. 1-2
Exorcism stirs debate among Berry College students 1-2
Berlusconi is not immune from Italian law 1-2
States With Lowest Ranking Brain Health 1-5
Turin Shround coming out for a bit 1-3 1-4
Starving Africa: Genius builds a windmill. Inspirational! 2-10
Technocracy, Communism, and Transhumanism 1-2
The Obama deception 1-2
One nation under Cthulhu 1-3
Barack Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2009 6-6 10-3 10-5 12-1 18-1
HALF DEMON far more powerful than a full one or an angel 1-4
Bush, Gog and Magog 1-1 1-4
The era of nonsense 1-1 1-5 1-7 1-10 2-5 2-7 2-9 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10
Tony Blair ‘has blood on his hands’ 6-10 8-1 11-1 14-9 15-7 15-10 16-4 16-5 17-8 18-1
Cautioned for chucking beer at nazi 3-7 5-4
Economic data 2-9 4-4 4-6
Writing a sequel to H2G2 by Douglas Adams 1-1
Has the internet made you more or less intellectual? 3-2
The Onion - "God Introduces New Bird" 1-4 1-6
STARGATE - Makes me ANGRY and SAD that it's only fiction 1-5
Web/Forum Community 1-7
Chuck Norris: God and guns 1-3
Aljazeera seriously misrepresents the 'Ardi' discovery 1-2
Favorite Religious Bumper Stickers 1-10 2-2 2-3 2-4
Stockholm's bunnies burned to keep Swedes warm 1-2
Criticism of Noam Chomsky? 2-6 3-1
Why Does Fox News Channel Have High Ratings? 3-7
Wall-Street Journal: Reagan should have won Peace prize 1-7
What is more important: humanity or the environment? 1-2 3-4 3-10
Student Thinks GW Bush Deserved Nobel Prize 1-3
For all Phoenix, AZ dwellers and rock and roll lovers... 1-2
RenewAmerica: Obama is demonic and going to Hell 1-10
Aside from historical record, why hate communism? 31-7 31-8 32-9 34-10 38-1
Mormon leader: Gays & Atheists Are Attacking Our Freedoms 1-4
US Jury Consults Bible in Murder Case 1-5
Why Did The U.S. Support Zionism/Balfour Declaration? 3-2
Texas: 1 in 330 Persons A Police Officer 3-2
Now More US Troops Deployed Under Obama Than Bush 3-3
North Carolina church to burn ‘Satan’s books’ 4-3
how to be successful 1-10
BNP to consider non-white members 1-7
Louisiana Judge: No Marriage License for Interracial Couples 4-5 5-2
Bans 'do not cut abortion rate' 1-6
A Tale of two Britons 1-8 4-1 5-4 5-7 5-9 7-4
Just venting... 2-6
NSS President Interview 1-10
Rational career/hair advice? 1-9
Crazy Scientologist Vid 1-9
Death 1-4 1-10
Goldstone Report to the UN 11-1
I love you all! 1-1 1-8
Balloon Boy:"I hate gay faggots" "Not Pussified" 3-8
Did Al Quida Attack On 9/11 Because Of GWB? 1-9 2-3 3-2 3-5
Could you put a car together? 1-5
depressed people lack fun 1-6 1-10 2-1
World's biggest snake 1-5
20 nazi questions 1-7
Hitchens: Why Wait To Disarm Iran? 20-2
Can light get mass? 1-1
Guantánamo can be emptied in 10 days 8-3
Is Anti-Americanism Simply Intellectually Cool? 8-5 9-2
Any news on lake vostok? 1-1 1-3
Swedes marriage homosexual couples in church 1-1 1-10 2-9 2-10
Bands query if their music used in Guantánamo torture 1-3 1-5
NOW: Queen fury at Griffin over Churchill 5-7
Wal-Mart and Costco now selling coffins 2-4
O'Reilly: The war on christmas 3-3
Was the Iraq war illegal? 13-2
Free Will VI 11-7 12-2
Noam Chomsky versus Young Conservative on Afghanistan war 3-1
Pat Robertson: Haiti paying for "Pact to the Devil" 1-9
Help save Tibet 1-2
Life span of 200,000 years? 1-1
SkepticFinn aboard 1-4