List of Postings of User PaulVermeersch

Favourite Podcasts 3-4
Ann Coulter 12-1
Ravi Zacharias 2-7
Scientology: Scam? Cult? Religion? 12-2
Atheist poets? Atheist poetry? (not your own) 1-1 1-5 2-1
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 4-3
Is being an atheist a choice? 6-1
Atheism and Art 2-2
Self Publication 1-4
Templeton Prize: Charles Taylor wins fake academic award 1-1
Happy Birthday, Richard! 2-10
The Atheist are Revolting: Review 2-2
Best book for ultra-liberal Christians? 1-9
Can I save my brother? 1-9
Call for Submissions: Atheism in the Arts 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-4 2-6 2-8 2-10
How happy are Atheist? 1-8
Is there a better word instead of the word, "atheist'' 2-7 5-7 6-2
What does an Atheist do when a Religious prays? 2-9
ok, a guy is fired from an egg farm because he's an atheist 1-7
New Atheists 'unable to challenge religion' 3-8
Destruction of Religious Nonsense Poll 2-6
Jerry Falwell Dies 10-2 13-5 16-4 18-6
Can atheists marry in a church? 4-9
Views on Genesis. 2-5
Should Religious Sects Be Exempt from Law? 1-1
Hitler or Falwell? 1-1
Solution to religion 2-2
Believing because someone has told you 1-8
Epitaph for an atheist 3-3
If faith is a virtue...? 1-7
Women Priests Ordained, Catholics Likely Headed For Schism 1-1
Spirituality 6-1
The Atheism Bandwagon? 1-1
What would you like on your Tombstone? 6-9 7-1
Brutal discrimination against an atheist 2-8 2-9 2-10
Is there a difference between religion and spirituality 3-2 3-4 3-8 4-8 5-3 5-7 5-8
Hilarious atheistic philosophy 16-2
Do priests abuse because they have lost their faith? 2-9
need urgent help about the origins of judaism 2-1
Proposal for a new USA Motto 4-5
Religion and God 2-8 2-10
Canadian Bookstore Chain Funds and Supports Isreali Army 1-1 1-4
At near death, What is that bright white tunnel? 2-6
O'reilly Won the debate!!! 1-6
Malthus to finally be proved right? 1-6
Passive atheism dilemmas 2-9
Putin's Censored Press Conference 1-6
Creation museums spreading 1-8
Which came first, matter or mind? 4-9
Is God your pet peeve or is it solutions? 3-10
Iran parliament ok's execution of porn stars 2-4
Hitchens on Atonement 1-3
Religion is the easy path. 2-10
PhD in creationism, is this possible 1-7
Do atheists/secularists do less for charity? 2-9
Salman Rushdie Given Knighthood 1-7
Three heads are better than one? 1-2
Heliocentric, schmeliocentric ... 1-6
Where do we get our ethics from, if not from Religion? 1-9
Heaven never appealed to me, what about you? 1-2
Toughest Question for Atheists 1-4 2-8 4-6 6-5 7-5
Tell me why I don't like Sundays 2-2
If there is a God, why do we need religion? 2-6
Who has to review their stance? 1-6
The new spirituality (slightly light hearted topic) 1-4
This is why we "respect" religious beliefs. 2-7
Chuck Norris Jokes about branding atheists... 3-10
Muslim legislators lead violent protest against free speech 1-1
Saudis now suppressing free speech at home and abroad 1-1
Christian boot camp drags 15 yr old girl behind a car 2-3
Liberal Christians and other casual theists... 1-3
Monarchy 6-6
Would you baptize your child to make a family member happy? 1-5
The Anti-Americans 20-3 21-3 23-2
Woman Sees Face of Jesus on Fence 2-8
Has A Mythical Beast Turned Up In Texas? 1-6
Belgium to prosecute Scientology as Crime Cult. Go Belgium! 1-1
Illiterate Fag...WFT Jerry Lewis! 2-3
Why was Israel created? 3-7
GI says he's harassed for atheism 7-5
John McCain said wha? 1-2
"God will Bless You" 3-5
John Gray misses the point re: Dawkins 1-1
Muslim girl strangled to death by father 5-8 6-2
And the 5th horseman of Atheism is... 2-10
Canadian government to close science advisor's office 2-1
Pope: Sex is like a drug 7-7
David Berlinski - "The Devil's Delusion" 1-8
Sir John Templeton dies 1-2 1-7