List of Postings of User JosephDavies

Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 86-8
any conservative atheist out there? 2-8
How old are you? 40-7
Darfur - genocide we can stop 17-7
Barack Obama - Atheist or not? 25-10
Saudi Arabia: witches arrested 2-2
Real Evil 6-8
Ralph Nader Thread (Independent Candidate for US President) 15-4
Favourite Horseman 6-5 6-8
most violent quotes from the Bible? 2-2
New! Voices Of Reason: Discussions with Richard Dawkins Ep.3 1-6
New DVD: The Enemies of Reason: The Uncut Interviews 2-9
Americans, What's do you want Obama to do? 1-9 2-1
Anarcho-capitalism isn't Anarchism 14-2 15-4 15-6
Austrian politician stripped of immunity, WHY??? 4-10
What is the history of your political views? 8-3
Dream Team (UK only - sorry!) 2-5
What colour are you? 10-2
Does Israel have a “right” to exist? 87-10 91-3 91-7
Alcoholism (mine), as an atheist 3-6
Australian advertisting company refuses atheist bus campaign 6-2
Hugo Chávez: why so unpopular? 7-3 7-8 9-2
what do we do now?? 1-10
YAY... Media scaremongering against Universal Health Care 16-4
No Olympics on Stolen Land? 6-4
Iran: BBC Persian TV threat to Iran 'security' 1-4
Does anyone know what Marxism is? 6-1
Public holiday to celebrate Darwin? 1-6 2-4
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 6 45-2 45-7 46-6 47-3 47-6 47-8 47-10 48-3 48-7 48-10 49-5 60-1 61-5 62-10 63-2 63-10 64-3 65-2 67-1 68-1 68-7 74-10 75-10 76-3 76-5 76-10 77-2 78-8 91-9 95-8 96-1 97-1 100-2
The Genius of Charles Darwin: DVD Coming Soon... 1-6
The Political Will to Face Environmental Affairs 3-2
Europe Reimports Jew Hatred 2-4
Another offering of the religion of peace(or pieces) 1-10 2-2
Rick Warren Urges Followers To Emulate Hitler Youth 4-6
Bush, Cheney and War Crimes. 1-8 3-8
What is the future for religion? 1-5
Religious woman has cow listening to God Delusion audio book 1-4
"Inconvenient Truth" factcheck 1-3
"Prostitution Free Zone" During Inauguration 1-3
Sin of Gluttony 1-9
Why people both socially/fiscally conservative/liberal? 1-2 1-5 1-10
Farewell, Tony Hart.... 1-6
"Iraq occupation Bush's "mother of all mistakes"" 1-2
Sour Milk 1-5
Why are Americans so uninformed? 1-1 2-10 3-2 3-5 11-6
Jeremy Vine "Christians are social pariahs in Britain" 2-5 3-9
Atheist Bus Campaigns, Pt. 2 1-10 3-9
"I do not need to read the bible." 2-7 2-10
Healthcare a right or privilege? Pt. 2 7-9 17-6 23-6 23-8 24-3
God is watching you masterbate 1-2 4-8
Jewish-Israeli racism increases towards Arab-Israelis 1-1
What's the "L.F. Nexus"? (Breathtaking Inanity Alert!) 1-2
Young Muslim Girls Forced to Remove Clothes in Street! 1-2 1-5
Iranian Holocaust book to be issued in English 2-8 5-5 6-1
Do we need more proof than this... 1-7
Iranian AIDS doctors sentenced to prison 1-3
Life long Atheist 1-10
Dad told to pay for child's birth or wed mom 1-5 3-1
7 Dead in Church Roof Collapse 1-6
Look at what this christian said about atheist/agnosticism: 1-7
I am getting disillusioned by atheism 3-3
'People are afraid of speaking about Islam' 1-2
Islam In History And Current Affairs 1-2
Inaugural Warning: Rated P perverse 1-3
I need HELP getting into College! 1-3
Obama's inauguration 1-3 32-6
Why did God need to rest on the 7th day?! 1-3
North Korea Media Renew Threats against South Korea 1-2 1-4
Derren Brown: Mind Reader 1-3
Rush: I don't want them to succeed 1-4 4-10
Will Obama change modern US "imperialism/neocolonialism?" 2-7
What's Jesus to You? 6-1
Avebury Reburial Consultation 1-8
One Americans apology to the civilized world 2-10 3-3 7-2 7-7 8-9
Respecting Muslims 1-2 2-10
If The UK Goes Down, We All Go Down 1-2 2-7
"Allies kill too many civilians" - Karzai 1-1
Glenn Beck hates atheists aka humans 1-6 2-1
Obama orders halt to Guantanamo trials 1-2
RE in UK infant schools, teaching violence 1-4
Geert Wilders on "anti-Islam" charge 1-6 2-3 2-6 2-8 6-9 10-5 17-9 18-3 19-6 19-8 20-2 20-9 21-4 26-3
Jesus Juice? 1-1
New layout 1-6
Obama's super neutral speech talk. 1-10
endless economic growth? 1-5 1-7
Arguments for logic/rational thinking 1-2
Is 8 years enough for a Presidency? 3-9 5-1
Remembering George W. Bush 2-1 2-9 5-7
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 7 1-1 6-1 8-5 8-6 8-8 23-6 26-6 31-1 37-3 40-6 41-1 41-2 41-3 41-7 42-1 43-6 43-8 44-3 44-7 44-10 45-2 45-5 46-2 73-6
Is there a global Islamic jihad? 1-8
Channel 4 Dispatches This Eve Covers Restrictions/censorship 1-2
President Obama orders Guantanamo Bay shut 1-3 2-2 4-4
Conscientious Objector status. Religious favoritism or not? 2-7
Muslim Forum rules 2-6
australia needs an ambassador to the vatican? poll. 1-5
Catholic Bishop Charged for Holocaust Denial 6-5 8-2 12-7 12-9
Ban on US abortion funding lifted 1-3
Gutless LSE bans Islam critic Douglas Murray 1-2 2-7
Concrete evidence for the NON-existence of God 1-6
Honor killing? Young mother murdered 1-3 1-6
Bush "There have been no further terrorist attacks" 1-2 2-5 4-7
The BBC refuses to broadcast an appeal for aid to Gaza 1-3 1-5 2-1 3-3 6-4
Norwegian goverment propose to criminalize religon critics. 1-4 1-7
Communism 2-8 3-4 3-5 4-6 4-8
Bailouts and Bonuses 1-4
"One Nation, Under God" 2-6 7-4
Green light for US stem cell work 1-7 1-9 2-1
Obama kills fourteen Pakistanis, violates sovereignty 1-1 1-6 2-6 2-8 3-1 4-7 4-10 5-2 5-5 5-8 6-2 6-7
IDF rabbinate during Gaza war: We will show no mercy 2-5 2-7
Another church disaster 1-5
Mock Congress! Anybody have a suggestion? 1-8
Soldiers concerned about Obama? 1-3 1-5
Obama talks to Muslim world 1-2
Conservatives in "uproar" over Contraceptives again. 1-2 1-4
Disgraced pastor Haggard facing new sex allegations 1-4 1-8
The Torture Ban That Doesn't Ban Torture 1-1
School can expel lesbian students, court rules 1-5