List of Postings of User oneeyednarn

Bill Maher: 6-7
Dawkins' Next Book 5-8
Will History vindicate GWB? 15-10 16-7
Court to Decide 'Under God' and 'In God We Trust' 25-8
Theological justification for genocide Part Two 33-3 36-10
Book on the Bible. 3-9
The Atheist, the play 2-7
Hello Infidels 1-1
God is watching you masterbate 10-7
Geert Wilders on "anti-Islam" charge 6-5 6-8 7-2 15-5 24-7 25-6 31-10 51-1 53-10 55-7 57-5 73-4 79-8 80-8 85-2 85-3 88-9
Suggestions for Believers in Delusion 1-4
What Can We Really Do? 1-6 2-5
Catholicism to Atheism - Reverse Effect? 1-4 1-8 1-10
Help me understand why this still affects me... 3-3 4-10
Bias from RD in The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing? 1-4
A Secular Wedding? 3-10
IQ and Atheism, is there any correlation? 6-2
Tentative preacher's daughter. 1-4
Great one liners for atheists 3-5 3-9 4-5 5-3 6-10 8-4
Recommend me an anti-astrology read 1-4
Atheist Jokes 9-9 11-5
Hypothetically Revisiting Pascal's Wager 2-8 4-7 7-9 8-3
Contradiction? 1-4 1-8
T-shirt 2-3 2-6 2-10 3-7 3-10
Why are their NO notable atheist in history 7-7 12-10 14-6 15-5
Darwin commited incest 2-3 4-4
Make your own Atheist Bus Sign 8-6
Re-instate Al-rawandi 17-7 22-10
Why the Bible is better than evolution 1-6 7-1 9-1
THE E-METER® pastoral counseling device 1-2
Should I Feel Guilty For This?? 1-6 2-5 7-3
Big thanks to Richard Dawkins (creationist version) 2-4 4-3 4-7
What's the worst argument for God you've ever heard? 6-3
Why would Evolution have happened at all? 1-4 3-10
The Atheism Experience 1-2
Texas Teacher Fired on Suspicion of Atheism 6-6
Why I don't believe in atheism's creation myth. 1-7
Is a God really so bad? 1-4 3-8
Why do you love Barack Obama? 1-3
Deism. Isn't that just agnosticism? 1-4
Vatican Buries the Hatchet with Darwin - check it out.. 2-6
Why atheist are so f****** angry 2-4
Atheist clergy workers afraid to come out? 1-5
Darwin Day in Portugal 1-1
Are animals/mamals born right or left 'handed'? 1-10 2-3
Japanese rape simulators 2-6
I'm Confused 1-2
Obama commits his first impeachable offense 4-7
The most important step for mankind 1-6
Should I Attend? 2-3
Would You Part With It For Love? 1-3 1-9
US cartoon causes stir 3-4 4-8 7-7 9-10 18-9
most hated religion...? 1-3 4-8 10-10
"Bananaman" Comfort challenges RD with $10,000 3-7
Court saves Jehovah's Witness girl's life 1-8 2-9
Masturbation & Islam 1-4
Stephen Hawkins - Gravity Fails?? Wtf? 2-5
Profanity 1-2
Anger at religious types 1-4 1-9
Evolved moral standards and judging God 1-3
Gordon Brown invites Pope Benedict to Britain 2-2
Someone attempted to convert me today... 1-2
Good sci-fi/fantasy? 1-9
Satan, he's not all that bad! 2-6