List of Postings of User Kaffir Latte

Suggested Actions/Petitions for our Cause 4-2
Recommendations for a second Dawkins book 9-2
Richard Dawkins Doctor Honoris Causa. 2-4 3-5
The Straw God Delusion 8-4
Ted Haggard Documentary to air in January(Is he Coming Out?) 4-1
Hello Fellow Kaffirs 1-1 1-7
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 6 99-1
Atheist Bus Campaigns, Pt. 2 9-8
Obama's inauguration 37-4
dog intelligence 2-5
Geert Wilders on "anti-Islam" charge 5-8
Cool new project! (Update) 2-4
Who cares about faithful (Spanish) translations of TGD? 2-2
Great one liners for atheists 1-1 5-7 11-8
Atheist Jokes 26-5 26-7 27-3 28-1
A plea for research resources. 1-1 1-2
Wiki ANswers. Divine intervention or Mod Bais ? 1-1 1-3
Vatican Buries the Hatchet with Darwin - check it out.. 2-3
A question for all the Atheists... 5-3
"Bananaman" Comfort challenges RD with $10,000 34-5
Abusive Retorts 1-1
My heartfelt thanks to you, Richard 2-4
The million gods project 27-4 62-8
Dawkins interviewed by Norwegian television. 1-3
BNP Launch ad campaign featuring Jesus 2-5
Dawkins Quote 2-4 3-10
Misaligned mosques 1-5
Dawkins "...sumptuous royalties..." blast from Bunting 2-4
Looking for a quote from a Dawkins book 1-1 1-3
Why are christians trying to prove god? 4-6
More Ray-Ray Comfort Crap (Pat. Pend.) 8-2
Force Hovind to give PZ Myers an iPod 4-10 5-7
No longer going to debate ID/Creationist fools 1-1 1-5
The Creationist Argument Game 1-1 1-3
When I was a Creationist 1-2
analytical number crunchers. Can you help ? 1-1
Atheist Alliance International 2009 Convention (Oct. 2-4) 15-2 15-4
Are endangered languages worth saving? 11-1 12-1 12-6 13-6 14-2 14-4 15-1 16-10
Is the belief in the matterial world without evidence? 54-5
A Challenge Question for Atheism. 8-6
Dogs Of God 1-1 1-3 1-6
Invitation to comment on warnings, suspensions and bans 47-3 47-7 47-9 48-2
Tooth fairy and other "harmless things" we tell our children 2-1
The subject of HELL 14-7
In Google we trust: our new faith 2-2 2-6
What language did Adam , Eve and God speak? 1-1 2-9 3-7 4-2 4-4 4-6 5-4 5-9 6-6 6-8 6-9
religion and National Health brochures. 2-3
Derren Brown to predict Lottery 7-6 8-5
halal search engine 2-5
Biggest douche bag in the universe goes to: 1-3
Christian Hijacks Plane to warn the world 1-1 1-3 1-5
Long time lurker, first time poster. Hi! I need some advice 2-9 2-10 3-7
How do theists explain Homo Erectus ? 1-1 1-4 2-1 3-2
Trouble in Camden today 1-1 1-5 3-7 4-8
How to introduce a theist to atheism-come and say your fill 1-8
Any scientific studies on Atheism that I may find interestin 1-2
Excellent site! Ha hahahah Please contribute 1-1 1-4
Reading the Bible 1-10
'Proof' at last! The bible is true 1-1 2-4
behaviour instincs 1-1
leashing your kids. for or against? 6-3
The Event: How Racist Are You? 1-3 7-7 8-5
Help on sources needed 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-10
Poetic Debate . a theist to frustrate. 1-1 1-2
"Came Out" Gay to my (Muslim) Parents - Didn't Work Out :( 11-2 11-6 11-9 12-5 13-2
You being in heaven makes it hell... 2-7
Oppinions Needed for Project Holochrist 1-8
Dawkins inspires radical xtian campaign 1-1
Reverse Sexism II: Men with good intentions 5-6
Why are a-theists irrational? 3-4 5-1
Spanish atheist forum? 1-4
Where Are The Atheist Philanthropists? 2-3
Church campaigns to recruit toddlers 1-1 1-4 1-10 2-10
The funny place that is Sweden 1-3 1-6
Debunking Miracle wooooo 1-1 1-4
Hill$ong Church Pty Ltd - ROCK for JE$U$ 2-4 3-3
The fallacy of the phallus. God as male. 1-1 1-10
Atheism breaks the laws of science 1-1 1-3 1-10 2-5
How do you know there is no God? 70-1
Help Challenge a Gnostic Theist! 5-7 5-10
Who is God? 2-4
Reverend blesses laptops and smartphones 1-5 2-2
Gaining Atheism but losing yourself 2-10 4-1
The Curch & Morality, Chalk & Cheese 1-1 1-3 1-5
Man offers his tongue to gods 1-4
Teacher told 5 yr old that 'god' made him! 2-2 2-5 2-10 3-2
did Jesus exist? 36-4
Oh sweet Jesus, the truth behind transubstantiation 1-1 1-6
"Pray to solve crimes, Christian cops urge" (Jane's) 1-3
Fingerprinting in use to check proper church attendance 1-1
Why God Certainly Does Not Exist 1-2