List of Postings of User rnrstar

Apocalypse 2012 16-10 18-8 18-9 19-4
Did the Universe really come from 'nothing'? 8-5
UK Scout Association Bars atheists 15-2
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 12-9
Examination of Astrology 11-4
Is the Big Bang a repeating process? 3-5
Hopes to publish an 'inflammatory' Islam novel 2-1
Mars Rover updates 2-4
Why Creationism Is Not Science 1-6
What we depict via our eyes is more than just photons? 2-5
Hi There! 1-1
Is Life Inevitable in Earth-like Conditions? 2-4
Proving the existance of God to an atheist 1-5
What if Iran does make nukes? 2-4 6-5
Where are those dubious passages in the Koran? 1-9
Dubya's last (!!!) press conference 1-6
2 stoned to death for adultery in Iran 2-3
Muslim Cleric Rules that Marriages for Ten-Year-Olds Are OK 4-10
Fun and IMPORTANT activity on Obama's website 1-7
South Carolina to outlaw profanity 2-2 2-6 2-7
The Oakland Police Shooting 1-2 2-6
Bush, Cheney and War Crimes. 2-6
Do we need more proof than this... 1-6
Dad told to pay for child's birth or wed mom 1-3
Rush: I don't want them to succeed 1-1 1-3 3-4 5-7
The Spirit of the Method 1-2
If anyone was thinking of throwing rocks at Obama's limo. 1-6
You know who I almost feel sorry for? 2-4
Religious parents withholding medical treatment 1-5
Illinois Strikes Down Moment of Silence 1-7
Meryl Lynch CEO spruces up office for $1M 1-6
How would you feel if you were victim of collateral damage? 3-2 3-3
Catholic Bishop tells atheists to 'excommunicate themselves' 2-1
Psychic was right, says $14.8m winner 1-8
Girl marries dog in bizarre ritual 1-4 1-9 2-3
The Big Picture 1-1 1-5
"Vice" Taxes and "Morality" Laws 3-1 4-3 4-4
Prime Minister's Questions adopted by the United States? 1-2
Are teenagers too young to drive? 1-10 2-6 2-9
If God/Allah doesn't exit, who wrote the Koran(Qu'ran)? 1-5
Terrorist attacks: Is it religious or political? 3-9
Change you can download 1-3
Cruel Skinheads Attack Pregnant Woman 2-3
God's Miracles 1-4
Obama commits his first impeachable offense 2-2 3-1
Ark. House OKs bill allowing guns in churches 1-3
Amway Global's Ties to Dominionism 1-2
PLEASE EXPLAIN: What exactly is preaching hate? 1-5 1-7
Kill Count: Christians v. Atheists 2-3
Interstellar space probes 2-10 3-1
Time to Outlaw Marriage 1-4
Americans are "cowards" when it come to race relations? 2-2
Tourists hit by Cairo bomb blast 1-2
Republicans Unhinged 2-7
Ridiculous 1-5 1-8
Racist e-mail 1-10
Kepler orbital telescope launched 1-5
Earth slowing down 2 seconds every 100,000 years? 1-4
When Christians Misbehave 2-8
Islam appeasers: would you allow this? 1-8
Private vs Public Schools (in the USA) 1-6
Masters Degree in Creation Science Give Me A Break 1-2
Don Henley sues Repub Senate candidate over song use 1-4 2-10 3-1 5-2 5-3 5-6 5-8 5-10
Baptist pastor tells arrested at checkpoint 1-2
A Tea Party for President Bush 1-8
What do you mean, perfect? 1-9
So, you believe in science and evolution? Why? 1-3
Child Rights 2-3
Send the f****** ambulance 1-5
MSNBC "In God We Trust" poll 1-10 2-3
Assistance Required! 1-2
informal survey. 1-8
The Atheist Worldview vs Christian Worldview 1-4
OK to slap women - says Saudi judge 2-6
Republicans Declare 2010 as Year of the Bible 1-8
Hubble service mission 1-9 2-1 2-7 2-10 3-9
Does it ever shock you? 1-5
Obama Turns Back on First and Fifth Amendments 2-3
Given miscarriages, why the heck does US have death penalty? 2-1 2-6 2-7
Arkansas Repupublican Calls Schumer "that Jew" 1-2
Should the government continue to fund science? 1-8
The Ends Of The Universe - Hubble's Final Chapter 1-3 1-5
Dick Cheney's finest hour; while Obama flounders 2-2
Is the History Channel Doing Us A Disservice? 2-9
An Atheist's first visit to Evangelical church 1-9
Is it possible? 1-3 1-4
Americans prefer Gen Powell; Repubs favor Cheney, Limbaugh 1-4
Sonia Sotomayor - Supreme Court nominee 2-10
PROOF that prayer doesn't work. In 5 seconds 1-5
Study Finds Ethnic Profiling Useless in Preventing Terror 1-2
Re: California Supreme Court Judgement on Prop 8 3-7
Protect the US No Matter What 1-1
Can we build a cell yet? 1-4
Space/Boundaries? 1-2 1-4
Bush comes out in favor of torture: It works; it’s legal 1-3
How long will Blu Ray last as a standard? 1-4 4-7
Am i missing something? - symmetry in the universe. 1-2
Judge: The Most Harmful Thing About Marijuana is Jail 1-10
US public kindergarten OK to ban bible reading - court 1-4
God Saves Man From False Arrest? 1-2
Topless Coffeee Shop Burned to Ground 1-10
Scientifically Illiterate People 2-10 3-2
Is democracy compatible with rational thinking? 1-5
Conflict between Science & Religion 1-3
Evolution is a Myth 1-10
Should drugs be legal? 2-2
Obama Invokes Jesus More than Bush 2-8
Christian Group Anoints Sotomayar Hearing Room With Oil 2-6
Shots fired at Washington DC holocaust museum 3-6
Miss California FIRED! 3-1 3-2
White supremacist kills guard at Holocaust Museum 1-2 1-7
First extra-galactic exo-planet? 1-2
Je$u$ Chri$t was my co-pilot today' 1-4
Three youths kill fawn for fun 2-1
US Supreme Court Obsessed with Sex 1-2
One Thing I Like About Bush Sr. 1-1
Gadhafi In Italy: Women's Driving Rights Up To Men 1-7
Minutemen Leader Arrested In Double Killing In Arizona 1-2
Sen. Ensign,"Traditional Marriage" Goon, Extramarital Affair 2-5
"Birthers" Offer $10k Challenge for Obama's Birth Witnesses 3-5
Man Charged for a Thought Crime 1-5
Activists push for constitutional amendment for gay rights 2-3
Are My Prejudices Regarding The Constitution Unfounded? 2-3 3-1
Is it time to televise the Supreme Court? 1-4 1-7
Toddler Survives Indian Ocean Plane Crash 1-5
Fox News Guest: Al Qaeda Should Attack The US Again 2-5 2-10 3-6 3-7
NASA to fire a big exploding rocket at the moon 1-2 1-6
Did the Toppling of Saddam Lead to Recent Events in Iran? 1-7 2-2
Three Possibilities for UFOs 1-1 1-3 2-2
Obama says medics can refuse treatment on religious grounds 1-6
Right Wing Ad Compares Obama to Hitler 2-5 2-7
Republicans: A Threat to the Republic? 1-8
"Citizen Group":Prosecute Police Chief for Felony Adultery 1-5
nixing religious flyover is a sign Obama is anti-Christian 1-9
Why do gods use middlemen? 2-4
What Americans Think About Science 1-3
Arizona State Senator Says Earth is 6,000 Years Old 2-3
Bill O'Reilly Slams Obama's "Lack Of Religion," 1-3
Cats Do Control Humans, Study Finds 1-7
Obama Children Attacked With Racial Slurs At Conserv. Blog 3-2
Republican Bill to ban "human-animal" hybrids 2-10 3-1
SpaceX Successful! 1-2
Psychiatrist argues Liberalism is a form of mental illness 2-3
Meghan McCain: "Joe The Plumber Is A Dumbass" 1-9
Jupiter again hit by asteroid or comet 1-6
Lunar source code 1-2
Oh Canada! Court Convicts Parent of Uttering Threats 1-3
Brilliant Woman Solves All of California's Problems 2-4
Abiogenesis VS Panspermia 1-9 1-10 2-3 2-10 3-3
Glenn Beck (Fox News) calls President Obama a racist!? 3-5
How close are we to faster than light travel? 1-6
Science in a faith based school 2-4
NASA may not have money for moon mission 2-4 2-9 3-3
Is God protecting Fla. at Gov. Crist's request? 1-5
Another Hateful, Bigoted Preacher 11-5
Jehovahs witnesses mothers die 6x more in labour 2-9
18 year old kidnapping; girl found alive 2-3
Contraception myths 'widespread' 2-3
Blockbuster to release Creationist film this week 2-2 2-10
Gun Control 75-6 77-3 78-6
"What Really Riles Muslim Extremists?" (D'Souza) 2-10
Dangers of Undermining Science 1-4
Video: "If We Allow Obama To Live, America Dies" 2-10
Larry David upsets Christians 1-3
Evolution, not just for Biology Anymore 1-1
‘Under god’ legal challenge 2-10 4-9 4-10 5-1 6-1
Bishop: Gay Tourists Not Welcome At Vatican 1-9
Catholics claim harassment after Prop 8 in California 1-2
How Old is Man? 2-9
Brain volume increase question 1-3
How come humans are so smart? 1-4
O'Reilly: The war on christmas 1-3
Hannity beats up on Catholic Church 1-8
The Future of the U.S. 2-5 3-1 4-5
Crime & Punishment U.S. vs Europe 2-1
SC religious license plates illegal rules judge 1-8 2-5
Term limits for Congress 1-7 1-10 2-4
Obama rejects all Afghan war options 1-2
No Ordinary President 1-2
Vatican at it again. 4-10
WMAP Satellite Question 1-2
KSM To Stand Trial In NYC 1-2
Economic Cost of One Day of Superstition 1-1 1-6
Death Penalty and Natural Selection 1-4
Why is Kalid Sheikh Muhammed afforded special treatment? 5-10 6-9 6-10
Tea partiers punk’d into supporting removal of white people 1-9
The wit & wisdom of Justice Antonin Scalia 2-9
Who knew ACORN was so powerful? 3-7
Texas' gay marriage ban may have banned all marriages 1-6
Catholics, Orthodox, Fundies Join Forces To Fight Gays 3-2
GOP 'Purity' Test: Agree with us 8 out of 10 or else 1-5 3-9
No, your opinions don't need to be based on facts! 1-1 2-1
Everything Sarah Palin 5-3 7-4 12-6
‘War on Christmas’ News 2-10
Religious Displays Banned at Washington State Capitol 2-2 2-5
Huckabee's Willie Horton Moment? 1-1
Faux: 2012 Presidental run "survey" overkill FAIL 1-6
Republicans friendlier to religion than Dems says Pew 2-1
Kindergarten religious haircut in court 3-4
Why are snowflakes unique? 1-8
Liberal denial 1-5
What's Wrong With American Politics? 1-2
CNN: Is the Religious Lobby Ethical? 1-8