List of Postings of User gcdavis

Stand up and be counted 3-4
greetings from a theist 7-7
Marriage 8-4
A new Religion? 1-1 1-3
Where are the women? 1-1 2-4
Religion and Longevity 3-5
Contact MP by email the easy way! 1-1
Where are you Richard Dawkins? 1-1
Is indoctrinating children into religion wrong as such? 1-10
Is there life after Nov 16? 1-1
I don't believe in Atheism either...... 14-3 16-1 16-6 16-7 16-9 27-6
Ted Haggard 20-4 33-4
King Acadamy Pupils Inditctment 1-1
Abortion and morality 1-1 2-4
A Conversation With God 3-2
You never ask questions when God's on your side (Bob Dylan) 1-1
Congratulations to us! 1-1
How do we solve a problem like SHARIA? 2-1
atheist congressmen 1-3
Islam does not pose a threat to western values 1-2
Is war ever justified? 1-6 3-2
Which religious ideology is the most dangerous one? 2-9
Forum: a victim of its own success? 1-1 2-2 2-4 2-7
Realize God, The Law of NonSynchronistic Random Mutations 149-5
Dawkins on QUESTION TIME!! 2-6
Do we share a common ancestor with rocks? 1-10
Is Multiculturalism in the UK a good thing? 1-1 4-10 8-5
Quantum Physics Q&A in Lynchberg 2-3
Abstinence IS the Best Method of Birth Control 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6
An atheist manifesto 1-1
BBC Radio 4 In Our Time Dawkins? 1-1 1-3 1-1
The War on Christmas 3-10
A question for Sporty and the Champ. 14-2
Disabling Unhealthy Genes! 4-3
identity - nationality/race and pride and belonging 1-10
Markers of our time! 1-3
Life of Brian 5-7
Any banner designers out there? 1-2 1-4 1-9 1-10
Why so many atheists/agnostics on this forum? 4-10
The Basis for Atheist Morality 7-10
The Trouble With Atheism - TV programme 27-8 27-10
I am new 2-1
Atheism and Autism 2-4
How old are you? 1-1 1-9 2-2 2-3 2-6 3-6
Private Secular Schools 1-2 1-5
Important Memo to the USA Military This Holiday Season 1-7
The champion 1-1 1-3
God Answers back 1-1
Nativity Panto 1-1
What does "Atheist" really mean? 1-5
is there a meaning of life 2-2
Multi-Culturalism 1-5
Building a artificial religion 2-5
Hacked by Christians? 1-9
The choice of questions forwared to Richard 1-1
Political Foot Soldier for the Religious Right, Reporting 4 23-2
Ask Richard? 1-1
Do you fear death? 10-7
Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat 3-3
Channel 4's Wife Swap 2-5
Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, anyone else have them? 16-9 17-4
Parliamentary debate on Faith! 1-1
Sacred Bull**** -- so to speak... 4-6
I've been asked to be a godmother... 4-6
Quote in Articles section 1-1
Abortion and morality 1-1 7-3 7-6 7-8 8-5 8-7 8-9
Abortion and morality 2 1-1 1-3 1-7 3-2 3-7 4-4 4-6 4-9 4-10 5-1 5-3 5-6 5-8 5-10
To circumcise or not... 3-3
An essay section for the forum 2-8
A logo and OUT campaign 1-1
Would you like to be interviewed for the RD forum podcast? 1-6
Death 4-2
Coincidences/synchronicities 8-1
Review --The Enemies of Reason: part 1 3-2
Dialog between a New Atheist and his Former Pastor 2-1 2-4
Who do you idolise or admire and why? 2-6
Forgiveness 1-1 1-3 one year on 1-1 1-2 1-6
The issue of Abortion 2-1 2-5 2-6 3-2 3-4 3-8 4-9 8-3 8-7 8-9 9-5 12-3 13-2 13-5 13-7 14-8 16-2 17-5 18-8 77-10 80-3 81-8 82-8 88-2
Further dumbing down in the U.K. science class!! 2-1
Do you believe that pleasure is the root cause of evolution? 5-1
Do you need god to be "good"? 1-1 1-5 1-8 2-7
Can Atheists Be Poets? 1-7 2-3 2-10 3-5
Why do you post here? 2-3
Pat Condell 1-6 2-6
Childrens Questions On Critical Thinking 1-3
Should atheists care about the Middle East conflict? 2-2 3-1
Morality and Atheism 1-6
Half British teenagers are atheist says MORI poll 1-1
Reply to Peter Stanford & John Cornwell in the Independent 1-2 1-5
Win IE7 browser crashes 1-1
Templeton Foundation: Does the Universe Have a Purpose 1-2 1-6 2-7
can atheist think of answers to these questions? (funny) 1-3 1-4
BBC asking for panellist suggestion for questiontime 1-6
Shit it's sunday night and I am drunk 1-10 2-2
Kama Sutra and Tantric Sex 1-5 1-7
The Return of the Village Atheist 1-5 1-8
Why is nature beautiful? 2-9
Infinity 1-6
Motivation of the suicide terrorist 1-1
When did the soul myth start? 1-5
The issue of abortion 1-1 1-3
Freedom of Speech 1-1 1-2 1-5
German tax to benefit churches 5-6
Well - The God Delusion in RE class! 2-3
Overcoming depression - please help... 3-4 5-4
Religion and community 1-1 1-4
How good a theist am I? 1-3
Freezing sperm and having a vasectomy... 1-8 2-4 3-8
Liberals must die! 1-1
Telegraph Article on Pakistani madrassa's 1-3
Wormeries 2-2 2-6 2-10
Handicapped individuals: allowed to reproduce or no? 2-2
New terror threat to UK says MI5 chief. What do you think? 1-1 1-5 1-8 2-8 3-4 3-5 5-7 5-10 10-7
The Best Countries for Women To Live 3-3
Invisible/Missing posts, and other forum glitches 2-9 3-10 4-4
Do you challenge authority? 1-1 1-4 2-1
Religion in School - HELP!! 1-6
Atheists Against Abortion 2-3
Hymn Parodies 2-1
Whats the point of all this? 1-10
Quotes 1-1
Secular Minded Parents Wanted for BBC TV show 1-1
Pakistan suspended from Commonwealth 1-9
Is a Democratic President for 2008 In The Bag? 15-4
Rejoice, rejoice! 1-1
“We are at war with all Islam” Ayaan Hirsi Ali 1-1 1-4 3-5 4-5
What should atheists call Christmas? 7-5
Passport photos and belief 2-10
Letter:Believe what I believe or Burn in Hell 1-9
Richard Herring Mocks God 1-8
Depressing lack of change 4-2
Romania Removes Evolution from Curriculum 3-2 3-6 3-8
More Physical Meeting Places for Non-Theists: A Good Idea? 2-1 2-5
So in Britain...who do the atheists support? 3-7
Edge 2K8: What have you changed your mind about? 1-3 1-9
The sun sets on America 1-1 1-9 2-4 3-10
Letter from America 1-2
Multiculturalism Defend or Condemn 4-1 5-4
Faith motivates both charity and creativity 1-1 1-5 2-1 2-3 2-6 3-2
Attempt to abolish UK blasphemy laws 3-2 3-5 3-7
Cheer me up. 2-5
Arranged marriage: alleged murder in 2004 1-4 1-6
I'm Going to Marry a Christian 1-7
earthworms and rugby 1-8
Thought process in the Religious 1-2
Superstition 2-1 2-9 4-1
Secular States 1-2 1-4 1-8
Arguing with a believer is like playing chess 1-6
Stephen Fry breaks arm 1-2
What will be the best place to live? 1-3
Dutch film: Freedom of speech, or Hate speech? 73-1
How do you console the bereaved? 1-9
BBC Radio 4: Thought for the Day 2-5 5-5 5-7 5-10 9-7 10-6 10-9 12-8 13-2 15-7 15-9 26-9 27-1
What's a great name for a school atheist / humanist society? 2-6 2-7 2-10 3-5
Rowan Williams on Sharia Law in England 1-3 3-2 5-7 20-6
Muslims Against Sharia 2-3 2-4
Join the National Secular Party! 1-1 4-8 4-10
Christianity and the UK census 1-1 1-10
Guantanamo "justice" at last? 1-1 1-2
Internet Terrorists freed. 1-8
"Britain is a 'soft touch' for terrorism" 1-4 1-10
kamikaze/ suicide bombers and natural selection 2-1
What year were you born? 12-3 12-4
Muslims want uni classes to fit prayer times 3-5
Turkey to re-write the Ahadith 1-3
The man God took to Hell and back. Literally!!! 1-3
Europeans and Americans. Differing flavors of irrationality 3-2
Moses was tripping at Mount Sinai 2-2
Petition against Tony Blair as President of EU 1-1
news on shroud of turin 1-5
Did you ever really believe? 2-3 4-1 4-8 6-7 7-3 8-1
RD is wrong about belief and intelligence 1-1 1-8
Why is it snowing on Easter Sunday? 1-1 1-10 3-1 3-7
Blairs faith foundation 2-6 2-8 2-9
Selling atheism 1-1 2-6
Dawkins on Today programme Today! 1-2 1-8 1-10
atheist support in personal crisis' 1-6
God and Father Christmas 1-1
The wish for religion to be true 1-10
New Online Survey by UCCS 1-1
Channel 4: The Qur'an 3-8
The guaranteed totally offence free caption the picture game 11-3
Imagine no religion 1-1 1-3 1-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - VP Candidate Sarah Palin 1-7
New articles format 1-1
becoming a runner 3-3 3-4
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 5 84-3
Atheist Bus Campaign 26-4 72-8
questions from a girl - feedback requested 1-4
Richard Dawkins and children's fairy tales etc 9-5 9-10 10-2 11-8
Much loved old man insulted... 1-1 1-4 1-8
God is not mocked! (Apparently) 1-2
US Presidential Election 2008 - Post Mortems 3-5 3-7
I believe 1-1 1-4 1-5 1-8 4-4 4-8 7-3 7-7 7-10 8-6
Rapture Ready? 1-1
Evidence for Santa 2-2
Survivors 1-1
Member to hit 1000 posts the quickest!!!! 2-1
Quran and Bible: service Pack 1 1-1
How does one deal with the certainty of death... 5-10
Miracle on 34th Street 1-1 1-3 2-3 2-6
Is there a site like this for the uk? 1-4 1-7
Religion v Science? 1-1
Does Israel have a “right” to exist? 1-1 1-5 2-2 2-9 4-1 4-9 6-7 6-10 7-6 7-9 8-3 13-10 16-4 21-1 21-3 21-9 49-5
Congressional $$ Help to Bail Out the Porn Industry ?? 2-2
UNRWA and Hamas 1-5
Complaints against religious advertising 1-1
At last an atheist browser! 1-1
Censored on BBC iPM Blog! 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-1 2-5 2-7 3-1
I am getting disillusioned by atheism 3-6
Geert Wilders on "anti-Islam" charge 65-5 65-9 65-10 66-3
Congratulations to us! 1-1
Is attending a Bat-Mitzvah betraying my atheist beliefs? 2-4 2-8
BBC bias against atheists 1-1 1-6 1-8 1-10
Is love always selfish? 1-1 1-5 1-8
Let's Hijack the @ Symbol 6-7 6-8 7-1
Western Fat-Cat 'Capitalism' system = demise & collapse of.. 3-2
Pope: Condoms Not the Answer to AIDS Battle 5-1
President Armadinajad at UN 1-1
Plumbing the depths of sexual politics 1-1 3-2
Religion and the BBC 1-1 1-4
How much do we know? 1-1 2-4 2-9 3-2
2 million posts 1-1
Minister attacks secularism 4-2 4-3 4-6 5-3
Ritual Animal Slaughter in the UK 1-9
Relief for Haiti 6-2