List of Postings of User rplatell

Bible Samson and Sept 11 Stories - Similar Sucide Attacks 1-6 1-8
Atheist comedy 6-9
The Universe and the Plight of Jesus 1-8 1-9
Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian 9-10
What you cannot do in heaven 3-4
Catholics ordered to keep quiet over 'Virgin' 'visions' 1-9
Best Bible? 1-4
My attempt to visit every nation on Earth without flying... 2-9
What's Jesus to You? 1-4 5-1
Is This A Spoof? 1-3
Respecting Muslims 2-1 2-3 2-6 3-4
Morality Test For My Fellow Atheist 1-9 3-8
If Jesus had a brother - then Mary wasn't a virgin 1-1 1-4 1-6
Science+Religion in a dark room... 1-9 2-4
Muslim Forum rules 1-10 2-3
It's a sign. 1-4
Dan Barker & The Trinitarian Controversy 1-10
Regular Church Attendance tied to Longevity 3-3
It didn't take them long 1-7
Gay penguins are going to burn in hell!! 1-1 1-8
The Pope and the Lion 1-2
The Evolutionary Tree of Life. 1-7
Atheist Jokes 2-1
Muslim Scientist: Science Proves Mecca is World Center 1-8
Prayer is a Problem 2-6 2-10 3-3 3-9
Misconceptions about Atheists? 2-6
Honestly? Islam scares the shit out of me! 2-3 3-6
God doesn't even want to be proven... 6-6
God is a Truthiness Crusader! 1-2 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-8
Which Dogs Would Survive? 2-6 3-2 3-4
Vatican says men and women commit different sins 3-5
How certain? A game. 2-1
Exodus - any historical basis whatsoever? 4-2
They are lying. 1-9
Father Stabs His Son Who Wore Hat In Church 2-9
Get Them OUT Of My 'Fridge 5-2
Join God's Army to fight evil 3-1
The million gods project 1-3 1-5
History channel and Christian fearmongering 1-9
Ghosts, God or Science? 1-9
Terrorism - why not call it what it is? 1-2 1-7
Christian Party (UK) 1-4
The search for Noah's ark 2-7
Great sex: god's way 1-8
Dave the Christian on atheists 3-6
Real-life -vs- Christian Faith: In Sentence Form 1-3
My take on "Satan" 1-6 2-3 3-5
A New Religion 3-2
Can you kill fish with flood? 1-8
When computers address the 'Almighty' 1-7
Belief in Hell 3-4
just a funny pic 2-1
Just ripped a couple of JW's to shreds on my doorstep 2-6
Arguing for homosexuality from a Biblical standpoint 1-10 4-4
Are you ready for the rapture? 1-3
Atheist Clergy/Pope infilitrating the Catholic Church 1-4
Proof for the existence 1-6
Easter Sunday Messages from the UK's Religious Leaders 1-5
Answers in Genesis: No god = BANG 2-4
Why do we need a pope (or Protestant counterpart) 1-3
British TV:- “Christians are nutters” claim 3-2
Who will jesus destroy? 3-9 11-8
my crazy bible teacher! 1-4
Mormons Believe WHAT?! 1-9 2-10
Failed Satanist 1-4
Law of identity 2-3
Evil Jesus 1-2
Thank the fall for your life? 2-8
Thoughts of Religion. 1-3
What weapons do we really have? 2-3
Mormon Post Mortem Baptism of Obama's Deceased Mother!! 5-9
A Question for Atheists 2-8
Lets go to hell 1-6 2-9 3-5
'God'? Save the Queen 1-2
Studying properties of Transubstantiated Bread and Wine? 1-7
There is something wrong with gays? 3-9
Finding God 2-1
Appropriation! 1-3
New religion - Sciencism 1-6
Hard "evidence" the Koran is a miracle of God? 1-4 1-5
My Doctor Asked Me If I Believe in God's Healing Powers 1-3
Is Osama bin Laden religious? 1-3
"God doesn't believe in atheists" 1-9 2-1
Will the Antichrist be a homosexual? 1-6
Thank you god .... for what ? 1-6
Newt: We Are Surrounded By Paganism. 1-7
Father of 'Reincarnated' WWII Pilot Says Christian Faith Und 1-7
Church Billboards 1-7
Four legged insects, the Bible and "High 5" atheists 1-2 5-2 5-5 6-2 8-2
People of faith and homework 1-3
Atheist=Dumb, Try Wittgenstein 2-9
Pope Can't Pray With Wrist in Plaster... 1-7
belief in the existance of Witches 2-2
Anthropomorphism 1-4
Why didn't God find a proper job but only a carpenter?????? 2-8
Jesus, and god's DNA 3-2 3-4
Where does Sin come from 4-2
Stafford youth minister accused of having sex with teen boy 1-2
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 36-4
Proving God Right Here Right Now 3-8
Atheists: An Australian catholic speaks 2-9
Church signs 2-7
Hell is more interesting than heaven 1-5
Australian Shadow Minister's Public Defence of Religion 1-2
Jesus walking on water explained 13-2
Genisis is so weird to be believed 5-4
You have got to be kidding me 1-6
On the Function of Fingerprints 1-8
Islam vs. Christianity - which is worse? 2-2 2-7
Flea research: The Last Superstition by Edward Feser 1-4
Jesus 'may have visited England' 3-7
"Religion" in a census form...always wondered... 1-2
Going against nature 2-1
Jesus and the Christmas Tree 1-8
Special Offer on God !!! 2-6
Mohammed married Aisha when she was a toddler??? 1-10
Why was Jesus crucified? 2-6
Answered Prayers 1-6
Was Jesus a Socialist, Communist, or Capatalist? 2-2
Is Jesus in Hell? 2-1
Richard Dawkins to be featured on Elders with Andrew Denton 4-7 5-2
If God is creationist, then why this evolution 1-7
What is an anti-christ 2-2
Pope wants equality but not for Catholics! 1-3
Christianity, in my childhood's books? Who knew! 1-5
Dawkins's Theory for Homosexuality 2-1 2-5
Father, Son & Holy Ghost 2-5
"in god we trust" 1-2
My answer - Why god allows natural Disasters 2-2 4-7
Uniting church says god guided darwin and evolution 1-4
An Atheist's Calendar 1-4
POLL: Should Biden Display His Ash Wednesday Mark In Public? 3-4