List of Postings of User benjamin28

Jesus Camp : The Movie 88-7
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 55-10
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 44-2
Population control 33-3 33-6 33-8 33-10 34-2 34-3 34-5
Which is the Greatest threat to Science -the Left or the Rig 2-7
Respecting Islam. 64-6
Treatment of Women in Saudi Arabia - Comments 31-2
Flat Earth Society 2-3 2-5
William Lane Craig 74-10
When Dawkins dies who is going to take over? 3-7
Bahai is an example of good religion 11-8
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 43-9
Atheists of Sheffield (UK) 1-7 1-10 2-2 2-3 2-10
Vicar with potato stuck in his bottom 5-9 6-3
Past Lives and Regression - Do the Math 5-9
Censorship of the internet in Australia - time to speak up! 9-1
List of BNP members posted online 21-2 21-7 21-9 22-1
Have **you** had a "psychic" or "ghost" experience? 7-5
Europe court says no to turban on Sikh's driving licence 4-4
Escaped from Judaism 2-4
Atheist Shut-in 1-3
My Story... Fear of atheism is now gone! but my psycho f... 1-1 1-3 1-7
So where does conciousness come into play? 3-4
Will There Be Another Indian-Pakistani War? 1-5
Is religion really such a threat to our society? Please e.. 1-1 1-8
The Book of Atheist Spirituality 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-7
Propaganda Harmful to the Understanding of Climate Science 1-8
my wife wants to indoctrinate my kid 3-2
Ben Stein as financial guru 1-9
Has anyone ever lost a friend to religion? 1-8 2-2
Do atheists generally belive in Humans having a soul/spirit? 1-5 2-7
Dog Saves injured dog on highway 1-3
To my surprise I agree with the Pope 1-6
how do you clear your mind for study? so you feel fresh 1-1 1-4
Shanonanonanon 1-10
At least I was never forced to eat eyeballs... 1-8
Been watching Dawkins TV shows... and my viewpoint is changi 1-1
Do atheists believe in alien life? 18-5
Can we bring Pakistan back to normalcy? 1-2
what do you do when hardly anyone believes in god anymore? 1-1 2-1 2-7
Self help reality construction. empowering beliefs vs TRUTH 1-2
The Qur'an - Random reading fun 1-3
Regarding religious debate and discussion 1-2
Life after death and Darwin 1-3
Church funeral... Do you go? 2-3 2-6 2-8 3-2
SCIENCE is coming back to the White House!!! 2-3
Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama 1-3 1-8
do you have a rational, logical diet? 1-1
Muslim pilgrims stone devil amid tight control 1-3
Agenda 21. Paranoid conspiracy or genuine concern? 1-10 2-3
White atheist family WifeSwap with black fundie family (vid) 2-3 2-5 3-9
Deepak Chopra's critique of The God Delusion 1-9
My best friend is getting married 3-7 4-3
Wanted a secular play for primary schools at winter 1-6 1-9
Islam and Moderate Muslims 3-1 3-3
Teacher axed for telling class, "There's no Santa" 1-4
irrational muslim creationists 1-1 1-4 1-7 1-9
My fellow determinists 1-6 2-6
Your favorite Pub? 2-7
The recycling universe! 1-3
Money from sales on where does it go? 1-3
Look at what happened in 1984 BC 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-10 2-1 2-10
My former high school turned into a church on weekends... 1-3
CERN: The Big Bang Machine... what do you think now? 1-1 1-7
when did you question god? or religion? 1-1 1-6 1-10
Will white people become myths in the future? 1-1 1-9 2-3 2-6 3-9 4-2 4-6 4-10 5-5 5-9 5-10 6-2 6-4 6-8 6-10 7-2 7-8 7-9 8-1
Is meditation the real "placebo"? 2-3
Bush Attacked by Crazed Journalist and His Deadly Shoes... 6-3
im going to try and leave the forum :( 1-1
Princess Diana conspiracy theories, what you think? 1-1
Whats happening to Katie Holmes? 3-3
Gandhi was religious (at least outwardly) 1-6
Pound's Slide Pulls Britain Closer to Euro 1-4
UK Church attendance 'to fall by 90%' 1-2 1-7
Saudi court rejects divorce plea from EIGHT-year-old girl 1-5
Woman: I Was Fired For Saying 'Merry Christmas' 1-3
an interesting fact and a total waste of life... 1-1 1-4
why are there no trees older than 10,000 years? 1-1
Ex-muslim and Bacon 2-9
few thoughts about the bible and religion in general.. 1-1
Channel 5 UK Debate Now - Can We Live Without Religion? 1-1 1-3
Derren Brown: Mind Reader 3-1
The Decline and Fall of the English Language. 32-8
Girl marries dog in bizarre ritual 3-3
when did humans become so weak and sensitive? 1-1
i miss the warm feeling and memories religion brought 1-1 1-7
how i got over the craving for an afterlife.... 1-1
Who Is Tony Blair? 1-8
Man, 47, marries girl, 8 3-3
Don't attack us please, UK ads to say on Pak TV 4-5
Rebutting the criticisms of political correctness 1-2
Should prostitution be legal? 90-1
Growing Muslim Population in Europe 1-1
Cruel Skinheads Attack Pregnant Woman 1-3 1-5 1-7 2-6 4-1
Is World Peace Possible? 2-9
Mohammed's Child Wife 1-5
Jade Goody is going to die :( 3-1
can you help me with this theory about creation? 1-1 1-3 1-6
my rant about the movie FITNA 1-1
Galaxy has 'billions of Earths' 1-2
Hugo Chavez president for life. 1-4
PLEASE EXPLAIN: What exactly is preaching hate? 1-1
Police State Britain. Former MI5 scathing attack on UK Gover 1-2
Get Brian Cox Off BBC Science Programs!! 1-1 1-6
Should You Shout Down a Creationist with Insults? 1-2
Bible moved to library top shelf over inequality fears 1-3
Cleric Qatada given compensation 2-8 2-9 3-4
Why are vegetarians so prevalent among humanists? 6-5
The Incredible Human Journey 2-10 5-3
the future of science... what should i study? 1-1 1-3
RDF TV/Michael Shermer: The Baloney Detection Kit 3-8
HELP! need crazy stories from the quran! 1-1
story of a ex johovis witness in todays dailymail 1-1 1-3 1-7