List of Postings of User Moriarty

Ted Haggard 38-8
Sam Fryman - His slating of Dawkins in an eBook... 2-7
Idiocracy 1-9
Communist Manifesto, The Prince? 1-9
Into the Fray 1-1 1-6
How do I refute ID? 2-6 2-10
Don't be alarmed by my username 1-6 1-8
Rupert Sheldrake 1-4
The Atheist Challenge 2-9
My cousin is pissed after what she read on my blog! 2-6
Building a artificial religion 2-1
Red, White and Green Stars 1-1 1-5
Child Abuse Claim 4-2
God Is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens 1-10
Help me refine my lecture on atheist morality 2-5 2-6
Idle Speculation on Evolution and Atheism 1-1 1-10
vote rigging help please? 1-10
Help!! - The bastards rejected my e-petition! 1-2 1-5
How do I tell my mum I don't believe in God? 1-8
Difference between a meme and an idea 1-9
The NEW WORDS thread 2-5
Ben. XVI misunderstands evolution and science 2-10 4-4
Institutionalized Atheism 1-8
A Sense of Entitlement to Attack The Religious 1-10
ONLINE Free College Level Workbooks/Courses Anywhere? 1-2
funny but true stories 1-7
Scarlet letter A t-shirt? WTF? 3-1
Selfish Gene, Page 1 1-4
Right to bear arms? 1-6
Informative Atheist Speech 1-2
Phrases you hate 1-2
Dawkins on Bill O'Reilly 3-6 4-1 14-6 14-10 15-10
Complexity? God/universe 1-2
e-petitions PROSECUTE Dawkins, or KNIGHT him? 1-5
Coinages by Dawkins 1-7
Please Help 1-10
You guys! 2-10
Intelligent Design Follow-up 1-3
The ruin endings of films thread 2-6
Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort Full Banana Episode 7-2
Atheist online community void? 2-3
Moderation 1-1 1-4 1-9 2-1 2-3
Girl Stoned To Death In Iraq By Kurds - Caught On Video 3-2
Atheism and Abortion 1-5
link to nightline show 1-2
Theist vs Atheist Debate, Thoughts?? 1-6
some good things about America 1-3 2-3
Big brother BS 1-8
Too many topics at once 1-1
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 3-5 3-7 4-2
Sinister UK Rape Law 1-1 1-6
WTC 1-3 2-1
To circumcise or not... 5-2
A "retard" visits the Creation Museum 3-8
Is this True? 1-7
Farfur meets a sticky end 1-5
I don't like Christopher Hitchens 2-4
Do you have what it takes to be an American? 4-9
J'accuse 3-2
Memes on the internet 1-4
How the Banks Own Us 1-1
Did Live Earth Concerts Do Any Good at All? 2-7
Trolling religious forums 1-9
I've Achieved Abiogensis 1-3
Novelty Items 1-2
Stonehenge, Winchester and a Day Among the Dead 1-3 1-5
Musical notation software question ... 2-1
Is it possible to be a believer and a free-thinker? 1-2
Burning Books : You Choose Three 2-9
An essay section for the forum 1-6 4-4 5-1
Half Chicken, Half Pigeon 1-1
I have decided to become a vegetarian. 2-3
Why do I lack friends and Social Skills? 2-2 2-9
Suicide Is Painless 4-2
Man angry at god seeks revenge! 2-6
Dogma? Arrogance? that not Dawkins as w 1-2
Dialog between a New Atheist and his Former Pastor 1-4
A Quick Limerick 1-4
The Ten Articles of Liberation 1-2
Is koran unique in being a text that can be wholly memorized 3-2
Memorising Poetry 3-6 3-10
Not You. Not You. You. But Not You. 1-2
Jesus Was Stitched Up!!! 1-1
DNA Database 1-6
David icke, dawkins gets a mention 1-8
Ian Collins - Talksport 1-2
Crazy laws you would enact if you were king 3-2
Why hell is necessary (and very real) 6-8 18-2
More On Moderation 1-1 5-8