List of Postings of User Rokkaku

Simon Singh to be sued 6-5 7-7 7-9 8-2 8-4 8-6
The million gods project 53-5
Critical Opinion of Theology 26-7 27-6 28-7
Why I Believe in a Creator - Some thoughts 12-4
Howdy, ya'll. I know God does exist! 7-10
My Reason for My Belief 13-8 25-6
Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology - WL Craig and other 14-1
what believers think about global issues 2-4 2-6
A case for a clumsy God? 1-3
This was an email for a religious meeting at my base 1-2 2-3
Please Explain 1-8
The Moral Hypocrisy of New Atheists' Criticism of Religion 12-7 13-2 13-6 13-8 13-10 14-2 14-5 14-6 20-3 20-5 20-7 21-1 21-8 22-9
My life is worthless without Jesus.....apparently 1-3
Bloody Lucky Brits... 1-6
Where Does Anti-theism Come From? 4-8
Consciousness raising by a subtle pronounciation change 1-3
The Key to Effective Atheism 2-7
Derail thread from 'nagging doubts' 19-4 22-8
Nobody really believes in religion anymore... 6-4
Fundos Pretend Gays Only Wantonly "Being Bad" 3-2
I can prove that Jesus produced miracles. 9-8 23-10 28-4 29-1 30-1
Too much pressure on Atheists? 3-10
How often does Atheism come off as superiority? 5-2
Trainer keeps calling atheism a religion 6-9
Sam Harris's atheism 1-5
Craig: Atheists Must Shoulder Burden Of Proof! 19-7 20-7 31-4
God, Faith, and Religion 16-4 16-6 16-9 17-3 18-7 19-2
question for atheists 2-7 4-9 6-6
How to debate 5-8 6-4
atheist and theist arguments 2-8 4-1
heuristics for belief 4-4
Christopher Hitchens and Sir Stephen Fry vs. The Catholics 18-1
"The Selfless Gene" - Charles Foster 2-7 3-6
Why not use Homeopathies' Placebo effect? 2-9
Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation posted on Wikileaks 13-4
Has this forum ever convinced a creationist they were wrong? 2-3
Have you been debaptized since you are now an atheist ? 2-7
When Did Evolution Go from a Theory to a New Religion? 3-7
William Lane Craig - II 62-2 82-4 82-6 91-6 91-9 92-2 92-3
William Lane Craig - III 3-6 9-6 9-8 24-1
my catholic 17 yr old daughter is dating a jahovah w. HELP! 11-10
With no proof, there is a 50/50 chance god exsists 34-3 34-5 35-9 36-3
Antony Flew's Book 3-5 4-3
Is The European Union The 10-Horned Beast of Bible Prophecy? 1-3
4 year old boy, at church, killed by stray bullet... 4-8
'islam is' in google 1-2
"If God's so great, why does he let bad things happen?" 2-2
Religious people do have a clearer moral code than secularis 14-2
Russell's Teapot in Reverse 2-9 3-2
Does religion deserve respect? 15-10 16-3 16-4 17-1 17-2 17-6 17-7 18-1 19-5 19-9 20-5
Eight Words 2-1 2-4 2-10 3-1 3-5 3-7
Science and Religon 2-8