List of Postings of User EvilConservative

Have any of you ever met Mr. Dawkins? 5-2
The Demonization of Obama 2-7
"Fake" Protesters At Health Care Town Halls Exposed 3-5 4-7 4-10 9-8 10-4 10-6 16-7
Conservative Economist Says: Don't Blame Obama 1-2
Gay men being slaughtered in Iraq 1-8
Republicans, religion and the triumph of unreason 1-2
18 year old kidnapping; girl found alive 1-10
Joe the heckler calls Obama a liar 1-9
Creationists to EDIT ORIGIN of SPECIES - THEN Distribute! 17-10
Conservatism vs Humanism 1-4
Another Reason for Private Schools... 1-6
Libertarianism: A philosophy without precedent? 3-4
Current U.S. debt monetization will not work.... 3-1
Glenn Beck, future president of USA 1-3 3-1 3-6 4-1
Blockbuster to release Creationist film this week 1-8
Inequality causes almost every social problem 1-5
Progressives and Obama 4-6 4-8 5-2
How Can People Be This Stupid? 4-7
Do Politics Corrupt Good-Hearted Individuals? 1-5
Who knew ACORN was so powerful? 1-8 2-3 2-4 3-4 3-9 3-10 4-1
Gun Control Part Zwei (II) 45-3 45-7 46-2
GOP 'Purity' Test: Agree with us 8 out of 10 or else 2-2 2-6 2-7 2-9 2-10 5-2 5-7 5-9 7-5
Everything Sarah Palin 3-8
Republicans friendlier to religion than Dems says Pew 1-8
Poll: Respect for Freethinkers in the World 1-5
Obamas Nobel speech 1-2 4-8
Tips for getting little kids into science? 1-2
Unemployment, what to do? 1-6 3-9
Rush Limbaugh in Hospital 13-6
Australian Humour = Angry Americans? 4-3
Sarah Palin signs on with Fox News 5-8
Scott Roeder: Crime and Trial etc. 2-7
Why welfare creates jobs and protects yours! 2-4
Election in Mass. today 1-2
Acorn Pimp, caught in yet another scandal 1-2
UK: Rich-poor divide 'wider than 40 years ago' 1-4
Why blaim the American government? 2-6 7-10
Jon Stewart Goes on Bill O'Reilly, and Rocks Fox. 1-10 2-4 2-8 4-5
Republican: Non-Christians Should Leave US 2-5 6-1 6-3 6-4 6-6
Making a political bet... 2-1
Obama Says... Obama Does... 1-4
From the tard party.. uhh tea party convention 1-6 4-6 5-9
US $8 billion Nuclear Power Plant - 1st in 30 years 1-5