List of Postings of User golly

What Are You Currently Reading? (Part II) 57-10
Richard Dawkins' Fallacious Central Argument 24-5 24-9 25-1 25-8 28-2
How do you do? 1-1 1-3 1-6 2-2 2-3
Okay, who's giving The God Delusion as a gift this year? 1-8
The Ultimate Boeing 747 argument (again). 2-10 4-5 5-10
Who cares about faithful (Spanish) translations of TGD? 1-2 1-4 1-5 1-7
Things that you were surprised to discover were woo 18-8 19-7 20-5 20-6 21-8 22-2 22-4
Is Orwell´s Newspeak scientifically plausible? 1-1 1-3 1-9 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-8
How can I do better in discussions/debates? 4-9
Book suggestions for a 10 year old girl 4-3
PROVE me that you are NOT a figment of my imagination 4-9
Is physical modesty innate? 1-1 1-4 1-7 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-8 3-6 3-7 3-9 3-10 4-2 4-3 4-5 4-7 5-2 5-5 5-6 6-2 6-4 6-6 6-8 6-10 7-3
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 43-8
Responses From Christians Who've Lost a Debate 6-5
Fundamentalism in the UK 1-1 1-3
It seems that Richard Dawkin's Philosophy has changed 2-1 2-4
New religion - Sciencism 6-5 6-8 8-1 11-8 18-4 19-1
Is it a cop out? 10-2
British christians face persecution - Telegraph poll 2-4
What is the worst thing said to you by a believer? 1-4 2-9
Hi - Christian Scientist here.... 13-3 14-1 15-5 15-10 16-2 16-6 16-9 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-6 19-9 21-10 22-2 25-8 26-8 26-9 26-10 28-2 28-4 29-1 29-2 29-5 31-6 31-7 31-8 31-9 31-10 32-5 32-7 33-3 33-6 34-1 34-4 34-5 34-8 34-9 35-4 39-3 41-8 42-2 42-3 42-6 44-9 46-6 46-7 51-2 51-4 51-7 51-8 52-2 52-5 52-6 71-1 71-3 71-10 72-1 76-2 76-4 76-6 77-3 77-7 77-8
Christian Billboard Compares Atheism to Murder? 3-10
Religion is in the Reason section 2-9
Anyone up for an experiment on belief vs. non-belief? 5-4
If there is a hell... 11-3 11-5 11-8 11-9
BBC - Dawkins proselytizing atheism at summer camps? 13-4
William Lane Craig - II 36-6 51-6