List of Postings of User ZombiePriest

Gödel's incompleteness theorems? 6-8 6-9 7-6
All ye metalheads! 35-7 37-2 37-6 38-3 38-5 38-7 38-9
Bayes' theorem applications?? 1-8 1-9
What's wrong with Nihilism? 7-8 7-10 8-2 8-8 8-10 9-2 9-4 9-9 9-10 10-1 10-3 10-5 11-1 11-3 11-4 11-9 11-10 12-1 12-4 12-5 12-7 13-3 13-8
Fundamental Flaws in Dawkins' Approach 22-2 23-10
3pieces of music that give you goosebumps when you hear them 2-9
How is religion in your country? 4-8
Value and Virtue in a Godless Universe 1-6
Evangelical teens have more sex 3-6
Greetings from South Africa 1-1 1-5 1-7
Evolution of gender roles: women as nurturer men as provider 1-3 1-10 2-4 2-6 2-9 3-2 3-3 3-6 3-9 4-2 4-8 4-10 5-5 6-4 11-5 11-6
Horror fiction recommendations? 1-2 2-10 3-1 3-6 3-9
Refuting the moral enforcement argument 1-5 2-3
Is Technical Singularity Really Possible? 3-2 3-6
Teacher axed for telling class, "There's no Santa" 15-7 19-9
Recommend me books on cosmology and/or quantum mechanics 1-4
Who's the biggest postmodernist quack in philosophy? 2-1 2-2 2-4 3-2 3-7 3-9 4-5 4-9 4-10 5-8 6-1 6-2 6-5
You are not a True atheist because... 2-2 3-7
Are there any members with an IQ below 150? 3-2
Was Isaac Newton gay? 2-1 2-2 2-5 2-7
europe's welfare state is cousining the blow. 1-7 2-3
"There is a genetic group called Negroid or black." 1-5 1-7 1-10 2-4 2-10 3-6 3-9
What should be done to Iran? Is WWIII imminent? 13-6
Why aren't we "devolving"? 1-4 2-2
Hi :D I'm new 1-2
the last sound before the big bang? 3-6