List of Postings of User kiore

100 Reasons Why Being An Atheist Is Great!!! 22-3 22-6
George Carlin on Religion 5-10
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 4) 5-4
Terry Eagleton 4-5
Creationist Museum - Kentucky, USA 27-2
Dealing with Christmas - atheists with children 7-5
Help Science to help you, volunteer your spare CPU!! 42-9 43-1 43-9 44-1 44-5 45-3
What is your IQ? 6-10
Is atheism a religion? 58-2
Glasgow Scotland calling 1-8
The unofficial annual RDF forum awards! 9-9 10-5 10-7 10-10 11-2 27-3
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 86-1
Atheistic quotes 20-7
I'm Sorry 7-3
The scientific miracle that is the Quran 83-8 85-3 85-5
Metric USA 35-8 36-1
How many Aussies are here 27-3 28-2 30-4 37-1 37-9 40-3 40-5 41-7 56-8 56-10 59-5 62-10 63-2 75-4 75-6
House MD (great atheist tv show) 4-6
Where in Hell are you? - Quiz 5-7
Hello from Canada 2-1
'No Atheists in Foxholes' 3-10
How old are you? 16-4 22-4 35-7 35-9 70-2 70-9 71-2
RDFRS Team for Folding@Home 6-2 6-4 6-6 6-8 7-2 7-4 7-10 8-2 8-4 8-8 9-1 9-3 9-5 9-7 9-10 10-2 10-6 10-8 10-10 11-8 12-1 12-4 12-9 13-3 13-5 13-7 13-9 14-1 14-4 14-7 14-10 15-3 15-6 15-8 15-9 15-10 16-3 16-4 16-9 17-1 17-3 17-5 17-6 17-9 17-10 18-1 18-3 18-4 18-6 18-7 19-1 19-10 20-5 20-6 20-8 21-6 21-8 21-9 22-1 22-6 22-7 22-9 23-1 23-7 23-10 24-2 24-5 24-8 24-10 25-3 25-5 25-6 25-7 25-10 26-2 26-5 26-6 26-7 26-9 27-3 27-7 27-8 27-10 28-3 28-4 28-6 28-7 28-9 29-1 29-2 29-4 29-7 30-2 30-4 30-6 30-7 30-9 31-1 31-5 31-9 32-2 32-4 32-6 33-1 33-3 33-8 33-9 34-2 34-5 34-9 34-10 35-1 35-2 35-3 35-5 35-7 35-8 35-9 36-1 36-3 36-6 36-8 36-9 36-10 37-1 37-5 37-6 37-7 37-8 38-1 38-2 38-3 38-4 38-5 38-6 38-8 39-1 39-5 39-7 39-9 39-10 40-3 40-4 40-9 41-1 41-3 41-5 41-7 41-9 42-3 42-4 42-6 42-8 43-3 43-5 43-7 43-9 44-1 44-4 44-8 45-2 45-7 45-8 45-10 46-1 46-2 46-4 46-5 46-7 46-8 46-9 46-10 47-3 47-5 47-8 47-9 48-1 48-3 48-4 48-7 48-9 49-4 49-6 50-3 50-4 50-5 50-7 50-9 50-10 51-2 51-4 51-6 51-7 51-9 51-10 52-3 52-6 52-8 53-1 53-2 53-5 53-7 53-9 54-10 55-2 55-8 56-1 56-2 56-6 56-7 57-2 57-4 57-8 57-10 58-2 58-4 58-7 58-9 59-1 59-3 59-5 59-7 59-9 60-1 60-3 60-7 60-9 61-2 61-4 61-6 61-8 61-10 62-2 62-3 62-4 62-7 62-8 62-10 63-2 63-4 63-6 63-7 63-9 64-2 64-3 64-5 64-7 64-9 65-1 65-2 65-4 65-6 65-7 65-9 66-1 66-3 66-6 66-9 67-4 67-7 68-1 68-3 68-7 68-9 69-7 69-10 70-4 70-6 70-8 71-3 71-5 71-10 72-2 72-4 72-6 72-7 72-9 73-1 73-2 73-5 73-6 73-9 73-10 74-3 74-5 74-8 75-2 75-4 75-7 75-9 75-10 76-4 76-7 76-9 77-1 77-3 77-6 77-10 78-2 78-4 78-6 78-8 78-10 79-2 79-4 79-7 79-9 79-10 80-2 80-4 80-9 81-2 81-6 81-10 82-2 82-4 82-6 82-7 83-1 83-4 83-5 83-7 83-9 83-10 84-3 84-5 84-7 84-8 84-9 85-1 85-2 85-4 85-6 85-8 85-10 86-2 86-4 86-6 86-7 86-8 86-10 87-2 87-4 87-5 87-7 88-1 88-4 88-6 88-8 88-10 89-1 89-3 89-5 89-6 89-8 89-10 90-3 90-5 90-7 90-8 90-9 91-2 91-3 91-5 91-7 91-10 92-3 92-5 92-7 92-8 92-10 93-2 93-4 93-6 93-7 93-9 94-1 94-2 94-4 94-7 94-10 95-2 95-3 95-6 95-8 96-1 96-4 96-6 96-8 97-2 97-5 97-8 97-10 98-2 98-6 98-8 99-1 99-3 99-5 99-7 99-10 100-1 100-2
Apocalypse 2012 16-4
Atheist swearing 60-2
Obama and Faith Speech 14-1
Jerome: on The Religious Right Parts 1-3 2-3
RD's accent 3-6 8-2
Atheism as "just another belief". 17-4 17-6 17-8 27-2
The Alpha Course 26-1
Robust list of creationist 'arguments' + responses 9-10
Achmed the Dead Terrorist 3-6
Towards an accurate representation of David Irving 17-8 18-4 18-7 21-4
"I'm an atheist but I'm a nice person" 4-10 5-1
A-Theist A-Gnostic Definitions 2-2
How to quote text 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 7-1 7-7 8-2 8-4
Are you who you say you are? 19-10
"him that pisseth against the wall" 3-6
Need HELP finding source of quote 2-4
John Safran vs. God 2-8
Poll: What Operating System do you use? 15-4
Barack Obama - Atheist or not? 14-7
The single most aggravating anti-atheist argument 7-5
Alternative names for atheists II 89-1 89-4 89-10 92-5 93-3
A few general thoughts on The God Delusion 20-3
Beyond Belief 3: Candles in the Dark 3-10
Tarts Club Part 2 - Coquettes Strike Back! 70-3 70-5 70-8 71-1
When Dawkins dies who is going to take over? 3-9
NephilimFree's Challenge to Atheists and Evolutionists 16-3
Worst books you've had the intense displeasure of reading? 25-10
Wine Talk 21-1 21-7 21-9 21-10 22-1 22-4 22-7 23-1 23-2 25-6 27-1 27-5 27-10 29-3 32-2 33-9 34-7 34-9 35-2 35-8 36-3 36-5 36-8 37-2 38-1 38-5 38-8 39-9 40-8 41-1 41-2 41-4 44-7 45-4 46-5 47-4 47-5 47-7 47-9 48-2 51-3 51-5 52-3 52-5
Post count discrepancy 4-7 7-5 11-6
Confessions of a lonely... church employee???? 2-10
What are you drinking tonight? 23-1 24-5 24-6 24-8 25-3 25-4 25-7 25-10 26-1 26-10 27-4 29-6
The Bible-Belt Reject 4-8
Catholics digging up a gay cardinal, dead 1890 2-2
Skin Colour, From White to Black? 3-6
NephilimFree 2-8 3-3 4-4 4-10
Seriously scary stuff 2-6
Rapture Ready v YEC's 6-2 6-4
Any luck in converting believers to atheism? 4-2
MMR vaccine stupidity in London 5-3
Christian Forgiveness in lastest NZ Murder-Moral response ? 4-4
I think I love Meekychuppet 31-3
Greetings from Iceland 2-4 2-5
Any Bulgarians? 2-6
The coffee drinking thread 19-9 20-4 20-9 22-2
Parents Outraged Baby Doll Mumbles Pro-Islam Message 3-5
help with home teaching issue please 2-1
That's it, I'm leaving! 3-8
Hello to everybody from Turkey 2-8 2-9
Christian girlfriend challenges me to read the bible 8-4
Am I wrong to be annoyed about this notice at my GP ? 1-6
G'Day from the West Coast of Aussie land 2-6
Muhammad look-a-like competition 4-5
The Daily Cartoon 8-1
Title for a book about atheism? 4-7 4-10
Hello Everybody! 2-2
Hi, I'm new, good to be here! 2-2 2-4
Test Your Atheism 17-4
Quick rebuttals for people questioning atheists? 3-9
RD's chapters about the bible aren't solid enough. 13-7 13-8 14-3 15-5
Countering Biblical Prophecy 1-8 2-2 2-5
What's happening in North Korea? 4-3
Abe's Challenge: Declare your faith in church, win beer! 1-7 1-10
The word "god" in our everyday speech. 3-2
Atheist Bus Campaign 14-9 19-4 23-2 23-3 23-9 24-1 25-2 25-8 41-2 41-8 41-10 42-4 43-5 45-7 45-9 46-1 46-4 70-2 78-6 88-1 89-5 91-10 94-1 96-4 96-8
I got fired today 5-5
Hello from a former atheist now kind of Christian 2-3
I kissed the Great FSM.... AND I LIKED IT 3-6 3-8 3-10 4-2
Hi from Brisbane, Australia :) 1-4 1-5
union of abrahamic belief systems 3-7
spaghetti monster teeshirt. 1-1 1-5 1-6 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-7
Atheist tribe? 2-3
Howdy cyber freeks! 1-6 1-7
Phantom's Skull Cave seen in New Zealand (Paredolia) 1-2
hello from Melbourne 1-5 2-1
Hello 1-2
Hi from Watford 1-2 1-3
Greetings from St. Louis! 1-8
New Member from New York 1-4
Atheist business card? 1-4 1-7 1-8 1-10
limitations to expressing one's view about religion 1-9
The Lord ain't my shepard, I'm not a sheep! 1-4 1-7
What made you an atheist? 3-6
Atheists of Sheffield (UK) 1-2 1-4 1-7
Cults vs Mainstream 2-2
Hello from Nova Scotia 1-4
Should I be wary of sending my son to a C of E school? 1-5
Stuff You've done to Religious Things in Stores. 3-1 3-3 4-2 5-7
Hi from Sheffield 1-2
Hi from an atheist 1-3
Hi all! A naturalist musician from New Jersey. 1-3
Greetings From Another Enthused Non-Believer! 1-2
"Pushing" Our Beliefs on Others? 2-6
Well hello there 1-4 1-7
A different spin on heaven and hell 1-3
atheists who were shocked with TGD 1-6 1-10 2-4 3-9 4-3 4-5 4-10 5-2 5-3 6-4 6-5
It takes a lot of FAITH to be an atheist... 2-6 3-4 11-8 13-9 14-1 14-3 14-7 14-8 15-3 15-8 16-1 16-3 16-9 17-2 18-1 18-6 19-1 22-2 22-3 24-8 25-4 28-8 33-4 34-1 34-3 34-5 34-10 37-8 38-3 38-9 39-6 40-8 40-9 41-2 41-6 41-8 42-2
A riddle, be prepared to laugh. 2-2 2-3
Evening all from a chilly seafront in Sussex, England 1-5
What can an atheist offer instead of prayer? 1-6
"Raise Your Hand If You Believe In God" 1-9 2-5
A Thought Experiment for Christians 1-6 1-8 1-9
Topic: Being selective of religious values. 1-3
Cow drowned for being impregnated by human 2-3 3-2 3-6 3-8
Before My First Year Is Up 1-3
What well known great thinker are you? 3-3
Quick question for bible litteralists 2-3 2-5 2-6
What is evidence for there to be no God 6-10
Is Religion Dangerous? From a different angle 1-2
If I wanted to read the Bible... 1-4
Go God Go! 1-6
Disappointing. 1-2 2-2 2-10 3-1
The Cure endorses the brights 1-7 1-9 1-10 2-6 4-3 5-1
Survey: Most Americans Believe God Uniquely Blessed U.S. 1-4
Mel Gibson pours $15m into holy family catholic church 1-3
AuroraBorealis 1-6
What gives? 1-7
Hello All 1-4
Hello from Sweden 1-5 2-6 2-8 3-6 5-1
"Creation of Adam" 1-7 2-10
Evangelical teens have more sex 3-5
Is it true that a bible won`t burn? 1-6
Who would you vote for? (NON-Americans only) 3-8 3-9 4-2
Hello from Westcoast NewZealand 1-4
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster 1-4 1-9 2-5 2-7 3-6 3-8 4-3 4-6 4-8
I'm hungry 1-2
hello folks 1-7
Mark Steel: Afraid That Barack Obama Might Lose! 3-2
hello :) 1-3
Innately Wrong 1-5
Vasectomy help please! 1-8
Refuting the moral enforcement argument 2-1
Hi from Israel 1-4
Atheism isn't making logical sense to me. 1-9 22-3
'2,000-year-old Jesus box' may not be a fake 1-9
The Chiller from Wasila 1-4
Fweddy Says Hello 1-3 1-5 3-7
How do teeth kill? 1-9
Aussie Immigrant Faces Deportation Due To Down Syndrome Son 1-6 1-8 2-1
Are Christians respected by Other religions? 2-4
Australis Greatest PM Poll? 1-5
Bali bombers threaten revenge 'smack down' 1-3
Aliens are God's children too - BBC program 2-8
Why Debate? 2-6 2-9
Jesus is God? 4-8 5-1
Revelation of a Hero Returned 1-6
The Soul= 21 Grams? 1-4 1-10 2-1 2-3 2-7
Only one side will know they were wrong. 2-6 6-3 11-6
Hello from a newbie in Wales! 1-8
Vicar with potato stuck in his bottom 2-3 2-8 3-6 5-10
How do you do? 1-2
plans for standalone 'holy' community in South Auckland 1-2
US election coverage: what's it like in your country 1-5
ME 1-2 1-5
Japan Air Force chief: Japan not an aggressor in WW II 1-6
New fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo 1-3 1-5 2-1
Yo 1-3
Greetings from Scotland. 1-7
CCF refuses sci-fi convention donation 1-10 2-5
Rachel asks "shall I become a nun or a prostitute ?" 1-9 2-3 2-5 2-7 3-1
Departure from the forum 1-3
Post Party for my fave forum member! (and Pensioner) 1-5
Just Remember . . . 1-5
A new member from Brazil 1-5
Greetings earthlings, I come in peace. 1-5
What topics do you like besides science? 1-7
Atheism vs. Agnosticism II 2-8
Greetings from Texas 1-2
Hi everyone! :) 1-5
Greetings from a Canuck 1-6
Lamest Refutations Among Theists 3-6 4-9
Descent Into Ignorance 1-5
Hello 1-3
Serious Fundy Fucktardery: Obama using witchcraft 1-6 1-9 2-1
How afraid would you be if.......? 1-3
Gday to all 1-4
Greetings to all from Sharif 1-3
Town halls ban staff from using Latin words 1-4
I'm unconvinced, to say the least. 1-4
Post Count on the alternative OT forum 3-9
hello 1-8
Hi 1-7
When will CNN call the Election on Nov 4th? 2-8
Hello Forum 1-4 1-6
Any Political Realists??? 1-3
I'm Dreaming of an Atheist President ... 1-2
US Presidential Election 2008 - Post Mortems 3-3
Since it will come out eventually... 2-9 3-3 3-4
Exit polls: 3/4 of American evangelicals voted McCain/Palin 1-4
Happy non- americans 5-3 9-3 12-7 12-9
pondering 1-2
Does your spouse/partner ever get fed up with your atheism? 3-8
Im a new guy here from aberystwyth 2-2
Board Abbreviations (derailed) 1-3
Update: Getting WORSE: (potential) child abuse alert 10-4 17-3 20-4
Heynow! 1-6
Hello from Turkey... 1-5 1-7
You know you're an atheist when... 3-6 7-1 11-9
Standup in a Swedish church 1-6
Why do songs get 'stuck' in your head? 3-3 4-1
Howdy 1-8
another new person thread =P 23 f tx 1-4
Another Swede reporting! 1-2 1-5
Poppy or not 3-6 3-8
Indonesia:many in the funeral of Islamist murders 1-10
My Story 2-1
An interesting thought on 6.99... 1-8
Sometimes, You have to stop being silent. 1-8
Introducing myself from Massachusetts 1-4
I hope I'm posting this question in the right forum. 4-6
Is it intentional... 1-4
Gun Ownership: Assault Weapons, should they be legal? 2-3 2-7 9-6
How to remember Turkey or in the memory of Mustafa Kemal 1-2 1-8
Find "dead ends" of Darwin Win $32500 1-3
Is this dumb? 1-6
Postal Address of Santa Claus 2-8 3-2
Am I an atheist? 2-10
ok, uh, let me try this again 1-4 1-6 2-10
The Bible says it, so it must be OK 1-4 1-5
Let's obey they imaginary massmurderer in da sky 1-2
Debate with Youth Pastor 2-1
Ask an Ex Catholic anything 2-5
Hello all 1-7
Obligatory Introduction Post from a Bible Belt Atheist 1-4
Post your credentials!!! 1-7
Hello 1-4
Christian email spam campaign 2-1
Greetings 1-2
'New Faith' in Oz 1-2
Hi hi hi there 1-3
Strategies to stop smoking? 1-2 1-5 1-10 2-7
Should politicians be qualified? 1-2
Wednesday Afternoon, 2pm 1-4
Acid attack on Afghan Schoolgirls 1-3
Hi from the depths of North London 1-3
'Kingdom of Yahweh' cult defies law 2-3
cheers 1-3
Dear Jesus .... about your miracles 1-3 2-6 4-1 4-5 5-4 5-6
Hi ya'll 1-2 1-5
Forcing a toddler to preach - check the youtube video! 1-2
Gun Ownership: Do You Own A Firearm? 7-2 14-10
Dead Parrot sketch ancestor found 1-3 1-8
American ex-Evangelical 1-5
The Reptile Thread 52-1 63-5 63-6
Religion is the greatest problem of our times? (Poll) 1-7
Should I Just Come Out And Say I'm Atheist 2-1
Looking for "CONFUSION" logo / bumper sticker 1-4 1-7
Greetings and Salutations 1-2 1-4 2-3
Please do not leave your church unattended in this area 1-4
Would you rather be an astronaut or a celebrity? 1-5
Spaghetti Monster has a rival! 1-3 4-4
"The Book of Hate!" 1-5 2-2
Australian sperm needed in the UK 1-5
Charles: Defender of Faith? Discuss. 5-8
Newly converted 1-2
The new Sistine Chapel 2-4
Jobs - money or enjoyment? 1-10
Hello to you all 1-3
Funeral Wailing 1-2 1-4
Hello my fellow heathens and the rest of you too :-D 1-5
Adam & Eve Uncovered 1-3
Hello all and thanks for the welcome thus far 2-1
Do You Know Anyone Who Believe in Vampires? 2-1
Another One Growing Up in the Universe... 1-6
A vote for the right to democratically vote in/out mods 6-9 7-6 7-8 9-9
Atheist Billboards in Denver (and Colorado Springs)! 1-3
So I spoke up tonight... 2-3
Darwin image wrong? 1-8
Jesus images 1-2
Religion, Land of Sand and my wellbeing. 1-4
Had to post this joke 1-4
DAME? 1-10 3-3
Wasting Time (for atheists) 1-6 2-7 3-2
Game - Predictable Film Quotes 1-3 1-9
Antibiotics as a non renewable resource - Resistance 1-2 2-1
Atheists Beliefs Research 2-4
Censorship of the internet in Australia - time to speak up! 1-7 2-5 5-2 6-7 7-1 8-2 8-7 10-1 11-1 11-8 12-1 17-1 18-1 18-10 24-4 24-6
Any Top Gear fans out there? 2-2
Theolohazard Level 1-4
Atheists and organ donation 1-7
Portland, Or 1-2 1-4
Why not start a new Religion? 1-4 1-5
String theory is not science 1-4
Hello 1-2
Is Obama a natural born citizen? 11-9 12-1 12-2 19-5 19-7
Gun ownership poll corrected 1-10 2-5
I'm new here... 1-3
[Fun News] Southern Germans smarter than northerners 1-6 1-9
why is this image used to represent evolution? 1-6
We have new emoticons! 4-10 5-4
Any Arab atheists? 1-7
The Government caused the Great Depression 1-5
i happen to be a newbie =] 1-8
A petition to eventually reinstate UE and all banned members 14-8 15-3 17-6 22-5 23-2 42-5 44-1 44-4 51-8
Greetings from the birthplace of Mormonism 1-3
Atheist Sunday School 2-1
Mae fy hofrenfad yn llawn o lyswennod 1-3
no fear and unlimited happiness 1-3
Obama is a sin against the lard 1-2 1-4
Atheist Billboards in Colorado 1-2
Creationist kid quote-mining Dawkins 1-2 2-7
I seem to be new 1-3
A humble request for a rule change. 1-2
A challenge for "creationist scientists" 1-5 2-2
Turkish American Atheist 1-7
I found god tonight 1-8
Richard Dawkins and others mentioned in a Vaisnava column 1-7
Norwegian Atheist and Skeptic 1-2
New Humanist Trump Cards 1-2
I am a brand new member! Hello from sunny California 1-2 1-7
Cutting through the Bible belt... 1-2
History of Atheism 3-1
Best ad ever? 2-3
Debunking the Bunkum 1-3
Barack Obama is 1-3
Nothing 1-2
God of the atheists 1-3
Religious on the increase 1-3 2-4 4-3 5-5 7-4 7-8 8-2 8-8 9-1
Creationist pamflet to be spread in the Netherlands 2-6
Bicycle survey 1-2
It's not religion; it's sound, skeptical science 2-4
Newbie from Puerto Rico 1-2
Natural non-religious 1-2
Do you find this image vulgar? Do you get it? 1-4
Why are there multiple 'Banned' logos? 1-7
Help with a book selection 1-2 1-6
The True Meaning of Christmas 2-1
Creationism SHOULD be taught in all schools. 1-3
Atheism in the Middle East 1-4
Atheism the big question 2-5
Countdown to Pardons begins ... NOW! 1-3
Learning a second language (late) 1-5
Hello from a desert planet 400 kilometers from Vancouver 1-2
Hi from ZA 1-2
New Jeebus Cracker Flavours 1-3
haggismuncher's preaching gibberish 1-5 1-7 2-3 2-5 2-9 3-7 4-2 4-4 5-5
Which Is The Best Religion 1-7
Pope Had `Prophecy' of Market Collapse in 1985 1-3
Texas grand jury indicts Cheney 1-2
World Leaders Don't Shake Bush's Hand 2-1
My next religious reply... 1-2 1-4
No 6-6
Be greeted, ye of little faith... 1-7
Anthea Turner Outs Herself! 1-3
I bet this will make you all super hungry! 1-4
Ooops! 1-5
Prayer request: what do you think? Please help! 1-5 2-1 4-5 4-9 5-1 5-4 5-8
I have a low IQ 1-2 1-4 2-8 3-5
Sarah Palin 2-4
How were we created? 1-2 16-3
Hi from Australia 1-6
The dumb watchmaker! 2-3
Are there any Lapsed People in this forum? 1-5 2-6 2-9 3-9
New Mohammed Cartoons 2-3
Hello, christians disgust me! 1-9
Do you have shy bladder? 4-6
Comment on the previous poster's signature. 2-1 3-4 3-6
Charles as President? Not in my name. 1-3
Feared Investigators 1-2 2-2
Using the bible against them 1-3 1-4
Billboard promoting atheism will be removed 2-3
Dad links son's suicide to 'The God Delusion' 5-3
Are there anyone here NOT an atheist? (POLL) 1-3 2-10 3-2
Sarah Palin and the turkey! 1-2
Some religions have an upside! 1-3
Intolerant Atheist 1-2
AVAILABLE NOW! New God Delusion T-Shirt 1-4 3-2
Feedback on 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God 1-8
Just got a "Jesus is the reason for the season" email 2-5
Hi from South Australia 2-1
Standing Up For Reality 1-9
Muslim women start fighting back 1-7
im so lonely 2-1
If at first you don't succeed.. 1-2
Al-Qaeda welcomes Michael Jacksons conversion to Islam 1-2 1-8
Pirates 1-3 1-4
Edward Current: I built a prayer amplifier 1-3
Is it my imagination? 1-8
Merry Xmas For Doctor E: Hope you like it! 1-2
1001 Examples of Non Religous Terror 1-4 1-5
Vatican 'forgives' John Lennon 1-2
The Socialist Party cut in two in France 1-2 1-8 2-2 2-10 3-3 3-5
Spinozasgalt (and Sarah) join the 1,000 club! 2-1
jesse from kansas, USA 1-2
Family reactions to your atheism 1-2
Very strange problem. 1-3
god prefers atheists or god refuses pascal's wager 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-5 2-6 2-9 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-9 4-1 4-3 4-7 4-10 5-2 5-4 5-7 5-8 5-9 6-1 6-5 6-9 7-4 7-6 7-8 7-10 8-2 8-4 8-7 8-9 9-1 9-3 9-6 9-8 9-10 10-3 11-9 12-2 12-5 12-7 13-2 13-7
I thank everyone in these forums for everything... 1-3
Yes 1-5 1-10 4-1 4-4 4-10 5-1 5-3
What forms of religous expression are acceptable ? 1-3
Like a speeding bottle cork! redwhine gives us 6000!! 1-4
Oh fickle pickle! We missed her 1000th post!! 1-2
just wondering how 11,000 posts went unnoticed! 1-2
Hi from Nova Scotia, Canada. 1-6
Science and Theology (Please attempt to refute) 8-4
Hi all. 1-4
Creationist theme park in Lancashire 1-2
MAYBE! 1-2 1-5 1-8 1-10 3-2 3-5
Way! 2-2
A post for Richard 2-3 5-6
Atheism Kills Child 1-6
Thought experiment on the Bible's believability 1-2 2-2 3-1
Obama Skips Church 1-2 5-1
Common Bible Unknowns 1-2 1-10
Religion is bad 1-5
Not much to tell 1-2
Greetings from Nebraska! 1-3
Experience versus Evidence 1-9
Just joined up... 1-2
Coping techniques for closet atheists? 1-4
Odd things one does? 2-2 2-3 3-6 4-1 6-1 6-5
Not fundamental - not truly religious 1-7
Threaducation 1-2 1-5 2-1
Who stole Richard Dawkins's bicycle? 1-6
List of people 1-2 1-7 2-1 2-4 3-4 3-7 4-4 4-6 4-10 7-8 7-10
Oh, no! I've been mistaken for a cretinist! 1-2
Twelve Myths of Modern Science 1-3
Hey... atheist drama kid says hello 1-3
Turks Protest Internet Ban On 1-3
Hello from Turkey! 1-5
Question about Jesus 1-6
Another Free Convert 1-4
The day I lost my virginity 1-7
Aussie Atheist Bus Campaign Setback 1-7
New here!!! 1-4
ASEAN (Atheists of South East Asia Nations) Gather here!!! 2-1
MoralMaster 2.0 1-7
day three of severe effexor withdrawal.. 1-3
Southern US 1-2
My apologies 1-9 2-8 3-1 3-6 4-1 4-4
Ex-Mormon 1-3
Ethics of working for a Quack. 1-2
Parents furious at naked day care games 1-5
[Fun News] Maggot-infested monkey head found at customs 1-3
Brew day! 1-2
Terror in Mumbai 2-10
Poll: Allowing banned members to apply to return 2-1
Hi to all 1-4
Homosexuality 32-8 34-2
Meet the cheerleading nuns 1-3
Mercy Ministries exorcism books 4 girls leaked 1-2
Hello all! 1-2
Iranian court sentences man to be blinded by acid 1-2
write your own faux bible verse 1-1 1-6 1-9 2-1 2-2 2-8 3-1 3-3 3-7 3-10 5-7 5-10 7-5 7-7 8-1 8-3 8-4 8-9
Should the Bible be revised? 1-4
how has st. bernadette's body remained incorrupted? 1-6 2-2
Ears open eyes wide 1-3
Greetings from New York City 1-2
American Heathen says hello 1-4
Being Tom Cruise: How Scientology is in No Way Mental 1-2
Have **you** had a "psychic" or "ghost" experience? 3-6
If you could go back in time... 2-7
Why are Audi drivers aggressive a***holes? 1-2
Atheist spirit be gone! 1-2 1-5 1-8
Greetings from the Bible Belt 1-3 1-10
Vatican thanks Muslims for returning God to Europe 1-2
The next religion, it's going to be the strongest 1-4
Do Atheists expect Respect? 2-1
Ancient Pyramids of Egypt and astrology 1-3
help on the understanding. 1-2
Hello! 1-6
newbie shnewbie 2-8
Nauseating in the extreme ! :-( 2-3
New Member 1-4
Escaped from Judaism 1-4
Virgin atheist 1-4 2-2
Existential Meltdown 2-1
Why Atheism is Illogical 59-8 70-9 84-7 101-1
elroywillis hits 4,000! 1-3
3,000 for eversbane! 1-2
riddlemethis joins 1,000 club! 1-5
Greetings! 1-2
My fellow prisoners... 1-2
Dawkins' Evolution Tie 1-8
Have I been had? 1-5
'John 3:16' 1-9 3-6
Atheist Shut-in 1-2
How many beans make 5? BESLEYbean makes 10,000! 1-2
being jewish: nation, religion or both 1-6
My Story... Fear of atheism is now gone! but my psycho f... 1-4
What if Atheism Gets A Foothold In Our Culture? 5-7
The Blind Scientist 1-5
Religious Education gone very wrong... 1-10
redwhine hits 7000 2-1
Exclusive Brethren 'guilty of genocide, slavery' 1-5
8,000 up for econ41! 1-5
Fat people should be bullied 12-2 12-10 13-4 19-4 20-3 20-4 21-9 22-2 22-5 23-8 24-2 25-8 26-6 28-1 28-9 29-3 30-10 31-7 33-4 35-9 36-6
Did I think of god? 1-2
It was 20 years ago today... 1-3
Say hi to the new guy? 1-8
New ape unit reporting in. 1-4
Hello from Canada 1-6
Darwin versus St Paul 1-8
Yadsmood? 2-5
What makes you want to be a moderator? 3-2
Just taking a minute out from lurking...... 1-8
Doctors dictate the darnest things 1-5 2-4
Born Atheist 1-6
Hi, I am new. 2-1
Member to hit 1000 posts the quickest!!!! 1-2
Deep Southern Perspective 1-5
RaspK chisels out TenK! 2-3
Hello everyone 1-7 2-2
Hello there. 1-8
questions about labels 1-3
New enough 1-4
Islam: Proof that women cannot talk and remember simultaneou 1-2
This could be my tipping point 1-3
Coke cola or Pepsi 1-2
Australia is going backwards fast 1-2
A friend's baptism - to go or to not go? 1-2 1-7 3-9
Dad files protest on school Ark story 1-9
Communism + evolution = bad 1-2
Another hello... 1-2
Spank the children lovingly from birth 1-4
A-men from C-land 1-4
First post 1-3
Myth about 'dirty old men' supported by science 1-7
Flawed ancestry argument by Dawkins 1-3
At least I was never forced to eat eyeballs... 1-3 1-5
An atheist godmother 1-4
The Dawkins Virus 1-2
Do you hide your beliefs about religion and if you do, ..... 1-4
freshman english 1-2 1-7
Pretty cool "ESP Experiment". 1-2
UK Honours for Atheists/Rationalists/Humanists 1-4
A 12-year-old girl has been banned from wearing a silver cha 1-2 1-5
The crusade begins! 1-4
French Headscarf Ban Not Discrimination, Says European Court 1-9 2-4 2-6 2-8 2-10 4-6
Chance - Reporting In 1-6
My 10th Anniversary Of Becoming An Atheist - Help Needed! 2-3 2-6 2-8
Hi all... 1-7 2-2
Tui Christmas billboard taken down after complaints 1-6
Are you an Anarchist? 3-6
Hi from the Netherlands! 1-7
Raising the World’s I.Q. 1-3
5,000 'canine fillings' for Darwinsbulldog! 1-5
Tax exemption of Churches Poll. 1-9
kiki5711 hits 4,000 posts! 1-7
tonyman1989 hits 2,000 posts! 1-5
j.mills joins the 1,000 club! 1-5
Disgusting beer coasters to discourage teen binging 5-7
Controversial commercial 2-6
What You Don't Need 7-3 8-5
Books you read as a child 1-5
Ex-New age turned atheist Greek Cypriot? 1-3
Hello! 1-4
Hi all 1-4 1-7 2-5
Church funeral... Do you go? 1-2
hello people 1-6
Thank you Richard from an Ex-Jehovah's Witness!!! 1-8
Is there a Pstychologist in the house? 1-5 1-8
Male Restroom Etiquette 1-8
I am a level 10 atheist ? 1-3
Should men be forced to pay child support if... 1-8
Dumped by a religious girl 1-7
Richard Dawkins' "missionary zeal" 1-7
How is the world recession affecting you 2-9
Miracle Mineral Supplement 3-3
G'day from guess where! 1-8
Mammals that don't suckle their young? 1-8
The Last Warning for Non-Christians 26-7 27-2 27-4 27-7 28-6 30-4 30-10 32-3
RANT: I detest modern universities !! 1-4
Miracle on 34th Street 2-10
Hello everyone.. 1-2 1-4
The best thing to come out of America 1-4
kiore hits the big M...1000! 1-8
Just another converted fence sitter... 1-3
An Atheist issue 1-9
Would this 'qualification' be considered legitimate? 1-3
killing a arab 1-4 2-2
Complaint 1-2
to the people that always capitalize "atheist" 1-2 1-8 2-1 5-1
Wierd-looking post 1-2
River Out of Eden 1-10
what's your job? 2-6 5-8 7-10 15-1
Can’t get to sleep! 1-3
dawkins best argument? 6-8
I hate avatar animations 1-4 1-6
Always been an atheist 1-3
Prescribe me over the counter drugs! 1-2 1-4 1-6 2-3
Atheist Charity 1-3 1-4
I'm an atheist: get me out of here! 1-3
Are non-atheists qualified to comment on atheism? 1-8
100 years since Rutherford's Nobel prize. 1-2
Bush Nightline Interview 1-5
I Love Each And Every One Of You! 1-9 3-3
Tuatara Questions 1-2
Hello! 1-2
White atheist family WifeSwap with black fundie family (vid) 1-2
Revenge on the Telesales Pests 1-2
Buon Giorno 1-2
UK retarded? 1-8
Hello from India 1-2
Atheism and astrology 1-3
The Myth of the Common Cold? 1-3
Katherine's Countdown to 3000 Posts Thread! 1-4
Pascal Wager revisited 3-1
Hello fellow humans! 2-4
Interested in taking part? 3-6 8-3
Hello Cats. 1-6
Another drop in the bucket 1-7
Hello 1-5
Richard isnt so bright! 60-1 60-3
teroi ore truth 4-7 5-1 5-3
Professor Richard Dawkins 7-7
A poem to the followers of Islam to reflect upon 1-5
MMR: Are vaccines also a religion? 2-1 2-3 2-6 4-2 7-2 11-5 16-7 25-1 25-5 28-5 29-10 36-2 36-10 37-6 37-10 39-2
"God makes my heartbeat" said my 4 year old 2-8
Why I like being an atheist 1-10
Humanist curriculum approved in Victoria 2-2
Hey, everyone! 1-6
Money from sales on where does it go? 1-4
Cali hits 8,000! Oneeleven! 1-3
Students to be taught there isn't a God 1-3
Virgin Mary on Playboy Cover ! 1-5
The Worlds Most Stupidest Christian Comment 1-2
Scientific proof that God and Heaven exist! 1-3
Hey 1-3 1-5
HELL o from FLA 1-2
The Australian Sex Party 1-3
Spiritual Atheist hi! 1-3
Miraculous Xmas Appearance of the Spaghetti Monster 1-3
Joker or Pirate? 1-6 2-1 2-3 2-6 6-1 6-8
Ooof!! redwhine smashes into 8K barrier. 1-2
The Nativity Play 1-2 1-8 1-9 6-7 6-8 9-3 11-7 11-9 12-1 12-2 12-7 13-1 13-9 14-4 16-8 16-9 20-1
So glad I found this place.. 2-1 Nativity Play - The Script 3-8 4-2 4-5 4-7 4-9 6-2 7-1
Reading all of Dawkins' books 1-3
Australian Citizenship Test - could you pass it? 1-3 1-5
I just made a deal with a young British female Muslim on... 1-4
Even Adam posts 6,000! 1-7
Ilovelucy, 4,000 times! 1-9
eXcommunicate x 2,000! 1-6
Layla Nasreddin joins 1,000 club! 2-6
Dagger of Lath stabs his 1,000th! 1-6
psikeyhackr hacks 1,000! 1-5
You know things are getting desperate... 2-7 2-9
ok MOST annoying spelling mistakes... 9-9 17-2 17-6 18-8
Greetings from a hypocrite atheist 1-2
Will white people become myths in the future? 1-7 1-10 2-10 3-4 4-1 14-1 15-6
Evolution guided by intelligence 1-2
Postman Pat appears in Nativity play + stupid fundi argument 1-4
Burning of Palin's church blamed on... 4-2 4-3 4-5 6-9 8-6
What is it with Americans and forgeign accents? 3-8
Newness spews from me... 1-4
Some evolutist told me the appendix was proof of evolution 7-3
Cake request denied for controversial name 2-6
Battle at Kruger 1-2
Science is a Religion 1-5
Bush Attacked by Crazed Journalist and His Deadly Shoes... 1-2
[Poll] Have you ever thought about writing a novel? 1-2 1-4
That defining moment 3-5
The Truth about Dawkins 1-10 3-4 7-6 10-3
G'day RDF 1-10 2-7
A major complaint about my formal debate 3-7
New new new! 1-8
What are you having for Christmas dinner? 7-1
Okay, who's giving The God Delusion as a gift this year? 1-7
'Cheap shots' against Richard Dawkins 2-1 3-6 3-8
What O What happened to the dinosaurs 12-10 21-1
Ask a 14 year old creationist anything 9-4
Princess Diana conspiracy theories, what you think? 1-8 3-7 5-4 6-2
The very first.... *** does anybody know *** thread ! 2-2
Did you ever go to a religious school? 2-3
Gift ideas for sister who is turning forty 1-3
G'day from adelaide. 1-6 2-3
Hi 1-4
"Last edited" message turns up almost at random? 1-2 1-4
Shocking Behaviour From New Simonyi Chair Holder 1-2 2-2 3-2
Hey from Romania 1-2
Why do we? 3-5
Sometimes it is so lonely 1-3
What's the harm? 1-3
Loosening the buckle! 1-3
Next week 1-6
greetings from turkey 1-4 2-6
Forum etiquette 1-5
Iraq - Women leader beheaded 2-7 2-9
are we natural? 1-2
Hello from Australia! 1-6 1-9 2-1
Lazy Australian Man Joins RDF 2 Years After Bookmarking Site 1-5
Sam's baby 2-6
Welcome one and all 4-6
4,000 painless Gallstones ! 1-7
The Last Man you'd expect to get 1,000 posts! 1-2
Is it me or 4 horseman are terrified of communism discussio 2-4
MetaPoll 1-2 1-6 2-1
Hello from Patra 1-2
Pound's Slide Pulls Britain Closer to Euro 1-2
Book for a friend? [opinions needed] 1-2
Ahoy hoy from LA 1-2
Merry Solstice 1-4
Poll – Are you an Out/Closet Atheist? 1-4 2-5
Trolling 1-8
Greetings everyone! 1-6
EightThousand for NineBerry! 1-6
hi! 1-3
Which are better, Pirates or Ninjas? 2-4 2-6
The Year 12 Thread (QLD, Australia) 1-2
Come on down, all ye unfaithful 1-3
Tassie Devil online... 1-2
Hello from the English youth. 1-5
For married folk 1-7 1-9 5-4
Does Dawkins have a second language? 2-1
The Pope on Creation and Gender Theory 1-6 1-10 2-4 2-5 3-1 3-8 5-2 6-1 7-2
11,000! That's a lot of (besley)beans. 1-4
Hello from SamBarge 1-3
Why do people who have faith cry at funerals? 1-10
Man flue! 1-2 1-4 1-6
This is.....unsettling. 1-2
would you adam and eve it? 1-1 1-3 1-9
Hello there. 1-3 1-8
Politically Correct seasonal greeting 1-4
Hello ! 1-2
Hello from South Africa 1-3
Darkness at the break of noon, shadows even the silver spoon 1-2
Alternative Medicine (God's Natural Medicine) 2-10
A polite invitation to debate... 2-4 5-9 6-6 6-8 7-3
Stop Press - Our Lord and Saviour has returned... 1-7 1-9 2-2
How do you pronounce 'Australinea' 1-3 1-6
Just a friendly reminder 2-2 10-9
Hail athe! 1-7
Why do female school children ware Shirts / blouses? 7-7
Just a basic fact against Evolution 2-5 5-10 6-4
Wow! 2-10 4-3 5-1
Hello all 1-6
Fight Pernicious Myth Old Bearded Man In Sky!!!! 1-8
Buying another Dawkins book [need help] 1-4
Roman Catholic admirer of Richard 3-9 4-3 6-7
an interesting fact and a total waste of life... 1-2
St Nicholas gave me a book 2-6
Hello! (from a new member) 2-1
should i change my writing style? 1-1 1-3 1-6 2-2 2-4 2-6 3-1 3-4 3-5 3-10 4-2 4-4 4-10 5-1 5-3 5-5 5-7 7-2 7-4 7-7 7-8 8-1 8-2 8-5 8-6 8-8
Jerome and the feeding of the 7,000! 1-2
Evidence For A Young Earth 1-5 1-8 2-2
I got two Dawkins books for Christmas :) 1-2
the way God works 1-9
why are there no trees older than 10,000 years? 1-2
Evolution is a satanic lie! 1-4 2-1 4-8
A novel re-newable fuel source! 1-3 1-6 1-8
an apologize from turkey.. 1-3
UFOs and God like aliens 1-4
Gay scientists isolate gene that causes Christianity in mice 1-3
Who here doesnt believe in drugs 2-6
Cormac collects 7,000! 1-8
New Member from the UK 1-7
quill writes 2,000! 1-5
lofuji joins 1,000 club! 1-4
the enemy of my enemy isd my friend 1-6
Sup 1-4
Hello! obviously new and glad to be here! 1-4
The Verdict 17-10 19-4 20-6
I surrender to the germs. 2-8
Just joined 1-5
HELP!An atheist school teacher in the heart of Christian Ca. 1-8
Atheist and queer 1-4
Hi there 1-4
Hey. I'm new. Obvs. [: 1-8
Virgin Mary gives birth to Jesus - this time in Peru 1-3
Hi everyone - I didn't go to church this Christmas 1-2
67% of Canadians Believe In Angels 1-9
I did it!! 1-2
What do you love/hate re: your country 1-4
Hi from Syria 1-3
my introduction 1-4
A Modest Alternative Energy Proposal 1-3
The Urban ecosystem 1-2
Who/what confronts your atheistic beliefs most? 1-2
Hello from The Philippines! 1-2
Newbie incoming from down under!! 1-2
Title changed in surging mood changes 1-2 3-2
7/7 Conspiracy 6-4 6-7 7-2
my xmas present 1-8
Christian 1-7
1,000 'blobby' posts for Mazille! 2-2
Temporary Good Bye 1-8
I've just been outed and I'm a little nervous. 2-3
1,000 'odd' posts from oddman! 1-8
Darkchilde joins the 1,000 club! 1-3
Here at last. 1-6
Hello 1-4
Australia: MP wants to ban topless to protect Muslims and As 1-3 1-7
rjgillen's opinion of this site 1-9
2,000 for Conny! 2-4 3-4
Converted By Richard Dawkins? 3-3
Topsy tops 8,000! 1-5
What is the history of your political views? 3-5
An Iranian Atheist and Secular Humanist 1-8
CV For Moderator Vacancy.... 1-9 2-8 3-2
Hello from north of the polar circle 1-3
Bax: Roman Catholic admirer of Richard Dawkins 1-4
Something about me, just to start..... 1-2
Superman 2-8
Madonna 7-4
Another example of Paredolia - Jesus in a pita bread 2-6
redwhine got to 9002! 1-5
Just Sent This to the Forum Admin..... 3-6
Need help finding bible story 1-9
Paranormal Attack Warning and Psychic Battle 1-2
ola amigos 1-5
Hello my fellow humans! 1-3
Hi there all. 1-5
No longer a Newbie. 1-4
Films you've never seen 1-4
Ad hom on medical grounds 1-9
Hello. 1-8
John Travolta's son died today 2-7 3-1 3-7 4-4
james1v zooms past 2,000! 1-2
Where does one start? 1-5
Greetings from South-Africa 1-5
Ex-muslim and Bacon 1-9
Let Us Be Rational 1-7
Time to stop lurking, I suppose... 1-5
Hello from Northern England 1-8
the famine song 5-7 6-1
seeking 2-10
Greetings! 2-2
Wake for OSHU's 3k post-party !!! 2-1
Sorry to take issue with the host, but 'The Selfish Gene"??? 1-6
Just a little intro 1-8
Why am I so nervous?!? 1-4 3-3 4-8
Dia dhuit from Ireland..Mullahs and Google Earth 1-7
Namaste from India! 2-4
Another aussie joins the forum 2-5
Hi everyone from Minnesota, United States! 1-5
Hi from New Zealand!! 1-2
Greetings from Florida! (lengthy post, sorry) 1-3
Sinister Goings On 1-4 2-6
Hello 1-5
Where are the Aussies (in Aussie)? 2 5-5 6-1
Hello from Irvine(Scotland) 1-3
good morning :) 1-2
Hi from Singapore 1-2 1-4 1-6
How Logical Are You? 11-6
Atheist Or Anti-theist? 2-3
Retraining at 49,is it possible? 1-3
HPV Vaccine 1-5
So I guess I'm an atheist... 2-3
Salut Tous le Monde!! 2-1 2-3 2-7
How do you get rid of rats? 4-4 4-5 5-4 13-9
I have known since I was 4 1-7 1-8 1-9 2-5 2-8
The Smoking Thread 20-1
Another poor heathen soul bound for hell. 1-5 2-8 2-10
If there is no God 22-1
Hello 1-5
Lisa needs braces 1-8
Ariane Sherine to give ‘Thought for the Afternoon' on BBC4 1-3 3-8
Not so! 4-9 9-5
A bit of a fraud... 1-2
Get rich (in the name of the lord) 2-8
Which mustard - English American or French 2-9 3-3 3-8
Yet another bus campaign success story signup 1-6
freethinking rationalist forum peddling idiology 2-6
Introducing Myself 1-2
Greeting from a small town in Wisconsin! 1-5
Attention South Australian atheists 1-3
From the Belly of the Beast 1-3
This forum goes better with.... 4-1 4-6
Hiya from a Newbie 1-5
'god' 1-8 8-2 13-7
So Connecticut Has an atheist, Huh?? 1-2
Newbie from the Colonies (former) 1-2
Re: Front Page Moderation 1-1 4-6 5-2 5-4 5-6 5-8 5-10 6-3 81-7 81-9
Hi from Australia! 1-5
Hi from Canada 1-4
creationist *riting stiles*! 1-1 1-6
Who are the old Atheists? 2-1
Ug, ug. Science. Bad. 2-2 2-7
What is up... 1-2
Hello Everyone At RD! 1-3
Is "Chav" a hate word ? 1-4
New member 1-3
The Media's Representation Of Mr.D 2-3
Just Joined.... 1-2
Richard Simmons Woo - WITH ADDED BACKLASH! 1-2 1-4 3-1
Richard dawkins contacts 1-5
Greetings 1-3
Hi 1-6
Hi There from the UK 11-2 11-6 12-7 13-3 13-7 13-9
Australian muso new to forum 1-5
PM problems 2-1 2-4
One big wave from SLOVEnia! :D 1-6
Hello fellow cats! 1-4 1-8
Bush awards Tony Blair Presidential Medal of Freedom 1-8
Best Bible? 2-6
Newbie from Georgia (U.S.) here 1-4
Hello from Croatia 1-4
Introducing myself 1-2 1-6
Hello 1-2
Hello from the people's republic of South Yorkshire 1-3
Islam's PornFest Paradise - What about the women? 3-3
Windows 7 Beta 2-3
Does wearing a burka or hijab pose a risk to security? 1-3 1-8 3-3 3-6 3-7
Jesus: Lord, Lunatic or Liar?--Poll 13-10 14-7 16-1
Posts that made you laugh the most today 19-3 19-4 24-6 24-8
Greetings! 1-3
Where Are We Predominatly A Shy Species? 1-9
Finally got a login, hurrah! 1-5
Movie aired on TV in Dubai 1-6
The 50,000th Member! 1-5 2-7 3-1 3-4 3-5 3-7 3-10 4-4 4-7 4-9 4-10 5-2 5-4 5-9
Hello. 1-4
Hello all 1-2
Gday from Adelaide 1-3
one new member 1-2
I'm a Muslim - don't flame me! lol 1-3
Wedding issue - opinions sought, 1-3
Sorry I knocked. Third Generation Jehovah's Witness 1-7
Introducing Nick Nakorn 1-2
Slaughter of the Canaanites 1-4
First hello/question of 'biblical' proportions 1-2 1-10 2-2 2-4 2-6
Thank you Josh ... 2-1
Maori Traditional Healers cost $2m per year in NZ 1-3
Does richard Dawkin really exist, or is he a freak of nature 2-9
how to deal with forum cliques. 1-3
Pre-civilization human low life expectancy due to teeth? 1-2
Question about registering 1-2
[Fun News] Fake match-maker for depressed parrots con 1-2
Gloucester Web/Graphic Designer Here 1-2
Welcome Papaduck55! 50,000th member! 1-2
thank you 1-5
A side effect of being an ex-Christian, I need advice 2-3
Mid-life awakening! 1-7
Sin of Gluttony 2-2
Greetings from a TG Aussie!!! 1-6
Sour Milk 1-6
Would you advise reading the Blind Watchmaker? 1-3
Why do I get these weird flights of verses? 1-6
Why are atheists subject to a higher degree of criticism? 1-9
RDF cliques 3-7 3-10 5-2 5-4 5-6 5-8 6-4 6-10 7-2 7-6 8-3 9-2 10-4 10-5 10-6 17-8 17-10
(opinion) should i get a MAC or a PC 3-8
Hello 1-3
Hello 1-3
Look at what this christian said about atheist/agnosticism: 1-3
I am getting disillusioned by atheism 1-4
Hello Everyone 1-2
only 'extended phenotype' left, worth it? 1-9
Obama's inauguration 2-9 9-10 10-4 13-1
1000 posts for Vaz the Spaz 1-9
Controversial Speculation 1-7
22-Year-Old Sells Virginity Online 3-5 4-2
Apparently I'm Not Alone! 1-2 1-6 2-1
An Atheist in Afghanistan 1-2
Hi there 1-7
How many atheists do you know offline? 2-6
Ever get the feeling that Richard Dawkins hates you 3-3
Hello 1-6
Climate Change - Doubts, etc.....Derail 2-5
How do you get rid of head lice? 1-4 1-8
Question for the Men 1-3
Hello 1-2
Avast! Heretics are afoot! 1-2
Why should I live in YOUR country? 3-7
How to quickly shut down a loud theist 3-7
Newbie from Kentucky 1-4
Greetings from Finland, Pa, USA. 1-5
Leaving the shadows 1-6
hello from hawaii 1-5
Mississippi under seige from creationists 1-10
What do you drive? 3-2 4-7 5-4
hi 1-3
Oath of office, take two 1-4 2-4
Hello, I am newbie 1-2
Another Aussie member 1-2
Glad to be aboard! 1-2
Spamming 1-6
Fiery pastor Danny Nalliah prays for Peter Costello as PM 1-5
1000 posts - go me! 2-7
Total Deconversion 1-7
Muslim Forum rules 1-4 11-10 12-6 12-9
Hello all. 1-4
For the Australia Day Long Weekend 1-4
australia needs an ambassador to the vatican? poll. 1-1 1-6 1-9 2-6
Pinkydead says Hi 1-2
Vote For My Quote! 2-5
Bibles reaching captive audience in NZ tramping huts 1-5
Wossie and Tom "Xenu" Cruise 1-9
Mass Atheist Ordination on Darwin's 200th Birthday 3-2
newby from New Zealand 1-2
besleybean trumps 8,000! 1-7
Probably The Best Marketing Campaign In the World 1-5
New here. 1-3
The Decline and Fall of the English Language. 1-4
Lost a good friend 1-7
Seeing What Can Come From This 1-7
Happy Birthday Calilasseia!! 2-3
why is lordpasternack suspended? 14-10 31-9 32-10 33-3 34-1
An Aid Dilemma 1-4
hello! :) 1-3 2-7 4-2
Glad to meet you all! 1-5
Hello 1-3
Coffee and health 1-2 1-6 2-8
LIMITED EDITION: Scarlet Letter / Out Campaign Grey T-Shirt 1-2 1-4
Help from Aussies please? 1-4 1-6
"One Nation, Under God" 2-4 3-1 3-7
Australia Day Quiz for Non-Aussies 1-10 2-3 2-7 3-1 3-4 3-5 3-7
How Fast Can You Read? Where do you Read? 1-2
First post 1-2
IQ and Atheism, is there any correlation? 1-6
Bargain! The Selfish Gene. 1-2
Tentative preacher's daughter. 1-2
Great one liners for atheists 5-6
Survey Shows Alarming Lack of Integration in Germany 2-1
What's with the Australian Open officials 1-3
At a crossroads with college major, help appreciated 1-3
Sir David Attenborough 1-1
Auschwitz faces decay 1-3
Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl 1-2
15,000 posts for Richard Prins! 1-3
G'Day To All 1-3 2-1
Why is it so? 1-4
Hello from a New-Comer 1-2 1-4
buying another copy 1-2
100 posts! 1-2
Atheist Jokes 4-5
Gudday from Perth, Australia 1-3 2-4
Introducing Strekerud 1-3
hello all 1-4
Cartman 2-1
Well here goes... 1-5
Post milestone parties (A POLL) 2-2 2-6
How are sock puppets discovered? 1-10 3-5 3-8
Blue light destroys antibiotic-resistant staph infection 2-2 2-4
Useless co worker. 1-9 2-7 2-9
Icelanders Donate Sweaters to Chilly British Pensioners 2-4
Hi! 1-3
Richard is arrogant? 2-2 2-4
"Foucault's Pendulum" by Umberto Eco (warning, spoilers) 1-8
Octuplet births 2-4 2-6 2-8
Class intro 1-3
Email Address Icon Under Avatar 1-2
Double standards re: indigenous cultures 1-6
Happy Birthday Josh! 1-1
Christians bring reinforcements! 1-2
Google is broken. Answers in here. 1-10
Ignominious blunder by University of Vermont 1-10 2-3 4-8 5-1 7-2
justwondering cracks 5 digits! 2-2
Egyptian Psychiatrist Indulges in Praises of Suicide Bombers 2-3
Disagreeing with econ41 is grounds for a formal warning 1-7 2-7
Newbie 1-2
Darwin commited incest 2-4 2-6
New Mods Announced! 1-5 3-7 4-4 5-4 12-3 22-4 25-1
Soylent Green: What's the big deal? 1-3 1-8 1-10 2-3 2-10
Hi!!! 1-2
Nurse suspended for offering to pray for patient 2-3 2-7 3-3 4-9 6-3 6-8 7-1 7-9 8-6 9-3 9-10 12-10
What time is it where you are? 1-7 1-9
Michael Phelps is a fool 2-1
Hi I am in Shanghai 1-2
Re-instate Al-rawandi 1-9 4-7 4-9 22-7
Help with clearing out Disk! 1-4
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 6 29-6
T-shirt design request! 1-5 1-7 1-9
what was your ex-religion(s)? 1-5
God is. The Jews prove it. 56-5
Hello. I intend to misbehave. 2-7
International Cooking 1-5
I am completely dejected and depressed now.... 2-8
Natural Selection Not The Only Process That Drives Evolution 2-2
Victoria's Bushfires 2-4 2-5 3-8
Racial Segregation in an Australian School? 1-6
My son... 2-2 2-10 3-3
When Darwinsbulldog came to Melbourne 1-6
Hi from poker world :) 1-7
My avatar was banned! 1-6 1-9
Hello from Utah 1-5
Berlusconi's obscenity 1-3
Bleeding from the anus (medical question) 1-6
return of the indulgences 1-9
Darwin City 1-2 1-5
mat41174 from Sydney, Australia 1-3
Drawing in Bibles! 1-4 1-7
Scientifically proven greetings from Adelaide, Australia 1-5
Hi from New Zealand 1-3 1-9
I made it past 100 posts! 1-4
Happy Darwin Day! 4-4
Rant re: Not Getting Mod Status..... 2-1
Does anyone else's cat lay on the monitor? 4-5
Hiding Behind Avatars and Pseudonyms 2-2
Foot in Mouth disease 1-3 1-6
I am a militant atheist! 5-3
Help - I'm being recruited to slander Dawkins, Dennett, etc! 2-2
atheist mod at Islamic forum 1-9
The joys of being deliberately misunderstood 1-4 1-6
Do you get comments on your atheist apparel? 2-1
Statistics 1-3
I too was once an atheist... 1-8 2-2
Hello from a proud Atheist 1-3
Greetings from Iowa! 1-3
Toasting 2000 To Kiore 1-4 1-8 2-4
I'm a pastafarian 1-3
BBC Bible quiz 1-6
Speedreading - scam or ligitimate? 2-4 2-6
Hello from New Zealand 1-8
Epic Fail 1-6
Frogmouths 2-3
All pigs taste of bacon?. 1-7 4-3
Hello from Brisbane, Australia. 1-8
Damning statistics 1-5
Down boy! Down boy! 6000 posts for darwinsbulldog! 1-1
lymph edema 1-3
The Role of Mascara in human natural selection 1-3 2-3
It's official: Canada is world's most friendly place 1-7
Atheists converting 2-5
'Spose I Should Check In 1-5
When atheist forums go bad they look like Pharyngula 34-4
Greetings from Wellington 1-7
Hello; professional Christian and closet atheist here 2-4
opinions sought 1-7
My "Coming Out" story 1-4
Oxford University 2-2 2-5 2-7 2-10
Welcome, me! 1-5
[RANT] I just realized... 1-6
Hello. 1-4
POLL: Are internet polls meaningful? 1-6
Are internet polls always objectively correct? 1-6
Masked gunman opened fire on the Sri Lankan cricket team 1-3
Christian in the Lion's Den 1-6
I have to express my disgust at a certain lack of moderation 3-6 3-10
New Guys says Hi 1-2
multi verse proved? 1-2 1-7
Why are bananas yellow? 1-3 1-8
'Rape the women, kill the children': 2-2 2-5
Greetings 1-3
Dalek Found in Pond 1-5
You can't underestimate some people's sense of humour 1-5
OK, I am convinced. Now what? 1-6
iMac help oh pleaaaaaaase help. 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-9
Hi Everyone, USAF Here 1-5
It all started with Derren Brown 1-3 1-8
Burn a hijab 2-5
Gasha1,Perth,West Australia,Hoping to extend.. 1-2
The "A" symbol for atheism related to book "Scarlet Letter"? 1-3
Life of Brian screened after 30 year ban 1-3
planet of the apes and ancestor's tale 1-6
Groupthink, or Not 2-5
God followed me in here 1-4
Nice Guys Can Finish First, and So Can Their Teams 1-3
Which is the real "Football", American or European. 5-7
Worst assignment ever 2-9
Greetings everybody!! 1-3
Hello 1-3
Another Atheist joining the forums 1-5
New Scientist pulls article on "Hidden Religious Agendas." 3-5
Hello from Paris, France. 1-5
Poll: Do you pee in the shower? 3-1
R.D.F.M.'s home continents. 1-4 1-9
Hehe. 1-7
1 warning away from 1 week ban 3-6
2000th post for Vaz 5-5
Hug Smilies 3-5
Happy Birthday Professor Richard Dawkins 5-7
Problems w/ Dating? 4-10
I feel like throwing a party . . . 11,000 posts 5-4
New sexual tactics from young women in New Zealand 3-4
Mayotte votes to become fully French 1-2
3000 posts for The Ecophysiologist 3-3
I have converted to christianity 1-5
Two Years (AND 9,000 Posts!) Blue Butterfly 2-2
4000 THWOTHISMS! Well-deserved praise!! 2-4
The military approach to mosquito control 1-6
10,000 posts for besleybean 1-8
Do you have a problem shooting a deer? 5-5
3000 for Vazzy! 4-5
2000 AND 3000 AND 4000 posts for Starr23!!!!! 3-9 31-2 32-7
What movie character do you most look like? 6-7
Hi 2-2
Monarchism (A poll) 9-8 9-10
Long Time Apathetic Atheist in Somerset 1-5
Aircraft Enthusiasts: Your Favorite Airplanes? 6-7
Hey All You Godless Sodomites! 1-9
New Godless One 1-5
Hello..another newbie 1-4
New member! 1-5
hello all new member 1-4
Yay! I'm in the land of rational thought! 1-4
The fundamentalist morons 1-7
Newish Lazy Member 1-3
A Baby Step Towards Becoming Zoologist? 1-4
New member from Texas 1-4
Introducing myself 1-3
Hi everyone from Rosario, Argentina 1-3
New guy 1-2
A new entry from Arizona 1-4
Avast me hearties! 1-6
Life Can Appear without a Miracle PROOF!! 1-3
New guy from Denmark 1-4
New Member 1-4
Hi 1-5
Katherine's Ten Years of Atheism Party Thread!!! 2-7
From the Heartland of German Catholicism... 1-6
another new guy! 1-2
Morning all 1-3
Hi I am a Christian with many doubts 2-9
Hello from a recent convert 1-7
Kia Ora from A-Kiwi 2-2
New Found Emancipation 1-2
Petition for Honorary Membership 5-10
Straight to Hell or Is There Room for One More? 1-7
What's your (first) name? 16-10
Peter 7000 posts! 3-3
Why the funny looks? 1-5
Hello 1-5
Hello! 1-4
I am also new it seems. 1-3
Good Morning! 1-3
God Moaning 1-3
Hello! 1-2
Greetings from Cleveland! 1-5
What would you put on your dog tags? 2-3 3-1
Hey all, I'm new... 1-5
Another new guy... 1-4
Surgical masks and viruses 1-6
Hello ... an atheist from a foxhole 1-3
Hello from "God's Own County". 1-3
Do you want me to do away with the vicious dog? 2-9 3-2 5-7
Hi guys. 1-6
Hello all 1-5
I was ordered to do this... 2-1
Post Count Reduction Party!! 3-8
Hi from down under 1-7 1-8
Hi From Melbourne 1-2
Hello from Eddie 1-2
newcomer from Massachusetts, US 1-3
An evolution calculation - is it valid please? 1-6
Hello From Manchester, UK 1-3
Hello From San Diego 1-3
adam miller's introduction 1-3
Another hello from down-under 1-8
stumbled in 1-3
Hello from Italy!!! 1-3
Hi 1-2
A request on signatures.... 1-3 1-8
informal survey. 2-3
Where are you from? 5-6 7-8
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 42-7 82-1
Military hardware! 2-4
Greetings from Japan! 1-6
Hello from Atlantic Canada 1-4
Hello from Stoke on Trent, England 1-3
Kangeroo Spartan 1-2
Greetings from deatkin 1-2
Heya from South Africa! 1-2
Hi from Rhome, TX! 1-2
Hello from Cambridge 1-2
Please help the forum get rid of spam 2-9
Can I Come In? 2-1
New 'old guy' 1-3
Male or Female? (atheists/agnostics only) 3-2
Complaint about warning 2-6
Attaching a signature 1-4 1-5
Eastern Europeans Hacking American Gay Sites 1-5
Ms. Prejean - physically attractive, or not? 3-1 6-8
I am SO STOKED!! 1-2
Poll 1-6
the beer "pray" 1-2
Holocaust Deniers should be banned 2-1
Carla Bruni savages pope 1-9
I finished my Saudi book ! 3-4 3-6 4-2 7-2 7-4
Urgent Help Needed!!!!!!!! 1-8
Hello from Australia 1-4
Finally! 1-7
Greetings from a banned country :) 1-7
Hello from California (although I'm convinced I'm British):D 1-4
Just helping to get the word out about science 1-3
Howdy, ya'll. I know God does exist! 19-9 23-3 26-1 35-7 40-2 45-10
Rant on Computers 3-3
Anyone in Boston who wants to fight Islamofascism? 4-9 6-6
The God Delusion is BS! 6-1
The built in spell checker.. 4-10
Oath of Office 1-8
Perfect Films 4-6
Hello from the High Desert 1-7
God hates women. 29-7
Hello from Maryland 1-5
Greetings from Iraq 1-7
Hello 1-2 1-6
Hello from the Mid-west 1-3
Good day, my fellow carbon-based life forms. 1-6
Dawkins on 4OD 1-2
Catholitic Converter 1-2 1-4
Hello from Amsterdam 1-2
Good day to all! 1-2
Hello 1-2
Kentucky Preacher: Bring Your Guns To Church 2-3
MJ12, Majic...keywords, Echelon 2-2 2-7
UFOs and Nukes(book) 1-5
Hello from sunny England! 1-2
from Pakistan 1-3
Nephilim Genesis 6.4 The evidence 1-6
I Want to Marry My Mop 5-4
Hello Friends! 1-2
Greetings! 1-2
Should Someone Else Be The World's Cop? 1-4 1-6 1-9 1-10 2-2 4-3
The awesome power of Pharyngula 1-8
Bonjour 1-4 2-1
Home - The Movie 1-5
Please allow me to introduce myself I'm man of Sense. 1-3
Peter from Hawaii 1-3
Hey 1-5
Any idea why an Air Force Chaplain would wear a Flightsuit? 1-6
Abusive moderator conduct 9-3 11-10
Greetings from a danish sceptic. 1-2
Hello 1-4
Need to stop lurking... 1-2
What do you want in a woman? 2-9
Austria (not Australia) 1-8
An Open Letter to my fellow Christians 2-1
Hello there 1-3
Where are you and where have you been? 4-6
Mods, what are you political viewpoints? 5-10
New Zealander turned Islamic militant, now atheist 1-6 2-5 2-7 2-9
here is why I don't trust scientist..they LIE!(proof!)) 4-3
Our man in Warsaw caned by Polish anti-gay bigots 1-6
Will France Have a Civil War over Islam? 3-1 4-3 5-9 6-2 6-6
Ozzy education board reminds science teachers 1-5
People protesting against themselves 2-4
Stating one's own position in the OP 1-6
Pharmaceutical Expiration Dates 1-2 1-8
Basic anatomy 'baffles Britons' 2-5 5-10
Give it up for MC Hawking! 1-4
Nude Rugby 1-2 1-4
5000 Posts For The Ecophysiologist!!!!!!!!!!!! 1-4 2-1
Netanyahu: Let's start peace talks immediately 4-3
You Need This! Explicit Content (nsfw) 1-4
Sikh and Ye Shall Find 1-4
Hi everybody 1-2
Putting 'import brides' to the Dutchness test 1-5 1-7 2-6 2-8
GOP Staffer Emails Racist Obama "Spook" Photo 5-5 7-1 8-9 9-8 10-1 10-5
New 1-5
Obama guilty of Murder 1-8
Dinner Party 3-6 4-3
NZ Referendum on Child Smacking 1-9 3-10
Australia: Rights, Rudd and Cencorship 1-9
South African rape survey shock 1-5
american teenager who is an atheist 1-5
Option to put worldview on profile pages? 1-6 1-10
Drag Queen Catholic Priest has hit song 1-2
Atheist wake up proof Jeebu$ is real Take the Nigerian wager 1-2 1-4
People on Terrorist Watch List Allowed To Buy Guns 1-4
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot - Atheists? Part 2 12-4 12-6 12-8
Doing my stand up comedy act again tomorrow (Atheist jokes) 3-6
PETA Aims At Frat Demographic ... :) 1-2
Plum Brandy, tried it? 1-2 1-9
If I stay in Kuwait I will go crazy 3-3
Sudan women lashed for wearing trousers 2-6
Mass bridal virginity tests 2-8
A job in care - any advice? 1-9
Appreciation Award for the Staff of 3-1
Rules of war vs not rules of war 1-9 8-6 15-3
Richard Dawkins' The Greatest Show on Earth 2-2 2-4 17-9
First motorbike 2-3
I (heart) Macs 11-4 13-3
The Least Free Places on Earth 2-10 5-3
RDFRS posters contribute to Influenza Research 1-1 1-3
WorldNetDaily: Jesus prophesied Obama as the anti-Christ 3-6
How to view this site via a proxy. 1-1 1-2
Marijuana without the memory loss 2-8
Fun Social Atheists who like to get to know people 3-3 3-9 4-3
Mass Child Wedding in Gaza? 3-6
Women are getting more beautiful 1-8
Hello there. 2-1
Brandnew member from Belgium 1-5
new guy 1-5
Saudi Man Spends $50k On The Family Jewels 1-2 2-10
Kenyan offers 40 goats & 20 cows to marry Chelsea Clinton 1-6
Hello all! East Bay, California 1-7
Hello from another newbie. 2-3
Anyone up to speed on the anti-vaccination camp? 1-4 1-8 2-2 2-5 2-7 3-1 3-4
Rationalist Going Insane 1-7
Greatings to you crazy people 1-3
oh no! a Turk! 1-2
Is drunkenness prescribed in the Bible? 2-5
Please read my intro rant 1-5 2-2
Greetings from Ivan 1-2 1-4 1-9
Stuff you know loads about but never get to discuss here... 1-2 2-7 3-4 5-9
Muslim fasting 2-8 2-10 3-10 9-3
Islam and Alcohol 4-6 6-3
Silly packaging, or, little things that make you snigger 1-3
"Fake" Protesters At Health Care Town Halls Exposed 1-7
UN's Ban congratulates Iran President Ahmadinejad 1-4 1-7
I wish U would stop calling me a trolling poe! 3-1 5-7
Anti Vax facebook group 1-9
Avoid masturbation/gayness to prevent swineflu 1-8
Woman in burqini banned at pool 4-3 4-5 4-9 5-2 5-5 6-1
Muslim women uncover myths about the hijab 2-4
I'm new. 1-2
Sharia? Would you live with it? 3-6
Been following the forum a bit, 1-4
Hello 1-4
Can I eat my own plums? 4-1
Muslims Help Me Out 4-5
Arab Atheist 1-5
Greetings from a Pakistani ex-muslim atheist 1-4
‘Cane my daughter in public for beer drinking’ - father 2-4
WHO warns against homeopathy 3-2 3-4 3-7 4-1
Are STD's Evidence Against Evolution? 4-2
Is Ramadan a farce? 2-4
Is chicken safe to eat if it's... 2-2 2-4
Wisdom teeth 4-1
Let's be Arrogant! 3-6
Hello from Nimbin Australia 1-5
Rifle Platoon Leader - Vietnam - 1969-70 1-6
"Dollars offend me!" 2-4
Former Miss USA sues 3-8
The Greatest Show on Earth early release? 2-10
Creepy Christian child indoctrination poster 2-4 3-8
Your usernames 3-1 3-6 7-6 12-5 13-3
Making deals with creationists 1-3
Kiwi muslim banned from court in hijab fracas 1-4 1-7 2-6 3-1
what was the name of that brilliant atheist... 2-1
Scientific Atheism Completely Disproven 1-3 2-2 2-10
Are suicide bombs better than normal bombs? 2-1
Gaddafi proposes three-state-solution to solve conflict 1-5 1-9
Why do Australians not feel upside-down? 3-4 3-7
NATO airstrike in Afghanistan kills up to 90 (AP) 1-3 2-2
Spreading Atheism in Third World Countries 1-7
How many countries can you name? 3-8
"Evolutionist" rehabilitation of the term. 1-1
Can someone explain the logic behind affirmative action? 25-9 27-7 27-10 28-4 28-6 28-8
The supernatural origin of the Bible? 10-6
Australian Atheist Convention - Melb 2010 1-8 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-9 19-2 21-8 37-4
Why does Dawkins wear a tie? 8-4 8-10 12-7
Where were you on September 11th, 2001? 8-6
Should Israel just annex Southern Lebanon this time? 14-1
evolution of cats 2-7 2-10
Youth Minister Caught Having Sex with 15-Year-Old Boy 5-4
Discussion Re: Reducing Racism & Prejudice on the forum 9-6 9-9 12-10 16-9 17-9 18-10 22-1
Waterside Hypotheses of Human Evolution (Part 6) 40-6
How do theists explain Homo Erectus ? 2-7
T.Estes on christians, porn...and the Duggars??? 1-3
school votes to send lamb to the slaughter 3-10
What would you do for $1 Million per annum? 2-2 3-7 3-10
Microsoft bribes Best Buy staff to slam Mac and Linux 3-8
The judgment of San Francisco and LA in prophecy 7-3 8-7 9-3 14-9 15-3 15-8 18-5 18-8 33-9 37-10 56-10 58-3 59-6 83-2
Jimmy Carter: Opposition to Obama mainly racist 2-3
stop posting "I'm first" non-comments 1-4
American “meddling”... 1-3 1-6
UN Concludes: War Crimes in Gaza 1-3 1-5
Avatar change 3-7
Yemen air raid 'hits refugee camp' 1-4 2-10
Tom Cruise reveals to Jay Leno: Sex with me is like flying 1-4
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 26-5 31-7
An atheist doctor 1-8
My suggested plan for peace in middle east 1-6
Man Claims to See John Lennon In Hell 1-5
MEDIC!! 1-3 1-7
Last Meal Before You Die... 1-2 1-4
Boy, 12, turns into girl over summer holidays 1-4 1-8 3-9 4-1 4-3 4-6 4-10 7-9
It isn't just me, is it? 1-8
Who ever was taught evolution properly? 1-10
Has Richard ever been in a fight? 2-1 2-5
Stephen Jay Gould 1-2
The Teabagger Socialist-Free Purity Pledge 1-3 1-6
Another biological scientist signing in 1-3
Has anyone ever been converted to Christianity by... 2-2 3-2
Hotel Religious debate results in police charges 2-1 2-5
Yet another nurse-crucifix story 1-10 2-4 2-8
hello all 1-5
New member first post, just to say Hi 1-4
Introduction of Myself 1-2
Should posting on-line sources be a requirement? 1-7
The End of Cursive 1-2
why did it take me so long - new member 1-3
Hello 1-2
Getting Genotyped 1-3
Second opinion - H1N1 Vaccine 2-1
Happy New (Jewish) Year 1-6
WhollyHuman says Hello 1-2 1-4
Another new person 1-7
Count Me In 1-2
Only halal food in Dutch prison 5-1
Wild & Whirling Words, My Lord 1-6 1-8 2-1
Hello 1-2
Hello! Expat in Egypt :D 1-6
42! 1-3
Another to the Godless Hordes 1-3
SA Health Minister John Hill announces bogus doctor crackdow 1-4
New Member 1-2
Gallstones in New York 1-5
new member 1-2
Huge Saxon Treasure Hoard Found 1-6 1-10
what the west needs to know 10-8
Hello from a german atheist 1-2
POLL: Do you binge drink? / Discussion 3-2
The Dambusters - what really happened? Part Zwei 1-5 3-1 3-3 3-9 4-1 4-10 5-5 5-9
Christian Caps Lock 3-2 4-3
AIDS vaccine - success rate of 32 % 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-7 1-10 2-2
International Blasphemy Day 30 September 2-6
Woop- 2000! 1-2
We should accept and acknowledge the label "New Atheist". 1-8
Hello from Wales in the UK 1-2
Night has passed. I can still see the faint outline of 1-5
G'day/Moin 1-4
Same-Sex Marriage/Education Poll 1-4
Hello from Saudi Arabia 1-5
A Humorous Guide to Being a Libertarian on 5-4 6-5
Nazis going broke 1-4
The "Poopy Butt" Hypothesis of Human Hairlessness 1-6
Youngest Member? 1-2
Why so many Liberals on this site? 6-6 9-6
Who is the most badass atheist? 2-1 3-4
In your youth/"wild days" - how many units per month? 1-5 1-7
13 year old says shes an atheist 2-8
Germany mulls realities of first openly gay foreign minister 3-6
Hi from France 1-8
Is Richard still a scientist? 1-3 1-6 2-3 3-1 3-7 4-5
Hello Richard Dawkins! 1-6
You do realize he is an author, right? 5-2
Why is VFX post locked 2-3
Which would you choose? 1-6
Hello from the SE USA 1-3
Examime yourself 1-7 1-9
I feel like a spy! Irish atheist in religious college. 1-6
Tolerance. 1-5
Pseudonyms on blog and forum sites 1-5
How many posts before I'm no longer a "newbie"? 1-2 1-5
Hello from New Zealand 1-3 1-8 2-1
Origin Of Life....What's your personal opinion? 2-1
Dawkins Wouldn't Sign My "On The Origin of Species" 1-4
... deluded group of self-satisfied individuals 2-1
Greetings from Berkeley! 1-2
Happy 32nd Birthday to Me! 2-3
The Fall of Darwinian Theory 1-5
I bought a microscope 1-5
Use of Red Neck on Forum 1-6
Atheists Against Flatulence 3-3
Saudi court jails 'sex boast' man 2-3
Greeting from Hong Kong, CHINA 1-10
Dawkins' or Dawkins's? 4-6 4-10
Atheist clubs are springing up, warns head of US bishops 1-5
Barack Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2009 7-5
Make-up: Yay or nay? 2-6
When will paperback of Greatest Show on Earth be released? 1-2
Cautioned for chucking beer at nazi 1-8 2-1
Hello from Lebanon ! 1-2
Gun Control 4-2 4-4 20-3
Swine Flu Label Offensive? 1-4
Questions from a new member 1-2
Jerome strikes back! 2-2
I invite "Integral Thinkers" to consider the UUNIS TOE 1-8 3-3 5-1 5-9 5-10 6-4 10-8 12-5 13-1 14-3
Invitation to discuss the rule about "trolling" 39-6
Islamic Toilet Etiquette (split thread to "child brides") 37-7
Anyone know birth mortality rates of precivilization humans? 2-3 2-4
I can't find my niche here. 1-7
I feel safer now. 2-4 4-7 4-10
Have you ever fixed anything? 1-8 3-10
Aquatic Ape vs Giant crocodile 1-9 3-6
Tired of bad accents 3-2
Help with Antibiotic Problem 1-4 1-6
Would humans be better off with only world language? 1-4
Banned for racism 6-5
Three Grapes For £10.00 1-5
Hello from Darwin - err the city, not the bloke 1-7
Everyone says something nice about the person above them 43-9
Now bras unislamic; public whipping of women 3-1
You opinion of Don't Ask Don't Tell 3-5
Hoping I am welcome... 1-2
Can we direct the natural selection against religious minds 1-2
I just came across a funny comment about Richard Dawkins. 1-8
Schizophrenic society: Selfish genes versus social species 1-2 1-4 2-1
RDFRS Folding@Home Team Thread II 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-7 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-9 2-10 3-3 3-4 3-6 3-8 4-1 4-4 4-7 4-8 4-10 5-2 5-4 5-5 5-7 5-9 5-10 6-3 6-5 7-1 7-3 7-5 7-8 7-10 8-3 8-6 8-8 8-9 9-3 9-6 9-8 9-10 10-2 10-4 10-6 10-7 10-9 11-1 11-3 11-6 11-8 11-10 12-3 12-6 12-8 13-1 13-3 13-6 13-7 13-10 14-6 14-8 14-9 14-10 15-2 15-4 15-7 15-9 16-2 16-4 16-6 16-7 16-9 17-1 17-3 17-5 17-7 17-9 18-1 18-4 18-6 18-8 18-10 19-2 19-4 19-6 20-1 20-3 20-6 20-9 21-1 21-3 21-5 21-6 21-8 21-10 22-2 22-6 23-3 23-5 23-6 23-8 24-1 24-4 24-7 24-9 25-2 25-5 25-7 25-9 26-1 26-4 26-6 26-9 26-10 27-4 27-7 27-9 28-1 28-2 28-6 28-8 29-1 29-3 29-5 29-6 29-7 29-10 30-2 30-4 30-8 30-10 31-2 31-7 31-9 32-2 32-6 32-7 32-8 33-3 33-4 33-9 34-1 34-5 35-1 35-3 35-8 35-10 36-2 36-3 36-6 36-9 37-2 37-5 37-7 37-9 38-1 38-4 38-9 39-9 39-10 40-2 40-4 40-8 40-10 41-3 41-5 41-8 42-3 42-7 43-1 43-3 43-4 43-7 43-9 44-2 44-4 44-7 44-8 45-2 45-3 45-4 45-6 46-2 46-4 47-2 47-5 47-7 48-1 48-7 48-10 49-2 49-5 49-8 50-3 50-5 50-7 50-9 51-1
Latest stupidity from Rapture Ready 2-4
Question for Australians 1-5 2-1 4-6 5-2 6-8 8-5 9-2 9-9 11-1 11-3 12-7 13-4 13-5 13-7 15-1 23-1 23-8 25-3 28-7 29-10 30-8 31-4 32-3 33-2 33-7 34-7 35-9 36-9 37-1 38-6 40-5 41-7 42-1 43-6 47-9 48-4 48-8 49-3 50-1 50-3 50-5 51-5 51-7 52-5
Goldstone Report to the UN 7-9 8-7 9-7 10-10
What newspaper do you read? (UK) 5-4
Petition against Tony Blair becoming EU President 2-3
New Zealand Students punished for Nazi Antics 1-5 1-7
Tea Baggers Second Wave to Begin Oct. 25 1-4
Guns and large game hunting. 1-1 1-5 2-8 2-10 5-5 6-1 6-3 6-9 7-2 7-4
3000 and rising 2-3
Just One Year Ago.. 1-1 2-2
Windows 7 2-1 4-1 7-8
Old Farts (12): 'A dozen ways wonderful" 64-5 68-9
Is this poll pointless? 2-3
Free Ware Vs. Propriety Ware 2-1
HUNGARY - Peaceful Oct. 23th for the first time in years. 1-3 1-5
Catholic church opens its doors to conservative Anglicans 1-9 2-1 2-8
Saudi female TV journalist gets 60 lashes 1-5
Do you ever question your intelligence? 3-1
What do you see in my avatar? 4-9
NOW: Queen fury at Griffin over Churchill 1-10 3-8
Hello! 1-3
Pensioner homophobe shaken down by rozzers 1-9
leashing your kids. for or against? 5-3
Hello 1-9
Afghanistan 4-1
New Zealand Town Cancels Dead Rabbit Throw 2-8 6-2
RDF Good Egg Experiment Round 1 of 3 1-9 2-6 2-8
Talking about Xenu offends Scientologists? 1-8
Army of God praises Scott Roeder 2-1 2-4
"IDF soldiers should be slaughtered" 1-3
Refusal to use the "Quote" function 2-4
Questionnaire 2-8
RDF Good Egg Experiment - Round 2 of 3 1-4
De Gaulle told Resistance hero to GTFO 1-10
Attack On Guest House in Kabul 1-1 1-4
Squaddie in Nazi salute 1-8 1-10
Seeking advice on Med School Application 1-2
Lemonade - hic 2-1
Ethical Hunting; Shooting; Guns; Animal Husbandry; etc... 13-7 15-8 28-1 31-3 32-4 32-6 33-2
Wired article about vaccine paranoia 3-1
What is your place like. 2-9 4-9 5-4
Poll: How do YOU like your coffee? 1-4
What is your IQ? 1-10 4-9 5-6 6-9 7-7 9-1
Halloween is the best holiday ever 1-3
Which book next? Recommendations 1-2 2-8
8000 and I completely missed it! 1-6
What do you want done with your body when you die? 3-1
Would an extra $1000 make a difference… 1-7
Atheists: An Australian catholic speaks 1-7 2-2
Strange! 1-2
Who will admit that they like country, folk, etc. music? 6-4
Active Warnings 1-10
Saudi paedophile to be beheaded and crucified 6-7
Proving God using reason. 60-3
Do invisible pink unicorns exist? 1-8
Nurse refuses flu shot - on religious grounds 1-7
5000+ <---+ 2-10
Fort Hood: 7 Killed, Dozen or more wounded! 1-7
10 years ago today Australia voted to not become a republic 2-3 2-9
new member - Bill West Helena, Montana 1-2
12,000 or Some Obscene Number of Posts for CJ! 1-2 3-7
Just for laughs 2-5
evolution sux 1-10
Was this in one of Dawkins' books? 1-4
Freedom of speech in various countries 1-8
Red Dwarf 1-3
Christopher Hitchens and Sir Stephen Fry vs. The Catholics 22-7 23-3
Electronics Kit for a 10-year-old 1-3
Injections: are you afraid of them? 2-1 2-2
All Praise besleybean 1-10
Foods that bring you to the verge of throwing up 1-3
Remembrance 1-2 3-1
Turkey to admit Sudan leader despite Darfur charge 1-3 1-5 2-7
Where to meet girls? 2-7 3-1
Episodic memory and handedness 1-8
Anti-vax video could use some downvotes 1-4
Jokes that make you feel smart when you get them. 1-6 1-8 2-4 2-6
British-backwardness killed the last chance for peace. 1-9
Why are Christians intolerant? 6-4
What kind of humanist are you? 2-2
Would you hire me? 2-2 2-7
Welcome to some new staff 2-5 3-3 6-9 14-6 14-9 15-2
Vatican Looks for Signs of Alien Life 4-5
Australian voting system leads the way...? 2-10 4-3
Science Is Murder? 4-5 6-8 7-9
Kia ora 1-4
Theory of human relationship 18-4
Hi from New Zealand 1-3
Did Jesus Exist? - II 11-2 22-5 23-9 28-5 59-7 60-4 63-2 65-9 82-8 87-3 89-10
the bible is dead 8-6
Vatican at it again. 3-9
AIG--don't lie to nazis to save a Jewish life! 1-3 2-10
New avatar for Gallstones.. 1-5 3-2
Please refute this argument 1-3
Moderator Notations in F&R. v2 1-1
Prayer In Action 1-4
99% of murders are commited by atheists 1-6 3-9 4-8
Was John Paul II euthanised? 1-5
For New Zealanders 1-3
Hallo from Wellington 1-3
Hello 1-4
New Member 1-2
Relativistic post dilation. 1-4
An out in the open Arab Atheist. 1-5
Well, hellooooo there ;) 1-3
Christians on Campus 2-1
New atheist/skeptic, and new member of this forum 1-3
Introducing myself 1-2
Hello :) 1-2
Debate Hitchens, Harris, Dennett vs Boteach, D'Souza, Wright 2-10
What were you doing at age 18? 5-4
On warnings in the 'Did Jesus Exist? - II' thread 1-4 2-2
One of the cornerstones of Christianity 9-10
The problem of evil 3-4 3-5
EquivoKate's Secular Atheistic and Spiritual Journey P 1-3
Liberty University the real deal... 1-5
Deconverted/ing Jehovah's Witness, "elder," new member 15-2
What is the worst movie ever? 6-4
How Corrupt is Your Country? 2-2
Windows Vista 1-10
Scientific Theories 1-7
300,000 animal slaughter is world’s biggest ritual sacrifice 8-7
Can anything pass muster? 5-2
200 Year Old People 1-9 3-2 3-7
I miss Lucid Flight - Come back you big Dawk! 1-3
Our own main forum? 1-8 1-10 2-3 2-5 2-6
Who should be able to post in 'Foxholes'. Not a poll*** 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-9 2-4 2-6 2-10 3-3 3-5 3-9
I'm going to Paris for two weeks! Got any suggestions? 2-8
Proportion of ex-theists here 1-6
The Atheistic Religion 3-9
Christian Side Hugs - Frontal Hugs Too Sinful 4-1
Bad grammar? 1-9
!! Charles Darwin OOS_D/\NCE_P/\RTY !! 1-5
Islam vs. Christianity - which is worse? 6-5
If Christians Get Chipped 1-6
Ethics classes in NSW schools 2-3
Odd things you've noticed 1-5 1-9
Holy crap! (No pun intended) 1-6
Show me yours, I'll show you mine 1-5 1-8 2-10 4-5 4-7 5-4 5-7 5-9
Hello from France 1-3 1-8
Debate help needed... 1-2
Atheist Convention Denied Gov't Funding 2-1 2-3
Does Europe have Felony laws? 3-3
Jesus 'may have visited England' 3-10 8-5 15-10
I need a diagnosis - please? 1-2
Aliens 'already exist on earth, claims Bulgarian scientists 1-8
Ted's Evolution - Can it modify Darwin? 1-9
16 year old lashed over knee length skirt 1-3
Atheists who love the Winter holidays 3-10 4-8
Christmas Avatars 4-5 4-9 5-7 11-9
Fundraisers 5-7
Obama sends 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan 8-6
The next stage in the libby Somalia saga 1-4
Just How Insignificant are We? 5-8
Faith and death 6-4
Looking for a story from the Old Testament 1-7
How are posts censored? 1-5
Was The Tomb Empty? 50-10 68-10
Religion is evil that must be eradicated 6-10
Don't have to read RD's Delusion book 93-7
Iran imposes hijab... IN BOLIVIA 1-2
I just got laid off... 2-2 2-6
Buying a competitor's product 1-8
Tim Tebow and the Efficacy of Intercessory Prayer 12-8
One Third of Netbooks Ship with Linux 1-3
Natural Selection: My only doubt 2-8
Indisputable Evidence? 3-3
Teabagger? Uninsured man dies using Bible to heal himself 2-5
mark 13:30 ...? 1-5
World War Two quiz 1-4 1-8 2-2 2-4
New Zealand Atheists Vote? 1-4
The 'Christmas Truce' and its relevance to here. 1-1
Moving from church to church 1-1
Happy Chanukah to All 1-2
What's your highest level of education? 5-9
Abortion- A scary portrait of US views(poll and gallup poll) 3-9
Dawkins is intellectually lazy 7-5 7-6 11-5 16-2
Will everybody please stop... 3-9
Islamification of France 11-6 12-6
Did Jesus Exist? - III 3-3 13-2 15-5 17-4 28-8 43-6 65-1 65-2 95-7
New Sub-Forum for locations of members. "Atheist World" 4-1
Study: Muslims in Europe - A Report on 11 EU cities 1-7
William Lane Craig - III 79-1
The Deity of Science 16-9 18-10
Did you make it this year? 5-10
Mohammed the pedophile prophet 13-2
I'm a 4000 Poster!!! 3-1
The only way. 11-7
Hello all, my story 8-8 8-9 15-5 16-4
relationship advice - muslim and atheist 1-2
Missing topic? 1-2
Evidence for jesus<as divine:derail thread> 1-3
Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii? 1-6 1-8
Message Forum teminology 1-5 2-5
The Monthly RDF Science Writing Award 1-3
Bible encourages drunkenness 2-2 2-3
Atheists still can't explain the miracles of JESUS! 5-5
father forces gay son 14yrs to have sex with prostitute 2-3
Muslims 11-5 11-6 11-7 17-8 22-2 24-5 24-9 26-1
Turin Shroud 8-7 26-9
The forum is stifling any real debate 10-9
With no proof, there is a 50/50 chance god exsists 17-5 32-4 33-2
What Fanatics will do 1-2
Devil Crashed My Computer 1-3 1-8 3-5
My Mother died yesterday. <2nd January 2010> 1-7
You are suddenly a 300 IQ. How would you rise to the top? 2-1
A critique of Russell's teapot 16-9 17-2
EDIT: Ignore this post 8-8 48-6
Online Identity 2-1 4-5
A Clash of Civilizations in Nigeria 1-5
Why has Science not killed Religion 12-7
Hi from Egypt 1-5
Fine example of Christian forebearance and love.... 1-2 1-5
Rapture Index 1-5
Moderators at it again 6-7
Evangelist preachers & their "miracles" 5-9
Re: Where are the Aussies (in Aussie)? 1 1-6 3-5 4-3 4-9 8-10 10-9 10-10 11-5 11-8 12-9 13-5 15-7 31-2 31-6 41-4 48-5 48-9
Why do people feel the need to sign posts? 4-6
Are there any nurses on here? 1-3 2-4 2-6
did Jesus exist? 28-3
Gaming desktops? 1-6 1-9 2-10
Help with buying my 1st laptop pleze! 2-4
How are libraries different from bookstores? 1-7
What jobs have you had? 1-9 3-7
Refuting the atheists 1-7 2-3
The Dark Ages 13-7
Hello from Darwin, Australia 1-6
An Always Existing God 10-2
RDFRS Folding@Home Team Thread III 1-1 2-1 2-4 2-7 3-2 3-10 4-2 4-3 4-5 4-7 4-9 5-4 5-6 5-8 5-9 6-1 6-3 6-5 6-6 6-8 6-10 7-2 7-5 7-6 7-9 7-10 8-1 8-3 8-7 8-10 9-2 9-4 9-5 9-7 9-8 9-9 10-3 10-5 10-8 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-5 11-8 11-10 12-1 12-3 12-10 13-3 13-7 13-10 14-9 14-10 15-2 15-4 15-7 15-8 15-9 16-1 16-3 16-5 16-7 16-9 17-1 17-3 17-6 17-7 18-3 18-5 18-7 18-9
An Always Existing God. number 2 16-2 30-7
IgnoramusSeekingEnlightenmentAssistanceAppreciated 2-6
Oi! Your forum needs you! 1-6
Book of RDF... 7-1
The Bible? 14-3
Theists:would you agree that atheism is a rational position? 9-3