List of Postings of User Fordo

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 44-9 45-1
Memes 20-5
I'm Sorry 6-10
What is the story behind your username? 45-10
Purity balls: my hymen belongs to daddy! 11-3
Race/Intelligence 97-7
Three things that fascinate you the most. 9-3
How old are you? 71-3
Explain Your Avatar 30-7
Questions for Dawkins 10-6
Respecting Islam. 28-7 30-6 31-1 43-6
Why have children? 22-5
Atheist Nation 17-6
Are you who you say you are? 18-8 20-9
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part II 30-1
Wackiest things you've heard from Christians 15-6
Funny Pictures 77-10
Post Your Art!...You artistic devil, You! 52-10 56-10
pedophilia or art? 40-10
Israel / Palestine Conflict 79-10
Profanity 7-1
Posting images for newbies: 4-6
Homosexuality - unsuitable viewing for children? 14-8
Evil Animals?? 4-1
The Good Night Thread. 7-2 7-7 8-5 9-2 10-1
Love and Orgasm 4-9
Religion in Australian Public Schools 1-9 2-1
"Darwin was a fag!" 3-7 5-3
hullo all 1-1 1-5 1-7
Why do mirrors flip the image left to right ... 17-6
Evolution of gender roles: women as nurturer men as provider 1-2 1-4 4-6 5-1 5-7
Milton's Paradise Lost 1-8
Ghost hunters say local building is haunted 3-9
Thou shalt not worship false idols! 1-7
Atheism 2-3
Fairy Tales at Bedtime 1-8
Against Science 8-9 9-1 9-5
Do men REALLY think women are so stupid? 8-3
I have a question?!? 2-7 2-8 5-8 11-9
put the fear of god in you 1-9
Update: Getting WORSE: (potential) child abuse alert 8-8
Gun Ownership: Assault Weapons, should they be legal? 6-4 7-7
Thank God or Thank the Dog? 4-5
the right to die 1-1
All men are equal... 17-2 17-5
'Kingdom of Yahweh' cult defies law 1-4 1-7 1-9 2-1
Islam as a Youth Culture / Islam as a Political Badge 5-6
A vote for the right to democratically vote in/out mods 12-9 13-9
Censorship of the internet in Australia - time to speak up! 3-2 4-3 4-5 5-6 5-9 6-1 6-4 7-7 13-1 13-7 13-9 15-8 17-7 17-9 18-2 18-4 24-3 24-5 24-7 24-9 25-6 26-10 27-6 27-8
What is there to lose? 2-7
Why do humans look so different? 3-10 4-2
Papers, please! 5-3
Fluoride in the water 1-3 1-7
Atheism the big question 1-7
Learning a second language (late) 3-2
Question from a student 1-2
witches - I Samuel 28: 3-25 5-6 5-8
Prayer request: what do you think? Please help! 1-2 3-7
AA--Cult or Cure? 1-4
Dad links son's suicide to 'The God Delusion' 10-2 10-7 10-10
Muslim women start fighting back 1-2
Plant settles for $365K with Muslims over prayer breaks 3-6
Homosexuality 31-6 31-9 32-7
If you could go back in time... 1-2
Who Needs God When We Have This? Radiohead!!! 1-4 14-4
Unfaith Wavered 1-2 1-6
Hello! 1-2
If cats are solitary animals 1-2 1-5
Have I been had? 2-4
Would you make a deal with the devil? 1-3 2-5
being jewish: nation, religion or both 2-2
Maybe they have a point..... 8-7
Exclusive Brethren 'guilty of genocide, slavery' 1-6
Fat people should be bullied 30-1 32-7
Elephants With Wings in the Workplace 1-8
Hello there. 1-2
Australia is going backwards fast 1-1 3-1
Door-to-door religion salesmen 1-8
homeopathic manslaughter? 1-1
what do you do when hardly anyone believes in god anymore? 3-6
Why do believers get SO offended when you question them? 1-5 1-7
The argument of idiots 1-1
Church funeral... Do you go? 1-6
what's your job? 8-5
Once You Define Animal Rights, You'll Find They Cannot Exist 4-5 5-2
Teen Girl Claims God Speaks Through Her 2-8
"Atheists Might Be Offended!" 1-6
Richard isnt so bright! 46-5 48-5 57-10
Will white people become myths in the future? 16-9
Average American Christian has 9 bibles 4-5
Poll: Which do you prefer - cats or dogs? 2-9
Please, I need help arguing the show Ghost Hunters 5-7
Favourite YouTube Videos II 68-8
Zodiac vs. Atheism 1-2
cults, religion and government involvement 1-2 1-6
Why do we? 1-2 1-8 2-2 2-8
Should I get a tattoo? 2-2
HIV: A Powerful Ally? 1-7
Who here doesnt believe in drugs 1-6
Women didn't evolve? 2-2
How do you stop stuttering? 2-1
Australia: MP wants to ban topless to protect Muslims and As 2-2 2-6 2-9 3-1
The truth about all religions... 1-10
What are you doing with your life? 12-1
Ex-muslim and Bacon 6-9
Why do animals ignore television 2-1
Sinister Goings On 1-7 3-9
Guiding my teenager 1-9
Should we all go get baptized? 1-6
If you heard God speak to you... 1-3 3-9
The atheist's paradox 14-7
How do you get rid of rats? 2-4
PETA's campaign to rename fish 'sea kittens' 2-2
freethinking rationalist forum peddling idiology 1-4 1-8
Sleep paralysis, most terrifying thing EVER! 1-6
Do Believers come off as brainwashed to you? 6-5
Is "Chav" a hate word ? 6-8
How do rocks move around on Mars? 1-4
Hand grenade thrown at synagogue in Paris suburb 1-10
How big is Africa? ....... 3-1 3-10
Allah, pre-Islam 1-5
Proof that cats eat rabbits! 1-3
What Have You Found? 1-2
New neighbor disappointment 1-3
the unification of atheists 1-3 1-5 2-6 7-5 9-6
Letters to Viz. 1-3
Thomas Campbell should educate Richard Dawkins 1-8 4-7
Why do Gingers get such a bad rap? 1-7
Outrage in Chile at busty Virgin Mary models 1-2
Chomsky on Pornography 11-3 12-3 12-6
Islam its ok to hit and rape your wife 2-2
Mass Atheist Ordination on Darwin's 200th Birthday 1-6
Christian Rock ? What else ? Muslim hardcore ? 4-7 5-3 5-5
Lying For Islam 1-8
Fellow Creos! Abrahamic faiths and Science. 1-2
You should be able to ignore people 1-7
what if Christianity was a hoax? 3-10
Why is it so? 2-3
Venger Satanis 1-3
How are sock puppets discovered? 1-6 8-9
Why kill kids? 1-10 2-5
Girl marries dog in bizarre ritual 2-2
"Foucault's Pendulum" by Umberto Eco (warning, spoilers) 1-6
A tough decision? 1-8
International Cooking 1-3
Plymouth Brethren 1-6
Victoria's Bushfires 13-3
The Master of the Art 5-6 15-2
Dad at 13 6-9
little thought that stuck and won't go 1-6
Hiding Behind Avatars and Pseudonyms 11-8
Explain this... 1-3
Valentine's Day More Dangerous than AIDS, Ebola, and Cholera 2-2
Japanese rape simulators 3-7 3-10
Toasting 2000 To Kiore 1-5
Westboro Baptist Church to protest bushfire memorial 2-3
The Myth of the Council of Nicea and the Bible 11-5
Non-religious reason for finding the face veil disconcerting 2-1
Stupidity to The Extreme 2-5
Atheistic funerals are so sad 2-9 3-1 3-8 4-4
Be honest now - can you take a 30-40% loss in income 10-10
Good sci-fi/fantasy? 7-2
preaching in hospitals 1-1 2-4 2-6 2-7 2-10 3-8 5-1 5-4 5-9 5-10
Good Jokes Needed! (Part Two) 20-5
Must an Atheist still refer to a priest as "Father"? 16-2
Are there any UFO cases you find "believeable"? 41-1
An odd thing happened to me today 1-6
Pictures of thee, Thread Part V! 23-1 59-3 59-9 79-9 93-7 95-2 95-8
What's your (first) name? 10-9
jesus and the spiderpig. 1-1
Rationality and the "creep" factor 1-8
Your Own Famous Quote 2-3
Change is Possible for Homosexuals, Say Psychiatrists 9-6
awesome pictures 1-1
Selfish christian prayers 5-4
Check my maths regarding lottery draws and probability 1-7
Militant Atheism Similar to Fundamentalism? 9-4
Losing weight 10-6 13-4 19-4 20-2 20-4
Vegetarians/Vegans? 68-9
What is the longest you have gone without a bath/shower? 5-7
Doubting our Approach 5-9
The Trolly Dilemma (Trollyology) 5-10
The Atheism Meme 1-7
Who here has written a book? 2-3 2-6 2-8 4-10 5-3
What are you ashamed/embarassed about? 4-8
The Impact of Religious Music 4-1
The opium of the people (I need opium) 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-5 2-6 2-8 4-3 26-1 30-7
God's human catalog; Extra cheap females 1-9
OK to slap women - says Saudi judge 7-3
Jesus, Heal My Masturbation + islam masturbation 1-3
Favorite mixed drink? 5-8
Gun Control 4-6
Important question - the paranormal and other anomalies 2-5
Pornography and sexual abuse of women 6-9
Alcoholic "ghost" 1-6
Half Brained?? 1-6 3-4
Are you happy? 2-2 3-6
Do You Have Spiders In Your House? 1-9 3-5 10-6
Could the tree? 2-1
Thoughts of a dying atheist 4-4
Angels and Demons Questions...alot 2-6
How many atheists like anti-Christian extreme metal? 1-5 3-5
Mystery Critter! 1-3
Australian (political and general) News 7-3 7-5 9-2
what are your qualifications? 14-5 14-9 15-2 15-4
Phrases That Should Send Red Flags Up 1-4
Why only us? 6-5
What is the worst thing said to you by a believer? 2-4
If God doesn't matter to him, do you? 1-7
The Value In Living 5-1
The right to insult 2-8
Funny Pictures Satirizing Religion 2-5
opinions without facts are useless... 7-10
MJ12, Majic...keywords, Echelon 3-4
from Pakistan 1-2
The New, Improved, 100% Genuine Universal Truth Woo 3-6
Asshats 2-7
things are getting worse and worse 2-2
"Seek God with your heart"?!?! wtf 3-1
Formal complaint of Moderator misconduct and bias 2-9
SL's dead computer thread 1-4
Sanctions, Warnings, etc... 1-7
Abusive moderator conduct 1-3
The thread of shame! 1-2 1-6
My Dog has just seen a Ghost 4-5
Re: The Person Below You! (Part 9) 21-9 58-1 66-4
sharia bank loans in australia 1-1 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-2
What the hell is it with this "Chemtrails" rubbish...? 1-5
books for children 1-1 1-3 1-8
The Devout & Devious 2-3
Having children 1-5 1-8
Question about the goldielocks point 1-5
Michael Jackson Dies at 50 10-8
Word Association XXXVI 50-4 52-1 52-4 52-6 52-8 54-3 54-10 55-8 56-2 57-7 60-7 65-2 68-8 78-1 82-4 103-3
Almost Died? Tried Suicide? Care to Share? 5-9
Islam - on the rise or falling? 10-4
This crap pisses me off. 1-5
Are You A Nice Person? 2-3
Bones of St Paul, discovered in Rome. 1-3
Examples of Anti-Religious Bigotry and Religion Bashing 17-6
The Moral Hypocrisy of New Atheists' Criticism of Religion 3-5
Dawkin's delusion 11-1
One single question can destroy atheism 2-9
Work 10-1
Hello Fellow Free-Thinkers 1-2
Australia's plan to ban Uluru climb sparks debate (Aussies) 11-7
Atheist Converted after visit to the creation museum 1-3
Exclusive Brethren don’t want you to see your kids 2-8
athletic goals 1-9
Cryonics; would you do it? 6-6
Here we go again -- AIG wants to pay millions in bonuses 1-2
Why Is.... 1-6
any goths on here? 2-3 8-6
Probly not but... 1-8
My review of The God delusion 1-5
The Person Below You (part 10) 40-8 41-1 41-3 42-1 42-4 42-6 42-9 43-1 59-7 60-1 60-6 60-8 61-3 61-6 69-8 70-2 70-6 70-8 75-4 75-7 76-1 79-2 79-7 81-1 81-5 81-8 83-2 83-9 84-1 84-3 87-2 88-1 88-4 88-6 88-8 88-10 89-2 89-7 89-9 90-2 90-4 90-7 90-9 91-4 91-10 92-2 92-4 92-6 93-3 93-5 94-5 97-2
Something to live and die for 1-8
New Atheist Comic Strip 1-10
Cats Do Control Humans, Study Finds 1-9 2-3 2-5
Church of Joy 2-8
The "Buy Local" Movement 3-7
Satan & Hitler made him kill 140 children 1-6 3-4
The new age movement threatens us all 2-4
Giving money to the homeless 6-3
Pope Hospitalized After Fall 1-6
Terminators and Time Travel 1-10
Film about killing lesbian vampires passes Samoan censor 3-10 4-2
Appreciation Award for the Staff of 2-3
Favorite Horror Villain(s) 4-10
Aging can be cured 6-4 6-6
The Key to Effective Atheism 1-4
Tim Minchin - Storm 1-3
Hangovers... 1-8
Facial Hair 7-9 10-5
Blowback on Islamic school ban in OZ 5-10
Special islamic ‘hoodies’ for female police 10-4
The one million monkeys' task 3-4
Morality, Atheism 6-3
Easy Being Atheist than Theist 5-6
Best shows on TV now? 4-5
Why are we called arrogant? 2-7
Scientology Conducts Exorcism! 1-3
"A Bulletproof, Airtight Case For Intelligent Design" 69-2
How common are psychopaths on RDF? 2-9
Australian terror raids 1-5
2000 posts for Yoo-tope-ee-ah !!!!!! 2-2
My National 3 Peaks Challenge 1-6 2-1 11-3
Pictures of thee, Thread Part VI! 8-2 8-6 14-7 14-9 15-3
What would U say 2 Jesus Christ if he returned tomorrow? 9-6 9-10 13-1
Why does Harry Potter appeal to adults? 5-7
Ctrl v ... 7-6 12-9
Please read my intro rant 1-4
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism and Politics IV 3-10
Would you cut off your good hand, if it ended poverty? 2-5
Attempting to Read/Speak Japanese 1-5
Giving up Smoking, any ex smokers out there. 1-2
Islam and Alcohol 8-7
Anyone bake their own bread? 3-1
How do you deal with religion in a relationship? 3-10
So I saw a sikh in the bank... 2-5 2-7 2-9
OZ Bishop attacks Melbourne abuse victim ‘industry’ 1-5
Does this statement make any sense to anyone here? 1-2 1-5
Fishing and evolution 1-6
Encounter with 'aura' woo. 1-10
Alcoholics' brain activity when processing facial expression 1-3
Avoid masturbation/gayness to prevent swineflu 1-3
Experiment: Are Atheists More Likely to be Autistic? 12-2
Roman Catholic Brainwashing 7-8
Is it wrong that I like Mountain Dew better than.... 2-10
Multiculturalism 21-6
The Person Below You (Part 11) 29-1 29-4 30-5 31-4 31-6 32-8 33-9 38-2 38-4 41-3 41-5 46-3 47-5 49-10 51-10 60-3 63-1 66-10 77-5 91-5 95-1 95-5 97-7 98-5 100-2
Australia: Govt increases funding to Brethren cult 2-2 2-6 2-9
Meet the coywolf 1-2
Examples of rudeness 4-6 4-8
who listens to metal!?!? 5-4 5-8
favorite beers? 6-9 13-4 16-3
I Believe You Will Got to Hell if You Don't Accept Jesus 13-5
Help with ADD. 1-4
The Atheist Moral-O-Meter 2-3
The Secret 2-9
Doctors are dumb 2-4 2-6 2-8
Personal safety/security and physical threats from believers 1-7 1-9
Sobriety and Atheism 1-2
Show off your regional dishes, drinks, etc. 2-10 3-2
I will kill you with this Jeebu$ trash from Mississippi 3-7
Atheists to mind christians’ pets ‘after the rapture’ 3-2
Profoundly Important Question! 1-3 1-6
Invitation to comment on warnings, suspensions and bans 2-2
Your usernames 8-5
Japan's new first lady says she rode a UFO to Venus 3-9
Writing in your Books 1-4
The Problem Of Music 41-10
Australian Atheist Convention - Melb 2010 37-9
there is no god,but ALLAH 14-3
Would you kill baby Hitler? 1-7
Why does Dawkins wear a tie? 1-4
Atheist maze 3-9
"Warrior Gene" in NZ Maori population -> violence & crime ? 5-1
Do you visit the cemetery? 4-2
yoga? 1-2
Never trust a god botherer. 1-2
Putting the "dog" into dogma 1-8
Yobs moved into the street... 3-3
I hate religion = I hate you... 2-1
Rules of Christian Porn 1-3 2-3
Hello! 1-2
I was called a faggot today while going for my run... 1-2
Worldwide atheist Movement 1-5
NEO-PAGANISM 2-1 36-1 51-10 54-3
stop posting "I'm first" non-comments 2-5
Questions about racism. 2-1
What is it called when...? 1-2
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 39-5
Should we fear Islam? 1-10 3-1
Who ever was taught evolution properly? 4-8
Nobody really believes in religion anymore... 7-2
Only halal food in Dutch prison 2-6
Should we let the Panda become.... 4-1
Wild & Whirling Words, My Lord 1-2
Australian "jesus; all about life" campaign 2-2 3-5 3-9 4-10 5-5 6-2
Sydney dust: wrath of god claims yet..? 1-4
Anybody Dabbled With Esoteric Stuff? 4-4
The Good-Nite Thread 1-4 2-2 2-7
POLL: Do you binge drink? / Discussion 5-1 8-9
beards: who wears one? 1-4
All evil people in the world are almost certainly atheists.. 12-3
A Challenge To Atheism Using Logic 8-6
It's NICE to be an Atheist. Why? 1-6
Atheists and death 5-1
Anyone here been defriended on facebook by being atheist. 3-8
Atheism-Hypocritical stand 1-10 3-1
science in islam 8-1
Trivial Embarrassing Things About Yourself 10-6 11-7 23-4
Religious family members on Facebook 1-6
Jehovas Witnesses came knocking 5-9
On Being Sane in Insane Places - or: 'Alpha Courses' 1-2
Balloon Boy:"I hate gay faggots" "Not Pussified" 1-9
Could you put a car together? 1-9
depressed people lack fun 1-4
2nd hand smoking 5-2 6-2 6-4 6-6
What in the world do I say to people when they sneeze? 3-2
The ultimate Tech question 4-6
Do You Support Gay Marriage Pt I 63-3
Why Do Stupid People Run The World? 2-4
Handwriting 1-6 3-2
Proving God Right Here Right Now 29-6 36-2 57-10
A Challenge To Meat-Eaters 10-8
Word Association XXXVII 92-6
Does "hell" bother you? 6-6 7-3
10 years ago today Australia voted to not become a republic 3-10
Injections: are you afraid of them? 1-10 3-3
Good Pop Music 3-6
Australian voting system leads the way...? 3-3 7-1
The Person Below You (Part 12) 13-9 46-1 67-4 76-1 77-1
Muslim kids bullied my son over salami sandwich 2-3
As an atheist, what do you tell young kids about death? 3-7 3-10
About declawing domestic cats 2-5 13-7 13-9 14-3 15-6 16-7 17-10 18-7 19-2
What is art 6-1
Why I am not a vegetarian. 3-8
I've got it much worse than you. 1-2
Synopsis of Durro's Saudi Book 2-3
My fiancé wants to baptize our baby. Any advice? 3-6
Am I missing something? 4-4
The value of being an atheist 2-8
Why Are Polar Bears White? 2-8
When the brain betrays itself 3-6
Almost all kids movies! 1-9
Christian Side Hugs - Frontal Hugs Too Sinful 6-5
If we had to........ 3-7
Does Europe have Felony laws? 7-4 7-10
Free Speech & the Forum 2-3
Nominations for Post Of The Year 3-2
Where do you get your morals from? 5-3
Aust: Fundie, denialist, mysogenist - New Opp. Leader! 3-8
Repent 10-3 10-8
If this doesn't make you cry, you are dead inside... 2-6 2-8
What Is The Nature of Sexual Infidelity? 3-1 3-4
Duo urinate on Brisbane Anzac memorial 3-2 3-4
Is Atheism boring? 10-3 13-1
21, finally! 2-4
What are the advantages of having children? 6-5 10-5
New, new atheist women 3-10 4-8
Male feminists insult women? 2-6 3-7 5-5 5-7
How much does love cost...? 4-8
Bda Spellgin 4-6
Forum too biased towards English culture 2-6
Why is feminism still important? Please help - Part 2 26-3
Stupid Answers to Serious Questions Game. 13-4 37-4 69-9
Atheists, how many people have you raped and murdered? 4-8 5-1 8-7 8-10
What does it mean to objectify women? 1-3
Experiences with racism 4-2
RDF IPHone Discussion 3-6
The nature and causes of depresssion 11-8 13-4 14-3 15-1 18-5 18-8 19-7 20-9
Please subscribe to an ex-Muslim Atheist on youtube 1-2
Where can I find a Nietzsche Mustache? 1-9 2-2
The Person Below You (Part 13) 4-4 28-10
To All Newbies I've Missed... 1-5
Mohammed the pedophile prophet 9-6
What did you eat for breakfast 2-4
If you were a German during the Holocaust........ 3-9
Punk legend Hagen writes of journey to Jesus 2-2
Breeders - A threat to our continued existence? 7-4
Atheists shouldn't celebrate Christmas 1-10
What celebrity could you be mistaken for? 3-7 3-9 4-6 21-6
Atheists: Why Live? 1-10
Online Identity 14-9
What have you planned for your Funeral 4-1
[Cute News] Dachshund Turns Itself In at Lost-and-Found 1-2
bogans light indian students car on fire 11-6
Ritual Animal Slaughter in the UK 3-6
Is the atheist merely sinful or intrinsically evil? 1-8
What job would you never do? 4-10
Why do foxes kill chickens they do not eat? 2-3
Threads criticising other members 1-4
What would it be like to be severely mentally handicapped? 1-10
What happens to the intellectually disabled? 3-4
Would You torture a baby to end world suffering? Part 1 5-5 26-8 26-10
Peter Hitchens getting his knickers in a twist 1-8
You are old, in failing health and your relatives are gone 5-8 6-1 6-3
Are you proud...? (poll) 1-7
Do you have any family drama? 5-1
What do other nationalities think of us Brits? 4-9
Any guitarists? 1-9
Bestiality ban in Netherlands to cut video source 2-10 7-2
Medical Devices Used in Bone Surgery 1-4
Everything & Anything: The Martial Arts 1-7
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? (Pt 2) 15-10 17-8 17-10
I'm not going to space, am I? 1-10
Do the Atheists drink milk of the cattle, eat eggs of hen? 13-10
Calling all atheists 6-2
Physical vs. verbal abuse 1-5
My funeral plan 2-1