List of Postings of User ChrisWallace

Jesus Camp : The Movie 85-8
Atheistic quotes 24-10
Scientology: Scam? Cult? Religion? 46-1
Atheist Funerals 12-9
552+ proofs of God 3-7
Any good theist forums? 19-6 22-3
Are you a donor? 7-10
I.D to be taught in Scotland's schools science classes? 4-1
Holy Water 6-10
A couple of questions. 2-5
The Big Fizzle, LHC Assessed By A Local YEC 8-8
Biblical Paradoxes 3-8
Wife wants to send kids to learn Catholic Religion 3-1
What A stupid, Stupid, STUPID Country [VIDEO INCLUDED] 1-10
Hi from England 1-1
Oh, the Irony! 1-5
The Need for Church? 1-7
The nature of the Christian God 1-9
World History With The Pope 1-3
Is Creationism inherently doomed? 1-5
Ban the Book? 1-3
My debating point against the existence of God. 1-5
Is Atheism for intellectual elites? 3-4
How should we treat religion? 1-7
A copy of The God Delusion in every hotel room 1-5
Misunderstanding Atheism 1-2
What shall I call myself? 3-2
A bit of help please? 1-1 1-3
Causeway Creation Committee 1-9 2-2
most violent quotes from the Bible? 2-1
Waterstones in Cardiff bow to pressure from Christian Voice 15-4
Professor Hired for Outreach to Muslims Delivers a Jolt 3-8
satan is doing a very bad job 2-7
Theist arguments 2-3
If you were an Atheist family on Trading Spouses... 2-5
Hell according to islam 1-10
Pot smoking lesbian or that 1-8
What if Atheism Gets A Foothold In Our Culture? 2-4
GPs quit miracle business at Lourdes 1-7
God-Belief Plummeting in the US 2-7
Are humans freer than God? 1-1
School chaplains 'worked miracles' 1-2
Raising Cult-free children 3-5
Atheists Will Find This Amusing 2-1
Welcome to the land of "You're a what?" 4-2
Students to be taught there isn't a God 1-8 2-2
Sunday Blasphemy 3-5
Have you enjoyed a greater quality of life? 1-9
If you could completely eradicate religion, would you? 3-10 4-3
Atheism and morality 1-5
Makes me proud to be British 1-7
Christians who don't attend church 1-9
Get your 100% accurate horoscope 1-4 1-9 2-2
Derren Brown and the great convert 1-4
when did you question god? or religion? 2-9
Jesus is the Reason for The Season 2-1
Help in Religion vs Atheism debate... 1-5
Why is faith considered noble? 1-7
I had a dream tonight 1-8
Proof that some people are too stupid to have kids 1-4
That defining moment 1-2
Body count 1-4
Gay psychologist 'sees the light' 1-6
illogical religious examples 2-3
Did you ever go to a religious school? 2-5 2-10
Origin of Christmas Chain Letter 1-10
Poll – Are you an Out/Closet Atheist? 2-2
Learning to laugh at ones self. 1-2
Daily Mail Article: Can You Reconcile Reason With Faith? 2-1
The Problem Of suffering. 2-6
Which are better, Pirates or Ninjas? 1-4
I am having a flame war aka debate with a creotard. 1-5
The Pope on Creation and Gender Theory 10-3 11-10 12-4
Dawkins On Spiritual Mediumship 2-3
Why does Jesus want to send me to hell? 1-5
Why Does Religious Belief not require evidence? 1-7
Idiot says strong females raise homo pedophiles 1-4 2-1
Christian graven image stolen 1-4
Why??!!! 1-5
Final scene from Religulous 1-7
How to get on an atheists good side 1-9
New Bible 1-3
Scarlet Letter 1-5
The Science Santa 1-5
Sick girl cured by "angel" 1-5
Nigeria: Jesus 'Heals' Cerebral Palsy? 1-2
It's about church going-ons 1-10
Santa reading the bible on kids show 1-3
5 litmus tests for theistic arguments 1-5
Lack of Evidence? 2-9
Ho Ho No ! 1-7
Priest 'ruins Christmas' for kids 1-9
Letters to God 1-4
Hail athe! 1-6 2-8
Belief in Religion guarantees Hell! 1-4
Woman in snowdrift survives for 3 days, husband credits God. 1-8
'My Dream Is to Create a United Religious Nations' 1-3
Children over-excited about going to church onChristmas morn 1-3
Pope decries selfishness in economic crisis 1-4
The Current Pope 2-7
The Verdict 8-9 10-3 11-5 21-6
BBC.... I tried reading this, but it just made me angry 1-6
Consciousness and Spirituality 1-4
Best quote I've read in ages: 3-3
Not Churched Teacher Terminated Over Marriage 1-2
Moments that gave you pause 2-4
Leaving the Church of England... 1-4 1-6
Question??? 2-3
Converting FROM atheism? 1-5
What you cannot do in heaven 6-5
Women in Catholicism 1-7
Local church propaganda 1-2
The "perfection" of Gods creation 1-8
new NHS guidelines; "Welcome back religion... 1-2
Discrimination 2-2
Ex-Christians (or Jews or Muslims, etc) 1-8
What is the future for religion? 1-3
Life long Atheist 2-2
100 Post Rant 1-2
How many atheists do you know offline? 1-8
RE in UK infant schools, teaching violence 1-10
The Exam -- An Atheist Fable 1-4
How to quickly shut down a loud theist 1-5
What should the penalty be for "illegal" abortions? 1-7
Coping with religious freinds... 1-6
God caused the Victorian bushfires?? 4-7
Headteacher resigns over assemblies row 1-5
Vatican says men and women commit different sins 2-8 2-9
Funeral rituals and atheism 1-2
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 38-9
Firmly 7, why or why not? 1-8
Religion is on the rise and rise 1-2
Do you have nagging doubts that God may exist? 10-1
Harun Yahya - (Darwin an apparent fraud) 3-5
Silly superstisions you still do. 2-4
Tim Minchin 1-1
Big Questions BBC 1 NOW: Camp Quest and Atheism featured! 3-7
Greatest Book ever written 2-6
Check out Harlan Coben for Suspense 1-4
Your religious environment 4-7
Ireland’s blasphemy law to face Euro-challenge 1-10
Atheism and Spirituality 2-5
Future career. 1-10
Anyone Else Feel The Same Way? 1-6
Gay vs Atheist 3-1
Who goes to HELL? 1-8
Debate Over 'Homeopathic Swine Flu Vaccine' on Australian TV 1-5
Nazis get BBC slot 64-9
Neurons aren't sufficiently complex to explain consciousness 1-5
Were the ultra-creationists behind the recent hack? 1-9
Acupuncture 3-1
BNP support in polls sparks anger - BBC 1-4 1-7
Acupuncture and double-blind tests 2-2 2-6
Why not use Homeopathies' Placebo effect? 2-5 3-4
Things you wish were true. 8-8
Anti-woo website. 2-6
Coming out as Atheist, reactions. 1-7
Prince Charlie Urges Alternative Medicine Protections 1-8
World Cup 2010 draw this evening. 3-7
The "Public Option" 4-7
US Health Care Bill 3-9 17-4 17-7 19-5
More New-Agey Woo? 1-6 1-10
Parents support alt med, I go to the chiropractor: advice? 2-8 3-9 4-1 4-6 4-10 5-9 6-2 6-10
Opinions on 'alternative medicine' 1-1 1-6 3-1
Remote Viewing 4-3
The objective case for fundamental human rights... 3-5
What do you think of the President Obama's first year 4-10 6-9 7-5 10-8
UK: Election Chat 2-8 3-6 3-8 5-1 6-6 6-8 7-4 8-8