List of Postings of User Ale

What would make you believe? 5-1 8-2
Arrogance, Selfishness, Cruelty, Stupidity & Religion 1-9
On the virtue of Faith 3-3
Dead Little Fish: The Accidental History of Jesus Christ 1-10
Educating the whole world not just part 1-8
Is "Faith" a survival mechanism for religion? 1-5
What is your religious/non-religious background? 3-10
Faith Schools - Highway to Hell? 1-7 2-1
The Impulse for Cohesion and Meaning 2-6
a little god vs god humour... 1-10
The Inexplicable Persistence of Faith 1-6
Marriage 83-9
The American Ideal 'Begins with God' 1-6
Pope led cover up of child abuse 2-3
Edgar Cayce 1-10
big surprise: Religion Trumps Regulation 1-5
what music do atheists listen to? 11-4
2000 year hoax 2-6
Christian Anthropology? 1-8
On God, Creation, PoE and the original sin 1-7
Forgiving sins: an easy task for any deity 7-9
"focus on the issue, not on the person" 1-4 1-7
God, the Rorschach test. 1-7 1-9
Semantics 2-3
Stephen Baldwin's skateboarding evangelicalism 1-6
Investigating the origins of monotheism... who can help me? 1-8
Is Faith Rational? An essay by me 1-4
The phylogeny and function of (not just) religiosity 1-4
offering yourself to God at the last second 1-9 2-1
Abuse in the church 1-3
Dress in Muslim State Schools 1-5 1-7
Who are the bigots? 2-1
Omega course? 2-4
Vatican Schmatican 1-6
You meet God. He slaps you with haddock. Do you NOW believe? 5-6 7-2 7-9
Those evil blogs 1-8
The Deluded God 1-3
What's your favourite bit from the bible?? 2-9
Two Central Doctrines That Make The Most Sense To Me 1-6
Limbo Thread #1: "I used to be Catholic" 1-10
We're not so different you and me...... 1-7
Beware "Moral Katrina" ! 1-6
Free Will III 43-4
Miracles 1-7
Grubing round Xian Boards 1-3 1-4
Does Fear Encourage Belief In God? 1-4
Religion stopping science...from the man upstairs. 1-9
Yet more ridiculous deference to religion 1-3
god, booze and social unrest 1-8
Leap of faith? 2-1
Deists, what's the point? 1-6
Amazing Coincidences 4-4
What happened on this day in history............ 20-1
Hypothesis, Theory, Fact and Law 30-4
Atheist Dating 10-9
Atheism vs. Agnosticism 87-10 88-4 88-10 89-2 89-4 90-6 90-8 91-6 91-8 92-8 99-4
What do you do about a looney bin new age parent? 3-3
Evolution and Homosexuality 33-4 33-6 53-4
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 98-6
Scientology: Scam? Cult? Religion? 35-9 36-4 37-4 37-5 38-7 39-5 39-10 40-4 40-10
Please help, problem with daughter's school 4-7
Walmart: The High Cost Of Low Prices 8-5 8-6
The Avatar Library 2-7
Know any good Atheist jokes? 3-1 3-4
RDF World Map ~ Add Yourself! 27-5 33-5
3 reasons why homosexuality isn't a choice. 12-4 14-4 16-4
How old are you? 26-10 27-1
Abortion 97-2 98-5
Give blood against Jehovah's Witnesses' Dogma 28-10 29-4 29-6 30-2
Evolution Resources - Suggestions & Comments 5-6
The 'Self' Delusion 2-8
Atheism as "just another belief". 36-10 44-7
Defend The God Delusion - visit Amazon 6-9
What did you have for dinner today? 36-4 36-7 38-3
The Anime Fan Club!!! (and other Japanese stuff) 69-9 70-7 75-5
How to quote text 5-4
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part II 25-7 26-8 27-6
For the Bible Tells Me So 1-6
Funny Pictures 59-2 59-8 64-8 67-5 72-3 75-8 77-7 79-9 80-2 85-4
2008 AAI Convention ~ Unsinkable Atheism ~ Sep.25-28 39-3 45-1
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 18-10
Good Jokes Needed! 58-6 58-7 59-3 59-5 59-10 60-3 60-6 60-8 60-10 61-7 61-10 62-3 62-5 62-9 63-1 63-3 63-5 64-4 64-6 65-2 65-10 66-2 66-4 67-2 67-4 67-8 68-1 68-9 69-1 69-7 70-1 70-5 71-1 71-7 71-9 72-4 72-9 73-2 73-6 74-4 74-6 77-2 80-7 89-8 90-2 90-3 90-6 95-4 95-9 95-10 96-1 98-2 98-3 98-7 99-4 99-5 100-8
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? (Part 3) 90-10
Brief Advice for Believers on this Board 2-10
Tarts Club Part 2 - Coquettes Strike Back! 19-3 19-6 33-2 33-4 35-6 36-2 37-6 41-3 44-4 45-2 48-5 51-5 65-10 77-10 90-9
Nudity 54-6 54-7 56-10 57-7 57-10
Sharia courts operating in Britain 63-2 63-5 63-9 64-8 67-3 67-5
The Resurrection belief undermined 9-8
On the hard problem of consciousness 85-9
Too young? Preteen girls get leg, bikini waxes 4-5
In Praise of Bullfighting 46-2 46-5 50-1
The misunderstanding of mental illness. 19-7
Football 12-5 12-7 12-9 13-1 16-10 17-8 17-9 20-8 22-8 40-7 42-1 42-6 50-10
Strictly Come Dancing - UK 2008 19-6 31-5
Your favourite science fiction character? 14-9
Hallo from Ale 1-1 1-6 2-1
Leicester Meeting 25/10/08 9-4 21-10
Students of science who continue to be misled by faith. 1-7 1-10
Beautiful, detailed photos of Mars and other phenomena 2-4 2-6
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 3 94-2 95-1
Dawkins: Teaching or Preaching? 6-8 6-9 8-7 9-7
Oh No! 3-4 5-2
Tea 3-8 6-2
I need advice 1-6 2-6 2-8 2-10
The coffee drinking thread 18-1 19-6 20-2 45-4
Quantum Questions 9-3
Hey guys and girls! 1-5
Indoctrination? That's a harsh word... 2-7
New Forum Guidelines (commentary pt. 2) 7-1 71-5
Why science can't explain it all 19-8 24-10
When mediocrity becomes a virtue. 5-10
10 questions that every intelligent Christian must answer 1-9 6-4
PETA vs. Jews - who is right and who is wrong? 2-4
Crazy Church People 2-3
Am I wrong to be annoyed about this notice at my GP ? 1-5
There should be no such thing as science 2-4 2-7 3-3
URGENT: Giddeons Bible-bashers arriving in 30 minutes!!!! 2-3 2-6
Briggs-Myers Test 5-1
Evolutionary Benefits of Religion 1-3 2-5 2-9
Born atheist or reborn atheist? 1-1 2-9
Death And All That 2-6
Test Your Atheism 19-2 31-6 34-2
National Iconography Images 11-4 14-4 17-1 18-5
Atheist Bus Campaign 40-3
I got fired today 2-2 3-7
spaghetti monster teeshirt. 1-2 2-2
Thou Shalt Groom Thy Neighbor as Thyself 1-2 1-4
Was Jesus of Nazareth Ever Crucified? 5-6 5-8
Jehovah's Witnesses 5-2
People on the bus 3-4
Reason and Religion 5-8 6-8 19-9
I'm getting p**d off with being censored for evolution 1-7
Hello from England 1-8
Vicar with potato stuck in his bottom 6-5
[Fun News] Muppet caught speeding in Bavaria 1-3
Atheism vs. Agnosticism II 57-1
Bible Study Classes...Help Me! 1-2 1-4 6-1
Why do songs get 'stuck' in your head? 4-10 5-3 5-10 6-1
How, if at all, should RS be taught? 2-10
On the Idea of God 3-5
Debate settled, Buddha is back, let's convert 1-8
Clerical Political Activity 1-3
Obama's 'Bedouin relatives' celebrate election 1-6
The Reptile Thread 65-8
Atheists Beliefs Research 5-2
Do you have shy bladder? 2-1
Dad links son's suicide to 'The God Delusion' 1-7
Avebury stone circle 1-3
Parents furious at naked day care games 1-10 12-5
My fossils.. 1-6
Homosexuality 35-9
Magnapinna squid video 1-3
Richard Dawkins an 'Evangelist'? Uses 'straw man' arguments? 2-1
AFA and Costco 1-2
Atheism Vanishes 1-3
30-second nativity story 1-5
A friend's baptism - to go or to not go? 1-3
Disgusting beer coasters to discourage teen binging 1-9
what's the use of atheism? 29-8
Merry Chirstmas II 1-2
A Logical Proof of the Existence of God 4-5
The BBC refuses to broadcast an appeal for aid to Gaza 3-8
Coffee and health 3-1
Fancy a dress? 1-1
Atheist Jokes 24-9 25-1 25-4 25-7 26-3
Obama is on a roll... 2-6
Why are the theists so nasty? 4-3
Email Address Icon Under Avatar 1-10
newbie seeks scientific proof that people are NOT "born bad" 2-7
Was Jesus real? Once more, but POLITELY this time!!! Pt. II 24-10
What do you like about religion? 1-9
Wicked God!! 1-2
New Testament has made up for the bad of the Old Testament! 1-4
God is. The Jews prove it. 17-2
the anti-guru 1-4 1-6
'There definitely is a God' Bus adverts 1-10
A new Look on how GOD COULD exsist 4-5
Interview with School Priest--Some Help please? 1-8
If God doesn't exist, who wrote the bible? 1-3
Christian Charities 1-2
1st 1-6
One law for all - march for it 4-5
Objective morality based on science 1-5
Auschwitz is a beer, schoolchildren tell researchers 7-1
Muslim woman asked to leave bank because of head scarf 4-8
Dissilusioned with Dawkins 10-5
Transubstantiation 4-10
Atheists call for 'debaptism' 1-6
Hello from brizzle 1-2
Philosophy Quiz! 3-3
A thought that has troubled me since becoming an Atheist 3-5
Outage Thursday, March 19, 2009? 2-3
Just ripped a couple of JW's to shreds on my doorstep 4-3
Tarts Club Part 3 - Coquettes Forever! 6-2 6-3 7-2 8-6
Bonding bondages 1-1
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? Part 2 40-1 41-1 41-4
Good Jokes Needed! (Part Two) 1-2 2-3 2-5 4-10 5-8 6-10 7-9 8-2 8-6 9-5 9-10 10-1 11-9 12-3 12-4 12-7 12-8 12-10 13-1 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-10 14-2 14-8 15-3 16-7 17-6 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-7 19-4 19-9 21-10 23-10 26-6 28-8
ERV Experts, Refute This... 1-2
horrendous scale of sex abuse by priests to be revealed... 21-4
Would you be in favor of an asexual human society? 8-7
What is GOD? 39-3 41-5
Is it Acceptable to Malign Homosexuals on RDnet forums? 15-7
Sex Education? 3-1 4-1
‘Militant atheists target Brit schools’ - Telegraph 2-3
Hello from "God's Own County". 1-8
If you want to stay atheist don't watch this video ;) 2-9 3-5
don't date atheists 2-7
Cloning glory 1-1
Don't Buy British 2-6
Religious Texts 2-5
Can I get a rAMEN? 1-5
Believe it or not, the bishop's an agnostic 1-4
The Clitoris 1-8 2-1
The right to insult 1-8
God hates women. 18-4
Large brothel for gay pedophiles found in St. Petersburg 3-9
Kentucky Preacher: Bring Your Guns To Church 1-8
Bible dude 1-3
Nature of sodomy 15-8
An Open Letter to my fellow Christians 39-4 39-7
Creativity as religion 1-7
Paul’s “Ignorance” Indicates Fictional Construct 8-6
The Exodus Obama Forgot to Mention 2-1
Teacher accused of displaying Bible sues district 1-6
Surprise Priest Charged With Obstruction In Child Sex Case 1-2
What do you think of hedonism? 23-6
Muslim waitress wins £3000 for ‘looking like a prostitute’ 16-5
It's impossible to be an atheist 2-10
What is the evolutionary explanation for dancing? 2-8
i found this 1-10
On Moral Zeitgeist 2-5
Do Animals Have Sex For Pleasure? Is it Simply to Reproduce? 1-6
Greetings! 1-2
camoguard in the house 2-8
Praying that homosexuals don't achieve equality 1-9
Have any of you ever met Mr. Dawkins? 8-7
My life is worthless without Jesus.....apparently 1-6
Was It God's Plan For Adam & Eve to Sin? 5-4
Mormons Arrest Gay Couple For Kissing Close To Temple 2-5
Why can't men be wrong? 11-5 11-7
What gets you going? 2-1
Muslim Bacon butties ban brouhaha at British Care Home 3-3
Father Knows Best: How Did Adam & Eve's Kids Have Kids? 11-9 12-4
A method for convincing believers in god 1-4
Criticising Religion - Not the way forward 90-7
Am I me? 2-8
Being forced to go to church & mom is scaring me, help? 3-7
Maydole's Modal Argument 16-1
Gay Man Sues Bible Publisher for Mental Anguish 2-10
Died for our sins- what does that mean? 11-1
Yet Again Another Hard Problem 37-4
I Don't Believe In God But Something Lingers On 4-1
Magic 2-4
Will I Go to Hell? 2-6
Why Did Jesus Curse The Fig Tree? 2-9
BBC gives Nazis a free pass - Roy Greenslade 1-2
is this image pornographic 4-5 10-6 10-9
North Carolina church to burn ‘Satan’s books’ 13-3
I find Atheism is not very liberating 13-2
Why do humans have sex in private? 12-4 12-6 12-8
Somali adulterer stoned to death 5-3
Would you go to church for a girl? 9-7
How do you define God? 5-8
Government Minister wants boycott of ‘sexist pink’ for girls 4-8
Jesus and the Christmas Tree 3-9
Emotions, Feelings & Evidence 3-10
Why not adopt instead of having kids? 13-2 13-3
Catholic science can of worms opened 2-1
How Often has Religion Been Wrong? 3-1
Male feminists insult women? 3-4
Christian interpretations of the rapture 2-6
Letter to my Bishop 1-2
Can Tiger Woods Be Redeemed? 1-3
If Hitler had been religious 1-7
Reverse Sexism II: Men with good intentions 9-2
Bishop weeps over new muslim girls’ school 2-2
Turin Shroud 30-7 37-1
"Avatar" film anti atheist? 7-8
Atheism breaks the laws of science 1-2
Is it moral to kill ? 5-8
How to get rid of "Oh my God!" and "Jesus Christ!"? 2-2
Supporting Evidence to American Educator Entitlement 1-7
Teacher told 5 yr old that 'god' made him! 9-5
Unanswered Questions 1-10
Lazy or Creative JW? 2-5
Feminism - Do atheist men treat women better? 31-3
Attraction and Attractiveness II 1-9
As an Atheist how do you get over fear of hell? 7-7
Dr Phil's "Heavenly Father" god 2-1
What would you ask God? 1-8
Why are atheists so smug? 9-2
Home circumcision kit 2-5
To Pray or to Meditate: Linguistic Help Needed. 1-8
Some gays become celibate priests to flee their sexuality 6-6
Anything Incorrect in The Following? 5-1
Polygamy in FLDS - Photos from National Geographic 1-4
Love- What is it? 14-10 35-3
Why Evolution Precedes Creation 24-7
Religious people do have a clearer moral code than secularis 11-8
Culture Shock! 31-6
Hilarious! 1-10
My theory on why men like women with big breasts 5-7 8-2
Some open minds need to be shut for repairs 1-8
More ‘religion is in our biology’ claims 3-2
Women: be submissive 3-7
If the kingdom of heaven existed 1-10
Evidence for the existence of God [1] 3-4
pets left behind by the rapture 2-3
Stunning Video: Genius vs Christianity 1-9