List of Postings of User Randy Ping

Dawkins on The Colbert Report and 'The God Delusion' 3-6 5-3
Will Richard Dawkins ever post to this forum himself? 4-3
Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 10-3 10-5 20-6 32-4
Best atheist videos 5-8
What is the best argument against the existence of God? 16-4
Atheism and Politics 11-7 12-5
Jesus Camp : The Movie 4-8 5-3 5-8 80-9
Introductions 13-2 13-6
Social Darwinism is it a valid concept? 2-3 2-7
Big Bang Theory 2-6 11-1 14-2
A god spot in the temporal lobes 3-5 5-1
Stand up and be counted 2-8
Debate 1-10
Teaching Darwinism and being questioned 4-4
Truth In Science 2-8
Atheist T-Shirt Designs & Slogans 1-6 8-5 10-9
An American 'Dawkins'? 1-2
Are we telling the truth about TRUTH ? 1-9
Share your memes! 1-3
Action: Virals and Videos 1-4
Adnan Oktar / Harun Yahya / Turkish Creationism 2-4
Should Drugs Be Legalised? 16-7
Is Environmentalism a Religion? 4-5 5-3
A New Book by Carl Sagan 1-2
Bibles in Hotels 1-9
Oh no! Panic! 1-3
Marriage 10-3 11-9 13-9
Should Atheist formulate plans to leave the Earth? 1-1 1-3 1-8 3-3 3-5
Will we evolve into creators? 1-3
big surprise: Religion Trumps Regulation 1-2
what music do atheists listen to? 10-3
Not so agressive 1-6 1-8
Do you actually hate the religious? 4-8 6-5 6-8 7-9 7-10 8-3
A new Religion? 1-2
Atheism will never win 2-10
Can we scientifically live forever...? 2-2 2-3 6-1
100 Reasons Why Being An Atheist Is Great!!! 4-6 13-9 14-8
Teary eye'd reality of it all 1-4
ATTN Richard Dawkins: Dawkins for Kids 1-10
Discrimination in the workplace 1-3
American Comedian Dane Cook on Atheists... 1-9
God or Gods are now dead but must have once existed. 10-7 13-9
Marketing Atheism 1-5 1-8
"Is God Green?" on PBS 1-5
offering yourself to God at the last second 2-3
Noah's Ark 21-10 49-7
Kent Hovind 3-7 8-8 9-1 9-8 9-10 16-4 16-5 20-2 21-6 22-3
Dawkins - Cult Leader or Figurehead? 2-9 5-8
Atheists in hell... the moral high grounds 1-2 1-6
Games 1-5
Watergate: A Reconsideration. 1-2 1-4
A Creationist Board 1-2
You meet God. He slaps you with haddock. Do you NOW believe? 3-1
One agnostic in that fox hole 1-4
what would you say 1-2
Good old anti-creationist..... Guinness! 1-3
Jesus freaks rallying at Central Washington University 1-3
Is atheism worth losing almost everything for? 2-6
SETI Announcement Tomorrow 1-4
Take Heart. 1-7
Monty Hall: A Famous Puzzle 3-1
Breaking news, human race to split! 1-6
Bible Burning Event 3-7 4-6
Order of Ten? 1-2
"But God is outside of time!" 2-5
Cable TV Channel for Atheists 1-3
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 1-7 10-10 22-5
Any one seen this movie? 1-3
Root of all evil on DVD? 2-4 2-9
Helicopter Ride to Top of Mount Improbable 1-4
Non-believers are necessarily nihilists 1-2 1-4 2-1 7-4
Bush Seeks to Block Enemies From Space 1-2 1-4 1-7
A famous and unfortunate non-religious soldier 1-2 1-3 1-5
How to on helping the religiously indoctrinated break free.. 1-2
The Myth of Natural Selection 1-2 3-9
People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 1-5 30-4
Does Richard Dawkins exist? 1-2
The Complex Operator J 1-2 1-4
Another Great Example of the Declining Mind of America 1-2
The Prof's Safety 2-1 5-9 6-9
Utopias - Another example of supernaturalism? 1-4
"Science Changes one Funeral at a Time" 8-3
The Layman's Dilema 2-5 2-7
Do Atheists need a symbol? 12-7 13-9
Ever wonder what people do all day? 2-5
The End of Atheism 2-8
Is there any Atheist/Freethinking Music? 3-4 7-7 23-6
Celebrity Atheists 1-9
Does Santa Claus Exist? 2-7
Drop the Baggage, Atheists. 3-2
Anger: victims of childhood indoctrination 1-3
Looking for STrong Atheists in New Orleans 1-1
Posties refuse to deliver Anti-Gay church mail 1-4 1-8 2-2
Proof that Toe is a Philosophy 1-7 2-2 2-7 2-9 3-1 1-3
I didn't really know where to put this -- evolution-related. 1-7
What are you currently reading? 47-3
Monkey Talk! 1-10
RECORDING of Dawkins in Lynchburg - Rational Response Squad 1-3
Anybody donate to the RDF? 1-3
Is indoctrinating children into religion wrong as such? 1-2
The Great Ranting Gryphon 1-3
Terry Eagleton 1-5
Improving the image of the non-religious 1-9
Transhumanism, could it be.... 14-3 19-5
Carry weapons? 7-4 7-10 19-8 19-10
Australia: Howard unveils $90m plan for chaplains in schools 1-5 2-5
Polish Scientists fight creationism 1-3
The Banner of Enlightenment 1-6
Store ? 1-4
Entropy, initial conditions, and the Penrose calculations 1-2
This looks like a fun evolution game 1-1
Think of a Christmas (Newton's day) present for Richard 1-2
Fighting Idiocy On the Net 1-3
I don't believe in Atheism either...... 20-8
Why is Dawkins a hero here? 19-2 19-6
What the bleep? 3-3 4-1 5-10
I'm confused! 1-7
How many Americans on here would call themselves republicans 1-8 3-4 3-9
Survey about where people are from 1-3
The context of a ChantingLion 5-4 5-6 5-8
Science and theism, friends? 3-9
Dawkins Needs More US TV Appearances! 1-7
U. S. government: "Just say 'No' to sex" 2-4 5-9
Dawkins' tour as a religious pilgrimage? 1-7
Evolution is Degeneration 27-10
Radiometric Dating 1-10 2-9
The Philosophy of Time 1-6
Fostering Community 1-4
The Fallacy of Constructive Rationalism 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-5 2-9 3-1
Dawkins on South Park 2-1 4-9 8-5 11-1 12-6 13-3 13-7 14-4 14-9 17-7 18-9 23-6 31-1
The Strategies of Christian Fundamentalism 1-1
Thanks: coup de grâce 1-7 3-1
Question two 1-3
Atheist stamp - 'de-god' those dollars 1-2
Religion and Friends 2-10
Penn Jillette on Colbert 1-7
The Problem with the 'New Atheism' Movement 4-3 5-3
Launching a new kind of warfare 2-1 2-2
Ted Haggard 4-4 7-6 13-5 13-7 13-9 20-7 24-5 25-7 34-6 38-4
Science And The Next Generation. 1-2
Do you think 0.9999999~ infinite is exactly equal to 1 9-2 9-5
Flying Spaghetti Monster sighted in Germany! 1-2
Ted Haggard had a bad day, and guess who else did... 1-7 2-1 2-2 2-5 3-5
Two great vids about R. Dawkins 1-4
Bad news 1-6 1-9 2-8
The Book of Job 1-4 1-8 1-10
That Garden Party Image 1-8 3-4 4-5 5-4 5-10 6-2
Haggard, Hovind and now Coulter - FUCK YEAH!!! 1-8 4-8
Time for a real Church 1-2
Thank Goodness for Daniel C. Dennet 2-6
Limericks 4-3
Sam Harris' ethics - Evolutionarily Unstable Strategy? 1-5 1-7 2-9 3-8 4-2 17-2 17-5 18-5
Musicians? 1-10 4-1 5-4 6-4 8-7 24-3
Were most atheists / agnostics raised as Christians? 1-10 2-2 2-4 3-8 5-5
How many theists does it take to change a lightbulb? 1-2 1-5 1-7
Cancer Talk 12-3
Photos of animals. 3-2 19-10 25-8
George Galloway v Richard Dawkins - Sunday 8.00pm GMT 6-4
Saddam Hussein sentenced to death 2-2 3-3
Mary Riddell 1-2
Dawkins On The Cover Story Of Newsweek And Time 1-2
Tonight's "Does God exist?" show with Galloway 1-7
Audio of Dawkins at Charlottesville! - RRS 1-3
The Smartest Believer I Ever Met 1-2
Religion exists for a reason. 1-4
You all have no choice but to go to hell!! 1-2 4-2 4-3
Abortion and morality 3-3
What evidence would make you believe in a God? 10-3 19-2 31-1 63-4
Use christmas to spread the word 2-9
What are the BEST TV shows in the WORLD?! 6-3
Do you STILL think 0.9999999~ is exactly equal to 1 2-10 3-5
Richard Dawkins - Uncyclopedia 1-5
Accelerating loss of ocean species threatens our well-being 2-1 2-3
Is the destiny of science to prove intelligent design? 1-6
The Term "Bright" 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-3 3-5 3-7 4-2 9-8 13-10 15-2 16-2 17-3 17-6
George Bush singing Imagine by John Lennon!! 1-2
take me back before matter existed 1-2 1-9 7-9
Cutting out the cancer 1-2 2-9
Funny (Anti)Religious Songs 1-2 2-2
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 2-1 3-5 5-10 7-8 29-1 36-9 45-9
Hypothesis, Theory, Fact and Law 3-5
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Genuine Benefit? 19-8 76-2
Time Magazine Debate 1-10
The Atheist Goal? 2-2 2-6 2-8 2-10
Science and Religion both... 3-1
Election Day 2006 1-6 1-9 4-3 4-5 5-6 5-8
Hacking democracy... 1-2
Cuah! Look a'dissun! 1-1 1-3 1-5
Poems about deconversion and atheism 3-8
Hi every one, a question about Dawkins 1-6
how about a proposition to ban religious teaching to minor? 1-4
Life On Earth 1-6
Religion justified by tradition? 1-2
Special report - Home-schooling (Newscientist) 1-4 1-6 2-7
Which are your TOP 5 favorite quotes? 4-8
the case against Sam Harris' spirituality 1-5
The Dawk Wants An Anger Forum 2-9
Did 9-11 cause anybody else here to wake up to reality.... 1-6
Halibut 1-2 1-10
Ann Druyan, Interviewed by Michael Shermer re: Carl Sagan... 1-2
This extraordinary event needs extraordinary evidence 1-10
Post Your favorite science related site 1-1
Neutral organs - why aren't we seeing much of them ? 1-9
Volunteer Work By Religious Groups 1-6
How do we solve a problem like SHARIA? 4-3 4-5 4-9
Why do humans keep pets? 2-5
Help Needed to Reach an Indoctrinated Mind 2-3 2-5 2-10 3-3
UK Preachers promote "Violent Revolution" 1-2
an illusion of thought 1-8 2-2
Exposing how moderates give cover to fundies 1-9
Euthanasia 1-8
Archbishop attacks public atheism 1-2 3-5
The Prof responds ... 1-4
The first rule of Propaganda... 1-3 1-6
Is war ever justified? 1-3 2-2 2-6 2-8 2-10
A salute to the rationalism of the Turkish majority 1-2
The 9/11 attacks, anti-Americanism, religion and politics 1-2 2-1 2-5
Literal or metaphorical? 1-6 1-10
Richard Dawkins - 1980's Sex Symbol 2-3 2-8
Which religious ideology is the most dangerous one? 2-2 4-8
Dawkins on C-SPAN2 Right Now! 1-4 1-7
Bless you? 1-6 1-9 2-1 2-3
Wife is a Christian, me not so much anymore 1-6
Elton John wants religion banned 3-5
WAKE UP SHEEP, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! 5-9 6-3 6-4 7-7 7-9
Question Everything! 1-2
What economic systems do atheists support? 2-5
No, DAWKINS not Dokken! 1-1 1-6
SIR Richard Dawkins ?? 1-2
Societies are worse off with God 1-5 1-7
Site traffic 12 Nov. 1-4
Medical Marijuana 3-3 3-5 3-9
Dawkins didn't know that ANGER was common when deconverting? 3-4
Creationist Museum - Kentucky, USA 5-8 12-3 12-5 15-10 16-2 18-2
A Question for Richard Dawkins? 4-1 5-8 8-7
I want to be an ATHEIST PRIEST 1-5
Playstation 3 2-8
Richard Dawkins and the “new atheists” come to America 1-5
-- 3-6
Help Science to help you, volunteer your spare CPU!! 2-5 2-7 23-3 23-10
If time travel were invented soon! 3-3 3-6 3-8 4-1 4-3 5-4 5-6 5-8 5-9 6-5 6-10 7-2 7-4 8-9 11-8
Who is your favourite GOD and WHY?? 4-5
Is breastfeeding in public acceptable? 2-10
Jesus Camp hits Internet 5-10
Young children don't believe everything they hear 1-8
Lets clone / freeze Richard! 1-9 3-4 3-7
Walking on water.... 1-3
Religious Music 1-2 1-4
Third And Final Act: Iran From Iraq 2-1 3-3
Evolution....AND ??? 1-3 1-6 2-5 2-7 2-10 3-5 3-9
Stem cells fend off lung cancer 1-8
Christian forum activity - a regular spectacle 1-2 1-4
Is it all about happiness? 1-3
A few quotes and why some would consider God to be evil. 1-3
Happy Feet - An atheist dancing penguin movie? 1-2
The origin and evolution of viruses 1-3
Do we share a common ancestor with rocks? 2-7
300 proofs of God's existence: a reference guide. 1-3
Hello lonely and delusional Atheists 1-5
Hello eveyone. 1-3 2-1
SO, who wants to send her a copy of TGD? 1-1 1-3
World without heroes 1-3
Am I a SCIENTIST? 1-3 2-1 2-4
The Great Lie of Global Warming 2-2 6-6 41-7
why is it 1-8
Lets have an 'About The Richard Dawkins Forum' forum! 1-8
Hello fellow Atheists and Dawkins fans.. 1-8
Animals Have Problems Too 1-3
Technocracy 1-7 5-6 6-3 6-5 6-7
Ridicule and Ad Hominem 4-10 8-9
What do you do for a living? 4-10 5-1 5-3
Greetings from a dinosaur, or two... 1-4 1-9
Gay Pride 2-4 2-7 2-9
Creationism / ID - lets see your evidence 12-5 50-7
Have you become a pesimist? 2-1 4-3 4-7
The difference between Religion & Science 1-5
Sexiest female 4-5
Has Intelligent Design been successfully rubbished? 1-2 1-4 1-6 2-3
A Non-Christian Calendar 1-2 15-7 21-8
Shortage of new Catholic priests 1-2
Feel the Force... 1-2 2-4
Xbox any one? 1-7 2-4
Welcome to UndercoverElephant's 1,000th post birthday party! 2-1
Project Steve 1-2
UCLA student gets tazed 1-8
Letter in my student union 1-5
The US needs Dawkins more than the UK! 1-9 2-1 3-6
Toys for Tots will now accept talking Jesus dolls 1-7 1-9 2-9 3-7 4-3
Bibles allowed in hospitals for the mentally ill? 1-3
Richard Dawkins - The Atheist Tapes 1-1 1-5
Godless money (read this Americans!) 1-8
Hillary Clinton is completely clueless!! 2-6
Paramount Serious About Dover Trial Movie 1-3
And then a miracle occurs... 1-2
We need an atheist answer to this atrocity 1-1
Mooney on the Republican war on science in the US. 1-1
Abuse Doesn't Help 1-6
"I Am An Atheist" video 1-2
What is Your Motivating Vision? 1-3
Holland bans burka - right or wrong? 1-4
This looks interesting 1-2
I am a Nihilist 2-1 3-8 4-3 4-4 5-8 6-1 6-3
South Park character generator 1-3
Point of Inquiry Podcast 8-1
Templeton Foundation now turns on Transhumanism 2-4 2-6
How to recognize the sincere intellect 1-5 8-2 8-9 9-2
Your Ethical Stance in a Nutshell? 1-3
Nanoscale Intelligent Life 2-2 2-3
Godless Dawkins challenges schools ? 1-10 2-3 6-6
What is your favourite poem? 3-3 3-5
Top 5-Most important people who ever lived- 2-4
The Forum Banner Picture! 2-1 4-1 4-10 5-3
The Dawkins Delusion 15-10 36-2 52-2 53-2 54-1 56-3 60-1
Fox News plans right-wing Daily Show 1-7
Abstinence IS the Best Method of Birth Control 2-6
Atheist's Rights And Responsibilities 1-3
Not so hypothetical problem 2-9 3-2
Evangelism and Aetheism 1-2 1-4
Eamonn Healy on Evolution (from Waking Life) 1-3
The Secret / Law of Attraction ? 1-2 27-8 27-10 29-8 32-10 33-3 33-5 36-4
Communicating science 1-4
Sinfest 1-6
Extraordinary life found around deep-sea gas seeps 1-2
Favorite Music videos... post 'em. 1-1 1-3 1-7 1-9
Beyond Belief 2006 videos 1-2 1-7 1-9 3-2 5-8 5-10
Deconverting a Christian? 1-2 1-9 2-6
Proof of God! 1-5
Door to door atheism - Mormons taste own medicine 5-9
Creationist warfare erupts 1-3
Internet Browsers ~ Who Uses What 3-2
Have you heard of The Singularity? 2-1 2-8 3-10 4-2 4-4 6-9
Favorite science magazine 2-4 2-6
Would you rather go to HEAVEN or HELL? 1-7 1-10 2-9
Petition for the removal of religious books... 1-4
Videos against the Religious War in Iraq 1-5 1-7 1-9
Creationists propose 'Think Weird' strategy! 1-3
Seeing inside the Creationist Thinking... 1-2
Welcome to uncle Shakey's 1,000th post bash! 2-3 2-5 2-8 2-10
About ghosts 1-3 2-1 4-2 4-4 4-6 4-8 5-4 5-6 6-2 6-3 7-1
What will replace religon ? 1-2 2-4
New US Dollar Coin Hides "In God We Trust" 1-2 1-6 1-8
Eugenics 2-3 2-5 3-1 3-3
An Atheist answers common Religious Questions 1-4
Should Dawkins release a single? 2-3
Wrong approach - Insane approach 1-3
So what are WE atheists or ... 1-8
Anti-Religion Art Project: Kicked out of School 1-9
Is atheism a religion? 14-10
The Devil cannot be an atheist! 1-3
The Fantasies of American Militarists 2-6
An Argument with my Logic Professor 1-6
Secular or Atheist Charity Lists 3-8
Beyond Belief 2006 Comment 1-9 3-6 3-9
The hilarious* TGD pun thread 1-8
Darwin Lapel Pins 1-3
Uncomfortable Questions 2-7
The Dawkins Delusion - the book 6-6
Is it just me... 1-2
Ten Things You Like About..... 1-3 1-9 2-5 3-2 4-5 5-5 6-3
Woman fined for displaying peace symbol 1-4
Star Wars- A New Pope 1-2
13 Things That Do Not Make Sense 5-2
New Advent 1-3
Funny story, plus implications 2-4
Number of Lovers 1-5 1-7 1-10 2-3
The start of everything 2-1
Is morality relative? 1-4
Spore: The game of evolution 1-6 4-6 7-5 7-6 7-7 11-1
Is deprogramming a crime or a duty of parents? 1-3
Woo Hoo Back up again... 3-9
Science points to intelligent design of the universe. 2-2
Hawking on BBC 1-6
Happy Newtonmas? 1-3
Are we blind? Are we deaf? 1-3
Faith groups urge cuts to AIDS fund. 1-3
Suggestions for the Forum needed 1-2
Interview with a Creationist Scientist. 1-2
Darwin should have been put on trial! 1-5
Racial differences and Darwinism 3-1
identity - nationality/race and pride and belonging 2-4 2-6 2-10 3-2 3-4
Is God Irreducibly Complex? 1-3
The Stupid Designer Campaign counter to ID 1-8
Rational Suicide.... 1-2 1-4
unweaving the magic tricks 2-10
God Delusion in Hotel Room Top Draws 2-2 4-6
The 9/11 Argument 1-5
Dawkins goes Independant 2-2 2-5
Personal thanks to Josh from Richard Dawkins 3-2
Aubrey de Grey, the 'Richard Dawkins' of Anti-Aging... 3-3
Christian politician tries to convert Hindu after defeat 1-5
Favourite Artists 3-2
concider this 1-2
Ted Haggard - Any Schadenfreude? 3-1
Great Michael Shermer (skeptic magazine) talk. 1-3
Check out this idiocy 1-1
Life of Brian 6-2 7-9 12-8
Risk society: Can some knowledge be bad for us? 1-4 2-6
Royal Airforce Put Their Faith in Teapot!!! 1-7
Top Ten 'Disproofs' Of Evolution 1-4
Unbelievably fallacious chain email. 1-2 2-4 2-6
God-Fearing Atheist Christian Darwinist Creationist 1-2
Favourite Atheism Quote 2-7
Imagine There Is No Religion 2-1 3-8
Handedness Poll for the Forums 2-3
The atheist delusion... 2-1 2-4
Helen Duncan 1-2
Stem Cell Research 2-5
Sam Harris on The O'Reilly Factor 1-8 2-1
"Universal Morality" - Proposed New Meme 1-5
Why can't they dance? 1-3
Why so many atheists/agnostics on this forum? 2-8
Sam Harris on Colbert Report 1-6
China needs a religion... 1-2
Hello from Cincinnati, Ohio 1-2
Game - Arseteroids 1-3 1-5
Ebola Threatens to Kill Off Gorillas in Africa 1-2 1-6
Dangerous 2-5 5-4 5-8 7-9 8-1 8-3
Consciousness raising billboard advert ideas! 2-5
Other Forums / Sites You Use 3-6 8-3
Flying Spaghetti Monster 1-4 1-9
New evidence for why life suddenly exploded. 1-6
Tolerance 2-7
Hi everyone 1-2 1-6
Battlestar Galactica 1-10 2-7 4-8 4-10
T-shirts? 2-1
The God Gene. 1-2 1-9 5-10 6-7 7-4
Col the news sites goto 1 1-2 1-4 1-8 1-10
RD on the Late Late show (Irish Tv) 3-2 3-8 4-2
Jerry-Rigged Policy Opens Door For Pagan Proselytizing 1-3 1-5 1-8
most likely type of god 1-6 2-4
Whats the policy on cursing? 1-6 1-7
Liberal Christians 1-2
How to "come out of the closet"!?! 1-7
What would you want to know about your illness? 1-3
You're all going to Hell 1-9 2-5
Dawkins takes on Creationists 1-8 2-9 3-7
Fundies hit the UK - specifically my town center 1-8 2-10
Join to me 1-2
Is believing in the Bible childish? 2-6
Spammer/Troll flood 2-8
approach to the religious who are close to you 1-4
RD and Freewill 1-4
Life after Darwin debate 1-2
Who wants to live forever? 1-1 1-3 1-5
A youtube 'call to arms' by some guy. 1-2
Street preachers in Auckland 1-2
Richard Dawkins - Revelations Video 1-5
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 1-5 19-10 34-9 35-2 35-5 75-7 89-3
Ann Coulter 2-10 25-7
Why Does It Matter? 5-5
The Evidence for the Bell curve? 2-9 3-2 26-1
LMAO 1-6
Do we need an atheistic church? 3-7
Your Favourite Movie Scene 2-5
So Christmas Is On It's Way ... 1-5
emergency: i feel i'm relapsing. 1-2 3-1
My taxes fund this???? 1-3
jesus H Christ 1-3
the Wal Mart question 1-2
If you give a creationist a cookie... 4-10
REUTERS: Evangelical Military Video 1-2 1-5
Irreducible complexity - The lazy detective 3-7
A creationist museum-where dinosaurs and people met!!! 1-3
The Official God FAQ 1-5
ID norse style 1-3
Eugenics - Dr. Mengele - Nazi's - Scientific findings? 1-7 1-8 2-2 3-6 4-2
Daily Mail Lambasts Dawkins 1-9
Music At Your Funeral 1-5 2-1 2-3 9-9
If it were possible, would you change your gender? 1-9
Any old Punk Rockers out there? 1-2
Honesty vs. false respect 1-2 1-6 1-8
Christian video game stokes controversy 1-4
Iraqi children learn to curse their own country 1-2
RD in Wales 1-8
Blasphemy Challenge makes the news 1-4
I found God... 1-2
Would you show up??? 1-6
The Pink Unicorn of Atheism, or "how to prove a negativ 5-1
Art related films 2-3 2-5
MSNBC Poll - How Much Truth is in the Bible - VOTE ONLINE 1-9
Word Association, Punnage Edition 1-10 2-10 3-2 3-5 3-9 5-2 5-4 5-6 6-7 6-9
The Baiji- another species (likely) gone for good 1-9
There is one way to completely crush religion... 2-4 3-7
Botched Execution 4-1
Xtian Apologist point-by-point reply to Harris' "Letter 1-4
The start of everything 2-2
Science Made Stupid 1-4
Advanced alien races 1-9 2-6
The Trouble With Atheism - TV programme 1-7 12-6 15-1
RD interview in the on-line Telegraph today 1-2
In Honour of Kubenzi's Avatar 1-2
A Cultural Christian? 1-6
howard stern fanatics! 1-2
The Nativity 1-2
Bodhi's "When I realized God..." thread 1,000th po 1-2
admit your Guilty pleasures? 1-1 1-7 2-2 3-1 3-10
Becoming Involved in Your Community 1-3
The Faceless Non-believer 1-4
The Dawkins Prejudice 1-3
Full list of peer-reviewed publications by Dawkins?? 2-7
The Brotherhood of Darkness 1-2
Seth goes to Harvard 1-1 1-3
Why is America more Religious than Europe? 1-2 1-5 1-8 2-3 3-5
i'm in doooubt, is it right 1-2
If you were to pick one religion, which would it be!? 4-6 4-8
What is the danger of secularism? 2-2
The Doomsday Poll 1-8 2-8
Superstitious Memes 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7
Link - Learn the methods used to Brainwash Christians. 1-2
Music recommendations 4-3
Religious-Hate Video Game Review in USA Today 1-2 1-4
Ongoing discussion with a convinced Catholic 1-4
The believers' counter-attack, and how to defend against it 1-4 1-5
It just keeps getting better 1-4
A photo of "Mount Improbable" for Richard Dawkins' 1-7
Whats your Hobbit name 1-4
Did I do good? 1-2
Atheistic quotes 5-4 6-10
Religion, the ultimate Emperor's New Clothes 2-6
Moral Orel -best show ever- 1-2
How old were you the first time you got drunk? 3-5
Death 6-2
New atheist parents with a question 2-5
Overstating religion's role in world suffering? 1-10
Private Secular Schools 1-6 2-1
What do you do about a looney bin new age parent? 2-5 2-7 2-9
Barnes & Noble 1-3
Hip-hop, rap, grime, evolutionary theory etc. 1-2
Italian Leftist Lawmakers Add Gay Couples to Nativity Scene 1-5 1-7
Carl Sagan (1934-1996) 1-7
User ZIK has been banned 3-7
Did Albert Pike Predict the Future? 1-2
Atheism and suicide 7-1
What is your Social/Econonmic background? 1-4 3-8
Randy Ping's 1,000th post party! 1-8 1-9 2-3 3-5
Richard Dawkins: The Weed Question! 1-5 1-10 3-3
Who's the nuttiest religious person you have worked with? 2-6 2-7
Atheist people dating religious people 2-6
People at ID Website think Dawkins may be next St. Paul! 1-2 2-5
How bad is the worst public schools system in AMerica? 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-5
Stephen Fry bashing religion 1-2
God Jul! 1-6
Wanna watch something impressive? 1-2 1-5
Did Jesus Exist? 2-3
Insidious Communism on the Boards! 4-3
IS Debate change of venue, more tickets! 1-2
Evolution and Homosexuality 11-8
Christian Haunted House 1-4
81% of Americans believe in angels 1-7 1-9 2-10
Are you a happy atheist? 3-4
Man builds Cathederal by hand - 40 years wasted!! 3-5
Follower of Christ 1-3 1-4
A sequel to The God Delusion? 1-2
Narcissistic Personality Disorder 2-8
Merry Christmas/midwinter/solstice/Yule festival! 1-3
Who Is God 1-2
Hi ALL 1-3
Cosmos-Carl Sagan 1-2 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-7
"our little f*cked up planet" 1-6 2-3
New Transformers trailer up 1-2
Blasphemy 1-2
Richard Dawkins stares into your soul! 1-3
Resolutions for 2007 1-2 1-8 1-9
The Science of Prayer. 2-2 2-5
The Never-Never's 1,000th post party. 1-2
Merry Christmas! 1-2
Santa Claus & Indoctrination 1-3
The Fall of the Church of Rome 1-5
Nintendo Wii 1-6
Sam Fryman - His slating of Dawkins in an eBook... 1-3 1-7 1-8
aphorism 1-2
How to fake it at Christmas 1-1
A Cult of Personality 4-9 5-2 6-1
$1 million reward by 4-6
Atheism & pure evil 2-5
World of Warcraft 2-3
What did you get for Christmas? 2-7 2-10
Dembski's approach to science 1-5
Why is there gravity? 2-8
Dinosaur Comics 1-2
predictions for 2007 1-4 1-6
The size of the universe 1-6
Reasons to hope! 1-3
Is Cosmology a religious outpost in science? 1-2 1-7
People's impressions of atheists 1-7 2-3
atheistic physicians and the dying patient 1-2
After reading this topic .. you will beleive in a Designer 2-5 2-8 3-2
Adolph Hitler preached the Laws of Natural Selection 5-5
What's the worst way to die? 1-4 2-9
WOW! Look at this thing! 1-1 1-5 1-8
Quantum Physics and a Snowflake Universe 1-3
Deliver Us From Evil - documentary on catholic church abuse 1-4
Almost tricked 1-7
Reincarnation ? 21-1
Public Knowledge of Science, and Jesus Camp 1-2
did i do the right thing? 1-7
Derren Brown - the thought experiment 1-8
Al Gore and Global Warming 2-7
TheChampion's Anti-Evolution Garbage Collection 62-8
The "Have You Ever" game... 1-4
Christians are basically DISFUNCTIONAL 3-10
Should Saddam have been hanged? 2-8 7-4 7-10
Bush Admin. says Grand Canyon was created by Noah's flood 7-5
Dawkins Should Answer This Important Question 1-5 2-8
Bush more evil than Satan officially. 1-2
Funny Video But not on topic 1-2
Moral Values Without Religion - 1-2
kanfoosh's 1,000th post party 1-7 1-10
A few religious funnies from b3ta board 1-2
Has it always been like this? 1-4 2-2
Anthony Flew 7-1 9-6 13-7
Caption? 1-4
McIntosh 'replies' to Dawkins re 2nd law 1-9
Definition of Atheism? 11-4
What does the Professor think of the Pope's latest? 1-2
Mouse advice 1-1 1-3 1-5 2-1
The Moon Landings : Real or Fake? 10-1 10-3
Is this the beginning? 1-2
The Carbon Dioxide Delusion. 4-10
Out Of Body / Near Death Experience 13-4 13-8 14-7 35-10
Exclusive!! - RD voted 'Person of the Year' in Belfast!! 1-4
Darwin Awards 1-6
Bill Gates 1-7
What did you do on New Year's Eve? 1-5
CofE trying to seize successful non-denominational school 1-3
So, the Mrs would like to go to London... 1-1 2-6
Richard Dawkins presentation on the TED Conference 2006 1-2
The Game: Intelligent Design Vs Evolution! 1-3
Blackwater 1-3 1-5
This macho "killer dog" culture 3-1
Religion and the Borg 1-10
Dawkins on abortion 5-1 50-7
Internet experiment 1-3
Pat Robertson: God told me of 'mass killing' in 2007 1-5
dinosaurs 1-9
ID creeping into South African schools 1-2
How would you like to be buried? 3-1 3-4
The Murder of Larry Hooper 1-2
Come back in 500 years. 2-3
Mormon Presidential Candidate... 1-4
Ban on human-animal embryos, after press from religious gups 1-5 2-5
We are under concerted attack! 1-3 1-6
I have read enough of this christian rubbish... 2-1 3-1 18-7
Do you feel superior... 2-1
What if God would exist? 1-4
Prof Andrew McIntosh Sheffield Univ 1-3
Is Dawkins creating a new religion? 5-10 6-2
Meaningless Meaning 1-10
The black sheep 1-6
Theme Tune for 1-3 1-6
Affects of drugs on spiders 2-4 2-8
Embezzlement in 85% of Catholic dioceses 1-4
New to board 1-4
Obey the Time Cube!!!! 1-8
Isn't it a coincidence that conspiracy theories 1-2
if the government is ease dropping on my calls 1-4
Who thinks emoticons are stupid? 1-6 1-10 2-4
Tolerance and Respect 1-8
Great to find you! 1-4
42! 2-7
True Stories and Other Admissions 1-5
Music & evolution 7-8
Dawkins Day? 1-5
How strong is your atheism? 2-7
The Jesus Myth - The Case Against Historical Christ 17-6
Techno - utopia 1-6
Not the regular story 1-4
Does Religion win through selection? 1-6
Abortion activists 1-5
Looking for research materials on AA and forced christianity 1-4
Best religious joke? 1-4
Looking for God is like... 3-5
Mind-to-movement, brain-controlled? 2-2
Faith rally over gay rights bill 2-6
Updated Emoticons 2-8
Say no to RPG! Join DADD today!!! 7-1 8-3
"I'm a Liberal" ~the musical~ 1-3
Women's mind's how they work 6-2
Should some fundamentalists be banned? 5-4
Where I stand... 3-6 3-8
There is beer in my fridge 1-3
Church denies raped women pill 7-7
Truth in Pirates 2-6
Colbert on O'Reilly, O'Reilly on Colbert... Jan18 3-1
Chi's 1,000th post party 2-7
Records that Changed your life 1-2
Challenge 1-4
We are probably the last generation 5-8 5-10
How To Wind Up A Telemarketer.... 1-3
Movies, enacted by bunnies, in 30 seconds. 1-10
My response to Stipe 5-5 8-3
Regarding insult slinging and ad hominem attacks. 11-7
Springtime on Mars: 2020 1-7
Answer me this please! 2-2
David Beckham. $250,000,000. Is he worth it? 5-8 6-1 6-8
Pets: isn't it a bit odd to have animals in our houses? 2-4
Randi goes on the offensive 23-9 24-1
SETI - pros/CONS!! 1-4
Marjoe Gortner...check this guy out! 1-9
Top ten sign you are a real Christian 2-6
Learn from history! 1-9
Mithras, wow if this is true it's pretty amazing. 2-7
The Favorite Cocktail Topic!!! 1-9 1-10
Worst song ever! 1-4
Super Happy Bad Video Dance party! 1-1
Genesis vs Genesis 1-10 3-3
Average IQ for the forum 8-6
3 Greatest Ills of Society 2-5
How to take the bible literally 1-6
Suggestion? 1-10
Channel Four : A Nazi Channel? 1-10
Possible Life in Prison for Adultery 1-9 1-10 2-1
Calling for Backup 1-2
"Moderate" Mosque in UK filmed undercover. Not so 1-2
Ghosts 4-9
The compton effect 1-2 1-3 1-8 1-10 2-3 2-8 3-6
The best lyrics-writers 1-7
Video games - why demonise? 8-8 9-5 14-3 16-3
When a Star Dies... 1-8
Mobile Phone Usage on the Forum 2-2
Fieldwork in the Australian bush 1-3
Whats your favourite all time movies? 1-5
Baby Simulator Backfires 1-2 1-5
Another Catholic opt-out 7-4
Chicago Bears! 1-3 1-8 1-10 2-8
Dear John.. 1-9
Atheists call to spread the Word at Alpha Courses 2-10
Jerome's utterly offtopic coffee bar 2-2
Dawkins sacked? 1-8
Right or wrong? 4-7
Love or Money? 2-10 4-4 4-6
Absolutely horrified 2-4 2-6 2-9 3-2 3-6
Christian rock 1-5
Do incorrect spelling & punctuation drive you nuts? 9-1
Gravity--Just a Theory--annotated 2-1
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 21-5
Atheists Are Smartest 2-8
Lay's 2,000th post party! 2-9
Richard Dawkins on The Late Late Show 2-1
Ideas on a Replacement for Church 1-8 3-2
Parachute Music event and Christian good will 1-2
Things to do before you die 2-7
How to scare someone on an airplane 2-2
HBO: Friends of God 3-5
Atta boy Sir Branson 1-9
oh no! 3-3
Scientology: Scam? Cult? Religion? 13-2 36-1
Crowd dispersal's newest friend.. 4-5
Richard Dawkins 'stumped' videos... 4-4 4-7
Typewriter on which The Selfish Gene was written 6-10
How many atheists are there in the world? 9-7
Zener Card ESP Test 3-1 3-2 3-4
all christians suddenly disapear 2-7
Why Christians??? 1-5
wanna hear my sons next single? 1-4
Living forever 4-8 4-9
Your view on abortion w.r.t. to you having/not having kids 15-1 15-4 17-1 17-3 34-7 34-10 35-1 35-4 35-8 36-1 36-3 37-2 37-5 39-3 39-5
Colorado Crazy 1-3
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 18-6 19-10 37-2 44-1
joy and pain 1-10 2-2
God soldiers? 1-2
Spineless cowards 2-6
Eventually in arguments I run out of knowledge 2-4
Will humanity ever self-organise into the ideal society? 2-5 2-7
Your favourite word? 2-1
Damn History Channel 2-1
Richard Dawkins vs. Howard Phillips Lovecraft 1-2
come and join the Amnesty Flotilla to Guantanamo 1-2
Strategic and tactical issues: how not to defeat the enemy. 1-4 1-6 2-1 2-4 2-7 3-5 4-10
What bothers you the most about religion? 1-3
A non religious symbol for freedom? 1-2
Any Tips on Coping in a Religious World? 1-3 1-5 2-7
OK I am freaking out 1-2 1-7 1-9
Local OpEd, how to respond? 1-5
How often do you wash your hair? 1-2 1-4 1-6 2-2 2-4
Dear Boston PD, Are you F-ing kidding me? 1-1 1-6 1-10 2-8
Where would you like to be right now? 1-2 1-8
New statue proposed for Derry 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8
Schoolhouse Evolutionary Rock! 1-1 1-3
Gaius Baltar: Traitor or unwitting pawn. 1-2
WACO & David Koresh: WHY? 2-9 3-2
Challenge - Don't mention Christianity 1-7 1-10 2-2 2-4
Joining the fight 1-4
Singularitarianism 1-2 1-4 1-7 1-9
Meez! 1-2
Bollocks from Dubya again... 1-8
Ofcom changes rules. TV Evangelists Can Ask For Money 1-3
blind boy masters echolocation 1-4
Big oil hires think tank to fight science 1-7
Physicists find way to 'see' extra dimensions 1-6
Asthma and AIDS cured! 1-3
Alistair McGrath caught rummaging through Dawkins' bins... 2-1 7-2
Any bright suggestions what we should call ourselves? 27-10
What is the story behind your username? 4-7
How should we deal with Modernist and Postmodernist Art? 1-10 4-10 5-8 6-1 10-10 11-9 12-7 12-9 13-9
Dinesh D'Souza on CSPAN2 booktv - mentions Richard Dawkins 1-2
What are you currently driving? 2-8 3-8
Jesus-blog resorts to slandering 2-10 3-4
Is this forum being hijacked by neo-nazis? 1-2 12-4 12-8
HPV Vaccination. Assaults Morality. Promotes Promiscuity. 1-9 3-5
Is Science Neutral? 1-4 1-7
What happens when we die...? 8-1 8-4 16-6
RDF/Atheism Merchandise! 2-7 3-4 3-6
This is just too much! 1-4
ilovelucy 1000th post party 1-10
Mediums and Psychics 11-10 12-2 17-5
Dawkins on Newstalk 4-7
Insomnia 1-2 2-3 2-6
What race am I? 2-8
The Lord's brother's 1,000th post party! 2-4
Now no-go areas for atheists in the UK? 1-2
Richard Dawkins very popular at ex-muslim forum 1-10
Not atheists but secular 1-5
Stan Grimes quote.......Is a lie. 1-2 1-4 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-9 4-1
Who's the leader of China? 1-5
Richard Dawkins endorses "Blasphemy Challenge"? 2-9
OverKill 1-2 1-5
Let's be brutally honest here.... 2-2 4-10 5-1
Not wishing to be subversive but....... 2-1
Splendid Broadside from Dan Dennett 5-8 6-5 9-1
I am a man of few words..... 1-8
The worst sound in the world 1-5
BBC Top Gear in the Alabama Bible Belt... 6-9
Ghey! 1-6 2-1
The Dangers of Atheism, Part One 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8
Obama - Gaffe #1 5-8
Creationists and the speed of light 1-6
We should clean up our language 4-2
Motorcycle Club Idea 1-2 2-10 3-2
Where do you get your morals from? 1-3
Richard Dawkins on CNN 2-4
Prayer for Richard Dawkins? 2-1 2-4 2-9 3-3 4-9
Anne Frank - CNN world news today 2-4 2-7
LSU professor resolves Einstein's twin paradox 3-1
I stood up for atheism at my conservative college. 2-5
Deepak Chopra on Evolutionary Biology 1-2 1-6
What's the best "religious" joke ever? 22-10 23-1
Why not "Level 7" atheism? 3-10
What if every church was sold? 1-6
Worst argument ever for god 3-2 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-9
Living forever 4-8
What God is thinking about his creation.... 1-7
How United Are We? 3-3
Atheists Who are Not Fans of Dawkins? 4-1
Family falls foul of medieval church law 1-9
atheism is a religon 42-8
Pleeease let God be true! 1-2
Being Good 1-9 2-2
A book I would have liked to write 1-2
sentient beings' inadvertent "purpose" 2-1
Kareem's Father Wants Him Killed If He Doesn't Repent 2-6
Imagining the Tenth Dimension 1-6
Formal debate! who wants to kick it off with me? 1-2
Aim? "Stitching-Up the Rainbow" 1-3
The evolution of yawning 1-4
The Scientists speak. 1-1
Contemporary Resurrection 1-2 2-8 2-10 3-2
Catholic Condom Debate 1-8 2-3
Colossal Squid. Live Specimen At Last. 2-4
No christianity = no rock and roll ? 1-10
Chimps hunt with spears. 3-7 3-9 5-2
David Duke 1-2 1-5
No god, but an afterlife? 4-6 5-1 30-6
How can we, 'humanity', help out all Africans in Africa? 32-10
What is the rational approach to Iran's Nuclear ambitions? 1-6
Son of Star Wars 1-9
Frakking hell! - *Adult language inside* 1-2
Radio Program on Dover, PA trial and related new film 1-2
Theist 'comes out' 1-3 2-1
Hypnosis - What do you think? 11-9
History Channel: Dark Ages 1-6 2-4 2-9
The February 2007 Greatest Atheist 1-2
The North American Union 1-5
Looking for life on Jupiter's icy moon Europa 1-2 2-5
Lost Tomb of Jesus 11-1
What's a Few Hundred Years Between Friends? 1-2 1-7
Neil Tyson: On Being Round 1-1
Richard Dawkins: A Portrait 1-6
Christian DIY in the UK?? :-) :-) 1-3
My new toy! 1-2
A quiz for your beliefs in god. 1-4
"Intertaining" review of Carl Sagan's Cosmos serie 1-4
Atheist Fundamentalists 8-8
What made you a fan of Richard Dawkins? 1-7
The ideal woman 3-10
House MD (great atheist tv show) 7-7
Wonder who would win in a brawl between Jesus and Einstein? 1-3
How come nothing comes close to humans? 1-8
Religion in a nutshell 1-5
I want to hang out with this guy! 1-1
Your Favorite "god" 1-2
The Politics of Charlie Chaplin 1-1
Senator calls for answer on creation of universe--Tennessee 1-2
If you could only turn 1 theist atheist that you knew, who? 1-7
Hijab banned from soccer game 1-2
Feels good to come back here.. 1-4
"Conservapedia" 9-3 15-4 15-10 24-9 25-1
Rollins' poem to Ann Coulter..(V.funny) 1-2
The American Enterprise Institute 2-2 4-4 6-6
Fine-Tuning / Constants of Universe / Goldilocks 8-1 8-7 9-9
Planet Earth TV Series (BBC/Discovery) 1-5 1-7 3-6 4-3
Morrissey - love or loathe him? 1-8
nano silver technology 2-8
Jerome's Trollish 1000th post party! 1-4
Nationalism 5-2 5-4
god is a cruel scumbag... 1-9
Family Guy and Christianity 1-6 1-8
What has this forum done for you? 2-9
Sam Harris in Shades 1-2 1-10 2-2
I'm a skeptic who believes in MIND READING 1-2
Congratulations Kevin Ronayne & Wild Weasel, and who els 1-6
When did you first start to think your religion was faulty? 1-2 7-6
A fundamentalist atheist 3-3
Why doesn't Richard post more?!?! 2-8
Godless Dollars 2-2
Captain America, killed by sniper bullet 1-1
How About Holding Giant "Deut 23:1" Signs at Sport 1-8
Are Chiropractors full of S@%t? 39-10
Channel 4 documentary: The Great Global Warming Swindle 15-9
What the fuck is wrong with this woman? 1-9
Your favorite non-religious delusion game 1-9
U.S. Congressman comes out as atheist 3-7
I think a change in the forum is needed. Do you agree? 2-3
In front of high school kids, police officer shoots himself. 1-6 1-10
Hinduism before Buddhism correct? 1-6
Daniel C. Dennett 1-7
What happens when a Country gives up Religion? 1-2
The Real Enbrightenment 1-5 3-5
May God Smite You Franklin Graham! 2-6 2-7
A couple questions for anyone who might know. 1-4
RD should go on Real Time With Bill Maher 4-2
Politically Correct Guide to Global Warming 1-3
More U.S. religious follies 1-5
The Observer - "Do lighten up, Dicky Dawkins" 2-9
Freedom of thought 3-6 4-1
Religion bites Buddhist monks in the ass 1-2 1-5
What do you hate? 6-1
Giant Steps - How good is this! 2-2 2-3
Avatars 1-6
When were bows invented? 1-7
UE resigns as forum admin. 2-3
Cannabis linked to sitting around and getting high 1-3
Limericks 3-10 4-2
Atheism in America 1-9 2-5
"Presidential Prayer Team" Deck of Cards (NO JOKE) 1-2
Libertarians, Ron Paul is running again 2-5 3-2 15-7
Atheist Rapper, Greydson Square "roots" 1-1 1-4
Where is Jesus' body? 1-2
Douglas Adams: Radical Atheist 1-3
Could fear be driving the Science vs God 'culture war' 1-4
Ayn Rand about selfish morality 2-5
Islam: A religion of peace 9-6
Atheist's have a sense of humor too. 1-2 1-4
What do you Love? 1-7
Testament of an atheist? 1-2 1-4
Borders keeps Intelligent Design titles in Science section 2-3
Breyer State University 1-4
Jesus Christ Superstore 1-2
Way Of The Kirk Cameron 1-5
The Most Exciting Web cam evar! 1-6 1-9 2-2 2-4 2-5 2-9
Command & Conquer 3 demo hits 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 2-2 2-9 3-2
Nice hypercube 1-1 1-8
Ezekiel 25:17 1-4 1-6
Red State Update, Bwuahahahahaaaa! 1-1
Does Your Candidate Love Jesus? 1-4
Pro Animal Testing 3-1
Tricky decision 1-10 2-5
Bong hits for jesus 2-1
Jurassic crocodile is unearthed in eastern Oregon 1-2
Animal Farm: Genetically Modified Food Ch4 prog. 1-7
My company had a contest to name the meeting rooms.... 1-3
Anybody else watching the SpaceX launch? 1-3
I Need Darwinian Explanation for Dreams 1-2
Indirect fall-out of US-style sectarianism? 1-3
He He 1-10
God Is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens 4-10
Racist black South Africans, target white South/A farmers! 1-9
Greek Gods Family Tree 1-6
The most evil woman in Britain? 1-2
101+ reasons why we love RD 2-6 3-9
Brighton school-worker sacked for being a witch 2-5
The Kickin it old school thread 1-1 1-7 2-6
I will pray for you. 1-3 4-9
Students being taught pseudoscience - link to news item 1-8 2-5
Xenophobic remarks in threads relating to Islam 13-7
"Immortality, the Pineal Gland, and Lucid Dreams" 1-6
Email a Theist 2-1
MIT biologists solve B12 vitamin puzzle 1-5
"Unsexiest" male or female 3-9
Atheist Blues 3-3
Douglas Adams - Towel Day 25 May ~ Now a contest! 1-5
Vatican city is the crime capitcal 1-7
The Nonsense of Animal Rights 1-7
Jesus Lizard, walks on water! 1-2 2-3
Heikegani in Cosmos by Carl Sagan - video 1-2 1-5 1-9 2-1
Jefferson's Motto Aspirations 1-4 2-1
Chuck Norris will kick secularism's ass! 3-3 3-6 4-5
Nature lover picture thread 2-1
Doug Stanhope standup comedy making fun of christianity 1-10
Atheist Lexis 2-4
God can't say that, can he? 2-4 2-6 3-1
Local Church's 'response' to Jesus Tomb Doc 1-8
Earliest ancestors more apelike than previously believed 1-2
Atheist Anger vid 1-3
Skeet skeet mofuckaaaa!!! 1-7 1-10
Whats wrong with religion? 1-9
hello friends! 1-4
Justifying the bible in the (US) classroom 1-7 2-5 3-1
Chad Vader Episode 6 1-1
Checkmate! Sorry, Atheists! 1-2
Ethnic make-up of this site 2-1
Happy Birthday, Richard! 3-8
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? 1-4
Views on Vegans 2-7 2-10 3-5
zombie warning 1-5 1-9
9/11 Mysteries - Please watch this video - EVERYONE! 2-5 2-8
Bill Maher on religion 4-3
He Who Has Ears Let Him Hear 16-4
New Simpson's Intro 1-7
What makes a simple biological clock tick... 1-3
Lego Church of the flying Spaghetti Monster 1-4
Group identity in The God Delusion 2-3 2-5
Over application of skepticism? Or ignorance? 1-2
What do you like more? 1-3
Peanut Butter - The Atheist's Nightmare 2-5
"Creationism 101" LOL 1-1
South Park: Miss Clinton has a snuke up her snatch! 1-9
shameless plug for my sons new video 1-5
No Darwin, No Hitler: Spinning Natural Selection 3-2
Political Foot Soldier for the Religious Right, Reporting 4 18-8
Atheist boy scout discriminated against 4-9 5-10
doctors dissenting from Darwin... can they be good doctors? 1-5
Shoes - I love them! 3-2 4-5 5-10
Loving my ps3 1-1
*hides head in shame* 1-1 1-3
Quantum eraser with delayed choice 2-6
Marijuana 2-1 2-4 2-8 5-2 5-6 6-2 6-5 6-8 7-1 7-7 10-8 26-9 68-8 78-4 89-8
Who would you vote for? 4-3
Zoo Keeps Gorillas Kosher for Passover 1-3
Survival of the Fit(er)(est) 1-9
Sam Harris v. Rick Warren debate 4-9
Doctor Who 2-9 4-5 10-2 19-9 28-5
Getting Rid of "GOD" in your day to day language 7-6
Origin of Brights symbol 1-6 1-9 1-10
Help exposing a teacher to positives of atheism 5-5 7-6 7-10 8-9
RDF Official Contest Thread ~ We have a winner! 13-4
Quantum Physics for Dummies 2-1
Pokemon is of Satan! 3-5 5-10
Who cares about "peer-reviewed" scientific article 3-2
Collins: Why this scientist believes in God 3-5
How to Win the War 2-7
The Easter challenge. 1-5
Sailors freed 1-9
south park easter special 2-3
Lame Joke Thread - Give us yer best shot! 10-3
The Project for the New American Century 2-4
Do you fear death? 14-9
Charles Simonyi in space 2-4
O'Reilly flips his shit man! Crazy fool 1-3
Simpsons: Creation v Science 1-3
going to space is great..... 2-5
Militant atheists tend to be too clever for their own good 3-3
The Incognito Dawkins 1-7
Which flame warrior are you? 2-4
Would you call Richard Dawkins a... 1-7
Quicksilver spagetti monsters 1-2
Political Compass Questionaire 18-10 19-2 19-4 23-3
American Christian Revolution 1-2 2-1
Good memories of school 1-6
150 graduates of faith healer law school - make a difference 1-2
Dissin' Mother T. 1-2 1-4 1-8
The imoveable object 1-3
The Sound of Music - Why??????? 2-7
Have you ever confronted a street preacher? Should we? 6-4 7-5
freemasons and christians 3-10 4-3
YOUR favorite TOP 3 posters 8-7
Can anyone spot the unintentional irony? 1-8
Kurt Vonnegut died last night 4-5
Room available for Christian female in 2 bedroom flat 2-2
Re-run of poll about anti-americanism with more choices. 2-3
holy music, demon strangers 1-6
What we NEED in AMERICA. How can we Fix this? HELP NEEDED!! 2-10
Richard Dawkins vs. Alister McGrath: recent debate 2-2
New Atheist(ic Pagan?) 2-5
Do schools today kill creativity? (Ken Robinson, TEDTalks) 2-2 2-4
cosmetic surgery, why? 2-4
The $100 Billion Challenge 2-4
Teachers call for faith school ban 1-2
Things that really creep you out! 1-3
Debate: Sam Harris v. Chris Hedges (LA, May 22nd) 2-8 3-3
A list of religious massacres 5-10
Tax deadline in America 1-4
Woman beaten for critizing Islam 1-7
Stephen Hawking on the Origin of the Universe 1-2
bought a guitar today 1-7
Right to bear arms? 1-10
Favourite video game of all time! 1-4 11-2
Ghost Museum Closes: Muslims Say It's Detrimental to Faith 1-3
Phrases you hate 5-7 6-1 6-3 6-5 11-6 11-10 15-5 15-10
An Alien Spaceship lands 2-8
Vegan propaganda 7-4 7-6 8-2 8-4 13-5 21-9 22-10 23-4 29-9
Lucy Disproven as Human Ancestor? 39-4
Has Dawkins taken the Blasphemy Challenge? 1-4 1-6
Science, lack of morals blamed for Virginia Tech massacre. 3-7 4-1 10-3 11-6
Frankenstein Complex 1-10
Religious Right win major battle in the Culture War 3-9
Send your condolances to Virgina Tech Freethinkers 1-10
Can we widely discredit the symbols? 1-2
As seen from the other side... 1-2
Ziltoid the Omniscient 1-4
666 woops 1-4
Dawkins on Bill O'Reilly 4-10 7-2 7-4 9-2 9-6 9-9 20-6
Scottish Socialists discuss Richard Dawkins. 1-6
Authentic American cuisine 2-2
Dawkins for Christ? 1-5 1-8
Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, anyone else have them? 16-6 17-1 17-2 17-6
People of Kevin 1-7
Refuting the Omnipotence of God 19-1
Three things that fascinate you the most. 3-7
Vote NO on god! 1-4
Survival of Human Species 2-2
Do you think religion will survive the 21st century? 1-3 4-5
"...performance of INVINCIBLE SUMMER... disrupted...&qu 1-2
Anti Theist TV 1-10 2-9 4-1
Please annotate the "God of the Old Testament is arguab 4-1
Anarchy, Ethical Science, Evolution & VT... 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-6
Suicidal Tendencies video - Send Me Your Money 1-2
Robert Winston to Dawkins on TV 1-7
Mobile Phone Use & Intelligence 2-5
The Separation of Religion and Mental Health 1-4
Over aggressive atheism counter productive? 7-4 7-6
A Terrible PR-campaign 1-2 2-3
god not on guest-list at EU's 50th birthday 1-3
Interview Scenario: Yourself and Dawkins 2-4 2-8 2-10 3-2
Really? 2-7
Evil ??? 1-8 2-6
"No, you're awesome!" The Compliment Thread 2-2
The 'Stupid Things Celebrities Say' Thread..... 1-5
Loot and Plunder Wal -Mart! 1-1
Randy Ping 2000 posts 1-2
Sciwoman 2000 posts! 1-4
Gould vs Dawkins? 1-10 2-10
"Expanding earth" Someone care to explain for me? 16-3 16-6
What would you do with a time machine? 4-6 4-7
Earthlike Planet Finally Found Only 20 Light-years Away 9-4 11-5
Favourite YouTube Videos 2-9 77-1
The TIME 100 2-9 2-10
Please Help 2-1
Ownlife 1-10
Robert Winston attacks 'arrogant' Dawkins 4-1 4-3 4-9
How old are you? 4-10 25-2 29-8 77-6
Australia: a great country in need of your Atheists! 3-5 3-6 3-9 4-1 4-3 4-6
Child molestation apologists 1-6 2-1
Goin' for to hear some preachin'! 2-3
Tell your ghost stories here! 1-6 2-6 2-8 3-4 4-8 5-8
The console war. 1-10 2-3
What DO you believe in? 3-6 4-2
You guys! 3-4
Drugs, Addiction, and 12-Step Higher Power Mania 1-6
Olbermann On Giuliani's Terror Fearmongering 2-4 2-5
Movie: Deja Vu ((SPOILER WARNING)) 1-4
Putin 'threatens' the USA for planting nukes too close! 2-4
The ruin endings of films thread 10-4 10-5 10-7 10-10 13-5 13-8
Sylvia Browne rewrites history 1-2
are you a patriot 3-4
Talking to your child about death 1-5 4-7
Earthquake in Kent...... 4-1
Militant Atheism - Curse or Blessing? 9-4
Should the Horoscope/Tarot industry be banned? 1-8 1-10
Not Islamic punk! 1-2
Human-Dalek hybrids 1-5
Do you support eugenics? 2-4 2-8 3-1 4-6 4-8 8-4
Perhaps it is a silly question.. 2-2
Dawkins' letter to G.W.Bush 1-5 1-7 3-8 8-3
Honestly - did you have a HAPPY CHILDHOOD? 4-5
Atheist online community void? 2-2
How much of a cynic are YOU? 1-8
Question 1-7
Andy McIntosh Rides Out 1-2
"an inconvenient truth"-style movie? 1-3 2-1
Rove: An Atheist? 1-3
Reality and Delusion... 1-9
"Worm Dirt" 1-7
Anime: Anyone watch it? 3-2
Climate change hits Mars 1-4 1-7
100% Proof of God 94-5 95-3 95-6 97-5 149-2
When did you first hear about the ghopel of Dawkins? 1-6
Jim C 1000 post party 1-5
Suggested reading? 1-2
Stupid stories that weren't true 1-2
PLEASE help us end American MEDIA Censorship! 1-2
Greetings from Iraq 1-10
Cannibalism Poll - Would You? 2-5 2-8
Christopher Hitchens on Daily Show, and... 1-10
But seriously: Can atheists believe in ghosts? 1-9 8-9
Whacky Dreams Thread 1-2
Primates exhibiting very human traits 1-2
Large Hadron Collider 31-6 43-1 69-4
The Bulls**t Detective 1-3
News Flash! new trinity. 1-2 1-4 1-6
The Big Bang 1-3 2-2 2-5
Atheist hymn? 1-1 1-6
The Garden Of Eden 1-4
Indoctrination 1-7
Go ahead and shit yourself now. It's THAT amazing 1-7
Incorrect things they taught you at school 2-5 2-10
How catastrophic will the collapse be? 1-4 1-6
creationist peer review journal 2-4
Jesus and the Village People 1-2
UFOs and Angels, together at last... 1-5 1-7 2-5 2-7
Girl Stoned To Death In Iraq By Kurds - Caught On Video 1-6
Pissing off the theists. 1-2
Hot Potato Action! 2-6
If you died and there was a God... 7-8
Irish girl refused abortion for terminally sick fetus. 2-8
Arab Woman gives Muslims a Thrashing - Wafa Sultan 2-2
In praise of men 2-2
The memes are running out? 1-6
Richard Dawkins on George Stroumboulopoulos 1-10
Critical Analysis-Castle of Spirits. 1-2
The FSM vs. The IPU 2-3
full implications of evolution 1-2 1-7 2-7 2-9
The pre-atheism confession thread 1-2
Jerome 2000 posts 1-6
US evangelicals aim to influence European law 2-6 2-9
Venezuela Takes Control of the Orinoco Oil Reserves 1-3
In Jihadist Haven, a Goal: To Kill and Die in Iraq 1-2
Celebrate: Paris gets 45 days Jail.... 5-1 5-8
Why ain't monkey giving birth to humans right now? 1-9 3-5
Scholarships for Atheists 1-2
News at 10: God proved by math 1-7 3-2 3-3 4-10
Baptism with an atheist Grandmother? 2-3
Richard = Dick 2-4
Are you good enough? Darwin Dating Rules 1-2
Bill Maher on french hating 1-5
The Atheist Bible 1-9 2-6 2-9 3-2
Climate change: New use for an old symbol 1-2
TBS Presents Jim Henson's Puppet Up! 1-3
Religiosity and IQ 5-3
Militant atheists 2-9
Proof That Atheism is Still Wholly Misunderstood and Feared. 1-7
Do you ever eat so much chocolate that you feel... 1-5
ok, a guy is fired from an egg farm because he's an atheist 1-10
Report on taping of Nightline debate (RRS vs. WOTM) 1-2 1-7 2-3 2-8 3-1 3-3 3-6 3-7 3-10 4-2
The Flowering of Evolution 1-3
Censorship by Christians 1-2
The Despoiling of America (Christian Dominionism) 2-4
Richard Dawkins Interview, Tonight! 1-7
A rallying cry for all anti evolution creationists! 1-8
Dawkins is not a atheist! 2-9
Interview of Neil deGrasse Tyson 1-2 1-5
Just saying hi! 1-6
Wal*Mart=Evil? 2-3 2-9
God bless Irak 1-8 1-10 2-2
What would happen if Wonkey wrote the 'o' in God? 1-6
Four kinds of Atheist 1-4 2-7
Precognition 6-4
Fundementalists discover Starbucks ~ Story inside. 1-4 1-6
to kill or not, and what else?....... 1-2
Character trumps Gender 1-4
Is personal religion ok? 1-2
Why argue past the point of futility? 1-10
Special for Chi, realistic russian cakes 1-2
A Patrick Swayze Christmas 1-1
Chad Vader Ep 7 1-1
Multiple Universes as evidence against a supreme being 1-10
Mickey Mouse wants to destroy Israel 1-2
Yay for Calvin! 1-6
Choosing the path of defending oneself can be correct 1-3 1-8
Geek Syndrome on the Boards. 3-7 4-10 5-4
Robot Chicken: Jesus and the Argonauts 1-2
Hair and Nail growth? 1-7
Ray Comfort V Atheists, tonight! 9-9
Local Veteran Plans To Sue Iowa City VA Hospital 1-2
My name is... 2-4
New version of Australian fake film 1-8 1-10 2-8 2-9 5-8 6-1
How far do you dare to push a muslim? 2-5
The Singularity and the Rapture 1-5 2-2 2-5 3-1
rubik's cube 1-9
The Truman Show! 1-5
Need suggestions for... 1-6 2-3
An Incovenient Truth 1-2 1-4
You might be a Fundie if.... 1-1
Tony...will he be missed? 3-6
Riddle For The Ingenious Atheist 2-9
believing in evolution 2-5
I seriously need some advice/help. 1-1 1-5 1-10 2-10 3-2 3-4 4-1 4-7 4-10 5-3 5-5 5-6 5-9 6-2 6-4 6-8 7-1 7-3 7-6 7-10 8-2 8-4
Did your Mother love you? 1-4
Another slightly weird cassowary/tourist's encounter 1-2
Tasmanian tiger, filmed in 1994, 60 years after extinction 1-4
MAD DEER attacks man ~ funny 2-1
Dawkins on the Agenda 1-10 2-5
US Army 1-2 1-4
War is a Force that Gives us Meaning with Chris Hedges 19-2
Dawkins as God 3-3
Climbing mount improbable saved my life last night.... 2-2
Is Richard Dawkins a Social Darwinist? 2-5
People shooting guns kill people, don't they? 3-8 3-10
Atheist Social Network. 1-7
The Disproving of the Theory of Evolution 3-2 82-4 118-5 120-7 143-1 143-3 144-7
Galactic Fossil: Star is Found to be 13.2 Billion Years Old 1-3
Are there Chaplains IN foxholes? 1-1 1-6
The meaning of death! 17-5 17-9
Solidarity for the McCann Family 2-2
Whoa! Murdoch (Fox News) Goes Green! 1-6
You guys are missing out... 7-2
Pullman: His Dark Materials / The Golden Compass 15-7 15-10 17-1 17-4 17-7
This picture was made using a Computer...It looks so real. 1-8
Scientology: reporter goes for jugular.... 10-9
Atheists with Bibles... 5-3
Where do you find the energy? 1-7
Kirk Cameron prooving the existance of god 1-2
Tyranny 1-10
Our FATE: "GOD Delusion" vs Occult DNA 1-2 3-3
Let us Pray for the soul of Richard Dawkins 1-8 3-2 4-10 6-4 6-6
Believing, "just in case"? 2-4 2-7
Religious fancy-dress party 1-2 1-10 2-2
Innocent! 1-2
One "ISM" Overlooked 1-4
What is so horrible about Intelligent Design? 1-10 12-1
Scott Atran on Beyond Belief 2006 (your opinion) 1-8 2-5
America Good or Bad? 2-7 4-10
I've been asked to be a godmother... 1-3 1-5
My Way... 1-3
The Pit Of Hope. Abandon Despair All Ye Who Enter Here 1-2
Why?... 3-6 5-2 7-2 7-4 8-1
God Delusion Hotel Invasion 3-2
If Atheism is a religion, then... 3-1
Almost definately going to university of choice! 1-2 1-4
A Benevolent Platonic Robot Dictatorship? 1-5 2-1 2-4
Hello from the Bible Belt! 1-5
Atheism in America 1-2
Has your interest in a "subversive" music style he 4-4 5-7
am i stupid? 2-9 4-6
Attention all atheists!! I want your honest opinion (part 2) 6-2
Have any of you heard of this guy, bioethicist Leon Kass? 2-2 2-4 2-6 2-8
Jerry Falwell Dies 5-1 16-1
The "?" Word 1-3
Life, careers, and Graduate school. 1-2
Attention all atheists!!! Thank you! 3-8 3-10
I am Preaching Atheism. 2-8 2-10 3-2
Opus Dei: Work of God. 1-3
NASA says it has found proof that dark matter exists 1-3
Theistic arrogance... 2-10
Cop eats pot brownies and calls 911.....:)~ 1-5 1-8
Firesign Theatre's . . . . . 1-4
Can atheists marry in a church? 6-3 7-4 7-6
Respecting theists 2-5
The Cracks in Russell's Tea Pot 1-9
Smokers in church 1-3
Don't ask don't tell? 1-9
best board ever? 1-3 1-6 1-10 3-7
Strange new planet 1-4
Cliché Newbie Post Follows: 1-3
The Church of Google 2-2
The Long Good Friday remake 1-4
My wife left me 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-5 2-6 2-9 3-1 3-4
Christian License Plates. 1-2 1-7 5-8
Darren Brown, Messiah 1-4 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-4
Sexual Cleansing 1-6
Red Heads? 1-4
Why does sex feel good? 1-4
Coming out of the closet 1-8
Technologically achieved immortality 1-6
rockstar 1-2
Chad Vader season finale 1-1
Lawsuit Challenges High School Bible Class 1-3
the bad Tshirt thread 1-1 2-4 2-6
Church and State, the Wall of Seperation 2-2
Ron Paul and 9/11 1-4 1-6 1-8 2-7
I'm a 7 on Richard Dawkins' scale 1-2
WTF kind of... 2-10
The "true" meaning of christmas 2-6
Gender bias in the media 2-7
Japanese Culture under attack 1-9 2-4 2-6
A question I put to a religious person... 1-6 1-8
Bill Hicks fans? 3-1
Human - animal hybrid embryos get go-ahead 2-1
Unknown geometry? 1-5
Is it a bad idea to tell kids that Santa exists? 1-10
The ultimate question 2-3 2-5
Digg it for charity! 1-2 1-4
Former Theists??? 1-3 1-10 2-2 3-1 3-3 3-5 3-8 3-10 4-4 4-10 5-4 5-7 5-9 6-9
An Observation on the Atheist Population 1-3 1-5 1-8 2-2
Homosexuality and Religion 6-3
How realistic are Sam Harris' views? 1-2 1-10 2-1
Dr. Seuss Bible - Kids in the Hall 1-2 1-5 1-7 1-9
Bible being unscientific 1-3
What about other religions? 1-2
Argh, theists are soo frustrating! 1-2 2-1 2-3
I have finally arrived 1-3 1-5 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-6 2-7 3-1 4-1 5-1 5-3
A little problem 1-3
duh kins 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-9 2-5
Hitchens Should Go On The View and Bitchslap Rosie 1-8
Hi from Hong Kong 1-3
I'm A Recently "Converted" Atheist 1-6
FTAO R.D. 1-4
D'oh! 1-2
What would you say? 1-3
Are you introverted or extroverted? 1-7
*Shew* 1-3
My community now knows I am an atheist. 1-9
The essence of all the religions is one and the same 4-3
Atheist Alliance Conference VA/DC (Sept 28-30) 10-8
Youtube account: richarddawkinsnet hsa been suspended 2-4 2-7 3-7 4-1 4-8 5-8 5-10 6-2
Revealing your beliefs can have big concequences 1-2
Cows With Guns 1-1 1-4
What Should We Be Called? 2-7
youtube competitor 1-3
Anyone else Played Elder Scrolls Oblivion? 1-1 1-5 1-6 2-6 3-1 3-3 3-5 5-1
When Church people go bad! 1-6
Poll on Atheism on Christianity Today 2-7 5-1 8-4
Le nouveaux! 1-3
Abstinence vs Sex Education 3-10
The God Delusion - A Response 2-1
Something fishy about Discovery Science Channel 1-6 2-4 2-5
So, I've been invited to a debate with theists. 1-1 1-4 1-6 2-8 2-10 3-8 3-10 4-2 4-7 4-9 5-1 5-3
Dawkins missed the point 1-2 2-6
High cheek bones. Why attractive? 1-6
Praise The Lord.... 2-4
Hoorah! I'm new! 1-9
G'day from Melbourne 1-7
Christopher Hitchen's politics 1-5
Australians - Root of all Evil 3-6
Is Dawkins interested in meaningful dialogue? 1-6
What Are Your Goals As An Atheist? 1-5 1-9
4000 posts by Undercover elephant 2-4
Obligatory greeting thread. 1-3
Why Gods Persist 2-1
I think I like a hymn. 1-3 1-5 1-7 2-5 2-7
If you had to Explain Evolution to Christians... 1-4
Question about evolution 1-4 1-7
Cigarettes, Coffee, Computers and Over Sleeping 1-2 1-5
This is not a satire 2-5
ACE Abstinence, Character-based Education.. 1-6
Easter: was it Hijacked ??? 1-2 2-9
I am Atheist: hear me think! 1-2
Every heard of a man named Jordan Maxwell? 1-3
Say you believe in god. 1-5
Evan Almighty, movie 1-3 2-7
Is it true? Question for the US members 2-5 3-6
JMR's Mighty Monstrous Maze 1-9
The Selfish Gene in Action. Amazing video! 1-8 2-4 2-6
Tony Blair Converting to Catholicism 1-9
A good way to meet girls? 1-4
Rambo. Hes back! 1-2 1-6 1-10 2-3 2-5
Gay (flamingo) adoption 1-3
Apply directly to the forehead. 1-1 1-3
Spreading the word of reason. 1-2
Which stereotype is better? 1-4
Italy furor over BBC documentary!! 1-3
Christopher Hitchens / Smoking 1-3 9-7
Need Advice! 1-4
Daily Show: 'News I'd Like to F@#k' 1-4
Rushdie Repercussions? 1-3
Bill O'Reilly and Kirk Cameron 4-8
Make Religion History 1-4
Canada's first permanent creation museum... 1-7
The world just got nuttier 2-6 2-7
Michael Behe: The Edge of Evolution 2-7 3-6
Being a bigot is bad unless... 4-8
Falwel Student arrested with bombs 2-3
Atheists with Superstitions 3-1
My Problem With Atheists... 2-9
Mother blames SATAN for her baby's injuries. 1-3
Did the Soviet Union not exist? 2-6
Richard Dawkins is a "dangerous man" 3-2 3-6
The Book Of Mormon 2-9
Solution to religion 7-2
Question for Professor RD 1-8
How to react in case of a dictatorship 1-2
Biology - Virginity loss causing attachment in females 2-4
Multiverse, fact or fiction? 5-8 6-6
On the danger of right-wing atheism 6-4 8-6 15-4
God save the Queen 3-1
Obscured by clouds 4000 posts! 2-1
For any Rush fans out there.. 3-2
extending human life indefinitely? 1-6 3-10 12-8
Dr. Bernard Haisch and the Lifeboat Foundation 1-2
I am an in the closet Atheist 1-5
Recommend a Bible 1-9 2-1
Evolution is only a theory 1-8 2-4
Bigga than hogzilla! 1-8
When they come a knockin'? 1-8
Which Biblical Villain Are You? 3-1
Is Calling Religion "Irrational" Fair? 1-8
What will happen when you die? 1-8 3-4 3-8
"Christianity is about more than fashion" 1-2
Childhood Origins of Adult Resistance to Science 1-2
God Delusion featured in "Hurt" by Sad Kermit 1-2
Those annoying quotes at the top 2-5
The Temple of the Holy Bunny 1-5 1-8 2-4
Epitaph for an atheist 4-7
Jung personality and faith 1-9
How far is too far? 1-7
My name is Satan! 1-1
1986 Huxley Memorial Debate in action 1-2
Call Me the Devil's Advocate 1-4
*snicker* 1-1
Ants show us how to make super-highways 1-2
Fahrenheit 9/11 true or no? 1-8 2-1
The new AA? 1-2
Virus of Faith 1-2 1-5 1-8 1-10 2-2
Wouldn't a "good scientist" be Agnostic ? 1-4
Autistic guy obsessed with the universe 1-3 1-7
Dawkins and Robert Winston debate on Radio 4 Today 8:30 am 1-8
Calls to Cthulhu 1-1
Once more into battle... 1-1 1-6
Assault on Reason and Carl Sagan? 1-9
US-Happy Memorial Day! 1-4
Light Bulb Changing 1-3 1-8
blind faith 1-2
The Location of Heaven! 1-4
I Dream of Jeannie vs. Bewitched 1-4 1-8
If It Feels Good to Be Good, It Might Be Only Natural 1-2
Milky Way and Andromeda Collision 1-2 1-4
Richard attacking right and left at the same time? 1-4
NIH: altruism appears hard-wired in the brain 1-2 1-7 1-9
Jerry Falwell resurrected (Poland targets 'gay' Teletubbies) 2-5
Cold, Dark Atheism? 1-4 1-9 2-1 says the atheist 1-3
Be Honest....... 7-1
Canadian Vs American TV 1-4
Atheist runs ISU campus 2-1
Fossil target practice 1-2
that Jerome thing you do 1-5
Soooo you had a bad day.... 2-3
If you weren't there you might not understand 1-2
What I am afraid of 3-7
Music for smart folks? 1-4
I got fired.. 1-6
Is "deceit" a liberal trait? 1-5
Karl Rove is outed as an Atheist, yet no fundie backlash 1-5
Proof that Jesus was insane 2-9
Fun and educational comics for your children! 1-2
On the nature of evidence 1-2
The Iraq War: HOW bad is it? 2-5 10-4
Is there evidence of anti-matter stars? 1-9
WoW 2-1
The League of the Unfortunately Named 3-2 6-3 6-5
If "God" is an intelligent designer... 2-5
On the origins of life 2-8
Abraham Lincoln on conservatism 1-2
Christians vs. Mormons: The Mitt Romney Debacle 1-2
C++ is dead, enter: LOLCODE 2-4 2-8
Catholic schools bid to ban non-Catholics 2-2
I support ______ for president of America. 3-10 4-3 4-6 5-4
Do I waste my time debating the pro-life? 2-7
Interview of McGrath by Dawkins 6-10 13-2
Gays can save us from violent culture 3-3 5-2 6-8
Anagram 2-9 3-8
Asperger Syndrome 7-4
isn't this just creepy? 1-8
I would absolutely never support ______ for president. 2-1
Isn't it time to extend human rights to the Great Apes? 2-10
I've never met a creationist 2-8
Greetings 2-2
Europe Doomed (again) 3-1
The True God Calls For You! 1-2
Don't forget! We're meeting up in Liverpool TOMORROW. 1-5
It was 40 years ago today! 2-7 3-1
The Xtian dictator in sheets denies catholic genocide 1-3
I suffer from Monday-itis, do you suffer from this cripling~ 2-5
BK has been banned 1-2 1-4 2-3
The Black man is you genetic father. 5-2 5-9
Are atheism and Marxism truly compatible? 1-6 1-8 2-1
I am proud of my ape heritage 3-1
why do atheists have no power? 1-7 2-3 3-5
Merry 1000th Post to the excellent Imp! 1-2
Sciwoman on 3,000 posts! 1-2
"Atheism shall make you free." 1-2
funnyst clip 'ever!' pmsl 1-9
Faith Healers BUSTED! And Bigamist Bishop too! 1-1
HAHAHAHA Ali G and Religion 1-2
What would you like on your Tombstone? 3-1
Hello! 1-4
Looking for a good personal quote... 1-2
Want to get banned from youtube? Just tell the truth... 1-5 2-6
OZZY vs GOD 1-1 1-3
New member 1-3
Marhaba from Qatar 2-1
What Will the richard dawkins foundaton do? 1-4 1-7 1-9 2-9
Your favourite anti-religion lyrics 1-9
"The Seven Ages of Rock" on BBC 1-7
To Dr. Dawkins 1-2
United States of Jesus (YouTube Video) 1-3 1-10 3-1
Hello from the world's only Native American Atheist 1-2 1-6
Hello from a Southern (atheist) Belle! 1-3 1-6 1-8 2-1
Lost and Found in NYC 1-6
ScholasticSpastic's 1000th post party, please! 1-7
TalkOrigins Under Attack ... 1-8
Question about light 1-1 1-9
Hello everyone. 1-3 1-4
ColAbernathy's post 1000 party, please! 1-2
US Missile Shield and Russia 1-2
stealing college students 1-3
Evolution of the Afterlife 2-3
"Vow of Fidelity" for school principlas. 1-2
The Rise of the Machines? 1-7
CNN &Dems don't go near Faith Based initiatives in debat 1-1
Confessions of a former Christian; a nice contrasting vid 2-3
Soylent Green. 1-3 3-8
Kidney cult 1-3
Burning Man 2007 - Gifted God Delusion books 1-2
Blasphemy outbreak closes nusring school. 1-3
1 in 50 million Genetic mutation of lobster 1-6 1-9 1-10 2-2
Atheist attitude adjustment 1-2
Interesting (and attractive) timeline of the Universe 1-2
Atheists and the Law 1-2
Okay, so I was outraged... 1-8
Brutal discrimination against an atheist 3-3
God Hates Fags on Jeremy Kyle show 1-7
Stem Cell Research in NSW Australia 1-2 1-6
Venus? 1-8
"We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones 1-4
hell explained by a chemistry student 1-4
Is there a difference between religion and spirituality 1-2
Democratic Debate Last Night 2-2 2-4
Disney to make Adam and Eve movie 2-1
Pot,Kettle,Black 3-3 3-5
What does Norwegian sound like to you? 1-7
Multi Year Prison Term for Senior Bush White House Official! 1-3
How's my debating skill? 1-2
I am an evil genius. 3-1
Can atheism be a source of identity? 1-10
New song by Korn 3-5
Waltzing Jupiters! 1-4
Does having black skin in your ancestory bother you ? 5-9
Government warns councils about my sons band 1-3 4-10
Brief Retort 3-8 4-1 5-3 11-6 13-9 14-1 14-5 15-5
We reserve the right to refuse service to bigots! 1-10
Can someone please shut this moron up for me? Thanks. 1-3 2-8
The Gay take on Atheist progress 2-6
Greatest movie of all time 5-1
Implicit Prejudice: Take this test! 2-4 3-8 3-10 5-3
Super God 2-7
Paris Hilton is out of jail. 1-4 3-1 4-6 4-9 6-2 8-7
Teddy Bears are coming to take you away, ha! ha! 1-2 1-7
The Vader Sessions 1-2
Ouija boards 10-10
Video: Jermy Kyle vs the baptist church. 2-1
WOODSTOCK - July 2007 1-2
Science vs. Norse Mythology 1-6
Why cling to Youtube and risk the consequences? 1-2
First laser weapon being developed, watch. 1-3
Freedom of Religion Clip - Boston Legal 1-2
Where's Your Messiah Now? 2-3
Barnes and Noble 1-7 2-2 2-3
Most Distant Black Hole Discovered 1-3
Humanity's greatest little achievements 2-10
Anyone fancy starting a raiding party? 2-1 2-2
CIA jails in Europe 'confirmed' 1-2 1-4
STS-117 1-7 1-9
Antibacterial products do more harm than good 1-4
Oh. My. God (news article) 2-5
What to do with the churches? 1-8 3-7
What Kind of Atheist Are You? *Quiz* 3-3
Solution in Iraq? 2-5
Exorcism as Evidence for Spirits? 1-3
CofE and the PS3 1-7 2-2 2-4 2-6 2-8
What you getting Dad for Father's Day June 17? 2-2
The great unanswered questions of life ... 1-8
Deprogramming 10 yr + 12 yr olds 1-5
Boycott of Israeli academic institutions 1-10 7-7
lack of cavemans? 1-4
What If God Smoked Cannabis 1-4 1-7 1-10
Why do you go on living? 1-2 1-8
It's my 3K post Party! 1-1 1-5 2-6
going to September Dawn this week. Killer Mormons 1-2 1-3
Proposal for a new USA Motto 2-3 3-4
What do you say to a zoologist who rejects evolution? 2-3
Greetings fellow rationalists! 1-2
Evolution of a species similar to humans. 1-5 1-8
Evolution 1-2 1-7
Confessions of a Former Christian 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-10 2-2
Atheism: the only 'ideology' that can be safely proselytized 1-7 1-9 2-1
Religion and God 1-3
A Creationist Argument for the Origins of the Universe 1-3
Religion as Virus: Intellectual Quarantine 2-3
Your thoughts on whaling. 1-3
Transformers 1-2
Jesus as you've never seen him before..... 1-2
Everything You Know About God Is Wrong: Disinformation Guide 2-1
O'reilly Won the debate!!! 1-8
Bad news for atheists 2-1
Post here your affirmation of FAITH! 1-2 4-4
Gay bomb. 5-3
Fear of Death 26-4 29-1
Who likes hiking? 2-8
Putin's Censored Press Conference 2-8 4-5
Hitchens on "The Hour" (CBC Canada) 1-7 2-2
Some people need religion 2-2 2-5
how is it possible to study the bible and still believe it? 6-8
Richard Dawkins Drum N Bass Remix 1-2
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 3-1 25-8 29-10 33-1 44-7
Poems that keep you going 2-8
Primers for atheists 1-7
Atheists shooting priests in mexico? 2-7
ANy Rogue Trooper fans? 1-1 1-5 1-7
Vatican condemns Amnesty International 1-5
Okay, now I think I can think about having kids. 1-1
Theists: We should punish their children. 2-2
New molecular evidence disproves common descent 5-9
BBC - Horizon, 'A war on science' 1-10
It’s Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun 1-3
Antarctica gig 1-2
Help PLEASE I need somoene to disprove this theory 1-3 2-1
Interesting choice 1-6
Does atheism take faith? 1-3
Best science/religious movies 1-3 1-6 2-2
The shocking truth about the American occupation of Iraq 1-2 5-8
Knock, knock...It's the Atheist salesperson! 1-2
*waves* 1-6
Atheism and Faith Quote Fun 1-3
Radical atheist 1-4
Just moved to Texas from California... 1-7
Your most important philosophical influences? 1-8
M Theory and the 11th dimension 1-6
Bouncing out of the closet... 1-3
Who was Ayn Rand, and what did she promote? 1-3
PARTY!!!!! School's out for summer! 1-8
Editorials: Faith, Athism, and Relgion. 1-2
Fed up with seeing "merciless rationalism". 2-2
Heaven never appealed to me, what about you? 4-3
nietzsche family circus 1-4
Tell me why I don't like Sundays 1-9 2-7
The Rise of Atheism in America.. 1-3
Greetings from Tulsa 1-5
Who's Afraid of Relativism? 2-5
rated PG 1-4
Is there any evidence in support of positive/strong atheism? 14-5
The truth about you and GOD. 8-6
The new spirituality (slightly light hearted topic) 1-3
DaveL says hi (or Yarrr!) 1-5
The need for religion 1-2
Discovery of the oldest adornments in the world 1-3
Who are the F.S.M.'s Chosen People? 2-3 2-8
Most annoying thing a believer has ever said to me. 6-4
America's plan to molest the mind of every child on earth 2-1
Help needed for godless headstone..... 1-5
Abortion and morality 1-10 5-10 6-3 6-6
What to do with your corpse 1-10 3-4 3-6 3-8 4-6
When chemistry is outlawed, only outlaws will do chemistry 1-2
The Dangerous school for boys 1-3 1-5
C14 in Diamonds 1-2
How soon before this becomes part of driving test? 1-5
An introduction from an atheist in Texas 1-2
Fanatic 1-8
International Space Station a waste of money 3-4
Booze U Hate 2-9
Truthism! Believe it, its the truth after all! 2-6 2-10
Art and Atheism 2-8 3-3 3-10 4-5 5-8
Bush Vetoes Stem-Cell Bill... 1-2 1-10 2-9
I have no scriptural knowledge 1-9
Give blood against Jehovah's Witnesses' Dogma 14-10
Theists say the funniest things 11-4
WTC 2-4
Tax Exempt Status For Churches And Organizations 2-3
How I've Changed 1-2 1-9
Bad Religion 1-4
Is there Any hope for Man kind or will ignorance prevail? 1-9 2-5 2-7
Castrate Them 1-9 9-9
To circumcise or not... 3-6
Obama Girl 1-2
animal experiments - human experiments 2-3 2-5
Catholic torturer in Argentina 1-4
Deprogramming a child? 1-8
Meditation 1-9
dobri dyen from Slovakia 1-2
We gotta invite this guy over! 1-1
ADHD Prays, this is funny 1-1
WHich supervillain are you? 1-1
Paisley At It Again! 1-2
Letter to Rev. Cloud 1-3
father christmas 4-5
The scientific method and scientific knowledge 1-2
Court is now in session. 1-8
How to explain concept of God to my kids? 2-1 6-10
Creationists/ism is perfect cartoon material 1-3 1-7
How Has Your Opinion Of Richard Dawkins Changed? 2-5 5-3
Atheism: a state of denial 5-8 7-1 8-6
Clothes 12-7 14-1 17-1 17-10
Reductio Flabbus! Harry Potter Spellweaving Game 1-4
Life in outer space? 4-2
A "retard" visits the Creation Museum 1-3 3-6 4-1 8-4 8-8
Racial profiling? Atheism and racism? 1-6
What is a viable alternative to religion for "good" 1-2 1-4
Supreme Court says no to Bong Hits for jesus 1-2 1-10
Giant penguins 'once lived in Peru' 1-6
paris hilton Vs Richard Dawkins 2-3 3-4 3-6
Supreme Court decision, Faith-based initiatives & taxpay 1-2
Humans vs. Animals 3-1 4-4 12-4
Death to the Invisible Pink Unicorn 2-10
Reason why I love my wife... 7-6
Christians win BIG in supreme court!!! 3-5 4-5
Tunguska Crater Found? 1-8
Catholic, Philosophy graduate 2-2
Richard's letter to his ten year old daughter, Juliet 1-9 2-3
Blair to be made envoy to Middle East?? 1-5
To Richard - A Political Question 3-5
Australian Census released: there are more Atheists in Oz. 1-3
Record opium crop in southern Afghanistan 1-2 2-2
Greed is good. 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8
Today I was approached by two Mormons 2-8
Times 27th June - Jonathan Edwards 3-4 3-7
My house was TP'd lastnight 1-10
What do we do now? 1-8 1-9
Messiah - Derren Brown (Don't read if you haven't seen it) 1-3
LOGICAL questions to Mr Dawkins 2-3 4-5
Atheism and science are based on blind faith assumptions too 2-9
The "Happy birthday Lalla Ward" party thread. 3-4
How many is too many.......human population bomb 1-9 2-7
Fundies on the (UK streets...) 1-6
Jesus for President 1-2
Brown to abolish Monarchy? 3-1
Synthetic Life 1-2
How to win an election in the US, Lois Griffin style 1-1
Become an Atheist Today commercial 1-1
The unmoderated truth! 7-10
Craig Venter: first genome transplant/artificial life 2-7
Open letter to RD 1-4
Religious terrorism and atheism 1-4 2-6 3-5
Come rate the religion that I invented... 1-2 1-4
Converting 2-4
Fox News report: Latest craze in American culture - Atheism 3-7 5-9
Proof there is a Creator? 1-5
Unnecessary police brutality. 1-9
Evangelise me 1-7
Glasgow bombing. (Heathrow confirmed false) 9-5 12-1 12-3 13-5
Is this True? 2-2
Abolitionism the end of suffering 1-7
Double standards in those who look at porn? 2-1 4-4
The Dawkins' Delusion 2-4
Scientist says he has discovered how human souls are made 1-3
This atheist movement is happening fast 1-2
As Satan hijacked Science? 1-2 1-4
Gibberish - For Sale! 3-10
Farfur meets a sticky end 1-2 1-4
UK floods are God's judgement. No, really. 3-5 5-2
Our CNN Presidential Debate Question on YouTube! 1-2
Great little article on Bush, church and state. 2-1 2-6
Dick Cheney: The VP is not part of the Executive Branch 1-5 1-10
"What is the basis for morality?" Why do theists 1-2
The Video thread of Bodhitharta! 6-4
Video I just made regarding Free Will 1-4
Hello all, from deep in the Heart of Texas. 1-5
Scary 'Prosecution of Dawkins' Petition to the PM 3-8
Understanding the Universe 2-2
Independance Day is for everyone. OP/ED 1-3
Do YOU have a scientist name sake? 1-2
Thank You, Jesus! (video/comedy) 1-2 1-3
Prayers found ineffective in speeding recovery 1-3
Atkinson on Jesus 1-1
Al Sharpton 1-3
Hello and the proper way for young atheists to treat theists 1-4 1-9
Theology and Militant Atheism 5-8
Statistics on what "Scientists generally support" 1-9
Bush sets his people free! 1-1 1-4 1-5 1-7
Ghosts: Your Position? 2-5 5-4
Know your enemy:Part I 1-1 1-3 1-7
A President Besieged and Isolated, Yet at Ease 1-2
obscuredbyclouds 5000 posts 1-8
Darwinian approach to art history? 1-5
Do you have what it takes to be an American? 3-6
J'accuse 3-3 3-7 3-9
Symptoms of being 35 and over ... 1-6
Could we prosecute the religious? 3-7
rational response squad in court... 1-2
Holding the world in stasis. 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-10 2-6 2-8 3-5
Are religious questions of U.S. politicians unconstitutional 1-3
Know Your Enemy: Part II (Dominionism) 1-1 1-4 1-5
Margaret Atwood on Religion 1-1 1-3
Losers! Ghastly meme perpetuates itself 2-1
For All Classic Transformers Fans (video) 1-2 1-4
Saltwater as fuel... WOW! 1-7
Men disguised as Muslim women rob bank 1-5 1-8
The Importance of not patronizing Christians 1-5
If the terrorists don't get you, the military will! 1-3
Why Can't Monotheists Grasp the Need for Cranes? 1-2
Simple request to atheists on these boards 1-3 1-4
Poll: For "Born Again" atheists 2-8
Who should you vote for 2008 U.S. President? Take the survey 2-2
Deadly "sheep" 1-3
Hippy Hair, no more 1-1 1-3 1-6 2-2 2-3 3-3 3-9
The dumbest argument. 1-5
Allow myself to introduce...myself 1-7 1-9
All We are Saying, is Give War a Chance 5-9 8-9 9-2 10-4
Abrahamic God = Ultimate Alpha Male? 1-6
Is Richard Dawkins A Priest? 2-7 3-5
Hard-edged, cynical fantasy books 1-6
A Muslim in need, is a threat indeed! 2-6 2-10
Guidelines for Atheists... 1-3 2-6 3-4
Oh the Funny Things Fundies Do! 1-3
Confused 1-5
People I need some help 2-3
My encounter with the Jesus squad. 2-6
Where are those so called HARD and REALISTIC evidences of 7-9
Hate crimes 1-6
Sense of alienation after discussing my atheistic idea(ls) 1-9 3-5
Anti-theism 1-4
Hello. 1-3
Radical TX Christian group tries to blow up Christian church 1-5
Why Jesus Died 13-2
The Only Ghospel Show worth seeing 1-1
Dance Monkeys Dance! 1-6
The History Boys 1-3
RDFRS Team for Folding@Home 2-5
Naive 1-2 1-4
you have to love the awesome displays of religious apeshit 1-2
"Reincarnation" madness in India 1-2
A Stretch of Imagination 1-2 1-6
Lisa Nova Does George W. Bush 1-1
scared of fundamentalist america 2-6
The Trivial Event of the Day Thread 4-7 4-8 7-10
Democracy panders to idiots? 2-2
Oklahoma Atheist 1-4
Did Live Earth Concerts Do Any Good at All? 2-10
To See Jupiter With Your Own Eyes... 2-4
Pressure to attend Christian services at work! 4-2 6-4
Google is watching 1-6
what do you hate most about Bush? 3-3
Australian boy with surname "Hell" 2-7
The global warming religion Pt. 2 5-10
Threats by religious group spark probe at CU-Boulder 1-4 2-1 2-4 2-7
Mistakes in Handling Religious Violence 1-2
"Un-Godliness in the name of God ". 1-2
I found a Doctor in Jesus 1-4
"Police seize magic trick from Preacher" 1-4
Vatican: Non-Catholics not true Christians 1-4
Students Trade Bibles for Porn 7-2
2 year old toddler beheaded in Nairobi... 1-7
The best anti-religion album ever... 1-4
New Agnostic needing help 2-5
Paying the price for sustainable living 4-2 8-3
Louis CK learns about the Catholic church video. Damn funny! 1-5
Christian Right Activists Disrupt Hindu Chaplain In Senate 4-7 4-9
Discovery Channels - Bought by supernaturalists? 2-4
Lowering carbon output - who is doing what 37-6
No God? 46-6
I might as well have called her a two-cent whore... 4-1 4-5
How much does Evolution have to do with atheism? poll 4-9
Prosecutors cannot find God 2-9
The Watering Hole Thread : Aliens only! 3-3
How many books at a time? 4-3
What web browser do you use? 4-2
Towards a Cinema of Atheism 2-9
Inspirational religious figures 1-6
Query 2-4
Stunning testimony of a miracle 9-3
No U-turn over devil logo on 666 bus 2-4
An essay section for the forum 4-10
Atheism and mass murder 3-3
Muslim heads stuck firmly in the sand 2-2
UK Purity Ring Case Outcome 4-5
Christian music festival marred by death on ride 1-7
God and American politics 2-5
Who started science? 2-4
life, the universe....everything 1-2
Is Hannibal Lecter evil? 1-7
Introducing: Me! 1-5
I'm still appalled by this... 1-2
Arguing with Fundamentalists 1-3
Calling all science geeks!!! 2-3 2-4 2-6
MIT OpenCourseWare 1-3
1st Amendment: Am I Reading this Incorrectly? 1-2 1-5
Apocalypse 2012 1-10 2-3 19-10 25-5 26-5
Write me in on your ballot in '08! 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-5
Britain v Russia: The Final Showdown... 1-2
Humans the only spiteful species! 2-5
125 million for chaplains in Australian schools 1-4
Bored at work : Aliens. 2-9
Turn your house in to a black hole 1-10
Can we talk about Healthcare? 1-5 1-9 3-7
Are James Bond villains atheist? 1-3
What conservatives say when they think we aren't listening 1-6
Righteous Response Squad 2-10 3-10 14-1
Avatars 1-1
General Relativity discards First Cause? 1-3
The Internet - how free (democratic) is it? 1-3
Dawkins quote featured in Dinosaur Comics 1-2
Just joined 1-2 1-4 2-2
Online gameing and filling a fantasy gap aka religion? 1-4
Unlock an intellectual thread... Quit trying to play god... 1-4
Atheist swearing 1-9 8-1 40-9 65-5
Is Jerusalem special in your eyes, as a cultural Christian? 1-5
Christians attacking other Christians 1-4
Honesty With Atheism 8-5
Why did America invade Iraq?? 1-2 1-5
"Bomb, bomb Denmark, bomb, bomb USA." 1-4
British PM Gordon Brown wants to reclassify cannabis 1-9
How to respond 1-6
mother sues because hospital wont let her eat placenta 2-6
A very sad youtube vid 1-3
The most frightening moment in your life thread. 2-2
Atheism is incidental 1-9
Soft Atheist Reading 2-3
Whats the alternative 2-2 4-1
Atheist forced from foxhole 1-2
Norwegian princess is psychic, talks with angels 2-1 2-3 2-5
Debate 4-5
I am f****** furious! 1-7
Getting a teensy bit dishearted ... 2-4 4-1 4-9 5-7
Time explained 1-6
Board Style 2-3
The Atheist Formerly Known as Born-Again Christian 1-9 2-1
Straw Man from them 1-3
Greatest AMERICAN sitcom/sketch show 4-6
Now that I'm a Mod, the changes to the rules are as follows 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-10 3-1 3-6 3-8 4-4 4-7
If this is a mirror world - would you know? 2-6
Energy explained 1-6 2-1 2-3
YEC/ Biblical Comedy 1-3
Eye Candy. Is it so bad or immoral? 1-3
PICTURE Word association thread 3-10
Holly Burning Holly Book Batman! 2-1
Obama and Faith Speech 4-8 12-9
Malignant Narcissism (video) 1-6
Why do people say they're agnostic? 2-2 3-1 3-3
Sabotage at NASA!!! 1-1 1-3
7/7 bomber's wife hasn't got a clue 1-2
Suck it creationists 1-3
Science 1 - 0 Animal rights terrorists 1-3
And I thought Creationists were bad.... 1-6 1-9 3-9 4-7
New Details on Tillman's Death 1-2
Picking Apart Piety 1-2 1-8
Did my parents just find out I'm an atheist?... 1-4
The 'think of cool people who will be in hell with you' thre 4-1
It's Happening Factman, Something Is Actually Happening 1-3 1-5
Theist in sheep's clothing 1-3 1-6
enough stress in the world 1-2
baptism software 1-2 1-7
What's most likely to happen to religion? 1-2
Zapfino "A" necklace (OUT Campaign necklace) 1-9
Burial grounds and catholic church 1-3
Old Timers Dungeons & Dragons Group(thread) 1-6 2-9 3-2
God=mc2 1-3 1-5 1-10
Uh-oh, religious nuts will have a field day with this 1-3 1-8
The OUT Campaign. propaganda. 2-4
Liberationist atheism/humanism 1-3
Christian boy love dot com. 2-3
Jena 6: Shocking racism in modern america. 1-6 3-9 4-6 4-7 4-9 5-1 5-4 5-7 6-2 6-6 6-8 7-10 11-10
'A Letter to a Christian Nation' Confronted 1-4 1-10
Atheist bumper stickers, decals. 7-7
Attempted exorcism of 3yo girl ends in man's death 1-7
Any Atheist Couples? 2-6
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 14-6
Nullify the vegetarian moral crusade: 1-2 1-5 1-7 2-2
Environmentalist: A new synonym for Dumbass? 2-6
Sympathy for the "evil" 1-2 3-3 3-5
A logo and OUT campaign 1-9
Feel the Love - for mods and administrators of this site 3-9
The 'admit something embarrassing about yourself' thread 21-4
New song advocating evolution on MTV 1-4 1-10 2-8
Do you teach your infant sign language 1-2
Richardprins 5K BASH!!! 1-4
Is there a gender bias for fearing death? 1-2
The Great Horned One offends again 1-2 1-4
Eating Fossil Fuels 2-7 3-5
Church Volunteer accused of molesting girl. 1-7
Would you like to be interviewed for the RD forum podcast? 1-4
Technically correct terms for race/skin colour. 3-2 3-4 4-1 4-5
Death 3-8 5-3
Australia is not free of religious freaks. 1-8
Challenge to Creationist 2-2
Cyber salvation and jihad 1-2 1-4 1-8
Scenario: Religion as a Mental Illness 3-7
The sound of one hand clapping. 1-3
Warped Passages by Lisa Randall 1-3
Australia will become a police state if this Bill passes 2-10
Who should be the next President of the USA? 21-8
February 12, 1809.That's the birthday of Lincoln and Darwin 1-7
Big Mike Behe embarrassed himself on Colbert tonight 2-10
Collectables 1-3
My new 'Out' shirt (Funny) 1-8
Are you a vegetarian pt. 2 1-7 1-10
Was nuking Hiroshima/Nagasaki necessary or a warcrime? 20-4 20-8 25-8
What does it take? 2-3
Asperger's Adults - a question please? 1-2
Anyone have a problem with this... 1-2
I have decided to become a vegetarian. 1-5
OH MY! The best Jack Chick Parody ever! 1-1
Your stance on Downloading Free Music from Internet? 1-2 9-3
Are atheists more likely to recycle? Why or why not? 1-2
"Science is the enemy of reason" - Melanie Phillips 1-8
UK terrorist threat security levels (humour) 1-4
On the Today show today 1-8
Religion and Divorce Laws 1-3
American Veterans Against The Occupation Of Iraq 1-2
Read Richard's take on new age therapies 2-1
Bone Head! 4-7
Words/phrases you'd like to hear Dawkins say 2-10
Population control 18-3 29-1 53-2 61-4 74-2 74-3 74-7 83-7 90-5 94-7
If You Open Your Mind Too Much Your Brain Will Fall Out 1-5 1-8 2-2 2-4 2-8
Leading Creationists Lives in my hometown. What should I do? 1-6
Understanding atheists. 1-4 1-6
Super Christian "Science" 1-5
Interesting new theory? Please shed light. 1-2
This song kicks ass! 1-1 1-3
Christian boot camp drags 15 yr old girl behind a car 3-10 4-2
justifying cars 1-6
Horray.. I'm 36 today 1-1 3-3 3-7
FLASH!!! Meeehhhh.... 1-1 1-4 1-6
Does God really need 'intelligent design'? 2-3
Education and Intelligence 2-3
Atheist Tattoo 20-5
Why the theory of evolution cannot work 33-3
Explain Your Avatar 13-9
Christopher Hitchens' Challenge 2-9
CNN's God's Warriors special 6-10 10-7 12-2
Going after Churches 1-6
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 7-10
Why are atheists so threatened? 39-1
Nationalism vs. Theism 13-9 14-7 15-1
Hoplophobia: Is fear of weapons irrational? 11-2
The Disclosure Project: Massive hoax or proof of UFO's 6-9 24-5 24-7 55-8 57-5 58-2 66-6 90-8 90-9 91-1 91-4
Any good theist forums? 9-1
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency on BBC Radio 4 2-1
Hellfire and damnation 1-8
Archbishop criticises astrology, tarot cards and mediums. 2-9
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 2-10 6-5 7-2 7-9 9-2 14-5 23-5 29-6 35-2 35-8 56-1 57-10 63-6 81-4 91-9
WIRED magazine slams this group and Atheists 3-7 3-9 4-1
GHOST in a real car accident video 3-2
African shaman performing levitation 6-3
Childhood obesity - Child Abuse? 2-8 one year on 1-5
Atheist colony! Would anyone buy a ticket to go? 2-7
Can we have a little fun here? 4-7 6-2
Meet an Atheist! 2-5 2-7 3-3 3-6 4-3
Positive Atheist Characters in TV and Movies 10-7 11-5 11-6
Religious morals and the 'yuck factor' 4-7 8-1 8-4 9-3
Would you deny your atheism under threat? 9-8 9-10
I've had enough. 3-1
City Of Heroes Players. 1-1 1-4 1-5 1-6
Opus comic strip not published in papers? 1-8
The issue of Abortion 7-10 16-9 20-8 27-2 29-10 34-7 38-4 38-8 38-10 53-10 56-1 71-7 85-5 88-1 88-3 88-7
Sweden: Cartoons offend muslims yet again 18-3
Why are mammals so darn cute? 1-2
John Humphrys - "In God We Doubt" (TTFKA "Dawkins says ..." 2-8
The Picture Thread 3-9
The Picture Comment Thread 10-5 10-7 10-9
bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran. 5-4
The Anti-Americans 25-9
Further dumbing down in the U.K. science class!! 1-8
The Irish Times publishes anti-Dawkins article 2-4
Republican Atheist 7-4 7-6
Do you at least give credit to the christians who try to con 1-2
The 'Self' Delusion 1-7
Pastor had instructional sex with daughters 3-7
Coming out in the Bible Belt 2-6 3-2
Poll: Choosing a collective noun for Atheists 2-6
Memetic Engineering for Rolling Back Religion 1-2 4-1
Lightning strikes church 2-2
Global Warming: The 11th Hour 3-5
Do you believe that pleasure is the root cause of evolution? 26-5 27-1 27-5 27-10 28-3
Proving the unprovable : A Ghost for practical purposes 1-10
Jesus Was Stitched Up!!! 1-8 1-10
The Quest for a Common Man's Atheist 2-4
Amen? 1-2
Pendulum, dowsing, radiestesia 1-4 11-4 18-5 24-7
Living Proof Dinosaurs Existed With Humans Found! 4-2
Questioning Archbishop of Canterbury re his reaction to TGD 1-4
Exclusively Black School in Ireland 1-4
Doppleganger? 1-7 3-6
religious irrationality and the black/white IQ gap 1-2
Jesus committed a deadly sin 1-6
Help! My Girlfriend is a Jehovah's Witness! 1-6
Jesus is not returning 1-3
500 Days Left for Bush 1-2 2-3
A Survival tip? 1-2
MMR. Here we go again! 1-3
If the presidential election were tomorrow.... 3-8 6-1
Why Myths Persist 1-3 1-6
The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007 Dvd! 1-2 1-4
I'm disappointed in Atheists 2-1
Nuclear Warheads On Bomber from ND To LA 1-4
Don't go see Halloween *Spoilers* 1-1 1-3 1-7
Does anyone detest Sean Hannity as much I do? 1-7
Illiterate Fag...WFT Jerry Lewis! 1-2
Opera legend Pavarotti dies at 71 1-4
WHo's the most "bad-assed" woman of rock? 1-1 1-2 1-5
Led Zep to reform! 1-6
What should be on a t shirt 1-6
A very disturbing video from inside the USA ... re September 3-1
Who would you resurrect? 2-6 5-4
Proof that God exists 27-8
The Unarius Science of Life 1-2
FOX News Report: Bin Laden Already Dead 4-7
fill in the caption 1-8
Heading for the Ediacara Hills! 1-6
Atheism as "just another belief". 9-10 10-2
Bioshock 2-6 2-8
Law vs Faith 1-3
Rugby World Cup - USA robbed by incompetent South African 1-4
Evolution in science fiction 1-8
DISCRIMINATION! I was asked to not wear my OUT T-SHIRT! 3-2 8-10 9-3
God Delusion Review, an angry Christian responds 1-2 1-5
David icke, dawkins gets a mention 1-7
War on Islam 13-1
The Alpha Course 9-1 9-4 9-6 10-5 11-6
Would atheists marry? 5-3 5-5 6-1
Can anyone debunk this? 7-7
Chicago 1-2
Alien Genetics. 1-5 1-6
Kathy Griffin award blasphemy! 1-3 2-6 4-3
Shakespeare and Personal Incredulity 1-9
Donating your body to science 1-2 1-6 1-10 2-2
Your favourite moment in school science class 1-2
Why do you post here? 1-6 3-1
Atheist Discrimination 1-10
Jaded non-believers 2-10
Taking legal action to prevent religious psychological abuse 1-3
Pat Condell 1-7 2-4 3-6 7-8 15-2 20-6 20-8 22-3
Post Parties 2-8
Why Should I ? 1-3 1-7
Pharngula, Answers in Genesis, and Gill slits 1-5
Crazy laws you would enact if you were king 3-7
Stephen Fry 2-9
G to the W B (Ha Ha Ha) 1-2
The Supreme Test 5-2
Hindu groups oppose canal project 1-6
Matalanifesto 2000 post party 2-10
How can an all merciful being be more merciful??? 1-2
What makes your day? 1-2 1-5 5-4
IS anyone here working in Video game design? 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 2-3 2-5 2-9 3-2 3-4
misogyny 8-4 19-6 40-1 49-8 50-3
gorillas, orangutangs and coral moved to critically endanger 1-3
Should atheists care about the Middle East conflict? 1-2
Calling ourselves atheists and being happy with it. 10-1 10-6
The Scale of Doubt Quiz from "Doubt a History" 2-5
Should we avoid pairing atheism and Science? 1-9
Why hell is necessary (and very real) 18-10
Professor calls for end of secularism in Australian Universi 1-9
I'm a Christian -I'm also an atheist ! Confused -you will be 1-7
YouTube Censorship 1-8 2-4 2-6 3-2 3-5 3-7
More On Moderation 1-10
Halelujah! 1-1 1-4 1-7
Dr. Who: Messiah or Atheist? 1-3
Morality and Atheism 1-4 2-4
Study: Sexuality Can Be Changed By Faith 1-5
Thought experiment about an atheistic civilization. 1-2 1-10
Mitt Romney's Magical Underpants 2-1
Amusing, thought I'd share... 1-9
Half British teenagers are atheist says MORI poll 1-2
Dawkins vs. Jesus 1-2
"Congratulations,you've just murdered Beethoven!"arguments 1-5 1-10
Which are you? Poll. 2-3
The Hunter, The Hero, & The Witch Doctor 1-2 1-4
Sell your daughter in the US. It is what the bible teaches 1-4
Spiritual but not Religious 3-5
Evolutionary In-betweens 4-3
Hilarious video parody of Slayer 2-6
Atheists, don't be Leftist Drones 7-10 8-6
The ‘Charitable Status Party Thread’ 1-3 2-5
Google Backs Moon Challenge 1-4
Programme on Humanism 1-3
C4 Program on Apostasy in Islam and the U.K. 1-7 1-9 2-2 2-6
Advantages of being tall? 1-8
If the Law of Attraction is True, Why was Jesus Crucified? 1-3 1-5
Iraq about Oil?? bet says Greenspan...Bush torpedoed 2-3 2-5
Positive articles in Washington Post today 1-3
Introduction to Bhagavad Gita 1-3
Lies of the secular reproductionists. 1-2
Iraqi's Not Against War in '02 1-2
CD Review Thread 1-3
Reply to Peter Stanford & John Cornwell in the Independent 1-3 1-9 3-1
Iran held candlelight vigils for 9/11 1-5
different kinds of atheists 1-3 1-6
The true role of the Christian woman. 4-10
RP4K Posts 1-1 1-9 1-10 2-3
Templeton Foundation: Does the Universe Have a Purpose 1-4 1-7 1-9
This atheist loves the show Supernatural! 1-3
Do you want to stop the terror of religion? Join the Illumin 1-7
Topsy's 2000th post thread! 1-5
mwn's 1000th post party! 1-6
Offenders forced to listen to Barry Manilow! 1-2
what would you study? 1-8
Intellectually offensive homework. UPDATE 1-7 2-1
WOW, MMORPG'S and morality. 1-2
Monkey 2-7 2-9
USA Today on God and Constitution 1-4 1-8
Have you left your religion? Channel Four Appeal. 1-8
Is this new Evil Nazi Pope a disappointment? 1-4
New Orleans Atheists 1-1
Teen cussed out by Mother for saying he is atheist 2-9 7-7
Mr Burns and Darwin explains evolution 1-2
Have you ever been arrested? 1-7
Regarding this Earth with envious eyes.... 1-4 2-2
Evolution or not, hear it from the experts 1-4
A special Thanks to all of you 1-1 1-6 2-2
Lactation and lawsuits 1-4
what great films should I buy? 1-2 2-10
SUV/Truck ban 7-4 8-3
A nation we'd all like to live in. 1-2
Is atheism sexy? 5-1
BBC asking for panellist suggestion for questiontime 1-4 1-7
Searching for the Richard Dawkins Foundation? 1-2 1-7
Why should people stop raping? 12-6
Uploading minds into a simulated universe 1-5
Operation SPread Eagle- the song! 1-1
Horrorshow 1-4 1-6 1-9 2-7 2-10
Conservapedia's atheism article 1-4
"GOD DOES NOT EXIST" Is An Affirmative Claim 7-8
The shifting sexual zeitgeist 1-10
'God' responds to legislator's lawsuit 1-4
Not Ready? Better Get Ready. 3-2 3-5
Oxford Theology under Threat 2-3
CJ 2000th post party! 2-4
5 fundamental easy-to remember arguments 2-8
A is for addle-brained (Lawrence Krauss, New Scientist, 25/8 1-3
"the growing gulf between the Army and the nation". 1-10 2-2 3-3 4-5 5-2
Uk National Motto 1-8
This is Criminal! 1-4 1-6
Richard Dawkins is brilliant 1-2
Do human races exist? 1-5
We KNEW we were the superior there's proof ;-) 1-2
What is the ultimate hurt you could do to a person? 1-9
Fitness Person called Richard Simmons..... 2-1
eco game 1-2
Key to longer life (in flies) lies in just 14 brain cells 1-2
Forgiveness 2-7
George Galloway Debates Christopher Hitchens 8-7 8-9 11-3
New Member 1-3
Crappest movie of all time? 1-5
Uusimmat 1-2
How to deconvert believers 6-3
Youtube Video Enough is Enough! Kathy Griffin 1-2 1-7 1-10
Request/challenge made to Richard Dawkins 1-7
No aferlife. It fills me with dread and panic attacks. 1-2
Creationist group to get $100,000 earmark - your tax dollars 1-2 1-9
Did the Universe really come from 'nothing'? 2-9
Does the brain contain a motherboard? 1-5
A.J. Ayer, Mike Tyson and Naomi Campbell... 1-3
Bill Maher: 1-2 1-6 4-2 28-6
Space creates mutant 'superbugs' 1-10
Ahmadinejad: "There are no homosexuals in Iran" 8-6
What does everyone agree is between heaven and earth? 2-1 2-10
Blackwater: the largest private army in the world 2-6
...and you're welcome to her. 2-8
Is Google censoring 1-2
Rather jolly ghost story 1-2
Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged 8-1
House of Lords debate on non-believers / secularism 1-10
RD Board love fest 2-9
Parallel universes exist - study 1-3
Warren Jeff's Guilty!!! 2-3 2-5 2-7 3-2 3-4
Entomology majors? Bug keepers? 1-7
The Return of the Village Atheist 1-3
The 95 A-Theses 2-4 2-5 2-8 2-9 4-1
1,005 for Audley Strange 1-5
GI says he's harassed for atheism 2-1
Could you care less? 2-10
Football Fanaticism 2-7
Monkies and Junkies part 2 1-2 1-6
Evolution is Impossible, there is no evidence 7-10 11-9
Forum 1st Birthday Party !!! 2-3
Rapture Gag Video 2-1
POLL: If Evolution were to be proven impossible tomorrow... 2-5
Evidence for Pre-Flood Sacred Writings -- Source for Genesis 5-3
Private Education - is it always provided by religious group 1-2
Evangelical propaganda similar to Nazi propaganda? 1-2 1-6
any recording engineers on here 1-4 2-1
A message to all Atheists 2-8 2-9
Psycho ex-Girlfriend phone call log 3-2
Freud and Religion 1-3
My Confession of Unemployment 1-1 1-6 2-1
Is this a moral issue? 1-4 1-6 1-8
What's the 'worst' thing you have said/done to a theist? 2-2 2-4 3-2 7-10
School Invaded by Bishop! 1-5 1-10
Most unintentionally hilarious headline ever 1-5
2009, you are the new President... 1-7
Blasphemy is Teh Funneh 1-2
Are the clergy a kind of useless eater? 1-3
Liberals need to stop respecting Islam!!(Sam Harris video) 2-9
The Perplexing use of the Crucifix 1-5
Nice... 1-2
he binded me with science 1-2
It was just a bad dream 1-2
White Poppy, Red Poppy & which are you this year? 1-2
I'll take you ON, all of you ignorant science people!!! 48-3 84-8 85-9 96-1 97-6 128-6 134-1 134-2
Jerôme Serpenti - 2000th post party! 1-10
Do women have a rating scale for men? 1-10
4,000 Posts (at least) for Shaker (Angry Baby) !!!!!!!!!!!!! 1-7
Atheism, a life lived with impunity; good or bad? 2-4
Why atheists DO believe in something 1-9
angelobrazil and god 6-10
An introduction to myself and why I am here. 1-2
Why is it that no one these days can spell... 1-4
LOL Richard Dawkins to be guest on Rick & Bubba 3-10
Greetings from a Christian 1-2 3-4
Believing Scientist/Engineer 2-8 12-8
Mussel Mimicry: An Evolutionary Explanation? 4-10
Why do you hate God? 16-2 16-4 24-10 51-4 52-4 52-10 53-2 54-3 54-6 55-6 81-10 82-2 88-1
Colwyn Abernathy 3,000 posts 1-8 1-9 6-9
The Jewish Lobby 7-9
Fear of Freedom of Choice -> Religious Fundamentalism 1-2
mind Blowing! 1-1
Atheist and BLACK! *gasp* 2-8 3-9 4-3
The Doomsday Button 3-8
The point of life 2-3 3-9
Australia bans African refugees 1-10
Aliens! Time travel! Interstellar Travel! 2-8 2-10
Why is Democracy superior? 6-4
Dawkins/Lennox Debate 1-7 2-1 3-4 4-2 6-2
Dawkins the man 1-3
For today at least, I am truly cooler than you. 1-8
Red or Blue? 1-9
Christianity's Image Problem 1-7
Infidel Guy on The Power of Prayer 1-1
2,000 POSTS FOR FUWF 1-3
Bush Veto of Child Health Bill 1-5 1-6 2-1
Why do we think rape is wrong? 3-5 6-4 6-6 6-8 7-1 7-4 7-8 8-2
Are we becoming extremists too? 1-2
The Galactic Empire; where did it go wrong? 2-8 3-1 4-4
It's Aesthetic Atheist's Birthday! 3-5
Greetings from Birmingham, Alabama 2-4 2-8
Very good quality candidate matching game 2-4
NBC's "Phenomenon" 1-2
New guy currently in Baghdad 1-5
Road Runner go through 5,000 meep meep!!! 2-2
Young Atheist 1-3
Slug-bot. 1-2
Just how much do you 'like' your things? 1-3
I'm in for the big one 1-2
Is evil justified if it leads to scientific progress? 2-10
Politics the same as religion? 3-5
Why do theists post here? 2-5 2-8 3-1 4-1 7-7 7-10 8-8 8-10 9-2 9-4 9-6
Is WebMD endorsing prayer as medicine? 1-2
Unhappy Zoo Meerkats in Need 2-3
Why is nature beautiful? 1-7 2-8
Should we SUE Christianity? 1-2
Christianity Inflitrated my public school! 3-9
Good old English Quid becomes universal currency! 1-4
Big time bio-engineering - next step 1-4
Friendly from Alabama 1-7
AAI E. Tabash speech video? 1-1 1-3
Muslim Medical Students get picky.... 7-8
Where to go from here? 1-10
What's your religion (or lack of) 1-7 2-10
More ad hom attacks on Dawkins 1-2 5-4 8-7
What Atheists Believe In... 3-3
I'm looking for a strategy to have Dawkins aired on US TV 1-8 2-1
Snazzy little, um, thingummy 1-5
Brad Pitt on leaving his religion - Parade Magazine 1-7
Support letter to Kathy Griffin 1-1
Jesus Christ: The Biblical King Arthur? 1-10
Preventing Childhood Religious Indoctrination? 1-3
Militant Atheism and God -\Current Events 1-9
Duelling billboards 1-8
questions for the religious people here 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-7 1-10 2-3 2-9 3-8 3-9 4-1 4-8 9-2
Where's the proof that Adam and Eve never existed? 7-7
I am an arabian atheist 1-6
Pessimism: What is the problem? 2-8
Short letter to an atheist messageboard 7-9
Infinity 2-3
North Korean Propaganda films on YouTube 1-4
Poll: the word "bright" as meaning a naturalistic worldview 2-1
[POLL] MDMA (Ecstasy) Usage 1-8 2-1 8-4 25-9
fundie bomb threats 1-2
Your Political Beliefs? 1-4
50 religious insights from George Bush 1-5
Greydon Square CFI Presentation on youtube 1-1
Atheists arise! Dawkins on the war path? 1-9 2-2
Batting for Jesus 2-6 2-9 3-1 6-1
Completely off topic, but... 1-6
What finally caused you to make the leap? 1-7 2-4
Christian Woman Loses Kids...for being Christian? 1-3 2-1
Girlfriend's Fundy Parents Hijacking Relationship 3-2
Muslims warn Pope "survival of the world is at stake" 3-6
No Transitional Fossils apparently... 2-4
Racist Black on White crime in the USA! 1-9
Is A Genuine Belief In Religion A Form Of Insanity? 1-9 4-3
Kid Nation "religion" episode 1-6 1-8
Is it necessary to destroy dissent against Evolution? 1-8
help with separation argument 1-2
Atheistic Disease Support 1-5
My apologies 1-1 1-9 2-2
Exorcism 1-4
Farting - Why is it so damn funny? 3-7
The Lucifer Project 1-2
Fatwa - Marriage of Muslim Woman to Non-Muslim Man Forbidden 1-10 2-1 2-3 2-9
Why did Polytheist Religions die out? 2-6 3-1
Existence of God! 14-7
"Atheism An Irrational World view" 1-2
SPIN-OFF: Batting for Jesus. Article rejected by the Indy 1-3
Send God an E-Mail ! 2-1
Purpose of the "Great Flood"? 2-2
Hi Richard and everyone else 1-2
Clinton Huxley 2,000 posts !!!! 1-3
Why isn't Intelligent Design Science? 11-1
Something to smile about 1-2
Darren8306 gets to 999 and stops!!! 1-1
Was I rude? (non theist answer to prayer proposal) *First po 1-4
House - Atheist TV series? 1-6 3-1 3-9
50 terabyte flash drive made of bug protein 1-7
Hitchens - McGrath Dialogue and Debate (Update) 3-1
The "Wind" argument 1-10
Another stupid christian site. 1-2
If churches went away would we miss them, or replace them? 1-4
Agent Smith and Carl Sagan 1-8
Richard Dawkins Dismantled and Discredited 1-8
God - The unsolved Mystery [read the new text] 1-3
The elementary of dear Dr (James) Watson 7-7 8-5
How To Invent A Religion 1-3
The Atheist Tabernacle Choir 1-2
What is your atheistic stance? 2-3 2-8 2-10 3-7 4-1 4-3
Hitchens's Solution. 4-5 4-8 4-9 5-1 5-3 5-5 5-7 5-9 6-1 13-2 13-9
How do I 'come out'? 1-9
Sweden bans religious content in school lectures 4-5 4-6
If Dawkins converted.... 21-7
Strange news 1-2
How is babby formed? 1-3
God saves three young people trapped in cave! 1-3
Not going to the U.S 4-1
The vacuity of Dawkins 4-2
Youtube atheists 1-7
Does religion interfere, personally, with your life? 1-6
Thomson, Hirsi Ali, Dennett, Hitchens, Harris, Dawkins AAI V 1-3
Who Do You Think Is At Fault? 1-9
Who wants to do a robot?? 1-2
Can I be called an atheist? 1-3
Another Delusion - Is this fiery image Pope John Paul II? 1-5
Is a womens place in the home??? 4-3 5-5
Why should children ONLY learn from adults? 2-9
AAI Conference - AAI or or WASH or RDF? 1-8
Putin and Iran. 2-7
Critical Reader v. sanity 4-9 5-7
Goodbye Mr A 1-2
Why did Americans stop going to the Moon? 1-10 3-5
Fact-Man has 1,000 posts! 1-8
The issue of abortion 1-4
Richard Dawkins Another Perspective 1-9
Freedom of Speech 1-3
=Art= 1-2
German tax to benefit churches 1-2
Researchers discover the dawn of animal vision 1-3
Help Counter the New Atheist Crusade to 'Evangelize' America 1-10 2-5
A Modest Proposition 2-2
George Washington Quote 1-2
How can I know I am not dreaming right now? 2-4
Greydon Square on w/1670Am Madison Radio 1-1
Worst sick calls into work/school 1-7
A Logical Justification for Morality 1-9
A new Chuppet has arrived 2-1
Why do Athorists hate Thor so much? 1-10 6-6
Moral Dilemma... 2-2
The New Jihad / General Richard Dannatt 4-6
Parents use religion to avoid vaccines 1-7
Introduction, de-conversion 1-2
any computer geeks in the house? 1-2
Living Life Backwards! 1-2
Whoohoo I got a Tabula Rasa freebie! 1-1
Newbie comin' through! 1-3
Elephants tell human friends from foes by scent & clothing.. 1-4
Looking for interesting Sci-Fi films such as Sphere 1-2 1-5 5-7 5-10
Help Me Out? 1-4
Entire Daily Show archive goes online 1-2
Bombing attempt to kill Bhutto 1-1 1-6
Why are people ignorant? 2-4 11-1 13-6
Incomprehensible violence 2-6 3-2 4-5 4-6
See how absurd and irrational atheism really is. 1-10
What is the worst thing a theist has done to you? 5-1 5-8
Chimera's do exist. 1-7 1-9
When Will McGrath Stop his Leeching? 1-8 2-1 2-7
Trinity? 1-4
There are no Atheists in suicide bombs! 1-2
Richard Dawkins passes over the fear of death 2-7
Well - The God Delusion in RE class! 1-9
CA Congressman Gives Atheists a Bad Name 1-4 2-1 3-1 4-2
Overheard this at a café- am in shock- 1-3
primary Governor candidate of Louisiana and his love of Crea 1-2 1-5
Could we put 'Jesus' on trial? 1-8 6-9
Why god allows pain and suffering. 6-4
Evangelicals lose faith in the Republican Party 1-5
'New Humanism'.. you wot? 1-8
"Atheists aren't a bad lot" - Dan Gardner, 1-4
Bill Maher gets berated by 9/11 Truthers 1-5
Will you be disappointed if there is an afterlife? 3-7 3-8
nietzsche's anti-darwinism 1-3
A protest song 1-5
Humour? Adam and Eve's Bellybutton 1-10
campermon makes it to 1,000 posts 1-5
Treehorn gets to 1,000!! 1-6
Florida: evolution's role in class set to grow 1-3
How did you meet or find your significant other? 2-6
Religion + Aid = Disaster 1-3 1-8
Martial Arts mixes practical skills with B.S. 1-9 2-2 2-5 2-8
Aesthetic Atheist's 1,000,000th Post Party 1-4
Should religion and politics be mixed... 1-7
Has political correctness gone to far?? 1-8 2-2 7-2 16-2
Richard Dawkins - False Profit? 2-10
Hello from northern California 1-9
No, Chuck no! 1-2 1-4 1-6
Rendition - Myths and Facts 2-3 2-5
Please advise a soon to be college student! please 1-3
Oh My God, Bill Oreilly, Ben Stein and Evolution 1-4
Atheism sects? 1-2
42 :-) 1-3 1-10
And you are out of here! 2-3
Dinesh D'Souza & Christopher Hitchens Debate 1-5 1-10 2-2 2-10 3-1 3-3 4-7 5-9 6-9 6-10 16-3 16-5
The Concept of Hell 13-10
WARNING: Kinda personal issue thread... read at your own ris 5-2 5-7 5-8 6-2 6-6
California burning 3-3 3-5 5-4
Bad religion and good (or at least not bad) religion. 5-8 6-4
TV 23rd Oct 2007! 1-6
God Hates Halloween 1-6 3-1 3-10
absolution of eve 1-8
Eddie Tabash is the friggin' man! 1-1 1-4
War, what is it good for? 4-10
Overcoming depression - please help... 1-9 4-1 4-4
Vampires: A New Low for National Geographic 2-4 2-7
When USA becomes a Theocracy, what will you do? 3-6 5-8
Leaving Animal Farm. 3-9 4-1 4-3 4-6
How good a theist am I? 4-7
Stephen Colbert on atheists 1-8
Open question for theists: 10-2
transcendental meditation article in The Independent... 2-8
Can Dawkins measure or disprove guilt? 4-6
Pledge of Allegiance in Private Schools 1-3 1-5 2-8
Violent Christian Civil Rights Groups? 1-7 1-10 2-1 2-3
Rowling and Dumbledore Revisited. 2-2 2-4 3-2
Help with a serious "Abortion/Breast Cancer" Problem *WIN* 1-5 6-3 10-5 10-8 12-7 20-4 20-7 21-8 22-2 22-7 22-10 23-2 25-4 25-10 33-8 34-1 35-4
99 bottles of beer on the wall 8-9
How do you deal with (non-fundie) theist friends? 1-2 1-5
Am I a Traitor? 1-7
Discrimination At My School Against Atheists! 2-4
Christian school punished student for 9 days 1-6
Debate request 2-1
AIDS is now containable 1-6
US places "unprecedented" sanctions on Iran 5-9 11-10 12-5 12-9 13-10 14-4 14-5 16-4
Human Pin Cushion 1-4
Bored? Up for a Challenge? Crop Circles 1-2 1-5 1-7 1-10 2-3 2-4 2-6 2-9 3-1 3-6 3-10 4-2 4-6 4-7 6-6 6-9 7-5 8-1 14-10 15-2 19-3 19-6 24-8
Haunted swing just keeps on rocking 1-3 1-10 2-2 2-4 3-1 3-5 4-2 4-5 4-9 4-10 5-2 5-7 5-8 6-1 6-4 10-8 12-10 13-3
If all religious people acted like th amish would the world 1-9
Are we in the minority in caring about whats true? 2-4
What Kind of Atheist Are You? 1-7
Freezing sperm and having a vasectomy... 1-2
Liberals must die! 2-4
Silent Reflection and Student Prayer Act 1-7 1-9
Private Schools and Contract Law 1-2 1-4
Thanks - Josh and Everyone 1-4
Man levitates on stick 2-8
Essay Feedback 1-2
More "proof" that god exists from another arrogant youtuber 1-4
Hey everyone 1-9
Why Won't God Heal Amputees website "suspended" 1-2 2-4 2-6 2-8
Why racism in particular? 3-5
Who ripped up his Bible and decided it was right? 1-8
Evolution of Orgasm 3-1
Has paedophilia been observed in any other animals? 2-5 2-10
The Top 10 Atheist Songs 2-5
The perils of tolerance 1-3 1-5 1-8 3-3
Unitarian Universalism 2-6
Church as a social/business meeting place? 1-2
Waste Ben Stein's Money 1-6
The Childhood Photo Thread 19-10
Mike Gravel Will Save Science...First you've got to get MAD! 1-2
Atheists Persecuted In The US? Comments... 4-8
OK...What the hell does "No Atheists in Foxholes Mean"?! 3-5
Hehe, FEMA holds a Fake News Conference, live. 1-6
I'm scared. 1-3 2-8
Pope says don't give the meds. 2-5
This is driving me insane! Please Help 2-3 5-8
I am... 21-10
Australia - Counselling for those leaving their religion. 1-3
Coming Out Question 1-2 2-1
Dr Zakir Naik 9-7
Are you a phoney liberal? 2-7
Dinesh D'Souza crows at RDF 2-2 2-8 2-10 3-2
Handicapped individuals: allowed to reproduce or no? 4-1 5-1
OH give me a break! 1-2
John Edward speaks to the (brain) dead... 1-4 2-5
Does a genius have to be a atheist? 2-7
Are we all narcissists? 1-10 2-10
Does education increase IQ? 3-9
A Clutch of news 1-3
Why science is awesome thread 1-1
The comfort of strangers? 1-2
Which books come the closest to being scripture for you? 1-8
Who is working on the inside? 2-3
Should there be an official response to 'Expelled" 1-10 2-6
Self Levitation aka How to shut the kids up! 1-2
But no one believes 3-10
Jonathan Ross Comes OUT 1-4
Atheists are dopamine-deprived 1-5 1-7
The greatest threat to civilisation this century. 3-4
Resurrecting dinosaur-like features from chickens 2-3
Randy Ping THE Ghost Buster gets to 5,000 posts !!!!! 1-6
101 ways to annoy Alister Mcgrath. 2-1 3-10 5-3 5-4 8-3
Musharraf imposes emergency rule 1-6
A good quote needed 1-6
Backdoor Teaching In Secular Schools? 1-2
South Park Imaginationland III: Is it Dawkins again? 2-6 3-4 5-4 5-6
Why are people so touchy about religion? 1-9
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Documentary -The Truth 1-5
Dawkins and Harris combo? 2-8
How do you answer the fine-tuning argument? 8-8 15-3 15-5
Please, please, help cure my pessimism about our future! 1-7 2-7 3-7 3-9 4-1 5-2 5-4 5-6 5-8 6-3
"smoke coming out of my arm" 2-10 3-6
Do theists have a point here? 2-7
Is locking "sick" threads good thing to do? 2-8 3-2
All the matter in our body will change, why is it important? 1-7
Why are Americans so different? 2-7 3-4 3-8 4-10 5-6
Cannibals seek forgiveness for eating missionaries 1-3 1-7
Have you been physically/verbally assaulted by a theist? 1-6
Another anti-gay gay busted 2-4 4-3
They are praying for my eternal soul! 1-7
Can Someone Explain To Me 2-10 3-3 3-5 3-6 3-8 8-3
I'm surprised the Hindu fundies are not all over this.... 1-6
Coming out... at work! 2-1 2-9 3-4
I have declared Australia as ours 4-6
Telecommunication 1-7
Letter From Jim Knight re Faith Schools 1-3
Hillary Clinton, The Democrats And Science? 1-7
Is Religion all bad? 2-9 3-3
In which I am compared to Einstein 2-4
Historic Saudi visit to Vatican 1-3 1-6
Teaching science in schools is unfair to religion 1-8
Lawmaker goes after wealthy megachurch preachers 1-6
The Jokela murderer acted in the name of "natural selection" 4-10 5-5 7-2 7-5 11-4 13-8 14-6 14-9
Scriptures deviously slipped into non-Christian books 2-3 2-6 2-8
Atheists are agnostics who have stopped waiting for evidence 1-3 5-9 6-3
Evolution and Atheism 1-2
Salutations from Mister Saxon! 1-2 1-5 1-9
Official day of prayer in Georgia US for rain. 2-7 3-9
Come to know God in one easy step 7-2
Dinesh D'Souza blames Atheists for War on Terror 2-10
Irritating Christian actors and their sneaky propaganda 1-4
The Best Countries for Women To Live 2-9
What is delusion? Forum opinion. Poll: ATHEISTS ONLY 1-9
PC Mystic Meg 1-2
Hairdresser sued in row about headscarf 1-6
Bush: Gay rights bill violates "religous rights" 2-4 2-5 2-7 2-10 6-1 6-4 6-9 7-3 9-6
3000 Posts for the Postiferous CJ! 2-1
Creator conclusion in The Origin of Species 1-9
DEMOCRACY IS FAILING: a treatise 1-2 2-6 2-7
Not that i had much respect for Dane Cook in the first place 2-3
Howdy from Oklahoma! 1-6
New scientist 3-2
Do you challenge authority? 2-3 2-6 4-1
TShirt - Father Christmas Delusion 1-5
Posing with my Scarlet A T-Shirt outside a mega-church 1-8 2-4
Vasectomy vs Tubal Ligation 1-9
Sticks and stones... 1-5 1-8
Soccer violence - why? 1-5
I am experiencing God 57-2
So we didn't evolve from monkeys eh? 1-4
Please Spare a Thought for my Poor Computer..... 1-3
Jedi Knights census phenomenon 3-10 4-3
"One Nation Under God?" Email going around? 5-1
Liberation of women - Hitchens 8-7 10-3 10-4
To Evolutionists 5-4
Engineers of jihad 1-7
Just in, the lastest nominee for the Darwin Awards 2-4
Planet Earth - solid or hollow? 5-6
Are you a night owl or an early bird? 3-9
The Ghost-Buster Files, Episode IV 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-8
Heavy Metal = Romanticism 1-2
What thrills you to the core about science? 2-4
Amusing encounter with a Roman Catholic demonstrator 1-8
Man marries dog 1-8
If God Doesn't Exist, Everything is Permittable 3-8
Animal Cruelty laws are clashing with practical problems 2-8 4-3
The Atheist you hate the most. 2-7 2-10
christian children 1-6
I can smell BS, but how do I explain where... 1-3
Flying Spaghetti Monster goes mainstream 1-4
powerful learning experience 1-2
God made chimps in his image just for us! 1-2
Greetings from Germany 1-4
Christmas vs. Holiday 3-3
Wow I haven't posted in this section 1-5
Dawkins 'Fascinated by Squirrel' in Enemies of Reason scene 2-10
Atheist Nation 1-4 2-1 2-8 3-10 4-9 21-5 21-6 21-10
Santa a sexist rapper 1-3
Theists stacking the deck. 1-1 1-5
Respect THIS level of idiocy? 1-1 2-10
More links between CI and Aryan Nations 1-1
I think this may very well cause me to vomit 1-1
Kenya fossil story update 1-1 1-3
Introducing myself and "SA punishes rape victim with lashes" 1-8
Terror police 'shot' man in coma 2-1
Whats the point of all this? 1-8
Boy shot dead for teaching English 1-7
Stop the Titus Trust brainwashing our kids 3-9 4-4 5-4 5-5
Further proof of atheist hate in the U.S. bible belt. 1-7
a Victory for Reason! 4-2
'Awake'... more like comatose 1-2
Ballpoint Pen Ink 1-2 3-3
WHAT IF Jesus had died of syphilis when he was 27? 2-6
Racism or road deaths? Which is more serious? 3-7 3-8
Strange 'new' dinosaur found in Sahara 1-5
Alternative Holistic Therapies? What's the score? 1-4 1-10
Do you have to stay friends with the ex? 2-4 2-7
Flying Spaghetti Monster hits the headlines 1-7 3-3 3-9 4-5 4-8 7-2
Ghost on camera. Rational thinking on hold.... 1-6 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-10
What EXACTLY is the dirty conotation of Atheist? 1-2 1-4
Texas School Board Now Run By Creationist 2-2 2-3 3-1 4-2
Immortality is around the corner- still need a God? 2-8 3-5 3-9 4-4 4-6 4-8 6-6
Rudy Giuliani and Religion? 1-7
Obnoxious paid advertising campaign on Yahoo mail 1-2
Da Shatner Funk 1-1
Filming in Washington DC 1-4
Why the Hostility? I'm curious 8-4
Most-Loved Albums 4-6
Dinosaurs 1-3
Film decussion "freaks" 1932 1-3
Turning point in US history? 1-10
We homo sapiens 1-9 2-2 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-3 4-2 5-3
Dilemma 2-8
Why American Atheists should stay where they are 2-3
Pretty smart Christian Dr. here. (Try to refute this) 3-4
A Ming Dynasty Official's View of Christianity 1-2
Atheists introducing religion into the classroom? 1-6 1-8 2-8
D'Souza's latest challenge to Prof. Dawkins? 1-7 4-8
I'm new here 1-3
Pascal's Wager no. 563927 4-4 6-1
Are You There, Mister Dawkins? It's Me, Teci :) 14-7
Mans best friend 2-3
Is wealth hoarding ethical? (Sting, for example) 1-5
Meet a real Cosmonaut , 5th Dec 07 2pm Bradford 1-1
Private vs Public schools debate 1-5
Top ex-pat scientist urges population curbs 3-5
Birth Control Alert For Our US Friends ... 1-6
The core of religion, why we believe 3-3
Are we in the west more evolved than others? 9-4
Very Mild Superpowers 6-9
Cartoon to scare kids off religion 2-3
Hey know what would be fun? 1-3
'Moebius Transformations Revealed' vid 1-1
The Blonde Delusion... 3-7
Grendel is a WHAT? 2-10
Arrogance 2-7
Feel the Christian Love 1-6
Spring Heeled Jack? 1-1
A Miracle of Jesus As Historical Evidence 30-1
How do you currently live your passion/s in life ? 1-2 2-3
Would you get out of America? 1-5 11-6 11-9 12-5
Should we ban incandescent bulbs? 2-7
"fearofablanket" 3-6
Question for Christians about the Gospels 3-8 11-4
Any Extropians here ? 1-3 1-6 1-8 1-10 3-4 4-3
The Divine Right of Kings (BBC In Our Time podcast) 1-2
How prevalent is racism in USA? 2-9 3-3 3-7 5-7 5-9 6-1 6-7
Fallout 1-8
God and Dark Matter 1-2 1-4 2-4 6-2
"When the President Talks to God" Bright Eyes 1-2 1-4
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 9-3 11-1 12-8 22-10 23-1 24-5 40-10 41-2 55-10 64-8
Towards an accurate representation of David Irving 8-4
Dawkins in ID's Expelled: I'm "hostile to a rival doctrine" 3-2 3-4
Is a Democratic President for 2008 In The Bag? 2-1 15-10 19-4 19-5 19-9 20-1
Rejoice, rejoice! 1-4
Muslims up in arms over Muhammad Teddy bear 14-4
Bush to honour Gore 2-3
OM on Fundamentalist website 5-1
What is déjà vu? 1-4 2-4
Is there such thing as graded atheist? 1-2
Hip-Hop culture. Sigh. 1-4 4-4 4-9 6-2 6-8 7-1 9-6 9-9 10-2 10-5 10-8 12-8 12-9 15-1 15-4 15-8 15-10 18-3 19-5 19-9 20-4
A New Replicator: The Abusene? 1-3
Suicidal people phased out by evolution? 1-4
Any Freecell addicts out there? 1-6
Is the existence of God a scientific question? 11-7
Who's Your Favourite Beatle? 3-3
Atheists have faith? 22-1 24-2
Atheism killer 2-2
Initiating a atheist secret society; choose a name! 4-6
Branson - Your Thoughts? 2-8
Animal heads 'impaled outside Islamic school site' 10-2
Belgrad Gay Parade 1-2
Is death really the end? 4-10
Turkey to "Investigate" The God Delusion 1-9
Science vs Religion - A false dichotomy? 1-5
The God Delusion gave us the idea to start Atheistic Church 1-2 4-1
Derail from USA Racism Thread 1-6 1-8
Turtles all the way down & Flying Spaghetti Monster 1-7
An Atheist's Love Life 4-5
7,000 for sciwoman 2-6 2-8
How does everyone cope? 3-8
“We are at war with all Islam” Ayaan Hirsi Ali 1-5 1-8 1-9 2-3
Morrissey in "racism" row 2-10 3-6 7-10
Haven't you ever wanted to JUST BELIEVE? 1-9 2-3
Should "Holocaust Deniers" be imprisoned? 1-4 3-3 3-4
10,000 posts for OBC 1-2 2-1
Book about Atheism by Atheists 1-2
Atheist Floating to Heavens 1-6
Atheist Poet Accused of Witchcraft by Christians 2-5
The Pope Blasts Atheism 14-2
Second Life? 1-2 1-4
7000 for Kevin Ronayne! 2-4
More Americans believe in devil than Darwin - poll 1-3
Movietime with Randy 1-1
US State Universities Sponsoring Religion? 1-2 1-4
Teddy Bear names 1-4
Evil Kinival is dead 2-4
The blind eye? 1-5 6-6
Impotent Atheists 2-2
The Debate of the D's: D Dennett v D D'Souza 2-2 2-6 3-8 3-9 4-3 5-2 5-5 5-8 7-6 7-8
What should atheists call Christmas? 1-8 6-1
Two inconsistencies I've noticed. 4-4 4-9
Christmas baking 1-2
Bible Video Game review by Angry Video Game Nerd - (Funny!) 1-2 1-4
Science curriculum director resigns from TX Education Agency 1-9 3-9
Sounds of the 20th century 1-10
Dennetts question 2-1
99% true but not able to survive 1-8 2-2
Why Should the Federal Government Fund Embryonic SCR? 2-3
Evidence for the resurrection 1-4
The Delivery Institute 1-2
Brain washing kids 1-10
William Lane Craig on the definition of atheism 1-2
Who Or What Can Replace The Church? 4-3
'Iran not a nuclear threat' says US report 2-2 2-3 4-10
atheists -Winning since 33 A.D. 3-5
LOL! Sherri Shepherd (The View) On Christianity! 1-10
I apologize for the rant in advance. 1-2
romney and mormonism 2-6
Seducing Christians 1-6
US ranks 29th in science education worldwide. 1-6
Guinea pigs for drug trials, scientific tests etc. 1-3 3-3
Knives at school okay for religious reasons – report 1-7
A funny story 2-2 2-4
Bono 1-9
The Unexplained Question Mark 1-8
Well this is a first. 1-10
The Religion of Secularism 2-1 2-8
Letter:Believe what I believe or Burn in Hell 1-5
Draw a big, red 'A' for charity 1-2 2-8 3-1
Following on from the "What a tool Bono is" thread 1-6
Have a Hug! What next? 1-7
Christian Ad Campaign 1-3
Charities 1-8 2-2
Why do Atheists lie? 5-2
America : Freedom to Fascism 2-4 7-1
Hindu gods get summons from court 2-3
The Forged Origins of The New Testament 2-1
Richard Herring Mocks God 1-6
Risk? 4-1
Verichip 3-2
Sam Harris v. Rabbi David Wolpe 1-9 2-10 5-6
Smilies for '08 6-8
Fear 3-4
Way of the Master - Are you a "GOOD" person? Try the ultimat 1-7
We're all doomed 1-9
What do the Roma deserve? 1-10
the pledge of allegiance 2-1
Does Atlantis exist? 1-3 2-5
Scientology banned in germany soon? 1-7
Appropiate children education approach 1-3
I feel like the new kid at school again. 3-1
Six 1-10 2-5 2-6 2-9
"Atheism's Wrong Turn" by Damon Linker 3-4
The Great American Science Debate 1-2 1-7
Challenge to Atheists 5-6
What would Dawkins say to God 6-1
Silly Bush 1-4 1-7 2-5 2-6
Richard Dawkins; "I'm A Cultural Christian" 1-2
Education VIA Music 1-5
Atheism defeated 3-4
Functional neuroimaging of belief, disbelief & uncertainty 1-3 1-5 1-9
Desperation takes hold 1-2
Homosexuality and tastes 1-6
Official Atheist WAR ON CHRISTMAS Scheming Thread 3-2
Was the Bible intended to be taken literally? 1-1
Why should we have morals? 1-3
Muslim girl strangled to death by father 6-5
Help of skeptics needed. 1-2
Congress to say Christmas is important 4-4
Theists, Atheists, and Charity 2-7
What do you want done with your remains when you die? 15-2
Monster Spider Attacks the Space Shuttle! 3-2
Nosey Journalist 6-4 8-1 8-2
Creationists seek certificate to operate master's in TX 1-9 3-1
If you had a daughter 5-9
Funny Christmas songs 1-9
Romania Removes Evolution from Curriculum 2-7
Formal Debate Challenge: Pagan origins of Christmas 7-8
A Critique of the Theory of Evolution 10-5
Teen Held After Threat Sent to Satanists 3-6
Does your work involve reason/science/religion? 6-1
Young folks' home 4-7
Freethinker/Atheist version of CHICK Publication comics 1-9
Again with the gay decoy 2-3
Hoodies 1-2 5-10 6-3
Astronomers find the Christmas star 1-5
Gorillas in the midst 1-7
A New Flea for the New Atheists? 2-3
The next stage in evolution? 4-5 4-6 6-1 6-4 6-8 8-5 8-7 10-4 11-6
A debate 1-8
Huckabee floating "cross" ad 1-4
How is This Trick Done? 2-4
Jewish Influence 3-10
Merry Christmas 2-5
Atheist enough? 3-2
Atheist Burn Out 3-1
Should this be acceptable? 1-6
Ricky Gervais attacks Archbishop of C over faith schools 1-2
Save Child "Witches" - Get Involved RDF'ers! 1-8
CNN/LOU DOBBS/ atheists are (Not) Criminals 1-7
Assistance with a few churchies at work. 2-4
Nutty fundies post on my blog. 2-3
negative consequences of no religion in the world.... 2-7
Mea Culpa: An Apology 1-2
Fluffy Kitten 2-6 3-9
Random Questions to Ask The Professor 2-6
Tactfulness with Friends? 2-3
More persecution of Christians by evil secularists 1-1
Stephen Green/Christian Voice ... again 1-5
National Service - Good or bad? 2-2
Atheist Convert 1-8
Should we cancel/reform the United Nations? 26-9
Free Open University Intro to Evolution and NS Course 1-5
Map Of The Future 1-6
I had a religious experience 1-3
Time Traveling: A Quick Reference Guide (from Cosmos mag) 1-2 1-3 1-6
US vs UK 4-7
It's the world as we know it, and Bush feeels fine. 1-1
Does Science have a 'carte blanche' to discuss all taboos? 1-4
Social conservatism is a step backward. 2-3 2-4
How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you? 2-1 3-5 3-7
Evangelical video shows cadets pressured to be missionaries 1-2
Love 2-6
one single issue? 2-7
The hero pattern 1-5 1-7
S. Carolina prepares to revisit controversy over evolution 2-8
Why can’t people write in plain, easy to understand English? 3-8
I'm going to be the next hot atheist author. That's right. 1-10
Atheism equals crazy? 1-4
Non-theists: what's your favorite theistic music? 1-3
Now THIS is a way to have a X-Mas punch party! 1-1
TERMINATOR TV SERIES?!?!!?!?!!!?!!???? 1-1 1-7
Richard Dawkins, Do *not* try this in Britain. 1-6
For all the pagans 1-4
The so called bellcurve. 3-8
Caltech 4-D microscope revolutionizes looking at nano world 1-4
An Honest Wager 2-6
The Queen's Speech 1-3 2-5
Earliest Stage of Planet Formation Dated 1-2
Going to Church with Wife? 1-6
What did you get for Christmas? 1-6
Happy Newton's Day 1-2 1-4 1-8
In honor of this holiday... 1-1
Truth will always expose fallacy 7-1
Prior to 4.5 1-2
Merry Christmas from Washinton DC. 1-4
Another ex-Muslim joins the ranks 1-4
"Atheism=Nihilism" 1-4
Lung cancer cells' survival gene seen as drug target 1-2
God: Logically Proven! 12-1
Hindu vs Muslim 1-6
Iranian blogger:Message of peace is stronger than any fear 1-3 1-6
"reputable" scientists who are Christians, too 1-7
Channel 4, 8.30pm, Xmas day: The Hidden Story of Jesus 1-8
For Christmas: A Pilgrimage to Bethlehem 1-2
The negative impact of ethnicity 1-8 1-10 2-1 2-3 2-4
Studies link thinking patterns to addiction 1-4
Hitler was a vegetarian 3-4
Worst christmas gift received? 3-6
Youth myth nr.1: Graffiti is art. 2-8
Darfur - genocide we can stop 1-7 5-8 6-1
Does the Wave particle duality disprove god? 1-3
Show Ho' No Mo' 1-3
McGrathwatch...... 1-2 1-6
Original Zune by Nobumasa Takahashi 1-2 1-5 1-7 1-10
I am Legend is a disaster! 1-2 1-7 1-9 4-1
Ugh, I despise horror movies 1-7
New Greydon Square preview! 1-1
Bhutto killed in suicide attack 3-9 4-4 5-2
Brain -> Robot 1-2 4-6
Russia prohibits denial of Santa 1-2
Where should I move? 1-6 2-10
The solution to sexism. 4-8 5-4 11-1 59-6
Priests brawl at Jesus' birthplace 1-3
[help]Lack of need to live/energy. 1-9
Atheist explanation for evil 2-5
60s/70s Celeb Icons needed! Any ideas? 4-4 5-1
Pope sets up "exorcism squads" 6-4
2007 Thomas Jefferson Student Activist Award 1-5
Improving the typing speed 3-4
Taking the Christ out of Christmas 1-9
Do you choose to be an atheist or theist? 2-2
What are your New Year's Eve plans? 3-3
Funny, new drama! 2-8
Great Bar Mitzvah speech 1-2
Religion of the Founding Fathers 1-8
Discussion on "Truden's God" 3-6 4-6 5-7 6-7
Why is Africa the basket case of the World? 3-5 61-1
Resolution...2008 and beyond 1-3
World decline of religion 1-3
Oedipus 1-5
Religion might keep anxiety at bay 1-7
Edge 2K8: What have you changed your mind about? 2-6 2-8
What's wrong with forced labour? 12-2
2007 Rapture 4-10
Crikey! 2-1 2-4
Do you give to charity? (this is a rant) 3-5
What an uneducated believer should tell a nonbeliever? 2-4
Big Brother 3-7
US Republicans in crisis 1-6
Mother Nature is Not Our Friend 2-4
Stupidest conspiracy theories? 3-6 5-1
Man decapitates four year old daughter for being possessed 2-10
Genetic Engineering 3-2
Baptist Minister takes the Iowa Caucus 3-9
Are there NO good religions? 1-8
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? 2-2
Drugs - an alternative opinion 2-1
On Gore winning the election 1-2
How do I get my housemates to accept my Atheistic views? 1-9
Randi Million Dollar Challenge to End 1-7
The sun sets on America 1-3 1-5 5-1 5-2
US elections for dummies... 1-4 1-6 2-1
Questions For Atheists To Answer. 13-7
Is Technology Making Us Stupid? 1-2 1-5 3-5
Stress Tests! 2-7
"I'm an atheist but I'm a nice person" 1-7
elfprincess on The God Delusion 101-5
What is Racism? 2-10
Would you have any problems eating cloned meat? 1-8 2-5
Alan Alda - "I'm simply not a believer." 1-9 2-2
CofE bishop - Islamic"no go" areas - now receives threats 1-10
The problem of the media replacing religion 1-5
What is the point of art? 1-5
Me & the Ideal Xtian Woman 3-1
The Frightening situation in Mexico 1-6
The spark of single cell organisms 1-2
Cherry picking anyone? 1-2
Ali G vs. A bunch of people (including Kent Hovind) on crevo 1-2
Multiculturalism Defend or Condemn 12-6 12-8
Faith motivates both charity and creativity 1-9
What are currently your biggest regrets in life so far ? 1-5 3-10 4-1
CBC Feature: "Where is God Today?" 1-7
Is it easier to debate for faith? 3-2
The Damned - Amen 1-3
The God Delusion is REQUIRED reading in my philosophy class. 1-10
Does this ring a bell? 1-3
Breathtakingly intelligent and wittily sarcastic letter 5-9 6-3 6-6 19-6
Illegal Immigration, Should We Just Shoot Them? 1-9 6-2 6-3
Godless Billboard Greets Motorists 1-8
Taking a moral stand - chickens 1-2
Are religious excuses recent? 1-2
What do Christians experience? 5-5
Project Blue Beam : Mind Control 1-5
Largest Black Hole discovered 2-7
Science and Education, and My Personal Sadness 2-5
Arranged marriage: alleged murder in 2004 2-3
I am inspired by... 1-7 1-8
The Dawkins Delusion 2-4
I got my first murder warning from a fundi!! 2-1
En email to a theist 1-4
Religion-politics mix gives rise to fear 1-3
Libertarians: Take the CCTV challenge. 5-2
Roll on the end of oil 2-7
Masons: all the bad guys hate us -we must be OK ! 37-9 43-1 43-6
Church Bells... 4-8 7-6
Something Awful satirises Internet Atheism 1-3
Muhammad Cartoon publisher hauled before inquisition 2-7
Worst reason to be left out of uni EVER 3-2
Man this place is awesome 3-4
Help! Sick fundi relation 1-5 1-8
I am begining to suspect that I have a mild form of autism. 1-7
"Christians are being persecuted!!" 3-10
Scientists protest against Pope 1-8
Huckabee: Constitution should fit Bible 1-10 5-1
Refreshing scepticism in main stream comic strip 1-2
Tom Cruise Scientology Video 4-3
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 1 42-6 43-4 46-6 76-5 86-3
The "black" vote? 2-1 2-9 3-2
Listen To This... 3-6
Chuck Norris, Mike Huckabee and a Nation in Crisi 1-3
Lie to Pollsters? 4-1
What moral doctrine should guide our lives? 1-2
6,000 post for Randy Ping 2-4
Fourty cent gas tax hike proposed. (U.S. of A.) 8-2
'Darkest ever' material created 1-6
robophobia 1-5
is tipping necessary? insulting? expected? 2-9 5-5 6-6
Jerome Bixby's Man from Earth 2-5
Tiger attack victim. 1-9
Britain is Repossessing the U.S.A. 3-1
Weird places for priests! 1-6
Inequality in the education system. 2-8
Nice list 2-1
When the HD Cometh... 1-1
We just knew the dance mix was coming.... 1-1 1-2 1-4
Hitchens vs Boteach 5-5
Mechanical evolution 2-2 2-9
Call 911 She's Got A Brain! 2-8
Dad threw kids off balcony 'to send them to heaven' 2-5
The Original People? 1-4 2-5
A good laugh here 2-5
Who blasphemes against islam shall be killed 3-5 6-3
Medicine Men Go Wild... 2-8
What have you learned from this forum? 2-5 3-5
A confession... 2-2
Dawkins endorses guitarist... 2-6 2-7
Feds cut prime 0.75% ; economic fun galore! (U.S. of A.) 1-9 2-1
ANONYMOUS War on Scientology 3-6 10-6
The 'Many Leaps of Faith' Game! 1-2
I'm just another crime statistic 2-8 2-10 3-4 5-10
What would an A.I. think of faith? 1-4
From Seychelles ... and thanks for the plug, Richard! 1-4
The British are Coming? 4-4
The Politics Delusion. 3-5
Will Bush's tax rebates do anything other than sink... 3-5
GOP Debate: Discuss 1-2
"Fido", how did I miss his movie? 1-1
Australia Day Quiz 2-1
Crystal healer opened near me. 2-1
1,000 post roast for MeekyChuppet!! 2-2
vampire religion 1-10 2-2
Why a biologist? 2-1
And what are we doing tonight? 2-6
Did Oliver James read The Selfish Gene? 1-3
There Will Be Blood 1-10 2-2
Is time travel possible 1-7
Why should there be a term 'genocide'? 2-8
Angry christian lady. 1-3
Donor choose not to give lung to smoker? 3-1
What's in your La-La Box? 1-9 4-2
A strange twist with the election 1-3
Honk if you hate Scientology video 1-9 2-2 2-4 2-7
Witch trials 1-7
The System - Derren Brown Fri 9pm 5-6
I've lost a Christian friend over evolution 1-5
Is debating a fundie worth the time and effort? 1-4
Do you/have you, mourned at gravesides? 2-3
Driving - to drive or not to drive? 1-8
Your personal heaven and hell 1-2
Edwards & Giuliani - out of the race 3-1 4-1 7-10
How do you really feel about religion? 2-4
The Anime Fan Club!!! (and other Japanese stuff) 70-2
MySpace: No place for Atheists? 1-7
Genetics & Political Persuasion 2-3
50/50 5-6
PZ Myers Vs a Creationist: Live NOW 1-4 1-7 1-9
How to remain friends with the recently converted? 1-2
Rape victims can now claim after 6 years 1-4
What's a great name for a school atheist / humanist society? 1-2
Across the Universe 1-1 1-6 1-10 3-7
RD.NET - You've been Surf Controlled 1-5
The Spock Religion - Its real! 1-6
Mentally Handicaped Suicide Bombers. 1-2 2-7 2-8
How to deal with conspiracy theorists? 1-2 13-5
What should I ask Dawkins to sign when I meet him? 1-10
North American Union 2-2 2-3
How to keep an idiot in suspense. 1-1 1-4
This man is a doctor? 1-3
Pathetic. Go to Yahoo and type in "billions of years old" 2-1 2-3
genetic alteration 3-2
Iran isolated from world after triple cable cut 2-5
For the few NFL fans Super Bowl Picks 7-3
Think twice! 1-5
Racist murder - worse than murder? 1-2 2-10
Respectful Phrasebook 1-10
PZ Myers On Human Brains 1-2
Why atheism is wrong. 3-1 3-3
A Christian threatened to punch me.... 3-1 3-3
'In God We Trust' Will Have Prominence on New Coin 1-10
Question for atheists who are a "7" on the Dawkins scale... 1-6
History of Agriculture: Archeology and Theories 1-6
What are you giving up for Lent this year? 2-2
Brits feeding taliban 3-6
Chronic pain harms the brain 1-3
Joseph Campbell Saves the World 3-4 6-9 8-4
Poll: Obama/Clinton 3-1 7-6
Muslims Against Sharia 1-3 1-7
Romney Quits Race 2-4
Richard's imminent retirement 4-7
Is Bipedalism for the Birds? 3-2
One Life To Save All Lives. 1-4
you tube and Islam 8-3
25% of the North Pole ice gone in one year. 2-7
The 10 ages of man. 1-2
More comics! 1-2
I've been EXPELLED from 3-3
Know nothing about video/computer games? 8-6
Henry Rollins slams ID 1-8 2-1
Saudis clamp down on Valentines Day and gifts 1-6
I'm an atheist but... 6-3
90 Day Jane 1-7
Atheists all over the World 1-3
Council pays psychic to evict ghost 1-2
Is Waterboarding justified? 9-5 47-7 54-1
There goes that Bible belt again. 2-6
Dating methods 1-3
Pentagon...plans to shoot down spy satellite over Ireland 4-5
Speaking out at work - an e-mail story 7-8
Another fine example of religion turning off the brain. 1-1
So, my brother is insane. 2-5
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part II 8-8 9-1 9-3 9-5 9-7 15-5 15-10 26-7
Thank you. 1-8
Brain replacement/cloning by nanotech 2-6
sad truths.. a rebuttal backed by evidence.. 2-10
Home Schooling Trend with Disenchanted Christians 2-3
Noah's Flood debunked on Xtian radio! 1-9
RDF Chapters 1-2
Richard is Nearing His 100th Post! 3-2
Why has intelligence become a negative trait? 2-5
The Discovery Institute 1-2 1-5
Is it ethical for an able atheist to use disabled toilets? 1-2 1-7 1-9 2-4
psychology "conspiricy" 1-4
Oh my God... It's so simple! 8-2
Editorial: An Open Letter To Theists 5-1
"the n word" 1-5 9-9
Churches using Doctor who 1-8
Creationist Ken Ham - Flyer. Help! 1-3
DAWKS 74-5
Human/machine hybridization. 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-7
I’m Dreading My Sisters Wedding! 7-8
"There is nothing random in the world. Ever." 3-7
Godwin's Law 4-1
Help me understand 6-6
Forced to Support Local Churches via Military, Help Protest 1-4
Calls for death penalty in Britain to be revisited 1-4
Iranian man explains God to his four year old son 1-2
kamikaze/ suicide bombers and natural selection 1-2
The moral argument for the existence of a God 13-5
What year were you born? 11-8
Formal Debate Challenge: Is the Bible Inspired of God? 9-2
Which Star Wars movie is the best? 2-3
Most ridiculous Astrology forecast ever? 2-10
Why black Atheletes Dominate Sports? 6-3
Does someone cursing change the way you think of them? 2-9
What would you like done with your body after you die? 4-4
some of you may know this, but anyway 1-3
God is a scientist,Intelligent Design and the history... 1-2
MMORPG thought police...? 5-3
Mississippi Atheists 1-2 1-8
The Pope Confirms Evolution 2-10 3-2
Annual LifeDay Celebration/Holiday 1-4
Scientists Predict When the World Will End 3-4
Time Magazine review of Dawkins by Behe?? 1-8
Vigilanties crucify man in Dewsbury 1-9
God is disgusted all over again 1-2
What would you do? 1-10 2-2
This Is Your Brain on Jazz 1-2
Fundies are spying this site 3-10
This is how i picture the imaginary heaven 1-2
Fleas? 3-4
TRIM22 gene blocks HIV 1-4
Is the world flat? 1-2
I'm finally a vegetarian 1-8
Serious suggestions for the title of Richard's new book 1-4
Econ's 40th Wedding Anniversary! 3-2
Irish Atheists buy domain 3-2
Faith Healers 1-3
Preserving sanity as an atheist 1-3
Youtube Christians 1-7
Stunning picture of mars. "Avalanche" 2-5
Tory Christman on SCientology 1-1
Gary Gygax dies 3-2
What brings us to this forum? 3-9
Who hates their job and WHY? 2-8
Home schooling ruled as ... 1-5
What Rook Hawkins is not 1-2
Infected Blankets 5-1
A funny song about religion 1-6
Cold Reading 1-4
The God Delusion, A Blasphemous Book! 3-1 4-5
Excerpt from Raja Yoga 3-2
What are everyone's side activities? 8-2
Books and soldiers? 7-2 7-5
Fox News targets al Qaida forumites. 1-3
Happy Birthday Douglas Adams 1-2
What class do you identify as? 1-3 4-6
Endeavour and Jules Verne: a first? 1-3
Dawkins not thinking clearly 8-10
How to make cheap-ass wine 1-6
Embarrasing Childhood Crushes 4-6
What do you do for Pi day? 1-2
yesnogod - poll 1-4
'Creepy gnome' terrorises town 1-2
Thomas Kinkade..god's artist. (mostly for our US buddies) 5-8
To hell with all of you 1-2
Favorite Youtube Atheist? 2-10
The always existing "GOD" is proved to be correct. 5-10
'The Passion' - BBC1 / Indoctrination..... 1-8
The Atheist Apocalypse! 1-3
Christian Fundamentalists launch "MuhammedTube" 1-3
Men Who Were Discredited 1-4
Obama's racist pastor 22-6 37-8 41-8 45-9 50-10 68-6 68-10
More fuel for the right to bear arms debate 14-1 14-3 14-8 14-9 15-1 15-2 15-6 15-10 16-1
Joe Rogan on Evolution 2-1
What's your favorite part of the Bible? 5-3
Arthur C Clarke RIP 4-10
When galaxies collide. 2-2
Report: 32% Of Prayers Deflected Off Passing Satellites 2-2
Is "Nigga" the new "Gay"? 1-5
Response to a creatinist lecture I attended 1-2
New Greydon Square 1-1 1-2 1-3
If this walls could talk... 1-3 1-5
Agonized Muslim 2-2
Bright, Super, Straight and Gay 1-4
Internal Struggle (advice perhaps?) 1-2 2-1 2-2
I feel a bit sad 1-4 1-6
This place is cool, and . . 2-1
I R teh AWESUM nuse nau! 1-1 1-3
How many chimps is a junkie with AIDS worth? 1-2
RD & PZ at the Expelled movie 5-6 7-4 7-5 9-4 10-8
Video games! 3-7
Proving a negative 6-3
Quantum Theory Woo 1-4
Would You Rather Be Happy Or Right? 1-9
Easter storey; is it that inspiring? 9-10
Barack Obama - Atheist or not? 7-4
An Atheist Easter? 1-3
The Human Ape 1-2
Some verses I never heard in church on Easter Sunday 1-4 1-6 1-8
Infidel Guy looking for partner/co-host. 1-1
BWUAHAHAAA!!! OMFFSM!! 1-1 1-3 1-6
Saudi king to organize interfaith conference with Jewish par 1-10
RDF Theme Song :D 1-5
British Councillor Says Welfare Parents Should Be Sterilized 21-10
New Organic Molecule in Space 1-3
Total annihilation of religion, or not? 10-8
The terrible religious architecture thread. 3-4 3-5
A Jewish rebuttal to Richard Dawkins 2-10
Human clones? 1-3
Beware The Believers 14-7
Some idiot stole my bike 1-1 1-3 2-7 2-8 4-3
Harvey Birdman defends teaching of Evolution 1-3 1-4 2-3
For sale: Kidney in good condition 1-9
Christians Against Star Wars? 1-1
Consequences of atheism/agnosticism 1-5
It just is Depressing 7-3
Boycott 2008 Olympic sponsors 16-6 16-8
Favorite Documentary? 5-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - Hillary Clinton 27-7 58-3 70-1
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 15-1 15-4 48-2 74-2 84-8 98-4 126-2 129-1
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion 3-6 16-9 20-6 21-3 23-9 88-7
TED-Christopher deCharms-Look Inside The Brain in Real Time 1-5
Questions 19-8 19-10
Storyville - The English Surgeon 1-3
Greek Theocrazy 1-9
Prehistoric Animals 1-10
Blairs faith foundation 6-5
Richard's Talk, Eden Court - Inverness Scotland 2-1
Iron Man Action figures!!! 1-1
Favorite Quotes 4-2
A Universe Not Made For Us - Carl Sagan 1-7
Denial of death 3-4
Making Up Stuff! 5-8
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain 3-5 4-3 6-2 6-5 7-9 8-5 10-8 62-1 62-3 67-6 84-3 96-4 98-10 99-6 99-10 101-3 101-10 102-6
Why isn't theism a mental illness????? 9-6 40-6 40-7 48-4
Unwanted intolerance 1-4 4-10
A Question thats never asked to Christians 6-2
Richard Dawkins' AD&D Character Sheet 2-1
Charlton Heston dies 3-3
Some christians see 666 in the Obama logo 3-10
Richard Dawkins on Dr. Who (June 28, 2008) 7-8 9-5
The God Delusion 1-3
Creationist newbie 15-7
Mormon HQ Building 1-2
Ice Age 3 teaser. Featuring Dinosaurs. 1-10
Motion Sickness 1-9
One world government 5-3
Geek challenge 3-2
Atheism and is possible? 2-3 2-10 22-6 33-8
What do you think of James Lovelock's predictions? 1-6
When is the last time you saw wildlife? 3-4
The Catholic Church and Nazis 1-2
Greetings from a Christian who is also a scientist 10-3
What do you make of this? 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-5
Quit playing in the tree like monkeys 2-2
Drug Experimentation... 2-1 2-7
Vatican: Pope Will Address Abuse Crisis 1-2
Proud without being patriotic? 1-2 1-6 2-3 2-4
Life Advice 2-5
Has the Ark of the Covenant been discovered ? 1-5 1-7 1-9 5-7
Cause of death: Religion 1-2
A good creationist argument? 1-2
Anyone interested in or collect fossils? 1-3
Oprah an ever increasing enemy of reason? 1-2 1-4 1-6
Suicide and Darwinism 1-2
The "Energy Argument", please help me articulate response 1-1 1-3 1-5
Grammar schools 3-7 3-9 4-2
Good Jokes Needed! 13-5
Rebuilding of the Pilgrim Baptist Church 1-6
An Outright Lie? 5-5
The “Good Old Days” were shit 5-3 6-8 7-2
Black Atheists - Where Are You? 3-6
What the Flock?? 1-1
Angry Christians sue Google over internet ad 5-7
New skeptical TV Show! - show your support 1-5
All ye metalheads! 26-6
8-year-old girl asks for divorce in court 1-6
Jesus Orgy Painting 1-2
Talk about an incomplete story... 2-10
Calls FOR Cthulhu! 1-1
Are you an elitist liberal? 7-8
Gaps: The Case Against Evolution 1-6 1-10
Atheism Is strong, I have seen it! 1-8
My Christian Faith: Exposed 6-1
atheist opinions regaurding Zionism and Israel. 18-9 21-4 21-5 21-6
The Barna Group 1-8
If you watched the "Compassion Forum" 1-4
Does "everyone" have their own special talent? 1-4
Please Help me. I have no idea what to do. 2-1 2-2
Is Dawkins an Elitist? 9-3
Jesus in hospital window brings some to tears 3-8
How do I stop Christian friends from trying to help me? 3-2
Help define my Singularity 1-9
What would you do in this situation? 3-2
6 Judgemental people under one roof (reality show) 2-6 3-10
Hello 1-8
The Pope does the U.S. 2-5
Evo, evo, evolution! ?? 1-9
Nicholas Lash on The God Delusion 3-2
What Movies Have You Watched? 1-7
Relief? 1-3 1-5
The Top 50 Posters On RDF 1-4
Bible study of doom 2-7
A speech from Hitler. 6-6
Psychics subject to new consumer regulations! 4-2 8-3
Earth's Hum Sounds 1-5
Yearning for Zion anyone? 1-4
How to kill God...the steps involved. 1-5
Jesus was NOT a nice guy. Straight from the Bible. 1-3
ACLU 1, Jesus 0 1-6
I got my new bicycle! 1-1 1-4 2-9 3-2 3-5
Solved 1-2
What's your most radical opinion? 1-8 13-3
Age of consent? 3-5 10-4 20-2
QM for Old 1-1
Help needed: university studies? 2-10
"Empirical Girl" Not "Material Girl" For Ben Stein 1-2
Hi. I'm not an atheist 6-8
bible study at work 1-6
Dawkins' beliefs on Jesus 5-3
Any thoughts on why suicide is so stigmatized? 7-5 7-8 8-1 8-8 8-10 9-2 10-1 10-7
Why are you asked if you're a human when you sign up? 4-10 5-3 5-5 6-7
meaning of dreams 5-2
Why do I believe in the Creator ? 10-4
Natural and Artificial Selection 1-2
Why do people laugh at creationists? 1-2
Theological justification for genocide Part One 50-4 63-5
The weakness of democratic societies. 6-4
Vote for the world's top intellectuals 2-2
What is the single greatest problem facing the world? 5-1
Which best describes racism? 2-10 3-4
Sh*thead alert 2-6
For new people - How to be a forum member tutorial 6-1
The most positive person in the history of mankind? 1-4 1-8 3-5
(joke) -'The Easy Way to Convert Dawkins and other Atheists' 1-2
Science Debate 2008 1-6
Chris Hedges, a new side 1-6
If this is a repeat... Link please... 1-3
Intellectuals as our political leaders? 3-4 5-2
I mourn the loss of intellectual discussion 1-7 1-10
DAUGHTERofEve 11-7
Waterstones today for a Book from that Dawkins guy 1-2
My dilemma 3-3
Nigeria - Muslim rioters attack ‘blaspheming’ Christians 2-10
Marxism 2-9
Magnetic therapy for pain relief - does it work?? 2-7
Is there more to this... 1-4 2-2
Wow, I finaly found the evidence that I was looking for! 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-8 1-10
Would we be better off were the US divided up? 1-9
unbaptized? 4-1
The God Delusion - The Movie 2-9 3-2 3-4
What to do if your God rapes you... 1-5
Living away from modern society 1-4
Can a theist be a good scientist? 1-6
Who do you want to be President? Obama, Hillary, or McCain? 3-7 3-9 4-6
Greetings from a self confessed Apollo "lunaholic" 1-9
Moderate or Hard Core... 2-9
Would Dawkins approve of an attack on Iran? 2-4
A rant on being exceptional 1-3 1-5
Catholic sexual abuse coverup letter!!!!!! 1-2
Lakeland Florida Healing "Revival" In Progress 2-10
David Attenborough criticises BBC shows 1-10 2-5
Charlie Rose - E.O. Wilson & James Watson on Charles Darwin 1-3
How do you want to die? 3-3
Prayer as comfort 2-3
Making a statement one bill at a time. What do you think? 1-5 2-1
God is just too complex for us to understand... 2-6
What use is half an eye? 3-5
Is Atheism a Memetic disorder? 2-2
What's the difference:a Love-Hate relationship? Love To Hate 1-3
Swimsuit Billboard Ad Leaves Islamists Hot and Bothered 1-2
dinosaurs and man 1-2 1-5 3-3
Student Clubs 1-4
Richard mentions Mensa study. 6-1
Gasoline Prices in North America. 2-4 2-6 2-8 2-9 3-3 3-4
Punch Your Head in for Jesus 7-2 7-3
British Rail cannot grasp the meaning of God 1-5
Convert me if you can! 15-7 15-8
Transexualism and logic 2-9 3-5 3-8 5-1
Another sign of the coming apocalypse! 1-7 3-2
Is infinite regression a problem for everyone? 2-1
McCain's Antisemitic, Anti-Gay, Tax Evading, Bigoted Pastor 10-7
What is preaching? 7-3
Ah poor baby 1-10 2-2
Demonology 101 1-4
New here 3-1
Proposed Iraqi law could blunt anti-U.S. cleric's power 1-2
Why do faeries get the shaft? 3-7
What’s up with English music? 1-8
Salutations from a cognitively violent Atheist. 1-4
How To Speak To A Christian Without Offending 4-1
"Warning to Oprah Winfrey" 2-1
Cardinal's niece bares uncle's 'sins' 1-4
Sex and Power: What do you think? 3-2
Missionaries? 2-5
Identical Twins have a special 'connection'?? 1-2
This smearing of Israel's critics must stop 1-2 2-2
South African government plans to 'cull' elephants 1-5
Islamic court says Muslim convert can return to Buddhism 1-6
I attend a Christian Principle Approach School 2-6
Code Pink Protesters Try Witchcraft at Anti-Marine Rallies 1-3
Parental responsibilities 8-5
My name is pronounced... 2-3
Ghost stories 2-3 2-4 2-6 2-10 3-2 3-4 3-6 4-6 4-10 5-1 6-9
5 scientific reason that a Zombie Apocolypse could happen! 1-1 1-3 1-6
Smoking, How bad is it elsewhere? 1-3
World's population to pass 6,666,666,666 1-9
Thought Experiment. Would you give blood to a fundamentalist 3-3
Why do people care that your atheist 1-4
The Christian Strategy of Avoidance 1-2
Free Will 37-9
Third Baby 4-10 6-1
Creation revisited. 1-2
Sin 4-5
I am right back where I started! 3-1
Cartoon banned by the Mormon church 1-6
Implications of determinism. 1-10
maybe the only true use for a bible 1-8
Like Sport? God Doesn't 4-10
Childish superstition: Einstein's letter on religion 4-4
This atheist finds he needs a foxhole 1-4
Past Life Regressions 1-10
Fusion Man (I want one and I want it now!!!) 1-8 2-2
Ask a fundie!!! 109-6
The Perfect Verse of The Day 2-3
Who didn't see this SIth coming a mile away? 1-1
Laws on same-sex marriage 8-4
Hitchens and Hell... 1-2 1-9
Cartoonist imprisoned 6-6
Do you think I'm delusional? 2-3 8-9 8-10 9-1 9-2 9-4 10-9
The Army of Jesus 1-2
"These dim-wits believe in anything but God" 2-5
Man Finds Fossil, No Longer Ignores Science 1-4
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 2 110-8
Living as a born again atheist at a theist university 1-3
Bush go to your room, you are GROUNDED!!! 1-9 4-1
"In Defense of Intelligent Design" 3-6
Turkish atheists under increasing threat 1-4
Question about ghosts and supernaturalism 2-3
How are you wearing your A? 1-2
What are your views on relationships? 5-6 10-1
US soldier removed from Iraq for shooting at Quran 2-1
God Squad Co-worker Hell – Advice Sought Please 3-2
Dispatches: In God's Name 14-4
The woolly thinker's guide to rhetoric. 1-6
About being wrong..... 7-9
US Presidential Election -08 - Abortion 1-3 1-4
Which Dawkins Poster are you? 7-3 8-6
The Rational Response Squad 61-3
Darwin - the Atheist Bible? 5-1
Calling All Birdwatchers...... 1-2 1-4
"A" is for Alpha 1-5
Need help "coming out" to my family ... 3-5
Would you LIKE God to exist? 8-3
Flags I would fly 3-10
Atheists about int. and stupidity(prev:Dumb Questions) 2-10
Do you ever envy theists? 3-1
Too much owned by too few? Capitalist domination nightmare? 13-3
Any US lawyers out here? got question! 1-2
Book Review: I Don't Believe In Atheists 2-4
How scientists really feel about God 1-4
Yahoo Report: Creationism Creeps into US Classrooms 3-1
If there is no soul what do you love? 1-8 2-3 2-7 14-9 14-10 19-1 19-4 19-5
Would Professor Dawkins ever consider appearing on Oprah? 2-7 3-4 6-3
US Deserter to be deported (Corey Glass) 10-3 19-1 19-3
How to Falsify Evolution by VenomFangX (yes it's me) 12-8 13-3
The Male Homosexual Voice 2-5
The primal question atheists fail to answer 9-8 10-3
The global warming religion Pt. 1 10-1 22-7 36-9 55-6 61-3 61-5
The Comedy Roast of Jesus Christ 1-4
Denied morning after pill by Religious Pharmacist 5-5
What Positive or Negative effect has this Forum had on you? 1-2
Future of science teachings ;-) 1-8
reiki? 8-1
Jesus and the Fig Tree 3-1
Evidentialism 3-2
Punch up with Catholics (nearly) 7-1
Life and Liberty for All Who Believe 1-5
Orthodox Jewish youths burn New Testaments in Israel 2-8
Bringing the Florida revival to Norway 2-2's Anti-Venom: My first youtube video! 1-7
Psychological standing of homosexuality 3-1 8-8
Warhammer 3-5
Value of scientific evidence 1-2
Beyond Atheism 1-7 1-9
Awesome News 3-3
In Need of a Heart Transplant..... 1-5
That Woo You Used To Do 1-5 3-4
What do we want as atheists? 2-7
Atheist underground activism 1-7
teh LOLCAT preys 4 U! 1-1
Venezuelans protested against censoring the media 5-1
Are Disaster Capitalist Seeking Profit from Climate Change? 1-5 1-6
Mail-boat record 'proves Darwin stole his original ideas... 1-2
Thought I'd share 1-3
You have been left behind 3-8
What is the best death from an Indiana Jones film 1-7
CA Ford Dealer Ad Tells Non-Christians: Sit Down and Shut Up 4-4
Unwillful suicide bombers trained 1-7
Crucified frog offends 3-7
Peacekeepers, aid workers sexually abusing war zone children 1-2
The Stupidity of Dignity 1-2
7,000 Posts For Randy Ping! 2-1 2-6
Would you want to go to heaven 1-6
Religios at the door! 1-2
Louisiana's latest creationism bill moves to House floor 4-8 8-9
Muslims fired over refusal to wear uniforms 5-4 5-8 6-1 6-4 7-5
Polygamy is against the law, period 1-4
"Islamophobia" (aka The Power Of Language) 1-9 2-4
The teaching of evolutionary theory 2-6
Love Atheism, Hate Fascism? 2-2
Complacency Vs. Apathy 1-2
Theories are just guessing games! 1-3 2-5
Dunkin' Donuts dump Rachael Ray 'terror scarf' ad 4-4
Has anyone watched GOD TV?? 3-9
Interesting Times Article; Spirituality legislation 1-4
Alcohol = Religion 3-8
Women 'Treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen?!'..... 2-3
What will be sought after if the ToE is satisfied? And, what 1-7
Supporters of Science need a word... 3-6 4-3 5-2 5-3
Iraqis claim Marines are pushing Christianity in Fallujah 2-3
Dear Mr. Dawkins... 4-1
Why Do So Many Adults Require Imaginary Friends? 8-3
Fundy car stickers 5-4
Are you a donor? 1-10 2-4 12-2
The Santa Claus taboo 1-2 1-7
Just How Long Will It Take!!! 2-5
Why "Supernatural" and "Faith" is a Cop Out 12-4 15-5
Democracy and the internet. 3-3
Video "Proof" of Alien existence to be released this Friday. 4-1 4-4 5-1 5-2 5-9 5-10 9-4 9-7
Asexuality? 2-8
Fate 1-4
Help dealing with a superstitious mum... 1-2
A little mystery for us all (and perhaps some debunking) 2-3
Pictures of insects and arachnids. 3-6
Is Atheism Easy? 8-7
Dirty Deist 4-4
Catholic Church-last bastion of science? 4-3 4-8
Advice on an argument I have to make this evening... 2-5
Have you changed your opinions? 3-3
Did Religion cause the "Dark Ages"? 13-4 20-7
Christians 'told not to preach' 1-7 2-6
Global Warming, Science & Implications 27-2
If Moses and Jesus never existed.... 1-5
The Loving God Strikes Again.. 1-3
Islamic group attacks religious tolerance rally 1-10
Writing a book, need advice. 1-7
Police threaten to arrest man for sign "Scientology is Cult" 1-4
"Feeling" God 7-7
Which Abrahamic religion is the worst? 1-5
Atheism and the "12 steps" 7-6 20-9
could someone explain middle America for me? 4-4 6-9
We would have no scientists without an Anglican! 1-2
In the mood for laughter? 1-3
Did Michael Behe lie about Richard Dawkins? 2-10
How to tackle this in a debate... 1-5
New muhammed cartoon 3-3
Cloning Ethics 1-2
Dr Don Colbert - "Physician to God's generals'" 1-2
George Will comes out as an agnostic! 2-7
Jerome 3-6
If I win a bunch of money... 3-7
Intelligent Design Society of Kansas 1-8
Plastic Brain Outsmarts Experts 1-4
My Secret Club With a Mission Needs You 2-7
What did you think of Atheism before you were an Atheist? 5-10
Is enemies of reason another play for a fight. 2-9
What's the best purchase you've ever made and why ? 1-4 8-2
Science Sucks 2-6 3-2 3-4 3-9
Has anyone had a religious dream? 4-4
Atheist's alternative version of Pascal's Wager 1-2
Atheist and Scientific Blog 1-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 2 8-6 10-1 20-2 59-10 60-1 80-8
There is No Afterlife Hell 3-10
What would you say to God.. 4-9
Do "believers" really believe? 3-1
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 8-7 16-4
I feel sorry for America 3-9
A strange thought on event horizons. 4-5
Is there any nice way of saying... 2-3
High I.Q. for Christians 5-5
Toronto: Important! 1-5
universe only 3 times older than earth? 1-4
Science rules. 1-1 1-6 1-8
Israel / Palestine Conflict 3-6 27-3
Lucid Dreaming? 5-5
Kucinich introducing G.W. Bush Impeachment right now... 4-6 4-10 9-7 9-8 10-3 10-10 14-2
Military Supercomputer Sets Record 1-4
Brain Stem Cells Can Be Awakened 1-2
public speakers 1-4
Evidence for Christianity? Calilasseia?! 1-6
Mark of the Crocodile 1-6
The Need for a New Atheism 1-2
Do Communist have to be Atheist? 5-5
what movie do you hate the most? 12-4
What is the difference between Mathematics and Religion? 5-5
Fox News hits a new low 2-4 4-1
The pig that is scared of mud 1-4
Fill my life with purpose and pleasure! 1-2
Rats! 1-10
Are You on the scrapheap too? 1-8
UCCS Online Survey 1-2
The 'F' Scale 5-7
Why, I do not belong to any group. 2-6
Hello, new atheist here! 1-2
Whatever happened to Nessie? 1-3
Here Be Dragons (Skeptic Movie) 1-5
Nudity 1-8 1-10 46-1 46-5 48-5 49-3 49-6 49-9 50-1 50-6
Dumb question about evidence. 2-2
I have got to get the f*** out of this line of work! 1-3 2-6
Dreaming for a future 1-2
2, simultaneously 1-10 2-2 2-4 2-6 2-8 5-8 6-2
Jurassic Park becomes true 3-4
Religious zealots or rappers: the worst homophobes? 1-9
Do you argue with yourself? 5-10
The wish for religion to be true 1-7
Me + Galapagos + camera = this thread 2-8
Do Most Atheists Condone These Vicious Tactics 13-7
Art: Does too much knowledge destroy beauty? 3-4
Getting Girls Into Science! 1-5
Battle of the Bands: Pink Floyd vs Led Zeppelin 5-4
"skepticism is a commodity the world can't afford right now" 2-2
US policy in Iraq, part #2,693 ... 12-8
Why is America quite the way it is? 2-2 3-3
What drives Ahmadinejad?-opinion article by Islamic expert 2-5
I have a crush on Ayaan Hirsi Ali 1-5
Is there a Pulp Fiction Novelization? 1-1
The law and defending life... 1-3
Court to Decide 'Under God' and 'In God We Trust' 3-8 3-9
I love Tim Minchin 5-7
Who is your favourite monarch and why? 2-6 2-9 4-9
Weird Deep Sea Creatures 6-10
Al Gore - Shouldn't he live in a smaller house? 13-4
Louisiana and Intelligent Design 1-6
A Letter of Gratitude to Richard Dawkins - Rabbi Shmuley 2-3 3-7 6-5
Who is the hottest female Star Trek character? 10-6
The "Angel of the North" 2-4
Tickets for Dawkins in Edinburgh 3-6
How do you solve a problem like Mugabe? 2-2 7-2
When Dawkins dies who is going to take over? 2-7
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 3 78-9
Johann Hari on Bangladesh 1-10
In your own time, god. 2-2
List of things that liberals hate 11-5
Where can I find out if atheist speakers are touring near... 1-2
Germany: Home-Schooling Christian Parents Sentenced to Jail 1-3 1-5 1-9
Religion and playground games: a rant 1-2 1-4
It was Galileo's Fault 1-2
Jesus in Beijing - Should we be alarmed? 2-3
Sad Day.... George Carlin is Dead 1-2 13-3 14-1 18-8
Mind, Body & Kick Arse Moves 1-5
Would you spend a night in a haunted castle? 3-3
Evolution Disproven 29-4 41-3
Noooo! Why?Whyyyyy? 7-2
Australian teenager charged for 'blasphemous T-shirt' 3-1
PHD at Oxford is taking a survey about atheists! Take it now 2-2
Would you pay £5 for an atheistic ad on a London Bus? 1-9
Love Vs Hate 2-7
Implications of evolution 1-3
The Creationists good? 1-4
Creationism Dishonesty and Immorality by DonExodus2 1-2
911 green 1-2
Senior member of Illuminati breaks silence 1-6 1-8 1-10
Let's watch some cartoons! 2-3
Dealing with "homophobic" creationists. 2-4 2-9
I've realised there's something I'd miss if religion went.. 1-9
Do you have any atheist apparel on your car? 3-5
I blame Calilasseia 7-4
The Bible New Life Version 1-3
Darwin day ideas 1-2
World Trade Center? What about Oklahoma City? 1-4
as usual science encompasses more 1-4
YouTube: Dawkins goes insane 2-4
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 11-7
Acceptable to disrespect 2-5
"[Dawkins] is not even an authority on evolution" 1-2
Stephen Green and Christian Voice facing Bankruptcy! 2-9
The American Family Association has message boards. 1-4 1-6
Why is Richard Dawkins angry? Question from Dr Greg Clarke 2-6
Faith schools 'victims' of government witch-hunt? 2-3
Richard Dawkins mentioned in Metal Gear Solid 1-8
Correct me if I am wrong 1-6
Am I dull? 1-2 1-5
Happy Canada Day! Canadians-do you love your country? 9-1
Christianity: a force for good 9-5
I would Like to Share This 1-8 2-8
Why I will vote for Ralph Nader 14-8
"The New Atheism" by Professor John Gray 1-2 2-3
Why not SCIENTIFICALLY debunk the notion of "SOUL" instead? 1-7
Senate examines TV evangelists 2-4
Vicious attack on Richard Dawkins by Mary Midgley 3-6
Dawkins Cult Group? 1-7
Science Disproves Evolution 11-4 54-2
Recycling Is Bullshit 3-7
[Poll] Nudity and the Law 1-9
When did life cease being mysterious for you? 1-5
My son requests your help re: Christian girlfriend 4-1
Who's your favourite Atheist? 4-7
Magic Mushrooms have Long Lasting Positive Effects 6-4
Comments on the U.S. Declaration of Independence? 2-2 2-6
When to let your kids go? 1-8
Prayer Refusal Pupils 'Disciplined' 1-8 4-3
Jesse Helms dies at 86 1-3 1-5
Why Does Satan Not Reward His Followers? 1-2
Blog I've just found - Is this Woman for Real? 2-8
Opinions Wanted :) 4-4
Pornography 14-2
Quest for dragons 2-1
Violence against homosexuals in Eastern Europe 2-1
The harsh reality thread. 2-8 2-9 3-2
Iran, apostasy, blogging and the death sentance 1-3
Alabama? Or Georgia, can't remember . . . 1-2
Sasquatch sightings stir second Bigfoot seminar 2-1
Richard Dawkins Reading Hate Mail - This is Funny! 3-3
Patriotism - the last refuge? 1-6
New Forum, Member 1-2
Should parents be allowed to deprive their children of meat? 1-5
-The Death Penalty- (Part 1) 8-6 8-10 48-5 48-6 49-4
Atheist in Heaven...For The Moment.... 1-2
Argument wth Intelligent Design science teacher. 1-8
Atheist School Club 1-7 2-2
Your last wishes 1-3
Do I have a religious right? 1-7 1-9 2-4
Iran missile tests 4-7 4-8 4-10 5-2
The Bloodiest War in the 21st Century 2-6
If I Can Be Converted, Anyone Can 1-8
Yahoo Answers! The Honor Killing Question 1-2
A New Form of Social Gathering 2-3
Louisiana Passes Intelligent Design Law 4-7 6-10
French new menber 1-5
CIA responsible for Zim Crisis 1-3
That 'Black Hole' is Racist Term 1-5 1-7
The last human... 1-8
Can I do this? 1-4
DNA: ~ THE Wondrous Wonder of Wonders! 2-7
PZ Myers, wafer biscuits, and intolerance ... 8-7
Gr33t1ng5 1-5
Blogger's Choice Awards 1-3
Who inspired you the most, excluding people you know? Why? 1-2 5-5
Houseplant Expert? Please Help!!! 2-2
Who's your favourite religious person? 1-5
Where to go in Central America? 1-4
What opinions have you that the vast majority here has not? 1-2 6-5 42-4 42-5
Let's support Bishop Gene Robinson 1-8 2-2
Of all the religions/spiritual traditions/superstitions 1-8
Truth or Happiness? 5-1
Favorite Charities? 2-10 6-2
Got To Calm Down 2-6
war already lost? 1-5
The Fallacy Creation Thread 1-10 2-1
What do I do about my religious therapist? 2-10
Ninja Advertising? 1-5
Weirdest Search Terms? 1-5
Toy guns,Should they be banned? 1-3 1-7 3-10
I have a way to prove God!!! 5-10 83-1 89-3
A Woman with Wires Protruding from Her Belly, Indonesia 1-2 1-7
OMFSM!!!! 1-1
Is Civilization The Ultimate Cause Of Our Problems? 1-2 1-4
Best response to personal experience 5-3
Australia: Bishop says abuse victims dwelling on old wounds 1-7
America is not so bad! 5-7 5-9 6-5 6-10 7-3 7-5 8-4
Do you think Incest is wrong? 1-9
Christian Gaming Zone 2-6
Real vs avatar names 4-1 4-3
Sentient AI 1-4 1-6 2-1 2-4 2-8 3-4 4-4 4-6 4-8
Richard Dawkins made me a Christian! 1-2
Why is climate change denial so pervasive? 1-5 4-5 11-3 11-5 12-2
So... The Dark Knight (SPOILERS!) 8-6
Chavs 3-1
Does one decide to believe (or to not believe)? 2-7
Help Out An Atheist-Fronted Band! 1-7
Should I take early retirement? 1-2
Are the jews the real "übermenchen"? 4-9 6-7
Giant squid dissection 1-7 2-1
Is a doctor's religion more important than health care? 2-8
YECs 'educate' kids at science museum. 6-9
Are impressionists funny? 1-9
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part I 1-6 16-4 77-2
Do dead people watch us? Yes, author says 1-9
Atheism being a substitute for faith 1-3
The Dangers of Religious Proclivity 1-9
Girl runs away from President Bush..funny video 1-3
All your base are belong to us 3-6
Happy Moon Landing Day! 2-2 2-6
What Movies Do You Think Are Underappreciated? 2-5
WATCHMEN trailer! 1-8 2-3 3-8
General Member Survey 2-1 7-10 8-3
17 year old ex Muslim debunks Islam... 1-4
Scary Baby-eating Pope 2-1 3-3
The Historocity of the Exodus 3-1
In case you need to be reminded about why you do this... 2-1
Do I have 'faith' in science? 1-4
Welfare killing religion 1-2
Are we beginning life on Mars? 2-7
Christianity as official religion 3-4 3-6
Proof of hell 4-8 5-3
Enoki Mushroom ( GIN-JEN-GU) Prevents Cancer 1-10
You stand accused!...of polarisation! 2-4
The Hunter S. Thompson Tribute thread. 1-5
What would you do if a friend was arrested for child porn? 1-2 7-10 8-1 8-2 8-5 8-8 10-4 12-4 12-7 14-4 14-10 18-5 18-6 18-7
One-celled zombies on the seafloor 1-2
Why is child abuse more heinous? 1-3 1-5 1-7
Debate between PZ Meyers and Fr. Tom Loya 1-3 1-5
Space between things. 1-4
Poll: Cars, fuel, and Global Warming 1-6
Everything happens for a reason 2-3 1-2
Misuse of special powers? 1-10
Atheist advertisement suggestions 1-3 4-7
Odd 1-1 3-3 3-8 5-1
Filthy pig cop tasers dead guy--twice. 2-9 4-5
Another Movie Thread... 1-9
Religion could be part of street-gang solution 1-8 1-10
the 90's 3-1 3-3
Your average depressive month 3-3
Testifying under oath as an atheist 1-6
Petition for posthumous Knighthood for Darwin 1-3 1-9
Plus dimesional Puzzles 1-2 1-8
Is Violence better than Sex Fruit? 1-9
Royals the REAL Ubermensch? 1-2
Do you sometimes lie? 1-2
Police stings - Your opinion 5-3 5-4 10-8
Theism on decline? 3-4
My crazy questions topic. 2-6
Homosexuality - unsuitable viewing for children? 1-10
Brooke Shields explains Natural Selection 1-7
Hovind Video Dogs Dawkins 1-9
Ben Stein compares Obama to Hitler 5-7 5-8 5-10 6-4
Godly chain mail 2-4
History Channel Sucks 1-10
Consider a Linux mobile/smart phone.. 1-3
Anyone around Houston Texas? Need Opinions!! 1-3
Worried that Atheists don't work together 2-2
Can anyone provide evidence that Mao was atheist? 1-6
National Geographic, Discovery Channel and my ongoing... 1-7 2-5 3-1
Language 3-3
Why the hell is today whenever? Who says? 1-2 1-6 1-10 2-7 2-10 3-2 3-8 4-3
Helen in the hell? 1-10
An interesting/funny story 2-7 2-9
Where the world is heading towards? 2-6 28-3 29-6
Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoes climate change 2-3
Youtube terrorist 1-4
I lost a good friend. 1-1 1-9 2-10 4-6 5-1
My best friend believes I'm going to hell 3-6
Erke Gyro 1-5
Gunman opens fire in Tennessee church, 2 killed 2-1 2-3
Outrageous personal attack on RD by physicist John Barrow 2-2
More on defending real science 2-3
Minor Rape and Sexual assault increasing in Israel 1-2
Muslim Women Sue McDonald's 3-3 3-6 3-8
First Virgin in space? 2-1
My son is being taught creationism in science class! 1-4 4-3 4-4
'Expelled' movie available for Amazon review 1-3 2-2 4-9
Which is the most racist city in America? 1-8
we evolved from apes, now what? 2-6 6-4 8-2
Atheism is a threat to society 5-4
Christian feelings towards Richard Dawkins 4-6
New strategy 'can beat al-Qaeda' 1-2
The muslims and the pot bellied pig 1-3
93% of statistics are invented. 3-4
Medium Psych(oses) Part 2 5-5 5-8 5-9 10-6
holy potato 1-4
puzzle 10-10
The power to change what is around you..... 2-9 3-1 3-3 3-8
The God Delusion Exposed: The Argument from Ugliness 2-7
Will the U.S. become less religious? 3-5
LHC rap... 1-6
Is Aging an Accident of Evolution? 1-3
Case of Professor Chris diCarlo 1-3 1-5 1-9
Answers in Genesis 1-3
Relief for America's Energy Crisis? 1-9 3-4
First Post 1-2 1-4 2-4 3-6 3-8
Global Economy vs Church Funds? 1-2
Jesus Sucks airplane banner over Toronto yesterday 1-2
Pussy = Pussy!! 2-10
2008 Home Run Derby - "A lousy night to be an Atheist" 1-2
Hacker faces 60 years 1-9
US Congress on De-crim Marijuana 1-2 1-4 4-8
Rain Beetles 1-5
Warp Drive is Possible 2-2
Atheist = Hell 2-10
Designer G-spot 1-3
Deer Park Ravioli making pasta for half a century 1-2
Genetic Loss of Foreskin? 1-2
The promise of eternal life, who wants that? 2-8 5-4
Saudi Arabia's Olympic team 1-2
Preachy preachy 2-4
Alabama preacher killed wife, stuffed body in freezer 1-6
POLL: Research and Testing on Animals 1-2
Montauk Monster? 2-8 4-5
Do you realize a sandwich changed the course of history? 2-2
A moment's beauty 1-10
Qur'an approves Slavery. 1-8
Does anybody know Applescript? 1-7
A work of Satan.. 2-1 2-10
one for the K9 behaviorists out there 1-4
To Dr. Dawkins: Next US president? 3-6
I need some help, please ! 1-5
Hell 1-6 1-9
Debunking books in general, not ID related. 2-4 2-6
Learning to type 1-3 1-5 2-2
How Did God GIve us Morals? 1-7 1-8 2-2 2-4 2-6
Jumping in and out of Atheism... 1-6
What makes a theist lose their faith? 1-4 1-6 2-3 2-5
a little help? 1-9
Many World Interpretation 1-3
Please may I become an Atheist? 3-10 4-2 4-3 4-8
Atheistia 1-10
RD Forum NOT an Oasis 2-8
How is Using "Black" Considered Racist? 2-5 2-9 3-6 8-10 9-10 10-9 11-1 12-5 12-7 15-8 16-5 16-8 16-10
How to ruin the day at the museum!!!! 1-6 1-10
The girl in the window 3-5
Therapy that Makes You Feel Horrible 2-3 3-8
ROFL 1-3
Can I mix and customize religions for my taste? 1-7
How do you deal with the anger? 1-6 2-1 2-10 4-1
Ralph Nader Thread (Independent Candidate for US President) 1-10 2-1
Rapture to occur in one week! 2-2 11-7
Obama's right on tire inflation!!! 1-2
Horror Authors Appreciation thread 2-10
Vietnamese Wizard Monkeys! 1-6
About Manjir Samanta-Laughton (a "punk" "scientist") 1-3
More than 100,000 rare gorillas found in Congo 1-2 1-7 2-5
Just arrived... 1-8 2-1 2-3
Original Sin Disproven? 2-2 2-4
Just A Rant 1-2 2-2
Serious problems with wikipedia article on "God" 1-2
What would be the coolest science breakthrough .. 6-2
Nobody loses... 8-4 9-9 11-3 15-6
Still forbidden to write about Muhammad 2-10
Bruce Hood blog 'Supersense' 1-2
You know what I'm sick of? 2-3 2-5
Why isn't there.... 2-4
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 3 15-10 16-4 16-7 16-10 17-4 18-6 18-7 18-8 38-1 55-2 61-2 70-3 74-6 74-7 76-10 77-1 77-4 77-5 77-8 79-8 80-1 81-5 81-7 82-6 85-3 87-4
Is the God Delusion really so offensive? 1-6
Fear of terrorists with WMDs 3-2
Evidence comes ---- eventually 10-3
When was the last time you did something that made you happy 1-6 5-7
anyone into metorites 1-2 1-5
No Religion: Would the World Be Better? 1-2
Just some thoughts 1-2 1-7 2-7
Fierce fighting in breakaway Georgia republic 20-5
Non-chemical highs 1-7
John Edwards admits to having affair 7-6
Bernie Mac dead at 50 1-4
'Atheists for Jesus' 1-9
Wedding issue 1-4 4-6
Police missing ``beer goggles'' 1-2
No god = life 1-2 2-1
Poll on whether time travel to past theory is possible. 5-8
Happy Birthday Randy Ping 2-2
Iraq: This is now an illegal occupation. 16-1 17-10
Issac Hayes dead, religious critizism 1-3
Richard Dawkins Put In His Place 1-5
Barry Goldwater on what's wrong with The Republican party 7-7
What do you get all irrational about? 3-2
From Atheist to total believer... 29-10
My seven year old made a creationist joke ! 2-7 2-10 3-3 3-6
A cheap, effective, low-maintenance mine sweeper? 2-5 3-2
Today I met an ugly American. 9-8
El espejismo de Dios, the God delusion 1-5
The Eternal Heresy of Anarchists 5-2
Is atheism a form of spiritual autism? 55-6
Josephus on Jesus 9-9
My first post... a controversy surrounding Christmas? 2-4
Would you like there to be a God? 2-9
24hr city-wide curfew? In America? 1-10
When was the last time you made somebody else happy? 1-1 2-5
"Frankenrobot" 1-2 finally happened 1-4
Bigfoot found?! 9-10
US whites 'to be minority by 2042' 5-8
How To Offend A Christian 3-5 3-7 4-3 4-5
Disability is a blessing from the slave master 2-7
The Bionic Man. Are we there yet? 1-4
Scientology at youtube 1-4
Why do they always bring up the Crusades and the Inquisition 11-3 11-5 15-6
How would a god prove that she exists? 3-2
Celebrating 50 years of delusion 1-6 1-8
Chi 3-5
Jesus the Roman, Hitler the Atheist 2-4 3-8
Why are all the smart guys Christians? 8-7
Political ad states Missouri is blessed by god 3-2
Getting streched and squeezed in a black hole 1-2
Star wars or Star Trek or Stargate? 1-8 5-3 5-4
Slow, horrible death? 1-7
not intelligent enough 1-7
Fierce fighting in breakaway Georgia republic II 10-9 11-1 11-3 11-5 11-7 11-9 13-2
Football 1-4
The guaranteed totally offence free caption the picture game 2-9 2-10 3-1 3-2 3-3
Can we appeal to religious people at all? 1-4
THE GOD DELUSION for a quid? 1-2 1-4 1-9 1-10 2-3
Can you imagine spacelessness? (and maybe even timelessness) 1-9
The 5 Most Ridiculously Unjust Religious Afterlives 1-2
I, Aksel, make a case for God 7-10 15-4 21-10 30-5 33-2
12,000 posts for Sciwoman 2-7
McCain and Obama God Love in debate 2-9 3-1 3-7 4-5 4-10
Movie recommendations 2-5 3-3
Are US high schools really like the movies? 1-5 4-9 5-1 5-3 5-5 5-7 8-2 8-4 12-2
Non-Alcoholic DAWK Thread 1 (Clean Version) 5-4
The Gulag Archipelago 1-8 2-5
Randy Ping: Atheist, Patriot, Candidate 1-1 1-3 1-8 2-1 2-6 2-7 2-9 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-9 4-3 4-4 4-6 4-10 5-2 5-4 5-6 5-8 6-4 6-7 6-9 7-5
new here - flame me, but don't kill me, I ain't goin nowhere 2-7
Randy Pings up 8000! 1-4 2-2 2-9
The Dangers of Censorship... 1-2
Science needs a refresher 1-6
When was the last time sombody made you happy? 1-1 3-2
Blasphemy Challenge, Made Easy 1-6
You ask for a bit of evidence and people get all upset... 1-2
Iran reachs low-orbit 2-5
Islamic Fundamentalist Org declares me a Military Target 1-3
New IG on Atheist Online Communities 1-1
Bully advice 1-6 4-4
The Elephant Test 1-2
"'Stillborn baby' comes back to life in hospital fridge" 1-7
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 27-7 28-3 28-5
V for Vendetta - Its message & revolutions 2-2 2-6 2-8 2-10 3-2 3-4 4-7 8-8 9-1 9-3 9-5 9-7 10-10 11-2 11-4 11-9
Pleased as punch! 1-6 1-9
The Human Sexuality 2-9
Someone Who Cared 1-4
Yes! 2-6
Do you think its possible to be born racist? 8-1 8-4 16-9 18-1
New species found on eBay! 1-2
Potholer new vid- Ice Age 1-1
More human than human? 1-1 1-3 1-5
How do I forge an elite? 1-2
How does the bible explain black, yellow... people? 3-1
The thrill of competition... 1-4
Simon Singh to be sued 8-8
So you believe in dinosaurs, then? 5-5
Australian preacher exposed as a fraud. 3-8
The horror of atheism 8-1 8-3
Trusting a religious persons judgement 1-5
Coming Out 1-9
Atheist with sense of intellectual inferiority 2-4
"Everything happen for a reason." Is that a religious tenet? 1-8 3-2
Gaiaism 1-2
Christian Athletes 1-2
Vaccine refusals fuel measles outbreak 1-2
A quick laugh for you 1-8
More idiocy from the morons at Uncommon Descent 1-6
Hypothetical question 2-1
Sky TV in UK - God Channels next to Kids 1-2
How to battle annoying music in public transport 3-5
Father in law issue : need help 1-7
There is a God 1-8 2-9
Destroy All Humans 1-6
Einstein's God 2-8
C4 returns to Undercover Mosque - they are worse than ever 2-4
Green as Grass about our one true deity. 1-7
Atheist-Bashing Excepts 1-7
Should the US change its Presidential election system? 4-3 5-9 5-10
US Asset Protection Agency 1-2 1-4
teaching evolution in the USA 2-1
Democratic National Convention 1968.....reprise in 2008?? 1-2
Help! I've been slimed! 2-4
Addictive Game. 4-2
Why are atheists loosing? 1-10
New Guy Alert! (And a short message/story/request) 2-10
Angels 5-9
The horned God 3-2
The Passion of the Paint 1-2 1-6 1-10
...and G-d said... 2-3
What can be said for the idea of the soul? 2-1
Is Richard Dawkins a Skrull? 1-7 1-9
Re-run. UE the one trick pony up to his old trick again 7-4 11-9
Shock 50% Pay Rise Demand for Half the World's Population... 1-5
Boom De Ah Dah! 2-1
Democrats being hijacked by religion to get themselves elect 3-9
Weird Dream Last Night... 1-2
What's with "God Dammit"? 2-1 3-3
Swedish government clamps down on religious schools 1-10
Mind control made easy! 1-4
Girls Kissing Girls Evolutionary Possible? 4-2
Improving the Olympic Games 3-1
Debunking ghost stories 1-2 6-2
What's The Greatest Atheist Movie Ever Made? 1-10
Enoch Powell, Rivers of Blood, 40 years on 3-7 4-7 10-4 10-7
Gustav.......Katrina II??? Hanna and Ike and....... 1-10 2-9 5-8 5-10 6-9 7-8 7-10 8-2 8-7 8-9 21-1 23-3 23-7 23-9 24-1 24-2
Collision of galaxy clusters captured by astronomers 1-3
How good are you to society? 1-5
Guitar Praise 1-6
How can Atheism reconcile quantum physics? 6-6 6-7 6-8 22-6
Oil companies dread. 1-2
Wife’s illness isn’t excuse to cheat 1-4
Man kicked out of Yankee Stadium during "God Bless America" 1-2 1-4
Cthulu tracts 2-2
I miss Pensioner 2-5
The Darkest Horse; Randy Ping '08 1-1 1-3 1-9
"Doubt" (2008) 1-5
Holy smoke! Priest goes potty 1-2
What is your vision of the future? 2-8 3-1 3-3 3-4 3-6 5-7
Hillsong gets completely PWNED by The Chasers! 1-4
Can Anyone Reccomend 1-2
well then, satan it is! 3-2
Borrowed technology: ideas please? 2-1
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain Part 2 1-2 13-3
'Arming' for Armageddon 2-1 2-4
JFK Assassination 1-5
Songs that criticise religion 1-8
Non-mainstream forms of entertainment 2-6
Will science conquering death kill god? 2-5
Randy Ping 1-5 2-7
How do you put up with them? 35-2
Man Rises From the Dead--True of False? 3-9
US Presidential Election 2008 - VP Candidate Sarah Palin 53-4 54-5 59-2 68-8
Abusing Scientific Terms 5-7
anonymous grave 3-5
Why Republicans search out dopes to vote for... 3-10 4-7
Smoking Cigarettes 3-8
Prof. Dawkins for Prime Minister, ? 2-5 2-8 2-10
A letter re: Darwin Day from Answers in Genesis 2-9
Religious abuse by a music teacher 3-4
US Presidential Election 2008 - Joe Biden 1 9-8 19-3 banned in Turkey 1-2 1-8
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 4 15-8 43-2 46-6 78-9 80-10 96-10
Naomi Klein and economics 5-10
grown up? 4-1
Is English Lit. a real subject? 3-1
X-Men Liberals, interesting... 1-1
Russell Brand Forced to Apologise at VMAs 2-8
"He bites" 1-7
For Americans 3-6
The mistress of "To what are you listening?" 1-1 1-2 34-2 37-1
Priest-off! 2-3
My Wiki How Article Regarding Atheism 1-4
RichardPrins @ 13,000! 1-8
Hurricanes.... 1-2
Microwave baby killer gets life 2-1 2-8
Do you advocate 'Guerrilla Atheism'? 1-3
It's the oil, stupid! (Noam Chomsky) 1-7 1-8
Considering Efforts to Reduct the Religion Memeplexes 1-2
Starting my Tau Army; 40K modeling 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8 2-2 2-3 2-7 2-8 2-10 3-2
Funny fundie Letter 2-2
Human v2.0 aka Eternal life for us atheists :) 1-2
Girl commits suicide over 'Big Bang' fear 3-7
Offense: the "Special" Emotion 1-6
Surrounded by right-wing, creationists at work 1-7
Good bye, Dear friend. :( 1-1
The case for vigilantism 3-1 3-4 6-4 10-8
Priest Caught Peddling Cocaine 2-6
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 2 15-2 50-9
Conspiracy Theories 4-6
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain Part 3 3-3 37-8 58-9 59-10 64-1 64-2 67-3 74-9 76-9 77-1 80-7 80-9 90-6 90-7 99-1
Area of Texas/World population: Simple maths problem! Help! 2-1 3-6
"Genuine" Magic Spells for Sale on eBay 2-8
Mickey mouse and other mice on the muslim death list 4-7
New faith throws out the Ten Commandments 2-9
Atheist's bizarre bid to convert Christian 4-9
Palin may have a minister problem 2-10
Centre for Inquiry new promotional video 1-6
Why is skin color so important to most people? 1-10 3-7
The Minister's Cat.... Part VI...... 23-8 25-7 26-1 27-10
What do television networks produce? 7-3 7-9
Absolutely ashamed... 2-7 2-9
Don't do this.... 1-6
Response from fundi 3-8
How can it hurt? 9-7
The Future of NASA 1-6 1-9
What exactly is an elitist? 3-3 3-4 4-1 4-2 5-10 6-2 6-5
Schoolboy Islamist jailed for two years 1-2
Tony Blair on The Daily Show 1-8
McCain Strangles Baby 1-3
"Faith Moms" 2-4
Atheist and huricane Katrina 1-7 1-8
Iraqi fundamentalist website hacked 1-4
Huge explosion at Marriott in Pakistan capital 1-7
Any beetle experts here? 1-4
Alaska's native movement is calling for help! 1-6
Art teacher made student pray to Jesus for forgiveness 3-4
Selfish Gene 1-8
Any luck in converting believers to atheism? 2-5
I couldn't resist it ! 1-2
Alternative wedding cake 1-4
Paradoxes Anyone? 1-2 1-4
Arkansas Christian Compound Raided over Child Porn 1-9
Appeal against execution 30-6 30-8 31-2
Peak Oil 3-3 3-5
Only gay right is to die, says Ron Owen's sticker 1-6
McCartney defies Muslim threats, show to go on 3-7
What's your stereotype! 5-8
Pastors To Preach Politics From The Pulpit 2-3 2-4 2-6
Victim of religious hate crime? 2-10
Animal Magik? 4-3
Are churches legally obligated to perform same-sex weddings? 1-5 1-8
Why is there a 'Divine Proportion' in nature? 2-9
White 'orb' in the gym- video 2-10 3-7 4-1
Hidden racism and the US presidential campaign 1-2
America's Two-Party Monopoly 2-2
Can an atheist also be a Christian? 2-3
US Presidential Debate Obama vs McCain 5-10
Would you convert for the sake of love? 2-3
RIP Paul Newman 1-8
Does anyone know if we can use the Scarlet 'A' on stamps? 1-6
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 3 12-1 12-3 13-7 31-1 31-6 58-1 71-4 73-10 76-7 83-6 85-6 85-8 85-9 86-1 90-8 90-9 92-3
Pakal, The Maya Astronaut:Ancient Space Travel 1-8
Philip Pullman happy..... 1-2
Is the world so complicated? 2-2 2-7 2-9
Art of Wonder II, now including Victorian (or whatever) 54-10
becoming a runner 4-3
Silencing Christians Forum 3-1
Beyond the "God Delusion" 1-7
Collapsing banks - Dawkins is to blame 1-10
Pictures of thee, Thread Part IV! 18-8 19-1 68-1
U.S. Army brigade being assigned to the "Homeland" 1-5
What's the Official Sport of Atheism? 2-9
Has anyone else wondered... 1-4
Another bloody paradox in christianity! ROFL! 1-3
Left Wing Right Wing 1-6
I bought a new (used) bike! 1-7
Church Brain Washing Open-Day 1-4
Is Atheism for intellectual elites? 1-9
If I hear the word "Maverick" one more time... 2-1
Talking about science and God at work...crossing the line 1-4
A Message To Atheists 6-6 7-3
Margaret Thatcher - Great or Terrible? 5-10
Good Punk Bands? 1-10
Pope warns, modern culture is destroying faith 7-1
Mind upload SF or not?! 2-4
NASA spacecraft ready to explore outer solar system 1-3
Is Richard rich? 1-9
Will Richard Dawkins do a mainstream movie? 1-5
Creationism - Speed of Light 2-4
The Name Sarah Palin's Next Illegitimate Baby Contest 2-5 3-5
News Article 1-2
Glasgow Mormon attack! 1-5
Anybody else "taught" Intelligent Design in school? 2-1
SETI, Theodicy and the Limits of Democracy 1-6
how to counteract school education 1-5
Can a degree hurt you? 1-2
Suggestions for new forum after exodus. 17-7 17-9 18-6
My Mum's Funeral 1-6
Thank you Richard! 1-3
The Simulation Argument 4-2 4-3 6-6
Can This Be Pro-Life? 1-10
Having a go,at playing poe 1-6
Intolerance of My Yard Sign!!! 3-1
What does mean to you? 1-6 2-4 2-6 2-8 9-4 10-9 11-4
Indoctrination? That's a harsh word... 2-3
OT Thread 1-2
Do you have a desire to learn? 1-2
New Forum Guidelines (commentary pt. 2) 3-5 3-8 10-8 75-1
Why are drugs illegal? Druggie Pride! 9-1 12-6
Arrogance 1-3 4-9
Why science can't explain it all 1-6
Religion related riot in Israel 2-5
Can our Economic Troubles be solved with the Gold Standard? 6-7 7-1 7-2
A scary trend? 1-7
Conciousness & Concepts of God 1-2
Evolution and slavery? 2-9
No Atheist can solve......... 3-10
Translation from latin to Greek 1-2
help with home teaching issue please 1-1 1-3
Could Richard Dawkins ... 3-3
What does 'supernatural' mean? 1-9
What is it With Internet Drama? 2-3
Knowledge Time-Capsule? 1-6
Pope declares Indian woman saint 1-4
Holding Out The Olive Branch of Peace 1-10 7-3 7-5
Atheists are "the most vile, radical liberals in America." 1-6
How bad for you is 'heading' in soccer? 1-5
Why does Dawkins respect the Fine tuned universe theory? 1-3
I won $200 thousand uuhhhaaa 2-8
Atheism, Nihilism & Amorality 12-6 14-8
Darwin's sanitized idea - review of evolution 1-2
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 5 1-6 1-9 2-1 5-1 12-1 12-2 13-7 15-8 22-9 23-1 39-10 59-1 86-7 87-4 87-6 87-10
Crazy Church People 1-9
the feisability of interdimentional travel 2-8
Atheist in a Minivan 1-2 1-4
My Friend, The Muslim 1-4
Christian girlfriend challenges me to read the bible 1-2
Forgive me for being dumb but... 2-3
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion II 6-9 7-7 13-10 16-5 17-7 18-10 34-4 34-9 36-1 46-1 46-9 46-10 50-5 97-3
Message to Ringo Starr..... 1-6
Join a very bookish conspiracy. 1-8 1-10
Chicago may get 'gay-friendly' high school 4-6
There's an Expelled torrent 1-2
New comet spotted 1-3
The Daily Cartoon 2-7 7-10
Atheism as a social movement. 2-1
rap opinions please 1-6
evolutionary interpretation of this ad please... 1-7
Google Chatbot 1-7
‘Ex-gays’ sue DC human rights office 1-8
Atheism in denial? 3-5
Dawkins, Turkey, and I 1-3
Meeting with my pastor to ask some questions 1-4
The nerve of some people! 1-5
Cheney's abnormal heart rhythm returns 1-3
When being direct is RUDE? 2-3
Meritocracy? 2-7
Born atheist or reborn atheist? 1-8
Sources of Knowledge 9-7
Pope: Military spending creates food shortages 1-2
Is Joe Plumber a plant? 1-2 3-2 9-6 9-8 13-7
The Missing Link in Planet Formation 1-2
I got my nose pierced! 1-2
So I went to a play called "Final Destination" *Long* 1-5
Sam Harris vs Barack Obama 1-4
ps3 game to be delayed due to religious sensitivity 2-4
BBC's Have Your Say - one of the worst places in the world 2-8 3-9
mind blowing video - not remembering someone from 5 secs ago 1-5
''You became an atheist to do so and so!" 3-9
Funding for Christian-Only Hiring Practices OK'd by D.O.J. 1-8
Proposition 8 25-6
Validity Of Beliefs 3-2 6-2 27-9
Test Your Atheism 31-8
Being Lonely 2-10
Our Overriding Stupidity. 1-2
I'm back...! 1-8
Why Richard Dawkins is arrogant 1-6
Is Dawkins credible? 3-10
Muslim refuses to shake my hand - should I be annoyed? 2-8
'poverty' in rich countries 2-7
TalkOrigins for Muslims 1-2
Somewhere the Earth Gods are laughing - Cuba awash in oil 2-8
China returning to Universal healthcare 2-8
Do doctors study biology but COMPLETELY OMIT evolution? 12-2 13-2
Purpose Driven Dawkins 5-5 6-4 8-2 8-5 8-9
Atheist Bus Campaign 30-7
The Omission In God Delusion 1-2
I got fired today 1-8
Magick is real?! Debate on the occult 2-3
The Manipulation of Synchronicity 7-10 9-3 9-10 10-3
Trip to Galapagos 1-2
X-Box 360 or PS3? 1-3 2-4 2-8
India launches scientific mission to the moon 1-6
Celebrity religion 1-5
Epilepsy is possession! 1-10 2-2
Christian Women 1-7
Chargers v Saints LONDON 1-4
Atheist tribe? 1-2 1-6
Thread for non-Americans to say they're holding their breath 3-3
Why are creationist books in the science section of my loc? 1-8
questions from a girl - feedback requested 1-2
Fundamental Flaws in Dawkins' Approach 3-3 3-8
Complete Mammalian "Family tree" -ABC site/pdf 1-3
You know what would be awesome? 1-3
Mad Mel on Dawkins 6-2
Nothing wrong with religion? 1-7
Do you play the lottery? 2-4
Stuff You've done to Religious Things in Stores. 1-4 1-6
Jehovas Witnesses at my door 1-3 1-4
MARKET CRASH, how much did you lose ? 3-5 3-7
Why the hell do people wear makeup? 4-3 7-4
"Darwin was a fag!" 1-3 2-5
Richard Dawkins and children's fairy tales etc 15-2 15-5 15-10 16-7 17-3 17-4
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 4 5-1 23-6
What well known great thinker are you? 1-2 1-4 1-9
2000 for Animavore 2-3
Barama and a World who Holds their Breath 1-2
Elegant Universe & string theory -- hokum? & books 1-3
US Members - What do you think of Little Britain? 1-6
Quantum stupidity? 1-10
I saw a Creation Scientist last week. 1-7
Reason and Religion 41-7 41-9 41-10 42-2 47-4
Assassination attempt on Obama curtailed 2-9 2-10 5-10
Full transplantable artificial heart 1-4
How Bad is Socialism anyway? 3-1 35-3
Atheism and Libertarianism (now with a poll!) 19-8 19-9
Thirteen times the wealth of Bill Gates 1-3
Don'T Get Tied Up "Educating" Xtians 1-3
US - 1Year in jail for wearing clothes improperly 5-4 8-2
Religulous vs. Fireproof 1-2
If you could bring any dead person back to life... 4-5
What is art worth? 1-4
Atheism isn't making logical sense to me. 8-10
Ghost hunters say local building is haunted 1-8 1-10 2-2 3-5
Is Technical Singularity Really Possible? 1-3
Gay marriage.. Did I do the right thing? 1-5 1-8 1-3
Aliens are God's children too - BBC program 3-1
Aliens - Friend or Foe 2-3
Only one side will know they were wrong. 1-9 2-5 2-7 3-4
Reincarnation 2-1
Japan Air Force chief: Japan not an aggressor in WW II 2-2
CCF refuses sci-fi convention donation 1-1 1-4
Just Remember . . . 8-5
What topics do you like besides science? 3-1
What makes you happier? 2-5
Best voice? 3-2
Descent Into Ignorance 3-1
Dear Red States... 2-9
Town halls ban staff from using Latin words 3-8
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion III 12-6 77-4 78-5
Occupation? 4-1
Any Political Realists??? 2-5
What's your take on Al Franken running for senate? 2-3
Obama's Presidential Cabinet 2-8
10,000 for justwondering 3-2
Major TV Network problem! 1-9
Do men REALLY think women are so stupid? 4-2
Faith tours at the (regular) Museum 1-3 1-5
Is the Iraq War a War or a Military Operation? 2-3
Understanding what belief feels like 1-8
Radioactive Decay Fact-checking 1-4
ARKIVE stunning images 1-2
prof gets censored 1-2
Cheering Up A Fundie ... 1-10
Help? Argument about gays and the bibles probably needs work 2-10
Do you like the European union? 10-10
Are businessmen just grown up bullies? 1-10
I bet these kids know their position on religion... 1-6
The Disclosure Project Part 2 10-7 34-5 42-9 47-10 48-1 48-3 51-4 62-6 82-5 90-7
Oh, the irony - I've been asked to speak at a mass! 1-3 2-2
Where do YOU get your morals from? 2-4
"The Beautiful Truth": Medicine's equivalent of 'Expelled'? 1-6
Is this dumb? 1-4
Neo-Nazism and Racism in Germany 2-3 3-5 7-1
All men are equal... 9-3 17-3 17-4
U.S. Bishops Urged to Challenge Obama 2-4
Holiday Season=Catalog Waste 1-2
Who has killed more, Satan or God? 2-8
The Reptile Thread 2-8
Apparitions, BBC1 drama 3-6
Religion is the greatest problem of our times? (Poll) 3-2
Beyond Ex Gay video clip 1-2
Children's Book Ideas- Suggestions Needed 3-2
Would you rather be an astronaut or a celebrity? 3-3
Direction for an anti-psychic database 1-2
Hell is not a place of Fire and Torture... 1-2
Jobs - money or enjoyment? 2-6
Dan Savage pwns Family Research Council president 2-1 2-2
is the RFID chip true 1-7
God is in the details (of our mind and memory) 4-2 4-8 6-6
A vote for the right to democratically vote in/out mods 2-3
What contingency plans should I have? 1-5 1-10
Black and white thinking. 1-9 3-2
Permanent Ban on UndercoverElephant 1-5
Youngsters and what makes sense to them ! 1-4 2-3
Look Out, Creationists!!!!! 2-8
Mercy Ministries International, now filing false DMCA on YT 1-4
Survey: Americans Believe Religious Values Are 'Under Attack 2-1
Help! Religion in the workplace! 3-2
Is Obama a natural born citizen? 5-3 9-2
Gun ownership poll corrected 4-3
Foot Binding - A lesson in WTF! 1-7
Should I resign or wait to be sacked? 1-10 2-8
Obama is a sin against the lard 2-7 3-3
What about secular intolerance? 1-3
Is there a draft in our future? 1-2
Senator Ted "internet is a series of tubes" Stevens loses 1-3
New Humanist Trump Cards 3-3
Bicycle survey 6-2 7-1
Should America bailout Detroit's car builders? 10-2
I have a low IQ 6-3 6-5
Do you have shy bladder? 6-10
Dad links son's suicide to 'The God Delusion' 16-1 19-7 19-10
AVAILABLE NOW! New God Delusion T-Shirt 2-4
Al-Qaeda welcomes Michael Jacksons conversion to Islam 2-6
Avebury stone circle 2-5
Atheistic answers for leary's questions ? 6-4 6-6 8-1
How can they ? 1-10
Why do conservatives hate socialism? 5-8 6-1 45-7
Need Scientists' Perspectives on This Article 2-1
If your kids don't believe in Santa... Stockings meaning? 2-5
What forms of religous expression are acceptable ? 1-8
Channel 4, 7pm tonight - "God Bless America" 1-2
My Angry Uncle 1-3 1-8
Science and Theology (Please attempt to refute) 7-2
Obama Skips Church 2-6
Religion is bad 1-2
Atheisms Elite? 2-3
Science delivering on human imortality? 1-1 1-4
Spirituality, Ghosts, Dimensions, Karma 1-10
Evidence for Santa 1-8
Why is not changing your mind seen as a virtue? 1-2 1-4
Conversation With a Youth Pastor 1-6
This is a good forum :) 1-7
Terror in Mumbai 11-6
Homosexuality 30-10
Earthlings 1-10
Have **you** had a "psychic" or "ghost" experience? 2-10 6-2 6-6 6-8
US Army deserter seeks asylum 1-10 2-4 2-6
Books for self-teaching undergrad physics? 1-7
Hollow Earth 2-3
Anti-terror law requires God be acknowledged 3-7
Ever had a really lucky escape? 3-1 3-6
Secularity Index 1-4
The greatest force in the universe 3-8
Should There Be More Star Wars Movies? 7-8
Would you make a deal with the devil? 3-9
Looking for the best one-liner 4-1
Burden of Proof 2-9
Bah humbug 3-3
Cincinnati Zoo & Creation Museum joint marketing 1-4
Mars Rover updates 2-9
Maybe they have a point..... 3-6
Fat people should be bullied 36-7
coffee or nap? 2-3
Normalcy 1-2
Is religion really such a threat to our society? Please e.. 1-6
Old as you want to be: Study finds most seniors feel younger 1-2
What makes you want to be a moderator? 1-2 1-8
The size of the universe 1-3
Evidence there is no soul? 1-5
how do you clear your mind for study? so you feel fresh 2-6
An atheist godmother 1-2
Is atheism a religion? (Part II) 39-8
The Last Warning for Non-Christians 30-3
A degree in theology at my university – the courses revealed 2-9
Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama 2-8
KopBusters 1-5
do you have a rational, logical diet? 2-8
The Worst thing to come out of America 3-9
American Media Liberal? 1-7
SUVs at altar, Detroit church prays for a bailout 1-4
what's your job? 3-8 7-4
Can’t get to sleep! 2-4
Starting debates with people... 1-6 2-6
Agenda 21. Paranoid conspiracy or genuine concern? 1-8 2-4
Bush Nightline Interview 1-7 1-9
White atheist family WifeSwap with black fundie family (vid) 1-7 1-8 1-10 2-2 7-2
What's so bad about Christianity? 3-3 3-5
Mariano's diatribes against Atheist Richard Dawkins 1-2
Mick Huckabee is still a douchebag 1-2 1-4
Katherine's Countdown to 3000 Posts Thread! 1-5
Mock Debate 1-2
How much rock is in the asteroid belt and outer solar system 1-1
Jesus Christ Superstar 4-7
Interested in taking part? 2-6
Video Archive ?? 1-8
RIP Bettie Page 1-4
Peak to Peak grand opening 1-2 1-4
Why Do We Act Differently In Front of Attractive People? 2-3
Upon Return, Jesus Taken For Pussy Liberal 1-7
Will white people become myths in the future? 7-4 7-5 7-7 8-10
Postman Pat appears in Nativity play + stupid fundi argument 1-6
The Truth about Dawkins 4-3
Gift idea for a Christian father. 2-1 3-3
Obama selects Pastor Warren for Inauguration 2-7
I didn't like "Ben Hur." Is it because I'm an atheist? 1-8
Please, I need help arguing the show Ghost Hunters 1-4
Favourite YouTube Videos II 34-5 34-6
Princess Diana conspiracy theories, what you think? 4-3 4-5 5-1 5-2 6-4
Rest In Peace - Majel Barrett Roddenberry 2-5
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 1-9
JW's Super Duper 12000-Post Christmas Party! 4-6
Sam's baby 2-10 3-2
Welcome one and all 1-7
Don't need a book to teach me morals!! 1-7
Space "Landmarks" 1-2
Inherent Flaws in the Moderation of Site Rules 4-10
For married folk 5-1 5-5
MST3K - B movie fans. 9-2
Secularism - Is it all it's cracked up to be? 3-2
Religion v Science? 1-8
Anyone From Bible Belt? (Alabama) 1-5
Priest 'ruins Christmas' for kids 3-10 4-2
Tony Robinson on the PAranormal TV shows 1-3
Why do female school children ware Shirts / blouses? 3-2
Braindead World 3-2 3-4 3-7 4-3
Merry Christmas! 1-7 1-10 3-7
Happy Newton'sDay (08) 1-2
<3LOVE<3 1-3
Anachronisms in the movie 10,000 BC 2-1 2-3
happy hog'many and ner'day 1-5
I got two Dawkins books for Christmas :) 1-8
I did it!! 1-5
What would you do, based on your beliefs. 4-7
Care to take a stab at Ouija? 3-10
Happy New Year? For who? What Are Your Predictions? 1-5
How NOT to convert theists? 1-8 2-1
"My belief in god is not a religion, it's a relationship" 3-7
*cries* 2-8
Superman 1-9 2-1 2-4
What are you doing with your life? 2-10 3-5 6-8 7-1 7-6
Madonna 2-4 2-9 3-2 3-4 3-10 4-2 6-9 8-6 8-7 8-8
Someone debunk Daniel 11:2-4 for me 6-6
John Travolta's son died today 4-2
Ex-muslim and Bacon 2-7
A blatant plug for a show about Dawkins, Darwin and peas 1-4
the famine song 4-4 5-8
What colour are you? 5-3 5-9 9-7
Can We Teach Bible As Myth? 2-5
Should Richard Dawkins be a social darwinist? 2-6
Ultimate Sacrifice? 1-3
Re: top ten list of Christian bashing in America for 2008 1-4
What ignorance gets you! 1-2
The Disclosure Project Part 3 22-9 23-1
'Atheists Celebratory Day/Week'. What Date Would You suggest 2-9
Do you think RD has mixed feelings about this forum ? 2-8
What is it with you Scientists interfering in gods work ? 1-8
Are You Ready For The End? 2-9
The Church of Superman 1-3 1-10
Life 1-2
Sleep paralysis, most terrifying thing EVER! 1-3
Complaints against religious advertising 1-2
Many fellow Atheists don't feel welcome here. 2-1 2-3 2-9
Ug, ug. Science. Bad. 1-4
Obama and the masons. 2-4
Would Richard Dawkins dare to enter the next Big Brother?! 4-4
Proof the Earth is 6000 years old 1-2
EVERYONE, Britain is well and truly ******.... 8-6
Life's purpose: Turning Point 1-6
Afghan Schoolgirls Undeterred by Attack 2-6
Thomas Campbell should educate Richard Dawkins 13-7
Worst Apartment Ad Ever 3-1
Irrational rationals? 5-5
Artificial human life 1-4
Baby Chiropractor? 7-9
Help Needed: Looking for a Great Argument Essay 1-6
RDF cliques 14-10
'To stand in awe' 1-2
I am getting disillusioned by atheism 2-4
Rush: I don't want them to succeed 6-3
dog intelligence 3-1
A Reading 2-10
Kids vs Vicar on Jesus (clip) 1-4
Here's a short silent movie I made 1-2
Question for the Men 2-9
Intellectual Dishonesty 1-3
Why should I live in YOUR country? 3-2
Obamacons! 1-2
What do you drive? 2-9
Homophobic, Racist, Pro-Eugenics, Nazi.... Atheist? 2-3
Is 8 years enough for a Presidency? 4-2
Comics you may find interesting 1-3
President Obama orders Guantanamo Bay shut 1-5
Catholic Bishop Charged for Holocaust Denial 60-2
Becoming atheist for all the wrong reasons 6-2
The Decline and Fall of the English Language. 42-1
Faith Houses 1-2
Christian Rock ? What else ? Muslim hardcore ? 1-6
The Leftish Folks Are Destroying The Planet. 2-5 2-7
What scares you? 5-7
Hewitt's ghostly encounter 1-8
Disappointed 1-7
Hitchens vs D'Souza at The University of Colorado 1-7 2-9 3-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-5
atheist retreat 1-3
Oh what fools… 1-2
Jihad Bride 1-2
It's hard to appreciate freedoms on these boards 2-7
Octuplet births 7-10
martin short character grilled on global warming 1-2
Vinyl still rocks 2-3 3-2
Happy Birthday Josh! 2-4
Ignominious blunder by University of Vermont 6-6 6-8
Warning, Nerdy content. 1-1 1-3
Conversation with my Pagan sister 1-2
Pandemic: Atheist Edition 1-2
Darwin commited incest 3-9
New Mods Announced! 8-6
Make your own Atheist Bus Sign 4-2 4-3
Our Christian Cafeteria 2-3
Goodmorning RDF 2-1
Criminal "COMMON PURPOSE" = imminent police state 1-7
Life in the future 2-7 5-1
Limiting pointless argument in the opinions page 1-3
Christian Bale Rages 2-5 2-10 4-1 5-2
God is. The Jews prove it. 9-8
Katherine's SECOND 3000th Post Party Thread.... 2-5
'There definitely is a God' Bus adverts 13-2
[Weird] Swedish woman seeks treatment for ‘Coke’ addiction 1-7
What happens to these people? 2-2
The Giant Fireball 1-8
Burning Man 2009 Evolution Theme 1-2
Who needs Science when you've got lawyers? 1-2
Help fight the Religious Right's Assault on Human Rights 1-2
i miss the warm feeling and memories religion brought 1-2 1-4
Texas Teacher Fired on Suspicion of Atheism 1-6 6-2 6-9
Is this typical christian thought in your area? 1-2
Racial Segregation in an Australian School? 1-2
Super Villain confessional 2-2
Terrorist attacks: Is it religious or political? 4-7 6-5
Does God Exist? 4-7
Rational Britain - members wanted! 1-4
What did I miss? 1-2 1-4
Dawkins - 5th column 1-4
Hindu group gets knickers in a twist over Valentine's Day 1-4
Careers advice too late at 36 to career change? 2-5
SL Anyone 1-3
88 Lines about 44 Murders LOL! 1-1
Some light relief - who's your top ten Heroes? 1-10
Should prostitution be legal? 1-1
Acts of god 1-2
Bill O'Reilly, other right-wing hosts are anti-American 1-2
I am ebarresed 1-2 2-1
Fuck 9-10 10-4 10-10 11-2
An alternative to religious youth organisations 1-3
Kinda works against the message 1-5
Is World Peace Possible? 1-6 1-9 1-10 2-2
Will you be missed when you pass away? 4-7 5-5
A Sceptical Maze in Scotland 1-2
Japanese rape simulators 1-2
pledge a song/story/picture/joke for kiki thread 3-4
Baffling evolution 1-4
your mind/friend or foe? 1-3 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-2
Need help debunking specific prophecies 1-5
The most important step for mankind 1-2
I can't remember/find this quote... 1-2
Kill Count: Christians v. Atheists 3-2 3-3
Man sues US college over anti-gay marriage speech 2-1
sharia law expanding 1-4
Newsweek: "We Are All Socialists Now" 1-5 1-9 2-3
Get Brian Cox Off BBC Science Programs!! 1-4
Would You Part With It For Love? 2-1
What's wrong with the world today? 3-3 3-5 4-8
Or do nothing at all- 1-4
Exodus - any historical basis whatsoever? 2-1
Pedophilia Is Psuedo-Science : Invitation To Formal Debate 2-8
Schoolkids looking at POV of bombers. 1-10
How does one get healthy? Whay is "health"? 1-2
Favorite Documentaries 1-2
OT: Pronunciation of 21st century years 1-4 2-7
Profanity 2-1 2-5
Scientific progress and the evolution of worldviews 1-8
Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars? 2-4
Best response to "everything happens for a reason" ? 3-7 9-9
Obama to nation: "We will recover" 7-10
Was Jesus a platapus? 3-4
Why do you hate the concept of God? 18-8
Building a new nation, can it be done? 2-6
British Jihadis 1-5 1-6 1-8
Ice-Age Tools Unearthed In Boulder 3-7
Offensive pro-atheist image? 1-6
Lecture from Theistic Scientist 1-6
Join God's Army to fight evil 2-4
Is Obama the next anti Christ? 1-3
New fish! With a see through head???? 1-1
Your grafitti on a West Bank wall... hmmm... 1-1
Ever read a (challenging) christian book? 1-9 2-1
Do you discuss atheism or religion on other message boards? 1-5
Existential Angst & Timing 1-3
Was Jesus Real? (Part 1) 69-9 77-9
Add one more to the oxymoron list 2-3
The 700 Club bashes Darwin Day 1-1
The Most Practical Chinese/Eastern Martial Art 2-2 2-8
Science Tourism 2-1
Italian doctor says he has cloned three babies 1-3
Screw You Guys I'm Going Home :) 3-2
Obama, the Antichrist? "Left Behind" authors w/Rachel Maddow 1-2
Defend your Religion 1-3
Star Wars noob: What Movie to Start With? 1-9
Hetero, Homo and Bi 4-7 8-5 8-6 12-6 15-7
The Discovery Channel has gone downhill. 4-4 4-7
Tony Blair warns that Christians must speak out in 'aggressi 2-6
Major breakthrough in stem cell research! 1-10
Do people around you still ask you to pray? 1-7
"The Passion of the Christ" by Mr Mel Gibson 7-10 9-3
Would you consider killing yourself or killing someone else? 1-8 2-8 4-7 5-5
Your favorite historical "What if?" 5-8 5-9 6-5
Iraq's Unspeakable Crime: Mothers Pimping Daughters 1-3
Are You Wrong? and Would You Like To Know It? 1-2 1-4 1-6
The Daily Show, Great Source of News? 1-2 1-8 2-2 2-9
Is the T.V. addicting? 1-2 1-5
Nostradamus- same as astrology? 1-3
Should Ann Leslie be sectioned? 1-2
Talk humanly about any religion 8-10 9-6 18-6 46-6
'Real IRA was behind army attack' 1-3 1-10 2-2 6-5
Why do theists hate that atheists exist? 1-8 1-10
Boteach is now doing sex talk on Dr Phil... 1-1
Americans Favor Teaching "Both Sides" of Evolution 1-2
The Saturdy Morning Watchmen cartoon: 1-1
University Capitulates to Fundamentalists 2-4
Auschwitz is a beer, schoolchildren tell researchers 2-10
Obama Denounces Human Cloning 2-6 2-8 3-2
Please help us! 1-3
Zombiepedia!!! 1-1
Hindu Conceptions of God 1-9
What should I subscribe to...? 1-4
Are you for or against reengineering humans? 2-4
Can anybody help me further... 1-3
Dave the Christian on atheists 8-9 9-5
Let's Hijack the @ Symbol 3-5 9-9 27-7
heterosexual,bisexual, or homosexual? 6-3 6-4
How should I respond 1-3
International registrar for atheist 1-6
If there was no longer death... 2-9
I feel freed 1-10
Order of the universe 4-5
New Scientist pulls article on "Hidden Religious Agendas." 4-2
Karen Armstrong takes a swipe at Dawkins 3-5
St Patrick's Day 1-9
I'm disgusted with television 2-8
Are we doomed 1-10
Ethical conundrum: What would you have done? 1-7 1-10
Your Idiosyncrasies and stereotypical lifestyle 1-8
I think I'm socially inept.. 1-6
I blame all of you, dammit 2-3 2-5
Speculate wildly as to what future technologies you most... 1-9
Christopher Hitchens is a loudmouthed DRUNK 3-6
Are there any members with an IQ below 150? 2-2
Forbes: Are Americans Superstitious? 1-3
a call to all democratic socialists! 1-4
Attention: RE Sub-groups 1-1 1-3
Immortality poll 1-7 1-8 3-1
The Hero Revived; Batman to Bond. 1-2
the ridiculousness of evolution 14-10
The story behind 'The Haunting in Connecticut' 1-2
preaching in hospitals 1-3
What is the opposite of knife? 1-2
The 'Makes me wish Hell was real' thread 1-1
Did Darwin Kill God? 17-10
US torture being tried in Spain 1-2
Anyone know a way to make Weedkiller? 1-10 2-5
Family Guy - Not All Dogs Go To Heaven 1-2
Anyone want to watch my blasphemous animations? 1-4
City of Heroes/Villains palyers? 1-1 1-3
Counting Churches 1-9
Vampire Doctor 2-1
My social life is taking a dip & summer break coming up :( 1-2 1-6
"Liberty and Tyranny" - number 1 bestseller in America 4-7
Man and Other Animals: Zoos 2-8
The Miniature Earth Project 1-3
Teenager flogged in Afghanistan 3-2 3-6 4-3
Huge Sea Worm Captured in Britain 1-6
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? Part 2 7-5 10-9 12-7 15-5 52-1 96-2
Taliban says it was behind US attack (immigration services c 2-1
My grand mother died on Friday... 1-5
My first real fight with a Christian Minister 1-6
What Did Jews Do to Germany and the Nazi's? 8-9 10-1
What is Sam Harris up to? 1-6
What's your fav. X-men character and Marvel Character(s)? 2-1
What are some good movies with an atheistic storyline? 2-7
Space Exploration: The NExt 100 Years 1-4
Upcoming Death of Western Civilization 2-6
Japan child robot mimicks infant learning 1-2
The moon on 28/04/09 2-3
Is there any good secular argument... 2-9
Paris liberation made 'Whites only' 1-2
Human cruely to AI's 1-1
Poll : Alien Life and Contact - Your Say. 1-3
Do you Regard Yourself as an Intellectual? 1-7
Holy shit: "Tea Baggers" Gone Wild. Video within! 7-8
Lego Jesus! 1-4 1-6
Are you an open atheist? 1-2
What happened to human communication? 1-8
F-22 & F-35: Are they as great as they're made out to be? 3-8 3-9 4-5 4-7
Detoxing: scientific or woo? 2-10 3-2
Gender and justice 1-8
What do you think is more important in life : love or money? 2-9
One for the creationists ... 1-2
CIA interrogators to escape prosecution for alleged torture 1-5
Which Fictional Dystopia are we Headed Towards? 2-6 3-2
Picture of gods hand 1-8
How can I do better in discussions/debates? 2-10 3-1
It is true that Jews love money 1-6 1-8 6-3 7-7 11-3 16-9 17-3
Living life to the fullest 2-2
Atheist TV Channel 1-2
Putting it out there 2-2
Trivia Game 1-4 1-6
Crucifixion Fail 1-9
World Malaria Day: April 25th 1-2
youtube 1-2
Swine Flu Pandemic Emergence: Apocalypse Finally? 2-1
Recomendations: Good Documentaries 1-4
Why does this place have such godawful smilies? 1-5
Girl, 10, beheaded by grandfather 3-7
Jacksonville cops out Baptist church critic 1-1
Stuck Inside of Mississippi With the Racist Blues Again 1-8 2-2 2-5 3-2
Richard Dawkins T Shirts in Arabic? 1-3
AA's first step 24-10 26-2 26-10
Religion in the Workplace 1-6
Bill Maher reads from The Purpose Driven Life 1-2
Atheism and purpose 1-3 1-6 1-8 2-1 2-9
"Centrist" Democratic Senator against ANY public health plan 3-3
Demographic of the forums users. 2-2
Vegetarians/Vegans? 20-10 51-2 51-4 51-7
D'Souza's description of Chimpanzee mating behaviour 1-4
I want to write a book... I need your opinion :) 1-9
Breast Cancer Patient Fired for Being atheist 1-2
Why are gay people so laim? pft 1-7
Where are you from? 1-6
Not a good way to start the day.. 1-2 1-10 2-10 3-1
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 42-1
Dawkins changed my school 2-5
South Pacific 1-2
Common people 2-10
WARNING: God's judgment is coming! 2-9 3-1
High School Graduation Gifts, What Do People Get? 1-9
Moral Question To Atheists 3-5 3-7 3-8 4-1 4-2 4-3 8-1
My Drug Addiction 1-2 2-6
Collective Biomass of Ancestors 1-2
Protective workwear 1-7
Are People on Net Forums Smarter than the Average Person we 2-2
Dawkins? Hitchens? Harris? Who's the better debater... 4-2
I have a Chat with Ramona (Artificial Intelligence) 1-9
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube PT. II 30-4
Should I Be Worried About My Cat? 7-10 8-7
Is Dutch an ugly language? 10-9 10-10
Please correct Bill Maher & others on Vaccination 2-2
Bush and “Gog & Magog”??? 2-5
Americans prefer Gen Powell; Repubs favor Cheney, Limbaugh 1-9
How much do we know? 2-8
what are your qualifications? 3-7 3-10
Religion and Science are NOT compatible 5-3
The Murdered by Religion Thread. 1-1
Searching for info on Olmec and Washitaw Amerindians 1-2
Mental illness: faulty presumptions of yesteryear 2-3 2-5
Masonic NWO, Israel, Supreme Court 2-1
Silly Idea, But here goes... 2-3
Do you Fast? 6-9
Bill Donohue Denies Catholic Church Abuses 2-5
Latest Answers in Genesis billboard campaign 1-10
Any RevLefters here? 1-5
God hates women. 28-4
Need help with Jehovah's solicitations to my mother's obit. 2-6
Nephilim Genesis 6.4 The evidence 13-9
Fantasia segment: Is it still shown? 2-2
The Final Frontier(s) 1-5
Golden Compass sequel petition 1-6
Dooms Day !! 2-9
I'm an atheist... and I'm a conservative christian. 1-3
Mods, what are you political viewpoints? 6-1
Atheist Funerals: Disposal of the Body 1-4
Wow... Read this rant! 1-8
Creationist Museum Uk 1-6
Liberty University article on Wikipedia 1-4
Good resource for local Atheists / Freethinkers / Humanists 1-7
Big Bang 1-2
here is why I don't trust scientist..they LIE!(proof!)) 4-10
What do you think of hedonism? 34-6
Gangs, By Brian37 1-4
Your own religious experiences 5-7
Time for a little ... LDR story 1-10
Pakistani gets 3-year jail and 840 lashes for sorcery 1-4
Howdy, ya'll. I know God does exist! (Part 2) 27-9
moon bombing violates space law & cause conflict with UFO 2-1
Scientology Exposé in the St. Petersburg Times (Florida,USA) 2-2
Anyone up for an experiment on belief vs. non-belief? 1-2
A Dose of Reason 1-2
Going to Kurdistan again. :) 1-2
Science or scientism 1-10 2-1 7-3
Should it be a human right to act irrationally? 2-4
Off to Germany... 1-3
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot - Atheists? Part 2 29-8 30-8
Farrah Fawcett dies at 62 1-3
Post of the week, month, year...... 1-10
Education 1-6 1-10
Bing- OH!!!!! 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-10
Hitchhikers Guide... 1-8
Almost Died? Tried Suicide? Care to Share? 1-6
What is the sound of one hand clapping? 2-6 2-8
M Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender 1-3
Argument with Parents. 2-1
I'm Thinking About Driving To The Grand Canyon 2-2 2-5
PETA Aims At Frat Demographic ... :) 1-4 1-7
The Confession-- fiction i just wrote 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-7 2-4
What is your sexual orientation? 1-6
Hitchens banned from speaking at Air Force Academy 1-6 1-8
Fiction Corner II - Drawing The Short Straw 1-6
Youtube and Criticism 1-6
Ice Age III: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs... 1-9
Materialism in the Wrong Way 1-10
The Cult of Celebrity 1-2
Atheist Movies 1-4
A Practical Applied Problem Concerning Evolution 1-8
Hawking on 'an external transmission phase' 1-2
Invent a Holiday 1-8
Michael Mann - Director Public Enemies - "Darwinian forces" 1-4
Work 2-4 2-5 3-2
Aging and Suicide 1-8
Miracle 13-2
Best thing that you have found/ Purchased at a yard sale. 1-9
any goths on here? 2-5 2-7 2-9 8-4
The Immortals 1-8 2-10
Bing 1-8
Just what IS 'intuition'? 1-6 2-1
The Person Below You (part 10) 36-7
Something to live and die for 1-4 2-4 2-10
Martin Horton (Martinelv) Has Died 3-8
I give up, movies 1-2 1-4
Unscientific America!* 1-1
Church of Joy 1-6
UFO photographed near Crop Circle 1-6
What gets you going? 2-4
Dope is only an App away!! 1-2
Mini Miss and The Destiny Church 2-5
KFC's famous recipe cloned! 1-6 1-8
Hollywood villains 2-2
Facial Hair 5-10 6-2
7-year-old steals car to avoid church 2-1
Glenn Beck (Fox News) calls President Obama a racist!? 3-9
Classroom As Pulpit To Captive Audience 1-3
Debating an Undergrad: I am disappointed with the system. 1-6
Murder over smoking ban 1-6
WorldNetDaily: Jesus prophesied Obama as the anti-Christ 1-4
Is Science becoming a Religion unto itself? 3-3
Is it OK to feel colorless?? 1-5 6-2
Dennis Hopper "You can't go out into space" 1-3
"A Bulletproof, Airtight Case For Intelligent Design" 5-6
How common are psychopaths on RDF? 1-5
Rap Guide to Evolution, featuring Richard reading Darwin 1-2
Marijuana without the memory loss 3-10
My "God?" campaign 1-2
Potential Proof that the Supernatural World Exists 2-6
Illogical, irrational, ignoring evidence (not just religion) 1-3 1-7 1-9 4-5 4-6 4-8
What keeps me going... 1-2
"Laughing With", Regina Spektor. Response. 2-3 2-6 2-8
Crazy Townhall Health Care "Discussions" 12-4
Atheist Game Idea 2-1
Giving up Smoking, any ex smokers out there. 2-10 3-3 3-8
Are endangered languages worth saving? 7-9
No lack of IDiots 2-2 2-5
Insecure Much? 3-5
"Fake" Protesters At Health Care Town Halls Exposed 11-2 17-3
I wish U would stop calling me a trolling poe! 3-7 4-9
There's Probably No Cod… 1-10
Psychic money cleanser runs with the money, d'oh 1-6
Mayoral Candidate Wants Creationism Exhibit At Tulsa Zoo 1-4
What is/are your credentials/education/experience? 1-5 1-7
Satanic Atheism 1-2
Is there a bias on the "uncivil protests" issue? 1-3
Dara O'Briain on Science and Woo 1-2
Why Atheists Are Blind...... 27-5 28-5 30-3 30-5 34-5 35-7 37-1
"What the Bleep Do We Know" 5-7
Was this not predictable? IBD backtracks on Hawking. 2-3
11,000 Sorties And Climbing ... 1-3
Wrist Magnets 2-6
I found Jesus 3-8
Are you lucky? 4-3
Sorry if repost - Christian conditional friendship 1-3
HC Reform a Joke - Obama Has No Plans of Public Option 9-5
There is no tunnel, no light...only fear. 1-6
Leonora Piper - Proof from life after death? 1-7
How do you deal with christmas? 1-6
Brad Pitt For Mayor: Gay Marriage, Legal Pot, No Religion 1-6
David Icke, One of the Great Minds of Our Time 36-1
Stop funding faith schools - Iain Banks 2-1 2-6
Xanax 2-4
Assault Rifles at Obama Rallies. 9-5
Detectives Executed Search Warrant At My Apartment 2-3
Let's start a religion 1-9 2-1
Bill Maher is an asshat. 5-4
The Metafilter Richard Dawkins hate-on 1-3
Homosexuality and the family name 3-8
Who is your favorite theist? 1-7
A puzzle for the anti-abortian/anti-gay christians.... 1-3
Best avatar competition - NOW OPEN 4-6
The Sorry Party - Bill Maher 1-4
Is Ramadan a farce? 2-1
Rock Legends Selling Out 2-4
"Offensive" painting voted people's favourite 1-10
What's your favorite Drug? 6-2
If we could form a new country 2-9 3-3 3-6 9-7 10-1
Atheism? 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10
Morality Question: Is it ok to steal from (cyber)criminals? 1-4
New World of Warcraft expansion: Cataclysm 1-2
New Forum for Libertarian Atheists **NOT commercial 2-10
1,000th post 3-2
Sgt. Joe Friday, the skeptical policeman 1-5
Are atheists and skeptics more prone to woo? 1-5
Smoking Dope 3-3
Why don't black folk adopt white kids? 1-3 2-2 2-4 2-9 3-1 4-5
Personal safety/security and physical threats from believers 2-4
Television shows about Ghost Hunters 1-4
Sobriety and Atheism 76-5 76-6
Glenn Beck: "I Was A Dirtbag & Liar But I'm Not Now!" 1-7 2-5
Bought my last pack of cigarettes tonight 1-1 1-4
Racist or not 7-5 9-4 15-3 26-1 26-3
Tooth fairy and other "harmless things" we tell our children 1-8
dick dawkins.... 1-6
How evil is religion, really? 1-4
Tea folks - what's your favorite infusion? 1-4
Nazis get BBC slot 10-6
Religion partly to blame for online piracy? 22-6
If you designed the human body 3-4
Where were you on September 11th, 2001? 1-2
Mandatory vacations 2-3 2-7
Biggest douche bag in the universe goes to: 2-9
Andy Warhol - What do you think? 1-4
Yobs moved into the street... 3-6 3-7 4-2 5-10 6-2
What is hidden in the picture? 2-4
RIP Jimmy :( :( 1-1
Another one of life’s pleasures lost to the god botherers 1-5
What would you do for $1 Million per annum? 2-4 2-9
How to educate believers: 3 books and my reasons for them 1-4
A Bit of Legal Advice Needed Re: Adnan Oktar/Harun Yahya 1-10
any youtube atheists here 1-9
Isn't Religion Illogical Because Morality Is Illogical? 1-2 1-6 1-7
Dark-Age Revisited? 1-7
I just saw Hitchens debate D'souza! It was a hoot! 2-10
Who ever was taught evolution properly? 5-1 5-4
Are Atheist Anthems of Value to the cause of Atheism? 1-2 1-4 1-6
I hope he get's payback 1-7
Should homophobics be allowed to adopt? 1-2
The End of Cursive 2-4 6-5
The Trouble With Men 4-3
New Commemorative Coin to be Released by the London Mint 1-5
Tesco's discriminate against Jedi! 2-1
"Diverstity Monitioring" and Atheist, Bisexual 2-9
Are Berbers indigenous to North Africa 1-2
Americans Watch The Most Television. Get Off Your Bums! 1-7
Bible Review 1-2
Glenn Beck, future president of USA 6-9 6-10
International Hug A Vegetarian Day 6-1
Touchstones 1-10
Cryonics 1-5
Help a guy out with school 1-5
Is Emotion a Good Thing, or a Bad Thing? 2-1 3-3
What have I done? 1-4
Can't stop laughing! It Hurts! Must share! 1-1
Downloading - For or Against? 3-9
Evidence to support the existence of God? (derail) — II 8-2
religious hate for ricky gervais' new movie? 1-8
An Atheist Revolution 1-9
Why is VFX post locked 1-6
Darwinist pareidolia! 1-4
I can't believe it... 3-1
Need help with my muslim parents 1-9
Richard Dawkins on Real Time with Bill Maher (10-2-09) 1-5
Pseudonyms on blog and forum sites 1-8
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? (Part 5) 14-6 17-10
I stole the book of mormon today 1-2
Technocracy, Communism, and Transhumanism 1-7
The Obama deception 1-7
One nation under Cthulhu 1-9
Oklahoma makes abortions public 7-8
Segregationist Carrie Prejean To Speak at $50 NJ Hate Fest 2-9
Henry Kissinger: hanging or electric chair? 1-4
STARGATE - Makes me ANGRY and SAD that it's only fiction 2-2
US hypocrisy on free speech 1-9
two year old joins Mensa 4-3 4-5
What is more important: humanity or the environment? 2-10
Should I work at Verizon? 1-8
Collective nouns for atheists etc? 1-5
US Jury Consults Bible in Murder Case 1-7
Yo ready fer this? 1-2
how to be successful 2-5
Now bras unislamic; public whipping of women 2-9
Crazy Scientologist Vid 2-2
Death 1-8
Question for Australians 51-8
What should I do for the half-term break? 1-9
I love you all! 1-4
Mass Murderer Sounds Like Richard Dawkins? 1-2
How to survive as an MD with an astrophysicist's mindset? 1-4
Conservapedia - just ... 1-4
Loud music 2-7
Do you ever question your intelligence? 8-8
My kid scared about evil spirits 2-4
Do You Support Gay Marriage Pt I 6-5
Is Religious Studies Useless? 1-2 1-5 1-8 2-1 2-3
You want brain meltdown... ? 2-1
Questionnaire 3-7
Yearn for simpler times? 2-10 4-6 4-7 4-9 5-1
FOX News vs. FOX 1-3
World War Two 16-3
Hey Atheists 4-9
Ethical Hunting; Shooting; Guns; Animal Husbandry; etc... 30-10
How is the UK viewed abroard? 1-2
The Event: How Racist Are You? 1-9 2-5 9-5
Do you ever binge drink? To what extent? 3-5
Paying ppl with Genetic Diseases to abort & be sterilised 1-9 2-2 3-3
What is the Purpose of Life? 3-1
Louisianans 1-5
Virgin Galactic - would you? 1-8 2-8
Muhammad the movie biopic 1-4 1-7
The Gay Plessy vs. Ferguson 1-3
Burning Books 1-10
What stories are you writing 1-2 1-4
How much would you pay for a Years Health Club Membership? 1-8
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist at times? 68-6 68-7
the Fermi Paradox and extraterrestrial civilisations 1-3
What is with Baseball and God (MLB) ?? 2-1
I'm in a story that's in a NATIONAL BEST SELLER! 1-1 1-3 1-5 2-4 2-5
"God bless you" after you give a donation 1-9 2-8
Darwins influence on Hitler... 1-9
Graphic Representation 1-4
Setting Up a Foundation (Paramount) 1-2
Why is feminism still important? Please help. 24-5
Is Anyone Else Tired of The Twilight Craze? 2-7 6-4 8-3
Preaching on public service vehicles (buses) 1-6
Did Jesus Exist? - II 2-2
Catholics threaten DC over gay marriage 4-3
2012- the movie 3-1
I Hate "Common Sense" 2-6
who is your savior! 1-5
Thought for the Day-rationality rejected 1-2
Let Me Google That For You 1-2
greek latin 3-3
Does anyone else here think of themselves as an Cultural Chr 1-9
If you thought conservapedia was funny, try metapedia 3-7 3-10
"Multiple universes" 2-1
Hahah, on another forum I claimed Hitler was religious 3-4
The Mysterious Islands A Surprising Journey to Darwin's Eden 1-2
the African-American Princess and the Frog 1-7 2-3 2-4 2-7 8-6
How far do you go with Xmas? 3-2
How far would you take your convictions? 1-8
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist? (Pt II) 10-10
My gf about to marry a “born-again” medical doctor: pls help 11-7
Your View on Charles Manson 2-8
When did it become impossible for one to know everything? 3-4
The wonders of Allah eh science 1-7
Free "In god we trust" license plates??? 2-10
Why are we so interested in others' sex lives? 6-6
Anger over 'pro-life' condom sabotage 2-9
Jedi on the wane 2-2
Wow, I think I just got discriminated against 3-1 3-6
Worst essay ever 2-1
Why do we find the paranormal frightening? 1-4
Critics of Cecil Bothwell cite N.C. bar to atheists 1-1
cognitive research on creationist reasoning 1-2
Yeah, we had it all 1-3 2-8
Can Tiger Woods Be Redeemed? 1-10
Protecting cellos 1-9
What would you do to be popular? 2-7
Is Aubrey de Grey a nutcase... 1-4 1-6 1-9 2-3 3-8 3-10
American Dad (TV cartoon) parody of the Rapture 1-5 1-8 2-2
POLL - To patronise or not to patronise? 1-8
Multi-Universe theories 3-5
The Person Below You (Part 13) 23-5
New Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God 1-7
Kill Welsh gay people says christian 4-3 4-4
"Tradition" is a bad thing 8-4
Sad loss, Brittany Murphy dead at 32 1-1
Well, Are We? 2-9
William Lane Craig - II 88-4
Carter apologizes to the Jewish Community 5-5
Carnivores Chat 4-4
Blind man regrows eyes after pioneering stem cell treatment 1-7
Jesus in the workplace 1-5
Non-human Animal Chat (for humans) 3-2 5-2
Chimps use cleavers and anvils as tools to chop food 1-3
An Empiricist of Convenience? 1-10
Should I Give Up? 2-10
The "vengeful god" game 3-3 3-5
Poll Atheist 2009 pharyngulated 1-8
The trial of Wayne Bent 1-2
Hitchens, India and BSE 1-2
Thoughts On Wal-Mart 3-5
Can blind people dream? 2-4
"Boy"friend and "girl"friend? But we are 30+ 2-6 6-3
sponsored sterilisation in canada 2-6
Question about labor laws... 1-2
Genetically Speaking 1-7
If you were a German during the Holocaust........ 5-5 5-6
Documentary - The Perfect External Female Bits 1-6 1-9
What celebrity could you be mistaken for? 3-3
You are suddenly a 300 IQ. How would you rise to the top? 1-10
the Selfish Gene causes depression 1-2 1-7
An ugly form of aggression? 1-4 2-3 11-5
Online Identity 1-2
greatest Greek 5-4
I have cheated on you... 1-5
Question for the writers 2-3
official Michael Bay appreciation thread 1-2
Is Neil deGrasse Tyson misleading? 2-1
Your Favourite Poetry 1-7
US Army Issue Rifle Scopes Come Engraved with Bible Verses 1-2
positive music encourages positive behaviour? 1-2 1-6
Apparently, dinosaurs died-out 250 million years ago! 1-2
INDIA/BHARAT- A tryst with destiny 1-3
If you could have a superpower what would it be? 2-9
POLL: Who Is The Most Charismatic Individual? 2-3
America becomes more accepting - except towards Atheists 1-6
Khan Academy 1-3
Failings - do you have any? 22-9
Is this even legal? 1-8
RDF t-shirt on ESPN 1-2
Reverse Sexism II: 36-10
The misunderstanding of mental illness II 25-3
Help me live my life as an Atheist 4-3
Westboro Baptist Church's Parody of "Poker Face" 1-4
Why Women Commentators in Men-Dominated Sports? 1-2
Obama cancels NASA-Constellation program 2-2
Mardi Gras Thread 1-2
Palin's whining again... 2-2