List of Postings of User Corneel

Carry weapons? 25-4 25-6
Secular or Atheist Charity Lists 5-3 7-3
Atheistic quotes 20-5 23-9
Evolution and Homosexuality 31-2
Mother Teresa 9-1
Where in Hell are you? - Quiz 5-2
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 51-6 56-8
Monarchy 25-9
What do you call a group of atheists? 7-9
God thoughts influence your generosity 2-4
Atheism as "just another belief". 47-1
Freemasonry & Atheism 2-8
Why is Africa the basket case of the World? 80-2 83-4 83-7 84-1 84-3
Rehabilitation of the Swastika 7-7
I’m Dreading My Sisters Wedding! 9-3
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 27-7
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion 54-3
Europe in Mid-Century 4-10 5-3
Sharia courts operating in Britain 51-1 51-7 51-9 56-1 56-6
Who is Your Favorite God? 34-8
34 Years Since Turkish Invasion! 12-1 12-7 13-1 13-4
Patron Saint of Atheists? 4-6
How do you put up with them? 17-4 29-4
Atheism: Substitute for religion? Thesis question 5-1
Genuine Arguments against Homosexuality? 22-7 22-9
Green Activists are "keeping Africa poor" - David King 5-7 7-6 7-8 7-10 8-3
democracy 6-5 8-6 9-7
Who has annexed the most countries? 3-2 3-6
Surrounded by right-wing, creationists at work 2-9
Scottish independace. 1-3
Rationale for Female Circumcision? 1-4
Belief leads to Prophecy 2-10 3-4
I am no longer an atheist (now with 3rd video) 8-7
Vatican to Host Meeting on Evolutionary Theory 2-2
What should be done about the attack US embassy in Yemen? 2-1 2-9
"Heaven" 2-6
Jesus Appears on ceiling & drywall 1-4
How do you handle religious friends? 2-6
Win Back Confidence 1-7 2-4
Evidence of God 17-1 17-2
German police seize terror suspects on KLM flight 4-6 5-5 5-8
Muslim sues Tesco over alcohol 5-8
terror 3-3 5-2
Texas homeowner acquitted of killing teen intruder 2-7
Muslim in non complaint shock!!!! 5-5
Religion is a success 8-9 10-10
Austrians vote, big gains seen for far right 6-6 6-8 6-10
Terror attack on US soil 3-10
A question for Daniel Keeran 2-2 4-10
Flirting with Palin earns Pakistani president a fatwa 4-3
Heathenry (or Asatru) 1-4
Knife 3-9
Albinos killed and dismembered in Burundi 1-1 1-4
(US) Swing States - Received your free FEAR DVD? 2-9
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion II 86-2 95-10
Eradicating Religion is not a realistic option. 13-10
Proposition 8 24-4
Society without God (Living in a secular world) 1-7 2-10
Re: POLL: Do you support Gay Marriage II? 5-7
Go God Go! 2-8
Islamists Execute Somali Woman for Adultery 7-6 7-10
Atheism and Libertarianism (now with a poll!) 26-6 36-8 37-3 37-7 39-3 40-2
Haredi woman sues Pelephone for 'ruining her life' 7-6
Serious Fundy Fucktardery: Obama using witchcraft 2-6
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion III 74-1
Religion in the UK 3-2
Schools not allowing students to mention Obama 5-7
100 examples of religious terror: 5-1
A vote for the right to democratically vote in/out mods 9-6
Religious on the increase 6-5 7-3
Hopes to publish an 'inflammatory' Islam novel 1-8 2-7
Good video about gun ownership in America 9-7
Was Primitive Society Atheist? 10-10 11-4 11-6 11-10
Renaming Christmas 6-3
Is atheism a religion? (Part II) 2-7 4-9 5-2 6-1 7-3 7-5 8-3 9-4 11-7 12-2 17-1 65-9
Pascal Wager revisited 26-5 27-1
Is religion an atheism? 2-4 4-5
Fictional Atheists 4-8 5-5 5-7
The Resurrection of Jesus 12-5
Jesus is the Reason for The Season 2-3
I'm a believer 9-7
Burning of Palin's church blamed on... 4-6 5-5 7-5 8-8
Some evolutist told me the appendix was proof of evolution 8-2
Muslim waitress suing over being fired for refusing to wear 4-2
Four more years of the same: Obama picks homophobe for invoc 4-8 5-3
Roman Catholic 1-10
Atheism and Freemasonry? 2-8
Polygamy: Is it wrong? Should it be legal? 3-9
Geert Wilders on "anti-Islam" charge 45-6 46-5 47-7 47-9 48-5 49-8 50-7 55-1 55-5 55-8 56-9
Christian school expells boy for not praying 3-9
Survey Shows Alarming Lack of Integration in Germany 4-8 5-1 8-2
Atheist Jokes 11-3 11-6 17-3
Atheism across Europe 1-7
ND measure says fertilized egg has human rights 2-7
Non-religious reason for finding the face veil disconcerting 3-9
Damning statistics 6-10
You never hear... 3-5
'Islamophobia' is a False Concept 29-2 39-5 39-7 40-1 40-3 40-6 40-8 44-6 47-2
Is atheism a religion? (Part III) 39-4 47-9 48-2
As an atheist, some religious things I like. 5-10 13-2 17-7 24-4 41-3
'Rape the women, kill the children': 1-3 2-1 2-6 2-8 3-1
Do people around you still ask you to pray? 5-8
Villages converted to Islam by Force in Bulgaria. 1-3 1-5
'Real IRA was behind army attack' 22-8
Why do theists hate that atheists exist? 5-1
Muslim woman asked to leave bank because of head scarf 4-5 5-5 5-8
Satan 3-5
German school gunman 'kills 15' 14-7 14-9 15-4 15-7
Cameroon demolishes street stalls for Pope's visit 1-4 1-8
Obama is a Russian spy 2-1
How Islam Effects A Country When It Grows Within - An Urgent 1-8 3-8
"God will give you a heart attack..." 1-9
Porn star and ... Catholic?! 1-7
Why do atheists bother going to funerals? 2-1
Jesus Porn Anyone? 2-7
Taking the law into your own hands - is it justified? 4-10 5-2
RMIT Uni (Aus) - Large mainly Muslim protest for a prayer r 2-5
For history buffs, preferably Tim or Jerome? 1-9
Are atheist girls easy??? 6-9 32-9 37-6
Mayotte votes to become fully French 1-4
Counting Churches 1-7
Christianity Unveiled by Baron d'Holbach (1723-1789) 1-7 2-2 2-4
Claim to land and compensation by virtue of ancestry 5-3
Where do you stand politically and philosophically? 3-4 7-8
Sarah Palin for Supreme Court(kinda old) 1-3
About bin-either-dead-Laden-or-I'm-hiding-in-Iran 2-6
What Did Jews Do to Germany and the Nazi's? 14-5 23-10 30-9
Good Jokes Needed! (Part Two) 2-4
Men must play their part in ending violence against women 1-9
Paris, Berlin bristle as Obama backs Turkey for EU 10-4
Must an Atheist still refer to a priest as "Father"? 5-2 9-9 11-9
Britain's heroic police 17-1
Does saying "Marriage is between a man and a woman"... 3-10 4-2 7-5 7-7
Another example of American Exceptionalism (Individualism) 6-4 7-10
God=Allah poll 2-5
Islam 'insulted' by alleged child killer's mug shot 11-1
Monarchism (A poll) 4-10
How Do Atheists Get Married? 6-5
Should we remove the crosses from the european flags? 15-4
Argumentum ad [Insert here] Project 6-4 ... huh?? 4-7
Great Quotes About Religion 3-3
Best answer to "Have you got Jesus in your life?" 5-10
Headscarves and the State 4-4
Could the tree? 18-10 19-2
Muslim parents lose German appeal against mixed swim class 2-7
There is something wrong with gays? 8-5
The art of integration: Islam in the UK 5-5 7-3 8-2
Can Britons protest religion? - Scientology news report 3-9
Texas Mayor quits job for gay illegal immigrant he loves 1-1
Minimum standard to be a 'God' 1-7 1-10
Is Dutch an ugly language? 1-9 4-6 5-10 6-3 7-2 14-8 15-6 15-8 16-4 17-2 18-4 19-5 19-8 20-3 20-9 22-3 22-10 23-4 24-1 25-9
Poll: Scottish Self Rule/Independence 12-7
Religious homosexuals 3-6
France opens millitary base in UAE 1-3 3-9
Protestants kill Catholic 3-2 3-4
Can atheists be trusted with nuclear bombs? 27-1 27-9 28-8
Waterside Hypotheses of Human Evolution (Part 4) 88-2
Where are you and where have you been? 4-5
Tony Blair for EU President??? 3-8
Will France ban burka? 6-9 11-3 14-7 27-6 30-7 34-9 35-3 39-9 58-6 59-2 63-1 67-3 67-5 67-7 69-2 74-2 77-8 78-8 79-4 83-10
When will we dump the adversarial system in law and politics 4-2 4-4 4-7 5-10
Church’s Exorcism of Gay Teen 3-3
Double amputation by Islamic court; Amnesty condemns 2-4
Israel / Palestine Conflict, Pt. 10 30-4 38-2
Guns 'n' god in the US of A 21-4 22-2
Activists push for constitutional amendment for gay rights 2-2
Are My Prejudices Regarding The Constitution Unfounded? 5-5
Britain’s 85 Sharia courts 13-4 17-6 18-5 29-10
Should clergy retain right to solemnise marriage 1-8
Jesus the deified Julius Caesar ?? 11-3
Al-Qaeda threatens France 8-6
Fox News Guest: Al Qaeda Should Attack The US Again 3-10
Woo and Islam 3-2 5-5
Constitution written or based on unwritten precedent? 1-9 2-5 2-10
Examples of Anti-Religious Bigotry and Religion Bashing 22-3
Microsoft's New IE 8 Internet Ad Featuring Vomit 1-3
Hello fellow moralists! 5-2
Happy 233rd Birthday To The United States Of America 4-1
Could Atheism unite India and Pakistan? 5-4
Who is right? 11-1 11-6
One single question can destroy atheism 18-5 19-5 54-8
Tackling Atheism Head On 5-1
140 Killed in Ethnic Riots in China 3-10
So your God is benevolent? 4-1 4-4
Ryanair aims to cut cost of flight by making its passengers 1-2
Countries with more non-believers have higher suicide rates? 5-4 6-3 6-10
Teletubby Anatomy 1-8
Question for those living under nationalized health care.. 3-6
Compendium of banned members 9-5
Albania: Most atheist country in Europe? 3-8 4-10
The Selfish Genius: attacking Dawkins or his theory? 2-6
Sudan women lashed for wearing trousers 2-1
A question to ex-theists 3-3 3-7 4-6
House Democrats Unveil Landmark Healthcare Legislation 6-8
Glad to be Godless - Reflections on Camp Quest (Economist) 1-1
Is the UK so Paranoid it will become a fascist police-state? 10-8
Saudi princess has asylum in UK to escape Sharia death 3-4
Romanian mayor in Nazi uniform 9-4
Italian MEP screams about poverty of new expenses 1-2
The U.S. Religious Right Exports Homophobia to Africa 1-3
The Least Free Places on Earth 1-5 3-1
four boys gang rape Eight year old girl , parents blame girl 3-4
Democracy the best system? 8-2
Germany's current war of aggression 3-4
Obama: tells it like he sees it. 2-4
One single question can destroy atheism Pt II 2-4
Invitation to comment on warnings, suspensions and bans 33-10
Belgian burka ban mooted 1-8
Drought, death grips Kenyan heartland 1-3
American “meddling”... 25-4 26-10 32-2 32-9
Only halal food in Dutch prison 14-5
What's the attraction of the UK? 12-8
‘Cut benefits to Burka wearers’ - Amsterdam mayor 3-9
National Parks - A good idea? 1-10
White Guilt Awareness Day 30-3 37-10 48-8
Ahmadinejad’s Jewish forbears 2-10 3-2
Non-religious proselytising 1-8 3-7
Italian Burka ban 7-2 7-4
What should be done to Iran? Is WWIII imminent? 6-3 6-6 7-3 8-2 9-10 10-1
Scientist: 'First line of bible translated wrong' 5-3 6-3
Almost 1 in 4 muslim 2-8 3-1
Waterside Hypotheses of Human Evolution (Part 7) 43-10
Gun Control 50-2 51-9 57-8 73-2
Invitation to discuss the rule about "trolling" 33-10 35-3 36-6
RenewAmerica: Obama is demonic and going to Hell 3-2
Banned for racism 14-6
Caption the picture 45-5 50-2
Goldstone Report to the UN 12-9 13-1 13-3 13-6
Compare and Contrast: the Bill of Rights with the CoFR 4-6
Petition against Tony Blair becoming EU President 2-9
Is Anti-Americanism Simply Intellectually Cool? 4-4 5-1
Tony Blair 'to be made EU president next month' 3-8 4-1 4-7 6-1 7-1 7-6 8-4 8-9
A Muslim "Miracle Baby" is Born, with Koran Verses on Leg 3-9
What's your funeral song going to be? 7-2
Criticism of Israel 25-5
Gay marriage vote in Maine November 3 18-10
Do You Support Gay Marriage Pt I 91-4 97-8 98-1
Where have all the Libertarians gone? 20-3 20-6 25-2
De Gaulle told Resistance hero to GTFO 3-7
Buck House a mosque? 2-5 4-4 5-10
World War Two 5-6
The US remains isolated with its embargo on Cuba. 4-6 9-5 9-7 10-2 10-5 11-7 12-7
Drug legalisation article I wrote for Progress Magazine 1-5
POLL: Are You In Favor Of Outsourcing? 3-8 4-2 4-4
Trolling via signature? 2-4
Prayer ‘healthcare’ 3-6
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist at times? 9-8
Turkey to admit Sudan leader despite Darfur charge 1-9
Tory Turnip Taliban 1-5
Kenya admits that homosexuality exists 1-6
Jokes that make you feel smart when you get them. 15-5 15-10
SC religious license plates illegal rules judge 4-1
Lou Dobbs leaves CNN 2-10
Catholics threaten DC over gay marriage 5-2
Portrayals of Violence Against Women Rises 120% over 5 years 5-9
Criticism of Malta 1-7
World's Best / Worst Countries 5-9
EU Council President & High Commissioner (Thursday, maybe) 3-4 4-6 4-8 4-10
How Corrupt is Your Country? 1-2
Texas' gay marriage ban may have banned all marriages 1-1
Chavez hails the worst of the worst 41-7
The Atheistic Religion 3-5
Paralysed Belgian misdiagnosed as in coma for 23 years 1-10 2-10
The Pissed Off Thread 17-8
Has the USA become a Third World country? 1-7
Virtual rape worse the virtual murder? 11-8
Amanda Knox Part 2 2-2 3-1 3-3 4-7 4-9 16-9
Are we better off with religion? 2-7
‘European’ is an American insult 8-10
Hypothetical British government scenarios 1-8
Gaps in the English language 4-8
Belgian fined €200 for wearing burka in public 1-8 3-8
War of Words 2-7
Report: 1,400 killed in east Congo over 9 months 1-7 3-1 3-4
Ethnic Map of Africa 1-5
Chavez: If Climate Were Bank, U.S. Would Have Saved It 1-7
Change of content for the Politics & Current Affairs forum 5-10 6-4
Study: Muslims in Europe - A Report on 11 EU cities 2-2
Is Obama Preparing for War in Latin America? 10-9 11-6 14-3
Should men be allowed to 'abort' their unborn children ? 70-10
Was the Iraq war illegal? 10-3
Best posters from each forum 2-1
Communist Catastrophes 47-2
Is The European Union The 10-Horned Beast of Bible Prophecy? 3-4
Turning 30 2-5
Online Identity 14-3
Relief for Haiti 5-6
Islamic Solidarity Games called off for lack of solidarity 1-8
What about Sikhs? 9-5
Chavez's latest stunt 8-4 9-7 10-1 16-8 17-5 17-10
Americans to get access to authentic Scottish delicacy 5-9
British Social Attitudes survey 2010 (vs USA) - god 3-10
Catholic bishop says Jews exploit holocaust 5-3
Don’t ask; don’t tell 4-5
Ban anti-science protagonists... 1-7
students failing because of texting 4-7
Geert Wilders on "anti-Islam" charge 2 11-7 11-10 21-5 21-7 28-4 32-3 45-1
Geert Wilders, anti-islam/charges 3 6-9 24-8 25-3 37-10
Nuclear Disarmament Now! 8-3 9-9 10-1
Afghanistan A Lost Cause? 2-3
Missionaries in Haiti in Jail and it serves em right! 1-10
Sarah Palin: War with Iran would help Obama's re-elect 3-1
4 year old daughter waterboarded: Not really torture... 1-10 3-9
Reviewing the personal attack / insult criteria (part 1) 6-8 16-7 18-8